Sunday, September 24, 2023

Phil Godlewski's NESARA GESARA Truth Bomb Released


Phil Godlewski's NESARA GESARA Truth Bomb Released - The Number One Sign of the Second Coming – Penny Pritzker Sister of JB Pritzker Gov. of Illinois Arrested by Military - Saudi Arabia’s Moving to Remove the Biden Regime and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 24th 2023



Phil Godlewski's NESARA GESARA Truth Bomb Released! - Sunday, September 24, 2023 9:40 - NESARA is real, and Phil brought the paperwork to prove it. A must watch and share! I condensed his video, but everything important he had to say or show is in here. This proves (at least to me) that everything we’re watching IS indeed a movie.

REAL RAW NEWS: Body Doubles Meet At United Nations - By Michael Baxter -September 22, 2023 - Body doubles of criminals Joseph R. Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the U.N. Assembly in New York this week, with Biden accusing Putin of “brutal aggression” and Zelenskyy evoking the specter of a nuclear war, rehashing a fictitious narrative painting Putin as an autocratic megalomaniac eager to conquer the world by any means necessary.

REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Arrests U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery - By Michael Baxter -September 24, 2023 - Only a week had passed since the criminal Joseph R. Biden appointed Penny Pritzker (Sister of JB Pritzker Gov. of Illinois) as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery when U.S. Navy JAG investigators arrested her on charges of treason and defrauding the United States of America near Tyler Perry Studios White House facsimile in the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia, a JAG source told Real Raw News….


Judy Byington: There Is A Plan, Because The Movie We Are Living In Is The Greatest Show On Earth - Special Intel Report For Sat. 23 Sept. 2023 (Video) - Saturday, September 23, 2023 4:15 - Starting Fri. 22 Sept.  - Russia was banning oil exports in conjunction with Saudi Arabia’s efforts to remove the Biden Regime from power - It is undeniable. The global banking system is collapsing. Banks are shutting down around the globe. Financial districts once pulsating with power and authority, like Washington DC, now stand as hollow shells of their former glory. Why? Because of a covert attack by Germany’s Deutsche Morgan Stanley. The traps have been sprung, and the rats – CEOs, corporate leaders, and bank officials – are being exposed and arrested, charged with heinous acts of treason. -

Patriot Underground: Global Lockdown Martial Order to Shut Down 1 System & Turn on the Final System (Video) - Saturday, September 23, 2023 4:05 - Mel believes it’s going to happen during an event called a global lockdown which will be martial order as they shut down one system and they turn on the final system, which will take over the world, the new global quantum financial system on steroids.

SG Anon: New Intel Drop and Urgent Situation Update With Scott McKay (Video) - Saturday, September 23, 2023 3:51 - This is HUGE!! Miki Klann and SG Anon share Intel on how the peoples RISING power is dismantling the Cabal’s “Death Star”.

Bo Polny: Part 2 -Kill Shot From SEPTEMBER 24-25 Forward - Dick Allgire (Video) - Saturday, September 23, 2023 3:45 - Bo says, “Banks will no longer operate as banks. They will be Financial Service Centers operating as a unit Consider the collapse, The cash goes to zero they will have no money, not even yours. It’s time to start converting all your cash (assets) to the bridge currency which are the ISO 20022 tokens (xrp & xlm).”

ATLAS SHRUGS - NYC: Staten Islanders Arrested After Peacefully Protesting Buses Carrying Illegal Migrants Being Moved to Residential School - Saturday, September 23, 2023 9:01 - Law abiding Americans exercising their first amendment rights were arrested. Let’s be clear here, illegal aliens who entered this country illegally are criminals – all unvetted, many with criminal backgrounds but were not arrested. The time for revolution is now. #IStandwithStatenIsland - On Sept. 19, Staten Island protesters were arrested at a demonstration against a senior living facility being converted to a migrant center where residents were required to move. Tens of thousands of migrants are currently being housed by NYC taxpayers….

Derek Johnson HUGE Intel Sep 23: "Something Unexpected Is Happening" - Saturday, September 23, 2023 8:44 -

ATLAS SHRUGS - Trump Peace: Netanyahu describes new Middle East in UN speech - Saturday, September 23, 2023 7:49 - UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the U.N. General Assembly on Friday that Israel is “at the cusp” of a historic breakthrough leading to a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia, without outlining a clear path over the significant obstacles facing such an accord. He struck an optimistic tone throughout his roughly 25-minute address — and, once again, used a visual aid. He displayed contrasting maps showing Israel’s isolation at the time of its creation in 1948 and the six countries that have normalized relations with it, including four that did so in 2020 in the so-called Abraham Accords…

"This Is It! Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming" - Douglas Macgregor's Last Warning - Saturday, September 23, 2023 13:30 -

Q+ Juan O Savin Sept 23 - Fasten Your Seatbelt - Saturday, September 23, 2023 14:41 -

TIM BROWN: The Red Heifer Project: Israeli Government Part Of Plan To Rebuild Abominable Third Temple At Al-Aqsa - Sunday, September 24, 2023 9:18 - I have written and spoken out against this abomination that holds nothing for the people of the world since the temple, the sacrifices, the priesthood and all the trappings were merely a shadow of the reality (Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 8:5, 10:1):  The Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus the Christ.  Still, men will not have Christ and so they want to turn to the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9, 3:9).  Some believe this to be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy when nothing could be further from the truth.  These are things that have passed away (Hebrews 8:13), and Jesus said they would be destroyed (Matthew 24; Luke 21; Mark 13), and they were in 70AD. (Comment: The third temple must be built before the rapture can happen or the tribulation can start. The ashes of the Red Heftier must be spread on the site of the third temple to purify it. The 2nd temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD as predicted by our Lord Jesus Christ. As you see it must be rebuilt in the near future in the coming times of peace & prosperity.)

TIM BROWN: Investigation Reveals NATO Supervises Ukrainian Child Abduction Groups “White Angel” & “Phoenix” - Sunday, September 24, 2023 9:00 - This is just one in a long line of reasons that the central government in DC must not be reformed, but abolished and the criminals brought to justice that have enabled this through the use of our lawless money system.  Apparently, “Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have collected unique evidence of the involvement of the Ukrainian government and NATO in the organization and leadership of the criminal groups “Phoenix” and “White Angel” engaged in the illegal abduction of children and their subsequent removal to the West. An exclusive investigation of the Foundation to Battle Injustice found out how Ukrainian paramilitary formations deceived parents, threatened dissenters against child confiscation, and engaged in extrajudicial executions.”

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: IDF strikes Hamas after terrorists fire at troops, launch arson balloons - September 23, 2023 - In response to violent, daily riots along the Gaza border, the IDF initiated an airstrike targeting a Hamas position on Saturday. During Saturday’s riot, Palestinians fired at the direction of IDF soldiers. The IDF employed a drone to execute the strike on the Hamas post… During Saturday’s riot, Palestinians fired at the direction of IDF soldiers. The IDF employed a drone to execute the strike on the Hamas post, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. Rioters also engaged in other terror-related activities such as tire-burning, hurling improvised explosive devices, and directing gunfire toward Israeli forces stationed along the border. Video footage revealed terrorists deploying balloons equipped with incendiary devices toward the border. In retaliation, the military implemented riot control….

ALL ISRAEL NEWS: In his first in-person address to the United Nations General Assembly in five years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu painted two dramatic visions of the future and urged the leaders of the world to choose. It was one of the finest speeches I have ever heard him deliver. And I believe it will be well received in the two capitals that Netanyahu cares about most right now. Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, where Bibi was speaking directly to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud.

And We Know: Dr. Kirk Elliott, Bank Failure 2.0, Oil Prices, Green DOT Bank, BRICS, Pray! - Must Video - Sunday, September 24, 2023 13:28

Judy Byington: EBS Warning: FEMA Planning EBS to Activate Vax Nano Particles,VIP Doomsday Plane Headed to Safe Bunker- Special Intel Report for Sun. Sep. 24, 2023 (Video) - Sunday, September 24, 2023 3:54 - The Q Movement was mandated to take down Globalists who had ruled the World for centuries through their complete control of the Global Financial System. In the 110 years since the Globalists created the US Federal Reserve and IRS for the purpose of stealing all US Taxpayer monies, we have seen an over 3,000 percent inflation. In 1994 through the UN, the Globalists blackmailed 160 nations into an agreement to reduce the World population to 800 million by 2030.

Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective - Sunday, September 24, 2023 11:33 -

ATLAS SHRUGS - TREMENDOUS VICTORY: In 58-2 Vote, Texas GOP Calls for House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign - Sunday, September 24, 2023 12:09 - The Republican Party of Texas has approved a resolution calling for Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to RESIGN OR FACE A VOTE TO VACATE the chair..Vote tally was a whopping 58-2 with only Bill Fairbrother and Morgan Graham voting against the resolution.. Ken Paxton’s office was handling 900 cases of voter fraud and Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan blocked them all -



The Number One Sign of the Second Coming

by Britt Gillette

Published on: December 8, 2014

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 24th 2023


While on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached Jesus and asked Him, “What are the signs of your coming and the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3). Jesus replied by giving them a list of signs and events to look for, such false prophets, earthquakes, wars, and desecration of the Temple. But Jesus said once they see one sign in particular, they should “look up” because redemption draws near. Fast forward almost two thousand years, and our generation is witness to the number one sign Jesus said to look for. So what is it?




That’s right. The number one sign is not a single sign, but the convergence of all the signs that Jesus, Moses, and the Old Testament prophets said to look for. Jesus said, “When you see all these things occur, look up. For your salvation is near!” (Luke 21:28). Note that Jesus didn’t say, “When you see one or two of these signs.” He said, “When you see all these signs.” In other words, the convergence of all the signs He spoke of are what we should be looking for.


The Converging Signs


“There’s a great deal to say in the Bible about the signs we’re to watch for and when these signs all converge at one place we can be sure that we’re close to the end of the age. And those signs, in my judgment, are converging now for the first time since Jesus made those predictions.” – Billy Graham, World Net Daily, 10/20/2013


Our generation is unique among all those before us because we see the convergence of the signs Jesus and the prophets said to look for. Here are just a few:


1) Israel – In A.D. 70, Roman soldiers put down a rebellion, sacked Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and carried the Jewish people to the farthest corners of the Empire to serve as slaves. They tried to eliminate every trace of the nation of Israel, even renaming the land Palestine in honor of Israel’s historical enemies, the Philistines. The Roman intent was to erase all memory of the nation of Israel forever.


But God had other plans. Thousands of years ago, He foretold the long exile of His people. And He promised to call them from “among the nations” (Ezekiel 39:28), from “the farthest corners of the earth” (Isaiah 11:12), and from “north, south, east, and west” (Psalm 107:3). He promised to welcome the Jewish people home from the lands where they were scattered (Ezekiel 20:34), and He promised to restore them to the land of Israel from distant lands (Jeremiah 30:2, 10). And this is exactly what He did. Every single person on earth is an eyewitness to the modern miracle of Israel. The prophets said that following this restoration, the Messiah will come and set up His everlasting Kingdom (Isaiah 35, Joel 3, Jeremiah 23, Micah 4). In other words, Israel’s existence today is a sign that the Second Coming is near.


For 1,878 years, Christians could not point to the sign of Israel. It didn’t exist. The Jews were not in the land. But today, they are.


2) Jerusalem – When the disciples asked Jesus to reveal the signs of His coming and the end of the age, He made a statement that’s one of the keys to understanding the timing of His return. He told the disciples this: Jerusalem “will be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles come to an end,” and then Jesus promised to return (Luke 21:24-28).


The trampling of Jerusalem by the Gentiles began with the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70 by Titus and the Roman legions. For centuries thereafter, Gentile kings and kingdoms exercised complete control over the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem. However, in June 1967, the Six Day War concluded with Israel in control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount for the first time since A.D. 70. And according to Jesus, the Jewish repossession of Jerusalem will closely followed by His return.


For 1,897 years, Christians could not point to the sign of Israel or the Jewish people controlling Jerusalem. They didn’t. For those 1,897 years, numerous Gentile kingdoms ruled over Jerusalem. But today, Israel controls Jerusalem.


3) Travel & Knowledge – In the Book of Daniel, an angel told Daniel to keep the prophecies revealed to him a secret until a later date. But what later date? The angel said, “Until the end times, when travel and knowledge will increase” (Daniel 12:4). In other words, a significant increase in travel and knowledge will mark the end times and the time just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.


Have we seen such an increase? I think the answer is obvious. For all of human history right up until the early 19th Century, the fastest mode of land-based transportation was a horse. Yet today, we can travel to the other side of the earth in a matter of hours. As for an increase in knowledge, think about how much information in on the Internet. In 1990, there was only one website. Six years later, the Internet featured more than one hundred thousand. And a decade later? One hundred million. Today, estimates place the number of websites at somewhere around six hundred million. And that number will be out of date before you read this.


4) The Gospel Preached – In answering His disciples, Jesus described many signs to look for. But among them, He said this: “And the Gospel will be preached throughout the entire world, so that every nation will hear it – and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).


Think we’re getting close to that day now? I do. The Bible is available in thousands of languages. Satellites broadcast Christian programming throughout the world, and every day, missionaries carry the gospel to people who have never heard it before. We’re not there yet, but we’re getting close.


But the gospel wasn’t always so widespread. Even after 1,500 years of Christianity, the message of Jesus was largely confined to the European continent. But today, the gospel is preached in every nation.


5) Global Government – According to the Bible, a global government will rule the world for the 3.5 years just before Jesus returns to establish His Millennial Kingdom. The Book of Revelation tells us this government will rule the world politically (Revelation 13:7), religiously (Revelation 13:8), and economically (Revelation 13:16-17).


The Bible also tells us this global government will rise from the ashes of the Roman Empire (Daniel 7:23; Revelation 17:11-13). This world empire will first appear as an alliance of ten kingdoms – some strong like iron and some weak like clay. These kingdoms will try to strengthen themselves by forming a union, but they will fail – just as iron and clay do not mix (Daniel 2:38-43).


Do we see anything like this today? Yes. We don’t see the ten nation alliance yet. But we do see the European Union, a loose confederation of European states – states that historically comprised much of the ancient Roman Empire. And just as Daniel foretold, the European Union consists of both weak and strong states.




By no means are these all the signs of the Second Coming. The Bible cites numerous signs and events we should look for, but recounting all of those signs in exhaustive detail is well beyond the scope of this article. Nevertheless, every one of the signs mentioned in this article is easy for the general public to recognize. They aren’t hidden signs. You don’t need a psychic, soothsayer, or prophet to interpret them. All you need is knowledge of the Bible and access to your daily news headlines.


The convergence of so many specific and detailed events – events Jesus told us to look for – should catch the attention of even the most hardened of skeptics. Why? Because these signs were noticeably absent for more than 1,800 years following the crucifixion. But today, we see them. For the first time ever, each of these signs is present. And all at the same time! Think that’s a coincidence? I don’t. It’s not a coincidence. And time will prove that it’s not. Jesus is coming. Now is the season of His return.






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