Friday, January 20, 2023

The Stubborn Inclinations of Backward People


The Stubborn Inclinations of Backward People - Dr. Bostic & Critical Race Theory - Antifa Protester Shot Dead by Police - Militant Unions are Causing Chaos Across Europe - Global Currency Reset returns Us to 1950’s Prices – Newly Printed Gold Backed Asset backed US Note - X22 Report - TUCKER CARLSON Biden is Done - Deep State/CIA Killed JFK - Mel K & Robert Spencer and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 20th 2023


MAIL ONLINE: Georgia schools and kindergartens ILLEGAL critical race theory lesson plans: Footage shows him bragging about being an 'evil salesman' who does not care what parents think because 'I still get paid' - Dr Quintin Bostic was busted bragging to a journalist about critical race theory - He said he had implemented the curriculum into two school districts in Georgia - He brazenly told how he passed it off as diversity, equity and inclusion lessons - Bostic said that he was touting prohibited books and theories that were illegal - CRT banned in Georgia in April for being 'divisive' academic concepts on racism - By HARRIET ALEXANDER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 01:50 EST, 20 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: 'Is it time to apologize to the world?' Moment Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refuses to respond to questions about his $50M pandemic salary and company profits TRIPLING - Pfizer CEO was accosted outside Davos and interrogated about the vaccine - Two men asked him how much he made and if he knew it didn't stop transmission - After two minutes of silent treatment Albert Bourla was able to scurry away - Bourla personally earned $50million in compensation across 2021 and 2022 - By NEIRIN GRAY DESAI FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 02:15 EST, 20 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE - PICTURED: Antifa protester shot dead by police at Atlanta's 'Cop City' as SEVEN are charged with domestic terrorism after state trooper injured: Activists call for a 'Night of Rage' - Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, 26, was killed during a shootout in Atlanta - Teran was shot after allegedly opening fire at a Georgia State Patrol trooper - The Wednesday crossfire was at the future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center - Seven others were charged with domestic terrorism and criminal trespass - By ANEETA BHOLE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 20:46 EST, 19 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE - How militant unions are causing chaos across Europe: Violent protests that rocked France were just the latest action taken by workers on the continent - Industrial action is causing mayhem across Europe as workers take to the streets - France's nationwide strike has seen some of the most violent action so far - Some healthcare workers in Spain have been on strike since November - By CHRISTIAN OLIVER FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 07:47 EST, 20 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE - EXCLUSIVE: All in the family - Joe Biden is named in 2017 email discussing multi-million dollar gas deal with CHINA, with Louisiana lawyer writing to brother Jim that he 'arranged a call' with the former VP and his son Hunter 'to discuss the purchase' - In October 2017, Hunter and his uncle, Joe's brother Jim Biden, were brokering a multi-million dollar deal to supply gas from Louisiana to China - Louisiana-based lawyer Robert Fenet was on the US-side of the deal - Fenet wrote in an email he arranged 'a call from Joe Biden and Hunter Biden on Monday morning to discuss the purchase of the 5 million tons of gas' - By JOSH BOSWELL FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 08:51 EST, 20 January 2023 –

MAIL ONLINE: 'Tech wreck' sweeping Silicon Valley wipes out jobs paying $12BN amid 'richcession' - as Google plans to cut 12,000 roles - Google parent Alphabet on Friday became latest tech firm to initiate layoffs - Cuts at just the largest tech companies have wiped out jobs paying $12B - White-collar tech workers have been hardest hit by recent layoffs - Still, it appears many skilled workers are able to find new jobs relatively quickly - By KEITH GRIFFITH FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 12:10 EST, 20 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: How Disney lost its magic - Forced families to pay as much as $8k to visit 'The Happiest Place on Earth', ruined classic movies with woke warnings, lost 'don't say gay' fight with DeSantis and accused of not doing enough to weed out pedophiles - Classic movies such as Dumbo and Peter Pan which helped forge the film studio's identity are now tarnished by woke warnings over racism fears - New movies are bombing at the box office and the woke ideology has left its board in disarray - on a collision course with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis - Bob Chapek was fired after taking on DeSantis over the 'don't say gay' bill only to be sensationally replaced by Bob Iger, just three years after he stepped down - By ROSS IBBETSON FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 12:52 EST, 20 January 2023 -

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - By Divina Ellisson 20 January, 2023 – With Global Currency Reset we will be returning to 1950’s prices – Jan. 18th Goldman Sachs laid off entire trading floor – 7,000 Redemption Centers open now until Jan. 31st – No more Fiat dollars to be printed – 3 new printing presses printing new gold backed asset backed US Note – New York Stock Exchange changing names & will be part of the Quantum Financial System -

McCarthy Ends Proxy Voting: ‘Members Of Congress Have To Show Up To Work If They Want Their Vote To Count’ - By Bo Banks - Jan 19, 2023 -

X22 Report - Trump: "The Future Does Not Belong To Globalists! The Future Belongs To Patriots"! - Must Video - Friday, January 20, 2023 9:38 - The [WEF] message is not working, the people no longer believe in what they are saying, their agenda is failing and they know it. This is why they predicted a cyber attack.Trump sends message, the globalist agenda is over.

TUCKER CARLSON: Biden is done - Friday, January 20, 2023 7:25 -

SGanon's Thinking: Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Where We Are & More With S-G-A-N-O-N!! - Must Video - Friday, January 20, 2023 10:08 -

Tucker Carlson: Deep State/CIA Killed John F. Kennedy - Friday, January 20, 2023 10:01 -

Urban Farms in Dallas Will Be Vital to a Healthier Population, City Officials Say -  Friday, January 20, 2023 9:41 -

Mel K & Robert Spencer | United We Stand, Divided We Fall As Never Before | 1-19-23 - January 19, 2023 -

CLARION PROJECT: 69 Universal Aryan Brotherhood Gang Members and Associates Convicted During Multi-Year Investigation into Their Drug Trafficking of Methamphetamine – Jan. 20th 2023 - Gang Directed Drug Trafficking Network Through Contraband Cell Phones from State Prison Cells - OKLAHOMA CITY - A multi-year investigation into a prison-based drug trafficking organization has resulted in 69 defendants being convicted across multiple state and federal cases.  The wrap-up of this investigation and prosecution is announced by United States Attorney Robert J. Troester. Last month, the investigation culminated in the sentencing of Chance Alan Wilson, a/k/a Wolfhead, who was the leader of the Universal Aryan Brotherhood (UAB), a violent criminal organization that is primarily run from inside Oklahoma prisons.  Wilson, who was serving a state sentence of 15 years in the Oklahoma State Penitentiary for Murder was sentenced to serve an additional 360 months in federal prison in December after being found to be primarily responsible for the distribution of hundreds of kilograms of methamphetamine and other drugs over many years.

ZERO HEDGE: Project Veritas Exposes Non-Profit That Hides Critical Race Theory In School Curriculum - BY TYLER DURDEN - THURSDAY, JAN 19, 2023 - 09:00 PM - The conflict over Critical Race Theory in schools boils down to two basic responses from the political left - They claim that there is no such thing as "CRT" in the way that conservatives see it, and that the accusation it is being used to indoctrinate young children is a "right wing conspiracy theory."  Or, when they get caught they claim CRT is nothing more than an accurate portrayal of American history inclusive to minorities that has been suppressed because of "bigotry." For years the former argument, that CRT does not exist and is not taught in school curriculum, has been the primary argument. Critical Race Theory is the mostly faulty theory that western society today is built on a foundation of systemic racism.  Its root assertion is that all American accomplishments over the past few centuries are owed to slavery and the exploitation of minorities.  In other words, we have to abandon our past because it is inherently racist and "evil" and start over - Using the political left's ideals as a framework, of course.

HARBINGER DAILY: Open Doors World Watch List: 360 Million Christians Are Now Suffering Extreme Persecution – By Decision Magazine - January 19, 2023 -

Herbs for Respiratory Support: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet - By Amy Allen - January 20, 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: Trump warns Republicans not to cut Social Security or Medicare in their debt ceiling battle - and instead focus on 'foreign aid, cracking down on migration and BILLIONS spent on climate extremism' - Donald Trump on Friday waded into the debt ceiling impasse with a policy video - He warned Republicans not to target entitlement programs for cuts - That would hurt hardworking Americans and seniors, he said - 'The pain should be borne by Washington bureaucrats,' he said - It paints House Republicans into an awkward corner as they look for savings  - By ROB CRILLY, SENIOR U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 11:56 EST, 20 January 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: The sinister real-life site that inspired hit Netflix series Stranger Things: Inside the top-secret government lab dubbed 'Long Island's Area 51' - where agents studied mind control... and conducted Nazi-style experiments on CHILDREN - The hit Netflix series, 'Stranger Things' is inspired by the 'Montauk Project' - a well known conspiracy theory that alleges government experiments on children - The Montauk Project allegedly took place at Camp Hero in Long Island as part of a WWII program that studied mind control, time travel and psychological warfare - According to victims, the experiments were conducted on local teenage boys well into the 1980s, and were subject to gruesome physical and sexual abuse - Today the former military base is a popular state park despite large sections closed off to the public that are fenced off with barbed wire and warning signs - By TATE DELLOYE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 08:51 EST, 20 January 2023 -

Must Watch: Globalists Are On The Run Worldwide! Learn What’s Coming NEXT! - Alex Jones - Friday, January 20, 2023 13:43 - Alex Jones exposes the failing NWO plans as humanity resists the authoritarian takeover. Joined by special guests Dr. Darren Beattie and Mike Adams. Watch & share this explosive edition of the most banned broadcast in the world…



The Stubborn Inclinations of Backward People

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 20th 2023

Backwards … forwards? People of course know the difference in the practical matters of life. We intentionally switch our gears back and forwards when driving a car. But it is not so cut and dry when it comes to truths and beliefs.


There, mankind is often insistent on backward reasoning, thinking he is enlightened and forward-looking. Actually, much worse; he finds himself reduced to nonsensical “backwardation” in his attempts to justify his wrong and backward perspectives.


Sadly, in this way, much Biblical truth—i.e., the 7-day creation … the plan of salvation—is “backwarded” away.


It reminds of the well-known novel by Joseph Heller, Catch-22. The main character, John Yossarian, is so paranoid that he insists on walking backwards so as not to be followed. Doing so of course made him even more vulnerable.


But this is exactly what we see in the world. People reason backwardly in their attempts to support their misguided beliefs.


To no surprise, the human being has an incredible capacity for denying facts and treating his own logic inconsistently. He is therefore prone to being wrong … and in the position of also rejecting obvious truth.


The prophet Jeremiah observed this corruptible tendency of humans several millennia ago, saying: “But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward” (Jeremiah 7:24).


We see here that supposedly sensible people can choose to go backwards … to deny the obvious. Why? In many cases this is because people will cling to their a priori views—which may be wrong—even though the facts and truths point to the exact opposite. They must then bend and twist the facts to fit their theories.


In this case, Jeremiah clearly links this twisted “backwardation” to the “stubborn inclinations of evil hearts.” The truth is repudiated in order to follow their evil desires.


Ignoring the Obvious


As we have reviewed, it is simply amazing how opinions can be completely backward in the face of obvious Truths. This applies to lay people, academics, professionals, and experts … potentially everybody.


These supposed deep thinkers therefore also hold on to backward views, making convoluted arguments to support their views and opinions. Often, they choose not to accept the obvious or straightforward view, simply because they are biased and refuse Truth.


Doing so, instead they make their theories and scenarios much more complicated and unlikely … even ridiculous.


Here we see the rule of Occam’s Razor being ignored. What is this principle? It says that when a simpler or more efficient explanation (hypothesis) suffices, then one should not seek more complex arguments or theorems. The latter are almost always twisted and backward views …  jamming round pegs into square holes.


Let’s next consider some examples of obvious truths being flouted and reversed.


Backwardation #1: The Foul History of Language


Consider the origin of language. Taking the “evolutionary” view, it is theorized that languages evolved very slowly, appearing much later in the human timeline. Language perhaps may have begun with grunts and physical signals. This prehistoric state of communication then eventually evolving into actual verbal communication systems. At first, these would be simple languages; then gradually becoming very sophisticated, with large and complicated vocabularies. At least, so it is theorized.


This perspective is nonsense, of course, as most readers will conclude for themselves.


Not surprisingly, the natural evidence says otherwise. One need not be an academic … someone frocked in a white lab coat … etc. Common sense suffices.


For example, one can see for oneself that the natural tendency for language is to deteriorate, left to its own. Just as the earth is gradually deteriorating and winding down (2nd Law of Thermodynamics), so does everything else in this dispensation. Says the Bible: “[ …] look at the earth beneath; the heavens will vanish like smoke; the earth will wear out like a garment” (Isaiah 51:6).


Who has not encountered people that have an extremely small vocabulary … and at that, mostly comprised of expletives. Their language is basal … showing a regressive tendency.


There is a major deficiency with the theories of evolutionary linguists. Research shows that the exact opposite occurred to what they theorize. As it turned out, the older, ancient languages were more sophisticated than recent languages … the latter languages clearly inferior.


This finding clearly invalidates the evolutionary view.


This should be the end of this topic—one would think.


Not at all.


Linguists still strain to find another answer … i.e., the one that they want and will validate their a priori views. Essentially, they reason that since there is no God who created all things, the obvious evidence must be wrong. Linguists are virtually knocking themselves out with complicated and speculative explanations in their attempts to buttress their wrong evolutionary suppositions.


Backwardation #2: The Fossil Record Upside Down


Here is another example of a major “backwardation.” Fossils are found everywhere—from the deepest oceans to the peaks of mountains. The earth is literally teeming with fossils. Archaeologists agree that millions of species of creatures have died off and become extinct over time.


Interestingly, viewing this record, there has not yet been one “uncontested” missing link found. This must be very embarrassing for evolutionists, we imagine. After all, since the first perpetuation of this unlikely theory of evolution (leading to Darwin’s book, On the Origin of Species in 1859), evolutionists have had some 160 years to find supporting evidence for their theories.


They are still digging for the “missing fossils.” Should we allow the archaeologists an additional 50 years more time to search … perhaps another 160 years? Their insistence that links will yet be found appears unrealistic and, frankly, even comical.


Why comical? Consider the plain facts. What we clearly see in the fossil record—and for all to observe as well—is a story of thousands of years of death. A kindergarten child could easily and logically conclude from the fossil record, that it evidences a history of death (massive numbers of extinctions) and not new life.


Life does not come from death.


Looking over the history of expired species, death, and lack of links, how is it that a story of evolutionary life can be spun from such evidence?


Nevertheless, we observe that evolutionists have spent 160 years fabricating proofs and theories … constantly revising their theories. To date, they have not found one verifiable, uncontested proof of a “missing link.”


Instead, they propose explanations that are twisted, complex and speculative. Evolutionists are therefore in a state of “backwardation”—denying the obvious.


But why adopt very complicated and unlikely theorems, when the evidence supports a simple and clear answer (recall Occam’s Razor)?


Backwardation Everywhere


We have only presented two examples of “backwardations.” In this fallen world, there are many more we could review at length.


Briefly, for example, consider the position of the Jews. For two millennia, they have ignored or denied the proof statements of the Messiah in their Torah. Admittedly, God Himself blinded them for a time to fulfill His punishment and for our sake.


Be that as it may, they have been in “backwardation” for a long time. The good news is that the Jews will eventually bow their knees to their Messiah. As the prophet Daniel says, at that time the “knowledge of the Lord” will become obvious to them. They “will run to and fro” (KJV), re-discovering the “knowledge of the Lord” (Daniel 12:4).


Consider also the roles of debt and money. Today’s world monetary systems are based upon extreme and unprecedented indebtedness. This is not what God had in mind. The Bible clearly says that the creditor should “forgive us” (Matthew 6:12) our debts.


Indeed, forgiveness of debt was the standard practice several millennia ago. Rulers would announce “clean slates” when necessary. Now, living in the Roman era, the opposite is the norm. Creditors are dominant and powerful; the poor are held prisoner.


Much backwardation exists in this perspective. Most disturbing is the prevalent view that “unfettered capitalism” finds Biblical basis. This could not be more wrong. The Bible does not support any of mankind’s “isms.”


This Roman monetary bias will change dramatically when the “day of the Lord” occurs.


Thoughts to Ponder


The world will remain in “backwardation.” They are going “backward and not forward” (Jeremiah 7:24).


“The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them” (Psalm 2:4). Ignoring common sense evidence indeed is laughable.


“Thinking themselves wise they venerate their baseless thoughts. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22). Maranatha


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