Thursday, January 12, 2023

Shaking Down Sodom


Shaking Down Sodom - Our Life Beyond MKUltra -  WEF, UN Goons Make Fatal Mistake - God is Anointing Faithful Believers with His Holy Spirit - Plan To Save The World Happening - Covert Spec/Ops Reorienting Society - The Great Depression’s Patsy - Farmland WARS - 'How Did a Virus Cancel the Constitution and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 12th 23023



If the Bible Was Inspired By Man, It Wouldn’t Have Gone Against All Man’s Desires - Thursday, January 12, 2023 12:26 - “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” -First verse in the Satanic Bible - Isn’t it interesting the mockery and hatred that Satan has for God’s Creation? Since the beginning, he has been deceiving and enticing men to do the opposite of what the Lord commands. Satan deceived and enticed Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:1-15).  He offers the world to those who bow down to him (Matthew 4:9). The devil allures to the love of the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, which Scripture tells us is not of the Father but it is a spirit of antichrist (1 John 2:18).

Situation Update 1/12/23 ~ Trump Return - Q+ White Hats Intel ~ Juan O Savin > SGAnon - Must Video - Thursday, January 12, 2023 12:13 -

God is Anointing Faithful Believers with His Holy Spirit in these Last Days to Stand for the Truth! – Jan. 11th 2023 – By Gor4don King - We are now living in perilous times my friends, they are times of darkness, times when good is being turned into evil, and evil is being turned into good!  Just a few short decades ago, being a Christian was seen as morally righteous in the world, it was a good thing.  But the times have changed, and now Christians are seen as wicked and evil! The antichrist spirit is alive in the world today, not only is it alive, but it is thriving! -

Catholic bishops’ pro-life chair applauds passage of ‘Born-Alive’ Act - Thursday, January 12, 2023 11:17 -

Laws Of War 11.3 Taking Shape! Plan To Save The World Happening! All Scripted! Pray! - And We Know - Thursday, January 12, 2023 15:36 -

We Have The Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Letter To Biden!! It's Even Better Than Expected! - Liberal Hivemind - Thursday, January 12, 2023 14:57 -

New SGAnon File 35: A Special Announcement | FAA Grounding | Covert Spec/Ops Reorienting Society | WEF Cyber Pandemic - Thursday, January 12, 2023 5:54 -

Charlie Ward, Simone Gold & Kent Henry Interviews! - B2T Show - Thursday, January 12, 2023 12:59 -

Situation Update: WEF, UN Goons Make Fatal Mistake!! The Battle Was Won...But The War Is Far From Over!! "We Will Never Forget!!" - Thursday, January 12, 2023 14:16 -

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR Update - By Divina Ellisson -  12 January, 2023 -

Sarah Westall: Our Life Beyond MKUltra - Then & Now, 200+ Personalities, MK Ultra Victim Testimony w/ Elisa E (1of2) 1-11-2023 - Thursday, January 12, 2023 2:11 - Elisa E rejoins the program to share her life experiences as an MK Ultra victim and now survivor. Her programming and abuse started as an infant and did not end until she decided to systematically, over many years, deprogram her mind. Her book, “Our Life Beyond MKUltra: Then and Now” depicts the “programmed twilight zone” that survivors and professionals alike run into.

New Benjamin Fulford: Mass Intel January Q&A Geopolitical Update 2023 - Thursday, January 12, 2023 2:47 -

Farmland WARS: The Global TAKEOVER of America’s Land - Thursday, January 12, 2023 9:17 -

The Great Depression’s Patsy - By Ludwig Von Mises Institute - Thursday, January 12, 2023 7:33 - The culprit responsible for the Wall Street crash of 1929 and the Great Depression can be easily identified—the government. To protect fractional reserve banking and generate a buyer for its debt, the US government created the Federal Reserve System in 1913 and put it in charge of the money supply. From July 1921 to July 1929, the Federal Reserve inflated the money supply by 62 percent, resulting in the crash in late October. The US government, following an aggressive “do something” program for the first time in American history, intervened in numerous ways throughout the 1930s—first under Herbert Hoover, then more heavily under Franklin D. Roosevelt. The result was not an easing of pain or an acceleration of recovery but a deepening of the Great Depression, as Robert Higgs explains in detail. (Comment: It is one thing I have learned over the years in studying Geopolitics of the world is that anytime government gets involved to solve a problem it will always exacerbate the problem making matter much worse. It is almost always the case.)

Benjamin Fulford MegaReport 1/12: World Revolting Against Satanic Leadership, Russian Christian Army To End Federal Reserve Board, Macron Was Teenage Prostitute Who Married A Man, Justin Trudeau Blackmail Murder Mystery, Supreme Court Ruled Biden And 388 Others Must Be Removed From Public Office!! - January 12, 2023 -

Second batch of classified documents linked to Joe Biden found in new location - The documents were discovered in a separate location as lawyers for Mr. Biden searched for any further classified material – By Nick Allen IN WASHINGTON - 12 January 2023 • 12:08am -

JERUSALEM POST: Israeli settlement building must continue, Edelstein tells US envoy - The Knesset's foreign affairs and defense committee chief also defended Itamar Ben-Gvir's visit to Temple Mount last week. - By TOVAH LAZAROFF Published: JANUARY 11, 2023 22:15 - Updated: JANUARY 12, 2023 17:36 -

 AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: DeSantis orders universities report critical race theory spending – By Beth Brown – Jan. 11th 2023 - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has demanded all state universities and colleges report on their financial expenditures for critical race theory (CRT), as well as diversity, equity and inclusion programs, according to a memo issued late last month. Bryan Griffin, press secretary to DeSantis, confirmed the administration’s request on Twitter last week, writing, “All state universities and college systems in Florida have been required to report expenditures and resources utilized for campus activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and critical race theory. Stay tuned.”

WORD NEWS DAILY - Respected historian asks: 'How did a virus cancel the Constitution?' - Victor Davis Hanson suggests the U.S. has become victim of 'a coup we never knew' - By Bob Unruh - Published January 7, 2023 at 5:55pm - A renowned historian, classicist and commentator, Victor Davis Hanson, is posing the question about “How did a virus cancel the Constitution?” Further, he’s openly suggesting that the United States has become a victim of “a coup we never knew.” Hanson, who has written for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Washington Times and more, now has a column at American Greatness that outlines what has been described as a “fed-surrection” that originated when “the seeds of sedition from within were sown under Obama.”

GATEWAY PUNDIT: What Is Ukraine Hiding in the Bakhmut Salt Mines? - By Larry Johnson - Published January 8, 2023 at 7:00am - The prolonged battle for Bakhmut is portrayed in the press as a symbol of Russian weakness. I know that many Westerners have scratched their heads and wondered why such a fierce battle is being waged over this particular piece of territory. The answer, I believe, lies below the surface of Bakhmut/Soledar in the Soledar Salt Mines (aka Artyomsol Salt Mines). The Salt mine is a monster, with 125 miles of tunnels. Take a look at these images…

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: China Owns A Shocking List Of 'American' Created Companies - Between Tens Of Billions In Farm Land And China-Bought Businesses In The U.S., We Have To Wonder Who Owns America? - By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine – Jan. 9th 2023 - In the past we have discussed how foreign nations and/or investors have been gobbling up American land, much of which has been farmland, and most Americans would be surprised to know that no less than 50 different countries own land in America. From the Philippines to Saudi Arabia to China, some owning a few millions of dollars’ worth with others owning billions and billions of dollars’ worth.

EXPOSE: 5,000 Swiss troops will provide security at the WEF Davos Forum - BY RHODA WILSON ON JANUARY 11, 2023 • “The Federal Parliament has set a ceiling of 5,000 troops who will serve in support during the WEF, which will run from 10 – 16 January. Some of them will be stationed directly in Davos, where the annual meeting will be held from January 16 to 20,” the statement read. According to the statement, other servicemen will provide logistics and air force operations support throughout Switzerland. Soldiers will be authorised to “use coercive police measures to carry out their respective tasks,” the government said. There will also be snipers on the roofs of most buildings, and in previous years, the Swiss Police have shot drones from the sky.

MAIL ONLINE: Goldman Sachs cut 3,200 jobs - giving some workers as little as 30 minutes to pack up their desks and leave and firing them without paying a bonus for their work in the past year - Goldman Sachs began slashing 3,200 jobs on Wednesday at its offices in New York, London and Hong Kong in a move to cut back on expenses - Sources said the employees were axed in short meetings, and their yearly bonuses were withheld in a move to allegedly spur resignations  - Many former employees have already taken to LinkedIn to share their shock - It comes as CEO David Solomon warned that the investment giant needed to cut costs after its workforce swelled to 49,100 while revenue shrank - By RONNY REYES FOR DAILYMAIL.COM and REUTERS - PUBLISHED: 10:05 EST, 12 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: 'Relentless parade of cyclones' continues to slam California as death toll from killer storms climbs to 19 after woman's body was found in a submerged car a day after she'd made a desperate 911 call - These rainfall levels have not been seen in 150 years in some areas of the state - Communities have been washed out, powerlines toppled and roads blocked - Rescuers are still searching for boy, five, who was swept away  - death toll hits 19 - By CHRIS JEWERS FOR MAILONLINE and AFP - PUBLISHED: 08:08 EST, 12 January 2023 -

Is This What They’re Hiding? - Dan Bongino - Thursday, January 12, 2023 11:25 -




Shaking Down Sodom

By Terry James

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 12th 2023

America’s national political system has, from the beginning, been less than virtuous. There have even been duels fought as part of the process, with, for example, Alexander Hamilton being killed by Aaron Burr. So it is not surprising that a sin-drenched national milieu has produced Mafia-like shakedowns and extortion, blackmail, and every other nefarious political tactic.


We have seen it time after time, issue after issue. Leaders of movements wanting their way politically –these usually pushing demands involving forcing American taxpayers to pay for their, more often than not, ungodly plans— threaten businesses and even elected authorities in order to get their way.


Whereas Mafioso might urge a business to take out their insurance against destruction of their business –or even breakage of their knees, these political shakedown artists operate similarly. They often suggest that an elected official vote and/or implement plans the shakedowners want –as protection against having the shakedown organization (often a race-based monocracy) work against the extorted elected official’s political futures.


It has become the American way of local, state, and national politics. And as I believe biblically prophetic progression has reached the end of this Church Age, I think it is probably accurate to say–as Obama’s one-time pastor Jeremiah Wright might say—America’s chickens have come home to roost.


The title for this commentary, Shaking down Sodom, is meant to convey yet again how our beloved nation seems to fit the Sodom of Lot’s day. Jesus foretold that things would be like they were in those wicked times in Sodom, when God will suddenly and without remedy cast judgment upon an incorrigible, ungodly, rebellious people. This will be done, just as when the Lord first removed Lot, whom He viewed as righteous. It will be the Rapture that removes God’s children and begins bringing to an end through judgment and wrath mankind’s final rebellion against Heaven’s intended order.


The United States fits the Luke 17:28-30 Sodom model, as I’ve written before. Of all nations on the planet presently, many in severely failing economic situations, America is still going along pretty much business as usual, just as Sodom of Lot’s day. Beneath that business-as-usual flow, however, beats the heart of wickedness perhaps matched by no other nation on earth. Our technological advancement, along with unparalleled freedoms, has produced a level of evil unavailable to any other generation.


And this brings me to the point I hope to make.


Having reached this Sodom-like level, America is ripe for a shakedown of monumental proportion.


As a matter of fact, Satan’s desired installation of his Antichrist regime, it seems to me, cannot be achieved so long as this constitutional republic as configured since its founding stands. It must be destroyed–or at least disassembled. And in that regard, we have been and are presently witnessing such a shakedown on a global scale.


The Ephesians 6:12 human minions within the UN, the World Economic Forum, and other New World Order institutional bodies are stripping America’s wealth–and even more profoundly—America’s structure, once moored and governed by Judeo-Christian principles. And, again, in my opinion, many within our representative government at the national level are willing to allow this undoing of our nation out of motives governed by the desire for personal wealth and power.


Those who understand what is truly happening to our country recognize the collusion and subterfuge taking place within the federal government. We have observed and chronicled once-American protective agencies like the FBI, CIA, and others while they became totally politicized and joined to the globalists’ cabal. They have made American citizens the targets for purposes of bringing the nation into compliance with all plans global. We have watched these forces, now turned totally to the dark side, in my view, do all within their collective power to bring down an America-First president. And they have, in effect, managed to do just that.


We have watched, standing by almost helplessly, while elections were and are still being stolen. Again, seemingly because of desire to achieve personal wealth and power, elected representatives of both major political parties have chosen to not rock the boat in which they float within the Washington swamp. It is indeed a uniparty –as charged—that we are now, it seems, becoming enslaved by–as the American electoral process no longer exists as intended by the founding fathers.


This American president, likely compromised by conflict of interest with China, Ukraine, and other international entities, along with the military-industrial complex warned about by President Dwight Eisenhower, has the nation bogged in commitments that drain America’s wealth by trillions of dollars –which, incidentally, we no longer possess.


Yet this once-great nation continues to stand, although shaken by the shakedown minions, both external and internal. Like Sodom of Lot’s day, business as usual within the US even seems to hold up the collapse of much of the rest of the world.


The most stringent efforts of the Ephesians 6:12 shakedown artists–the powers and principalities, both human and demonic—have not yet succeeded in bringing America down so they can plunder her wealth.


And they won’t succeed in doing so by their ever-increasing wicked efforts. Like in the case of Sodom in Lot’s day, America –and the entire wicked world system, will come crashing down by the shaking God’s judgment will bring. It will occur at the Rapture of all believers in Jesus Christ.


Here, again, is how to avoid being a victim of the coming catastrophic world collapse and instead become one of God’s children taken to their eternal home by the Lord Jesus Christ.


“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10). Maranatha


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