Sunday, January 22, 2023

Prophecy & Future Cash Flow


Prophecy & Future Cash Flow - Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine - Tucker Carlson – BLOGDOG - The Return Of 45 - Fox News Exec Dies Suddenly - THE MICHELLE MOORE SHOW - White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain Arrested - Antifa Protesters Riot in Atlanta - Genocide in Nigeria & Armenia & Syria and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 21 - 22nd 2023


REAL RAW NEWS: Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine - By Michael Baxter -January 20, 2023 - Russian Special Forces on Tuesday raided and destroyed an “Adrenochrome farm” near the Ukrainian city of Shostka, where sinister forces tortured abducted Russian children to harvest fluid from their adrenal glands, said a Mar-a-Lago source who claims Russian President Vladimir Putin informed President Trump of the operation after Spetznas had rescued 50 young kids from the ghastly laboratory.

Tucker Carlson for January 20, 2023 - Friday, January 20, 2023 22:49 - This one was so good, the YouTube stream I was watching got yanked half way through -

BLOGDOG: The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on January 20 2023 - Friday, January 20, 2023 22:41 - In the Orekhovsky sector, servicemen of the 58th Combined Arms Army of the Russian Armed Forces storm the defensive line of the 128th Guards Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Malye Shcherbaki – Stepovoye. Russian fighters managed to knock out the forces of the 2nd battalion of the 9th regiment of the Gepard special forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and liberate the village of Lobkove, destroying at least 15 Ukrainian fighters and taking control of three enemy strongholds.

New Patriot Underground & Mel Carmine: The Return Of 45 - 5 Year Deltas & Trump's Inauguration - How Awakening Led To Podcasting - Biden's Classified Docs - Saturday, January 21, 2023 2:47 -

Who Defines Law-Breaker? I was reading Liberty’s Torch this morning where I was reminded of the following excerpt from Atlas Shrugged: “Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against — then you’ll know that this is not the age for beautiful gestures. We’re after power and we mean it.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Young Fox News Exec Dies Suddenly - Saturday, January 21, 2023 9:09 - Fox News had implemented a vaccine report system, where all employees were required to report their vaccine status or suffer consequences. The deaths among the young are escalating at warped speed. What’s it going to take to get action against this deadly big pharma-government cabal?

THE MICHELLE MOORE SHOW: The ReAwaken Tour "Live" in Nashville with PPN & The Michelle Moore Show, Updates from Warren Armour, Alex Sanchez, FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain, & Dr. Jane Ruby on How You Can Take Back Your Health While Creating A Community Focused Life in the Middle of the World's Chaos! (VIDEO) - Saturday, January 21, 2023 7:30 -

REAL RAW NEWS: White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain Arrested - By Michael Baxter -January 22, 2023 - White Hats on Saturday arrested White House chief of Staff Ron Klain shortly after he announced he’d be leaving the illegitimate administration in a few weeks for personal reasons, a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. Klain, a high-value target, had worked under globalists Al Gore and Barack Hussein Obama before joining the Biden campaign in late 2019. Throughout 2020, he worked as a senior advisor to Biden’s presidential campaign and was given the chief of staff position after Biden had successfully stolen the 2020 election.

MAIL ONLINE: Antifa protesters mimic George Floyd screaming 'I can't breathe' as they're pinned down and arrested in Atlanta: Violent group torches a police car and pelts building with fireworks over activist's 'Cop City' shooting death - A protest in Atlanta turned violent on Saturday as demonstrators set a police car on fire and smashed windows of buildings - Those being arrested screamed 'I can't breathe' as police detained them - despite clearly being able to breathe - Marchers gathered to protest the killing of an activist by law enforcement on Wednesday during a raid to clear an autonomous zone dubbed 'Cop City' - By JAMES GORDON FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 22:27 EST, 21 January 2023 -

CIA Mind Control Slave Who Spoke Out Decades Ago, Now Reaping The Fruit of Mass Exposure She Always Believed For! (VIDEO) - Saturday, January 21, 2023 22:00 -

Tucker Carlson: Juan O' Savin Historical Truths on Nixon, Trump, Flynn & the CIA (Video) - Saturday, January 21, 2023 21:11 -


Michael Jaco: The UN Trojan Horse That Exposed the Global Plan of the Cabal. Can We Save Humanity? (Video) - Saturday, January 21, 2023 20:44 - Mike shares some explosive Intel that could change the entire game! It’s time to expose the enemy and take them down in defeat!

Health Experts Now Confirm What We Warned: High Numbers Of Myocarditis Brought On By Deadly Experimental COVID Shots, Not Infections - Sunday, January 22, 2023 8:36 - See?  Just give it long enough and what we’ve been warning about and reporting on and even theorizing will come to the light and be confirmed, and so it has been.  The Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART) have confirmed that the massive cases of myocarditis all began with the rollout of the experimental COVID shot. Here’s the report from HART…

Genocide in Nigeria, Armenia and Syria: The Persecution of Christians, December 2022 - by Raymond Ibrahim - January 22, 2023 at 6:00 am - "These military attacks by Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime are part of a wider Turkish policy of annihilation of the Kurdish and Assyrian [Christian] people in northern Syria and Iraq. Turkey has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, including bombing, shelling, abduction, torture, and extrajudicial killings. The attacks are part of Turkey's genocidal policies towards Kurds, Christians, and Ezidis." — Genocide Watch, December 7, 2022, Turkey.

BIBLE GATEWAY: Ask, Seek, Knock  - Matthew 7: 7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

ANOTHER Election Overturned After Faulty Ballot Tabulation - By Pamela Geller - on January 21, 2023 -

Criminalizing Speech, Chasing the Globalists - They Know We Know, The Biden Crime Family Takedown Coming | The Hagmann Report | January 20, 2023 -

RUSSELL BRAND - Bjørn is the author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet. With his think tank, the Copenhagen Consensus, he has worked with hundreds of the world’s top economists and seven Nobel Laureates to find and promote the most effective solutions to the world’s greatest challenges, from disease and hunger to climate and education.

HARBINGERS DAILY - Tower Of Babel All Over Again: Uniting The World In Opposition To God – By Jonathan Brentner - January 20, 2023 - This time, we don’t see a structure stretching heavenward, but rather the World Economic Forum (WEF) led by Klaus Schwab and his close advisor, Yuval Harari. The intent of opposing God and uniting the world under a Satanic regime, however, is the same as it was in Genesis 11.

Protests in Stockholm, including Koran-Burning, Draw Strong Condemnation from Turkey - by Reuters and Algemeiner Staff – Jan. 21st 2023 - Protests in Stockholm on Saturday against Turkey and Sweden’s bid to join NATO, including the burning of a copy of the Koran, sharply heightened tensions with Turkey at a time when the Nordic country needs Ankara’s backing to gain entry to the military alliance.

Iranian Currency Falls to Record Low Amid Isolation and Sanctions - by Reuters and Algemeiner Staff – JAN. 21ST 2023 - Iran’s troubled currency fell to a record low against the US dollar on Saturday amid the country’s increasing isolation and possible Europe Union sanctions against Tehran’s Revolutionary Guards or some of its members. Ties between the EU and Tehran have deteriorated in recent months as efforts to revive nuclear talks have stalled. Iran has detained several European nationals and the bloc has become increasingly critical of the violent treatment of protesters and the use of executions. –

MAIL ONLINE: Peru’s Inca Trail and Machu Picchu closed to tourists as violent protests spread across the nation - Widespread riots across Peru have caused world-famous attractions to close - President Pedro Castillo was imprisoned for trying to dissolve Congress - Protesters demand his release want new President Dina Boluarte to stand down - By JANE WHARTON FOR THE MAIL ON SUNDAY - PUBLISHED: 21:00 EST, 21 January 2023 -

BelieveActs2FIRE - Sharing the Truth, with LOVE, from the "Kingdom of Heaven" Perspective - 1-14-18 ~ THIS IS WHAT THE SOVEREIGN LORD SAYS: ” . . . The Turning Event is Going to Hit Violently. . . Suddenly...   

MAIL ONLINE: The 'king of tides' is coming: US west coast braces for intense flooding this weekend - and waters could increase to more than 10 FEET in some areas - A 'king of tides' is expected to hit the US west coast on Saturday - This is predicted to increase water levels by more than seven feet in California - Oregon could see tides increase by more than 10 feet on Saturday before noon - By STACY LIBERATORE and BRITTENY GRIMES FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 17:51 EST, 20 January 2023 -



Prophecy & Future Cash Flow - The World Economic Saga

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 22nd 2023

Over the past decade, a fractious geopolitical environment has come into view. Why? A number of reasons, but mainly because global economic growth has slumped. Major economic players are jostling for a greater share of world trade, water rights, and whatever else is valuable. They are threatening each other … also becoming more nationalistic. One needs no imagination to see the parallels in animal behavior. Consider the Australian spadefoot frog. When water is plentiful, all is fine and placid. However, once the water puddles begin to dry up, the tadpoles become cannibals … eating each other. It is similar with the hippopotamus. When they are enjoying marsh vegetation and deep rivers, they are mostly peaceful. However, once the waterways dry up, they become a heaving mass of ill-tempered creatures.


Given these unstable economic conditions, central bankers are desperately trying to solve the world’s economic problems. It has been over a decade since the traumatic Global Financial Crisis (GFC) struck the globe. Yet, they remain perplexed. Once the financial bloodbath of the GFC meltdown had been staunched, policymakers were optimistic that the worst was over. Soon would come a recovery period of growth and prosperity … or so they thought. However, to most everyone’s surprise, that was not the outcome. Policymakers discovered that they needed to continue pump-priming … meaning trying to stimulate economies in various degrees by suppressing interest rates and supporting bond markets.


What do we see a decade later? Even the U.S. Federal Reserve is worried about another economic downturn, and is again lowering its administered interest rates. More shocking is to observe European interest-rates dropping to new lows. Nay, they have dropped to the lowest negative rate level on record. Imagine that some $13 trillion of the world’s government bond market is priced for underwater yields. No doubt, most readers may be scratching their heads trying to imagine a negative interest yield. Were you to make a deposit, say, Euro 100, in a German bank, this institution would likely ask you to pay them a quarter of a percent or so just to hold your deposit for a year.


Does this all make sense? We will say, yes, though we originally were as surprised as everybody else when this condition first appeared. We say yes … but only because mankind has made some perverse choices. What is unfolding therefore is logical given the misleading perspectives and choices that are being adopted by humanity. We will explain further.


In the meantime, policymakers think they have a new solution—Modern Monetary Theory (or MMT). What is it? It is a group of aggressive monetary and budgetary measures. The only thing modern about this collective group of policies is the level of chicanery. In reality, MMT is just a new name … new wine put into old wineskins, so to speak. And, the outcome will also likely be the same as always … split wineskins.


But that is not to say that such policies do not have consequences or impact. They do. Very simply explained, MMT argues that as long as inflation rates are low and non-threatening, governments can run large budget deficits. The reasoning is that government debt can be perpetually forgiven (notionally at least) by having the central bank buy up the debt.


Such monetary policy is very similar to “money printing,” the difference being that the money is being spent by the government. Anything paid for by the proceeds of borrowed government money—even perhaps the lowering of personal taxes—will almost certainly boost spending. That will stimulate economic activity. After all, what government of elected representatives will not spend free money? Most households, too, will tend to spend their income-tax refunds. Therefore, these new MMT policies can achieve the appearance of success, at least for a period of time.


But, doesn’t all this debt-financed money—actually, money from thin air that will never be paid back—have any consequences? Yes, very definitely, there are critical consequences. And, that is where the chicanery comes home to roost. The longer-term consequences are ignored … not disclosed. Everything in this world has a consequence. God is not mocked. So says Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” So it is with monetary policy.


The most worrisome side-effect (consequence) of the MMT schemes is that it leads to a greater hoarding of wealth. The ultra-wealthy class will continue to become wealthier. Why? There are a number of links, but we will keep our explanations simple. Government deficits provide a profit boost to the corporate/business sector. Senior executives and stock owners therefore stand to benefit from gains. However, the vast majority of citizens do not have large stock holdings. They do not gain from this rise in stock prices. To the contrary, labor in general is squeezed in its share of national income.


As such, we can document that the rich are getting richer … in fact, there is an increase in the wealth of the super-rich. These individuals can become very powerful, pushing their interests with politicians and people that manage the capital markets. This leads to plutocracy. We would wager to say that America and other nations are well on the road to plutocracy. What is very interesting about these developments is that the Bible says these exact same conditions will become very pronounced in the last days. We will refer to the supporting Bible references in the conclusion.


The Imperative of Cash Flow


Just where do we find the sources of new wealth today?


The Bible says that the love of money is the source of all evil. In our modern day, we could rephrase this to “the love of future cash flow is the motivator of virtually all economic life … and evil.” Whether we consciously know it or not, most people will tend to direct their lives according to the sources and prospects for future cash flow.


While this is understandable, few people really grasp how powerful are the global forces behind future cash flow. Given the concentration of wealth that we see in the world today, there are very big players that muscle their way into new cash-flow channels.


Consider the most recent example of a tsunami-like cash flow eruption. It was the smartphone boom. It was enormous, to the point that just a few companies who exploited this trend now represent as much as 10% of the value of some countries’ stock markets. Trillions in worth was created. But, the hunt goes on: Where are the next cash-flow waves expected?


That’s the question that any business analyst or senior corporate executive must determine an answer to. Most analysts anticipate this will apply to the “Internet of Things” … namely, the global communications and information infrastructure. Companies providing network and internet communications systems stand to boom. They already have. As such, a brutal competition is under way. There are no rules. Why? The potential for value and wealth gains are so great … perhaps $100 trillion and more!


One contender in this competition is Huawei (a Chinese firm). It appeared to be headed to take the lead in this industry, cashing in on the “Internet of Things.” However, the stakes are so great, this company has been thwarted by Western nations who want to capture some of the anticipated cash flow themselves (particularly so the US).


Without a doubt, the potential of big money attracts diabolic-like and brutal forces. The World of Mammon is assuredly more ruthless than the illustrated instinct-driven behavior seen in nature’s battles for survival of the fittest. Many wars have been fought over opportunities for economic growth and future cash flows. Sadly, that is the history of mankind.


The Next Cash-Flow Surges


One prominent analyst with BlackRock (one of the world’s largest asset managers) makes a case for sources of future cash flow. Consider that, already, the value of the Internet today exceeds that of the entirety of global real estate. Furthermore, the Internet is expected to increase to a value of $550 trillion over the next decade, approximately 2.5 times the value of real estate.


Ponder this: Google today offers a lot of free services to its users. For example: free maps, free email, free web search. What would people pay for these services if they were no longer free? Particularly GPS services (geo-positioning system that uses maps) could be extremely valuable in a world of driverless cars and more Uber taxis. Other sources of potential future cash flows include water, property underneath major urban centers, and alternate energy sources. The “big money” in the world is positioning themselves for these potential cash flows.


What is notable about economic developments unfolding today is that changes are transmitted very rapidly. Information-intensive services face no shipping costs, nor large capital requirements. The penetration of these services or devices can be very rapid. It took a century of automobile manufacturing before there were enough autos and trucks registered equivalent to one per person. By contrast, the smartphone reached a 60% adoption rate in only little more than a decade. Indeed, as the end of the age approaches, change itself is accelerating. Suddenness is a mark of that era (see Zephaniah 1:14, 18).


Seeing the monumental narrowing of wealth ownership in the world today (with much larger heaps yet possible with future cash-flow surges) and more inventive monetary policies, can we connect these trends to the last days? After all, these are unprecedented trends of human choices about finances and economies. Our answer: Yes, this writer believes that there are too many parallels with Bible prophecy unfolding today for these to be the result of simple chance.


That said, we cannot (and should not) speak with any certainty as to specific timing of a specific prophecy. This is impossible, apart from recognizing a season. Moreover, the Bible warns us not to do so. “Do not go beyond what is written” (1 Corinthians 4:6).


However, collectively and seasonally, we do identify a world that is “ripening” for the final fulfillment of prophecy. (Please see the previous articles in our series on Ripening Times.) These trends are all unprecedented and are in alignment for a prophesied time where “[…] truth was thrown to the ground” (Daniel 8:12), and “deceit [caused] to prosper” (verse 25).


Thoughts to Ponder


Does the Bible anticipate and warn about an endtime boom in commercialism, materialism and greed?


Monetary corruption is being coordinated around the world as never before in human history. The Bible warns repeatedly about malfeasance. God expressly and often says that He “hates” dishonest scales. Numerous times this is expressed in the Bible.


Apostle James speaks of hoarding in the last days: “Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you […]. You have hoarded wealth in the last days” (James 5:1, 3).


Also, we see evidence of other dramatic economic distortions in the Book of Revelation. Consider Revelation 6:6: “[…] Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” This prophecy gives evidence of severe income and wealth imbalances.


In conclusion, MMT is just one of the stepping stones toward delusion and the final outcome of judgment that the Bible sees unfolding in the Tribulation period. In the meantime, earthly consequences will continue to worsen so long as the Lord tarries.


In this age where pursuit of “future cash flow” defines a frenzied world, the Bible has something to say to Christians:


“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you’” (Hebrew 13:5). Maranatha





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