Tuesday, January 17, 2023

World Economic Control Prophesied Part 2


World Economic Control Prophesied Part 2 - Diocese of Des Moines Bans Preferred Pronouns - Davos Summit & Prostitution - Moore Cosponsors Bill to Abolish the IRS - Vietnam Communist President Resigns – Income Tax On the Road to Zero - NESARA / GESARA Debt Economy & Debt Forgiveness and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 17th 2023


MAIL ONLINE: Black attorneys slam San Francisco's 'outrageous, unconstitutional and unlawful' reparations plan to hand longtime black residents $5m each -especially when California wasn't even a slave state - Leo Terrell and Larry Elder slammed the proposal as 'racist' - Terrell vowed to fight the plan, which will be submitted to the mayor in June - Both lawyers noted that California was never a slave state - By MELISSA KOENIG FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 12:03 EST, 17 January 2023 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11645055/Black-attorneys-SLAM-San-Franciscos-reparations-committee.html

MAIL ONLINE: MLK 'was assassinated by the US government' says relative after slamming 'awful' $10.5m 'penis' statue unveiled over the weekend to honor legend - Seneca Scott, a relative of MLK, claimed Monday night that the civil rights icon had been assassinated by the US government - Scott appeared on the Fox News show Monday night to discuss Boston's controversial newly unveiled statue dedicated to MLK - Scott claimed his relative had been assassinated just as he was broaching social issues outside of race, like class and economics - By SOPHIE MANN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 10:10 EST, 17 January 2023 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11644463/MLK-assassinated-government-says-relative-civil-rights-icon.html

MAIL ONLINE: Welcome to Zombieland - Medic reveals devastating impact of 'tranq' on Philly - as the animal tranquilizer floods city's opioid supply and leaves addicts with open gaping wounds and unable to walk - The drug leaves users with 'four-finger wide' wounds that take months to heal - When mixed with opioids, traditional overdose treatments do not work as well - There are no FDA-approved treatments specifically for xylazine withdrawal - By CAITLIN TILLEY, HEALTH REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 12:36 EST, 17 January 2023 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11644891/Philly-Zombieland-amid-rise-animal-tranquilizer-xylazine.html

MAIL ONLINE: Nine US nationals are charged after being caught in space of six days trying to smuggle £5.5m of cannabis from LA into Heathrow - Nine US nationals have been arrested and charged in the past week - Each suspect was found with between 66lbs and 110lbs of cannabis - First passenger was stopped on Tuesday January 10 and latest on Monday - By HARRY HOWARD FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 10:42 EST, 17 January 2023 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11644689/Nine-nationals-caught-space-six-days-trying-smuggle-5-5m-cannabis-Heathrow.html

WORLD NET DAILY: China currently owns or operates terminals in 96 ports in 53 countries, many of which perform maintenance on Chinese military vessels, as part of longstanding Chinese policy to expand the country’s influence, according to an April 2022 report by researchers at the U.S. Naval War College (USNWC) and Indiana University. China's network of foreign ports fuel Beijing's intelligence, military ambitions - Building an advanced surveillance network around the world - Published January 13, 2023 at 7:12pm - https://www.wnd.com/2023/01/chinas-network-foreign-ports-fuel-beijings-intelligence-military-ambitions/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-brief&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=brief&ats_es=41b27adec705499be73f085319c0dda4

They’re Hiding Something & I Think We Found It! - Dan Bongino - Monday, January 16, 2023 12:46 - https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/01/theyre-hiding-something-i-think-we-found-it-dan-bongino-3652329.html

New ShariRaye Shocking News Jan 17, 2023! - Tuesday, January 17, 2023 14:24 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/01/new-shariraye-shocking-news-jan-17-2023-2537562.html

MAIL ONLINE: At last! Diocese of Des Moines bans preferred pronouns in schools and parishes and rules students and worshipers must use toilets and locker rooms of their biological sex - triggering woke fury at 'un-Christian' move - The seven policies from The Diocese of Des Moines went into effect Monday - They mandate that students only play on sports teams matching their birth sex - Other rules include a ban on gender blockers - Students questioning their gender should be brought to ministers in the church - By ALEX HAMMER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 02:12 EST, 17 January 2023 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11642739/Activists-erupt-Diocese-Des-Moines-enacts-anti-woke-rules-churches-schools.html

MAIL ONLINE: Prostitution skyrockets during Davos summit - while global elite gather to discuss issues including gender inequality - Prostitutes report a surge in business during the annual gathering of leaders - Escorts are booked into delegates' hotels alongside business executives - Sex workers dress in business attire and rub shoulders with the global elite - By JACK NEWMAN FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 05:10 EST, 17 January 2023 – (Comment: The global elite have no moral foundation except to do as thou whilst, a saying by the Freemason Satanic Secret Society. It is no wonder these reprobate degenerates carry on with women of the night during these conferences with sponsored orgies for the global elite who think there will never be any punishment for their sins. Justice is coming however.) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11643585/Prostitutes-gather-Davos-annual-meeting-global-elite-demand-skyrockets.html

TROY MESSENGER - Moore cosponsors bill to abolish the IRS, eliminate income tax Published 12:25 pm Monday, January 16, 2023 – Last week, U.S. Representative Barry Moore (R) cosponsored The Fair Tax Act, which would eliminate the tax code, abolish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and replace federal income tax with a sales tax. Read more at: https://www.troymessenger.com/2023/01/16/moore-cosponsors-bill-to-abolish-the-irs-eliminate-income-tax/

ZIMBABWE INDEPENDENT: Zim asset manager launches gold coin unit trust – Business - By Rugare Mubika | Jan. 17th 2023 - ASSET management firm, Bard Santner Investors has launched a gold coin unit trust to drive financial inclusion in Zimbabwe. The asset, called Bard Santner Gold Coin Unit Trust, is also meant to reignite a savings culture in the country, according to a statement released by the firm. Savings in Zimbabwe have generally been affected by episodes of inflationary rages since 2000, which eroded investor confidence in formal markets. https://www.theindependent.co.zw/business/article/200006247/zim-asset-manager-launches-gold-coin-unit-trust

INSIDER PAPER: Vietnam president resigns amid major anti-graft purge - AFP January 17, 2023 4:27 am - Vietnam President Nguyen Xuan Phuc has resigned, state media said Tuesday, after days of rumors he was about to be sacked as part of a major anti-corruption drive that has seen several ministers fired. Phuc has “submitted his resignation from his assigned positions, quit his job, and retired”, state news agency VNA said. Phuc’s sudden departure is a highly unusual move in communist Vietnam, where political changes are normally carefully orchestrated, with an emphasis on cautious stability.  https://insiderpaper.com/vietnam-president-nguyen-xuan-phuc-resigns-state-media/

JUST THE NEWS - On the road to zero: More states phasing out the income tax - "There are 10 states that are in the process of moving their personal income tax to zero," said tax reduction activist Grover Norquist. mericans in search of economic freedom and oportunity are flocking to Florida, Tennessee and Texas, and at least part of the attraction is that these three states, along with six others (Alaska, Nevada, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming and New Hampshire), don't levy an income tax. Other states may soon follow. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/wdk-many-states-are-moving-direction-eliminating-income-tax

Zimbabwe’s Gold Coins Sell Above $2,000 Each For The First Time - Ray Ndlovu and Rene Vollgraaff, Bloomberg News – INVESTING - Zimbabwe’s Gold Coins Sell Above $2,000 Each For The First Time - Ray Ndlovu and Rene Vollgraaff, Bloomberg News - (Bloomberg) -- Zimbabwe’s gold coins introduced in July are selling above $2,000 for the first time. The so-called “Mosi-oa-Tunya” gold coin, named after Victoria Falls, a key tourism site which straddles the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, were priced at $2,002.51 for a one-ounce coin on Monday, according to data on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s website. Spot gold was at $1,914.21 an ounce at 2:45 p.m. in London. The central bank introduced the gold coins to halt a collapse of the Zimbabwean dollar and to help ease demand for US dollars. Smaller units were brought into circulation in November. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/zimbabwe-s-gold-coins-sell-above-2-000-each-for-the-first-time-1.1870740

Rep. Thomas Massie Leads Coalition to End COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement for International Travelers Entering the U.S. - By Shane Trejo - Jan 17, 2023 - Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky is leading a group of Republican lawmakers who want to end the mandate imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requiring virtually all international travelers to submit proof of COVID vaccination in order to enter the U.S. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/rep-thomas-massie-leads-coalition-to-end-covid-19-vaccine-requirement-for-international-travelers-entering-the-u-s/

LIBERTY NATION: Montana Wants to Pump the Brakes on California’s Great Migration - Big Sky Country doesn’t feel so big these days. - By: Sarah Cowgill - January 17, 2023 - 6:47 am - Either Taylor Sheridan’s epic Yellowstone franchise is enticing folks to leave California for Montana in droves, or people are simply done with the political antics of the Golden State. Either way, Californians are abandoning the mess of a state – a mess of their own making – and heading to Big Sky Country, and the natives aren’t happy about it. https://www.libertynation.com/montana-wants-to-pump-the-brakes-on-californias-great-migration/

The U S Air Force Admitted They’ve Created Something So Advanced That It Will Destroy Everything - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrgN5FHi8FA

NESARA / GESARA: Debt Economy | Debt Forgiveness | National Debt & Fiat Currency - The National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) is a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by private citizen Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7yrwt0as6Y

WORLD NET DAILY: EDUCATION FAITH HEALTH POLITICS U.S. WND NEWS CENTER WORLD – WND - Look who leads the world in children changing their sex - 'We are dealing with what may be the biggest medical and ethical scandal of modern times' - By Peter LaBarbera - Published January 16, 2023 at 7:46pm -  The United States is the most permissive country in the world in allowing children to pursue extreme transgender "transitions" such as puberty blockers and "surgeries" removing young women's healthy breasts, a new report by the group Do No Harm reveals. https://www.wnd.com/2023/01/look-leads-world-children-changing-sex/?ats_es=276a0384250dff1b269a3d80247dc528

GCAPTAIN: South African Navy Set To Welcome China And Russia – Bloomberg - By Antony Sguazzin (Bloomberg) –South Africa will next month go ahead with naval exercises off its eastern coast with Russian and Chinese warships in a decision that could further strain its relationship with some of its biggest trading partners. Operation Mosi, which means smoke, will take place from Feb. 17 to Feb. 26. South Africa’s reluctance to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its decision to allow sanctioned Russian vessels to dock at its ports have already ramped up tensions with the US, UK and European Union who are backing Ukraine in the conflict. The country’s biggest opposition party questioned the wisdom of going ahead with the exercises. https://gcaptain.com/south-african-navy-set-to-welcome-china-and-russia/

MAIL ONLINE: 'Our water tanks will be dry within days': Arizona city cuts OFF water to neighbors amid drought - as desperate residents demand 'water now' and count down until dwindling supply runs out - On January 1, Scottsdale stopped selling water to the neighboring area of the Rio Verde Foothills, eliminating the water source of 1,000 people - Last week, residents of the foothills sued Scottsdale for cutting off a utility as families struggle to procure water to power their lives  - Water in Arizona has been a major socio-political issue for years as authorities and communities understand the reality that Lake Mead is drying up - By SOPHIE MANN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 13:25 EST, 16 January 2023 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11640903/Were-not-going-make-Arizona-city-cuts-neighborhoods-water-supply-amid-drought.html

HAL TURNER SHOW: Klaus Schwab and George Soros BOW-OUT of World Economic Forum Conference (Starting today) in Davos – WORLD - HAL TURNER - 16 JANUARY 2023 - Steve Qualye brought out in a private briefing that Soros and Klaus have some big boys after them, gonna arrest them so they are hiding out. (Comment: My Intel says the big boys are the World Military Alliance Special Forces who know where they are hiding. However, to cause the least amount of collateral damage they are waiting for an opportune moment to snag them for crimes against humanity.) https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/klaus-scwab-and-george-soros-bow-out-of-world-economic-forum-conference-starting-today-in-davos

FREENVESTING: Ray Dalio has studied the last 500 years of history and economic cycles. As a global macro investor for over 50 years, he explains how the world order is changing before our eyes, and how one can prepare for what is coming. Raymond T. Dalio is an American billionaire investor. He founded the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, in 1975. The firm serves institutional clients including pension funds…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMyr0CnPJ-g

WIREPOINTS: Property Tax Foreclosure As Theft? U.S. Supreme Court Will Decide and Illinois Is in the Crosshairs – Wirepoints - January 17, 2023 - By: Mark Glennon* - Here’s something you don’t see every day: An opinion piece in Minnesota’s very liberal StarTribune aligned with one in libertarian Reason. This is about when property taxes become theft, and both columns are more applicable to Illinois than Minnesota, which spawned a case now heading to the U.S. Supreme Court. https://wirepoints.org/property-tax-foreclosure-as-theft-u-s-supreme-court-will-decide-and-illinois-is-in-the-crosshairs-wirepoints/

GELLER REPORT: Wisconsin Special Counsel Finds Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated State Bribery Laws - By Pamela Geller - on January 16, 2023 - Here we are again, more election fraud, more election interference, and yet there is no redress, no recourse. No action. We are living a dystopian nightmare. The special counsel who was appointed to study the 2020 election in Wisconsin submitted his official report, in which he determined that the millions of dollars that Mark Zuckerberg spent on the Wisconsin election violated the state’s laws in regard to bribery. https://gellerreport.com/2023/01/wisconsin-special-counsel-finds-zuckerbergs-election-money-violated-state-bribery-laws.html/?lctg=87791646

God Shall Arise and Scatter Our Enemies - By David Wilkerson – Jan. 17th 2023 - Learning Triumphant Praise for Our Victorious King - “Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered” (Psalm 68:1, NKJV). In every generation, God is rising to scatter his enemies. He puts to chase all demonic principalities, driving them from his people. The very words of this verse, in fact, were quoted by Moses when the ark went forward in Israel. “So it was, whenever the ark set out, that Moses said: ‘Rise up, O Lord! Let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you’” (Numbers 10:35-36). -  12 Minutes In Heaven | You Won't Believe What Is There - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDIpdjeXlFo

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Netanyahu predicts massive increase in Western Aliyah (immigration) - He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey. DEUTERONOMY 26:9 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - This same prayer applies to God’s people today. We won’t be able to withstand what is coming in the days ahead without standing firmly on this promise from the Lord. We need a triumphant faith to see us through, and we need to cling to this word: “You in your mercy have led forth the people whom you have redeemed; you have guided them in your strength to your holy habitation” (Exodus 15:13). https://www.israel365news.com/365497/netanyahu-predicts-massive-increase-in-western-aliyah/

ZERO HEDGE: World Economic Forum Invents New Word To Describe The Extreme Chaos Gripping Our Planet - BY TYLER DURDEN - MONDAY, JAN 16, 2023 - 03:50 PM - Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog - This week, 2,658 of the “world’s decision-makers” will gather in Davos, Switzerland for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. Protected by thousands of police officers and soldiers, the elite of the world will feast and party throughout the week as they shape the global agenda for the coming year.  Needless to say, our input is not desired or welcomed.  In order to get into this conference, you have got to be a part of their club, and in order to be a part of their club you must be a very important person.  It is being reported that the official list of 2,658 attendees this year includes “heads of state, business royalty, actual royalty, media honchos, and academics”… (Comment: Trouble is these global elite are wanted for crimes against humanity and only their serfs will show up to do their bidding. The NSA is tracking all the fun with Special Forces waiting in the wings to do their thing while bringing these criminals to justice. Sons of Liberty are about to strike.) https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/world-economic-forum-invents-new-word-describe-extreme-chaos-gripping-our-planet

 ZERO HEDGE: Ron Paul: Isn't It Time For Adam Schiff To Be Expelled From Congress? - BY TYLER DURDEN - MONDAY, JAN 16, 2023 - 05:35 PM - Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity - With each new release of the “Twitter Files” we learn more and more about the deep corruption in Washington. We sensed during Covid that something was really wrong – for example the bizarre denial of natural immunity. But thanks to Elon Musk’s decision to open the books, our worst fears have been proven true. Each new release seems to show something even more criminal inside America’s rotten ruling class. In the latest release, thanks to the excellent reporting of independent journalist Matt Taibbi, we see outgoing Chair of the House Intelligence Community, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), continuously pressuring Twitter to validate his fantasies of “Russian bots” manipulating US politics. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ron-paul-isnt-it-time-adam-schiff-be-expelled-congress

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: Jewish Pennsylvania governor will be sworn in with historic Bible - Holy book belonged to Jewish US army soldier who landed with infantry on Omaha Beach during D-Day. - By Israel National News - Jan 16, 2023, 9:05 PM - https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/366008

 WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: ‘If the world abandons Israel, Netanyahu will bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities,’ says National Security Council chief - January 16, 2023 - “We won’t wait until the sword is on our neck,” says Netanyahu, after head of Israel’s National Security Council claims PM is prepared to bomb Iran to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. - By World Israel News Staff - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Israel is prepared to use force to confront Iran, hours after a senior security official claimed the prime minister would be willing to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities if other options for preventing the Islamic Republic from acquiring nuclear weapons are exhausted. https://worldisraelnews.com/if-the-world-abandons-israel-netanyahu-will-bomb-irans-nuclear-facilities-says-national-security-council-chief/

ISRAEL TODAY: The Proof – of the World’s Antisemitism – Is in the Praying - A British politician’s visit to the Temple Mount, hosted by the anti-Israel Islamic Waqf, highlights the hypocrisy of the United Kingdom, the prejudice of the international community. - By Stan Goodenough | January 16, 2023 - JERUSALEM – British Minister of State for Security, Tom Tugendhart, Thursday affirmed Israel’s unique connection with the Temple Mount when he visited the flashpoint site in Jerusalem that is holy to all three major monotheistic religions. https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/the-proof-of-the-worlds-antisemitism-is-in-the-praying/

FOX NEWS: Abortions in Texas plummet nearly 99% months after Dobbs ruling - A pro-life advocacy group estimated that approximately 50,000 lives have been saved in Texas since September - By Jon Brown | Fox News - Abortions in Texas dramatically decreased in the months following the overturning of Roe v. Wade last June, according to recent state data. Only three abortions took place in Texas in August 2022, all of which were "medically necessary," according to statistics from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Compared with the 2,596 abortions recorded in the state in June 2022, the number in August represents a decrease of nearly 99%. Sixty-eight abortions were performed in July. https://www.foxnews.com/us/abortions-in-texas-plummet-nearly-99-months-after-dobbs-ruling

GATEWAY PUNDIT: Temporary Morgues are Being Built Across UK Due to Unprecedented Increase in Excess Deaths - By Jim Hoft - Published January 15, 2023 at 8:30am - The unprecedented increase in deaths has prompted the construction of temporary morgues in various locations throughout the UK, including tourist hotspots and airports. The Gateway Pundit reported last year that the death toll in England and Wales continues to rise, even though Covid-related deaths have dropped. As a result, health experts have requested an immediate investigation into the source of the rising non-Covid excess death. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/temporary-morgues-built-across-uk-due-unprecedented-increase-excess-deaths/

TIMES OF ISRAEL: Chevron says it discovered ‘significant’ natural gas find off Egypt’s coast -The operator of Israel’s Leviathan and Tamar gas fields says exploration at Egyptian offshore field in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea ‘encountered high-quality reservoirs’ - By SHARON WROBEL 15 January 2023, 6:55 pm - The Middle East Economic Survey reported in December that the size of the new well was 3.5 trillion cubic feet of gas. https://www.timesofisrael.com/chevron-says-it-discovered-significant-natural-gas-find-off-egypts-coast/

THE NATIONAL PULSE: Corporates Have Begun ‘Geoengineering’ The Climate, With Basically No One’s Consent. - THE DEPLOYMENT OF SULPHUR DIOXIDE INTO THE ATMOSPHERE IS ONE OF THE WAYS THE CLIMATE CHANGE LOBBY ARE CONSIDERING MANIPULATING THE WEATHER. - https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/01/14/corporates-have-begun-geoengineering-the-climate-with-basically-no-ones-consent/

SENSOR RECEPTOR NEWS: Pharma Insider Reveals Irrefutable Evidence of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DoD, HHS, and Pharma Cartel Via the COVID Injections in New In-Depth Presentation – Jan. 17th 2023 - In a new hour-plus-long presentation pharma industry insider Sasha Latypova lays out irrefutable evidence (with all the “receipts”) showing that the COVID-19 injections have been nothing more than a bioweapon unleashed on humanity. Latypova, who worked with 60 pharma companies from all over the world during her career (including Pfizer), also shows how the COVID injections have been entirely the product of the Department of Defense, and how the entire FDA regulatory process for the experimental substances has been a literal fraud. https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=15980



 World Economic Control Prophesied Part 2

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 17th 2023


Lightning Developments


We continue our three-part study of Joseph’s life and his prophetic foreshadowing of worldwide conditions in the last days. To this point in the story, Joseph had responded to the first pleas of starving Egyptians. Joseph collected ALL the money that was found in Egypt. Joseph took every last penny in return for grain he sold so that people might eat and be saved from the famine.


He deposited all of this money into Pharaoh’s coffers. Joseph then controlled all payment specie (money) in Egypt.


What happened next? Predictably, once all the monetary savings of the people had been depleted (ending up in Pharaoh’s coffers), the people then faced a cash crunch—what Wall Street practitioners today call a “liquidity crisis.” There was no more transactional specie (cash) circulating in the land after that point.


Thereafter, from that time on, people could only barter.


The famine continued for another year.


At this point, the populace again had no grain or money left. What to do next? They needed to replenish their cupboards.


They again begged Joseph to give them food. What did Joseph do in response? He provided handouts. Actually, no, that would be a false statement. Truly, what did he do next? He demanded the people’s livestock.


In an agrarian society, as existed during that time, livestock represented assets that generated a large part of household income. Consider also that in that era, livestock was the equivalent of today’s industrial capital. They were the equivalent to our factories and transportation systems today. Horses, cattle, sheep, and other animals in Joseph’s time were the means to the production of wool, butter, and many other products. What was the result?


Here is what the hungry people did: “[…] they brought their livestock to Joseph, and he gave them food in exchange for their horses, their sheep and goats, their cattle and donkeys. And he brought them through that year with food in exchange for all their livestock” (Genesis 47:17).


Now Joseph—on behalf of Pharaoh—was in control of ALL the capital stock of Egypt. Joseph had secured ownership of the land-based transportation system (donkeys and horses) and the productive capacity of factories (livestock). He could now sell the outputs of milk and meat, as well as transportation services.


Pharaoh had become a countrywide rentier.


However, the takeover by the state didn’t stop there. Relentlessly, the famine continued yet another year.


People needed more grain, and they again became desperate. What were they forced to do? They now said to Joseph: “Buy us and our land in exchange for food, and we with our land will be in bondage to Pharaoh” (verse 19). What did Joseph do next?


He reduced the people to complete servitude. He took all their land. Now, everything from one end of Egypt to the other became the property of the state and under the control of one man— Pharaoh (with the exception of a small amount of land that was owned by the priests and special elites).


At this point, the populace owned absolutely nothing and was totally enslaved. They probably remained as such until the end of their lives.


Will the Real Joseph Stand Up?


Are there two Josephs mentioned in the Bible, or are we dealing with the one and the same?


Many see Joseph as an Old Testament picture of Christ. We would not disagree. He suffered so that he might be able to save his family in Egypt; to go ahead and, like Jesus, prepare a place for them (John 14:3). It is also noted that Joseph is the only major person in the Israelite lineage of Christ found in the Bible, of which no character flaw or sin is explicitly mentioned.


Joseph surely was a sinner like every other human being, so why are his sins not mentioned? Yet, we do discover that through his errors, this instrument of God—like all the others from Abraham to King David—has bequeathed lessons to mankind that are very relevant for our day.


An impartial examination of Joseph’s life reveals that the results of his actions were not entirely beneficial, nor his techniques virtuous. That statement will likely strike the reader as disrespectful. Should this be said of Joseph, a venerated person mentioned in the Bible?


While it is true that Joseph succeeded in saving many lives, his mission was not performed entirely in the spirit of a merciful rescue operation. Egyptians and others seeking to buy grain had to virtually sell their souls and freedoms to gain access to grain.


We note that Joseph did not donate the grain to needy people but instead required payment. Think of it. People were starving, and he asked for money for grain. Few Christian aid organizations today would think they are fulfilling Christ’s command to “feed the poor” (Luke 11:41) or their enemies (Romans 12:20) if they were profiting from their ministries.


To the contrary, the entire ownership structure of the land of Egypt was changed virtually overnight from private ownership to vassalage. With the exception of a few Egyptian priests, the immediate family of Joseph, and probably some other high-ranking elites—the entire land of Egypt came under the direct ownership of Pharaoh.


Moreover, we are told that as a result of Joseph’s policies, a system of onerous taxation resulted that is “still in force today” (Genesis 47:26). Indeed, government taxation is the norm today.


Just imagine what would happen if this type of “absolute” power that Joseph attained for Pharaoh were given to a diabolical entity or person in our day? Indeed, the Bible does clearly indicate that just such an individual is prophesied to appear in the last days.


Thankfully, Joseph was a person whom God prospered and blessed in almost everything that he did (Genesis 39:2). Yet, as mentioned, the Bible remains silent in its judgment of his techniques. It will be evident to any reader that the consequences of Joseph’s actions were not entirely ideal.


As such, a major conundrum must be noted in this story: People were saved from hunger on the one hand, yet taken captive in the process on the other. It is clear that the whole saga turned out to be a giant opportunity for the secular Pharaoh to gain power and wealth at the expense of those in need.


But did this need to occur? Joseph could have saved everyone from hunger without making Pharaoh an extremely wealthy potentate and everyone else an oppressed vassal. So, why did he not choose to do so?


We can recognize here the classic problem of mankind. People who have power and/or the opportunity will most often choose wealth … and more wealth. That is certainly the case in our day. Elites and plutocrats become ever richer.


There is one other lesson. Just as Mammon and God are incompatible, so are charity and profit. One cannot give equal weight to both. On earth, at least, money and wealth eventually win out.


Other Prophetic Parallels to Today


It may well be asked: If Joseph’s actions did indeed save millions of lives, then what does anything else matter? Wasn’t the trade-off worth it—putting entire populations into vassalage and even further widening the imbalances of the wealth distribution?


That may appear to be the same type of situation faced by those today who are making policy decisions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Should we save everyone from dying from the virus but completely destroy the global economy and place massive debts upon the shoulders of citizens? How can it be ensured that the stimulus of massive new indebtedness (created by fiat) will be distributed fairly?


Is everyone being forced into economic bondage? Attempts may be made to achieve fairness. But it would be foolishness to believe that mankind’s primordial unfaithfulness with money will suddenly turn benevolent. Pharaoh, as we have shown, ended up being super-rich. The same tendency is at work today, especially so when crises are seized as catalysts for major wealth heists and transfers.


Once policymakers begin going down the road of fiat money (Modern Money Theory) and economic interventions, there is no easy return. Temporary government policies and interventions tend to eventually become permanent fixtures. Even Joseph faced this dilemma. After serving Pharaoh for 26 years—including 12 years after the famine was over—he claimed that he was still saving lives (Genesis 50:20). Here we note that a temporary government policy measure will tend to become a permanent one.


Another specter of the Joseph story is that “[…] all the countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe in all the world” (Genesis 41:57). Here, in the first book of the Bible, we find the very roots of modern-day “globalization.”


The whole world converged together for reasons of “bread” (a euphemism for “money”). Egypt had become the world’s commercial center, and its grain became the senior currency of that epoch.


Pharaoh came to this position of controlling the entire world by dispensing the means of obtaining bread and prosperity. Here we see that the incentive of gaining “bread” had been harnessed by one centralized system … even one man. We may see that aspects of that process are again sweeping the entire world today under the guise of the promise of more bread for the entire world.


An Endtime Trap Foreshadowed


How long did it take for the entire known world of Joseph’s time to come under economic bondage to Pharaoh? According to this writer’s calculations, once the drought began, this process required only a period of three-and one-half years.


Three one-year periods are indicated, and an additional half year is deduced. Explicitly mentioned to last a year are these two yearly stages: Livestock was used as payment for one year of grain supply (Genesis 47:17). Another year was survived by giving up ownership of land and their “bodies” (verse 18).


What about the period before these two yearly spans? In response to the first request for grain, Joseph took all the money in the land (verses 13-15). We judge that the monetary transactions could not have purchased more than a year’s worth of grain consumption. As it was in those times, most wealth was represented by livestock and land. Transactional money did not play as significant a role in the livelihoods of people as today.


As already reviewed, Joseph did not buy the excess grain during the plenty period in the first place. Therefore, the seven years of plenty would not have produced a big cash hoard in people’s pockets, which may have been sufficient to purchase an adequate grain supply for all year.


With this logic, we so far count the duration of three years on the road to serfdom for Egypt’s population.


We next note that the Nile Basin at times supported two grain harvests each year. As such, it would be logical to assume that people would only have laid aside provisions of grain for one half-year, this being long enough to last until the next harvest. That suggests that six months of drought would have first taken place before food shortages began to occur. As of that point, money would have been used to purchase the next year’s grain supply.


If our estimates are correct, we can conclude that it required a three-and-one-half year period to bring the entire world under the control of one system, under the authority of one man.


In the final part of this series, we focus on the prophetic indications of global economic bondage of the entire world. What can yet be expected to occur in the future? Maranatha

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