Monday, January 16, 2023

World Economic Control Prophesied


World Economic Control Prophesied - Marines Rescue General Berger from CIA Captors - Italy's 'Godfather' Captured after 30 yrs - Trump Declares War on Cartels and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 16th 2023


President Donald J. Trump Declares War on Cartels - January 5, 2023 -

Situation Update 01.16.23 ~ Q Post – Trump Return – SGAnon Intel ~ Benjamin Fulford – Charlie Ward NESARA Update!! - January 16, 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: The hidden dangers of 'gender-affirming care': 55% of trans women who have 'bottom surgery' are in so much pain they need medical care years later, according to study of dozens of cases — and up to a third struggle to use the toilet or have sex - Based on 80 patients who visited one clinic in Canada for follow-up treatment - Some patients received procedures abroad - where rules may not be as strict - Study biased as it used patients who came for post-op care on their own accord - Vaginoplasty patients reported bleeding, UTIs and sexual function concerns - Researchers call for better post-operative care for newly popular procedure - By MEIKE LEONARD FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 10:54 EST, 16 January 2023 -

DAVID MARCUS: Where was the Trump-like raid? The embarrassing crime scene photos? Why are Joe's lawyers doing the digging, not the FBI? This all stinks to high heaven - but don't expect our liberal media to notice - By DAVID MARCUS FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 12:41 EST, 16 January 2023 -

SKY WATCHTV: THE HYBRID AGE–FEATURING DR. THOMAS HORN - Posted January 12, 2023 - As astonishing technological developments push the frontiers of humanity towards far-reaching morphological transformation (which promises in the very near future to redefine what it means to be human), an intellectual and fast-growing cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the use of these powerful new fields of science and technology as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories, our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps-as Professor Joel Garreau, Lincoln Professor of Law, claims- our immortal souls.

SKY WATCH TV - 4 Things Parents Should Know About Avatar—The Way Of Water: It’s All About Nature … And Pagan Worldviews - January 15, 2023 by SkyWatch Editor - The native people of Pandora consider nature their equal. They worship nature. They communicate with nature. They receive their energy from it. In one scene, a Na’vi pregnant woman talks to a pregnant whale-like sea creature, exchanging stories and wishing each other well. In another scene, an underwater creature saves the life of a Na’vi teen who seemingly had died drowning.

REAL RAW NEWS: Marines Rescue General Berger from CIA Captors - By Michael Baxter -January 16, 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE - The ship that nobody wanted: How cruise liner carrying more than 900 Jewish refugees fleeing to the US from Nazi Germany in WWII was forced to turn around and sail back to Europe - where more than 250 were murdered in the Holocaust - MS St Louis was carrying 937 mostly Jewish passengers from Hamburg to Cuba - The refugees had visas to stay in Cuba while they got permission to go to US - But after ship arrived in May 1939, authorities refused permission to disembark - The US and Canada refused to allow them in, so ship had to head back to Europe - At the last moment, Britain, France, the Netherlands and Belgium took them in - But all but Britain were invaded by Nazis, and 254 from the ship were murdered - Were you or your relatives on board the MS St Louis? Email - By HARRY HOWARD, HISTORY CORRESPONDENT FOR MAILONLINE  - PUBLISHED: 07:50 EST, 16 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: How Italy's most wanted 'Godfather' was captured after 30 years on the run: Inside Matteo Messina Denaro's arrest as cops swarm medical clinic during cancer check then mobster flees on foot to nearby bar - Italian police swooped on a private hospital in the Sicilian capital of Palermo where mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro had gone for a cancer check - Messina Denaro, 60, was sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in the 1992 murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino - He has been on the run for 30 years and was considered Sicily's Cosa Nostra top boss even while a fugitive - By RACHAEL BUNYAN and NICK PISA FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 04:16 EST, 16 January 2023 -

Brazil’s New Communist Government Implements TOTAL BIG BROTHER CRACKDOWN in Response to Pro-Freedom Uprising - By Shane Trejo - Jan 15, 2023 - In response to a pro-freedom uprising in Brazil, the new communist regime installed to lord over the South American country is reacting with total Big Brother repression. Journalist Glenn Greenwald, who actually supported the left-wing government that recently came to power, noted the troubling developments in a series of Twitter posts. “The censorship regime in Brazil is growing rapidly, virtually daily now. We just obtained a censorship order that is genuinely shocking, directing multiple social media platforms to *immediately* remove numerous prominent politicians and commentators,” Greenwald stated.

THE EPOCH TIMES: COVID-Narrative Dissenters File Antitrust Action Against Legacy Media Over Coordinated Censorship - By Bill Pan January 11, 2023 - A coalition of outspoken critics and skeptics of the mainstream narratives on COVID-19 has brought an antitrust lawsuit against some of the world’s largest news organizations, accusing them of working in collaboration to suppress dissenting voices surrounding the pandemic. The lawsuit (pdf), filed on Tuesday in a federal court in Texas, targets The Washington Post, the British Broadcasting Corp (BBC), The Associated Press (AP), and Reuters—all of which are members of the “Trusted News Initiative (TNI),” a self-described “industry partnership” formed in 2020 among legacy media giants and big tech companies.

Whistleblower Reveals What is Behind the Mass Attacks on US Food Facilities (Video) - In the United States, dozens of food processing plants suspiciously caught fire over the past year. Remarkably, no one was present at the time of the fires. The Eco Health Alliance whistleblower, bioterrorism expert, military veteran, and scientist Dr. Andrew Huff has a possible explanation for the food supply fires. Huff has access to government information about simulating a food supply attack. The information comes from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Food and Agriculture Sector Criticality Assessment Tool (FASCAT). This also includes which places are particularly at risk.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: Something So Strange About The 'Covid' Death Toll Numbers In America And In China - MSM Finally Admits So Called Covid Deaths Could Actually Be Covid 'Vaccine-Related' Deaths – Jan. 15th 2023 - By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine - Once in a while we can garner some truths from the MSM in America. Of course we have to hunt, mix and match their propaganda up, and then hunt some more before putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Even then their biases, and willingness to twist themselves into pretzels to fit the preferred narrative is easily least by those with their eyes open.

THE BURNING PLATFORM: Snowden on the Real Biden Scandal - Guest Post by Martin Armstrong - Snowden has pointed out the real scandal is that the DOJ’s role in suppressing the information released about the Biden documents which predate the November elections. He points out that you can be sentenced to 5 years in prison per document. Of course, you will remember California Democratic Senator Diane Finestein wanted to have Snowden charged with TREASON for revealing classified information on the internet about how the government was ILLEGALLY surveilling all Americans conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA). Being charged with Treason can be a death sentence.

THE BURNING PLATFORM: The World Economic Forum & the World Health Organization Are Elevating Themselves Above the World’s Governments – Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts – Jan. 16th 2023 - First, ask yourself how Klaus Schwab’s organization, WEF, and Rockefeller, Bill Gates, and Big Pharma’s organization, WHO, got the word “world” in their name.  The only organization on a world level is the United Nations.  As it name implies, it is an organization of independent nations. The nations speak, not the world, much less a private organization like the WEF and a privately funded organization like WHO.

25-Year-Old Doctor of Pharmacy Who Ran Multiple “Vaccine” Clinics Dies Suddenly - Was it the jabs? - by JD Rucker  January 15, 2023 in News, Original - The rising cases of young and otherwise healthy people dying suddenly has claimed another victim with a promising future. According to End Times Headlines: A 25-year-old doctor of Pharmacy died suddenly in Pittsburgh in December, just before her father was rushed to the ICU, loved ones say in a GoFundMe campaign. Dr. Lindsay Ann Heck, 25, died unexpectedly from an unknown cause on Dec. 20, 2022, as stated in her obituary…..

David Wilkerson Economic Collapse then A Russian Invasion - David Wilkerson had a series of visions and angelic visitations from the lord during his life time until his death in 2011, about the coming collapse of the U.S. economy and the destruction of America. In the economic collapse there will be riots and fires all across major cities…. Amy S. - January 18, 2015 -

David Wilkerson: Global Economic Collapse Begins in Germany - July 17, 2019 11:55 AM By James Bailey - This article was originally posted on May 11, 2015 and is being reposted due to recent financial trouble at Germany’s largest bank, Deutsch Bank. (Comment: In case you missed it, Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme in 2017. The giant German lender was hit with about $630 million in penalties on Tuesday over a $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme that involved its Moscow, New York and London branches. It follows a $7.2 billion settlement Deutsche Bank reached with the U.S. Department of Justice last month over toxic mortgage assets and the $2.5 billion it agreed to pay in 2015 over interest rate manipulation. The latest fines penalize Deutsche Bank (DB)'s failure to deal with a stock-trading scheme that enabled some of its clients in Russia to improperly move huge sums of money out of the country and into offshore accounts, according to regulators. DB is just about as crooked as it gets.)

THE VISIONS BY PERRY STONE: THE VISIONS IN THIS BOOK were taken from Perry Stone's personal dream and vision journal, and he believes now is the time to tell them publicly. They reveal what was, what is, and what is to come. Topics include: The history of ancient oracles, God's use of seers to reveal the future, and the ways God spoke to pagan leaders through dreams and visions - Visions of cremation ovens - Visions of burning cities, including New York City - Fred Stone's vision of an East Coast nuclear attack from Russian submarines - Fred Stone's warning of a terrorist attack on the Capitol in DC - Warning of a terrorist attack on a public school - Tsunami visions and the areas they hit - Vision of a nuclear event followed by a stock market collapse - Vision of empty city streets and no travel - A vision of a biological weapon attack in London - Visions of an earthquake in Saint Louis and surrounding areas - The end time attack on Christians and churches - Political leaders without God's favor, Trump 2024 parallels, and Americas division - Rules and wisdom principles for surviving and thriving at the time of the end - Believers must pray and be prepared for the climax of the age and the fullness of time that will release prophetic events upon their nation and the world. Order it on Amazon. (Comment: As a pastor myself I must remind you that we are living in the last days for which the Bible speaks, but NOT the last day, that is the time of God’s wrath and is the last half of the Great Tribulation. The Rapture must happen first before the seven years of Tribulation. But even before the Rapture we will have the Days of Jubilee. That is a time of peace & prosperity for Israel and the entire world. We have not entered that time period yet. It will happen next.)

AMERICAN THINKER: Establishment media no longer protecting Biden, another potent signal to him that he won’t be in the White House after January 21, 2025 - By Thomas Lifson – Jan. 15th 2023 - It’s only taken a week for Joe Biden to lose all three pillars of power that have served to get him elected as president and protected him from the consequences of his incompetence in office. Andrew Weissmann, the ruthless chief of staff of the Mueller special counsel investigation is warning him of his legal jeopardy he faces from the politicized Department of Justice in the wake of leaks about him planning to run for re-election.

ZERO HEDGE: UK Sending Heavy Tanks Will Only "Intensify" Conflict With "More Casualties": Kremlin - BY TYLER DURDEN - SUNDAY, JAN 15, 2023 - 11:00 AM - The Ukrainian NEONAZI government has recently issued a call for its Western backers to provide heavy tanks so in can beat back Russian forces, after countries like Poland and other Eastern European governments have already provided an estimated 300 modernized Soviet tanks since last February. But Kiev is urging for hundreds more Western-manufactured tanks to be sent, especially the US M1 Abrams. But so far Washington has only pledged light infantry carriers - the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. (Comment: My Intel says by sending more tanks the situation in Ukraine will only exacerbate the ongoing peace talks. Targets being hit now in Ukraine are neonazi missiles taking down apartment complexes blaming it on the Russians.)

FOX WEATHER - 'One last gut punch': California's nearly monthlong stretch of atmospheric river storms coming to an end - Storm after storm has been slamming into the Golden State since the end of December. And while the torrential rain has helped ease some of the drought conditions, so much rain has fallen that it has led to the flooding of rivers and streams across the state.

NATURAL NEWS - History repeats itself: Holocaust survivor goes into hiding after German court authorizes her transfer to psychiatric institution for forced COVID-19 vaccination - Sunday, January 15, 2023 by: Arsenio Toledo -

ZERO HEDGE: Wind Farms Eyed In Surge Of Dead Whales On NJ, NY Beaches - BY TYLER DURDEN - SATURDAY, JAN 14, 2023 - 02:00 PM - In a case of odd bedfellows, environmental groups and Republican politicians are calling for a pause in offshore wind farm development following a string of whales washing up dead on New Jersey and New York beaches. Seven whales have turned up dead in little over a month. The latest victim, a 20- to 25-foot juvenile Humpback whale, turned up in Brigantine, New Jersey on Thursday afternoon, close to a Coast Guard station. "The wave of dead whales is the ocean sounding the alarm, and we must heed the warning,” said Cindy Zipf, executive director of Jersey-based Clean Ocean Action……

OLIVE TREE MINISTRIES: Deliver Us from Evil January 16, 2023 - “There shall not be found among you . . . anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD. And because of these abominations the LORD your God is driving them out before you.”—Deuteronomy 18:10-12 - God is not pleased with the paranormal, although it is soaring today! Witchcraft is disturbingly popular. Social media is now a hotbed of supernaturalism and New Age practices. - Promoters attract millions of followers. The Bible suggests such practices will increase in the last days. But why are solid Christians being oppressed to the point they cry, "deliver us from evil"? Dark forces are clearly stepping up their game here in the last days, and the target seems to be Christians who are telling the truth about God’s plan for the end of the Church Age. Be assured that the Name of Jesus Christ drives away the demonic. We don't have to fear! Pastor Brandon Holthaus reports that he is encountering this on an all-new level. Christians are being harassed like never before. How is the church contributing to the problem? What are the manifestations people are experiencing? How real are the apparitions many are having? Do associations matter? What is sleep paralysis? Was there an entry point in the lives of those experiencing this?



 World Economic Control Prophesied: …There Yet? Part 1

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 16th 2023



Vladimir Lenin, the one-time head of Soviet Russia, was quoted as saying: “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.” Breathtakingly, an acceleration of that magnitude appears to have unfolded in the early months of 2020.


No sooner did the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe that a new future for the world seemed to have already been well pre-planned. One cannot be blamed for thinking that a cadre of policymakers around the world had been waiting for the next crisis.


Crises, whatever their kind, act as catalysts in human affairs. Panicked fears and societal uncertainties serve as an impetus for new and unorthodox policy decisions by political leaders and policymakers. Of course, many of these are well-meaning but also may have deleterious consequences.


However, one does not need to invoke far-fetched conspiracy theories to explain why crises come about … how they are triggered, and how they prey upon common and predictable human behaviors. In this respect, crises are a normal feature of mankind’s societies; they have been the constant companion of human existence.


Crucially, however, there is one conspiracy of cosmological dimensions that has been playing out over many generations of humans. It is a conspiracy that requires no speculation, being clearly mentioned in the Bible.


“A master of intrigue will arise” (Daniel 8:23). He will “[…] take his stand against the Prince of princes” (verse 25). The power behind him is Satan himself. Also, Psalm 2:1-2 reveals that all the world’s rulers will take a stand against God at that time. A hierarchy of evil and dark forces work in unison and coordination to that goal (Ephesians 6:12).


Conveniently, crises can serve as a clandestine cover under which to push forward a long-term agenda against God. For example, mankind is very vulnerable to fear and greed. Satan knows this very well. He, therefore, surely loves hyperactive financial markets around the world. He ruthlessly uses these human penchants and weaknesses to his advantage.


It is, therefore, reasonable to accept that crises and their attendant human responses of fear and panic do play into the glove of those who have an agenda to advance. They can seize the opportunity of a populace that is willing to compromise or accept a loss of freedom for the sake of security and prosperity.


These trade-offs lead down a very treacherous road … one that is well-documented throughout history and also in the Bible, as we will show. Why? Because such changes and trends borne of crises are usually cumulative and not easily reversed.


Consider the advances of science and technology. These are always a step leading forward, never to be reversed or lost. It is similar with policymaking in respect to human rights, centralization of power, globalism, censorship, central banking, etc. These humanist advances are often one-way developments: give an inch, and when a facilitating crisis arrives, then take a mile.


An undeniable trait of history is that a genuine crisis—whether health-related, economic, of public safety and/or civic order—always and everywhere enhances the powers of top-down, authoritarian leadership.


Without a doubt, these types of nefarious shifts are being witnessed in bright lights around the world today. In fact, this writer would even state that these “ripening” trends have accelerated as perhaps never before in recent years … now kicked into supersonic speed following the latest global crises.


Consider that Freedom House, even before 2020 ever arrived, had already counted 14 consecutive years of declining freedom worldwide.[1] Looking ahead, it would not be surprising to observe this trend to be in further freefall.


We live in an age where globalization has progressed rapidly (though possibly experiencing an ebb for a while); a global brotherhood of man through the common interests of commerce, speaking as if with one language and objective.


The rebellious unification of world rulers and elites against God and His Son Jesus Christ is already far advanced.


Essential to this agenda is a final financial entrapment of all mankind to force all to worship the Antichrist. Economic captivity, therefore, plays a key role in the last days. A diabolical trapper has been setting in place an endtime money snare.


How did the world get to this late date … this rendezvous with History? It required a lot of planning and plotting … forward steps followed by backward steps, then again forward.


The end goal is to entirely entrap humanity, allowing him fewer and fewer options. Ultimately, a stern world ruler (Daniel 8:23) will be revealed, forcing humanity to comply with his agenda of rebellion.


As already mentioned, it is a plot to which the Bible testifies. In fact, right from the first Book of Genesis, an endtime program of enslavement of mankind is foreshadowed.


In the Beginning, a Blueprint


Bible scholars say that the entirety of Scripture is enfolded in its first book. As such, one will also discover that much prophecy is foreshadowed in the Book of Genesis.


Consider the Biblical account of Joseph, seen as a wondrous story. However, in our interpretation, it provides a surprising endtime conspiratorial blueprint, which is urgently germane to our day.


Readers will surely be shocked to learn that the story of Joseph would offer just such a perspective. After all, wasn’t the story of Joseph about the remarkable rise of a young man who had been sold by his brothers to Midianite traders traveling to Egypt? Starting out as a slave, he eventually rose to the very top of that era’s geopolitical echelon as a chief regent of Pharaoh. Egypt at that time was the most powerful country in the world.


How did Joseph come to this position?


While Joseph was in prison in Egypt (after being falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife), Pharaoh experienced a vision of seven “fat and sleek” cows coming out of the Nile. These were followed by seven ugly and lean cows, who then ate up the seven fat cows. He was perplexed. He then saw a second vision, which repeated the message of the first. Only this time, it was seven full heads of seeds, followed by seven heads that had been withered and scorched.


However, Pharaoh and his entourage were not able to decipher the meaning of these dreams. And so, Joseph was called out of prison to interpret the meaning of the vision, as he had done before for his two jail-cell companions. He told Pharaoh that the visions revealed God’s plan to allow seven years of abundance in Egypt, to be followed by seven years of famine.


God had enabled Joseph to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, as well as recommend a public works program. In response, Pharaoh appointed Joseph to prepare the nation for a seven-year drought. He was put in charge of the entire kingdom.


Just as Joseph had said, seven years of abundance did occur, which were followed by seven years of famine. While other lands had no grain, in the whole land of Egypt there was plenty of food.


It then becomes a very heart-rending story. It reveals what humanity will do in order to quell the pangs of hunger … to be saved from a crisis of whatever kind. In desperate times, having little choice, people will strike bad deals … ceding freedoms and increasing their vulnerability to rich despots and totalitarian regimes.


Fourteen years later, the entire commercial and societal structure of the known world at that time, as well as almost all the land in Egypt, came under the control of one man—Pharaoh—due to Joseph’s management. Pharaoh ended up becoming an all-powerful, economic potentate. Such was the case in Egypt almost 4,000 years ago, when Joseph reigned as vice-regent.


How did this happen? A more detailed examination of this account reveals many levels of prophetic foreshadowing, these serving to provide endtime warnings for the world and Christians living today.


A Sometime Misinterpreted Story?


The Bible story of Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, is a popular favorite of children and adults alike. Not only does it celebrate the ultimate blessings that accrued to a righteous man, but it also shows how God can miraculously enter into the seemingly unfortunate occurrences of our lives and ultimately work them out for good (Romans 8:28).


However, now with new eyes, the account of Joseph’s deeds raises many questions.


Joseph began the operation of stockpiling the harvested grain of the seven fat years. According to the original edict (Genesis 41:34-35), Joseph and his commissioners were to take one-fifth of the harvest and store the grain inside the cities. Joseph did not pay for the excess grain; he collected one-fifth as a tax.


During the seven bountiful years, the stockpiles eventually became so large that he was no longer able to keep an account of their size (v. 49).


Then, as was prophesied, “The seven years of abundance in Egypt came to an end” (v. 53).


When Egypt and other lands “began to feel the famine, the people cried to Pharaoh for food. Then Pharaoh told all the Egyptians, ‘Go to Joseph and do what he tells you'” (v. 55). And they did so.


Then “Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians” (v. 56).


Scripture tells us that, receiving payment, Joseph collected all the money that was found in Egypt and Canaan. Again, we note that Joseph collected ALL of the money in these lands as payment. Joseph took every last penny in return for grain so that people might eat and be saved from the famine.


What was the result? Joseph then controlled all payment specie. He deposited all of this money into Pharaoh’s coffers. Maranatha



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