Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Globalization Prophecy in Reverse


Globalization Prophecy in Reverse - 259 Mercenaries Killed in Utah by Military Alliance - Gene Decode - 30 terrorists in Africa Killed By US - Antifa Night Of Rage - The Rise Of Witchcraft For The Last Days and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 24th 2023


New ShariRaye Shocking News - Tuesday, January 24, 2023 15:13 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/01/new-shariraye-shocking-news-1-24-2023-2537822.html

Judge Temporarily Blocks Unconstitutional Illinois ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban - By Bo Banks - Jan 23, 2023 - The ban was meant to prohibit the sale and distribution of “assault weapons.” Along with high-capacity magazines and parts that convert handguns into so-called assault weapons. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/judge-temporarily-blocks-unconstitutional-illinois-assault-weapons-ban/

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - By Divina Ellisson 24 January, 2023 – 259 mercenaries killed in Utah by Military Alliance in long firefight - https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-january-24-2023/

Scott Ritter: Narcotics Being Used To Boost Morale Of Ukrainian Troops.. Ukraine Is So Corrupted Now - Tuesday, January 24, 2023 9:50 - https://beforeitsnews.com/international/2023/01/scott-ritter-narcotics-being-used-to-boost-morale-of-ukrainian-troops-ukraine-is-so-corrupted-now-2510733.html

Tyre Nichols Family Holds Press Conference After Viewing Arrest Video - ABC24 Memphis - Monday, January 23, 2023 20:19 - The Nichols case is the latest high-profile death case to shake the city of Memphis. Attorney Antonio Romanucci described a violent scene. “He was a human piñata for those police officers,” Romanucci said. “It was an unadulterated, unabashed nonstop beating of this young boy for three minutes.” Tyre Nichols was “defenseless” during the “savage” beating by Memphis police officers that preceded his death earlier this month, attorneys for his family said at a Monday press conference. Earlier in the day, law enforcement officials privately met with Nichols’ family members and their attorneys to show them video footage of the police stop, which has not yet been released to the public. (Comment: We must all remember police weapons are funded by the New World Order. They would like nothing better than a race war here in America. Another war means the elite funding it will only get richer. We do not need a police state in America. The Founding Fathers wouldn’t recognize America today. The God-given freedoms they championed in the Bill of Rights have been chipped away over the years by an ever-intrusive government bent on controlling all aspects of our lives in the name of safety and security. NSA wire-tapping and data collection is Orwellian in its scope. The TSA, BLM, and IRS are all jockeying for control of our lives. Warrantless searches are on the rise and even encouraged in some communities. Free speech, the right to bear arms, private property, and freedom of religion all are under attack. The Constitution has been tossed on the same trash pile as the Bible.) https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/01/tyre-nichols-family-holds-press-conference-after-viewing-arrest-video-abc24-memphis-3787503.html

SG Anon HUGE Intel 1.23.23 : BOMBS AWAY! - Must Video - Tuesday, January 24, 2023 9:44 - Do you see military tribunals on main stream media or telegram channels? The Fake news only covers news that fits their narrative. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/01/sg-anon-huge-intel-1-23-23-bombs-away-must-video-3652996.html

Gene Decode: BIG Intel Drop January 23! - Must Video - Tuesday, January 24, 2023 10:20 - Gene is so smart wish I was this smart. I have been studying our constitution so I can help those who will be going to court. And it’s a lot of information. I agree we do need to get back to our true values. I never understood ppl buying things they don’t need. I miss family time. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/01/gene-decode-big-intel-drop-january-23-must-video-3653000.html

Armed Democrat Militia (Antifa) ‘Night Of Rage’ Riot Left Businesses Destroyed, Police Car Scorched‘- Tuesday, January 24, 2023 8:17 - “ANTIFA is the armed instrument of the permanent Democratic establishment in Washington. Their job is to mobilize when politically necessary.” BREAKING: @TuckerCarlson masterfully connects the dots between ANTIFA, the Democratic Party, & the media…. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/01/armed-democrat-militia-antifa-night-of-rage-riot-left-businesses-destroyed-police-car-scorched-3652984.html

DOD/DARPA/CDC/WHO: CONCEAL THE REAL REASON FOR THE 💉PUSH/ MEDIA CONTROL MANIPULATION | BIG TECH | BIG CON EXPOSED/SAHSA LATYPOVA & DR. MERYL NASS - HOW MILITARY INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES CONTROLLED COVID SHOTS & POLICY/KATE SHEMIRANI SOUNDS ALARM ON UK DEPOP CULL – THE NG191 DEATH PROTOCOL - Tuesday, January 24, 2023 11:28 - https://beforeitsnews.com/awakening-start-here/2023/01/%f0%9f%9a%b9%f0%9f%9b-doddarpacdcwho-conceal-the-real-reason-for-the-%9c%f0%9f%92push%89%f0%9f%93-media-control-manipulation-big-tech-big-con-exposedsahsa-latypova-dr-meryl-nass-how-17948.html

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: US airstrike kills approx. 30 terrorists in Africa - A U.S. airstrike killed dozens of al-Qaeda-linked fighters in Somalia on Friday as they fought a huge battle against the Somali National Army. The strike killed approximately 30 terrorists associated with the group al-Shabaab and destroyed three vehicles, according to a press release from U.S. Africa Command. Described as a “collective self-defense strike,” it came as Somalian soldiers “engaged in heavy fighting… https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/01/us-airstrike-kills-approx-30-terrorists-in-africa/?mc_cid=51452dda85&mc_eid=d4a810d349

In This End-times World, We Are Increasingly Surrounded By People Who Devise And Delight In Evil – By Hal Lindsey - January 23, 2023 - The price of eggs… a Mall of America security guard threatening the wearer of a “Jesus saves” t-shirt… attacks on the US power grid… a worldwide obsession with pornography… another wave of nuclear threats coming out of Russia… a universal weakening of democratic institutions… a global reshuffling of leaders… threats of “civil war” in Israel… corruption in the highest levels of government across the world… weaponized Artificial Intelligence… deep fake audio and video enabling previously unimagined levels of deception… global economic chaos… and on and on. https://harbingersdaily.com/in-this-end-times-world-we-are-increasingly-surrounded-by-people-who-devise-and-delight-in-evil/

JERUSALEM POST: Libyan Crown Prince El Senussi to TML: 1951 constitution is portal to future - The 1951 Libyan constitution, was considered to be highly progressive at the time of its approval, particularly with regard to women’s rights - By MAJDI HALABI/THE MEDIA LINE Published: JANUARY 24, 2023 03:47 https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-729417

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Jewish and evangelical ‘Leftugees’ making the exodus from Democratic states “And Hashem shall be king over all the earth; in that day there shall be one Hashem with one name.” – ZECHARIAH 14:9 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - By ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ - BIBLICAL NEWS - JANUARY 23, 2023 - America is seeing a mass migration from Democratic states to their Republican counterparts. Dubbed ‘leftugees’ in a 2021 Forbes article, these transients are, for the most part, religious as well as conservative. With 56% of evangelicals voting red, this exodus from Democratic areas represents a religious move that includes Jews who are also often making the same choice. https://www.israel365news.com/365821/jewish-and-evangelical-leftugees-making-the-exodus-from-democratic-states/

Fueling “The Rise Of Witchcraft For The Last Days” - January 24, 2023 by Tom Horn - The practice of witchcraft is on the rise. Amidst economic uncertainty, political turmoil, and environmental concerns, astrology and the occult have gained widespread acceptance. And as people seek control over the chaos and instability around them, occultism is expected to gain further interest worldwide. Hence, it is such an alarming trend to witness the practice of witchcraft spreading even more rapidly via social media, sweeping across the globe like wildfire. Here is the data: -Wiccans or Pagans make up 1 to 1.5 million people in the U.S. -  (Comment: Even if this is true Christianity is the most prevalent religion in the United States. Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire US population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million). Compared to 1 – 1.5 million Wiccans or Pagans isn’t our Lord God Christ the more powerful being? For he is the truth, the light, and the way and his gospel of salvation & redemption is spreading like wildfire over the entire planet. The Devil only has power if the Lord gives it to him. Satan is limited. So why would you believe in a futile enemy that has already been defeated? To cast a few worthless spells? Wake up heathen you are moving to judgement.)  https://www.skywatchtv.com/2023/01/24/rise-of-witchcraft/

MAIL ONLINE - Germany sends in the tanks: Olaf Scholz FINALLY agrees to send crucial Leopard 2 armoured vehicles to Ukraine and allow other countries to do so, following international pressure - By MAILONLINE REPORTER - PUBLISHED: 12:54 EST, 24 January 2023 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11671943/Germany-FINALLY-agrees-send-crucial-tanks-Ukraine.html



Globalization – Prophecy in Reverse?

by Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 24th 2023

“The tide of globalization is turning,” says Martin Wolf, the respected economics editor of London-based Financial Times. He cites proof. For example, trade trends have been flat relative to overall economic output in the world this past 8 years (following the Global Financial Crisis). Also, the stock of cross-border financial investment assets have peaked relative to global economic output, falling substantially. Many other statistics could be quoted.


Wolf’s statement is arresting. It is crucial to understand the significance of “globalization turning.” Globalization is and was the FOUNDATION of soaring global wealth this past half-century. It was the culmination of the great visions of many philosophers and visionaries who foresaw increasing cross-border commerce as the road to a common “one-world.” The common interest and global intertwining of prosperity would draw all nations together in world peace.


It is crucial to understand that globalization was the Holy Grail of all the significant global policy organizations from the International Monetary Fund, to the World Trade Organization, the World Economic Forum and many others. “Peace and safety” and “prosperity and the end of poverty” were the catch-slogans of our times.


And, for well over half of a century, cross border trade increased at many times the rate of overall world economic growth.


Globalization, of course, began much earlier … hundreds of years earlier. However, it has been the time span since 1970 or so over which globalization accelerated at double speed.


How has it all worked out? Indeed the world has become much more economically intertwined than ever before. Financial flows are interlinked as never before in world history. Some claim that extreme poverty in the world has diminished. Yet, it must also be noted that wealth distribution has become more uneven than perhaps ever before in world history. All the while, population migration between countries has not been any more significant than in other eras.


One goal has not been achieved: World peace. There remain many rumors of war, inter-tribal skirmishes and wars. And now, the “tide of globalization is turning.”


Observers lament recent declines in global trade volume growth, a broad shift to trade protectionism and a general unwinding of established financial capital flows. Through the current financial morass can be seen the glints of “natural” deflationary pressures that lie underneath. As mentioned, global trade volumes are still flat to down.


We can also point to shrinking bank balance sheets, declining currency reserves, declining foreign reserves deposited with the Fed, etc. Critically, global currency trading volumes for the first time on record have declined according to a recent report issued by the Bank of International Settlements. This last development is a hugely symbolic development as currency trading volume was the poster child of globalization, with trading volumes up by 10,000 per cent and more since 1970.


Prophetic Implications to Consider


Consider the developments of globalism and globalization. Fulfillment of Bible prophecy requires that these global developments must occur. Were this not so, it would not be possible for future prophecy to be fulfilled.


For example, were there no globalism, how would it be possible that Israel “[…] shall not be reckoned among the nations” (Numbers 23:9); that world rulers “will band together against the Lord” (Psalms 2:2-3); or that God’s last-day judgments could be shown to be a “global” punishment?


The rapid trend of globalization can be considered to be “prophetically significant” as it is a process that eventually enables the specific fulfillment of prophecy.


Then, what to make of the apparent “turning of globalization.” Will the fulfillment of some prophecies therefore be delayed?


We can point to events and processes of perhaps hundreds of years ago that have served to set the foundations of today’s globalism and globalization. Over such longer periods of time, trends can experience “ebbs and flows” — two steps forward, one back. Significant reversals can occur that may cause short-sighted observers to abandon the “prophetic significance” of longer-running developments such as globalization or globalism.


This apparent reversal is only modest to date … certainly not yet of the scale of the reversal that occurred as a result of WWI. The “Gilded Age” of globalization anchored by the British currency then experienced a harsh reversal.


The decline of globalization at that earlier time (or presently) did and does not negate the long-term trend of globalization. One would be wrong to make the pronouncement that the advance of globalization has ended and therefore is no longer “prophetically significant.” As mentioned, short-term trends can be notoriously misleading. In any case, today’s state of globalization and globalism is already so advanced that any reversal would hardly delay the fulfillment of prophecy.


Ship-Shape for the Endtimes


An interesting side-light to the discussion of globalization is the role of ocean-going ships. Even today over 90% of world trade still travels by ship. Ships therefore are the symbol of global trade. Therefore, the recent bankruptcy of Hanjin Shipping, the 7the largest ship company in the world, has caused quite a shock. Just why did this South Korea-based shipper run aground? World trade volumes have been flat to slightly negative; however, one would think that a small cyclical downturn should be easily survived.


Virtually every major industry can face steep cyclical downturns. This is rarely fatal. Why not so shippers? The modern container-ship shipping industry has never before experienced a prolonged downturn in growth. The great globalization boom resulted in massive trade volume expansion …. at an average of 7% per annum for over 50 years.


As such, the industry over-expanded its capacity, assuming global trade growth would resume. Since 2000, the total fleet capacity has risen four-fold. The “turning of globalization” has contributed to massive over-capacity, and as such, shipping costs have come under pressure.


It is interesting to recount how the revolutionary changes in the shipping industry contributed to the world boom in international trade. It was only in 1956 that the twenty foot container was invented by the Seal-Land company, which was founded by the shipping pioneer, Malcolm McLean. The container greatly increased the speed of shipments. They could be easily unloaded directly to railroad cars or transport trucks. Prior to that time, cargo would be loaded manually piece by piece.


We here insert an excerpt from the February 2005 article Ship-Shape for the Endtimes:


What’s Shaping Up for the Future?


The Bible says that the spirit of Tyre, that ancient city whose name was synonymous with Tarshish, shipping, trade and idolatry, will again re-appear on the world’s stage. “At the end of seventy years, the LORD will deal with Tyre. She will return to her hire as a prostitute and will ply her trade with all the kingdoms on the face of the earth” (Isaiah 23:16-17). Tyre has never re-emerged upon the world scene in any literal sense.


Likely, the Bible is referring to the spirit behind Tyre — a greed-infused emphasis upon materialism and commerce as the raison d’etre for mankind’s existence. In fact, Ezekiel identifies this very spirit as being Satan himself. (See Ezekiel 28:12-19.) Assuming that this interpretation is correct, we can anticipate that the “spirit of Tyre” will be a mark of the endtime world. The very same spirit is in clear evidence in Revelation 18 which describes a world-wide colossus dependent upon trading ships.


Is that time in the near future? Based on the evidence of trends of just this past half century — even just the past few decades — we would be unwise to not recognize the signs of the times. Even shipping trends and developments cry out their message. It would not be sensationalist to conclude that the time described in Revelation 18 is already in clear view. World trading activity has literally boomed unlike any other period ever before in history. And, moreover, the world trading system is dependent upon ships as ever, despite the emergence of other advanced forms of transport.


A large part — a third — of the world’s trade network is destroyed at the time of the second trumpet (Revelations 8:9). The entire trading system — at least its systemic hub, Babylon the Great — is destroyed in one hour. That same time may be depicted in this Old Testament prophecy: “The LORD Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled), for all the cedars of Lebanon, tall and lofty, and all the oaks of Bashan, for all the towering mountains and all the high hills, for every lofty tower and every fortified wall, for every trading ship (ship of Tarshish) and every stately vessel. The arrogance of man will be brought low and the pride of men humbled; the LORD alone will be exalted in that day, and the idols will totally disappear” (Isaiah 2:12-18).


But before all this can happen, a world-wide trading and shipping colossus must emerge. We see that happening before our very eyes today … despite the ups and downs of business cycles and periodic financial crises. Maranatha




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