Monday, January 2, 2023

Rampant Lying and Stealing


Rampant Lying and Stealing - Command Vows to Eliminate Traitors - NESARA/GESARA – DUMBs Worldwide Flooded – IRS & Fed Gone – UKRAINE NAZIS HIT RUSSIAN BASE IN DONETSK - Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah Has Stroke - DC Explosions Underground and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 2nd 2023


REAL RAW NEWS: Gen. Smith Takes Command, Vows to Eliminate Traitors - By Michael Baxter -January 1, 2023 - General Eric M. Smith, who took control of the White Hat partition of the U.S. military effective New Year’s Day, did not equivocate when he wrote “there are rats on the ship” in correspondence sent to White Hat commanders across all branches of the armed forces. Among his top priorities, he said, would be determining which officers adhered to the Constitution and which officers were secretly loyal to the criminal Biden regime.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - By Divina Ellisson -  2 January, 2023 – 209 Nations changed currencies to gold asset backed standard – A switch to Quantum Financial System & forgiveness of debt through implementation of NESARA/GESARA – DUMBs worldwide flooded – IRS  & Fed gone – Space Force takes over Dept. of Defense Military Satellite System – CIA & KM Headquarters destroyed under Lake Geneva Switzerland

MAIL ONLINE: Andrew Tate tried to recruit me to his webcam operation when I was 16, reveals Romanian politician's daughter as neighbours tell how busloads of English and American men visited his 'Hustler's University' in Bucharest - Daria Gusa said Tate asked her out online when she was 16 but she refused - Neighbors said dozens of men from UK and US visited Tate's Romanian bolthole - The teenagers were looking for the headquarters of 'Hustler's University' - Read more:  Ex-Playboy model claims Tate tried to lure her to his hideaway - By JACK NEWMAN FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 05:26 EST, 2 January 2023 -

David Nino Rodriguez & Wayne Jett - Military Optics & The SCOTUS Brunson Case! - Must Video! - Monday, January 2, 2023 10:35 - What we are witnessing could be military optics. He believes firmly that patriots are in control and major moves are happening behind the scenes. He speaks on military optics and why the SCOTUS Brunson case could be the straw that breaks the camels back publicly. YOU DECIDE! -

Sarah Westall - Global Domination: Using and Weaponizing Big Tech for Total Control - Monday, January 2, 2023 4:48 - Their control over information in almost every sector and country is a dire threat to humanity and freedom. If we want to have a future where our children are free, we must address this growing threat. -

The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on January 01 2023 - Sunday, January 1, 2023 23:09 - NATO was Tricked. An Explanation of General Surovikin’s Taсtics of WARFARE and much more.

New Juan O Savin - The Year of the Whistleblower 2023 - Sunday, January 1, 2023 23:24 -

UKRAINE NAZIS HIT RUSSIAN BASE IN DONETSK; REPORTING 600 DEAD – WORLD - HAL TURNER - 01 JANUARY 2023 - Reports are starting to filter in from Ukraine claiming a HIMARS multiple launch rocket system stuck a Russian base in Makiivka (Donetsk), killing between 350 and 600 Russian soldiers.  Info is sketchy, but it may have involved School #19 being used to house troops. There are also reports coming in that Ukraine stuck a hospital elsewhere, which was allegedly where Wagner PMC wounded were being housed.

Royce White.. I Flew Here .. Alex Jones Was Right - Monday, January 2, 2023 10:25 - The proxy war between Russia and Ukraine. That is now an all out war between NATO (The Crown) and Russia. I was ambush interviewed by Der Spiegel (The Raildhead of NWO) before a Big 3 game this past summer. My reponse was so spot on we added it to the I Flew Here trailer (Episode 5 | Alex Jones Was Right) and I’m reposting it now because we’ve only seen more of the obvious. I’m not in Putin’s head. I know the history, I know the facts, I know the impulse of globalism. That’s just that folks! This journalist didn’t like hearing that NATO was a driving force of Ukraine’s current suffering. 

DEBKA FILES: Iran is building two carriers – sea platforms for launching armed drone attack - Jan 1, 2023 @ 9:07 IRGC aircraft carriers - Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are building two naval carriers for launching armed drones and fighter helicopters, thereby diversifying their capabilities for potential attacks on the US and Israel.

HARBINGER DAILY - That Day Has Arrived: The World Declares That Good Is Evil And Evil Is Good – By Dean Dwyer - December 31, 2022 - (Queensland, Australia) — The lawlessness so glaringly apparent in many 21st-century children is not just a recent issue. Having said this, we do now live in a time where evil is celebrated and promoted while godliness, holiness and goodness are treated with contempt. In times past it seemed that people preferred to doevil, but it was often under cover of darkness. They were not so brazen and open about their sin: today sin is championed and praised.

JERUSALEM POST: 'West using Ukraine to destroy Russia' – Putin - In a New Year's video message, Putin said Russia was fighting in Ukraine to protect its "motherland" and to secure "true independence" for its people. - By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 31, 2022 14:19 - "For years, Western elites hypocritically assured us of their peaceful intentions," he said in a speech filmed in front of Russian service personnel at the headquarters of Russia's southern military district. "In fact, in every possible way they were encouraging neo-Nazis who conducted open terrorism against civilians in the Donbas," Putin said in an uncharacteristically combative New Year's speech, usually dedicated to well-wishes for the year ahead.

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: Hezbollah chief Nasrallah rumored to have suffered stroke - Reports claim Hezbollah leader has been hospitalized after suffering a stroke, while the terror group claims he just has the flu. - Israel National News - Jan 1, 2023, 10:56 PM - Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah’s recent cancellation of a planned public address is continuing to fuel rumors that the 62-year-old terrorist leader is gravely ill. Nasrallah had been scheduled to make a televised speech Friday evening, but postponed the address, with Hezbollah’s media relations department “health reasons.” The Lebanese terror group claimed that Nasrallah was suffering from an influenza infection, which would “prevent him from speaking in a regular and normal manner.”

ALPHA NEWS: DEA seized 4.7 million lethal doses of fentanyl in 5-state region in 2022 - The DEA Omaha Division said fentanyl is now the primary drug threat in Minnesota. - By Anthony Gockowski -January 1, 2023 - The Drug Enforcement Administration’s Omaha Division released the alarming statistic Friday, saying the lethal doses were seized in both pill and powder form. “The amount of fentanyl we’ve seized across our Division has far surpassed our totals from last year,” DEA Omaha Division Special Agent in Charge Justin C. King said. The Omaha Division includes Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota.

ZERO HEDGE - Netanyahu: "Despicable" UN Vote Has No Bearing On Israel - BY TYLER DURDEN - SUNDAY, JAN 01, 2023 - 07:45 AM - The United Nations General Assembly on Friday passed a resolution asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to evaluate the legality of Israel's “prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territory.” In a video message, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quick to condemn the UN vote as a "despicable decision" that has no bearing on Israel -- a government that sprang into existence in 1948 in the wake of a UN General Assembly recommendation to partition Palestine.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: Vaxxed Into Early Graves, Little Did They Know The Vax Mandates Would Be Death Sentences - Young And Healthy People Never Used To Just 'Drop Dead' At This Astounding Rate! - Dr. Anthony Fauci Is Hess, Barbie And Mengele Rolled Into One – By Stefan Sanford – Jan. 2nd 2023 - Reading this linked story over at the Daily Mail Thursday morning broke my heart. Reporting that a 'Great Hero' had just passed away, 47-year-old, decorated Navy SEAL special operations commander Robert Ramirez III, who was found dead at his San Diego home one month after taking over elite SEAL Team One, the commenters on the story wasted no time at all getting to what the story neglected to report. With the top-voted comment on the story from 'Lori in Texas' being "Probably got the forced mRNA injection," all of the rest of the top-voted comments and responses show why the globalists should be shaking in their satanic boots as people across the world awaken quickly to their 'clot shot genocide'. And while military officials recently claimed the death of Ramirez was by suicide, the commenters on the original story saw what the military and govt are hiding.

100% FED UP: Enes Kanter Freedom is an NBA player who famously changed his name from Enes Kanter in 2021 when he was sworn in as a United States citizen, saying it symbolized the fight for freedom in his home country. Now, he is speaking out against the NBA, boldly calling them out for their partnership with the Chinese Communist Party despite the human rights abuses being perpetrated against Uyghur Muslims and other minority groups by the Chinese government.

OUR NEW EARTH NEWS: It Just Doesn’t Stop… More US Weather Chaos Happening And Forecasted!! West Coast Just Hit By Atmospheric River!! Ice Storms Predicted And Much More Snow Incoming 10-24 Inch Estimates In Some Areas! 10% Chance Of Winter Tornadoes In Central US!! Heavy Rain And Strong Wind Racing Across Parts Of The Country!! - January 1, 2023 -

Charlie Ward: 2023 The Year Of Exposure! - Must Video - Monday, January 2, 2023 12:25 -

Q Drop ~ Military Is The Only Way! - Situation Update Must Video - Monday, January 2, 2023 11:50 -

El Mudo, Linked To Sinaloa Cartel, Is Extradited To The U.S. - Monday, January 2, 2023 12:57 - Alberto David Rubio Zamora, aka “El Mudo”, a member of the Sinaloa cartel, was extradited to the United States for his responsibility in the crime of trafficking methamphetamines to California.

Rev. Franklin Graham Just Issued a Dire Warning for 2023… - Monday, January 2, 2023 12:38 - By Lisa Haven - Reverend Franklin Graham has just issued a dire warning for Americans in 2023 and you won’t believe what he says. All that and more in this report…

WORLD NET DAILY: How 'woke' schools, unions 'turned education system on its head' - 'When parents speak against this, they are targeted as extremists - By WND News Services - Published December 30, 2022 at 9:58am - Throughout 2022, teachers unions across the country turned their attention to initiatives such as gender identity educational materials and reading lists promoting political protest.

Obama's Involvement In Deep State Agenda Shown! More Treason From Renegade! Gave Tech Away! Sound Familiar? - On The Fringe - Sunday, January 1, 2023 18:50 -

Nicholas Veniamin: DC Explosions Underground Discussion With Randy Alexander & Heather Holmes! - Must Video - Monday, January 2, 2023 15:01 -


Rampant Lying and Stealing

by Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 2nd 2023

In June 2007, EVR published a two-part article series entitled Flying Scrolls and Baskets: A Vision of Today. It is an exposition of Zechariah 5. Amazingly, this short chapter of only 11 verses, contains two separate but important visions of the endtimes. Readers may recall the account of a giant scroll that is levitating in the air (verses 1 to 4). Right after this, the angel speaking to Zechariah shows him another vision. We then see a strange picture of an ephah (measuring basket) being carried by two women with the wings of storks.


We concluded that the false witness (lying) and the stealing being mentioned specifically had to do with the global idolatrous commercialism and corruption of all human life on earth of the last days, depicted in the second vision. Pinpointed were the two sins that are mainly responsible for the filthy idolatry that was shown in the flying ephah—lying and stealing.


Encompassed in these visions, by implication, was everything from the elevation of manipulative and global monetary systems, fiat money, capitalism, competitive globalism based on the vested interest of intertwined world-wide trading systems, accounting shenanigans, corporatism and debt-based wealth to grand larceny All together it represents that heaving mass of Mammonism—a world that has chosen Money over God.


According to the visions, the corrosiveness and imbalances of these systems literally consumed “the timber thereof and the stones thereof” (Zechariah 5:4), this symbolizing the structure of mankind’s globalized foundation. For such systems to prosper—prospering here meaning nothing more than giving the semblance of success, though its underpinnings are deceitful and not sustainable—they depend upon two impulses alone. What are these? To no surprise, the very two sins of stealing and false witness. We invite you to read the entire two-part article which can be found on our website.


We again raise the issues of “lying and stealing” as these continue to become more organized, sophisticated and globalized than ever before in history. Again, this trend we interpret to be aligned with the prophesied conditions that Zechariah foresaw. We next list just a few statistics from around the globe that are emblematic of this state.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA, and we here quote from a Special Report of the Bank Credit Analyst dated May 24, 2011) margins of overseas business have swung up relatively suddenly. Between 2000 and 2008, profit margins of overseas management companies (most of these just a mail drop on a sub-tropical island somewhere) rose from 25.8% to 57%. These very same management companies only accounted for 0.1% of total overseas revenues! Alternatively, segmenting overseas profits by country, we discover that profit margins in “Other Western Hemisphere” exploded from 37% to 103.7%. That category is a catch-all that includes most tax havens. We are not sure how a profit margin can be greater than 100%. But apparently, this is now possible in the corrupt and weird world of multi-national corporation profits.

The 2005 UNODC World Drug Report estimated the worldwide drug trade at $320 billion.

A 2009 study showed that 18 out of 20 psychiatrists who wrote the American Psychiatric Association’s most recent clinical guidelines for treating depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia had financial ties to drug companies. Not surprisingly, in 2008, with over $14 billion in sales, antipsychotic became the single top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the United States. –, July 12, 2011

In the United States, UNODC estimates that smugglers are paid around $7 billion to bring 2.7 million Latin Americans over the border every year. Though it would seem as though this equates to a $7 billion outflow from developing countries, in fact this amount is more than made up in the $20 billion in remittances which migrants send back to Latin America every year.

In 2005, TRAFFIC Europe estimated that the total legal trade in wildlife (not including fish and timber which are discussed in separate sections of this report) was worth $22.8 billion. Illegal trade is estimated to be around one-third of the legal trade which would set it at a range between $7.6 and $8.3 billion.

In January 2011, approximately 300 economists signed a letter urging the American Economic Association, (AEA) the world’s largest association of economists, to adopt an ethics code. The letter cited a study that found that the vast majority of economists did not reveal their private affiliations when writing academic papers on financial regulatory reform or opinion pieces in newspapers. It also cited a Reuters investigation of lack of disclosure of consulting gigs and directorships in congressional testimony. Only a handful of its 18,000 members have bothered to offer any input. – Reuters, July 8, 2011

The companies whose brands are copied measure counterfeiting according to how much they lose as a result of the practice. In his book, Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy, Moisés Naím cites an Interpol figure that estimates global commercial losses due to counterfeiting at around $500 billion.

The most recent report by Global Financial Integrity (GFI) report Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries,found that illicit outflows have increased to a range of US$1.26 trillion to US$1.44 trillion in 2008 and that, on average, developing countries lost between US$725 billion to US$810 billion per year over the nine-year period 2000-2008. Illicit flows increased in current dollar terms by 18.0 percent per annum from US$369.3 billion at the start of the decade to US$1.26 trillion in 2008. When adjusted for inflation, the real growth of such outflows was 12.7 percent. Maranatha

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