Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Growing In Christ


Growing In Christ - End of the Deep State Coming Today - Trump Ending U.S. Corp - New Mike Adams & Dr. Shiva Unleashed - New ShariRaye - The Burning Platform - LISA HAVEN: It’s Getting Hot - TIM BROWN & Halls of Faith - ATLAS SHRUGS and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 6th 2023



Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: Explosive Intel! Trump Ending U.S. Corp; Vatican Gold Flown to Fort Knox; Trigger Event!! (Video) - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 4:01 - Biden IS the legitimate President of a bankrupt Corporation. He has renewed all of Trump’s EO’s. Who is instructing him to do this? Dems are going to be shocked when they find this out. He is furthering things on our part. Triggering event is going to be the Georgia case live streamed on YouTube and regular television. Trump is CIC and has 200 Generals under him. When Trump went around the world to speak to world leaders, he was given the sword in Saudi Arabia which is only given to the King. He gave them documents about the child and human trafficking. Afterwards 200 Saudis were arrested. He went to the Vatican and told the Pope he was taking all the gold from the Vatican Bank. 650 airplanes flew the gold back to Fort Knox. He went to visit the Queen. He informed her that his plan was to file bankruptcy and end the U.S. Corporation.

THE DAN BONGINO SHOW: This Is The Only Way To Stop The Police State! - Dan Bongino Live - 11 AM ET - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 10:46 - In this episode, I address the only way to stop the police state. Do you see it coming? He can’t campaign, he can’t control his idiotic, lying speech. His “gaffes” are becoming more and more frequent. He is the most corrupt person to ever sit in the WH. Worse, he is Obama’s stooge! Do you see Joe retreating back to his mask wearing, pandemic basement campaign now that Doctor Jill has the Wuhu flu again for the gazillionth time? Lock downs, mail in ballots again? It worked before; they’ve already begun the cheat… PUSH BACK… It feels great. WE WILL NOT COMPLY! –TRUMP 2024 -

WILLIAM REED: I’m SHARING this with you NO MATTER what... - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 10:44 - In the labyrinthine corridors of power, where the air is thick with tension and the walls echo with whispered secrets, a drama unfolds that could shape the destiny of nations. The United States and China, two behemoths on the world stage, are locked in a complex dance of diplomacy and strategy, each maneuvering for an advantage that could tip the scales of global influence. On the surface, it appears that the U.S. administration is keen on fostering a cooperative relationship with China. High-ranking officials make their pilgrimages to Beijing, announcing working groups and tourism summits. But is this a genuine pursuit of harmony, or merely a façade masking deeper, more insidious intentions?

The Michelle Moore Show: Think Your State Is Safe? All Are Corrupt Corporations and all Governors Are in on It! The Michelle Moore Show (Video) - Tuesday, September 5, 2023 21:06 - Patriots and Constitutionalists, Jack and Margy Flynn join Michelle to discuss the repercussions of the fires in Maui, the corruption of Governors in their state corporations, and more on The Michelle Moore Show! -

The Burning Platform: Take Out the Mother Ship – Sept. 6th 2023 - There has to be a return to first principles. - Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic - Imagine you are the leader of an extraterrestrial force sent to conquer planet earth. Your force orbits the earth in a gigantic starship. You do not know what defenses earth has, but back on your planet a strategy was devised to maximize your chances of conquest. Although your starship has powerful weapons, it will not attack the earth directly. That would give its position away, and if it goes down the mission is over. However, your ship will serve as a mother ship for thousands of smaller daughter ships. The daughter ships have surveillance and attack capabilities, but they are coordinated from the mother ship and are of little use if it’s destroyed. Remarkably, the daughter ships propagate, sending out their own daughter ships, who in turn can send out their own daughter ships, ceaselessly multiplying the earth’s attackers….

New Mike Adams & Dr. Shiva Unleashes on the Whole Charade - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 12:14 -

New ShariRaye: It's Finally Happening! Black Swan or Black Sheep! September 2023 - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 15:27 -

LISA HAVEN: It’s Getting Hot! Blue States Now Revolting on Biden! You Won’t Believe Why! Wednesday, September 6, 2023 13:38 - By Lisa Haven - In a peculiar twist of fate, the democrats are now turning on the Biden administration. Why is the even more shocking part! All that and more in this report…

TIM BROWN: Have You Obtained A Good Report? (Video) - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 14:52 - In this episode, we’ll take a stroll down the hall of faith from Hebrews 11 to gain some encouragement from those who trusted in God and lived their lives according to the faith they placed in His promises despite many of them never seeing the promises fulfilled in this life.

ATLAS SHRUGS: The ADL Doesn’t Speak for Jews, on the Contrary, They Collude With Jew-Haters - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 14:17 - The ADL has smeared, defamed and libeled my colleagues and me for years for exposing the horrors of Islamic Jew-hatred. Ironically, their own data substantiates our work. Proud Jews have long been in the ADL’s crosshairs. The notorious org has condemned my work in the past (along with Joan Rivers, David Yerushalmi and Israel at various times).

And We Know: Treason? Deltas! Evidence Destroyed? J6, GITMO, Vax, Pray!? - Must Video - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 15:46 -

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 6, 2023 - By Ivar Casandra | 09/06/2023 – The Global Alliance Military are removing Cabal controlled governments worldwide and completing the final arrests on the 500K indictments worldwide – End of the Deep State coming today -  Charlie Ward says NESARA/GESARA activating -

Singapore seizes alleged launderer’s millions in Swiss banks – Bloomberg - Updated Wed, 6 September 2023 at 6:10 am - By Chanyaporn Chanjaroen and Low De Wei - (Bloomberg) — Singapore police seized S$125 million ($92 million) from a suspected money launderer’s accounts with Bank Juliuus Baer and Credit Suisse AG’s local unit as a billion-dollar scandal continues to unfold. Authorities took hold of S$92 million held by Turkish national Vang Shuiming in Credit Suisse Singapore, according to an affidavit by the police and presented in the Singapore High Court on Tuesday. Another S$33 million was seized from his Julius Baer account.

JAKARTA GLOBE: Indonesia Introduces De-dollarization Task Force - By Arnoldus Kristianus - September 5, 2023 | 11:18 pm – Jakarta Indonesia on Tuesday unveiled the National Task Force for Local Currency Transactions, a strategic initiative aimed at reducing the country's reliance on the US dollar in international transactions while promoting the use of its local currency. This task force represents a collaborative effort involving key entities such as the central bank, relevant ministries, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS).

New Michael Jaco & Patriot Streetfighter on Cabal Attacks & Re-instituting The Republic | September 2023 - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 -

ATLAS SHRUGS: Journalism professor claims children should be exposed to adult GENITALIA to prepare them for seeing naked trans people in locker rooms - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 8:09 - The left is sick. Utterly depraved and degenerate. And these pedos always get jobs working with kids.

Judy Byington: It’s Official. All Assets Deployed. The Q Team is Going Home. Special Intel Report For Wed. 6 Sept. 2023 (Video) - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 5:54 - The US Federal Government will shut down by Sat. 30 Sept. unless a spending bill is passed. …Senator John Cornyn -

Bo Polny - Warning: A Word for America! With Artur Pawlowski (Video) - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 4:26 - Bo is joined by Artur Pawloski and they have a HUGE Intel to share for what’s going to happen this month!! It is a month of events and actions!! -

5 Hours Ago: Douglas Macgregor's Last Warning! "Be Careful! It's The Biggest War In World History" - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 9:36 -

Quantron and Ballard Power Introduce Hydrogen FCEV Trucks - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 8:57 - Ballard Power Systems and Quantron AG have unveiled a fuel cell commercial vehicle platform that is ready for delivery. The collaboration has been ongoing since 2021 with development and testing and the first of the new Quantron trucks have delivered in Europe. The trucks are a combination of Quantron’s engineering and Ballard’s fuel cell tech. Ballard, based in Canada, developed the FCmove fuel cell modules being used in the Quantron trucks. Quantron has the hydrogen fuel cell systems in its 44-ton QHM FCEV heavy-duty tractor and the QLI FCEV light box truck. Both zero-emissions vehicles offer significantly longer range and shorter refueling times when compared to battery-electric options. The Quantron QHM FCEV truck is the current European range champion with 54 kg of hydrogen at 700 bar.

THE HORN NEWS: 61 indicted on racketeering charges in Georgia, following movement to ‘Stop Cop City’ - SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 - Sixty-one people have been indicted in Georgia on racketeering charges following a long-running state investigation into Antifa attacks on a planned police and firefighter training facility in the Atlanta area that critics call “Cop City.” In the sweeping indictment released Tuesday, Republican Attorney General Chris Carr alleged the defendants are “militant anarchists” who supported a violent movement that prosecutors trace to the widespread 2020 Black Lives Matter riots.

NEWSMAX On AP Poll: About 7 in 10 US Adults Believe in Angels - Saturday, 29 July 2023 - Angels even get more credence than, well, hell. More than astrology, reincarnation, and the belief that physical things can have spiritual energies. In fact, about 7 in 10 U.S. adults say they believe in angels, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. “People are yearning for something greater than themselves — beyond their own understanding,” said Jack Grogger, a chaplain for the Los Angeles Angels and a longtime Southern California fire captain who has aided many people in their gravest moments. “For a lot of people, angels are a lot safer to worship,” said Grogger, who also pastors a nondenominational church in Orange, California, and is a chaplain for the NHL's Anaheim Ducks. (Comment: This statement above should not be taken seriously. The Bible plainly states Angels are NOT to be worshipped. The Bible clearly teaches that angels are real, and they constantly work in unseen ways on behalf of God’s children. The Bible says, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14). But the Bible also clearly teaches that we aren’t to worship angels or pray to them. After God used an angel to reveal to the apostle John what was going to happen in the future, John’s first reaction was to fall down and worship the angel. The angel, however, immediately rebuked him: “But he said to me, ‘Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets. … Worship God!'” Revelation 22:9.)

WATCHERS: Exceptionally heavy rains hit Rio Grande do Sul, causing deadly floods, Brazil - Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - At least four people died Monday, September 4, 2023, after an extratropical cyclone dumped extremely heavy rains that triggered severe floods and landslides in the southernmost Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Parts of the northern half of the state received 2 and even 3 months’ worth of September rains in just 72 hours. Between September 3 and the early hours of September 4, the northern half of Rio Grande do Sul experienced intense rainfall, with some areas seeing over 300 mm (11.81 inches) of rain. This is remarkable given that the historical average precipitation for the entire month of September in Passo Fundo, based on data from 1991 to 2020, stands at 165.5 mm (6.52 inches). Essentially, the region witnessed two months’ worth of rainfall in just two days.

WATCHERS: Extreme rainfall, major flooding event in Greece - Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - Weather models suggest Greece will continue to be impacted by a major rainfall event over the next two days, raising the threat of major flooding in parts of the country. At the same time, a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone, known as a medicane, threatens to escalate flooding risks in Sicily, Malta, and Libya. Greece, having recently battled widespread fires fueled by intense heatwaves, is now under the looming threat of a major flooding event. Severe flooding has already been reported in parts of the country, and meteorological predictions foresee more rainfall in the days ahead — between 400 and 600 mm (16 – 24 inches) of rainfall from September 5 to 7.

DAILY FETCHED: Satanic Pop Star Doja Cat’s New Song ‘Demons’ BACKFIRES, Turns Thousands to GOD - By: Jason Walsh - September 5, 2023 - ‘Satanic’ pop star Doja Cat’s new song “Demons” suffered an enormous backlash among young listeners, turning many back to God due to its overtly perverse and demonic lyrics and imagery. The Doja Cat disaster symbolizes the mass transition back to God. We are reminded how God can use evil and turn it into good. The devil overplayed his hand on this one.

ZERO HEDGE: These Are The Largest UN Peacekeeping Operations In 2023 - BY TYLER DURDEN - MONDAY, SEP 04, 2023 - 04:45 AM - The United Nations is withdrawing 13,000 personnel from Mali, in what UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called an “unprecedented” move, following a request from the Malian military junta to vacate the country. As Statista's Anna Fleck reports, Mali’s Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop told the United Nations Security Council in June that the UN’s peacekeepers had "become a part of the problem in fuelling intercommunal tensions." The UN has been given until December 31 to pull out its mission members, as well as to close its 12 camps and to hand over a temporary base to the authorities. Mali has been under military rule since a coup in 2012, and has since experienced ongoing instability with separatist and jihadist rebellions. In 2020 and 2021 the country saw two more coup d’etats and in June 2023, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report stating that the Malian armed forces and foreign fighters - allegedly from the Wagner Group who had been brought in to fight jihadist groups - had killed dozens of civilians since December 2022.


Growing In Christ

By Grant Phillips

Published on: July 1, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 6th 2023


Is it possible to be a legitimate child of God, in other words, a true Christian, and feel as though you don’t seem to be maturing spiritually? We could add … is it even possible to sometimes be unsure about your salvation? If Jesus returns in the rapture today, would you leave with Him? If you were to die today, would His face be the next face you see in eternity? Unfortunately, too many Christians have these doubts, but they do not need to be in that rut.


I would like to present a few areas to consider that may be giving some believers uncertainty in their spiritual lives: broken fellowship, spiritual malnutrition, His Word, His creation, and His Word. Yes, I know I said “His Word” twice, but I have a reason for it.




Some Christians (true believers) never doubt their salvation, and then some do. Those who doubt could be allowing sin in their life to hinder the fellowship between them and the Lord.


When we became a child of God, we trusted Him to forgive us of all our sins and save us, so why not trust Him when we fail Him each day? To the child of God, the Lord says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).


When we were saved, we were given a “relationship” with God, just as we have a relationship with our earthly family. Our relationship with our spouse is husband/wife. For our children, it is parent/child. We also have what is called “fellowship” with our family, but if there is discord between family members, the fellowship is broken until the discord is removed. Keep in mind, the relationship is always there, even when the fellowship is broken. This is the reason for 1 John 1:9 above.


So, the question is … when we sin against God, are we going to Him and asking forgiveness? It is important also that we mean what we say. God can always spot insincerity.




Some Christians are starving themselves of the spiritual food they need to grow as a child of God. Then they wonder why they are spiritually anemic.


Common sense should tell us that if we refuse to eat, our bodies will die. Even a child knows that. So why do we think we can grow spiritually without the food God provides, i.e., His holy Word? What is it we’re depending on other than getting in God’s Word (the Bible)?


I heard a preacher say the other day that we don’t need to spend a lot of time in the Bible in order to grow as a believer. He said that we just need to witness. He based that on what is called “the great commission” found in Matthew 28:16-20. How can you tell anything to anyone unless you know what you’re talking about? In other words, how can I teach someone Spanish if I speak only English and do not know Spanish? This gentleman does not need to be a minister. He would do better at selling pencils on a street corner.


Maybe you’re depending on religious music to pump up your emotions. Religious music is great! I personally love the old hymns, but they cannot replace the Bible. As I said, this music is great, but it’s somewhat like eating only dessert instead of having a daily well-balanced meal. Desserts are great! Who doesn’t like desserts, but we can’t live on them. We need nourishing food to grow.


I mentioned “emotions.” Emotions are also a great thing to have, but they are not dependable and can be destructive if not in line with God’s Word. They are much like “opinions.” Opinions are nice to have, but only if they are firmly grounded … again … on God’s Word.




The apostle John said, “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30-31).


He also said, “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:13).


The apostle Peter said, “For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty” (2 Peter 1:16).


The Holy Spirit, writing through these apostles, wants all of God’s children to be confident about their relationship in His Heavenly family. In other words, God wants us to be sure about our salvation in Jesus.


The apostle Paul said, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified” (2 Corinthians 13:5).


How do we examine ourselves? There are no shortcuts. There is only one place to go and one thing to do, and that is be a serious student of God’s Word. That is the only place to be certain that you will get the truth. And get this … the more you spend your time in prayer and His Word, the more you grow.


Jesus said, “… It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God'” (Matthew 4:4).


Any Christian who thinks they can substitute anything else for God’s Word, the Bible, and still grow spiritually is only fooling themselves. This is exactly why so many Christians are so spiritually immature and overtaken with false doctrine and doubts.


Also, do not rely on others to spoon-feed you. Get into the Scriptures yourself. The Lord wants us to get in His Word, and He, the Holy Spirit, will teach us. By the way, He is the best teacher there is.


An unbeliever cannot understand the Bible because it is foolishness to him, but God will guide His own through every page and enlighten their hearts and minds.


“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For ‘who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?’ But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:14-16).




“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).


All anyone needs to do is look around. All of God’s creation screams, I AM MADE BY THE VERY HAND OF GOD!


Those who cannot see that are spiritually blind and eternally lost.




There is so much more that could be said, but I want to close out by considering the seriousness of our Bible study.


“And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.” (Luke 24:27)


When studying the Bible or just casually reading it, never lose track of Luke 24:27 above. All of God’s Word is about the Lord Jesus Christ. All of the Old Testament and all of the New Testament are about Him. When you read and study His Word with that in mind, you are on the right path. Look for Jesus in the Scriptures. To do otherwise is like trying to ride a bicycle with a broken chain. You will do a lot of pedaling, but you won’t move forward.



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