Monday, September 11, 2023

Why the Official Account of 911 Cannot be True


Will Heaven Be Boring? - White Hats Shoot Down FEMA Plane - - Why the Official Account of 911 Cannot be True - 9/11 Methodical Illusion - Global currency Reset This Week - 9/11 Methodical Illusion - JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES - Underground DUMBS Are Connected Worldwide and more.

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 11th 2023



New Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Live: Prophets and Patriots Episode 77 Special Broadcast - Monday, September 11, 2023 15:19 -

 REAL RAW NEWS: White Hats Shoot Down FEMA Plane Leaving Hawaii - By Michael Baxter -September 10, 2023 - On August 29, a White Hat-controlled Arleigh Burke-class destroyer shot down a State Department 767 carrying 180 FEMA personnel from Honolulu to Florida via a stopover at San Francisco International Airport, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. The shoot down occurred at 2:15 a.m., approximately 300 nautical miles east of Oahu. The plane was flying at 37,000 feet when struck by a single Standard Missile 3 (SM-3). The 767 broke apart midair as it plummeted into the ocean.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - Update as of September 11, 2023 – Gold backed currency and NESARA  should be announced soon – Global currency reset this week – Indictments of Trump will lead to the introduction of evidence of a stolen election & fraud -

INSIDER PAPER: Modi hails Saudi ties after ‘historic’ route unveiled – AFP - September 11, 2023 5:33 am - India hailed its “strategic” partnership with oil-rich Saudi Arabia on Monday, days after unveiling a major trade and transport route linking Europe, the Middle East and India as part of a broad alliance. “Together, we made the historic start to establish an economic corridor,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in New Delhi.

9/11 Methodical Illusion -Airline Flight Attendant Reveals What Really Happened On 9/11 - Monday, September 11, 2023 2:48 - The glamorous life of an international flight attendant can be anything but, as Vera Hanson discovered the morning one of her crew members was found murdered in a Paris hotel room. That morning began to put into focus some of the experiences of Vera’s thirty year airline career, which she had purposely been avoiding. It caused her to look more deeply into the questions surrounding 9/11 that never made sense to a flight attendant, but that no one had seriously investigated. With the help of her pilot friend Jim Bowman, they embark on a cross country journey employing their wisdom, experience and intense research to uncover the mysteries of what really happened to the four airplanes and the people on them that fateful day. Written as a novel, Methodical Illusion has been excruciatingly researched from an insider’s perspective, utilizing proprietary knowledge of airplanes, universal FAA protocols, standardized flight crew procedures and all hijacking policies. The results are the never before revealed answers to the daunting questions everyone has had, but few have dared ask aloud for fear of the repercussions that undoubtedly follow. Rebekah Roth is right on target with her mind blowing research which is guaranteed to open your eyes. Available on Kindle on Amazon -

JOSEY WALES: Kensington Ave. Philadelphia, PA. Camera 2 - Sunday, September 10, 2023 23:12 - 1 John 2:16 - For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. This is a major crisis that is happening in America’s heartland, right now. With Crack, meth, heroin, oxycodone, weed, Percocet, PCP … these are all the usual suspects around Kensington Ave, however, heroin and fentanyl is without a doubt the most popular drugs. Dealers stand out in the open, hawking their wares. Some even offer free samples. (Comment: All the homeless, drug dealers, prostitutes, who are illegally using our public sidewalks, Parks, etc. need to all be rounded up in a giant sting operation, put in jail, then given help from private donors. If the state gets involved with the money aspect the ones that need the help will never get it. Mental diseases need to be treated. Rehab supported. Jobs then given on recovery. Surely if we really want to this can be done.)

Juan O' Savin: We Are Killing It Right Now! Epic Happenings! (Video) - Monday, September 11, 2023 5:31 - Things going on all over the country that are EPIC. AZ has had some great wins!! Far from done for Kari Lake…Arizona has had a history of overturning Governor elections. Patrick Byrnes FBI info. coming to a head.

Judy Byington: It’s 9/11, US Constitution Hanging By A Thread, White Hats Shoot Down FEMA Plane- Special Intel Report For Mon. 11 Sept. 2023 (Videos) - Monday, September 11, 2023 6:14 - Jan Hayes was part of the Department of Defense and now was hitting Patriot channels and Q supported networks giving clear information that the Military knows the 2020 elections were rigged and the military from different divisions have Task Force that collectively monitoring the U.S. citizens and wait for the right time to intercede with military intervention and the best way to avoid civil war. Where’s the CIA coming from? The CIA has used US Taxpayer monies in a Black Budget to fund school shootings in order to disarm The People, fund international Child Sex Trafficking, Drug Cartels and Gun Running, while using their Project Mockingbird to control the Mainstream Media narrative.

SG Anon: Intel Drop With Bill Quinn - No One Expected THIS to Happen! (Video) - Monday, September 11, 2023 5:08 - SG sits down Bill Quinn to share MAJOR Intel about current geopolitical dynamics and current events.

JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES - LIVE WITH JULIE: A MASSIVE EVENT IS ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE – A great silence is coming that means your enemies defeat

New FCB D3CODE & Dave: Special Intel Event September 2023 - Monday, September 11, 2023 10:51 -

President Trump 911 Decode! We Will Never Forget! - Monday, September 11, 2023 10:56 -

Underground DUMBS Are Connected Worldwide – They Used Technology Not Available To Those On The Surface Top – Monday, September 11, 2023 10:44 - Underground DUMBS Are Connected Worldwide. They Used Technology NOT Available To Those On The Surface Of Earth — Such As FREE ENERGY, Magnetic Levitation Transportation & Highway Systems. Their Ability To Move Massive Cargo Overseas Can Be Done In Minutes & Hours. These Underground & Underwater Transit Systems Are The Bloodline To The DS Operations. Much Of This Covert War Is Being Fought Underground, Under Water & On The Water.

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Here In Year 3 Of Obama’s Third Term, The Wheels Are Starting To Come Off Of The Bus In Major Biden Malfunction - Monday, September 11, 2023 10:26 - Joe Biden had a system-wide malfunction over the weekend in Vietnam revealing just how he has been a cypher for Barack Obama’s third term as president


President Joe Biden whispered, he walked about the stage and he used that now-famous phrase ‘lying dog faced pony soldier’ while taking questions Sunday night in Hanoi, Vietnam from a set list of reporters. In what was supposed to be a show of stamina – Biden is circumnavigating the globe in five days – the 80-year-old commander-in-chief joked about not knowing if it was morning or night and ended the 26-minute event by saying, ‘I’m going to go to bed.’ What is all that? Year 3 of Obama’s third term. “And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.” Nehemiah 4:14 (KJB) -

ATLAS SHRUGS: Fifth Circuit Court Rules Confirms Government Officials, Social Media Companies Censored Posts, Bans Further Communication - Monday, September 11, 2023 10:09 - Washington Examiner: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court’s ruling that prohibits numerous federal government officials from contacting social media companies. The appeals court in New Orleans upheld a decision in Missouri v. Biden that came down from the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana in July. The district judge had placed a preliminary injunction in July prohibiting the defendants, including President Joe Biden, United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, and former chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci, from contacting social media companies over content it believes to be misinformation (Washington Examiner).

ZERO HEDGE: "Who Is Biden Working For?" Admin Under Fire For 'Illegal, Reckless' Cancellation Of Alaska Oil Leases - BY TYLER DURDEN - MONDAY, SEP 11, 2023 - 04:45 AM - Did someone pay Bidens to weaken the United States? After canceling the Keystone XL pipeline project, draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to dangerously low levels (some of which was sold to a Hunter Biden-linked Chinese energy giant), and vowing "no more oil drilling" on US soil while America's geopolitical adversaries - two of whom paid his family handsomely - beef up their own energy independence, the Biden administration has done it again….

WATCHERS: Medicane “Marquesa” makes landfall in Libya, causing severe flash flooding - Sunday, September 10, 2023 - Medicane  “Marquesa” — a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone, made landfall in Libya at 01:30 UTC on September 10, 2023, causing severe flash flooding in Benghazi and neighboring regions. The low that has been spinning in the central Mediterranean since the beginning of the week, bringing exceptionally heavy rains and major flooding to central Greece, has developed a well-organized convective pattern and met the criteria for designation as a medistorm on September 8, 2023

The End Is Near! Here Are Some indicators! - The Prepared Homestead - Monday, September 11, 2023 14:12 - 2 million guns sold in US last month. Buy ammo!Talking to someone I happened to meet he said people have lost compassion and morals I agreed completely! NEW Breakthrough Product Helps You To Look and Feel Better GUARANTEED! Every service person I’ve had come to my house to repair or service stuff here, all see what’s going on. Every blue-collar person I talk to sees it. Church Age is drawing down. Coming sooner than most think.

David Icke on 9/11 - Monday, September 11, 2023 14:17 – David Icke tells True Geordie that 9/11 was a controlled demolition….

X22 Report - Trump: “We’re Probably Heading Into A Great Depression!” We Will Fix This Problem! - Must Video - Monday, September 11, 2023 13:42 - The [WEF] is pushing their agenda and the more they push the worse it’s going to get for them. In Texas they have declared and emergency because the wind and solar power is not working and they decided they can use other methods of creating electric. Trump says there is a great depression coming but we will be able to fix it..

TIME TRUTH: 9/11 Audio Forensic Analysis Shows Huge Discrepancies Between Videos: Video Composite Forgeries EXPOSED! - Tim Truth - Monday, September 11, 2023 12:42 - What you watched was theater, and Crisis Actors. Just because you watched it on the evening news doesn’t mean that it is real and authentic. How hard do you think it is when you have total control on a news network to write a script and pay some actors which you can film and air it as live news? It is no big deal! The only hard part is to get control on the national news networks. When you have that, it is mostly downhill from there for the rest of the (fictional) story you want people to believe in.

ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Dr. Rima Laibow - Monstrous Sexualization of Children and Colonization by Mind Control - Monday, September 11, 2023 14:32 - In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host Attorney Dagmar Schoen talk with Dr. Rima Laibow, a psychiatrist and specialist in child & adolescent psychiatry in the US, about the untrustworthy and demonstrably long-planned agenda of a psychopathic minority of self-proclaimed elites who stop at no crime to achieve their inhuman goals. In their dangerous megalomania to decimate humanity by 95% and to keep the rest under their totalitarian control like cattle and to abuse them as they see fit, they do not even stop at the cruelest violence against the weakest members of our society, the children….

The Destruction of the World Trade Center - Why the Official Account of 911 Cannot be True – By David Ray Griffin – Sept. 2023 -



Will Heaven Be Boring?

By Grant Phillips

Published on: April 23, 2022

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 11th 2023



Just to ask the question, “Will Heaven be boring?” almost seems like an affront to God, but surprisingly, there are those who think Heaven will be boring. There are those who think we will be floating on a cloud, playing a harp for eternity. Then there are those who think all we will be doing for eternity is having endless worship services.


First of all, we will not be lying on a cloud playing a harp, period. That erroneous concept has come from movies, television shows, commercials, and even comedic jokes. Secondly, we will be worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ, but we will be doing so because we will be so grateful and in awe of Him as God. We will want to worship Him, but that is not all we will do.


When thinking of God, we need to look around us at His creation and consider how diverse it is. Most of us don’t appreciate what is around us, maybe because we see it every day and don’t really give it much thought. Allow me to offer just a few points to consider.


How many different types of grass are there? The botanists tell us there are about 12,000 different types of grass. How many different species of trees are there? As of 2013 the Amazon rain forest alone is thought to have nearly 16,000 different species of trees.


It is estimated that our earth has 3-30 million (why such a wide range, I don’t know) different species of animals. Even with the lowly rock, there are three different types: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. There are over 400,000 different types of flowering plants and over 100 different types of bushes and shrubs. If there are so many different species and types of everything on earth, why would it be any different in Heaven?


Have you ever noticed that we all don’t like the same foods, and we don’t necessarily like the same food prepared the same way? Consider the omelet. There are many different ways to prepare an omelet for breakfast.


Not everyone likes their steak rare, or well-done. Not everyone likes steak, for that matter. Even a salad can be prepared many different ways. I personally believe that many of our likes and dislikes will change, but should there not remain some diversity? Most certainly.


What about people? There may be similarities in looks, but none are exactly the same. As human beings, we also do not have the same likes and dislikes. Some folks love music, while some do not. Some enjoy sports, but others do not. Some like to climb mountains, while others prefer swimming. Some prefer to swim in the ocean, while others prefer to just sit on the beach and watch the waves while enjoying the warm sun.


Not everyone worships the same way. Some are quiet and laid back, while others are more boisterous. Will the Lord change our personalities so that we are as mere zombies? Of course not.


Have you ever looked at pictures of outer space and seen how beautiful it is? Did you notice how God made the planets, stars, galaxies, etc., all “different” from each other?


My point in all this is that God’s creation, including people, is so varied, nothing could ever be boring because nothing is exactly the same.


The apostle Paul said of Heaven, “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows—how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4).


Paul went on to say in Philippians 1:19ff that his desire was to be in Heaven with the Lord. Would he have felt that way if Heaven is a “black and white” world compared to our world of color? Speaking of color, I believe colors will be more vivid and varied than we can presently imagine.


God has given us all special gifts and talents. Why would He change that? Don’t you think we would actually be involved in what He has gifted us with to serve Him?


Lest we forget, there will be no aches and pains, no need for doctors and hospitals. There will be no hatred, jealousy, greed or selfishness. In other words, there will be no sin and none of anything that comes from sin. We will all truly love each other with a love we cannot currently fathom.


The glory of Heaven is so beyond our puny minds, but the greatest of all is that we will be with Jesus, face to face. The very One who has created all we know and much more we do not know has provided an eternity for us who know Him that will not be boring. To the contrary, we will be busy in many different ways, joyfully serving Him.


I believe we will see Jesus as the Son of man when He came in His first advent and also as the Son of God as He will show the world in His second coming. In other words, we will see Him as He is … God. Can any of us imagine seeing our holy God face to face?


Anyone who will be honest in their reply cannot look around them at this present world and believe there is no God. Nor could they think for a moment that His grandeur is limited by our vision of Him or His creation. The greatest wonder of Heaven, however, isn’t the creation but the Creator, the Savior of all who come to Him in true repentance.


Will Heaven be boring? How could Heaven be boring when looking upon the face of the Lord of lords and King of kings? How could Heaven be boring when beholding the One who paid our sin debt? The apostle Paul summed up Isaiah 64:4 and Isaiah 65:17 by saying:


“But as it is written:


‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love Him’” (1 Corinthians 2:9).


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