Monday, September 4, 2023

One World Religion & Chrislam


Greeced European Spiral & Prophecy - Currency Revaluation is Imminent – NESARA/GESARA Blueprint for Utopia - Douglas Macgregor Report - BRICS Pay Here - Burning Man MUDPOCALYPSE - One World Religion & Chrislam - The Book of Enoch & Fallen Angels & The Great Flood and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 4th 2023


X22 Report: Unemployment Is Rising, People Are Getting It, Economic Precipice! - Must Video - Monday, September 4, 2023 13:17 - The [WEF]/[CB] plan is failing, every step they take exposes their plan, and the people see it. The economy is a lot worse than anyone realizes, the country is most likely in a deep recession heading towards a depression. The people are getting it, the system doesn’t work, and the people are about to see a new system born out of the ashes.

WILLIAM REED: The Pinnacle of Human Civilization: Why NESARA and GESARA are More Than Just Policies, They’re a Blueprint for Utopia! - Monday, September 4, 2023 13:26 - Listen up, folks! Forget everything you’ve been told about the world as you know it. Brace yourselves for a seismic shift that will rock the very foundations of global society. I’m talking about a colossal transformation that will make poverty, hunger, and debt look like ancient history. You heard it right—NESARA and GESARA are not just acronyms; they’re the keys to a future so bright, you’ll need shades!

WILLIAM REED: Douglas Macgregor: They passed the Border! - Monday, September 4, 2023 12:41 - As the sun sets over the war-torn landscapes of Ukraine, a nation caught in the crossfire of geopolitical ambitions, one can’t help but ponder the complexities of the situation. The air is thick with tension, not just in Ukraine but across the Atlantic, where the American populace finds itself increasingly at odds with the decisions of its leaders. A growing consensus is emerging, a collective voice that questions the wisdom of pouring endless resources into a conflict that seems to have no end in sight.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: China's Ghost Cities, Maui, 15-Minute Cities & The Globalists Dystopian Plans For The Future - Signs 'Open Air Prison Cells' Masquerading As 'Cities' Are Being Constructed Before Our Eyes - By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die – Sept. 4th 2023 - While Americans get no real answers from 'TPTB' about the fires in Maui and how there are SO MANY different bizarre 'coincidences' on topics such as: why residents were blocked from leaving; why the alarm systems were turned off; why the water system was turned off; and how these 'fires' so precisely burnt out the poorer residents of Lahaina, leaving 'upscale' homes untouched as heard in the 1st two videos at the bottom of this story, we'll be taking a look at a theory shared by ANP reader 'Scaryfish' that Lahaina isn't only going to be a '15-minute smart city,' but its also going to serve a purpose, to detain and process whatever's left of the population, while the western hemisphere is being "returned to nature", by way of fires. Those processed will then be sent to their final destination, to China's 15-minute smart cities, aka the 'ghost cities'.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 4, 2023 – Currency revaluation is imminent – BRICS Pay has just been announced for merchants – NESARA/GESARA JOIN FORCES TO USHER IN A NEW GOLDEN AGE – The US is under military control – The US white hat military is controlling the Supreme Court – 2,400 children still missing from Maui massacre -

INSIDER PAPER: Ukraine defense minister says hands in resignation letter – AFP - September 4, 2023 5:42 am - Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov announced on Monday he had handed his resignation letter to parliament after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for “new approaches” to face Russia’s invasion. Zelensky’s decision to remove Reznikov comes after several corruption scandals rocked the defence ministry, and the Ukrainian leader removed senior military recruitment officials across the country.

THE TELEGRAPH ONLINE: PM Modi of India calls for reform of UN, says mid-20th century approach cannot serve the world in the 21st century - 'So, our international institutions need to recognize changing realities, expand their decision-making forums' - New Delhi Published 03.09.23, 01:37 PM - A mid-20th century approach cannot serve the world in the 21st century, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, while strongly calling for reform of the United Nations in line with the changing realities of the world and to ensure representation of voices that matter. In an exclusive interview to PTI late last week, Modi said the G20 is one of the institutions that is being looked at with "hope" by many countries as the world is looking for actions and outcomes, "no matter where they come from." In its capacity as the current president of G20, India will host the annual summit of the influential grouping in New Delhi on September 9 and 10.

Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 4, 2023 - Burning Man MUDPOCALYPSE reminds us there are consequences for not being PREPARED - The Burning Man event, attended by 70,000 wealthy, hyper-privileged techno "elitists," has turned into a "mudpocalypse" due to torrential desert rains, stranding most of the attendees in a life-threatening situation where they are running out of food and water. The Burning Man event is a ritualistic anti-human celebration of Satanism and the destruction of God's plan for humankind, and now its attendees are learning (the hard way) what happens when you don't prepare for real-world conditions. (Comment: The Satanic statement “Do what thy wilt” is evident at Burning man as every form of debauchery is put on display from sex orgies to people burning themselves alive by running into the Burning Man at the end of the festival. God’s answer to this sick activity is monumental torrential rain that flooded out the devilish gathering by turning it into a mud bath.)

NTEB: New Christian movie 'The Hill' is the true life story of Rickey Hill in whose life God worked an amazing miracle through a baseball, bat and unrelenting faith – Sept. 3rd 2023 - I can well remember watching 'Facing The Giants' for the first time, and what an incredible charge to my faith that movie was. It's a rarity in Hollywood when a movie comes out that is truly a Christian movie for Bible believers, that is also well-acted and produced, and stays true from start to finish. New Christian movie 'The Hill' is such a film, based on the incredible true story of Rickey Hill who was born with crippling degenerative spine disease, and overcame it all to become a professional baseball player. - "I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me." Philippians 4:13 (KJB)

ROYAL NEWS: Pope hails power of interfaith dialogue for peace in Mongolia - World Published: 2023-09-03 13:23 Last Updated: 2023-09-04 17:05 - Pope Francis hailed religion's power to resolve conflict and promote peace Sunday, on his final full day in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar for a visit that has seen him seek to build bridges with neighboring China. The morning address, which brought together leaders of major religions in Mongolia, took place in the intimate Hun Theatre, nestled in the low mountains surrounding the city and designed in the round shape of the nomadic "ger" dwelling. Christian leaders, as well as representatives of Buddhism and Shamanism, Islam and Judaism, Hinduism, the Russian Orthodox Church, Mormonism, Baha'i and others, attended. (Comment: This Jesuit Pope continues to push the one world religion Chrislam that is the forerunner religion of the antichrist. What is it? It’s official, Chrislam has now been codified and ratified, with the approval at the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, of the Human Fraternity document created by Pope Francis of the Vatican, and financed and promoted by Mohamed bin Zayed of the UAE. Question – Guess who they forgot to invite to the festivities? Answer – Jesus Christ, His Name appears nowhere and is never mentioned. I wonder who the ‘honored guest” is then?  “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3)

REUTERS: Russian drone attack hits Danube port infrastructure, Ukraine says – Reuters - September 3, 202310:21 AM CDT - Sept 3 (Reuters) - Russian drones hit Danube River port infrastructure that is critical to Ukraine's grain exports, injuring at least two people in the attack on southern parts of the Odesa region on Sunday, Ukrainian officials said. The Danube has become Ukraine's main route for exporting grain since July, when Russia quit a U.N. and Turkey-brokered deal that had given safe passage to Kyiv's exports of grains, oilseeds and vegetables oils via the Black Sea. Sunday's attack took place the day before Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan are due to hold talks in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi. Turkey has been pressing to revive the grain deal.

Taiwan suspends work, transport and classes as Typhoon Haikui slams into the island - Associated Press - Updated Sun, September 3, 2023 at 7:55 AM CDT - BEIJING (AP) — Much of southern Taiwan came to a standstill Sunday as Typhoon Haikui churned over towns and farmland. Residents were urged to stay home and flights, rail transport, ferry services, classes and outdoor events were suspended, but there were no reports of injuries or serious damage. The storm made landfall in Taitung county on the Pacific-facing east coast around 3 p.m. (0700 GMT) Sunday, bringing sustained winds of 155 kph (96 mph) and gusts of 190 kph (120 mph).

THE VERIFIED NEWS EXPLORER NETWORK: Civil servants rush to freeze £2 MILLION grant handed to mosque that has decades-long history of alleged extremism and hate speech, including an imam who gave sermon on how to stone women 'correctly' - 03/09/2023 - Birmingham's Green Lane Mosque was awarded the grant to build a youth centreThis comes despite its imams being filmed giving sermons on stoning women - Bungling civil servants had to urgently freeze a £2 million grant they gave to an infamous mosque that has a decades-long history of alleged extremism and hate speech, The Mail on Sunday has been told. The Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham was awarded the money to build a youth centre, despite its imams being filmed giving sermons on how to stone a woman ‘correctly’ for adultery and delivering speeches that appear to incite murder of homosexuals.  alleged-extremism-and-hate-speech-including-an-imam-who-gave-sermon-on-how-to-stone-women-correctly-s5046727.html 

Red Alert: Fed-Controlled Nazis Prepare to Launch American Civil War! - Alex Jones - Monday, September 4, 2023 10:21 - Groups of “Nazis” who call themselves the “Blood Tribe” and “Goyim Defense League” exposed themselves as Biden supporters and Azov Battalion members while marching in a rally in Orlando, Florida.

Burning Man 2023 Shut Down By God? 2023 - Monday, September 4, 2023 9:39 - Current Events Linked To Biblical Prophecies. Everything is unfolding just as the bible foretold. Wars, Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes, Extreme Weather, Christian Persecution, Violence and more! Matthew 24:3-14 3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Burned Alive! Elon Musk Demands Prosecution for Maui Massacre! – Video - Monday, September 4, 2023 9:48 - This was a crime against humanity and should be dealt with accordingly! Arrest the FEMA Head, the Governor, The chief of police, the mayor. Arrest them now! These politicians need to suffer and suffer dearly for what they did to Maui!

ATLAS SHRUGS: Israeli PM Nentanyahu Announces Plans to Immediately Deport African Migrants after Hundreds Fight, Riot, Destroy, Loot in Tel Aviv - Monday, September 4, 2023 11:17 - Israeli prime minister Benjamin Nentanyahu has announced plans to immediately deport African migrants after hundreds were involved in brawling & rioting in Tel Aviv over the weekend. He says a “red line” had been crossed by the “infiltrators.” BRAVO! Finally, a lucid and rational response to this brutal madness. Good-bye and good riddance.

Unveiling the Secrets: The Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels and The Great Flood - Monday, September 4, 2023 10:29 - Discover the untold stories of the fallen angels in the Book of Enoch, the enigmatic celestial beings who descended to Earth, shrouded in both fascination and mystery. We unravel the intricate narrative of their role in shaping ancient civilizations and igniting the flames of curiosity across generations.

MAIL ONLINE: Health effects of weed laid bare: Marijuana is behind 3 in 10 schizophrenia cases, can be a death sentence in pregnant users, but Biden STILL wants to ease restrictions on the drug - More than 40million adults use marijuana, more than double 10 years ago - Long-term effects of recent legalizations are just now becoming known - READ MORE: Chronic cannabis use raises major depression, bipolar risks - By CASSIDY MORRISON SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - UPDATED: 11:35 EDT, 4 September 2023 - A nationwide social experiment launched by a wave of marijuana legalizations is finally bearing results in the form of higher depression rates and addiction. It started in 2012 in Colorado and Washington, setting off a domino effect that has seen restrictions lifted across nearly 40 states, including 23 where it's legal to use marijuana recreationally. -




Greeced European Spiral & Prophecy

by Wilfred Hahn

Published on: April 7, 2016

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 4th 2023


Popular consensus views — most certainly so when at extremes — are almost always wrong. This is not a reflection of mysterious forces, but mostly due to mathematical laws. When everyone is thinking the same thing, there is no one left to convert into a new buyer or seller. Therefore, some professional investors specifically seek to identify these points when opinions are at an extreme and then bet on the opposite outcome. Quite a few hedge fund managers have made multi-billions pursuing such a strategy.


Another more cynical view is that since financial markets are seemingly hard-wired to allow the least amount of people to profit, that one therefore should not be overly influenced by the headlines of the times. It is these obvious headlines that everyone reads and that most will swallow as fact and invest accordingly.


Based on the above principles, just what are the incorrect popular opinions that have been shaped and affected by headlines lately?


Well, it would have to do with all of the following: Greece, China and the notion that the American economy is strong and not subject to another downturn anytime soon. These three have driven extreme levels of fear, optimism and complacency in recent months.


China most certainly has many challenges at present (and faces a longer-term dilemma with an aging population); however, it should not be underestimated. China is determined to rejuvenate itself back to the glory days of two centuries ago.


As for the U.S. economic outlook, it remains uninspiring. Recent trends have been disappointing.


Most portentous have been the recent instabilities in Greece. Financial markets are again relieved that Greece will not default on its sovereign debts nor leave the Eurozone (comprised of 19 countries sharing the same currency, the euro). However, just as everyone was convinced only weeks ago that Greece would surely hit the wall, these recent more optimistic perspectives are also wrong.


Greece’s third financial bailout in five years will not have solved its underlying problems. (Did you know that Greece has officially defaulted on its sovereign debt at least five times since 1826?) The fact of the matter is that the imbalances that have built up within the European Union of 28 countries will continue to build. Among many issues, it is simply not possible that trade and productivity differences between its major members (Italy, Germany, and France) can continue forever.


Currency stresses and bailout flare-ups will continue. It appears inevitable that eventually Europe will reconfigure itself … perhaps into one or more groups of countries, some again entirely independent.


From this vantage point in history, however, we cannot know what will prove to be the specific catalyst for the dissolution or reconfiguration of the present-day European Union. Could it be another default by Greece, that of another country or perhaps a country exit from the EU that sets the dominoes falling? It is tempting to speculate.


After all, back in 1981, Greece was the 10th nation to have joined the EU (then called the European Common Market (ECM)). At the time, this advent drove Bible prophecy observers into a tizzy. Understandably, many were absolutely sure that a 10-nation ruling structure was coming about, as prophesied in the Bible. As it turned out, only five years later, both Portugal and Spain joined, pushing ECM membership to 12. Today, as mentioned, there are 28 nations in this Union. So much for the 10-nation coalition … as least for now.


Readers will be familiar with the “10 kings” (mentioned or pictured in at least 5 prophecies found in both the Old and New Testaments) that come together in the last days to form a world-ruling coalition. We have published numerous articles and studies on this topic in the past. The 10 kings are shown as 10 horns in Revelation 12, 13 and 17. “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom […]” (Revelation 17:12).


As such we can know that only 10 nations will make up the final Roman-based power coalition upon earth (pre-Tribulation period). Indeed, the world can be seen to be heading to this outcome quite quickly.


The question of just how such a condition would come about (as well as the identities of the 10 member nations) is therefore a ripe subject for speculation. We can think of scenarios that might be probable or possible; however, as said, these would be speculative. The bottom line is that the present 28-nation European Union cannot at the same time represent a coalition of 10 nations. Somehow, this number will be whittled down. And, in our view, it remains an open question as to whether all 10 nations will be European. Most definitely, all must be Roman offshoots, but not necessarily all from Europe.


It is very plausible that Europe could break apart into several sub-groups of countries. For example, one analyst suggests the possibility that a group of northern nations headed by Germany will split off. They would have their own currency (dubbed the “neuro”). Southern European nations will also form their own group (these generally being the countries with deficits), as they desperately will want their own currency that they can then devalue (this currency being dubbed the “sudo”). Other groups or individual countries could splinter off as well.


Out of these smaller groups, it is plausible that the prophesied grouping of 10 will emerge. However, as mentioned, it is not possible to predict the final future recombinations of European and Roman-offshoot country alliances. Nevertheless, what is clear to see from events involving Greece today is that great fissures and cracks are spreading across Europe. Significant dislocations still lie ahead. As such, any optimistic consensus about Europe’s future today will surely result in disappointment as history plays out.


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