Sunday, January 8, 2023



Unprecedented - Brunson Petition Announcement On SCOTUS Case Monday - Trump Fulfills Huge Prophecy - Political Crime Families Going Down - BRICS To Admit More Members - On the Path of the Immortals - World's Most Wanted Human Trafficker Arrested and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 7-8th 2023



Trump Fulfills Huge Prophecy! US Government Is About To Change Forever! - Sunday, January 8, 2023 16:06 - Author, Speaker, and Emmy award-winning television writer and producer Jacob Israel shares his unique insight freely. This is not a news channel, this channel is more than that and my purpose is to simply inspire all of you to SEEK THE TRUTH no matter what the cost. The time is now to let go of the lies that are keeping who you really are captive and find the truth that will set you free. Trump Fulfills Huge Prophecy! US Government Is About To Change Forever! -

New Rachel Vaughan: Evidence of Tunnels Under Adelaide! Used to Traffic Children! - Sunday, January 8, 2023 15:43 - I have just uploaded a video to my Rumble and Bitchute channels explaining further evidence of the Edwardstown tunnel system. As a child in the 1970’s and 80’s I was sex trafficked through tunnels that connected to a brick kiln which had been converted into a pre-World War II telecommunications bunker. This bunker…

REAL RAW NEWS: Marines Arrest Vaccine-Loving Deputy Director of the Defense Health Agency - By Michael Baxter -January 7, 2023 - United States Marines serving under Gen. Eric M. Smith on Friday arrested Dr. Michael Malanoski, Deputy Director, Defense Health Agency, on charges of treason and seditious conspiracy, sources in the general’s office told Real Raw News.

RINO Kevin McCarthy is Elected House Speaker After an Excruciating 15 Rounds of Voting - By Shane Trejo - Jan 7, 2023 - He received 216 votes, receiving the support of every Congressional Republican with only 6 exceptions. Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona, Bob Good of Virginia, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Matt Rosendale of Montana and Eli Crane of Arizona voted present, giving McCarthy the total number of votes needed to become Speaker.

New Michael Jaco: Political Crime Families, Mafia, CIA, FBI, Human, Drug, and Weapons Trafficking - Saturday, January 7, 2023 12:23 -

New Jason Q GREAT Intel January 7, 2023 - Saturday, January 7, 2023 11:29 -

BRICS Should Admit More Members, South Africa's Ruling Party Says Central banks add more gold in November as China joins the fray. China Extends Gold Buying With Fresh Flows to Central Bank -

Stewart Best (1/8/2023): THE ARRIVAL – PART TWO - Sunday, January 8, 2023 7:36 - Delusions, Deceptions & Lies Upon Lies – “Long Island was bought with colorful beads – the world is bought with colorful lights.” In part one we focused upon the fact that the Bible says Satan is VERY REAL, VERY POWERFUL, and has cast a SATANIC SPELL OVER ALL OF HUMANITY, a VEIL, AS IT WERE, that blinds humanity to the real truth. In other words, humanity lives in a real, VERY REAL prison house, and is SPIRITUALLY BLIND, walks in spiritual darkness, and is in fact, SPIRITUALLY DEAD to the Living Creator God. In other words, humanity lives in an ILLUSION, but that illusion is also VERY REAL, AND WE ARE BORN INTO IT, GROW UP IN IT, WORK IN IT AND DIE IN IT. When we die, and cross over, we find the real truth of this Illusion but it is too late to do anything about escaping it. (Comment: For a better understanding of the fallen angels get Dr. Tom Horn’s book “On the Path of the Immortals: Exo-Vaticana, Project L. U. C. I. F. E. R. , and the Strategic Locations Where Entities Await the Appointed Time.” It is available on Amazon.)

Sarah Westall: Toronto Protocols, 666 Group, Mind Warfare, Family as a Single Organism & more w/ Simon Esler (2of2) 1-7-2023 - Sunday, January 8, 2023 0:46 - Simon Esler rejoins the program to discuss his latest documentary series, Superorganism, where he focuses on the breakdown of the family unit as a strategy of war. He also explains new science that shows how the family is scientifically shown to operate as a single organism; chemistry changes and connections. The science shows proves that family connections are important for all members of the family. We also discuss the 666 financial group behind the Toronto protocols that laid out this strategy to destroy western civilization. -

The Three Commas Club: What is it? Who's in it? Famous Country Music Singer Exposed! (VIDEO) - Sunday, January 8, 2023 3:51 - Award-winning author, Jack Watts, shares details to his book, The Three Commas Club, which exposes how Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell were not the only ones trafficking underage girls.

THE FINAL ROUND OF Celebrity Death Pool 2023! Who Lives & Who Dies in 2023? Not PC by Any Means, One of the Most Offensive Segments of the Year! Must Listen (The Michael Decon Program) - Sunday, January 8, 2023 3:31 -

New Patriot Underground: Panic in D.C. - Trump As Speaker Of The House - SCOTUS & The Brunson Case - Elon Musk Intel & Twitter’s Role - The Spiritual Rollercoaster - Sunday, January 8, 2023 1:09 -

Larwyn’s Linx: Obama muscled Zuckerberg to censor Trump -- and made an example of him - Sunday, January 8, 2023 10:25 -

INDEPENDENT: Eleven people accused of taking part in child sex ring involving witchcraft and attempted murder - The trial of 11 people accused of taking part in a child sex ring involving witchcraft, attempted murder and serious sexual violence is estimated to last up to seven weeks, a court has heard. Seven men and four women are facing a 14-page indictment over alleged crimes said to have happened between January 2010 and March 2020 at various addresses in Glasgow. Some charges claim the alleged victims, two young girls and a young boy, were forced to kill animals and made to use a ouija board, or similar object, “to call on spirits and demons”. – (Comment: This is what the world has come to calling on spirits from the Ouija Board to terrorize people to do evil towards others. Without a foundation in Christ these poor souls will be condemned to hell for an eternity instead of living with Christ in the light of eternity.) One of the young girls was said to have been shut in a microwave, a fridge, an oven and a freezer in an attempt to kill her, according to the charges.

WESTERN JOURNAL: The Devil Is in the Details: Here Are the Concessions McCarthy Made to Take the Speaker's Gavel - By Bryan Chai - January 7, 2023 at 1:12pm -

WESTERN JOURNAL: Teen Victim's Family Deliver Bloody 'Street Justice' After Confronting Her Alleged Rapist - By Peter Partoll - January 7, 2023 – A shocking incident out of Detroit is demonstrating to all of us what happens when the government refuses to crack down on crime and criminals are allowed to run amok.

ZERO HEDGE: An Age Of Decay - BY TYLER DURDEN - SATURDAY, JAN 07, 2023 - 10:30 PM - Authored by Chris Buskirk via - This essay is adapted from "America and the Art of the Possible: Restoring National Vitality in an Age of Decay," by Chris Buskirk (Encounter, 192 pages, $28.99) - The fact that American living standards have broadly stagnated, and for some segments of the population have declined, should be cause for real concern to the ruling class...

World's Most Wanted' Human Trafficker Arrested: 'He is the Devil Incarnate, a Savage, a Monster' - The United Arab Emirates announced on Thursday, January 5, that it had arrested Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam in Sudan, the “most wanted human trafficker in the world,” during an international police operation carried out with Interpol. He is presented as “one of the cruelest smugglers in the world.” Habtemariam headed a notorious Libya-based human trafficking ring responsible for the murder, torture, rape, and extortion of thousands of African migrants wishing to go to Europe.

Threat Alert: Canada Launches All-Out War on Doctors and Lawyers Who Oppose State Narratives (Interview) - By Miranda SellickJanuary 7, 2023 - Retired Ottawa litigator and lawyer Ari Kulidjian confirms that Canada’s regulatory bodies, such as the colleges that oversee medical professionals and lawyers across Canada, have been captured by the far left. In Canada, it’s been clear for a while now what you can and cannot say publicly. Expressing dissent with Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government is a risky proposition, likely to land you in hot water, if not in jail.

Iran executes karate champion and volunteer children’s coach amid crackdown on protests – By Artemis Moshtaghian, Sahar Akbarzai, Tara Subramaniam, Jomana Karadsheh and Niamh Kennedy, CNN - Updated 1:30 PM EST, Sat January 7, 2023 - Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini were hanged early Saturday morning, state-affiliated Fars News reported……….

MAIL ONLINE: Bomb cyclone is set to inundate California with even more torrential rain thanks to 'atmospheric rivers' in the SKY, as LA braces for eight inches and San Francisco endures wettest 10 days since 1871 - The West Coast of the United States is bracing itself for another round of storms, which will bring heavy snow, flooding and strong winds over the coming days - Storms will hit northern California in particular, according to the Weather Prediction Center, and are expected to be even stronger than storms this week - Coastal communities should expect flooding, gusty winds and dangerous beach conditions, while higher elevations will experience heavy snow and strong winds - The storms are expected to bring an increased risk of rock slides and mudslides across the state, as well as flooding and power outages - More than 15 million people are under flood watches in California, with an increased risk of excessive rainfall expected over the weekend - By ASSOCIATED PRESS and JAMES GORDON FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 20:11 EST, 7 January 2023 -

Net Carbon Zero: The Real War Against Humanity - Sunday, January 8, 2023 11:59 – SSTN - By MARK MATHENY - This is the Mass Genocide Agenda of 90% of the Population under the guise of “saving” the Planet. This documentary explains what the “Carbon Net Zero” agenda is really about…..

Out Of 1,621 Athletes That Experienced Cardiac Arrests & Serious Issues, 1,118 Are Dead Following COVID Shots - Saturday, January 7, 2023 16:24 - On Saturday’s The Sons of Liberty radio, nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani and former football player and sports commentator Matt Le Tissier joined me to talk about the deaths taking place on the field among athletes.  During that broadcast, I mentioned a recent report that indicated that 1,118 athletes lost their lives, out of 1,621 who experienced cardiac arrests and other serious issues following taking the experimental COVID shot.




By Daymond Duck

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Jan. 8th 2022


On Jan. 2, 2023, 24-year-old Buffalo Bills Safety, Damar Hamlin, routinely tackled an opposing player for the Cincinnati Bengals. Hamlin stood up and then fell backward on the turf.


Hamlin’s heart had stopped. CPR was administered for 9 minutes; his heartbeat resumed, and he was put in an ambulance and taken to the University of Cincinnati Medical center for evaluation and treatment.


Fans and players were shocked and praying, and in an unprecedented move, the NFL Monday night football game was indefinitely suspended and ultimately postponed.


The next day, it was reported that highly acclaimed internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who agreed that Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest, said, “If Hamlin indeed took one of the COVID-19 vaccines, then subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis must be considered in the differential diagnosis.”


The fact that all the Buffalo Bills players had been vaccinated for Covid was admitted by someone who said he knows it for a fact but asked that his identity not be disclosed.


McCullough has often warned that Covid-19 gene therapy vaccinations are causing a dramatic increase in heart damage and the death of young people.


It is now an established fact that hundreds, perhaps 1-2 thousand, athletes have collapsed and died from heart problems, blood clots, etc. in the last 2-3 years.


Insurance companies are reporting an increase in death rates, and morticians are reporting massive blood clots in the deceased.


Some authorities even believe mRNA gene therapy vaccinations are part of a plan to reduce the population of the earth, and the situation is much worse than reported.


Many Bible prophecy teachers know that the end of the age will be characterized by an unprecedented convergence of the signs, unprecedented increase in knowledge and travel, unprecedented increase in deceit and pestilence, an unprecedented call for a global government, etc.


In her Winter 2023 Newsletter, Jan Markell (Olive Tree Ministries) said, “Pew Research just released a report that found among all U.S. adults, 39% say the ‘end times’ are now. That includes 47% of all Christians, which, in turn, included 55% of Protestants, 63% of evangelicals, 31% of mainline church members and 76% of historically black church memberships.”


Markell made it clear that the poll was about the Second Coming not the Rapture (which will take place a minimum of 7 years before the Second Coming).


If the poll is right (and I do not doubt it), the number of Christians that believe the end of the age is here is growing and unprecedented.


Everyone needs to be Rapture Ready (see how at the end of this article).


Here are more events that confirm it.


One, concerning depopulation and the decline of America: Catherine Austin Fitts, Publisher of the Solari Report and former Assistant U.S. Sec of Housing under Bush 41, made some interesting statements in an interview posted by Greg Hunter on Dec. 20, 2022.


Hunter reported that Fitts said (in my words for the sake of brevity and to get what I think are the most important points):


The U.S. is so fraudulent that it will self-destruct much sooner than later.

My question is how much of the money sent to Ukraine is coming back to the U.S.

There is a machine in control of a spending machine that is financed with our taxes and debt that is borrowed in our name. (My comment: Fitts did not say it, but I think she is talking about the so-called Deep State or Shadow Government.)

That machine is implementing a depopulation plan to balance the books, and changing the president will not change what the machine is doing.

If the machine does not fail you in 2023, it will fail you in 2024.

The Covid injections are a bioweapon that is part of the machine’s depopulation plan.

Here is a link to Greg Hunter’s post:


Two, on Dec. 31, 2022, New York became the sixth state (behind Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Vermont, and California) to legalize composting of deceased human bodies.


The environmentally conscious in those states can now treat the body of a loved one as a disposable commodity, have it composted, and used in a conservation project (spread in their garden, yard, under their trees, etc.).


Three, when asked about His Second Coming, Jesus said when the abomination of desolation (the Antichrist or a statue of the Antichrist), spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stands in Holy Place (in the rebuilt Temple at the middle of the Tribulation Period), the Jews in Judaea should flee into the mountains (a place prepared by God where they will be supernaturally protected, fed and watered for 3 ½ years; Matt. 24:15-16; Rev. 12:6).


Jesus did not name the mountains, but many prophecy teachers think He was talking about the ancient city of Petra in the mountains of Jordan.


On Dec. 28, 2022, it was reported that Petra was flooded by 3.1 inches of rain the day after Christmas; 1,700 tourists were evacuated, and it was closed for one day.


Video posted by shows flood water, a road, a vehicle, and people at Petra.


I seem to remember that there is now a road to Petra and utilities to accommodate the many visitors.


Put another way, if that is the place preparations have been made for lots of people, the Jews can get there, and if they need food and water, God can send it.


It will be neat if the food is manna from heaven.


Here is a link to the article and videos.


Four, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: an Israeli attack on Iran is not the Battle of Gog and Magog, but Iran said she will counterattack if Israel attacks her.


Moreover, Russia and Turkey have warned Israel not to attack Iran.


If Russia, Turkey, and others joined Iran in a counterattack, that would be the Battle of Gog and Magog and an undeniable sign that the world is in the latter years and latter days (Ezek. 38:8, 16).


On Dec. 28, 2022, it was reported that Israel has improved its preparations and readiness for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.


On Dec. 29, 2022, Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in as the new Prime Min. of Israel.


Netanyahu has appointed a man to lead Israel’s National Security Council that has repeatedly threatened to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities if the U.S. does not secure a deal to stop Iran’s development of nuclear weapons.


As of Sept. 2022, U.S. Pres. Biden has given up on getting Iran to stop.


(Note: The UN, the U.S., the EU, the WEF, the PA, and others are already expressing their disapproval of Netanyahu’s new government and trying to move it to the left. The Bible tells us Israel will be hated at the end of the age, and, at some point, Bible prophecy says war will break out, God will use it to fulfill His Word, and Israel cannot be defeated.)


Five, concerning the days of Lot and immorality: the Knesset in Netanyahu’s government elected an openly gay man to be the Speaker of the Knesset (the first openly gay person to hold that position in Israel).


Six, concerning the days of Lot and immorality: on Dec. 31, 2022, Elon Musk’s Twitter reinstated The Christian Post after 9 months of censorship for telling the truth (calling Pres. Biden’s Sec. of Health, Rachel Levine, a man).


Levine is the father of two boys, a biological male who divorced his wife, let his hair grow long, started wearing a bra and identifying as a woman, but the former Twitter owners said the Post committed “hateful conduct” by calling him a man.


After Musk reinstated The Christian Post, its editors said they are a Christian publication, their primary responsibility is to God, and they will continue to report biblical truth to the best of their abilities.


Seven, concerning global warming and electric vehicles: on Dec. 28, 2022, it was reported that New York City has 2,100 trucks that run on diesel fuel and can be fitted with plows in the winter and used to clear snow.


The city also has 6,000 garbage trucks that run on gas that they would like to convert to electric vehicles, equip them with plows, and use for clearing snow.


They recently learned that trucks that are converted to electricity are not powerful enough, they do not do an acceptable job, they only run about 4 hours, and the equipment and space to charge thousands of vehicles every 4 hours would be extremely expensive.


Some of their officials have concluded that it may be feasible to convert the trucks in the future, but it is not feasible now.


Eight, concerning the days of Noah and wickedness: on Dec. 29, 2022, it was reported that looting and stealing from stores in San Francisco, Cal. is costing businesses almost $100 billion per year, and government officials are doing nothing to stop it.


Nine, concerning Netanyahu’s new government and the Temple Mount: on Jan. 3, 2023, with the approval of Prime Min. Netanyahu, his new National Security Minister became the first sitting minister to ascend the Temple Mount in 5 years.


During his visit, he said, “The Temple Mount is open for everyone, also Jews.”


The Palestinian Authority (PA) condemned the visit, but many Jews praised it.


(More: condemnation by world leaders of the visit and Netanyahu’s government was fast and furious, but as of this writing, there has been no violence.)


Ten, concerning world government: the World Economic Forum (WEF) will begin a series of meetings on Jan. 18, 2023, to focus on countering misinformation (an undefined topic that means silencing anyone that disagrees with their agenda, criticizing Covid-19 vaccinations, criticizing their antichrist globalist government and religion, etc.).


(Note: It is time to face the fact that world leaders are deliberately transitioning (taking incremental steps) the nations toward a world government (New World Order; The Great Reset) by 2030 or sooner, and pre-Trib Rapture teachers believe the Rapture is before the Tribulation Period. Those that are left behind will regret it.)


Finally, are you Rapture Ready?


If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Maranatha







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