Friday, September 8, 2023

America Is Not Exempt From Judgment


America Is Not Exempt From Judgment - The dollar No Longer Available Worldwide - NESARA Has Started - Trump Will Hold a Rally Today in Rapid City South Dakota - Mel K & Edward Dowd - Charlie Ward Major Situation Update - Oslo Accords 30 Years On and more.

Research & comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 8th 2023



 US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 8, 2023 - By Ivar Casandra | 09/08/2023 – The dollar no longer available worldwide – Banks have no way to borrow anymore money – All debt worldwide was paid off Friday Sept. 1st – 5G Towers deactivated – Tribunals will be televised – Trump to be back soon – Warren Buffet is a CIA operative – NESARA has started -

Judy Byington: Trump Confirmed & Released The Plan. EBS To Start, RV Predicted for Mon. 9/11,Something Big is Coming-Special Intel Report For Fri. 8 Sept. 2023 (Video) - Friday, September 8, 2023 5:42 - In the last three days tons of arrests have been made in upper New York State. Half a million indictments around the World were being opened. On Fri. 8 Sept. President Trump will hold a rally with “Monumental Leaders” in Rapid City South Dakota (at Mount Rushmore?).

Mel K & Edward Dowd: The Truth Needs No Explanation, It Just Is (Video) - Friday, September 8, 2023 5:23 -

Sulforaphane stops cancer and promotes detoxification - Friday, September 8, 2023 1:17 - Study after study has shown that increased consumption of cruciferous vegetables – including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard greens, and kale – is strongly associated with reductions in mortality – and offers particular protection against cancers of the breast, prostate, bladder, and lung.

GITMO Names, Tucker Defeats MSM, This IS Biblical! (Video) - Friday, September 8, 2023 4:58 - GITMO list of names, Tucker sticks it to MSM, and things are about to get biblical!! Tucker leading the charge agains MSM and he is winning -

Charlie Ward: Major Situation Update - "What's Next?" (Video) - Friday, September 8, 2023 5:31 - Charlie is back and is sharing Intel about what we can expect next… September is going to one of the wildest months yet, if all this Intel is accurate!!

SG Anon: Situation Update - We Are in the Fight of Our Lives!! Get Ready!! (Video) - SG sits down with Exploring the Frontier podcast to disclose current Intel, geopolitical dynamics, worldwide power struggles, We The People alternate-economies, and more. - Friday, September 8, 2023 4:45 -

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Oslo Accords 30 years on: Israel dreamed of peace, Palestinians did not - They offer healing offhand For the wounds of My people, Saying, “All is well, all is well,” When nothing is well. JEREMIAH 6:14 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) STAFF WRITER ISRAEL NEWS - SEPTEMBER 7, 2023 - On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords, former military experts, politicians, security officials, and journalists gathered in Jerusalem on Monday at a conference titled “The Oslo Accords at 30: Lessons Learned.” The participants had been involved in or covered the Oslo Accords. The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Habithonistim, and the Middle East Forum’s Israel Victory Project hosted the all-day event. The participants, who represented a broad spectrum of political beliefs, examined the Oslo Accords, which were adopted by the State of Israel in September 1993. They evaluated voices supporting and opposing the agreements, assessed the observance of the agreements from the Palestinian side, the coverage and awareness of the Israeli public as a condition for the agreement, and formulated policy proposals for the future of the Accords. The main conclusions of the discussions were that the government and many parts of Israeli society rallied to support and implement the agreement largely out of longing for a dream of peace, while the Palestinian side had no intention of reaching peace at all. For the Palestinians, the Oslo Accords saw the agreements as a victory for the violence of the First Intifada.

DISCERN TV: Maui Fires, Directed Energy Weapons, and the Color Blue - by Greg Reese - September 5, 2023 - The recent fires in California, Australia, and now Hawaii are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. They are being called forest fires and wildfires, but they are clearly something very different. These fires are burning homes into a white powdery ash footprint while often leaving the surrounding green trees and shrubs practically untouched. In extreme cases, forest fires can reach temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, and the melting point of aluminum is 1220 degrees Fahrenheit. So it is possible for an extreme forest fire to melt aluminum. But there are cars with puddles of melted aluminum that were clearly not in the wildfire area. And melted glass, which has a melting point of around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. These are unexplained anomalies. In the California fires of 2018, cars were randomly bursting into flames on the freeway with no surrounding fires. We’ve seen these same anomalies in New York City on September 11th, 2001. Cars completely burned out with no explanation.

New Benjamin Fulford Returns! Huge September Friday Geo-Political Intel Update 2023! - Friday, September 8, 2023 10:37 - Former Asia/Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine, Benjamin Fulford has 20-years experience as a professional writer and journalist, and has sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese. He’s produced a comprehensive catalogue of scoops in fields ranging from business, to yakuza gangsters, to high-finance, to government corruption.

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: After Calling To ‘Defund The Police’ Anti-Cop Minnesota Democratic Party Official Left Bloody In Violent Carjacking - Friday, September 8, 2023 11:18 - Hardcore Anti-cop Liberal Democrat Shivanthi Sathanandan found out the hard way why defunding and dismantling the police is always a terrible idea - A Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party official who once vowed to “dismantle” the Minneapolis Police Department is now calling for tougher crime laws after she was beaten and bloodied in a carjacking outside her home this week. “I have a broken leg, deep lacerations on my head, bruising, and cuts all over my body. And I have rage,” wrote Shivanthi Sathanandan, who said the beating occurred in front of her 4-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son around 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. Well now, imagine that. “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” Romans 13:3,4 (KJB) -

Doja Cat’s “Demons”: Can We Just Agree That the Music Industry is Outright Demonic? - Friday, September 8, 2023 10:43 - I know. I published a whole article about Doja Cat just a few weeks ago. What else can I possibly have to say about her? Well, a lot. The music industry is currently using Doja Cat to pump out some of the most satanic videos in rap history and it’s simply too blatant to ignore. Indeed, her video Demons sums up perfectly everything I’ve been writing about for years as it is basically about the music industry revealing its true, dark, and demonic side for all to see. And people are definitely feeling that dark energy. Those are the top comments on YouTube.

New Gene Decode: September Latest Intel Update and a Message About WW2 - Friday, September 8, 2023 15:36 -

Prof Brian Hooker: This is What Happens When a Study Compares Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated Kids - Friday, September 8, 2023 14:42 - Prof Brian Hooker, Ph.D.: “Despite multiple calls for this type of study, the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services in the United States in general has never done this type of outcome study. But a researcher by the name of Anthony Mawson completed a study back in 2017. What this study was comprised of was homeschool students in the United States. Some of them were fully vaccinated, some of them were partially vaccinated, and some were completely unvaccinated.”

SGT Report: Turbo Cancer, Autophagy & New Hope for the Vaxxed - Dr. William Makis - Pt. 2 - Must Video - Friday, September 8, 2023 14:17 - This is the must hear conclusion to my interview with Dr. William Makis. Turbo cancer, autophagy & new hope for the Vaxxed. Good news for vaxxed people! There is a simple treatment that has also been helpful for people with metabolic syndrome and obesity.

WILLIAM REED: Trump DEMANDS The IMMEDIATE Release of This Crucial Information - Friday, September 8, 2023 14:08 - In the intricate tapestry of global politics, few subjects have been as contentious and emotionally charged as the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. The decisions made, the strategies employed, and the aftermath have been the subject of heated debates, with every move scrutinized and every word dissected. At the heart of this maelstrom stands former President Donald Trump, a figure who never shies away from controversy. His recent revelations about how he would have approached the Afghanistan situation have sent shockwaves through political circles. Trump’s perspective offers a stark contrast to the current administration’s actions, providing a glimpse into an alternate reality of what might have been.


America Is Not Exempt From Judgment

By Grant Phillips

Published on: August 27, 2022

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 8th 2023


As I’ve heard David Reagan say so often, “God does not wrap Himself in the American flag.” He is simply saying, along with the apostle Peter, “… “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34).


We, as a society, think we can do or say anything we want and never have to pay the piper. Most in our society either do not believe in God or think we are so special that God would not dare judge us.


Is God really just a big teddy bear up in Heaven that winks at sin? Is He really so impressed by us that He would consider us an exception and just hold His nose while He gives us a big hug? I personally feel we are under judgment now, and I’ll explain why I believe that later on in this article.


First of all, I would like for us to consider a few judgments by God upon others in the past and the future. These are in no particular order.




God’s Judgment in the Garden of Eden:


Adam and Eve listened to the serpent and disobeyed God, then sin entered us and had to be judged. Judgment was handed down by God upon them and their progeny, and judgment was also pronounced upon the serpent. Read chapter three of Genesis.


God’s Judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah:


Sodom and Gomorrah were extremely wicked in every respect, much like us, by the way. Jesus’ half-brother said of them and the surrounding cities of that day the following:


“In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire” (Jude 7).


The account of their destruction is recorded in Genesis 19:23-29. Only Lot and his daughters survived.


God’s Judgment on Those in Noah’s Day:


Well, here is another group of people, much like us, who refused to repent of their evil devices. They ignored Noah’s warnings and became more and more evil. Their judgment is recorded in Genesis 6:1-8; 7. Only Noah and his family survived. Everyone else drowned by a worldwide flood.


God’s Judgment on Egypt:


Because of the Pharoah’s arrogance, the people suffered, and the Egyptian army was drowned in the Red Sea. See Exodus 14:26-28.


God’s Judgment on Israel:


The northern kingdom, called Israel at that time, had turned its back on God and was taken captive by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. Out of 19 kings, they were all bad, from Jeroboam I to Hoshea, a period from 931 B.C. to 721 B.C. You can read about their judgment by Assyria in 2 Kings.


God’s Judgment on Judah:


In the book of Daniel, we can get a first-hand look at Judah, the southern kingdom, following its captivity by the Babylonians from 607-586 B.C. Out of twenty kings, from 931 B.C. to 586 B.C., there were only eight that could be called “good.”


God’s Judgment on Babylon:


In 539 B.C., God allowed the Persians to capture Babylon to punish them for taking Judah captive. In Daniel 5, we can see the beginning of Babylon’s fall.


God’s Judgment on all Israel for Rejecting their Messiah:


In 70 A.D., Israel’s temple was destroyed and the people scattered to the four winds. Luke 19:43-44 gives us the reason for their judgment.




God’s Judgment and Reconciliation for Israel During the Tribulation:


Note Ezekiel 20:36-38; Romans 11:26; Revelation 6ff. (I will repeat this judgment at the end.) In Daniel 9:20-27, we are told of 483 years and then the additional seven years remaining, which will comprise the Tribulation.


God’s Judgment of the Gentiles at His 2nd Coming:


Read Matthew 25:31-46. There will be three classes of people at this judgment: sheep (saved Gentiles), goats (unsaved Gentiles), and brothers (the people of Israel).


God’s Judgment of Fallen Angels at the End of the Millennium:


Please see Jude 6.


God’s Judgment of the Wicked Dead at Great White Throne After Millennium:


Read Revelation 20:11-15.


God’s Judgment on Gog and Magog:


See Ezekiel 38 – 39.


God’s Judgment of Satan:


See Revelation 20:7-10.


Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list, but it is clear that the Almighty God we serve will not hesitate to administer judgment upon individuals and nations that refuse to repent. Someone may say, “My God is a God of love!” I must reply that God is a God of love, and He is also holy. He cannot condone sin, and there are no exceptions.


“Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him” (Acts 10:34-35).


The United States of America was once a God-fearing country. Today every area of our society is so deep in sin that we are now a carbon-copy of those in Noah’s day and those in the days of Lot. Our government is totally corrupt, steeped in pride and greed, and hates anything associated with a holy God. Along with the politicians, the entertainment industry in our nation is perverse and laughs in the face of Almighty God, as the world of business robs from the people and thumbs their nose at God. Even most of the churches have been taken over by false prophets, perversion and apostasy, and are leading people by the millions straight to hell.


What has happened to us, a country that at the very least once showed the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob respect and recognized the Son of God as the only way to the Father?


As did Ephesus, we lost our first love and turned our back on God. In our pride, we have sunk to the lowest depth of Satan’s sewers. We removed God from every aspect of our society and have never looked back since at least 1963, when we chose to remove Him from our schools.


As I said earlier, I believe we are already under judgment, for Romans 1:24-25 says that God gave us over to sinful desires. Romans 1:26-27 says God gave us over to shameful lusts, and Romans 1:28-32 say God finally gave us over to a depraved mind. In other words, God backed away and gave us what we wanted, and now we are reaping what we have sown.


Yes, God is love, and He proved it at the cross, but He doesn’t save anyone by His love. He saves all who will come to Him by His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).


God’s Judgment at the Cross of Calvary:


The greatest judgment of God was upon Jesus Christ at Golgotha (Calvary). On that cross, Jesus took our sins upon Himself and died for us so that all who come to Him will be saved from wrath. Please read John 12:30-33.


Self-Judgment During the Church Age:


Every person who comes to Jesus and asks Him to save them will be saved and never face judgment because Jesus paid the price for us that we could never pay.


1 Corinthians 11:27-32 tells us, as true followers of Christ, to judge ourselves so as not to bring any disrespect upon our Lord. Also, we learn of Him and serve Him in whatever way He leads us. In turn, there is another judgment.


God’s Judgment of the Believers Works After the Rapture:


2 Corinthians 5:10 and 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 promise that Jesus will judge the works of every believer, not sins, but works. He paid our sin debt at the cross, but this judgment is to reward us for serving Him.


Even though our country has placed itself in God’s crosshairs, as did the Pharoah of Egypt and so many others, we must stay true to God’s Word.


There is another judgment that many will face.


God’s Judgment During the Tribulation (Repeated):


The Church will not be here for the Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 5:9). We will be in Heaven with Jesus, preparing for the greatest wedding of all. All who have rejected Jesus will remain upon the earth to suffer through God’s wrath (Revelation 6:17), a time so terrible that all mankind would die if not for His grace (Mark 13:20).


In my opinion, our once great country has crossed the line, and there is nothing remaining but the judgment of God. We are in the last days just prior to the Tribulation, and the only thing the Bible says about this time period is that it will get worse and worse until the Church is first removed, and then the Tribulation will begin.


Our leaders and the majority of our populace want nothing to do with God, but the good news is that any who are willing can come to Jesus right now and be saved from the wrath to come. How do you avoid the Tribulation? Call upon Jesus now.


Out of the list of judgments I have mentioned above, how can we be so naïve in thinking we are exempt simply because we are the United States of America? We are not exempt. Do we not realize that God has waited two thousand years in order to give the world plenty of time to repent?


“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light” (Romans 13:12).



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