Monday, January 23, 2023

Are We Living in the Last Days


Are We Living in the Last Days - Texas Bans Students From Using TikTok – Madonna & The Occult - Elon Musk Discloses Vaccine Injuries To Himself & Family - The 'Biden Body Count' - Border City On Brink of Collapse - Trump Warns Republicans Not to Cut Social Security or Medicare - Slimes Creatures In The Swamp - X22 Report - Pandemic of Lies – Tik Tok Banned on TX Campus and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 23rde 2023


ALL NEWS PIPELINE: As The 'Biden Body Count' Keeps Growing Across America, George Orwell Warned Long Ago: 'There Is Something Wrong With A Regime That Requires A Pyramid Of Corpses Every Few Years' - New York Times headlines from the 1930s prove the left has always made promises of progress, but only delivered death. Do you ever feel like you’re seeing history repeat itself and yet you cannot wake people up to the danger? This can be maddening at times, especially when you look back at records from the period before WWII, and you see the same themes, propaganda, and lies. Meanwhile, the fascist far left — the party of projection — keeps up with their constant barrage of BS.

EPOCH TIMES:  ‘Friendly Skies’? Interview With an Unvaccinated Pilot Suing United Airlines - By Roger L. Simon January 22, 2023 Updated: January 22, 2023 - The first thing I asked Tom Floyd was whether there was truth to the rumor that the wealthiest 1 percent who were heading for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, were looking for unvaccinated pilots to fly their private jets. The idea was that the—some might call them hypocritical—WEF attendees were aware of the growing reports of potential perilous side effects from the shots and had put personal safety over their professed beliefs in global warming.

REAL RAW NEWS: General Berger, Wounded But Recovering - By Michael Baxter -January 23, 2023 – Rogue CIA agents off the reservation kidnapped General Berger beat him endlessly it appears just for the fun of it. Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger remains at an undisclosed White Hat hospital as he recovers from grievous wounds sustained during his brush with CIA kidnappers, a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. The general, he said, endured the following wounds during his week in captivity…

Must Watch! Globalists Panic As Elon Musk Discloses Vaccine Injuries To Himself & Family! - Alex Jones Must Video - Monday, January 23, 2023 10:28 - Elon Musks admits that the covid vaccine has caused damage to him and his family.

Pay Attention! Important Decisions Being Made! Point Of No Return Is Here! - Truth & Art TV - Monday, January 23, 2023 10:09 - These people are getting the Flu that would have been called COVID last year. Most if not all of these people are probably vaccinated and getting the Strokes from the vaccines. Next thing coming will be all these heart attacks, strokes and blood clots were due to having COVID even if you never had symptoms.

MAIL ONLINE: Border city is on brink of collapse under 'unprecedented' migrant surge that has left hospitals and food banks overloaded: Number of crossings is 'highest for thirty years' - County Supervisor Jonathan Lines said Yuma cannot support the migrant flow - Yuma County saw a 171% increase in migrant crossings between 2021 and 2022 - By CHRISTIAN OLIVER FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 05:44 EST, 23 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: Trump warns Republicans not to cut Social Security or Medicare in their debt ceiling battle - and instead focus on 'foreign aid, cracking down on migration and BILLIONS spent on climate extremism' - Donald Trump on Friday waded into the debt ceiling impasse with a policy video - He warned Republicans not to target entitlement programs for cuts - That would hurt hardworking Americans and seniors, he said - 'The pain should be borne by Washington bureaucrats,' he said - It paints House Republicans into an awkward corner as they look for savings - By ROB CRILLY, SENIOR U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 11:56 EST, 20 January 2023 -

Drips Are Tearing Apart The Biden Administration! Continued Corruption Collapsing! Slimes Creatures In The Swamp! - On The Fringe - Sunday, January 22, 2023 20:20 - The Biden administration is faltering faster and faster. They are being pushed to 25th amendment or worse way faster than they are ready for. Be prepared, any day stuff could change forever…

A Pandemic of Lies: MHRA confirms COVID is Man-Made & the Vaccines are not based on the “Virus” but instead on Computer Generated DNA - Monday, January 23, 2023 13:01 -

The Vaccine “Culture War” Is Shifting! - Dan Bongino - Monday, January 23, 2023 14:28 -

X22 Report - Trump Sends Warning! Playbook Known! Countermeasures Being Applied! - Must Video - Monday, January 23, 2023 13:29 - The GND has failed, using logical and math everything the [CB]/[WEF] is pushing doesn’t add up and the people are seeing this for themselves. Trump sends a message and warns the Dem’s don’t cut SS and Medicare, he has a solution to fix it and to Make America Great Again.

Symbolic Pics of the Month 01/23 - Monday, January 23, 2023 14:02 - On the cover of Vanity Fair’s Icon issue, Madonna is depicted as the Virgin Mary. As the Grand Priestess of the music industry, she was celebrated by basically mocking Christianity. This is nothing new, Madonna has been doing this for decades (her name is a literal reference to the Virgin Mary). However, this photoshoot takes symbolism further. In Christian imagery, the Virgin Mary is sometimes portrayed as sorrowful and in tears, with seven swords piercing her heart. These swords represent the Seven Sorrows of Mary – sad events that marked her life (i.e. the Crucifixion of Jesus). With all of that being said, is this image of the Grand Priestess of the industry cosplaying the Virgin Mary blasphemous? Check out this next pic before you decide….. (Comment: Madonna has forever shut the door of ever being saved by committing blasphemy against Jesus and the Holy Spirit. She is also wanted for crimes against humanity. The end is near for these Freemason Devil Worshiping Illuminati Occult heathen who will forever burn in hell along with their master Satan.)

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR Update - By Divina Ellisson -  23 January, 2023 -

The University of Texas at Austin Bans Students From Using TikTok on Network - By Jose Nino - Jan 22, 2023 - The University of Texas at Austin recently banned students from using TikTok on its Wi-Fi network. Katabella Roberts of The Epoch Times noted that this is in line with Governor Greg Abbott’s “December 2022 directive that all state agencies eliminate the cybersecurity risks posed by the video-sharing app.”

FBI Christopher Wray at WEF Discusses Success in Controlling Pre-Crime - Monday, January 23, 2023 6:25 - It was FBI’s Chris Wray’s remarks at the WEF that should be the most concerning. One would wonder why Wray found his way to Davos, and just what was his agenda? For those concerned about the FBI’s intrusion into our lives, he didn’t disappoint.

MICHELLE MOORE SHOW - EXPLANATION REVEALED!!! The Real History Behind the Federal Reserve, Paper Money, & the Banking Institution. (Video) - Sunday, January 22, 2023 23:29 - Many Americans believe the Federal Reserve is just a name on a dollar bill and have no idea that the Federal Reserve is a privately owned entity, not a part of the U.S. Government, as we know it. They have no idea what the Central Bank does to the economy, how and why it was founded and how it operates. This video is to help educate on these topics.

MICHELLE MOORE SHOW - It's Beyond Criminal! Find Out Just How Much Each COVID Patient Was Worth From Diagnosis to Death! A Must See Video) - Sunday, January 22, 2023 23:43 -

CHRISTIAN PATRIOT NEWS: It's Time! Jan. 24th [D]ay of [D]ays! The Military Phase! Gitmo Tribunals! Hunters Become Prey! MUST WATCH!! (Video) - Monday, January 23, 2023 9:27 -

Situation Update, Jan 23, 2023 - Globalists Make Final Preparations For WORLD CURRENCY WARS! - Mike Adams Must Video - Monday, January 23, 2023 9:26 - Regarding all the different war machines being sent to Ukraine. A Russian general was reported to say: It doesn’t matter what you call them. They all burn the same.

Whitney Webb - on globalist technocrat links to Nazis, organized crime, eugenics & transhumanism - Monday, January 23, 2023 9:06 -

Sheriffs Upholding The Laws In The Face Of Tyranny - 88% Of The Counties (The Voice Of The People) Say No To Illegal Edicts! (Video) - Monday, January 23, 2023 8:47 - Last week, I highlighted that Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker rejoiced in the fact that he was undermining the people’s Second Amendment protected, God-given rights to bear arms (Luke 11:21-22). In all of this, he was presenting himself as if he was serving the people when he was doing just the opposite.

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: The Internal Debate in the Iranian Elite Over the Hijab Protests - By YONI BEN MENACHEM – OPINION - JANUARY 23, 2023 - The execution of Ali Reza Akbari symbolizes the victory of the extremist faction of the Iranian elite.

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS - Netanyahu: 'The rampant Arab illegal building has come to an end' - The Prime Minister claimed that in the past month, 38 structures that PA Arabs illegally built were cleared. - By Hezki Baruch - Jan 22, 2023, 10:23 PM -

WATCHERS: Extreme cold hits China’s Heilongjiang province: Moha drops to -53.0 °C (-63.4 °F) — the lowest temperature in Chinese history - Sunday, January 22, 2023 - The minimum temperature at Jingtao automated weather station in the town of Amur, Mohe City in Heilongjiang Province, China fell to -53.0°C (-63.4°F) on January 22, 2023, marking the lowest temperate ever recorded in the province and the lowest ever observed by the Chinese meteorological system (preliminary). China had a total of 18 weather stations recording temperatures of -50 °C (-58 °F) today, including two national weather stations and 16 automatic weather stations.

'Vaccinated' Japan Brought to its Knees by Covid: Record Hospitalizations and Deaths - While Pfizer has “pledged” to conduct further studies into the efficacy and safety of the Covid vaccine, Japan, perhaps the most disciplined country in the world, is facing a dramatic situation. The state is setting record after record in Covid hospitalizations and deaths, ranking first in the world for the number of infections. Moreover, in October 2022, Japan also received the vaccine adapted for Omicron.

Deadly Skies: FAA Moves Medical Goalposts for Pilots - Putting Your Life At Risk - By Miranda Sellick - January 22, 2023 - The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), the body responsible for licensing pilots, has quietly changed the criteria for measuring heart damage in pilots. It’s one thing for a professional athlete to collapse on the sports field as so many have been wont to do since the roll-out of mRNA vaccines, but it’s something entirely different for a pilot while flying a plane with the lives of hundreds of passengers in the balance.

EXPOSE: The world was in a state of panic as an alleged Covid-19 pandemic swept across the globe, restricting freedom, and seeing a new dawn of global dictatorships. This took the lives of countless individuals in one way or another. Although the public was told the alleged COVID virus was to blame. Governments scrambled to find a solution, and soon an experimental gene therapy was developed, falsely labelled as a vaccine and rolled out on a mass scale. However, recent reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have raised alarm bells as they confirm that 2 million excess deaths have been recorded since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.



 Are We Living in the Last Days?

by Thomas Ice

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 23rd 2023

An important question that many Christians often ask is ” Are we living in the last days or end times?” When people ask me this question, I usually respond with a clear ” Yes and No!” Such an answer requires an explanation. My explanation is that the Bible uses such terminology in multiple ways, so that some references do refer to our own day, while others do not.


Last Days Vocabulary

Sometimes Christians read in the Bible about the ” last days,” ” end times,” etc., and tend to think that all of these phrases all of the time refer to the same thing. This is not the case, just as in our own lives there are many endings: there is the end of the work day, the end of the day according to the clock, the end of the week, the end of the month, and the end of the year. Just because the word ” end” is used does not mean that it always refers to the same time. The word ” end” is restricted and precisely defined when it is modified by ” day,” ” week,” ” year,” etc. So it is in the Bible that ” end times” may refer to the end of the current church age or it may refer to other times.


There are a number of different biblical expressions which appear to speak of the end times. The Bible teaches that this present age will end with the rapture, followed by the tribulation, which will end with the second coming of Messiah to the earth. Thus, we must distinguish between the ” last days” of the church age and the ” last days” of Israel’ s tribulation.


Note the following chart, which classifies and distinguishes between passages referring to the end of the church age and the ” last days” for Israel:






” latter days” –


Deuteronomy 4:30; 31:29; Jeremiah 30:24; 48:47; Daniel 2:28; 10:14




” last days” –


Isaiah 2:2; Jeremiah 23:20; 49:39; Ezekiel 38:16; Hosea 3:4- 5; Micah 4:1; Acts 2:17




” last day” –


John 6:39, 40, 44, 54; 11:24; 12:48




” latter years” –


Ezekiel 38:8




” end of time” –


Daniel 8:17; 12:4, 9




” end of the age” –


Daniel 12:13





” latter days” –


1 Timothy 4:1




” last days” –


2 Timothy 3:1; Hebrews 1:2; James 5:3; 2 Peter 3:3




” last times” –


1 Peter 1:20; Jude 18




” last time” –


1 Peter 1:5; 1 John 2:18


The Bible clearly speaks of a last days or end time, but it does not always refer to the same period of time. The contextual referent enables the reader to know whether the Bible is speaking of the last days relating to Israel or the end times in reference to the church.


Many believe that there are specific signs that relate to the end of the church age. However, I believe that it would be too strong to say that there are signs of the end of the church age. Instead, the Bible indicates what the condition of the church will be like- the general course of the age- and then warns about some general trends toward the later part of the church age. Passages like 1 Timothy 4:1- 5, 2 Timothy 3:1- 5, and 2 Peter 3:3 most likely refer to the second half or latter part of the church age. These passages warn believers about beliefs and lifestyles that are common in the world will enter the church and become common there as well. These passages do not speak about the general moral decline of society, which I do not doubt, instead, it is a decline that was predicted to occur within the church as part of the apostasy.


It can also be noted, that it is hard to quantify such decline. No matter how bad things get, they can always get a little worse. So it is impossible to know specifically how bad things must be in order for something to be a prophetic sign. It is the general condition within the realm of the church in which ” evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Tim. 3:13).


The Church Age - There are a number of New Testament passages where ” last days,” ” last times,” and ” last time” clearly refer to the present church age in which we now live. The writer of Hebrews says, ” God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last dayshas spoken to us in His Son” (Heb. 1:1- 2). The contextual nuance of this passage demands that ” last days” is a reference to the current church age in which we presently live. In the same way Peter says, ” For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you” (1 Pet. 1:20). These ” last times,” to which he speaks, in that context, must refer to the last two thousand years in which we still live. John adds support to the two previous writers when he says, ” Children, it is thelast hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour” (1 John 2:18). Jude, speaking of things going on in his day says, ” that they were saying to you, ” In the last time there shall be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts” (Jude 18).


The Jewish view of Bible prophecy viewed history as consisting of two ages. The first was this present age, the age in which Israel was waiting for the coming of the Messiah. The second was the age to come, the age in which all promises and covenants would be fulfilled and Israel would enter into her promised blessings as a result of Messiah’ s coming. The present age would be terminated by the appearance of Messiah, and the coming age would be introduced by His advent. The present age, then, was to end in judgment, and the coming age must be preceded by this devastation. The New Testament references the present age as the last days. The last days of what? The last days before the coming of the Messianic age.


We see that there are at least four clear references in the New Testament that use end times vocabulary to refer to their own day and the entire church age as the last days. Thus, in that sense, we are clearly living in the last days, since the entire church age is considered the last days. However, that is not what the average person means when they ask, ” Are we living in the last days?” They want to know if we are living in a time when the final prophecies of Scripture are being fulfilled. Before I can answer that, we need to look into the use of Old Testament terminology and the last days.


Old Testament Use of Last DaysWhen we look at Old Testament usage of these terms, we see that they are used differently than those which speak of the church age. I believe that the Old Testament use of this language refers to the time leading up to the coming of Messiah to set up His kingdom on earth, which I would call the tribulation period.


A clear example of this is found in Deuteronomy 4:30, which says, ” When you are in distress and all these things have come upon you, in the latter days, you will return to the Lord your God and listen to His voice.” The English word ” distress” is the Hebrew word for tribulation- in this context, the tribulation- which means that this text equates the tribulation with the ” latter days.” Thus, the ” latter days” are the tribulation period, which we are not currently living in, but may be on the brink of entering. Of course, the church will be raptured before the world enters the tribulation. Deuteronomy 31:29 uses ” latter days” as a reference to the tribulation when it says, ” evil will befall you in the latter days.”


The term ” latter days” is used of the tribulation period twice in Jeremiah (30:24; 48:47). Daniel also uses it this way: ” However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days” (Dan. 2:28). Daniel commences to reveal God’ s plan for the future, which revolves around events that will unfold in the tribulation period. This is also the case concerning another passage in Daniel: ” Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet future” (Dan. 10:14).


The prophet Daniel uses a whole cluster of other ” latter day” terms that all refer to the tribulation period or prepare the way for the kingdom reign of Messiah. Terms like ” end of time” (Dan. 8:17; 12:4, 9) and ” end of the age” (Dan. 12:13) speak of the end-time, tribulation period, which is yet to come. These terms are used three times in Daniel 12, which is said in verse one of that chapter to ” be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time.” ” Distress” is the Hebrew word for tribulation. Thus, the entire context is once again a reference to the coming tribulation.


Daniel 12:4, says the teachings about the end-times in Daniel will be sealed up for the Jewish people until ” the end of time.” Many prophecy teachers believe that shortly before Christ’ s return the world would experience an increase in the speed of travel coupled with an explosion of information based upon Daniel 12:4, which says ” many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.” No one would quarrel with the fact that the last one hundred years has indeed witnessed an exponential increase in both the speed of travel and the accumulation of knowledge and thus would be a sign in our time that the end is near. But is this really what Daniel is saying in the passage? I don’ t think so.


The correct interpretation of the passage is given by Dr. Charles Ryrie in his famous Ryrie Study Bible when he says, ” As the end approaches, people will travel about seeking to discover what the future holds.” [1] Not just people in general, but the Jewish people in particular. This means that many Jews during the tribulation will study the Book of Daniel in an attempt to find out what is going on during this unique period of time. Harry Bultema says, ” The movement of to and fro may refer to that of the eyes through leaves. . . . Thus considered it seems to us that the text here speaks of the diligent search of the Scripture at the end of time.” [2] Thus, the scope would be limited to the future time of the tribulation and could not justly be applied to our own day.


There does not appear to be any real textual basis for the first interpretation. The meaning of the Hebrew words and grammar do not support such a view.


ConclusionSo are we living in the last days? As you can tell from the above discussion, we are currently living in the last days because we are in the church age, which is called the ” last days,” ” last times,” and ” last time.” However, in no way shape or form are we in the last days, as the Old Testament says of Israel. Those terms, ” latter days,” ” last days,” ” latter years,” ” end of time,” and ” end of the age” all refer a time when Israel is in her time of tribulation. This is a future time, which we could very well be on the verge of entering. I believe that we are seeing the stage being set for last days or end time events of the tribulation. But we are not currently in those times at the present time. Maranatha!

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