Friday, January 27, 2023



Ripening Times Part III - Putin Blasts 'Neo-Nazis' in Ukraine - Holocaust Memorial Day - Brian Deese Hanged at GITMO - X22 Report – Ben Fulford Latest - Lifting the Veil - Kari Lake Bombshell - McCarthy Is Killing It - The Book of Names - Ignore the White Noise and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 27th 2023



We Blow The Doors Off The Biden, Soros, FBI, RussiaGate Scandal! -The Dan Bongino Show - Friday, January 27, 2023 14:33 - The dangers signs surrounding the vaccine are growing, and the swamp is doubling down on censorship as a result. In this episode, I address the shocking new information.

MAIL ONLINE: Putin blasts 'neo-Nazis' in Ukraine on Holocaust Remembrance Day: Russian leader weaponizes history to justify his invasion once more...while Zelensky warns 'indifference and hatred can kill' as the world marks liberation of Auschwitz - The Russian President continued his claims on Holocaust Memorial Day - Putin was not welcome at the 78th anniversary marking Auschwitz's liberation -   The Russian President said: 'Forgetting the lessons of history leads to the repetition of terrible tragedies. 'This is evidenced by the crimes against civilians, ethnic cleansing and punitive actions organized by neo-Nazis in Ukraine. It is against that evil that our soldiers are bravely fighting.' (Comment: It should be worth noting that Russia during WW2 helped liberate many concentration camps as they drove towards Germany. Thus many lives were saved. Because of this liberation many Nazis fled to the Ukraine to escape retribution. They were embedded there ever since. This is who Russia today is removing.) - By CHRISTIAN OLIVER FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 05:46 EST, 27 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: 'The mad were worse than the corpses...they'd flail their arms and scream': On Holocaust Memorial Day, survivors recall the horrors they faced as they were transported to Auschwitz and hid from the Nazis - Agnes Kaposi, Tomi Komoly and Uri Winterstein reveal horrors of Holocaust - The survivors are telling their stories as world marks World Holocaust Day - By RACHAEL BUNYAN FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 08:30 EST, 27 January 2023 -

REAL RAW NEWS: NEC Director Brian Deese Hanged at GITMO - By Michael Baxter -January 26, 2023 - The illegitimate administration’s director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, was hanged Wednesday afternoon after a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay convicted him of treason for sabotaging the nation’s food supply.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - By Divina Ellisson - 27 January, 2023 -

Donald Trump Calls for Ending the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict - By Jose Nino - Jan 26, 2023 - After President Joe Biden recently made an announcement that the United States government would be sending Abrams tanks to Ukraine, former President Donald Trump called for the war in Ukraine to end. “FIRST COME THE TANKS, THEN COME THE NUKES. Get this crazy war ended, NOW,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “So easy to do!”

X22 Report: [WEF] Is Like The Boy That Cried Wolf! This Time Around It Won’t Work! - Bob Kudla - Must Video - Friday, January 27, 2023 9:43 -

SG Anon Bombshell!! - Live Stream - Must See Video & Must Share 1/27/23 - Friday, January 27, 2023 9:17 -

Tucker Opener Being Censored - Friday, January 27, 2023 9:33 -

Benjamin Fulford: Two Donald Trumps Explained!! (With Nino Rodriguez) - January 27, 2023 -

Lifting the Veil - An Investigative History of the United States Pathocracy - Researched and Written by Timothy M. Silver - Published in 2015 - Lifting the Veil - “I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America. We must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.”  ~~ U.S. Senator Frank Church on the NSA, 1975 - "The problem of the Pathocracy seems to be so vast and complex; it is certainly intimidating. Fortunately, the solutions are relatively simple. It begins with education and non-participation. Ignorance is the key that keeps the Pathocracy afloat. It's truly this easy. An awake populace can choose to stop holding the pyramid above their shoulders by refusing to oil the gears of the machine. We need to collectively move our money out of big banks, support local enterprise over the multinationals, and be courageously vocal about the truth."

Kari Lake Bombshell: Freedom of information request reveals some 200k FAILED votes occurred on election day in AZ - By JD Heyes -January 26, 2023 - Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake refuses to concede to now-appointed Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs because she keeps finding evidence that the election was a hot mess and likely skewed the outcome.

Deep State Is Running Out Of Places To Hide! McCarthy Is Killing It! Unhappy Libtards! - On The Fringe - Thursday, January 26, 2023 17:33 -

ZERO HEDGE: National Archives Misses Deadline To Send Biden Materials To House Republicans - BY TYLER DURDEN - THURSDAY, JAN 26, 2023 - 06:30 PM - Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times - The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) failed to meet a Jan. 24 deadline to hand over materials requested by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability relating to the discovery of classified documents in President Joe Biden’s former office, a committee spokesperson confirmed to The Epoch Times.

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: Pentagon preparing for investigations by House GOP - According to a senior defense official, Pentagon officials are preparing for upcoming GOP-led investigations into accusations of promoting “woke” military policies, failure at the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and countless other matters under investigation.

REUTERS SPECIAL REPORT - A Russian graveyard reveals Wagner’s prisoner army - A rapidly expanding cemetery in a southern Russian village offers insight into the convicts who are fighting - and dying - for the secretive mercenary army of Wagner Group. (Comment: The US also uses Blackwater mercenaries to fight in Ukraine.) - By FELIX LIGHT, FILIPP LEBEDEV and READE LEVINSON Filed Jan. 26, 2023, 11 a.m. -

ISRAEL TODAY - Muslim Visions of Jesus: Light Dawns on Those Dwelling in Darkness – By Israel Today Staff | January 25, 2023 - Is God sovereignly invading our region under the radar by giving Muslims dreams and visions, and thus tangentially undermining Israel’s enemies? Have you ever had a dream of a shining divine figure? Well, it turns out that multitudes of Israel’s Muslim neighbors in over a dozen Muslim nations have been having dreams and visions like this. From Jordan all the way east to Iran and beyond, and westward as well. Some estimate the number of such dreams in the millions over the last few decades! Jesus has stepped in and is opening Muslim hearts Himself.”

ISRAEL TODAY: Yad Vashem unveils ‘The Book of Names’ at the United Nations – “Comfort, oh comfort My people, Says your God.” – ISAIAH 40:1 - (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - By JNS – HOLOCAUST - JANUARY 26, 2023 - It’s a book filled with the names of 4.8 million murder victims. The blank pages at the end, though, are especially haunting. In recognition of this year’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yad Vashem is set to unveil on Thursday an installation at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. This massive exhibition, called The Book of Names, includes the alphabetically arranged names of 4.8 million Holocaust victims whose identities are known to Yad Vashem. The Book of Names….

CBS NEWS: U.S. Georgia governor declares state of emergency, activates 1,000 National Guard troops amid Atlanta protests - BY KERRY BREEN - UPDATED ON: JANUARY 26, 2023 / 5:02 PM / CBS NEWS - Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp declared a state of emergency Thursday and activated 1,000 National Guard troops in response to ongoing violent protests in downtown Atlanta following a shooting last week near a controversial future law enforcement training site in which a Georgia state trooper was wounded and a man was killed. The state of emergency is in effect until Feb. 9, according to the document, unless renewed by the governor.

New Monkey Werx SITREP 1.27.23 - Friday Live! - Friday, January 27, 2023 10:28 -

Ignore the White Noise - Friday, January 27, 2023 11:57 - The United States has been going bankrupt gradually since the Johnson administration. There is no need to discuss this further: people either know how much the country is in debt or they are unwilling to hear the truth.

Audios Dollar, Brazil and Argentina to ditch the dollar, South American nations follow - Friday, January 27, 2023 11:23 -

New Benjamin Fulford: Friday Mass Geopolitical Update Q&A Video 01/2023 - Friday, January 27, 2023 10:32 -

MAIL ONLINE: Fentanyl's deathly grip on America: Cheap synthetic opioid flooding US street drug supply is dragging down life expectancy, turning our cities into Zombielands and killing 1,500 people a WEEK - Fentanyl kills nearly 1,500 Americans every week, according to CDC data - The highly potent opioid has fueled a drug overdose crisis in the last decade - READ MORE: Philadelphia streets called 'Zombieland' because of drug use - By MANSUR SHAHEEN DEPUTY HEALTH EDITOR FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 12:24 EST, 27 January 2023 -



 Ripening Times – Part III: Discerning Trends of Significance

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 27th 2023


The Antichrist?


We are chronicling the world’s most “significant trends” of the present season. These might be considered among the “signs of the times” that Jesus implored us to discern (Matthew 16:3). The sudden, “significant trend” that we continue to review in this part of the series is the rise of very powerful and large multinational corporations (MNCs)… often called the Global Titans. Among a long list of factoids presented, we pointed out that some of the Titans have more employees that some countries have in population.


The senior executives of these companies indeed wield much power. Among other venues, these executives yearn to participate in the annual pilgrimage to Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum meeting (which is sponsored by some 1,000 companies around the globe). There they hobnob with politicians, academics, and anyone else who is a “mover and shaker” in world affairs or ultra-wealthy.


Could these powerful executives be considered the equivalent of “kings” in our era? Could they comprise the 10 kings (mentioned or figured 10X in the Bible)? The Bible allows for some alternative views, mentioning several other groups of powerful and/or wealthy elites. Do these qualify as actors in the last days?


Greatly Honored People


Consider this Bible verse, “He […] will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price” (Daniel 11:39, NIV). This verse is excerpted from a section in Daniel that describes the actions of the final world ruler (the Antichrist). We see here that elites of some kind will receive considerable reward for their complicity in supporting the agendas of the final incarnate “spirit of the Antichrist.”


Who are the ones that receive honor from the Antichrist? The answer—those that will acknowledge him. Virtually all English Bible translations use the word “acknowledge.” It means here that certain key people who recognize him and accept his authority will receive a reward—land.


It should be noted that the original Aramaic word used for “land” in this verse can also convey the idea of property or economic domain, as well as geographic area. After all, in ancient times, land was the main foundation of wealth and economy. Today, there are other forms of significant wealth.


It only follows that this must be a small, elite group of people, who likely are already influential. Why? They will be made rulers over many. As not everyone can be made a ruler over many, therefore these will be few.


The elites—whoever they are—are bought off for their loyalty with further reward: the additional pay-off of power or economic domain, we reason. It is the same or similar deal that Satan offered Christ when He was being tested in the wilderness, promising “authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So, if you worship me, it will all be yours” (Luke 4:6-7).


But why did the devil think it worthwhile to specifically test Christ in such a colossal way? Obviously, it would have been great gain for him were he successful. Here was motive and incentive. We may therefore take some license and deduce that there will be similar motives and incentives behind the Antichrist’s endtime reward systems.


Also, the elites selected for reward must have something to barter in return … likely their fame or endorsement. It wouldn’t be surprising then if these were highly revered people, politicians, great humanitarians, or Christian masqueraders … even so-called “angels of light.”


We are given at least a few criteria with which to identify who these elites might be at that future date. In the first instance, they must be humans (not demonic spirits). Also, they must be capable of being rulers, already likely possessing some measure of power and authority—perhaps a large multinational. And, they must be willing, greedy, worldly complicitors.


Although these final events play out during the future Tribulation period (and therefore really do not concern us personally), is it already possible today to discern the power structures that these elites might command? Although we cannot be definitive in light of conditions today, we can certainly consider some possible candidates that play a facilitating role.


Apostle John prophesies about yet another type of rich elite. These are the rich merchants that appear to play an influential role in the world at that future time. These “merchants of the earth grew rich from her [the whore’s] excessive luxuries” (Revelation 18:3). Those that “gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment” (verse 15).


These merchants clearly are wealthy people, and their economic power is on a global scale. It is true that, indeed, merchants (famed business executives of major companies) today are the most venerated people on earth. We live in a materialist culture that worships wealth and affluence.


Can we identify the elite group of people described by Daniel or Apostle John in Revelation 18? Are they one and the same? We cannot know for sure, but likely not. Though they may be different groups of elites, they certainly will be identifiable once the Tribulation Period begins.


What about the rich of the last days, mentioned in James 5:1-6, and the rule of the 10 kings, mentioned by both Daniel and Apostle John? These two groups of individuals may very well be visible before the Tribulation begins.


What we can safely conclude is that a great economic power structure has emerged over a very short period. These power nodes await some type of elites to play their role in the service of the Antichrist.


Continue to Get Bigger, Concentrating Industry Power


And still, the Global Titans are getting even bigger. These firms gobble up other companies, merge or build new companies at a rapid pace. In recent years, these activities have boomed to frenzied levels. One hundred billion plus takeover deals have become the norm. The total number of mergers or acquisition by MNCs around the world (both cross-border or domestic) has literally exploded over the past twenty years. Clearly, an energized trend is underway.


All signs are that this global favoritism for the multinational company will continue. Some people are even willing to invest greater powers in MNCs. One global thinker advocated that global companies be given the responsibility of international security. Given their superior global information systems, MNCs are the natural choice to regulate international exports and imports and to gather intelligence. We should expect MNCs to become even more powerful worldwide in the years ahead.


Without a doubt, the Global Titans are a major enabler—if not the very epicenter—of an endtime economic and monetary order, whose aim is to conspire against God and persecute the values and beliefs of Christians. MNCs are one of the major “significant trends” on earth today, driving a worldwide convergence toward unified beliefs and values, centered upon money and wealth.


Looking ahead, one can imagine that MNCs as a group will continue to expand and envelope a greater part of the earth’s human economic activity, wielding fierce financial control of world affairs.


The rise of the MNC is of great significance to Christians for more than a few reasons. As we have observed, they are at the very center of globalization and financialization. MNCs are at the forefront of the convergent drive to a worldwide materialistic belief system. In the process, they impact our personal and economic freedoms and challenge and test our Christian faith.


Increasingly, the values and ethics promoted in the places where many of us work are being determined by these basically amoral entities. We see that MNCs as a group wield enormous power over world affairs, as they collectively dominate global economic and financial systems.


The multinational organization is certainly a very influential and relatively new form of human organization, viewed against the human historical timeline. These have strict hierarchies and highly defined “pecking” orders. Obedience is lavishly rewarded, especially among the higher executive echelons. Can Christians comfortably work in the top executive tiers of global Big Titans? In many ways, these new leviathans have created a spiritual and materialistic “straight jacket” that challenges the faith and freedom of overcoming believers.


Thoughts to Ponder


The Bible mentions both rewards and acknowledgement as playing a significant role in the end times. However, there are two different types of reward regimes—one good and the other, evil.


Those elites that acknowledge the Antichrist, get the reward of land and wealth. The Bible also specifically tells us what the reward will be for everybody else … in other words, all the rest of the masses that acknowledge and worship the Antichrist.


What is the reward of non-Christian earth-dwellers? They will not be killed (a negative reward) and will be allowed to “buy or sell.”  Unfortunately, those who do acknowledge him will be eternally condemned.


On the other hand, for all the Tribulation Christians, he causes “all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell” (Revelation 13:15-17).


What then is the reward today for pre-Rapture Christians … and the price?


Certainly, we do not have the promise of something so mundane and temporal as the “land” promised to the elites (in other words, material wealth), position and power in the world. Said Christ, “Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:12).


The saints are the ones that the world will hate, as the world also hated Christ. Said Jesus, “[…] you will be hated by all nations because of me” (Matthew 24:9). As Apostle Paul experienced, the saints are more likely to be troubled than coddled, perplexed than self-reliant, persecuted than befriended, rejected than accepted. “For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body” (2 Corinthians 4:11).


Finally, says Christ, “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven” (Matthew 10:32).


Take courage, Christ is coming quickly with His reward. “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:12). For, soon it will be time for “rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great” (Revelation 11:18). Maranatha


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