Monday, September 18, 2023

As It Was in The Days of Noah


As It Was in The Days of Noah – ENDTIMES Prophets Speak - Navy SEALs Save Missing Maui Children - How to Remove Graphene Oxide From Your Body - Derek Johnson: Latest Military Intel - The Democrat Party Hates America – Russia Expels U.S. Diplomats and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 18th 2023



THE TAP BLOG: How to Remove Graphene Oxide From Your Body - Monday, September 18, 2023 7:57 - Graphene oxide, a substance that is poisonous to humans has been found in the Covid 19 “vaccines”, in the water supply, in the air we breathe through chemtrails, and is even in our food supply.  Graphene oxide interacts and is activated by electromagnetic frequency’s (EMF), specifically the broader range of frequencies found in 5G which can cause even more damage to our health…

X22 Report Live: This Will Be the Biggest Political Victory & Better Than Doing it the Traditional Way! – Video - Sunday, September 17, 2023 19:30 - The [DS] is in trouble, the people are waking up everyday. Trump and the patriots are going to bring the people to place where they can see it all. It is the only way to take back the country. This is not about another 4 year election, this is about exposing and removing the [DS] from this country. Trump says this election will be the biggest political victory by far, and it will be better than doing it the traditional way.

TIM BROWN - Dr. Lee Merritt: The Bloodlines Of The People Placed Into Power Are Quite Telling (Video) - Monday, September 18, 2023 10:59 - Dr. Lee Merritt is one of my favorite people to interview.  She is a wealth of knowledge and she’s a genuinely kind person.  Last month, I was at G. Edward Griffin‘s 2023 Red Pill Expo and she spoke there and we were able to meet in the flesh for the first time.  During her presentation, she laid out the bloodlines of the people who get into power and how it appears that only a few hundred families actually exercise control over the governments of the world, and while we should definitely deal with the traitors in our midst, we must also be diligent about bringing justice to the foreigners who would seek to upend our society and laws that are based upon the principles of the Word of God…

REAL RAW NEWS: Navy SEALs Save Missing Maui Children - By Michael Baxter -September 17, 2023 - United States Navy SEALs on Thursday found 15 missing Maui children imprisoned in padlocked cages lined with piddle pads at a warehouse near Pier 51 in Honolulu Harbor, but repatriating them with their families has proven problematic, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

REUTERS: China Evergrande shares tumble 25% after wealth management staff detained – Reuters - September 18, 20235:17 AM CDT Updated 3 hours ago - HONG KONG, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Shares of embattled developer China Evergrande Group (3333.HK) plunged 25% on Monday after police detained some staff at its wealth management unit, suggesting a new investigation that could add to the property company's woes. Evergrande, the world's most indebted property developer, is at the centre of a crisis in China's real estate sector that has seen a string of defaults since late 2021 that have rattled global markets and sparked fears of contagion. Trading in the company's stock was suspended for 17 months until Aug. 28. (Comment: The Alliance Military stopped the ship in the Suez Canal after it got stuck in 2021. When searched the Military found conventional weapons, missiles, and children locked in containers, some dead some alive. It was determined at the time the missiles & conventional weapons were going to the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza strip in Israel.)

i24 NEWS: Anti-government protests begin as Rosh Hashanah ends - i24NEWS -September 17, 2023 at 10:11 AM - Demonstrations also planned in US as Netanyahu is set to arrive tomorrow - Protest organizers called for Israelis to demonstrate Sunday, with a march going through the streets of Tel Aviv. Anti-government protesters also gathered in Ben Gurion airport as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu embarks on a state visit to the US. At 7:00 pm, Israelis against the government's planned judicial overhaul gathered at Rothschild Boulevard, where the country's Declaration of Independence was signed in 1948, and marched to Kaplan Street, the focal point of anti-government protests for the 37th consecutive week. Police began closing streets at 6:30 pm, with additional streets closed as the march made its way through the city…

BLP: Three Men Ensnared in False Kidnapping Hoax of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are Found NOT GUILTY - By Shane Trejo Sept. 18, 2023 - Three men – William Null, his twin brother Michael Null and Eric Molitor – have been found not guilty after being ensnared in the false kidnapping plot of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer by federal provocateurs. “You gentlemen are free to leave,” Judge Charles Hamlyn said after the not guilty verdicts were announced. The jury obviously sympathized with the men whose lives were ruined as part of this scheme hatched by the FBI to frame political opposition of the Democrats as terror threats. One juror approached Molitor after the proceedings concluded and “said he was very sorry for all he had gone through” before shaking his hand and giving him a hug. Unfortunately, two of the other men, Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr., were found guilty despite the federal role in conjuring the entire bogus sham. So justice was ultimately not served in all of these cases.

Judy Byington: One Movement, One People, One Family One Nation Under God-Special Intel Report For Mon. 18 Sept. 2023 (Video) - Monday, September 18, 2023 6:02 - “We are fighting an ancient Child Sex Trafficking Ring and not a single reporter has asked for more information.” …President Trump - Beginning with the massacre of over 500,000 Canadian native children and continuing on Aug. 8 with the Direct Energy Weapon (DEW) destruction of Maui, which included the kidnapping of over 1,500 native Hawaiian children, the Satan Worshipping, Child Sacrificing Vatican, Crown of England and US Inc. were on a direct path to eliminate indigenous peoples across the Globe in order to take over their land. Last week this Cabal essentially shut down the Panama Canal, creating a Global supply chain crisis in the months ahead. - FBI identifies culprits in $41 million casino heist, bringing total to more than $1 billion stolen by gang near to Hunter Biden. The documents released by the FBI mention a group of hackers closely associated with Hunter Biden, another act that has been kept quiet by the public and the courts….

Derek Johnson: Latest Military Intel and Situation Update (Video) - Monday, September 18, 2023 4:14 - Here’s Derek with Riccardo Bosi and they are sharing the latest military Intel and situation update..Red October is just around the corner and it could hold major changes for the world a a whole…

So, This is why they K*lled him... (he knew too much) | John McAfee - Monday, September 18, 2023 9:32 – Headlines from CNN June 25th 2021 states, John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison after his extradition to the US was approved -

ATLAS SHRUGS - SHOCKING VIDEOS: Trains, Massive Transports of Thousands of Migrants Shipped to USA, “It’s a Pipeline. It’s All Coordinated. It’s All Controlled” - Monday, September 18, 2023 9:25 - ‘This is what an invasion looks like’: Video shows Mexican train reportedly ‘bursting’ with migrants heading to US southern border - A Mexican train is transporting dozens of migrants to the U.S. southern border, according to a new report. Fox News national correspondent Griff Jenkins posted an alarming video of the migrant train on the X social media platform on Sunday afternoon….

KILLING AMERICA: The Democrat Party Is Stripped Naked In Mark Levin's Astonishing Bestseller - Monday, September 18, 2023 8:33 - Mark Levin has authored 10 bestselling books over the past 16 years related to politics, current events, and policy issues. His latest book, The Democrat Party Hates America lays out a devastating argument that the Democratic Party is responsible for much of the division the country faces today. But Levin demonstrates this is nothing new for the Democrats because its very origin was predicated on hatred.

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: Russia expels U.S. diplomats - Russia announced Thursday that it was designating two U.S. diplomats as “persona non grata,” ordering them to leave within seven days due to allegations of “illegal activity” with a Russian national who was charged with collaborating with a foreign government. According to Reuters, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that it had notified U.S. envoy Lynne Tracey Thursday that embassy First Secretary Jeffrey Sillin and Second Secretary David Bernstein would be required to depart from Russia within seven days. “The named people conducted illegal activity….

TOWNHALL: Texas AG Sends Threatening Warning to Biden After Being Cleared From Impeachment Charges - By Sarah Arnold - September 16, 2023 10:14 PM – Just hours after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted of state impeachment charges, he sent a scathing warning to President Joe Biden, who is facing similar calls to oust him from office. On Saturday, Paxton released a letter to the Biden White House, telling the president to “buckle up” after defeating the “sham impeachment.” “The sham impeachment coordinated by the Biden Administration with liberal House Speaker Dade Phelan and his kangaroo court has cost taxpayers millions of dollars, disrupted the work of the Office of Attorney General, and left a dark and permanent stain on the Texas House,” Paxton’s letter read. “The weaponization of the impeachment process to settle political differences is not only wrong, it is immoral and corrupt.”

ZERO HEDGE: Turkey Could 'Part Ways' With The EU: Erdogan - BY TYLER DURDEN - SUNDAY, SEP 17, 2023 - 07:10 AM - Via The Cradle - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that Ankara could “part ways” with the EU if necessary, following the release of a European Parliament report rejecting the possibility of Turkey joining the EU soon. The report instead suggested the EU explore “a parallel and realistic framework,” such as a customs union, to determine its ties with Ankara. “The EU is trying to break away from Turkiye,” Erdogan told reporters. “We will make our evaluations against these developments and if necessary, we can part ways with the EU.” (Comment: Erdogan is a dictator, has killed many Kurds, wants to go to war to eliminate the Armenians, has a large NATO military base on his soil with nuclear weapons, and has been double dealing with Putin while showing support to Russia while selling arms to Ukraine. The man cannot be trusted.)

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: Saudi Arabia halts talks on peace deal with Israel – report - September 17, 2023 - In a significant setback to normalizing ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel, the government in Riyadh has reportedly informed the Biden administration that it was suspending all related discussions, an Israeli official from the Prime Minister’s Office revealed to the London-based Saudi news outlet Elaph on Sunday. The Arab news medium, which is viewed by many as a public broadcaster for Jerusalem and Riyadh, cited the anonymous official as blaming Israel’s “extremist” government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Saudi Arabia also expressed concerns that the current Israeli government is obstructing a peace process with the Palestinians. (Comment: How can you normalize relations with Israel when their conditions are Israel should give up parts of the Promised Land to terrorists in order to normalize relations. What kind of foolishness is this?)

New Sarah Westall & Navy Seal Who Partnered with Dr Zelenko to Stop Child Trafficking: Military Needs to do Deep Soul Searching - Monday, September 18, 2023 14:51 -

Russell Brand Gives an Intense Response to Rape Allegations Scandal | Direct Message | Rubin Report 2023 - Monday, September 18, 2023 12:07 - Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Russell Brand’s response to breaking rape allegations; evidence of Democrat privlege in how Republican Lauren Boebert and Democrat Susanna Gibson’s scandals are being covered by the media; “The View’s” Joy Behar talking to Jon Karl about Hunter Biden’s Burisma connections; “The View’s” Whoopi Goldberg going off-script to be incredibly rude to Alyssa Farah Griffin; Tucker Carlson showing how politicians like Adam Schiff weasel their way out of telling the truth; Justin Trudeau threatening to punish grocery stores that don’t lower food prices; Bill Maher admitting to Jim Gaffigan why he wants Gavin Newsom to run for president; Drew Barrymore issuing a crying apology for daring to cross the writers’ strike by bringing back “The Drew Barrymore Show”; Donald Trump’s take on recent Republican abortion laws and much more.

SG Anon - 13 Lawsuits Filed to Remove Trump from Ballot - Monday, September 18, 2023 14:52 -

Bo Polny: ENDTIMES Prophets Speak TIME - Robin Bullock, Amanda Grace, Kent Christmas, Kim Clement JUBILEE! - Monday, September 18, 2023 15:42 -



As It Was in The Days of Noah

By Grant Phillips

Published on: March 30, 2022

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Sept. 18th 2023



In Matthew 24, Jesus explains what the world will be like just before His return to earth. Leading up to the Tribulation and His return at the end of the Tribulation, Jesus says it will be as it was in the days of Noah.


“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37-39).


In Luke, it is further explained that the days of His coming will be like it was also in the days of Lot … just like the days of Noah.


“And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed” (Luke 17:26-30).


I would like to first consider the days from Adam to Noah because I think it will shed much light on what Jesus said.


The first thing that must be considered is that Adam and Eve were created as perfect human beings. This is very important.




Adam and Eve’s bodies were absolutely 100% perfect. There was not one infinitesimal malfunction of those perfectly created bodies … bodies designed and created by the hand of God. If they had not sinned, God could and would have kept those bodies in perfect working order indefinitely.


Realizing this, it is no mystery that Adam really did live 930 years, but sin shortened his life because sin causes corruption.


“For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life” (Galatians 6:8).


I mention this because some folks just can’t believe that people in that day could live as long as they did. When we understand that they began with bodies of perfection, we can understand that as time moved on, those bodies would live fewer and fewer years because of sin that had corrupted the world.


Notice that immediately after the flood, longevity of life took a nosedive. Just think of all the dead bodies of humans and animals lying on the earth after the flood. This in itself would have a dire effect on the number of years a person would live after that event. Not only was man corrupted because of sin, but the earth was also corrupted.


Before The Flood:


Adam lived 930 years.

Seth lived 912 years.

Enosh lived 905 years.

Kenan lived 910 years.

Mahalel lived 895 years.

Jared lived 962 years.

Enoch lived 365 years (He did not die. God raptured him to Heaven.)

Methuselah lived 969 years.

Lamech lived 777 years.

Noah lived 950 years (600 years before the flood, 350 years after the flood).

After The Flood:


Shem lived 600 years.

Arphaxad lived 438 years.

Shelah lived 433 years.

Eber lived 464 years.

Peleg lived 239 years.

Reu lived 232 years.

Serug lived 230 years.

Nahor lived 148 years.

Terah lived 205 years.

Abraham lived 175 years.

Moses lived 120 years.

David lived 70 years.

Solomon lived 80 years.



Would God have created Adam and Eve and not given them perfect mental acuity? Of course not. He would never provide for them a perfect body without a mind to match. In Genesis 2:19-20, the Lord tells us that Adam actually named all livestock, birds in the sky, and all the wild animals. Adam had no help from Noah Webster, no encyclopedia, and no internet. He named all the animals all by his lonesome. That had to be a monumental task.


Now think about this: we today live just long enough to get really good at something, such as a craft, the arts, sports, etc., and then we die. Beginning with Adam through Noah’s day, they had several hundred years more than we do to really excel beyond our wildest expectations.


We later learn in Genesis 4:16-24 that men were city builders, cattlemen, inventors of musical instruments, and were instructors of every craft in bronze and iron. In other words, they were extremely intelligent and very gifted people. How anyone can believe the nonsense that is taught in our schools is beyond me. Those people, like us, were very intelligent, but unfortunately, like us, they turned from God and embraced worldly affairs. Their minds and hearts were far from God.


Unfortunately, beginning with Cain, men also became murderers and polygamists.


Sin was taking its toll. The bodies and minds were wearing down, and sin was ramping up.




Enoch was born in 3382 BC, based on Adam being created in 4004 BC. When Enoch was 65 years old, his son Methuselah was born.


“Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:21-22).


Notice that AFTER Methuselah was born, Enoch walked with God, had other children over a 300-year span, and then God took him. I believe that God informed Enoch of the coming flood upon the world and promised him that it would not come as long as his son Methuselah was alive. Methuselah died in the year 2348 BC. The flood came in the same year, 2348 BC. Some even say that Methuselah even died the day of the flood. Whether or not that is true, I don’t know.


The name Methuselah means “man of the dart,” or ‘his death shall send,” or “when he is gone, then it will happen.” As God promised Enoch, as long as Methuselah was alive, there would be no flood. Some say that God even tacked on an additional 120 years to Methuselah’s life in keeping His word. So instead of Methuselah dying at 849 years old, he lived 969 years.


Just as Noah was a preacher of righteousness prior to the flood (2 Peter 2:5), I believe Enoch spent 300 years of his life also warning others about the flood God was going to bring upon the earth. I realize that the flood did not occur for 669 years after God took Enoch, but 1 Peter 3:20 indicates God’s patience with those of that time. It is likely that Methuselah also spent much of his life warning others about the coming flood.


When Enoch was 365 years old, God removed him from the earth and took him to Heaven. Enoch was raptured to Heaven, in other words, as the Church will be raptured to Heaven prior to the Tribulation. As a country will remove their ambassador from a foreign country prior to war, Enoch was removed.


Why would God warn the people of Enoch’s day of a flood that wouldn’t occur for 669 years from the time of Enoch’s rapture? Noah would be warning them later anyway. I think it was because only eight people would be living after the flood. Everyone else would die. At least after the Tribulation, there will be many saved from the ravages of that coming judgment.


The Bible says in Genesis 6:11-12, “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.”


We also know that there were Nephilim in that day from Genesis 6:4. Demonology was rampant and apostasy also, since the Gospel message from God to Adam was being replaced with corruption.


Having considered what Jesus said in Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-30, it seems to me that we are a carbon copy of the days of Noah and Lot.


Today’s society is much like those days from Adam, leading up to and including Noah. We are very intelligent, as they were. We are city builders, inventors, instructors of new information, and travelers, just as they were. We are entertainers of music, just as they were. Unfortunately, the world today is totally corrupt in demonology, apostasy, sexual sins, crimes against others, indifference to God, self-righteousness, and every other sin known to man, just as they were in Noah’s day.


Another key factor is that those of Noah’s day, and also obviously Lot’s day, lived as though nothing would ever change. They ignored the warnings and continued to live in their sins without any thought of God. Their love was the world and all that was in it. Doesn’t that sound familiar?


It seems to me that the more we look at society in Noah’s day, and Lot’s day also, for that matter, we are a carbon copy in both the good and the bad of their societies.


Again, I don’t know when Jesus is going to return. I do know that He chastised the Pharisees and Sadducees for not recognizing the signs of His first coming.


“Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said to them, ‘When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red’; and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times” (Matthew 16:1-3).


Are we missing the signs, as did the Pharisees and Sadducees, or ignoring them as so many did in the first century? Are we ignoring the warnings as they did in Noah and Lot’s day? Hopefully, we are eagerly anticipating His soon return, and it may be much sooner than we think.

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