Sunday, January 29, 2023

Corroding Wealth in the Last Days


Corroding Wealth in the Last Days - Marines and Corrupt FBI Clash – Israeli Drone Attack on Iranian Weapons Factory - Extreme & Unprecedented Severe Flooding - X22 Report Kash Patel - Mel K – WhiteHat Navy Commander Murdered and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 29th 2023


 REAL RAW NEWS: Marines and Corrupt FBI Clash at Camp Pendleton - By Michael Baxter -January 27, 2023 - U.S. Marines nearly got into a blazing firefight with corrupt federal agents Thursday afternoon when four FBI desperados arrived at Camp Pendleton’s gates claiming to have arrest warrants for two Marines who had peacefully visited the Capitol on January 6. The feds’ unwanted appearance marks the second time this week Merrick Garland’s Gestapo came hunting for active-duty Marines whose only motives for visiting Washington were to protest the stolen election and render aid to injured persons. -

MAIL ONLINE: Tyre Nichols protester hurls firework at LAPD cruiser - while squad car is smashed up in NYC: Thousands of Antifa activists march on Memphis, Portland and Seattle amid call for violence - Antifa has issued a terrifying call to arms as America braces for a night of violence - A shocking poster obtained by shows the group calling upon demonstrators to gather across New York City and 'Burn It All Down' - Riots are expected to ignite across the nation following the release of bodycam footage from the killing of Tyre Nichols, 29, by five Memphis police officers - By STEPHEN M. LEPORE and WILL POTTER and HARRIET ALEXANDER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 16:49 EST, 27 January 2023 -

Greta Thunberg Wannabe ‘Little Miss Flint’ is Reportedly Charged with 20-Year Felony for Threatening a School Shooting - Shane Trejo - Jan 28, 2023 - 15-year-old Greta Thunberg wannabe Mari Copeny, who goes by the moniker of “Little Miss Flint” and was interviewed by President Joe Biden last year, has allegedly been charged with a 20-year felony for threatening a school shooting in Grand Blanc, Mich. Sources close to the school have confirmed to Big League Politics that the minor, whose identity is being hidden by authorities and the press, is in fact Copeny. She allegedly made the threat in a Snapchat post on Nov. 7 of last year.

The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on Saturday, January 28, 2023 23:09 - On 28 January, at about 07.30, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched an intentional attack, using rocket-propelled projectiles of U.S.-manufactured HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system, on the building of district hospital in Novoaydar (Lugansk People’s Republic). The healthcare facility of Novoaydar was the venue where civilian and military professionals had been providing medical aid to local population and servicemen for many months. (Comment: The Nazis in the Ukraine intentionally do this so they can blame it on the Russians. However, the US Himars rockets are a dead giveaway.)

Drone attack on Iranian weapons factory was phenomenal success - Sunday, January 29, 2023 10:01 - Despite Iranian claims, the drone attack on Iran at Isfahan was a tremendous success, according to a mix of Western intelligence sources and foreign sources, The Jerusalem Post has learned. There were four explosions at the site, which can even be witnessed on social media, against a facility developing advanced weapons, and the damage goes far beyond the “minor roof damage” that the Islamic Republic is claiming and which it has falsely claimed before also in other incidents in recent years.

ISRAEL TODAY: Palestinians Celebrate Murderous Attack on Jerusalem Synagogue - Seven people were killed and several others were injured in a terrorist attack during the Friday evening Shabbat prayers at a synagogue in Jerusalem. - By Israel Today Staff | January 29, 2023 - According to reports, at least one terrorist opened fire “for several minutes” inside the synagogue during the Shabbat prayers killing seven and wounding several others, including a 15-year-old boy. The other victims were aged 20, 25, 30, 50 and 60, and two women, aged 60 and 70. The terrorist was chased down, shot and killed by a police officer on the scene.

WATCHERS - Extreme and unprecedented: Severe flooding hits Auckland after entire summer’s worth of rain in a single day, New Zealand - Saturday, January 28, 2023 - The presence of a low level jet (LLJ), or strong wind in the lower atmosphere, combined with tropical moisture to create persistent heavy rain in the Auckland area on Friday, January 27, 2023, resulting in widespread severe flooding, destruction and casualties. -

CHRISTIAN POST: Fla. megachurch requiring members agree to statement affirming biblical definition of marriage - By Michael Gryboski, Mainline Church Editor - A Florida megachurch is requiring members to sign in agreement with a statement defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman and stating there are only two biological genders. First Baptist Church of Jacksonville has garnered controversy in recent days for its new statement of "biblical sexuality," which reads as follows….

Over 5,621 Christians Were Murdered for Following Jesus Last Year, Report - The shocking statistics in the report revealed 5,621 Christians were murdered for their faith, the profanation of 2,110 Christian churches, and the 360 million Christians around the world who face untold persecution and discrimination -

Dangerous arctic blast ushering coldest air of 2023 across northern US – Jan. 29th 2023 - The FOX Forecast Center said an Alberta Clipper will cause temperatures to plummet to more than 20 degrees below average for the northern Plains and Upper Midwest, and with wind chills well below zero, frostbite can start in minutes. -

OUR NEW EARTH NEWS - Derek Johnson: Whitehat Military Martial Law/Emergency Broadcast System Optics!! Why Was Trump Talking About Mars From Military Standpoint??!! - January 29, 2023 -

X22 Report: Kash Patel - Dem’s Are in the Process of Removing Biden! The Patriots Have the Leverage to Get it All! - Must See Video - Saturday, January 28, 2023 12:58 - Kash Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations. Kash oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities. Kash begins the conversation the FBI who was arrested for colluding with Russia. The discussion then moves to the Biden classified docs, these docs have to do with Hunter’s business dealings. Biden is a liability and they are in the process of removing him. The patriots have the leverage and the ability to get it all by using a tactic called fencing. -

Mel K With Brent Hamachek & Felisa Blazek | Finding Common Ground to Save Our Nation | 1-25-23 -




Corroding Wealth in the Last Days

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 29th 2023



Tempting, Tantalizing Wealth


Wealth Which statement is true: Wealth is booming worldwide today, or wealth is corroding?


Gauging by popular indicators, wealth is surging. Stock market indices have been rising, hitting new all-time highs in some countries. And, spectacularly, real estate values have been soaring to previously unimaginable levels around the world, from Sweden to Canada to Australia. Surely, wealth must be booming.


Indeed, some people are becoming very rich; the already-wealthy growing incredibly wealthy. The share of wealth of the “one percent” (the wealthiest 1% of people) is definitely rising. But, seen from the vantage point of historical wealth theory as well as Biblical values, we take a completely opposite perspective. We conclude that worldwide wealth is corroding.


Moreover, we identify many prophetic parallels. The wealth trends that we are witnessing today fit hand-in-glove with the prophecies of the Bible.


People like rising wealth. In fact, they like the “appearance” that wealth is rising. No distinction is made between these two developments. More is better, whether false or real. As such, in our modern financial world, few understand the true essence of wealth. It can mean anything from jewels and natural resources, to over-valued baseball card collections or high-flying financial investments.


Centuries ago, wealth was perceived much differently. Then, wealth tended to be considered as the direct ownership of material things (gold, land, flocks, stores of food, slaves … etc.). Wealth represented in the ownership of a flock of sheep (for example) did not have a primary expression in the form of money. Today, wealth is more likely to be defined in financial terms. Yet, whatever the changes in perception and forms of riches down through the ages, actual wealth really hasn’t changed at all.


At its core, wealth is nothing more than the totality of the physical creation and the collective productive capacity of mankind’s labor—both present and future. We can define these types of wealth as either created or of human origin. Both forms of wealth are finite at any given point of time. The earth already exists with its minerals, oceans and landmasses. As well, the labor supply is static at any one time. After all, there are only so many people of potential working age on earth at any given moment. And, all of us are bound by the same 24 hours each day.


We see that the world’s wealth has a maximal physical or productive potential. It is fixed at any one moment. Yet, the volume of real wealth can change over longer periods of time.


The most important and sustainable means of increase is through growth in the earth’s population. The more people there are, the more hours of human labor that are available in the world. The greater the potential amount of labor, the greater the opportunity to create wealth. (Another wealth-creating factor is productivity. For the sake of simplicity, we will not examine its influence.) The main point is that without labor, there can be no prospect of human income; and without savings, there can be no true human-derived wealth. This is an important concept and is foundational to understanding the deceptions behind modern day financial and wealth trends.


Three Important Truths about Wealth


There are three important truths about human wealth. First, it is inextricably tied to human labor. Ultimately, the value of all wealth rests on the foundation of income—someone’s labors somewhere on earth. Second, wealth can only be accumulated when we consume less than our labor produces. Third, if we exchange our savings for a promise of payment in the future, the underlying support for that liability ultimately depends on the labors of another human sometime in the future. The inviolable fact of God’s creation is this: There can be no human wealth without human labor, whether present, past or future—either accumulated as savings in the past, or an exchange for the promise of savings in the future.


With that conclusion, we can emphatically state that human wealth in the world is corroding today. Why? Because the pool of human labor is on the verge of declining. There are number of causes. We will focus on just two.




Increasingly, people are choosing not to have children … to not form families. It is prevalent not to marry today. The result (due to this and other reasons)? Fewer children. This has now become a worldwide trend … from the Third World to Europe.


Again, the result? The world’s population is aging. The most significant impact of this development is that future retirees will be relying on the support and economic output of a following generation that is much smaller. The impact of this aging phenomenon cannot be escaped. The retiree to work ratio, as a result, is expanding rapidly. One way or another, all wealth and income will need to be supported by this following generation. However, the total pool of labor per capita will be lower!


Unavoidably, what that means is that the foundation of world wealth is on the path to corrosion. Policymakers also realize this. Their response? Pump up (inflate) the value of assets (house, stocks and bonds) in price, so as to make it look like wealth is increasing. It is an attempt to cover up the problem … to kick the can down the road for someone else to worry about.


The reality is that the accumulation of real wealth is a slow-moving process. Viewed very simply, human wealth in the world expands as the working population grows, and our incomes and labor exceed our consumption.


Many financial institutions—mutual fund management companies, for example—like to convince their clients that financial markets create limitless wealth. They would have us believe that stock and bond markets supposedly build wealth all on their own, independent of incomes, savings and human labors. And, of course, each mutual fund company likes to claim that it can extract more of this wealth out of the markets for its clients and its own profit than any other mutual fund company.


While these may be attractive concepts that sell billions in mutual funds and other investments, it is a total fallacy that financial markets create wealth. Neither do the financial industries. The truth is that they do not. By and large, their business is more concerned with the transfer of wealth. That’s not to say that financial services do not have value or are unimportant. But, to the extent that these industries promote the perception of “value” as wealth, or their ability to create wealth apart from human labor, they are mostly bamboozling us.


Foundations of Modern Financial Wealth Are False


Today, wealth is viewed as the “market value” of financial paper, securities and assets. Wealth, therefore, is entirely independent of the fruits of labor. Poof … voila … and more fictitious financial wealth can be created with the blink of an eye. That is a perspective that is supported by supposed experts. We quote an article that famously laid bare this shift to disregard underlying income and savings as the real underpinnings to wealth.


“Securitization—the issuance of high-quality bonds and stocks—has become the most powerful engine of wealth creation in today’s world economy. […] Overall, securitization is fundamentally altering the international economic system. Historically, manufacturing, exporting, and direct investment produced prosperity through income creation. Wealth was created when a portion of income was diverted from consumption into investment in buildings, machinery, and technological change. Societies accumulated wealth slowly over generations. Now many societies, and indeed the entire world, have learned how to create wealth directly. The new approach requires that a state find ways to increase the market value of its stock of productive assets.”1


That quote may prove to be a little too technical for some, but everyone will have understood what is meant by “learning to create wealth directly” and “increase the value of its stock.” What is intended here is that by simply “pumping” (inflating) both the price and the pool of financial assets (independent of labor output and savings), wealth can be created. This is totally wrong and the most heinous of deceptions.


Shocking Decline in Creation of Life


The second “labor” (wealth) corroding development we will mention is a shocking one. Men’s sperm counts are collapsing … around the world!


Researchers, led by Dr. Hagai Levine of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, examined thousands of studies and conducted reviews of 185 other studies. These included 42,935 male participants who provided semen samples between 1973 and 2011. The chosen studies were well distributed over the nearly 40 years of the study period and among 50 different countries.


What did the researchers determine? They discovered that men’s sperm counts in the Western world have fallen by 59% over the past 40 years. Ponder on this incredible statistic. If the count decline were to continue at the same pace in the future, men’s sperm counts would be at zero in only 4 decades! It is not just a Western problem. There are indications that declines in sperm counts are occurring globally.


The impact of this development is shattering in many ways. The rate of child conception will be lower … if not already. And, should counts continue to deteriorate, world populations would begin to decline and age at a much more rapid rate. As we have pointed out: World wealth is tied to labor. Declining population growth will therefore further undermine the foundations of world wealth.


Points to Ponder


Financial wealth is booming during our generation. How can this be, when real wealth is creeping along at a fraction of that rate? Here again, we see that the main driver behind this apparently huge rise in wealth has been nothing more than a boom in the perception of value.2


If apparent wealth (perceived financial wealth and otherwise) is rising much faster than underlying income growth and savings, then something potentially very dangerous is occurring. It gives rise to a very deceitful environment, one in which claims on true wealth—the ownership of human labor, past, present and future—are being misrepresented. It allows the world to fall for an enormous bondage to fictitious financial wealth, even as true wealth is being hoarded by a select few as never before.


James (the half-brother of Jesus) uttered a prophecy about the last days: “Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days” (James 5:1-3).


Here, James reveals that wealth will in fact erode (rot and corrode) in the last days, meaning that wealth will decline and disappoint. Moreover, James also indicates that wealth (false and corroding as it may be) will be hoarded and concentrated in the hands of a few.


We cannot know with any certainty whether he foresaw our day today … in other words, this exact time. The “last days” can be said to have started with the appearance of the Church. But, the trends we are witnessing today align with the prophecies of James. In fact, given that we are living in the age where Jews are in the early stages of returning to Israel (this a fulfillment of last-day prophecy), and how these corrosive wealth trends are truly global, we would do well to discern current developments as having prophetic pedigree.


As such, these are the necessary preceding developments that lead to the final fulfilled prophecies such as we find in Revelation. “They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: ‘Woe! Woe to you, great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’” (Revelation 18:19).


While the world celebrates the “appearance” of booming wealth, even while at the same time its fundamental foundations are crumbling, what attitude should Christians take?


We are to continue to live our lives free of the love of money.


We are to keep our minds on heavenly things. “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:1-2).


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