Sunday, September 10, 2023

Two Dates Guaranteed


Two Dates Guaranteed - USA National Debt Paid Off - significant transfer of wealth from the Elite to The People - EBS, Nesara Gesara, Go Time - New SG Anon - Sound of Freedom’ Dominates – Hollywood Pedo Elites In Trouble – Morroco Death Toll Over 2K - Mel K & Matthew Alford and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyde

Sept. 10th 2023



EBS Military Takedown! NESARA GESARA Protocols! 7 Trumpets! Emergency Transmission Warning Coming This Month! - Sunday, September 10, 2023 12:18 -

Dr. Thomas Horn: The Book of Enoch's Nephilim Mysterious Intel - Sunday, September 10, 2023 13:33 - The book of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, Maccabees and more Apocryphal books were not added to the canonical Bible. Still, they were quoted by and held in high esteem by the disciples of Jesus and early church fathers and encase several interesting stories and narratives, especially discussing the 400 quiet years between the Old and New Testament. So can can we trust these extra-Biblical books when conducting research? What do Bible scholars say?

ATLAS SHRUGS: After Democrat Police-Hater Worked to “Dismantle the Police”, Criminals Beat Her to a Pulp - Sunday, September 10, 2023 13:09 - Karma is bloody. She reaped what she sowed – a broken leg, bloodied face, after violent carjacking.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - Update as of September 9, 2023 - By Ivar Casandra | 09/09/2023 – Redemption codes were put in the QFS and are good to go for payment – USA national debt paid off -

While Skipping G20 Summit, China’s Xi to Host Leaders of Debt-Ridden Zambia and Venezuela - BY BLOOMBERG NEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2023 5:30 AM EDT - President Xi Jinping will host the leaders of two heavily indebted nations for state visits to China this weekend, as he skips the world’s premier forum for top-level diplomacy in India. Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema will visit China from Sept. 10-16, while Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro will arrive on Friday for a seven-day trip, the Foreign Ministry in Beijing said in separate statements.

New SG Anon: It's Finally Happening! "U.S Military Report" Update Today 9/23 - Saturday, September 9, 2023 0:40 -

Judy Byington: BQQQQQQQMMM! The Final Countdown - Special Intel Report for Saturday, 9 Sept 2023 (Video) - Saturday, September 9, 2023 4:28 - Judy Note: We are in the middle of a Global Currency Reset that jumpstarts the new Quantum Financial System – the most significant transfer of wealth from the Elite to The People that the World has ever known. Use your wealth wisely. We rise by lifting others. - Fri. 8 Sept. Wolverine: This was supposed to be private Intel, but somehow someone decided to post it and it’s gone viral and so I might as well post it. I have confirmed this with the Admiral Group and it’s true: Sensitive GCR Intel, 7th Sept 2023. (Edited by R. Seraphico). Redemption codes were put in the QFS System by the Admiral and returned all Green, meaning they were approved. They turned Blue at start of office this Morning Fri. 8 Sept, meaning that the Funds are free for Payment.

EBS, Nesara Gesara, Go Time: " NO Way Out " SITUATION UPDATE 09.08.2023 (Video) - Saturday, September 9, 2023 4:22 -

New SG Anon "Sits Down w/ 5D Gramma" Huge Update Today 9/9/23 - Saturday, September 9, 2023 9:37 -

WATCHERS: Historic rainfall paralyzes Hong Kong - Friday, September 8, 2023 - Extremely heavy rains brought by the remnants of Typhoon “Haikui” caused severe floods across Hong Kong on September 8, 2023, causing widespread disruption, evacuations, and leading to at least two fatalities. Typhoon Haikui, which made landfall in China’s Fujian province on September 5, has now battered the city of Hong Kong with the heaviest hourly rainfall ever recorded since data collection began 140 years ago. The Hong Kong observatory registered a staggering 158.1 mm (6.2 inches) within a single hour, marking an unprecedented climatic event.

WATCHERS: M6.6 earthquake hits south of the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand - Friday, September 8, 2023 - A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.6 hit south of the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand at 09:09 UTC on September 8, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 89.8 km (55.8 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.6 at a depth of 32 km (20 miles). The epicenter was located 584 km (363 miles) NNE of Hicks Bay (population 1 389) and 687 km (427 miles) NNE of Tauranga (population 155 200), New Zealand. The USGS issued a Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage.

BREITART: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Dominates with Number 1 Spot in 18 Latin American Countries – BY SIMON KENT - 7 Sep 2023 - The anti-trafficking drama Sound of Freedom is breaking geographical boundaries just as effectively as it assails the box office with the Angel Studios’ production now dominating in 18 Latin American countries. The Jim Caviezel-led film deals with the horrors of human trafficking, and that universal theme has attracted nearly two million viewers from Mexico City to Caracas and more during the opening weekend, a press release from Angel Studios seen by The Wire sets out. “The domestic box office performance on ‘SOUND OF FREEDOM’ has been an incredible success story, but some industry experts have argued our film would not be able to translate this success overseas,” Jared Geesey, Chief Distribution Officer at Angel Studios, said.

MAIL ONLINE: Morocco earthquake death toll climbs to over 2,000 as tourists rush to donate blood and rescuers trawl through rubble in Marrakesh for survivors after massive 7.2 magnitude quake - A 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit just 45 miles to the south of Marrakesh -READ MORE: Terror of British tourists as hotels are hit by Morocco earthquake - Have you been impacted by the earthquake? Email - By ELIZABETH HAIGH  and PETER ALLEN and OLIVIA JONES - PUBLISHED: 22:28 EDT, 8 September 2023 | UPDATED: 11:50 EDT, 9 September 2023 - A desperate search for survivors is underway this morning following Morocco's biggest earthquake in over 120 years that struck south of Marrakesh last night, killing at least 2K people and leaving more than 1,200 injured, 721 critically. Horrific footage shared on social media showed a massive cloud of dust rising in Marrakesh - a UNESCO World Heritage Site and hugely popular tourist town - as buildings collapsed and people fled for their lives. The earthquake, which measured 7.2 on the Richter scale struck Morocco's Atlas Mountains and caused tremors as far away as Portugal, has wiped out entire families as witnesses describe hearing 'unbearable screaming and crying' and seeing distraught relatives frantically search with their bare hands for buried loved ones.

New FCB D3CODE Trump Rally Decode! Sept 2023 - Saturday, September 9, 2023 11:57 -

Tucker Carlson: I Might Go Missing After Saying This...Saturday, September 9, 2023 11:27 - The winds of change are sweeping across the nation, reshaping the very fabric of society. As the tides turn, long-standing values and beliefs are being challenged, replaced by new ideologies that are rapidly gaining ground. This transformation, while inevitable in the ever-evolving landscape of human civilization, has sparked intense debates and discussions.

What The Hell Just Happened! CDC, FBI, Congress, HHS Now Just Went on Alert! Mega Cali China Lab Exposure! - Saturday, September 9, 2023 14:30 - You won’t believe what JUST Broke Out! A story that should never have left headlines just EXPLODED!

Kerry Cassidy BIG Intel 9/9/23: "Q+ White Hats, Law Of War Manual & The Attacks!" - Must Video - Saturday, September 9, 2023 14:44 -

This Is a U.S. Concentration Camp Hiding in Broad Daylight - Saturday, September 9, 2023 10:30 - The United States is the largest trafficker of children in the world. Children who are illegally kidnapped and brought across the US Mexico border and then sold off to wealthy Americans, used as sex slaves and worse. If you can imagine anything worse, it’s happening and the corporate media is too scared to touch the story.

WILLIAM REED: Hollywood Elites In Trouble As Thousands Of Young Ones Are missing Due TO Maui fires? - Saturday, September 9, 2023 14:47 - Hollywood, the beacon of dreams, where stars are born and legends are made. But beneath the shimmering facade of this entertainment mecca, a dark cloud has cast a shadow, sending ripples of fear and uncertainty through its very core.

Mel K & Matthew Alford | Reel Power: The Hidden Hands Behind Hollywood | 9-2-23 - September 2, 2023 -

Whistleblower Exposes the Hidden Pedophile U.S. Child Concentration Camps Used for Trafficking! (Video) - Sunday, September 10, 2023 5:05 - The United States is the largest trafficker of children in the world. Children that are illegally kidnapped and brought across the US Mexico border are then sold off to wealthy Americans…Used as sex slaves and worse… If you can imagine anything worse…

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: Is the American Public Ready for the Change Coming? (Videos) - Sunday, September 10, 2023 4:55 - Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, change management expert, psychologist and Worldwide Vice President of Republicans Overseas, joins the program to discuss the mental state of the American people.

Judy Byington: End of the Road? BIG Scare EVENTS Coming, Be READY! Special Intel Report For Sun. Sept 10, 2023 (Video) - Sunday, September 10, 2023 4:40 - The National Guard has been activated everywhere according to Dr. Jan Halper. We await activation of the Emergency Broadcast System. Meanwhile the White Hats planned, through the new Star Link Satellite System, to turn on their own Emergency Transmission System and activate the Global gold/asset-backed Currency Reset, including implementing NESARA/GESARA. At the same time the Global Alliance Military would be removing Cabal controlled governments worldwide while simultaneously arresting those named on over 500,000 sealed indictments – which in reality they have already been doing such for several years – it just needed to see completion. Military arrests, executions and tribunals began as far back as 2017 during Trumps presidency and were still ongoing as of today as many indictments have yet to be unsealed. The entire world was watching the “plan” or “show” or “movie” or “script” as the Deep State Cabal was being brought down behind the scenes. Trump is heading a worldwide war against the Cabal and no one knows it. Since 2017 millions of tortured children have been rescued by the US and other militaries from miles of underground tunnels including beneath the White House and not one iota of reporting on it by the Mainstream Media – nor of the whereabouts of the over two thousand children of Maui who have gone missing for close to a month. Cabal governments were being toppled by the White Hats across the Globe, while the World was on the verge of a Global Currency Reset – the likes of which no one has never known in the transfer of wealth from the bad guys to the good guys.

Derek Johnson & Michael Jaco: Trump Indictments Are Part Of The Operations (Video) - Sunday, September 10, 2023 4:05 - Mike and Derek join forces to deliver crucial Intel about the Trump indictments.. They explain it is all apart of the bigger plan of eradicating the enemy..Everyone needs to hear this to gain a clearer understanding of what is really going on.

SG Anon: #60 US_COG Ops Will Destroy Petrodollar, Actor "Biden" to Cancel 2024 US Election, War Powers and WW3 - Sunday, September 10, 2023 3:56 - SGAnon sits down and discusses current events in the context of geopolitical leanings and happenings through an irregular warfare lens. This File includes a breakdown of DEW attacks, the WW Counterintelligence war currently being played out, US Military Activity recently, and speculative dynamics about our near future…

I’m SHARING this with you NO MATTER what! - Sunday, September 10, 2023 9:26 - In the heart of the nation’s capital, where power and politics intertwine, a narrative unfolds that has the potential to shake the very foundations of democracy. The White House, an emblem of authority and governance, finds itself at the center of a maelstrom of questions and doubts. Peter Ducey, a relentless journalist with an unyielding commitment to the truth, emerges from the cacophony of voices as a beacon of journalistic integrity. With a tenacity that rivals the great reporters of yesteryears, Ducey delves deep into the enigmatic actions and statements of President Biden, especially concerning a perplexing situation dubbed “garage gate.”

Gov. Kristi Noem Officially Endorses President Trump At South Dakota Rally - Sunday, September 10, 2023 9:17 - Another huge endorsement for President Trump. The Republican primary is over. The other Republican Party presidential candidates need to suspend their campaigns immediately and endorse President Trump.

Dr. Thomas Horn: The Vatican Alien Deception! - Sunday, September 10, 2023 11:06 - Dr. Thomas Horn describes what is happening at the Vatican and among its top theologians in preparation for the so-called disclosure of alien beings. He details the twisting of scripture to show how these beings may arrive, and with the blessing of the church, be allowed to evangelize mankind.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Watch: Iowa State Students Go Wild For Trump As He Greets Fans And Autographs Footballs - Sunday, September 10, 2023 11:09 - In his next stop on the road to 2024, President Trump made an appearance at an Iowa State University agricultural frat house to say hello to college students and have some fun before heading to the Iowa vs. Iowa State football game. Hundreds of excited young voters cheered for the 45th president and broke out into “TRUMP!” chants when he stepped outside to greet them. One student estimated at least 500 people were packed in the small patio of the Alpha Gamma Rho house.

New Melissa Redpill: Trump Rally Clues - Seek Justice Together, Loomer, Torrio 9-10-23 - Sunday, September 10, 2023 9:59 - THIS is the Great Day of the Lord, and we in the Battle of Good vs. Evil  – Armageddon.


Next up… 1000 Years of Peace!  (We are not escaping, and we are not being annihilated – that was Fake News!) -

HARBINGER DAILY: Firestorms and Falsehoods Erupt After Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Protecting Religious Freedom – By Decision Magazine - September 9, 2023 - People of faith can breathe a little easier following two decisions issued by the United States Supreme Court in June. But not everyone is pleased with the outcome. First, in a 9-0 decision, the court ruled in favor of Gerald Groff, a postal carrier and evangelical Christian who refuses to work on Sundays for religious reasons. For several years, the U.S. Postal Service granted him a religious accommodation not to work on Sundays, and he would work extra shifts to make up for it. But in 2016, his postmaster revoked the accommodation and began scheduling him on Sundays. After enduring months of disciplinary actions and hostile treatment, Groff resigned in 2019, choosing his faith over his job.

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: They’re Sexualizing Children: LA School District Launches Virtual Gay Club for Kindergarten Through Age 11 Students - By Jim Hoft Sep. 8, 2023 5:40 pm - They’re sexualizing the kids. They’re forcing them to think about sex – in kindergarten. How is this beneficial to the child or society in any way? The Los Angeles Unified School District is launching a gay club for kindergarten students through age 11 students.




Two Dates Guaranteed

By Grant Phillips

Published on: June 19, 2022

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 10th 2023



Someone once said that there are two dates on every tombstone; i.e., the date of our birth and the date of our death. So, generally speaking, there are two dates guaranteed in every person’s life. We are guaranteed our date of birth unless we die within the womb of our mother. We are guaranteed our date of death unless we are raptured from the earth by the Lord Jesus.




None of us has any control over when we will be born, where we will be born, which family we will be born into, and many other factors. Barring a tragedy in the womb, whether by nature or by human means (abortion), we will all have a date of birth. We may not know the date when we were born, but God knows, and He has assigned that special date for each of us.


It is unfortunate, if I may use such a mild word, that literally millions of human beings have had that date snatched from them by the selfish cruelness of mankind.


Just in our lifetime alone, a medical procedure we call “abortion” has taken center stage and deemed a right to be had by those who just don’t want the child to be born. They don’t want the responsibility. They say, “It’s my body,” with no thought of the child’s body.


Have we ever considered that the next Alexander Fleming or Jonas Salk or Charles Spurgeon or Billy Sunday may have fallen to the butcher’s scalpel? More importantly, even if they had lived a life of poverty and been of little to no benefit to mankind, they had a God-given right to live. I just thank our gracious God that they are now with Him and always will be.




Until Jesus comes and finalizes world history, there will always be death waiting for each and every one of us.


My dad died in 2003. He was 83 years old at the time of his death. My mother died in 2008. She was 84 years old at the time of her death. I realized at that time that they were gone and now it was my turn and my brother and sisters’ turn to be the oldest members of the family.


I remember my last great-grandparent before he died. Then each of my grandparents passed away, and then my parents. Unless the Lord returns in the Rapture while I’m living, I’m next; then, my children will assume the position I will vacate.


NOTE: There is another occasion that is guaranteed to all mankind that Jesus mentioned through the writer of Hebrews, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).


All who are Christ’s will stand before Him at the Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema), not to determine salvation, which is secure, but to determine our rewards (2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15).


All others, who are not of Christ, will face Him at the Great White Throne Judgment to be assigned their place in the Lake of Fire.


Advancing age is a reminder that our time on earth is quickly running out. The older we get, the more our body rebels at things we used to effortlessly accomplish. In other words, it gets harder and harder to do things we used to do when we were young.


Our energy level starts receding, along with our hairline. Our skin begins sagging, and our muscles get weaker. Our eyes grow dim, and it becomes harder to hear. And then there is that culprit hanging on the wall above the bathroom sink … the mirror.


If you would like to read what Solomon had to say about this part of life, you will find Ecclesiastes 12:1-12 very informative. The young probably won’t believe it, but they will come around in due time.




The Lord has blessed me with 75 years so far. I say blessed because I know that there are others who leave this earth much sooner. There are friends of mine that I grew up with who passed away several years ago. Some knew the Lord, and others did not.


Why are some folks allotted by God to live many years while others do not? I don’t know, but I do know that whatever time we have, we need to spend it well. Solomon also had this to say in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”


Regardless of the number of years we live on this earth, even if we live to be one hundred, it isn’t even an infinitesimal flicker compared to eternity. This life on earth quickly ends. Don’t think so? How many times have you heard someone say, or maybe you said, “Where did the time go?” Eternity never ends.


When we leave this life on earth, we will live in new bodies, either in Heaven or hell, that will never die … never, never, never. The first trillion years of eternity won’t even be the first step of our walk in eternity.


All of us who are living need to make every second count with Solomon’s advice, “Fear God and keep His commandments.” Notice that he goes on to say, “this is the duty of all mankind.”


Are you in your seventies, eighties, or nineties and feeling like you squandered your years on frivolous issues? If you are living, it is never too late with God. We all matter to Him, and He wants us to come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.


None of us is righteous without Jesus in our lives (Romans 3:10).

All of us have sinned (Romans 3:23).

Because of our sins, we have earned death (Romans 6:23a).

But through Christ Jesus, God will give us the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23b).


No one should face death alone. Jesus will walk with us throughout our life if we believe in Him, and He will take our hand and guide us home through death’s door.


Two dates … the important one is the date of our death. If we listen to Solomon, we will be overjoyed when meeting Jesus on the other side.


Yes, we are guaranteed two dates. The question, however, is, “How are we going to spend the time in between?”


“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:1).


Grant Phillips



Pre-Rapture Commentary:

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Grant Phillips was saved at the young age of seven. Even then, the Bible was always dear to him, but as so many others, he rode the roller coaster of life far too many years before really getting serious about following Christ with a whole heart. Having gone through a few hard knocks himself, some by his own making, he now writes to help others grow in Christ, and not waste so much precious time.


Grant has pastored six churches, has been a Bible teacher for Christ during his life and has recently been called to minister by music to those in local retirement centers and nursing facilities.


Grant no longer pastors or teaches Bible classes, but has always wanted to write, but never did until September of 2010. He had finally had enough of what he was witnessing in the downfall of our churches and wrote an article called “What Has Happened To The Church?” He submitted the article to “Rapture Ready,” and they were gracious enough to post it. Since that time, he has been called to continue to write on behalf of Jesus Christ. Grant Phillips is recognized as an expert on End Times Prophecy and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.


Grant lives in southeastern Kentucky with his wife, Debbie, and hosts a blog site called “Pre-Rapture Commentary”





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