Wednesday, January 4, 2023

You Must Be Born Again


You Must Be Born Again - JAG Arrests Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams - 769 Recently Vaxxed Athletes Collapsed Last Year - Exposing the Illuminati the Underbelly of Hollywood – In Cali Pineapple Express & Bomb Cyclone Coming - FDA Allows Abortion Pills – Israeli Terrorists to Get Death Penalty - TikTok is Digital Fentanyl and much more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 4th 2023



REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Arrests Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams - By Michael Baxter -January 3, 2023 - U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Tuesday picked up yet another former government official who allegedly profited from a fictitious narrative pitched to President Donald J. Trump at the onset of the Covid-19 plandemic. Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams, who served under Trump between 2017-2021, was taken into custody on the charge of treason near his home in Mechanicsville, Maryland, and told he would face a military tribunal for crimes committed against the nation and its citizenry.

Report: At Least 769 Recently Vaxxed Athletes Collapsed Last Year During Competition - By Bo Banks - Jan 3, 2023 -

New SGAnon File 33: France Under WH Control | Mil Alliance Protecting Leaders | Benedict Death: 2/3 Matrix Now Reclaimed - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 2:02 -

 People that did not take the jab are NOT dying! The Elephant In The Room. Sooner Or Later People Are Going To Have To Talk About It. - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 8:09 -

THE MICHELLLE MOORE SHOW: Exposing the Illuminati the Underbelly of Hollywood & the Music Industry! How Britney Spears Conservatorship Opened Pandora's Box. (VIDEO) - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 2:59 - The Liz Crokin Documentary unravels the depth of the Britney Spears conservatorship, how she was manipulated through the entertainment industry. Liz reveals the underbelly of the music industry sex trafficking machine with evidential proof of the prison that holds many young entertainers hostage.

Dr. Robert Malone Talks Damar Hamlin, Scott Ritter Analyzes Ukraine Killing Russian Soldiers - The Kim Iversen Show Video - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 3:15 - In the first portion of this 3 January 2023 video from Kim Iversen, Dr. Robert Malone is interviewed with direct questions about COVID and the negative actions being inflected by authorities oF the world’s citizens over the last three years. They will also discuss what might have happened to NFL player Damar Hamlin.

MAIL ONLINE: Trump calls for Republicans to vote for Kevin McCarthy and 'not turn a giant triumph into an embarrassing defeat': Ex-President tells GOP to 'take the victory' and watch 'crazy' Nancy Pelosi 'fly home' after 'great conversations' overnight - Donald Trump came out in support of Kevin McCarthy's speakership bid - Comes after McCarthy failed three times on Tuesday to get the 218 votes needed - Trump wouldn't say Tuesday if he would back McCarthy's bid - House will reconvene at noon Wednesday to try again to elect a new Speaker  - By KATELYN CARALLE, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 07:59 EST, 4 January 2023 -

ZERO HEDGE: 'Pineapple Express' And Bomb Cyclone To Wallop California - BY TYLER DURDEN - TUESDAY, JAN 03, 2023 - 09:00 PM - A moisture conveyor belt of atmospheric rivers has unleashed near-record rainfall across the West Coast. Another, perhaps, more powerful atmospheric river and bomb cyclone are set to target California on Wednesday and Thursday, continuing ten days of heavy rains and snow for higher altitudes.

REUTERS Exclusive: Tokyo Gas unit nears $4.6 billion deal to buy U.S. Natgas producer - By David French and Shariq Khan - A unit of Tokyo Gas Co Ltd (9531.T) is in advanced talks to buy U.S. natural gas producer Rockcliff Energy from private equity firm Quantum Energy Partners for about $4.6 billion, including debt, people familiar with the matter said on Tuesday. If consummated, the deal would be the latest move by a Japanese entity to secure gas in jurisdictions perceived as friendly, the importance of which has risen for the import-dependent Asian nation after supply markets for the commodity were roiled by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

REUTERS: U.S. FDA allows abortion pills to be sold at retail pharmacies - By Ahmed Aboulenein - WASHINGTON, Jan 3 (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will allow retail pharmacies to offer abortion pills in the United States for the first time, the agency said on Tuesday, even as more states seek to ban medication abortion. -

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: New Israeli government to besieged public: Terrorists to get death penalty - Tragically, terrorists seem undeterred by the threat of jail time in Israeli prisons. And why should they be? - By James Sinkinson - Jan 3, 2023, 11:30 AM -

EXPOSE: Eugenicists aim to destroy the role of mother and take control of life-creating processes - BY RHODA WILSON ON JANUARY 3, 2023 • A special edition of Ecologie & Politique has warned that the eugenicists behind test-tube babies and surrogate motherhood now have their sights on genetic engineering and artificial wombs which would cut women out of the reproductive process.

NATURAL NEWS - EXPLOITED: One in three child victims admitted to Tavistock transgender clinic was autistic - Monday, January 02, 2023 by: Ethan Huff - A now-shuttered government-run transgender clinic in the United Kingdom known as Tavistock was targeting autistic children for recruitment into the LGBT fold, we now know.The Guardian dropped this bombshell in a recent report about the explosion of trans youth in the UK, many of whom were shuffled through Tavistock’s transition programs specifically because of this vulnerability.

EPOCH TIMES: Incoming GOP China Committee Chair Calls TikTok ‘Digital Fentanyl’ - By Hannah Ng January 2, 2023 Updated: January 3, 2023 - The Chinese video-sharing app TikTok is an addictive drug that the Chinese regime is offering to Americans, according to Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), the incoming chairman of a new House select committee on China. “It’s highly addictive and destructive, and we’re seeing troubling data about the corrosive impact of constant social media use, particularly on young men and women here in America,” Gallagher said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program that aired on Jan. 1 2023 -

Juan O' Savin: Some Interesting Details Here (Video) - Tuesday, January 3, 2023 20:49 - Juan and Michelle share some very interesting Intel that we all need to know. Things are already starting to get crazy in this new year! -

Pfizer has given the world a never ending series of pandemics intended to Kill humanity - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:38 - Horowitz: Possibly the most important study on COVID shots might explain why COVID never seems to end - Now we are gettting answers.. Hard to accept but none the less valuable. A German study is confirming what many of us who distrust government have thought all along: Covid vaccine is just a means to destroy vast segments of what the elite have described as ‘overpopulation and now the numbers are confirming it. Look at the number of deaths of the vaccinated (right side of chart) compared to the unvaccinated which are miniscule and prove me wrong.

Evil Bastards - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:49 - I hit upon something in the last post that’s been bugging me all night. These people, whether Soros DAs, or WEF robots or whatever, they are the insurrectionists. The reason this bothered me so much is that it’s obvious, but no one, except a few memes here and there, have made the same connection. There’s a lot of talk of treason and corruption, but I wonder, legally, what does it take to invoke charges of insurrection among the many public servants, across the board, not only, but especially House and Senate members, who have violated their oaths of office, who refuse to enforce any laws except those that put American citizens at risk of life and limb while protecting illegal alien invaders? How many of these foreign invaders are being paid out of the public treasury? And what are they being paid to do and when do they intend to do it?

2023 > Trump 45 Will END This Operation & the PAIN Begins! January - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 12:53 -

New ShariRaye Intel: Pres Trump and Nancy Pelosi's "Departure" Jan 2023 - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 12:51 -

Big Week! Be Ready! Justice, Indictments, Arrests, Military, Tribunals & Executions! We Will Never Lose Again! - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 14:27 - Big Week! Be Ready! It’s Time For Justice, Indictments, Arrests, Military, Tribunals & Executions! We Will Never Lose Again! It’s Time to Take Back Our Country & Return Power to The People! We’re Witnessing The Greatest Worldwide Military Intelligence Sting Operation of All-Time! Every Scenario Was Planned For. Every Detail Was Accounted For. The Storm Has Finally Arrived! We’re in The Final Stage of The Plan!

David Nino Rodriguez - 2023 Year Of Exposing Is Here!! - Must Video - Wednesday, January 4, 2023 13:51 -

Madonna Under International Human Trafficking Investigation!! Ethiopian World Federation Asks The President Of Malawi To Institute Investigations On Madonna!! - January 4, 2023 -

Corruption & Government Lies Called Out For All To See! - On The Fringe - Tuesday, January 3, 2023 18:44 - With the new set of Twitter files being dropped today, we are seeing a continues pattern of lies and deceit. Our government and our government agencies have lied and continue to lie to us. The only way we can ever fix this is by realizing this is happening to us. Then we can actually fix it. Stand strong, the next few months will be interesting to say the least.



 You Must Be Born Again

by Jack Kelley

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 4th  2023


Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again” (John 3:3).


This started out as my response to someone asking me to defend my view that children who die before reaching the age of accountability go to heaven.  As you’ll see, it became much more.


Born Once

We came into this world when our mother physically gave birth to us. This physical birth is what Jesus called being born of water in John 3:5 and flesh giving birth to flesh in John 3:6. It was our first birth.


Although we were born to earthly parents, we belonged to God in the sense that if our physical life ended for some reason, our soul and spirit, the eternal parts of us, would go to be with Him. We had what the Bible calls eternal life. We continued to enjoy this position with God until we reached a state of intellectual maturity sufficient to understand the sinful nature of our behavior.


Throughout our young lives we had committed various sins, but since we were unable to comprehend the nature of sin, God did not hold us accountable for them.


In referring to sins, I’m not talking about being disobedient to our parents, although some acts of disobedience are also sins.  I’m talking about violations of God’s laws. Until we became intellectually mature enough to understand that violations of God’s laws are sins, that carry eternal consequences, God did not hold us accountable for these violations, because to do so would be unjust.


(We have similar provisions in human law where young children are not held to the same standards of accountability as adults are in matters of the law.)


Once we were capable of understanding the sin issue, God began holding us accountable for our sins. At that point we no longer belonged to Him and no longer had eternal life.  Our sins had separated us from Him.


We see this transition, and its consequences, in Romans 7:9 where Paul wrote, “Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died.”


Obviously, Paul was still physically alive at the time.  By saying, “Once I was alive apart from the law” he was referring to the eternal life he had before he became accountable for his sins. During that time, he was apart from, or outside, the Law and exempt from its provisions.


The phrase “When the commandment came, sin sprang to life, and I died”means that as soon as Paul became old enough to be accountable for his sins he was immediately scheduled for death, death being the wages of sin (Romans 6:23). Paul knew that although he was born with eternal life, he was not born immortal, so he would eventually experience physical death just like everyone else. Therefore, he was talking about losing his claim to eternal life.


The Greek word for “sprang to life” indicates Paul’s sin nature had always been there, but for accountability purposes it’s as if it was dormant while he was a child. As soon as he came of age, it was revived, and when that happened everything changed for him.


The Bible does not give any exact age at which a child becomes accountable. Among the Jewish people this age has been established by tradition as being 12 for girls and 13 for boys.  But the point of this study is not to determine at what age we become accountable for our sins.  Rather, it’s to show that we began life as a child of God with the assurance of eternal life, and to demonstrate how we can qualify for that assurance again as adults.


Born Again


Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3).


There are two important points here.  The first is the confirmation that if they die, little children will enter the kingdom of heaven because they don’t have to change to do so.  And the second is that we must change and become like them in order to enter ourselves. Remember, all children are born with eternal life and their sins are not counted against them. Therefore, as adults we have to somehow regain that same status we had as little children.


Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God (John 1:12-13).


God gives each one who believes in what Jesus did for us and receives Him into his or her life, the right (power, authority, permission) to become a child of God just like we were when we were born.  Here’s how it happens.


But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir (Galatians 4:4-7).


Both this passage and Romans 8:15-17 convey the idea that adoption into the family of God is truly the most important event of our lives. God sent His son to die for our sins so we could receive the right of adoption into His family. According to John 1:12-13 belief in Jesus gives us the authority to claim this right and when we do God adopts us as His children and we become heirs to his estate. At that time, the penalty for all our sins is transferred to Jesus (Isaiah 53:5) and we’re no longer responsible for them.


That’s what it means to be born-again as a child of God and have eternal life. According to 2 Cor. 5:17 we actually become a new creation from God’s perspective. The old has gone and the new has come. This is our second birth, what Jesus called being born again in John 3:3 and the Spirit giving birth to spirit in John 3:6.


Like the little children we once were, we still sin.  And like them, God does not hold us accountable for our sins. But this time, it’s not because we don’t understand the sin issue, it’s because the penalties for all the sins of our life have been transferred to Jesus. They were nailed to the cross with Him and when He died we were forgiven for every one of them (Colossians 2:13-14).


Now, just like the children we once were, God doesn’t hold us accountable for our sins but attributes them to the sin nature that lives within us.  Here’s how Paul described it:


“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.  And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good.  As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.  For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.  For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.  Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it” (Romans 7:15-20).


Like He does with little children, God has separated the sins from the born-again believer and no longer counts them against us.


Are You Born Again?


The phrase “born-again” has picked up a lot of baggage over the years to the point where some more “sophisticated” Christians don’t even like to use it. And the liberal denominations that follow reformed theology don’t even recognize the need to be born-again. They teach that since you didn’t choose God but He chose you, there’s no need to be born-again. All you have to do is become an official member of one of their denominations to receive your salvation.


This is by far the cruelest falsehood of reformed theology because it has resulted in millions of sincere people attending church every Sunday, believing that God chose them and actually obtained salvation for them, not knowing that they aren’t saved and never will be unless they undertake a personal effort to find the Lord and be saved apart from their denomination’s teaching.


But the Bible is very clear on two points. The first is this: We must be born-again to enter the kingdom of  God (John 3:3).  And the second is, we become born-again by believing that we are sinners in need of a Savior; that Jesus came to die for our sins, and that He rose again on the third day as proof that His death was sufficient to save us from our sins. Otherwise we have believed in vain (1 Cor. 15:3-4).


By becoming born-again we have become like little children in God’s sight and are therefore qualified, just like they are, to enter His Kingdom and enjoy eternal life with Him.


Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed are they whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit (Psalm 32:1-2). Maranatha





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