Thursday, September 28, 2023

Good News for Weary Saints


Good News for Weary Saints – Pagan Hanged At GITMO - Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s Pay Cut to $1 - New Michael Jaco The Nazis Are Losing - CCP Internal Takedown - White Hats Rallying to Save The World – No more Pay for Slay Terrorist Payments - X22 Report – ShariRaye Fall Intel and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 28th 2023



MAIL ONLINE: Republicans say 'the Biden family sold access to Joe's power' as FIRST impeachment inquiry hearing on Hunter's shady deals begins with protesters and GOP laying out the $24M raked in from overseas - Oversight Chair James Comer claimed Biden 'abused his public office' and 'lied' about his involvement in son's business dealings - GOP witness Jonathan Turley, who defended Trump during impeachment, said the evidence against Joe Biden has not yet amounted to an impeachable offense - Read more about all the evidence the GOP will use against Joe Biden - By MORGAN PHILLIPS, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 10:53 EDT, 28 September 2023 | UPDATED: 11:24 EDT, 28 September 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: Ireland braces for cartel bloodbath after commando raid on cartel 'mothership': Kinahan family linked to tanker sent by Colombian Gulf Clan and Albanians to supply Europe… before bungling mobsters blew operation by running aground - Ireland's elite Army Ranger Wing stormed the MV Matthew ship on Tuesday - More than two tonnes of cocaine destined for Europe was found onboard - By CHRIS JEWERS - PUBLISHED: 05:50 EDT, 28 September 2023 | UPDATED: 09:20 EDT, 28 September 2023 - Irish authorities are bracing for a cartel bloodbath in the wake of the country's biggest ever drugs bust on Thursday, which saw commandos raid a cargo ship smuggling £430 million worth of cocaine across the Atlantic. The murderous Colombian 'Gulf Clan', an Albanian-led consortium and the Irish Kinahan cartel are thought by investigators to be among the many criminal groups behind the plot, which ended in calamity after bungling mobsters ran a landing boat aground off the coast of Ireland, leading to a raid on the 630-foot MV Matthew. As many as twenty European-based gangs are thought to have been involved in the smuggling operation, said to have been masterminded in Dubai.

SHARIRAYE: New ShariRaye Shocking Fall Intel Update September 28, 2Q23 - Thursday, September 28, 2023 12:49 -

GAZETTETELLER: Bombshell!!! Military Intel Exposes Global Corruption: Poland’s Secret Pact with China and Russia Amidst SVB BANKS’ $10 Trillion Loss! - HIDDEN AGENDA - September 28, 2023 - Picture this: the cataclysmic flood of trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds flowing right back into the laps of Europe and those 110 nations. That’s right, the illustrious U.S. corporation—the very fabric holding the world’s finances together – is tottering dangerously close to financial oblivion. Why? Because the daring truth is out there for all to see. Look over to France: their audacity to plunder the pockets of the innocent has now sparked the flames of riots and chaos. Germany isn’t faring any better. Hyperinflation is now the grim reaper that’s slashing away at their metal industry, hampering weapons production, and shoving giants to the precipice of fiscal demise. And speaking of precipices, have you caught wind of Deutsche Bank?

REAL RAW NEWS: “mRNA Queen” Hanged at GITMO - By Michael Baxter -September 27, 2023 - If Moderna Monster and “Queen of mRNA” Melissa J. Moore had any regrets over the countless fatalities attributable to the vaccine she had engineered, she didn’t voice them when Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall offered her a minute to make a statement of remorse, as she teetered on the gallows with a rope coiled around her fatty neck.

BBC NEWS: House Republicans to hold first Biden impeachment hearing - By Anthony Zurcher North America correspondent – Sept. 28th 2023 - Republicans are launching their much-heralded impeachment inquiry into the business dealings of President Joe Biden and his son Hunter - but don't expect fireworks at the first hearing on Thursday. The event has been given the title "The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr." and features a line-up of academics and former Trump administration officials. As the name suggests, the hearing will focus on setting the legal and constitutional framework for the impeachment inquiry, rather than digging more deeply into any of the specific allegations against Mr. Biden.

WASHINGTON TIMES: House passes amendment to slash Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s pay to $1 - By Kerry Picket - The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - The House Wednesday passed an amendment proposed by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene that would slash the salary of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to $1. -Republican lawmakers voted to cut Mr. Austin‘s salary from more than $221,000 annually because of their discontent with his job performance. “I’m proud to let you know my amendment to FIRE Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin just passed on the House floor. Under his failed leadership, our military is being destroyed, and he doesn’t deserve to serve any longer,”…..

New Michael Jaco: The Nazis are Losing Everywhere as the Wheels Come Off, in Canada, Australia and the US. - Thursday, September 28, 2023 9:06 -

New Gene Decode Super Intel Fall Roundtable September 2023 - Thursday, September 28, 2023 8:43 -

Benjamin Fulford Report: It Really Will Be A Red October This Year - Posted on 09/27/2023 by EraOfLight - Something fundamental has changed at the highest levels of power in the West. The signs are everywhere. The US government is being shut down. The traitor Mark Milley is resigning as head of the Pentagon at the end of this week. The Pentagon will do some major housecleaning when General Charles Q Brown takes over on October 1st, CIA sources say. The mass murdering Russian Chabad agent Vladimir Zelensky left Washington empty-handed. Rupert Murdoch and Michael Bloomberg are resigning, and much more. -

New Patriot Underground: Red October Preview - Patrick Byrne Smartmatic Intel - Flood Incoming - Deconstructing Trump Criticism - BRICS Emboldening African Patriots - Wednesday, September 27, 2023 23:17 – Subjects touched on: Red October Preview - Flood Incoming - Deconstructing Trump Criticism - BRICS Emboldening African Patriots - Ukraine: The NATO Killer - Poland Preparing Outright Defection - CCP Internal Takedown - Congressional Investigations - Fake Biden Impeachment - White Hat MSM Infiltration - Patrick Byrne Smartmatic Intel…..

ATLAS SHRUGS: Newly Released Emails and Documents: Delaware Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf DID NOT ALLOW AGENTS TO INVESTIGATE JOE BIDEN - Thursday, September 28, 2023 9:09 - For clarity: A Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) probe involves an investigation into individuals or organizations to ensure they’re following a U.S. law that mandates disclosing any work done in the U.S. on behalf of a foreign government, entity, or person. The aim is to maintain transparency and prevent undisclosed foreign influence within the United States. – BREAKING: Newly released emails and documents show that Delaware Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf DID NOT ALLOW AGENTS TO INVESTIGATE JOE BIDEN as part of a FARA probe…

GAZETTETELLER: BOMBSHELL!!! Trump’s Massive Comeback on the Horizon: Battling Soros’ Global Crisis Amid G7 & G20’s Collapse, Trudeau’s FALL Post-Biden, with White Hats Rallying to Save The World from Power Elites’ Manipulations! - HIDDEN AGENDA - September 28, 2023 - If you’re reading this, know that you’re among the few intrepid souls who dare to face the truth and challenge the accepted narrative. Not just any truth, but the one that threatens to topple empires and shatter illusions. The one that the global elites have been desperately trying to push under the rug. It’s indisputable: once-unchallenged monoliths of power show cracks. Why did the UN and NATO, supposed bastions of global order, begin their startling descent into disarray? Why was there a sudden void of leadership from the President of China and top officials of the Chinese Communist Party at the G20 summit? It wasn’t by chance. No, these are the works of those who pull strings from behind thick curtains….

ALL ISRAEL NEWS: Tonight on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, are Biden and Bibi ready to make the concessions MBS wants for historic peace deal? What are the biggest obstacles negotiators face? - Joel C. Rosenberg | Published: September 28, 2023 - Last week, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) gave his first-ever interview to an American TV network in English. At the same time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu delivered one of the most important speeches of his career to the United Nations General Assembly in New York. For two men who are so different in age, religion, temperament and upbringing, their messages were strikingly similar. They both want to forge a Saudi-Israel peace treaty – what MBS called “the biggest peace deal since the end of the Cold War.”

THE ALGEMEIMER: US Lawmakers, Experts Put Palestinian Authority on Notice for ‘Pay for Slay’ Terrorist Payments - by Andrew Bernard – Sept. 28th 2023 - US lawmakers and experts on Wednesday lambasted the Palestinian Authority (PA) for continuing to reward terrorists and their families for carrying out attacks against Israelis, calling on the US government to increase pressure on the Palestinians to compel them to end their so-called “pay for slay” program. The remarks came during a hearing held by the House Foreign Affairs Committee to discuss efforts to stop the West Bank-based PA from allocating money to its “Martyrs’ Fund.” The hearing — organized by the subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia — also focused on whether the Biden administration is fully implementing the Taylor Force Act, which prohibits US funding to the PA so long as it maintains its pay for slay program.

White House Warning Federal Agencies to Prepare to Close as Shutdown Looms - Thursday, September 28, 2023 11:01 - Here’s the latest on the potential government shutdown: The government will shut down at 12:01 a.m. ET Sunday if Congress doesn’t act, a possibility that looks increasingly likely. Congress was in session today but has shown little public…

Situation Update 09/28/23 ~ Trump Return - Q Post - White Hats Intel ~ Derek Johnson Decode. SGAnon - Thursday, September 28, 2023 10:39 - The US Congress seems to be in the know, gearing up to secure military pay in anticipation of the impending government shutdown. Is it just foresight, or is there more than what meets the eye? Are the forces moving? All signs point to a massive climax….

X22 Report: Deep State Events Are Scheduled! We Cannot Use The [DS] Election System In The Next Election! - Noel Fritsch - Must Video - Thursday, September 28, 2023 13:43 - Noel is an experienced political and communications professional, Noel is the publisher of the National File. Noel begins the conversation explaining how he got started and what he does. Noel explains he was the publication that broke the Ashley Biden Diary story, they have the electronic copy of it. Then Noel explains how the [DS] is going to push riots again, they have a calendar set and these things are planned way out. The next election we cannot use the [DS] election system. It’s time to drain the swamp, it’s time to stop the funding of the [DS] agencies.



Tucker Carlson Gives Wake-up Call to Americans "Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time” via Man In America - Thursday, September 28, 2023 12:27 -

MIKE ADAMS: New Mike Adams & Celeste Solum: New Human Hybrid Clones, Synthetic Biology, 5G Activation... Fall Bombshells - Thursday, September 28, 2023 10:34 -


Good News for Weary Saints

By Jonathan Brentner

Published on: September 23, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 28th 2023


As high watch times come and go, weary saints sometimes ask, “How much longer, Lord? Why not now?”


The convergence of signs gets our hopes up; this must surely be the season (and it surely is). But still, we wait with the assurance that at some point, the Lord will reward our patience (2 Timothy 4:8).


It feels like the Tribulation is so close that we can almost reach out and touch it. Some speculate that it has already begun because they see so many of the conditions described in Revelation 6:1-8. These, however, are mere precursors to a time that will be far, far worse than anything we currently see. They are the Lord’s way of warning people of what lies ahead.


At times like these, the words of Scripture bring the most comfort to me, and I suspect they do the same for you. We endure because the words on the pages of our Bibles ring out with the good news that Jesus will take us home to glory before the start of the Tribulation.


Let me explain why I’m so confident of this hope.


The Rapture Is a Biblical Event


The Rapture is a biblical event. The late Dr. Ed Hindson, former professor at Liberty University, Bible scholar, and author, put it this way:


If you disagree on the timing of the rapture, please don’t tell people, ‘There’s never going to be a rapture.’ No, there must be a rapture, or the Bible is not true. There must be a time when the archangel shouts, when the trumpet sounds, and the dead in Christ are raised, and the living are caught up (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). We may differ on the timing of the rapture but not the fact of the rapture. [1]


We also find references to this same event in John 14:2-3, 1 Corinthians 15:50-55, Philippians 3:20-21, Romans 8:23-25, Titus 2:11-14, John 3:2-3, and Colossians 3:4. Putting these passages together, we have a chain of events that describe Jesus’ appearing during which time He raises the “dead in Christ,” catches believers that are alive to meet Him in the air, and gives all His saints immortal resurrection bodies.


If the words of Scripture mean what the author intended, there must be a time when Jesus comes for His Church as described by both Jesus and the apostles.


However, this alone doesn’t tell us the timing of the Rapture with respect to the Tribulation. For that, we must dig deeper.


The Rapture Is a Unique Event


When we compare Bible passages that describe the Rapture with those of the Second Coming, we recognize that they cannot be the same event. Our “blessed hope” is a unique event that must happen at a time before Jesus’ return to earth at the end of the Tribulation. The many differences tell us they must be separate events. I list a few of those below.


At Jesus’ appearing, He raises the “dead in Christ” first (1 Thessalonians 4:16). When Jesus returns, the resurrection of the Tribulation saints occurs after several other events (Revelation 19:17–20:4); it likely happens several days later. The timing of the resurrection alone makes the Rapture unique.


The participants in the resurrection are also different. At the Second Coming, Jesus only raises a specific group of believers, but with the Rapture, He raises all the “dead in Christ” before catching us up in the air with glorified bodies.


In addition, the two events must be separated by a period of time in order for believers to enter the Millennium in their natural bodies. A sizeable gap in time must exist after the Rapture for those left behind to come to faith in Jesus and survive until He returns.




In Philippians 3:20–21, Paul wrote:


“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him to subject all things to himself.”


The Greek word for “await” in verse 20 points to an “intense anticipation” or an “excited expectation” of a future event. [2]


Luke used the same Greek word for “await” in Acts 17:16 to describe Paul’s restless “waiting” in Athens for Silas and Timothy to rejoin him. After the apostle’s distressing experiences in Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea, we know he intently watched and longed for a reunion with his fellow laborers. This is the same passionate yearning of the soul with which the apostle characterizes the waiting of the Philippians for the Lord’s appearing. [3]


Such an eager anticipation of the Rapture only makes sense if it can happen at any moment.




Why did the Thessalonian saints grieve for members of their church that had died? (1 Thessalonians 4:13) If it had been a matter of doubting their resurrection with immortal bodies, the response of Paul would have been similar to that in 1 Corinthians 15, where he addressed that topic.


Instead, the apostle emphasized the prominence of the “dead in Christ” in the Rapture. The Thessalonians grieved because they believed their loved ones would miss out on Jesus’ appearing.


Not only was there a sense of imminency regarding meeting Jesus in the air, but they believed it could happen during their lifetime and felt despondent for those they thought would miss it.




In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3, Paul wrote that the “sudden destruction” of the “day of the Lord” would come as a surprise to people; it will arrive when many are saying, “There is peace and security.”


The “Day of the Lord” is an Old Testament term for a time when God pours out His wrath on the entire world. About 45 years after the apostle wrote to the Thessalonians, the Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation, in which he described the judgments of this time in greater detail (see chapters 6–18).


Since we know that this day will begin as a surprise, when in the series of seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments is that most likely to happen? For it to come without any warning, it must start before the seals bring death to nearly two billion people.


And that’s exactly what the Lord promises us through the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10:


“For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him.”


The “wrath” is that of the “Day of the Lord,” which includes the entire Tribulation. The Rapture must happen before the start of the Tribulation.


Jesus’ Promise


Jesus made this remarkable promise to the church at Philadelphia:


“Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 3:10).


Let’s explore Jesus’ promise to see how it relates to our hope of placing the Rapture before the start of the Tribulation.


What is the “hour of trial”? We first see that it impacts the “whole world,” which identifies it as something far different than what would impact the local church at Philadelphia. “The period of distress that John describes in Revelation 6–18 fits especially well with the coming “hour of trial” that Jesus refers to in Revelation 3:10.” [4]


Next, we notice that this “hour of trial” is specifically for “those who dwell on the earth.” Looking at how John uses this expression later in Revelation, we see that the description either refers to people impacted by the Tribulation or to those refusing to repent of their sins during that time (6:10; 8:13; 11:10; 13:8–12, 14; 14:6; and 17:8).


Jesus confirms His promise to keep us out of this time with His words in Revelation 3:11a, “I am coming soon.” (The Greek word for “soon” more accurately denotes an event that takes place “quickly,” such as the Rapture.)


The Church’s Absence


Evidence of the Church’s absence during the Tribulation is seen in the fact that John never mentions it during his eyewitness account of the judgments that hit the earth (Revelation, chapters 6-18). Why would a book addressed specifically to seven churches not mention them in its description of the Lord’s wrath on the earth if they were meant to endure it?


Perhaps even more significant is the presence of other witnesses during this time. If the Church is still present on the earth with the task of proclaiming the Gospel, why does God place two witnesses in Jerusalem? (Revelation 11:1–13).


In Revelation 14:6–7, John writes about an angel who will share the good news of salvation during the time of the Tribulation. If the Church was still present on the earth, why is this necessary?


The 144,000 Jews whom God will “seal” or protect as the world experiences God’s wrath (Revelation 7:1–8) will act as evangelists. Besides the fact that this is now the task of the church, this setting apart would contradict what we read about it in the New Testament.


In Colossians 3:11, Paul wrote about the Body of Christ:


“Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.”


In the current church age, it’s impossible to have a group of Jewish men that are distinct from the Church. This can only happen after Jesus removes us from the earth.


Church History


We must base our belief in the Rapture on the words of Scripture; this is the apostolic faith that we have in our hands, our Bibles. I refer to church history below only to point out a couple of errors that the scoffers repeatedly make in attacking the Rapture.


First, please know that Bible teachers during the past two centuries didn’t create a new doctrine but simply applied the word “Rapture” to an event thoroughly described on the pages of the New Testament. Again, in the words of Ed Hindson, “…there must be a rapture, or the Bible is not true. There must be a time when the archangel shouts, when the trumpet sounds, and the dead in Christ are raised, and the living are caught up” (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).” [5]


Second, contrary to what the scoffers claim, many writers in the early centuries of the church believed that Jesus would come for His saints before a time of extended tribulation on the earth.


In AD 180, esteemed early church theologian Irenaeus wrote the following in Against Heresies, Book 5, Chapter 29:


And therefore, when in the end the Church shall be suddenly caught up from this, it is said, “There shall be Tribulation such as has not been since the beginning, neither shall be.” [6]


Irenaeus used the same Greek word for “caught up,” harpazo, that Paul used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 for the Lord catching up living believers to meet Him in the air. Irenaeus placed this event ahead of the time of “tribulation” that Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:21.


In my book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An Eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times. I cite several other references from early church history demonstrating a belief in what we today refer to as the Rapture. The early church didn’t combine Jesus’ appearing with the Second Coming but regarded them as two separate events.


Sanctified Groaning


The biblical basis for the pre-Tribulation Rapture is rock-solid because it’s based on the words of the New Testament. We know Jesus is coming for us before the start of the seven-year Tribulation.


It’s difficult to wait amid personal pain, the wickedness all around us, and our awareness that a much, much better day awaits us once the trumpet sounds. Jesus could come for us today, but it’s also true we might need to wait while the world grows darker and more foreboding for us.


Two times, Paul refers to our groaning ahead of the receipt of our immortal bodies (Romans 8:23-25; 2 Corinthians 5:4-5). It’s rather doubtful that the apostle was referring to complaining. The Greek word depicts a sighing because of grief and can even denote a quick inward prayer in the midst of discomfort.


Jesus is coming for us soon, and it can happen at any moment. In the meantime, we look up, knowing that the completion of our redemption is ever so close. In the meantime, perhaps a little sanctified groaning is appropriate as we compare our current circumstances to the overwhelming joy that awaits us when Jesus appears.


The good news is that we have a sure hope of immortal bodies and meeting our Savior in the air, and it will happen suddenly, perhaps in the near future.

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