Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Behold the Glory of God


Behold the Glory of God - Supreme Court Has Already Overturned the 2020 Election - The Truth Shall Set You Free – Mike Jaco September Intel for The Fall - Ukraine NAZIS Scores Big Hits - Charlie Ward's Insiders Club - Highly Destructive Natural Disasters Exposed and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 13th 2023



WILLIAM REED - 6 Minutes Ago: Tucker Carlson Shared Terrifying Message - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 11:02 - In the late 1990s, Illinois was just another state, and Barack Obama was not yet a household name. It was during this time, in the bustling streets of Chicago, that Sinclair claims to have had an unexpected rendezvous with Obama. A casual introduction in a bar, an evening spent in conversation, and an alleged shared experience with illicit substances. Sinclair’s account suggests that their interaction was fleeting, yet its implications were profound.

WILLIAM REED: Douglas Macgregor - Russia will Bridge the River and Capture Odessa - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 15:01 - The sun had barely risen over the vast landscapes of Eastern Europe when the echoes of past promises began to reverberate. The 1990s, a time of change and transition, saw the collapse of the Soviet state system. Assurances were given, commitments made, that the West would not exploit this collapse to push NATO further into Eastern Europe. The intent was clear: to maintain a buffer, a sense of balance, and not to agitate the sleeping bear that was Russia….

REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Hangs Five - By Michael Baxter -September 13, 2023 - In what could set a precedent for JAG’s book of business, the entity tasked with enforcing justice against unrepentant Deep Staters simultaneously hanged to death five physicians convicted of coercing patients to get vaccinated and blacklisting those who refused. The synchronous executions took place at Camp Blaz on September 5, on five gallows erected to hasten sentencing for myriad Deep Staters found guilty of treason and crimes against humanity….

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 13, 2023 - Reporter Phil Godlewski says the Supreme Court has already overturned the 2020 election they just have not went public with it – The real Joe Biden was executed in 2019 at GITMO – Trump has been serving as the real POTUS -

Wake Up! Highly Destructive Natural Disasters Are Suddenly Striking Areas All Over The Earth! - Epic Economist - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 8:29 - Why are so many historic natural disasters suddenly hitting us one after another?  For a moment, I would like for you to think about what we have seen over just the past several weeks.  The wildfires on Maui were the deadliest in the entire history of the United States.  Then Hilary absolutely pummeled southern California, Idalia caused immense damage along the Gulf Coast of Florida, and now Hurricane Lee is threatening the east coast.  If it actually hits a major population center in the Northeast, we could see immense devastation.  Meanwhile, large earthquakes are striking without warning all over the globe.  On Friday night at 11:11 local time, a highly destructive magnitude 6.8 earthquake hit Morocco. According to the USGS, this was the biggest earthquake that Morocco has experienced in more than 100 years. In the city of Marrakesh, tall buildings violently crumbled to the ground as the ground shook with great force. When something like this happens, your life can be turned upside down in a single moment. Then on Saturday, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit off the coast of Palu, Indonesia, and a magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck not too far from New Zealand. (Comment: The thing is how many of these disasters are actually natural or perhaps like many believe and can prove are from HAARP or DEW weapons. Again I should remind you that Deep State wants you to believe things are speeding up and we are headed for the tribulation. Like everything else they do it is all based on a lie. My Intel is saying that only the CCP is using these weapons. President Xi is taking out the remaining CCP members and this will all cease soon.)

Judy Byington: Patriots, the Time is NOW, The Truth Shall Set You Free, Cabal Takedown-Special Intel Report For Wed. 13 Sept. 2023 (Videos) - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 5:36 - Judy Note: Reporter Phil Godlewski tells us that the Supreme Court has already overruled the 2020 election, they just haven’t yet announced it to the public; Joe Biden was executed at GITMO in 2019; in 2021 a body double was sworn in as President of the bankrupt US Inc. private corporation; Trump has been serving as the real US President; in 2017 Trump met with global leaders of Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, China and Brazil to show them evidence of Crimes Against Humanity by Cabal in their country who were going to be arrested and tried after which all countries including the Vatican, capitulated to him; Hillary Clinton was executed at GITMO 31 Dec. 2018; the Cabal was a group of global Elites: politicians, high ranking bankers, CEOs of companies and billionaires who control the World without being elected by The People.

Michael Jaco & Brad Olsen: Underground Cities, Super Soldiers, Aquaman, Avatar, Off Planet Colonies - Tuesday, September 12, 2023 21:34 -

New Michael Jaco & Lt. Scott Bennett: September Intel for The Fall - 9/11 was the Beginning of the Breakdown of America into a Worldwide Pariah - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 0:04 -

David Nino Rodriguez: BJ Penn To Be Arrested? Hawaii Governor Makes A Threat!!?? (Video) - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 4:06 -

SGT REPORT: 9/11, The Fall of U.S. Empire & BRICS -- Lior Gantz (Video) - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 4:47 - Lior Gantz returns to SGT Report with the truth about US empire, the end of US Dollar hegemony and the BRICS.

Charlie Ward's Insiders Club With Special Guests SG Anon and David Mahoney! (Video) - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:58 -

The UK is literally mad. Leave, say the English Democrats. - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 7:41 - Ukrainians Caught Trying to Sabotage Russian Nuke Plant; Putin says “Trained by British” – for whom “There will be consequences” - “Vladimir Putin today warned Britain of ‘serious consequences’ and said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ‘doesn’t understand’ the risks after the UK’s special forces tried to disrupt Russian nuclear power plants. President Putin said that Britain’s elite forces were training Ukrainian troops on how to damage atomic power plants in Russia. The Russian President declared dire consequences for the UK while admitting his words would be interpreted as ‘nuclear blackmail.’ -

THE HAL TURNER SHOW – Ukraine NAZIS Scores Big Hits; Destroys Russian Submarine and Landing Ship – WORLD HAL TURNER - 13 SEPTEMBER 2023 - Ukraine has successfully attacked the Russian port of Sevastopol on Crimea, and destroyed the Russian Submarine "Rostov-on-Don" and the Landing Ship "Minsk" (pictured above).  Both vessels were in dry dock for repairs. We learned about the consequences of Ukraine's attack on the Sevmorzavod (dry dock/shipyard) in Sevastopol last night. Sources in the Black Sea Fleet, in the General Staff and in the Sevastopol government told us the following: As a result of the missile strike, 11 people were killed - factory workers and military. 31 people, according to the latest data, were injured. The Ukraine missiles completely destroyed two vessels…

THE HAL TURNER SHOW - FLASH: RUSSIA ATTACKING ODESSA, IZMAIL, and ***RENI*** NEAR WHERE NATO EXERCISE TAKING PLACE ON ROMANIA SIDE OF DANUBE – WORLD HAL TURNER - 12 SEPTEMBER 2023 - This is FLASH TRAFFIC:  Russian missiles are attacking Odessa while Russia's "Geranium" Drones in large "swarms" are attacking the Ukrainian ports at Izmail, and . . . . . Reni - which is directly across the Danube River from Romania and EXACTLY WHERE NATO is conducting its latest, ongoing, naval exercise. NATO vessels and troops are on the Romanian side of the Danube River Delta, and would be able to see and hear the attacks against Reni.

MAIL ONLINE: Marjorie Taylor Greene says Biden impeachment probe will expose 'EVERYONE' who 'covered up his crimes' - Rep. Greene said impeachment is about more than Biden – and said the inquiry will reveal corruption from 'everyone' who helped 'cover-up' his 'crimes' - She rejected claims Speaker McCarthy was 'threatened' to launch the probe - McCarthy announced Tuesday the impeachment inquiry into President Biden - By KATELYN CARALLE, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 08:44 EDT, 13 September 2023 | UPDATED: 09:14 EDT, 13 September 2023 - Marjorie Taylor Greene says it's just as important to expose the people who she claims helped 'cover-up' the President's illegal actions as it is to reveal Joe Biden's crimes in the impeachment inquiry. The Georgia Republican congresswoman also pushed-back on claims that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was 'threatened' to open the impeachment probe into Biden. Rep. Greene said impeachment is really about the entire web of corruption within the Biden family and circle, and said the probe will expose 'everyone' involved.

MAIL ON LINE: Washington DC is now so crime-ravaged locals are driving tiny distances instead of walking and are too scared to go out during the day, as woke city sees homicides spike by 29% in a YEAR - There have been 190 murders in Washington DC this year, putting the city on track this year to overtake 2021 - with 227 - as the bloodiest in two decades - Homicides are falling in New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia - and Baltimore is hopeful to have under 300 murders for the first time since 2015 - Residents of the nation's capital say they are changing their routines, avoiding going out at night, and driving to avoid falling victim to crime - By HARRIET ALEXANDER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 01:56 EDT, 13 September 2023 | UPDATED: 10:56 EDT, 13 September 2023 - Soaring crime in the nation's capital is leaving residents rattled, with locals driving small distances to avoid walking and others now too fearful to step outside even during the day. Homicides and robberies are up 29 and 67 per cent from the same time period last year, with murders approaching levels not seen in two decades - while other big cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore are seeing declines. Neighboring Baltimore could end the year with under 300 killings for the first time since the riots over Freddie Gray's death in police custody in 2015.

X22 Report: Trump Calls For The 25th Amendment! Let The Unsealing Begin! Military Civilian Alliance! - Must Video - Tuesday, September 12, 2023 19:22 - The patriots are in complete and utter control, Trump and the military are calling the shots. This is a mission that has never been tried before, a military and civilian alliance. Trump sends message that the Republicans should use the 25th amendment on Biden, the D’s will try to beat them to it. The election fraud case will allow Trump to present classified evidence, let the unsealing begin.

New Juan O Savin Situation Update: "We've Got To Do The Kill Shot On The Deep State > Take Them ALL Out" - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:40 -

New Kerry Cassidy: DEWs, Chinese Satellites, NORAD, ETs on The Awake Nation - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:57 -

Douglas Macgregor's Last WARNING - "What's Coming Is WORSE Than The Cold War" - Wednesday, September 13, 2023 10:17 - The world stands at a precipice, teetering between the weight of its past and the uncertainty of its future. The geopolitical landscape is shifting, and the tectonic plates of power are grinding against one another, threatening to unleash a cascade of events that could reshape the very fabric of our global society. In the heart of Europe, Germany grapples with its identity, caught between its historical transgressions and its role as a modern powerhouse. The nation’s psyche, scarred by the horrors of two World Wars, is now being tested by the influx of migrants, economic challenges, and the ever-present shadow of its past. The question remains: can Germany rise above its history and forge a new path, or will it be forever chained to the ghosts of its past?

LIFE SITE NEWS: Archbishop Viganò - Banning abortion is essential to stopping ‘the New World Order subservient to Satan’ - Abortion is an act of worship to Satan. It is a human sacrifice offered to demons, and this is proudly affirmed by the very adepts of the 'church of Satan.' You can go to prison because of abortion: prison is the penalty imposed in some nations for those who stop in silent prayer in front of a clinic where children are killed. But you don’t go to jail if you kill an innocent creature. Tue Sep 12, 2023 - 12:43 pm EDT -

WATCHERS: Over 5 300 dead, thousands missing as Medicane “Marquesa” (Daniel) causes catastrophic flooding in Libya - Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - Updated on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 19:07 - Medicane “Marquesa”, also known as Storm Daniel, made a devastating landfall in Libya on September 10, 2023, resulting in severe flash flooding, especially in the country’s northeast. The storm brought with it extremely heavy rainfall, leading to catastrophic flooding and a tragic death toll of over 5 300 people, with thousands still missing. Medicane “Marquesa” began as a low-pressure system spinning in the central Mediterranean, causing heavy rains and major flooding in central Greece. By September 8, 2023, it developed a well-organized convective pattern, meeting the criteria for designation as a medistorm. The Mediterranean Cyclone Center (MCC) named the storm Marquesa at 12:00 UTC on the same day. The cyclone then set its sights on Libya….

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Psychedelics Decriminalization Bill Approved by California Assembly - Possession and use of drugs including psilocybin would be allowed if measure is signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom - By Christine Mai-Duc and Zusha Elinson - Updated Sept. 6, 2023 11:17 pm ET - California’s assembly passed a bill that would make it the third state to decriminalize psychedelic drugs for personal use. (Comment: Gruesome Newsom obviously in plain site is taking money from the drug lobby to advance a bill making Psychedelics available to the public. This insanity continues as people are still fleeing the state to live in peace. Mark Walberg & his family comes to mind.)

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: Libertarian National Committee Moves to File for Conservatorships for Biden and McConnell, Citing “Clear Incapacitation, Mental Lapses, and Deficiencies in Decision Making” - By Jim Hᴏft - Sep. 13, 2023 8:15 am - The Libertarian National Committee has filed for conservatorships for both White House resident Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Citing “clear incapacitation, mental lapses, and deficiencies in decision making” evident in recent well-publicized instances, the committee argues that neither man is fit to serve the American people. The Libertarian Party argues that both Biden (80) and McConnell (81) have shown serious impairments in their ability to “receive and evaluate information effectively, make decisions, and communicate,” suggesting that they lack the capacity to represent either themselves or the American public. (Comment: The UNIPARTY is done as Biden & McConnell exhibit brains that are fried. The jig is up for these con artists who have stolen our money, our freedoms, and our elections for years. The corrupt Press can no longer cover up the lies, corruption, and malfeasance nor ignore the truth anymore. It is game set match as the joke is now on them.)




Behold the Glory of God

By Grant Phillips

Published on: April 9, 2022

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 13th 2023

“Who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?


“For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory. For even what was made glorious had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excels. For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious.


“Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech—unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away. But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ. But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.


“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:6-18).


Paul is comparing his and the other followers of Christ’s ministry with the ministry of Moses. He is simply saying that the old covenant of the Law of Moses was wonderful news, not just for Israel but for the world. It was so wonderful when received, it changed Moses’ countenance. But now, there is even better news, and that is that there is now a new covenant, not of the “letter,” but of the “Spirit.”


C.I. Scofield comments that “The letter” is a Paulinism for the law, as “spirit” in these passages is his word for the relationships and powers of new life in Christ Jesus. Here in Ch. 3 is presented a series of contrasts of law and spirit, between the old covenant and the new. The contrast is not made between two methods of interpretation, literal and spiritual, but between two methods of divine dealing: one, through the law; the other, through the Holy Spirit.”


In other words, with those of that dispensation before the cross, the purpose of the Law was to show man he is a sinner and sin brings death. As Paul said in verse six, the letter (the Law) kills, but the Spirit gives life. It is easily seen when studying the Tabernacle, for instance, that the Law is also pointing the only way of being made right with God, and that is through Christ Jesus.


I’ve said all that to say this: as Moses’ appearance showed the glory of God, we have even more reason to show the glory of God in our appearance. Now, why is that? Remember … the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Those who are in Christ are no longer under the old covenant of the Law but under the new covenant of the Spirit. All made possible by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


As Moses came down from the mountain, the people beheld the glory of God upon his face. For those of us who are born again in Jesus, do people see the glory of God on ours? Let’s read again Paul’s words in verses seven and eight in the New Living Translation (NLT).


“The old way, with laws etched in stone, led to death, though it began with such glory that the people of Israel could not bear to look at Moses’ face. For his face shone with the glory of God, even though the brightness was already fading away. Shouldn’t we expect far greater glory under the new way, now that the Holy Spirit is giving life?”


If we fall short, how do we correct it? The answer is ridiculously simple. We spend time with Him in His Word and in prayer. The more time we spend in fellowship with Him, the more we behold His glory. The more we behold His glory, the more we become like Him. In other words, we take on His identity or personality.


The late Dr. J. Vernon McGee reiterates the story told by Nathaniel Hawthorne about the great stone face.


“A little lad lived in a village where there was a mountain with a rock formation, which they called the great stone face. The people had a legend that someday someone would come to the village who would look like the great stone face. He would do wonderful things for the village and be a means of great blessing. That story really took hold of the lad. During his lifetime, he would gaze at the great stone face at every opportunity that he had, and he would dream of the time someone looking like the great stone face would come to the village. Years passed, and as time went by, he became a young man, then an old man. He was tottering down the street one day when someone looked up and saw him coming and shouted, “He has come. The one who looks like the great stone face is here.” This man had looked at the great stone face for so long that now he bore its image.”


If we associate this story of the great stone face as Jesus, and ourselves as the old man who constantly beheld His glory, shouldn’t the request of that great old hymn, Let Others See Jesus in You, be fulfilled in us? Of course, it should.


After His resurrection, Jesus met up with two men on the road to Emmaus. Luke 24:27 says, “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.”


How do we behold the glory of God? We behold Him in the Scriptures. All throughout the Old Testament Scriptures, Jesus is there just as clearly as He is in the New Testament Scriptures.


Just a few examples:


A thorough study of Moses’ Tabernacle will reveal Jesus throughout.

Joseph is a type of Jesus.

Moses is a type of Jesus.

Psalm 22 and many other Psalms speak of Jesus.

Jacob wrestled with Jesus.

Abraham spoke with Jesus about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Jesus was in the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Jesus created the world and all that is therein (Genesis 1:1).

John says of Jesus in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

We look upon Him all throughout His Word.

Have you ever noticed the phenomenon of a married couple, after many years of a loving marriage, looking like one another? They are two becoming as one.


“But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh” (Mark 10:6-8).


If we have been born again in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, we are one in Him, and He is in us through His Spirit. We are His body, and He is the head (Colossians 1:18). Everything about us should reflect Him to others as we behold His glory.


As I close, I would like to repeat the words of 2 Corinthians 3:7-8.


“The old way, with laws etched in stone, led to death, though it began with such glory that the people of Israel could not bear to look at Moses’ face. For his face shone with the glory of God, even though the brightness was already fading away. Shouldn’t we expect far greater glory under the new way, now that the Holy Spirit is giving life?”


Search the Scriptures and behold the Glory of God.

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