Tuesday, July 4, 2023

World Geopolitics by the Bible


World Geopolitics by the Bible - France Descends Into Collapse - Radiological Nightmare Averted - Islamic subversion in America – Mel K With Dr. Pam & Family – New Benjamin Fulford and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 4th 2023



France Descends Into Collapse, Macron Is Finished! - Redacted News Live - (4 PM ET/3 PM CT/1 PM PT) - Monday, July 3, 2023 - Riots are raging throughout France and now Switzerland and Belgium. By some counts there are over 300 fires on public roads, 300 burned vehicles, 34 burned buildings, 45,000 police deployed, at least 3 police injuries and hundreds of arrests. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/07/france-descends-into-collapse-macron-is-finished-redacted-news-live-4-pm-et3-pm-ct1-pm-pt-3666871.html

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 4, 2023 - https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-july-4-2023/

VA Classifies Fentanyl As “Weapon Of Terrorism” - By Bo Banks - Jul 3, 2023 – https://bigleaguepolitics.com/virginia-reclassifies-fentanyl-as-weapon-of-terrorism/

New Monkey Werx: It's Happening! July 4th Showtime! Freedom Under Attack! SITREP 2023 - Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/07/new-monkey-werx-its-happening-july-4th-showtime-freedom-under-attack-sitrep-2023-2543024.html

Gene Decode: Exclusive Q&A and Intel Report - Don't Miss This One!! (Video) - Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - Gene Decode and the Blessed For Service team facilitate these unique Q&A’s regularly on Deep Dives so join us there and ask gene your questions and unite with us on sharing/learning knowledge, envisioning and therefore bringing more Love, Light and Truth back into this vulnerable world NOW! https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/07/gene-decode-exclusive-qa-and-intel-report-dont-miss-this-one-video-3795129.html

LT Scott Bennett: Explosive 4th of July Intel - You Won't Believe Who is REALLY In Control! (Video) - Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - Wagner received $6 billion and that was circulated here in Washington, the idea was to use these money (already delivered to Wagner) to mushroom the Anti-Putin movement across Russia, these money will never come back to USA. There was great expectation Wagner and Dissatisfied Oligarchs will overthrow Putin. Wagner was never against Putin, Putin was playing the game. Wagner is a puppet of Putin. The deal was cut to take the money from Washington and find out who would go along with the idea of Putin overthrow. Anybody who might betray Putin has been exposed and that was the actual mission. They are being liquidated now, along with their close ones. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/07/lt-scott-bennett-explosive-4th-of-july-intel-you-wont-believe-who-is-really-in-control-video-3795123.html

MIKE ADAMS: Situation Update, July 4, 2023 - Chlorine Dioxide Prepping Solutions & France Burns! - Mike Adams Must Video - Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/07/situation-update-july-4-2023-chlorine-dioxide-prepping-solutions-france-burns-mike-adams-must-video-3666924.html

Radiological Nightmare Averted! How US Marines Defused a Deadly Deep State Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Scheme! - Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - It’s a story that sends shivers down your spine. The narrative reads like a political thriller. For a moment, imagine this – United States Marines, heroes of our great nation, are involved in a high-stakes, clandestine operation against our own Deep State. It sounds outrageous, doesn’t it? But this is the harrowing reality, unfolding in our very own backyard. Last Friday, in a daring act of bravery and patriotism, these Marines stormed a South Carolina warehouse. But this wasn’t just any ordinary warehouse. Oh no, this was a fortress of shadows; A stronghold of the Deep State, where their scientists were crafting weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to deploy against our innocent American brethren. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/07/radiological-nightmare-averted-how-us-marines-defused-a-deadly-deep-state-weapons-of-mass-destructionwmd-scheme-3795135.html

HARBINGER DAILY - Franklin Graham: ‘Never Before In America Have We Seen Such Open Contempt For The Word Of God’ – By Rev. Franklin Graham - July 3, 2023 - Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Seoul, Korea, at the 50th anniversary of my father’s historic 1973 Crusade, where he preached to more than 3 million people. That year, on June 3 alone, a crowd of 1.1 million gathered at Yoido Plaza—a runway used during the Korean war—to hear my father’s message from God’s Word. https://harbingersdaily.com/franklin-graham-never-before-in-america-have-we-seen-such-open-contempt-for-the-word-of-god/

Islamic subversion in America - It's not yet insurrection, as in France, it is stealth Jihad that is a red light for America. Op-ed. - By Amil Imani - Jul 3, 2023 - “Abraham Lincoln said, "America will never be defeated from outside. If we falter and lose our freedom, it will come from the inside.” https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/373596

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Responds After Group Demands She Remove Kids' Chalk Cross from Outside of Arkansas Governor's Mansion - By Jack Davis - July 1, 2023 - Just in time for America’s birthday, Republican Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered a fire-breathing reminder of the role religion plays in the core of what makes America special as she rejected a liberal group’s demand that she remove a chalk drawing of a cross from a walkway outside of the governor’s mansion. https://www.westernjournal.com/sarah-huckabee-sanders-responds-group-demands-remove-kids-chalk-cross-outside-arkansas-governors-mansion/

SRANGE SOUNDS: Normal, right? - Jul 4, 2023 - In less than 2.5 years there have been 1,884 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues with 1,310 of them dead…World Class athletes drop dead all the time for no reason… https://strangesounds.org/2023/07/normal-right.html

Mel K With Dr. Pam & Family | Patriot Solutions that Make a Difference | 7-1-23 - https://rumble.com/v2xcyqm-mel-k-with-dr.-pam-and-family-patriot-solutions-that-make-a-difference-7-1-.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2

New Benjamin Fulford July 4th Intel Update: It's Time! Stay Safe! - Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/07/new-benjamin-fulford-july-4th-intel-update-its-time-stay-safe-ncswic-2543029.html




World Geopolitics by the Bible: America’s Next Chapter?

By Wilfred Hahn

Published on: December 22, 2021

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 4th 2023

We come to the end of our 7-part series. If readers have made it this far, they are to be congratulated. This topic was very complicated … not to mention the difficult task of keeping all the facts straight and condensing a massive amount of material on this topic into 7 columns.


The goal of this short series was to legitimize the Bible’s foreknowledge of more than 4,000 plus years (approximated) of mankind’s world geopolitical history, following the calling out of a new people on earth founded by Abram.


We believe it will have been worthwhile. Why? We have reached some penultimate conclusions.


All throughout this 7-part series, we have referred to the question of America’s geopolitical endtime roles according to the Bible. We will lay out our case.


But first, we must highlight the most urgent conclusion of all.


We are living in the very last of the pre-millennial end times.


This conclusion couldn’t be clearer. We note a convergence of many “ripening” trends, as well as accelerating developments that are prophetically enabling.


Crucially, we are very near the emergence of the final Roman, 10-king geopolitical coalition.


Think of the lateness of the times being experienced right now.


Let us suppose that it takes another 50 years before the full 10-king coalition takes form and the Antichrist erupts onto the world scene. (Please note that 50 years is not a forecast, but rather an illustration only. Indeed, we must also acknowledge that this timeline could, in fact, play out more quickly.)


A remaining period of 50 years would mean that 98.75% of the Bible’s revealed world geopolitical timeline has already played out (assuming a 3,500-year period).


Therefore, those who are alive today are privileged to live during a time when the “season” is so clear and imminent.


Another urgent marker that must not be missed is the rapidity of the final developments at the time of the 7th head … i.e., the 10 kings. As the Bible indicates, the 10 kings are said to reign for a short time only. “The seventh head (ruler) “[…] must remain for only a little while” (Revelation 17:10).


Corroborating this rapidity, says Luke, the trap will shut suddenly once it is triggered (see Luke 21:34). “While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape!” (1 Thessalonians 5:3). The OT prophet Daniel also backs this up, saying: “The end will come like a flood” (Daniel 9:26).


So here we have it: 1. We are in the very last of the last days pre-millennially; 2. The last of the prophetic developments speed up greatly; and 3. We can deduce that geopolitical volatility and changes of power will yet occur. This is the specter that is unfolding before our very eyes.


America in Prophecy?


But, what about the U.S.? Americans no doubt will have many questions about the prophetic role of their great nation.


Why is America not expressly mentioned in the Bible? One would think that its existence and actions would be worthy of mention. China is mentioned prophetically … why not the U.S.?


In previous parts of this series, we have shown why the USA will not be one of the final 10 kings. Put simply, the glass slipper does not fit the foot.


Given America’s status as a superpower and its huge economic influence upon the earth, it must be concluded that America today could not qualify as a member. It is just too large to be a big toe on either of the two feet that Nebuchadnezzar saw. A foot with such a large toe would not be functional.


Moreover, it must also be concluded that America will no longer be the most influential power in the world. While the specific reasons for this shrinking are not known, in one way or another, this country will diminish. If it is not to be a member of the 10-king coalition, it will then surely be subject to its rule.


Just what type of geopolitical maelstrom or internal deterioration will America yet go through? Quite a bit, it would seem. But can this be? Isn’t God on America’s side? Isn’t God blessing the United States?


America the Bountiful


The country of America is truly one of a kind—like no other. It is extraordinary in so many ways. From an earthly perspective, today it is still the most prosperous nation, the most powerful, and the most influential. We all know this. For example, for some time, its defense expenditures had been greater than the combined outlay of the entire rest of the world. (This is rapidly changing, however.)


Its economy, popularly measured, is still the largest of all nations. (China is now in close pursuit.)


We could outline a long list of superlatives.


But, how did it get to this position? Surely, the pivotal factors that have shaped America were not accidental. Why have so many benefits and geographic advantages been given to this country? The answers are thought-provoking.


Advantage America


No other nation has been given the natural advantages of America. Let us count the ways. We borrow heavily from Stratfor’s popular monograph, “The Geopolitics of the United States.”1


No other nation in the world has as much arable land as the U.S. The American Midwest is the world’s largest contiguous piece of farmland. In addition, there are other major agricultural areas, namely in south-central Canada, the Atlantic Coastal Plain, California’s Central Valley, and others. These are significant compared to the agricultural capacity in the rest of the world.

The Atlantic Coast possesses more major ports than the rest of the Western Hemisphere combined.

The Greater Mississippi Basin, together with the Intercoastal Waterways, has more miles of navigable internal waterways than the rest of the world combined. In addition, the river systems of the Missouri, Arkansas, Red, Ohio, and Tennessee are significant. Why are rivers so important? Navigable rivers have two banks, coasts only one.

Adding to the power of America is the fact that it has a wealth of sheltered bays and extreme indentations allowing for ports—St. Lawrence Seaway, the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, San Francisco Bay, and a number of others.

A most important feature of North America is the river network in the middle third of the continent. Unlike major rivers in the rest of the world, vast tracts of America’s rivers are navigable because few of their tributaries originate in high elevations. That has meant that America has had the cheapest and most efficient transportation system in the world for its products.

The vast bulk of America’s prime agricultural lands are within 200 kilometers of a stretch of navigable rivers.

America has two coasts—the Atlantic and the Pacific. Moreover, it allows America to trade with these two major regions of the world—both Asia and Europe.

From a national security perspective, America is naturally insulated from any invaders. The two major oceans of its coastline are a natural barrier to enemies. To the south, there is desert; to the north, timberland, mountains or lakes. Its geographic layout makes America very secure like no other its size.

The United States is the least densely populated of the major global economies in terms of population per unit of usable land. (Russia, Canada, and Australia may be less densely populated, but vast tracts of their land are economically useless … i.e., Siberia, the Canadian North, and the Outback, respectively.)

We could list many other factors. All the above translates into a low requirement for capital, cheap transportation, and low defense costs in its earlier days. These were major factors that enabled the rapid rise of America in world trade and influence.


Canada, on the other hand (to illustrate this contrast), needed to spend massively to develop the St. Lawrence Seaway and the required canals in the Great Lakes.


Just what other nation has been endowed with such wealth, resources, and geographical features?


Could it be that the rise of America over the last 200 to 250 years was not significant in the prophetic timeline of the world?


The correct answer, we think, would be “no.” Is it simply circumstantial that such a large geopolitical power took form late in the premillennial era?


From Blessing to Judgment


As we have shown, the North American continent could not have been created more providentially. Many benefits and advantages were given to the people that would live on that landmass.


There can be no doubt: God has blessed America. The rise of America on the world scene was not accidental. God has had His purposes for America. There can be no other candidate for the geopolitical influence and tasks that it may have fulfilled on the world stage.


However, much of this role may now be in the past.


What about the future?


Nations are free to make their choices. They are free to choose whom they will serve and will bear the corresponding judgments in the last days.


Choices are indeed being made.


Consider that at one time—from the early 1800s—America sponsored waves of evangelism around the world. That is no longer the case. As a recent poll from Gallup reveals, for the first time on record, church membership plunged to less than 50% in 2018. In 2020, this ratio sank further to 47%. Compare this with attendance levels of 70% in 1999 … only 22 years ago!


Foreign Affairs magazine recently published an article entitled, “Giving Up on God: The Global Decline of Religion.” We quote here one headline statement from this report: “The most dramatic shift away from religion has taken place among the American public.” As recently as 2007, the U.S. ranked as one of the most religious countries in the world. Since then, it has shown the largest move away from religion of any country that this survey covered.


All the above-mentioned trends do not invalidate that God has used America in the past to bring about His purposes in the world. Did not God have America in His eye (though not the “apple of His eye,” as in Zechariah 2:8) from the beginning of time?


Since Bible prophecy clearly outlines that there will be a 10-nation power coalition, not a foot with one big toe, we can conclude that this big toe (the U.S.) must then become comparatively smaller. While the British Empire has been removed from the pinnacle of power more than a century ago, its younger cousin, the U.S., now may also face a relative decline.


By whatever means—whether the Rapture, self-inflicted policy errors, deserved or divinely willed—this has to happen if the Bible is to be proven correct. In fact, viewed against the pace of past human history, it must be said that this downward shift of America, relative to the rest of the world, has likely begun.


Less than 25 years ago, though the seeds of America’s moral and economic decline had long been evident, the U.S. was still seen as an invincible, world-dominating power in every sense.


At the time, geopolitical analysts were still actively debating the question of whether the United States should really be considered an empire in the classical sense. Many analysts ridiculed any notion that America might be vulnerable, maintaining that the 21st century would belong to the U.S., as did the 20th.


What does the Bible say? For the last three centuries, there has only been one big toe … first Britain, then America. But this cannot continue if prophecy is to be fulfilled.


Prophecy, in this case, can be fulfilled in a number of ways. A coalition of 10 other kings (nations) could become powerful enough to supersede the geopolitical position of the U.S. Or, could the opposite extreme play out? Could America be downsized … deteriorate from the inside out …or become one of the 10 kings, or not at all? Which will it be?


According to Bible prophecy, every avenue and every possible scenario for the United States seems to lead to some form of diminution on the world stage.


Can you see this?


Indeed, the times are short, and history will speed up dramatically.


What choices will America and the nations make?


What should the Saints do?


We look up and await the Rapture and the return of Jesus Christ: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).

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