Thursday, September 14, 2023

Are You Looking For Christ’s Return?


Are You Looking For Christ’s Return? - It's GO Time - Exchange + Redemption Centers - New Benjamin Fulford - Hunter Biden INDICTED - Democrats Turning on Biden - Fauci Busted – USA Had 23 Weather & Climate Disasters in 2023 - How Deep Is The Deep State and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 14th 2023



Exchange + Redemption Centers! Why the Military Is Guarding Your Next Big Financial Move! - Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:54 - In the heart of America, a clandestine operation is unfolding, one shrouded in mystery and veiled in whispers. In a world where information is power, we are about to reveal the most tightly guarded secret of our times. Brace yourself as we delve into the shadows of the great redemption center conspiracy – an elusive scheme that promises untold riches to a chosen few. - 1) The Enigmatic Wells Fargo Email List - Picture this: a select group of individuals, each holding a precious stash of currency, awaiting their moment of reckoning. But how does one enter this inner sanctum of wealth accumulation? The key lies in an enigmatic email from none other than Wells Fargo Bank, the paragon of tier 1 banking in the United States. This email is your ticket to unimaginable prosperity….

New Benjamin Fulford: EBS Black Swan Event Intel! Desperate Khazarian Mafia Try to Seduce Bharat with Ethnic Indian UK Prime Minister, US President - Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:57 - The Khazarian Mafia is trying desperately to seduce the Prime Minister of Bharat, Narendra Modi, by promising Kamala Harris, an ethnic Indian as US President to go along with ethnic Indian UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. In other words, the two leading Anglo countries would be headed by members of the small Indian minority in their countries. The problem is Modi is not being fooled. He knows the KM always tells people what they want to hear before stabbing them in the back. He also remembers these same people used to ban him from visiting the US. The fact Modi called India by the native name of Bharat instead of the “India” preferred by Greek and Arab conquerors is a sign of the country’s determination to stay independent.

MAIL ONLINE: Hunter Biden INDICTED on three felony charges for lying about being on drugs when he bought a gun - According to the indictment brought by Special Counsel David Weiss, Hunter lied about his drug use when he purchased a gun in 2018  - The indictment comes days after Republicans opened an impeachment inquiry into President Biden for his alleged connections to Hunter's business dealings - Joe Biden begged Hunter to get help in a voicemail on October 15, 2018, days after his son allegedly lied on the gun application - By KELLY LACO, EXECUTIVE EDITOR OF POLITICS FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 13:31 EDT, 14 September 2023 | UPDATED: 15:22 EDT, 14 September 2023 - In a sensational development, the First Son will have to appear in court after a Delaware grand jury returned three charges against him, including two counts of false statements on his gun forms, and one of possessing a firearm while addicted to illicit drugs…

Judy Byington: Unity Gives Us Strength & Power, It's GO Time! WWG1WGA!!! Special Intel Report For Thurs. 14 Sept. 2023 (Video) - Thursday, September 14, 2023 5:51 - The U.S. experienced 23 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the first eight months of 2023 — the largest number since records began. - Tunnels beneath the Vatican contained 50 miles of scrolls containing the true history of the world being kept from the eyes of the public. - Biden Admits Government Planning to Manipulate Weather To Make It More Extreme - Meanwhile, in the realm of politics, Trump is surging ahead in the presidential race. Despite the relentless efforts of the CIA-controlled Mockingbird Media and the Biden administration, which is a puppet of the Obama CIA, to dismantle Trump’s legacy, the opposite effect is manifesting. Trump’s influence continues to grow, and an increasing number of Americans are awakening to the corruption within the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and the broader U.S. government. Even prominent Democrats are beginning to turn on Biden, foreseeing impending indictments as a weaponization of the U.S. system against Trump, patriots, and Republicans…

BRICS 3.0 — What now? - Thursday, September 14, 2023 13:18 - On the final day of the BRICS meeting in Johannesburg (22–24 August 2023), South African leader Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the current member countries will open the doors to BRICS for six new countries in 2024: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. BRICS was born in 2009 as BRIC, an association of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, with a focus on facilitating investments among themselves—conceptualized in this article as BRICS 1.0.With the inclusion of South Africa into the organization in 2010, the name changed to BRICS—henceforth thought of as BRICS 2.0. -

Lt. Scott Bennett: Situation Update- Mitt Romney Out? Who's Next? (Video) - Thursday, September 14, 2023 4:33 - Political rumors are swirling around the shamed Utah senator, Mitt Romney.. Mitt is known as one of the biggest RINOs in DC and he may be on his way out.. Lt. Scott Bennett shares Intel and a situation update about that and much, much, more!

ETHAN WHITE: Update! Fauci Busted! The Terrifying Truth Behind His Covid-19 Plot Uncovered! (video) - Thursday, September 14, 2023 7:55 - Just as the SS Titanic begins to list, the supposed “captains” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” are rushing to abandon ship. How swiftly they’ve transitioned from the high-handed enforcers of Covid mandates to the innocent bystanders feigning ignorance. They have become deft in the art of the backpedal, twisting tales, and conveniently misplacing facts in the annals of their spurious narrations. Take Tony Fauci, for instance, the man who assumed the mantle of Covid command, his words turned to mandates, imprisoning us in our homes to ‘flatten the curve.‘ Yet, in a conversation with The New York Times last week, this master puppeteer nonchalantly denied any part in the dreaded lockdowns.

NTEB: Saudi Arabia Tells Israel That The ‘Price Of Peace’ Via The Abraham Accords Will Be The Creation Of The State Of Palestine Taken From Jewish Land - Published 8 mins ago on September 14, 2023 By Geoffrey Grider - Today the proverbial ‘other shoe’ dropped and now all cards are on the table, 52 straight up, with regards to the true meaning and purpose behind the Abraham Accords covenant signed back in 2020. Now you can sign all the normalization deals you like, if Israel doesn’t sign with the ‘big cheese’ Saudi Arabia they won’t mean very much at all. But signing the Abraham Accords with the Saudis and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman comes at a very steep cost. The price tag is the creation of a Palestinian state made from the land of Israel. Will it happen? Absolutely, 100% guaranteed if you believe the Bible. The Abraham Accords are now, and have always been, the ‘hook in the jaw’ to lure in Israel to a very wrong relationship with their stated enemies. “For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.” Joel 3:1,2 (KJB) - “…In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever:” 2 Kings 21:7 (KJB) - Your King James Bible is quite clear in this matter, Israel will ‘sign the deal’ with their enemies and God’s holy land of Israel will be parted and given to the biblical Canaanites who call themselves Palestinians. All the arguments as to ‘whose land is it?’ are rendered moot and nearly meaningless the moment you realize that the Bible declares it to be God’s land, and Jerusalem His holy city where He has placed His own Name. Israel will be parted, land will be given to their enemies, the time of Jacob’s trouble will be up and running, and the Church will be removed in the blink of an eye. All Bible prophecy ultimately revolves around the land of Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people which the Bible says are God’s ‘peculiar treasure’. The superhighway of the end times runs straight through Israel, like it or not. (Comment: I will tell you this as the absolute truth, splitting God’s Promised Land and giving it to its enemies will start the times of Jacob’s trouble of which the USA is apart. God will then split our land, the church will be removed and the start of the Great Tribulation will ensue. Pray that this does not happen. The Abrahamic Accords will be a dagger that will gut America.)

ZERO HEDGE: How Deep Is The Deep State? - BY TYLER DURDEN - WEDNESDAY, SEP 13, 2023 - 07:40 PM - Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times - We received some seemingly excellent news over the weekend. The appellate court of the 5th Circuit has reimposed the restrictions on the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the FBI to stop bullying social media companies to censor content. We received some seemingly excellent news over the weekend. The appellate court of the 5th Circuit has reimposed the restrictions on the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the FBI to stop bullying social media companies to censor content. This has taken place ahead of the actual trial because two judges found that the practice was so egregious that it needed to be stopped right now before more damage is done to the First Amendment….

THE JERUSALEM POST: Armed guards deployed at all Jerusalem synagogues amid rising terror - Every synagogue in Jerusalem will have armed security guards for the upcoming High Holy Days due to an uptick in terror attacks. - By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 15:55 - Updated: SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 21:55 - For the first time ever, an armed guard will be stationed outside each synagogue in Jerusalem, as part of preparations for the upcoming High Holy Days and amid concerns over the recent rise in terrorist attacks. Israeli media reports tally 19 attacks in Jerusalem since the beginning of the year, with 31 other incidents successfully thwarted. Just before the holidays, police announced on Wednesday that they have completed preparations in the capital for the upcoming major events. Thousands of police officers will be deployed at crowded locations and holy sites. According to Jerusalem District Police Commander Doron Turgeman, for the first time, armed personnel will be stationed at predetermined locations in every synagogue in the city, following thorough briefings….

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: IDF bombs Syrian naval base used by Russia - September 13, 2023 - 3 soldiers killed as Israeli air force conducts rare daytime operation against navy base in Tartus. - By World Israel News Staff - Airstrikes on Syria’s western coast killed 3 soldiers Wednesday, according to a report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Explosions were reported near a Syrian naval facility in Tartus, in an apparent Israeli strike. In addition to servicing the Assad regime, the Tartus base is used by the Russian military. Unlike most strikes by Israel in Syria, the operation was carried out during daylight hours…

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: The State of Illinois is providing taxpayer funded incentives, of more than half a billion dollars, to lure a Communist China tied company, Gotion, to build an electric vehicle (EV) battery factory in the state.  Gotion will receive additional federal tax incentives. Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois. - By Margaret Flavin Sep. 13, 2023 7:00 pm - The Gateway Pundit reported on Gotion’s recent failed attempt to build a similar factory in a small farming community in Green Twp, Michigan. But Illinois Governor JB Pritzker announced on Friday that Illinois is more than ready to hand over tax dollars to the CCP tied company. The plant’s location in Manteno, Illinois lies approximately 30 miles from one of the largest inland ports in the United States.

THE HAL TURNER SHOW: Chairman of Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley, "Retiring" End of Month . . . Ukraine? – WORLD HAL TURNER - 14 SEPTEMBER 2023 - After the November, 2020 Presidential election, when Milley penned a letter - also signed by the rest of the Joint Chiefs - telling members of the armed forces they would serve Joe Biden, despite what I saw as clear and obvious election fraud which put Biden illegitimately into office, I thought Milley should have been gone right then and there.  Instead of defending the actual vote which re-elected Trump, Milley embraced the illegitimate Biden "victory." Once Biden was in, the whole Ukraine thing flared back up.   It had quieted down to nothing during the Administration of President Donald Trump, yet within weeks of Trump's departure, war was back on the agenda in Ukraine…. (Comment: My Intel says he is headed for GITMO to be tried for treason & crimes against humanity.)

New Juan O Savin, Roseanne, Nino Rodriguez, Bo Polny: Huge September Intel! Awesome Panel! The Cage Match Is Here! Part 1 and 2 - Thursday, September 14, 2023 11:12 -

TIM BROWN: The Climate Change Agenda Is Key To The Implementation of The Great Reset - Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:54 - Just like the CONvid-1984 con, so is the Climate Change con.  Both were manipulations of the public in order to test them to see if they can move further in their agenda and the people still have not brought justice, which would put a stop to the entire fiasco.  However, it appears that while CONvids was the softening up, the Climate Change narrative is the switch they are seeking to throw to implement the Great Reset. -

New Phil Godlewski: Capitulation! Trump Special Intel! Flat Earth Events - September 14th, 2023 - Thursday, September 14, 2023 10:57 -

Ukraine Is Trying To Gather Its Last Strength Into A Fist. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.09.14 - Thursday, September 14, 2023 11:02 - This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 14th of September 2023 -

New ShariRaye Situation Shocking News Update 9.14.23: "Everyone Needs To Know" - Thursday, September 14, 2023 11:01 -

LISA HAVEN: Bye Bye Joe! Shocking Political Maneuver Will Change Everything! - Thursday, September 14, 2023 14:05 - By Lisa Haven - The White House is in an all out panic! Is Joe Biden about to get the boot, is he really finished? You might be surprised. All that and more in this report…




Are You Looking For Christ’s Return?

By Grant Phillips

Published on: February 1, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 14th 2023


The Church is on the very cusp of our Lord’s return for His bride, but how many are actually aware or even care how close that day may be?


Every pulpit in this country should be proclaiming that Jesus is coming soon to remove His bride and then bring judgment upon a sin-depraved world. Instead, only a few eagerly await His return. Only a few have their nose pressed against the window, eagerly looking for the bridegroom. Most go about their own affairs with no thought and no concern for what will soon take place.


The Bible provides many prophecies of Jesus’ return to earth. It clearly tells us that before He arrives on Mount Olivet, there will be seven years of judgment upon the earth. These seven years are the remaining years God promised Israel, “to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy” (Daniel 9:24).


This seven-year period, we call the Tribulation, will also bring God’s judgment upon a corrupt world that offers nothing for God except to blaspheme His holy name.


Who would have ever dreamed just five or ten years ago that the depravity of mankind would be so open and accepted by so many as it is today? Utter depravity beyond belief is openly accepted by a large populace, by our government officials, by moms and dads, and even by many churches.


Joyous hymns of praise to the Lord Jesus Christ have been replaced with the music of demons while Satan’s worshippers run through the crowd like decapitated chickens. Pulpits have been taken over by those of such perverseness, even the demons must blush.


Behind all this can be heard Lucifer’s cackling laughter as children are openly attacked by a perverseness their innocent minds should never have to take in. Jesus said, “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6). If these followers of Satan don’t repent and fall at Jesus’ feet seeking forgiveness, I shudder to imagine their fate.


I am so thankful that Jesus will remove His bride before the Tribulation, which is His coming wrath. This removal of the Church (bride) by Jesus (the bridegroom) is commonly called the Rapture, and it could be so much closer than any of us think. Revelation 3:10 says, “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”


God, through His Word, does not provide any signs for the Rapture. Jesus actually said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32). To the contrary, there are many signs for the Tribulation which follows, and all are in view for its arrival. Let me explain what I mean by “in view.”


The Tribulation is like a storm coming. It hasn’t arrived yet, but we can tell it is close because the temperature has changed, the wind is picking up, dark clouds are rolling in, and thunder can be heard in the distance. All the signs of the storm are present (in view) for its arrival, even though the storm hasn’t arrived yet. When it gets here, the rain (judgment) will follow.


How can any believer of Jesus be nonchalant about the days in which you and I live? All this chaos we see every day we open our eyes is telling us that this world is quickly running out of time. Can anyone deny the following Scripture being applicable today … right now?


“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;

Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;

Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,

And prudent in their own sight!” (Isaiah 5:20-21).


God created a man and a woman to be husband and wife, but today, homosexual marriages are accepted in the courts and in many churches. Isaiah 5:20-21 is being fulfilled right before our very eyes.


One person is born a male, but says he is a female. Another is born a female but says she is a male. One female even says she is a cat. Some even identify as neither male nor female (non-binary). And this is only the beginning of this madness! Again, Isaiah 5:20-21 is all around us.


Opposite sex is now different sex. Mother is now gestational parent. This is just a sample of our lunacy. There are hundreds of other terms and phrases that have been changed, eliminated, or added. Isaiah 5:20-21 again.


Are you looking for Jesus’ return, or yawning in disbelief? The apostle Peter had this to say about our Lord’s return:


“Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. They will say, ‘What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.’


They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water. Then he used the water to destroy the ancient world with a mighty flood. And by the same word, the present heavens and earth have been stored up for fire. They are being kept for the day of judgment when ungodly people will be destroyed.


But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment” (2 Peter 3:3-10, NLT).


The bride of Christ (true Church) will be removed first (Rapture, 1 Thessalonians 5:9; 4:13-18), then the Tribulation will begin when the Antichrist confirms a covenant with Israel (Daniel 9:27). At the end of the seven-year Tribulation, the Church will return with Christ at His second coming (2 Peter 3:10).


If you know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, keep looking up because He is coming for His bride, the Church. It may not be today, but then again, it may be.


If you have never put your faith in Jesus and been born again (John 3:3), do so today, and you will not be left behind to face the wrath of God.


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