Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Prophecy is on Fast-Forward


Prophecy is on Fast-Forward - Remember in the End God Wins – Oct. New Social Security Payout is $4,717/monthly – QFS the Silent Revolution - Obama & Biden Game Over - Hamas Terrorists Doing Damage to the IDF and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 20th 2023



AXIOS: Centrists plot shutdown Plan B as House GOP flails on spending bills - By Andrew Solender &Zachary Basu – Sept. 19th 2023 - House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) suffered two major setbacks Tuesday in his quest to avert a government shutdown:

Roundups Coming! Biden Just Authorized DHS to Form ‘Security Group’ of Obama ‘Experts’ to “Collect” and “Protect”! - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 11:57 -  He’s back and they’re back and they are going to be looking for…? Brennan, Clapper (who both lied to congress) are back and they’ll be looking for what the DHS and Alejandro Mayorkas deem America’s #1 threat!

LISA HAVEN: Alert! Worst Fear Realized! Ukraine's Been Hit! Secret Disastrous Attack Just Changed Everything! - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 13:46 - By Lisa Haven - In an odd turn of events, leftist state run media, the New York Times, has just published an article which seems to go against Ukraine and is in stark contradiction to everything else they’ve published. Is there something deeper going on or did Biden just give Russia the Green light? Does this have to do with Biden’s potential impeachment and scandal? All that and more in this critical report…

New SG Anon Live & Derek Johnson & Ultra Trump the Destroyer: Bombshell September Fall Intel for 2023 - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 12:00 -

BLP: Michigan House Freedom Caucus Leader Steve Carra Exposes RINO-Led Hiring Discrimination Scandal Targeting Conservatives - By Shane Trejo – Sept. 19, 2023 - Michigan House Freedom Caucus Chairman, State Rep. Steve Carra (R-Three Rivers), held a press conference on Tuesday morning to expose a discrimination scandal in which Republican leadership is colluding with Democrats to manipulate staffing decisions and keep conservatives from working in the state Capitol. Carra explained how House Minority Leader Matt Hall (R-Richland Twp) is refusing to approve his staffing decisions, crippling his ability to serve his constituents and defend freedom effectively. Hall is using his pull with Majority Leader Joe Tate (D-Detroit) to keep conservatives out of crucial staffing roles. This is how the Uni-party works together to force their controlled hacks into positions of authority.

Judy Byington: Arrests, Tribunals & Hangings Ongoing at White House Since Jan. 2021- Special Intel Report For Wed. 20 Sept. 2023 (Video) - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 7:05am - Space Force is the US Communication Command Authority that heads the Military Alliance which was composed of 14 different militaries across the World that coordinated with each other to the minute in 22 separate Time Zones. - There was video evidence that Arrests, Military Tribunals and likely even Executions have been held on Political Elites at the White House since Jan. 2021. -  In the US Social Security recipients will receive $4,717/month Social Security payout starting in Oct. - Governments across the globe won’t just be facing scrutiny; they’ll be stepping down. Yes, you read that right. Leaders, officials, the very pillars of our political systems, will not only be arrested but will willingly step down. And in their place a new order. GESARA blockchain elections will pave the way for a leaner, more efficient system. We’re talking about a government that’s a mere 10% of what we’re accustomed to, filled with fresh faces and revolutionary ideas. Enter QUANTUM GESARA, or as some insiders call it, TRUMPSARA. This isn’t just a new financial or political system. It’s a quantum leap in every sense of the word. Quantum financial systems, quantum voting, quantum healing, and even quantum physics will become the norm. The very fabric of our internet is about to undergo a quantum transformation. Say goodbye to the old ways and hello to the Quantum Internet. -

WILLIAM REED: September 22nd: The Day the World's Banking System Will NEVER Be the Same! - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 8:59am - In the shadowy corridors of power, where the puppet masters of the world’s financial systems pull the strings, a seismic shift is underway. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is not just another buzzword; it’s the beacon of hope in a world dominated by financial overlords. It’s the silent revolution that aims to dismantle the chains of financial bondage and the suffocating grip of central banks….

ATLAS SHRUGS: Leftist Jews Kick Off Anti-Netanyahu Protests in New York’s Times Square - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 8:42 - Leftist Jews including Reform Rabbis are protesting PM Netanyahu in Times Square over Israel’s judicial reform. Later this week, they will protest PM Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations; the ground zero for anti-Semitism and Israel-hatred. These Leftist Jews would not dare hold a rally at the UN against Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas or Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi. It is PM Netanyahu that sends these useful idiots into a frenzy. Shame on them….

ZERO HEDGE: Developer Builds A 60-Square Mile Illegal Alien Colony In Texas - BY PORTFOLIO ARMOR - TUESDAY, SEP 19, 2023 - 6:30 - They're Coming To America - Yesterday, Zero Hedge reported on the freight train of illegal migrants headed to America's southern border. You can see video of those train-riding migrants below, accompanied by an appropriate song. - Where are those migrants going after they get here? Some surely will be headed toward America's major cities, forcing Democratic mayors to eat more of their own open borders advocacy dog food. But some are likely headed to a place called Colony Ridge--an enormous settlement forty miles outside of Houston that's reportedly home to tens of thousands of illegal aliens. That this illegal alien ant colony is right under the nose of Texas Governor Abbott raises questions about how serious Governor Abbott's tough talk about securing his state's part of the border really is.

HARBINGER DAILY - Warning From Pastors: The Whole World Is Running Towards A Cliff… Don’t Be Silent – By Featured - September 19, 2023 - Pastor Jack Hibbs of Real Life ministry and Pastor Gary Hamrick from Cornerstone Chapel delivered two prominent speeches at the 2023 Family Research Council Pray Vote Stand Summit. The pastors gave two separate messages, yet they shared one common theme: “It’s not political. It’s biblical.” Both pastors made it clear that all the issues we are dealing with in our day such as abortion, transgenderism, gay marriage, economics, homeland security, and everything under the sun, was first established in sacred Scripture. For both men, their pastoral duties involve keeping the church aware of our need to be engaged with what is deemed by society as “political.” (Comment: First of all the culture of change for today such as abortion, transgenderism, gay marriage, economics, homeland security, etc. was introduced to society by the left wing that were empowered through deceit & lies by Obama & Biden. This has led to the fight against evil we are into today against the KM mafia cabal Satan worshiper’s cult  that are finally being defeated worldwide by the Military Alliance White hats. Remember in the end God wins.)

JNS: UN police detain Israeli ambassador - Gilad Erdan was temporarily detained but then released with assistance from Israel's security and diplomatic team. U.N. police temporarily detained Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan after the diplomat held a photo up during a talk on the floor by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Tuesday. Video footage was provided to JNS, which was told that Erdan was released with the assistance of Israel’s security and diplomatic teams. “While the butcher of Tehran is speaking at the U.N. and is being respected by the international community, hundreds of Iranians are protesting outside, shouting and calling on the international community to wake up and help them,” Erdan stated. “It is a disgrace that member states stay to listen to a mass murderer.” “It should not be possible for a murderer with blood on his hands to receive a platform here at the U.N.,” he added. “I left the speech to make it clear that the State of Israel stands by the Iranian people. I call on the international community to stop the madness and prevent murderers and antisemites from coming and speaking here at the U.N.” (Comment: Of course the UN is only a shadow of what it once used to be. It is now a communist/fascist entity that glorifies dictators & tyranny. It is time to close it down to stop giving platforms for hate speech and murderous dictators.)

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: IDF raids home of Hamas operative in Jenin - Firefight with terrorists occured in Jenin as senior terrorist operative's home raided. - By Israel National News – Sept. 19, 2023, 8:33 PM - The IDF reported that security forces are operating in the Jenin “refugee camp” this evening (Tuesday). As part of the operation, the IDF raided the home of a wanted person who is apparently a senior Hamas operative. In addition, security forces engaged in a firefight with terrorists in another part of the camp after the terrorists opened fire on them. The terrorists also threw explosives at the security forces…. (Comments: As long as you have the Biden communist regime supplying money to Iran and its proxies you are going to have Hamas terrorists doing damage to the IDF.) As part of the operation, the IDF raided the home of a wanted person who is apparently a senior Hamas operative. In addition, security forces engaged in a firefight with terrorists in another part of the camp after the terrorists opened fire on them. The terrorists also threw explosives at the security forces. During the forces' exit from the city of Jenin, an IED exploded under an IDF vehicle, security forces operated to rescue the vehicle. During the rescue, gunmen fired at forces, hits were identified on the rescue vehicles and no IDF injuries were reported. In parallel, during IDF activity adjacent to the city of Tulkarm, a wanted suspect was apprehended….

THE JERUSALEM POST: Israel unveils IDF's new AI-powered 'Barak' super tank (IT IS A GAME CHANGER) - New “Barak” tank is packed with advanced tech to make tank-based combat more effective than ever • Gallant: Tank ushers Israel into new era - By ARIELLA MARSDEN Published: SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 15:00 - Updated: SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 21:25 - The IDF’s new advanced and AI-powered Barak tank is operational and being incorporated into the Armored Corps, starting with Battalion 52, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. With new targeting abilities, the tank is designed to monitor its surroundings and process and present the information to the soldiers in a simple and easy-to-use way. As part of this, the tank is programmed to zero in on and target enemy forces before they are able to attack the tank.

NATURAL NEWS - Tim Ballard: Biden’s DHS and HHS now function as a child trafficking delivery service - 09/18/2023 // Laura Harris - Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent and undercover operative in rescuing child sex trafficking victims who inspired the film "Sound of Freedom," said the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have become a child trafficking delivery service in the United States. During the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on September 13, Ballard defended his allegations against the Biden Administration and its current border policies in front of Congress and Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green. (Comment: This is why the mainstream media, controlled by the DNC, is now going after Ballard with phony charges. They want to shut him up and shut down his “Sounds of Freedom” movie. Of course it is not working because the public is now wide awake.)

Lt. Scott Bennett & Michael Jaco: This is BIG, Folks! Military Movements and Boots on the Ground?? (Video) - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 4:24 - When 2 former military men get together, you know the Intel is going to be BIG! Michael Jaco joins Lt. Bennett for this very special situation update and military report! These 2 both have been in special forces an know and understand the military movement we’ve been seeing nationwide and can explain what it all means..

X22 Report Live: Voters Are Worried About Election Cheating In 2024! People Will Accept What Needs To Be Done! –Video - Tuesday, September 19, 2023 19:14 - he [DS] are doing what the patriots want them to do. The people are now worried about cheating in the 2024 election. The people are going to see more proof they the [DS] rigged the 2020 election which means they will rig the 2024 election. Trump needs the country to see it so they accept what needs to be done in the end. First it will the election guarded by the military then it will the trials of the treason’s corrupt criminals…

ATLAS SHRUGS: NYC Moves to Removes Statues of George Washington et al and Works of Art, Create Reparations Task Force Amid Financial Crisis - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 11:10 - New York is the most expensive city to live in in America – and its going bankrupt. This is the Democrats answer – go in for the kill of the greatest city in the world. New York was not a slave state and these statues and works of art they wish destroyed (like the cultural annihilation of Mao) is a just means to an end, erasing history, erasing America.

THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER: China is using Biden's cartel-controlled border to infiltrate our country - By Rep. Dale Strong September 20, 2023 10:21 AM - President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorca’s ’s border crisis has escalated into a national security nightmare. It’s no secret that the Biden administration has ceded control of our southern border to the Mexican cartels. Malign actors across the globe, most notably the Chinese Communist Party, are watching the dysfunction at our border and wasting no time trying to exploit it. With two months remaining in this fiscal year, Border Patrol had recorded 17,678 apprehensions of Chinese nationals at the southern border. The number of Chinese nationals apprehended was 1,236 in fiscal 2020, just 323 in fiscal 2021, and 1,970 in fiscal 2022.

NTEB: Pope Francis engaged former U.S. President Bill Clinton via zoom Monday, stressing the urgency of addressing the climate change 'catastrophe,' the migration 'crisis,' and war. Many times you will hear me remark on how our everyday real life now closely resembles many of those cheesy but wonderful Christian movies made to warn about the end times and Bible prophecy. Look at the image at the top of this article, soak it in and understand what you're looking at. Revelation is leaping off the pages of your King James Bible, can you see it? "Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you."

On The Fringe: Deep State Tricks Exposed Before They Should Be! Crashed, Grounded, Compromised! Lessons Learned Early! -Must Video - Tuesday, September 19, 2023 17:30 - The deep state did not want the world or the United States to know this vulnerability yet. This was supposed to happen after the Taiwan thing started. Oops… Sorry bad guys, we’re tired of playing nice.

ATLAS SHRUGS - DEMOCRATS’ INVASION: 35,000 Illegals Cross U.S. Border in Just 4 Days - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 14:49 - Just a reminder that the Biden Administration is sending hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine so that a foreign country can protect their border from invaders. Meanwhile, our own border has been breached and we are in the midst of a full-fledged invasion. It’s imperative that Americans contact Congress and tell them to stop funding Ukraine and start funding the effort to secure our border and defend American sovereignty.

And We Know Live: The Evil Is Exposed, Soros! CIA, Maui, Ukraine, Borders, Pray! – Video - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 14:44 - “Fascism is not brought in by the fascists… There’s not enough of them. Fascism is brought in by the great majority of the population conceding and acquiescing to fascism.” -David Icke No means no! Keep your power. Keep your sovereignty. Hold NO authority between you and your Creator.


Prophecy is on Fast-Forward

by Thomas Ice

Published on: April 10, 2016

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 20th 2023


I recall a conservative political commentator saying that the Democratic Party was the “A” team, while the Republicans were the “B” team on the road to socialism. Boy, oh boy was that a truism. Things are moving so fast in the last six months that stage-setting events are happening so fast that no one person can keep up with events. Prophecy is on fast-forward!

Stage Setting


Virtually all future prophecy will start to be fulfilled when the rapture occurs ending the church age. Then the world will enter the time when the birth pangs that Jesus spoke of begin to be fulfilled (Matt. 24:8). This post-rapture period known in the Old Testament as the “latter days” (Deut. 4:30; Jer. 30:24;48:47; Dan. 2:28; 10:14), the “last days” (Jer. 23:20; 49:39; Ezek. 38:16), and the “latter years” (Ezek. 38:8) will last for seven years (Dan. 9:24–27; compare with Rev. 11:2, 3; 12:6; 13:5). None of what is happening today indicates that the rapture is near since that event is a signless event that could happen at any moment. Are you ready for the rapture?


The signs of the times that are occurring today relate to Israel as God is preparing the world for the time when He will resume His plan for Israel and that will then involve the fulfillment of times and seasons. One major indicator that we are likely near the beginning of the tribulation is the clear fact that national Israel has been reconstituted after almost 2,000 years. The signs also relate to what is happening in the Gentile world as we move toward a global government centered in the Revived Roman Empire, which is mainly Europe. Dr. John Walvoord explains the significance of signs occurring in our own day as follows:


But if there are no signs for the Rapture itself, what are the legitimate grounds for believing that the Rapture could be especially near of this generation? The answer is not found in any prophetic events predicted before the Rapture but in understanding the events that will follow the Rapture. Just as history was prepared for Christ’s first coming, in a similar way history is preparing for the events leading up to His Second Coming. . . . If this is the case, it leads to the inevitable conclusion that the Rapture may be excitingly near.[1]


Signs For Our Day


In every generation since Christ’s ascension there have been Christians who thought that there was reason for His return in their lifetime. However, almost all of these past expectations were derived from the belief that they were experiencing events of the tribulation in their own day. Only in the last 200 years have some interpreters begun to return to a literal, futurist understanding of the impending events of the tribulation, as generally held by most in the early Church. Thus, while so many have believed that Christ’s return was near, the basis for such an understanding has not always been the same down through the history of the church—that the church was in the tribulation. The fact that Israel became a nation in 1948 is an undeniable fact of history that indicates that God is up to something in history in our day that could not be said in previous times.


God’s plan for history always moves forward in relation to what He is doing with Israel. Thus, the fact that Israel has been and continues to be reconstituted as a nation is prophetically significant, so significant that it makes Israel God’s “super-sign” of the end times. Were Israel not a nation again it would be impossible for events of the end time to occur since so many of them take place in that tiny country or in reference to her. But she has returned and so it is that all other aspects of Bible prophecy are also being prepared for the grand finale of history.


Recently we have seen that the European Union threatened and warnedIsrael about not being open to the so-called “two-state solution” of the Arab-Israeli conflict in their effort to impose a human solution to the conflict.


The prospect of a new hawkish government, with Israel Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman as a possible foreign minister, will be seen in Europe as a setback to the Middle East peace process.


“Let me say very clearly that the way the European Union will relate to an [Israeli] government that is not committed to a two-state solution will be very, very different,” said Javier Solana, the EU’s foreign and security affairs chief.[2]


New Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, is opposed to the two-state solution, which is the EU’s framework for dealing with the problem. Whatever the supposed human solution affixed to this crisis will bring, the situation will not be genuinely solved until our Lord returns and imposes His will as the ultimate solution to the situation.


Since the election of Obama to the White House, we also see the United Stateschanging from a sympathetic supporter of Israel to one who will be pressing for an imposed solution. New Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton is said by observers of the Mid-East Conflict to have shifted her pro Israel position she displayed as a U. S. Senator from New York.


Morton A. Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, is just one of many supporters of Israel who say that Hillary Clinton, an outspoken supporter of a Palestinian state, has made an anti-Israel switch of late. Klein writes that the U.S. Secretary of State, once a “reliable and vocal supporter ofIsrael,” has now taken many positions that are not in Israel’s interest.[3]




When George W. Bush was president he was ostracized and viciously attacked for acting upon the national interests of the United States within the now dominate global environment. As a pronounced citizen of the world, Obama instead insists that we must all shoulder “the burdens of global citizenship.”[4] Thus, the United States of America, the last major holdout against global governance, has under President Obama joined efforts to deal with most matters within the framework of globalism. Whatever reluctance was shown in the past, America has now officially under the Obama administration joined the global community lock, stock, and barrel.


Scripture teaches that the Antichrist will rise to power out of a federation of nations that correlate in some way with the Roman Empire of two thousand years ago. Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost explains:


Now, when we turn to the prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7 and to Revelation 13 and 17 and other parallel passages, we find that at the end time, during the Tribulation period, the final form of Gentile world power is a federation of ten separate nations, the ten toes or ten horns. It seems as though Europe’s leaders are advocating that which Daniel prophesied hundreds of years before Christ, when he said that the final form of Roman world power would be a federation of independent states who elect one man to take authority over them while maintaining their own sovereign authority. The more movement we see in Europe for a common market and a federation of nations, the closer the coming of our Lord must be.[5]


One would have to be totally ignorant of developments within the world of our day to not admit that through the efforts of the European Union, Humpty Dumpty is finally being put back together again. This is occurring, like all of the other needed developments of prophecy, at just the right time to be in place for the coming tribulation period. Prophecy popularizer, Hal Lindsey tells us:


“A generation ago, no one could have dreamed that an empire formed of the nations that were part of old Rome could possibly be revived. But today, asEurope is on the advent of real unity, we see the potential fulfillment of another vital prophecy leading to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.”[6]




British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has recently said concerning the global economic downturn that we all should seek global solutions. He further said that the world has never been more willing to see globalism as the answer to our problems, to which he also promised a bright future if we join arms and march in this direction. Henry Kissinger has recently said on multiple occasions that President Obama has a tremendous opportunity to steerAmerica toward globalism in an effort to deal with our problems. Kissinger has further opined that only globalists can solve these problems in the area of economics, environment, agriculture, religion, political, and so on.


It may be true that mankind without God and His word cannot figure out how to solve the pressing problems of humanity without some kind of global governance. However, the realities concerning these matters are always and only found in the Bible and in our Lord’s plan for the future as outlined through biblical prophecy. Some critics say that we become fatalists because we trust the veracity of Bible prophecy and thereby contribute to the decline of culture and society. Yet, how can we expect people to find biblical solutions to their problems when they are clearly and vocally in rebellion against God? What Bible-believing Christian would want the unbelieving world to succeed in solving the world’s problems apart from God and His word? The Bible predicts this kind of direction and outcome because man is sinful and God is righteous. However, for any individual who will listen to God’s word, He has provided a way of salvation through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to Him. Maranatha!


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