Wednesday, July 26, 2023



And the Gospel Will Be Preached - The New Financial System (QFS) - Starlink System Activated – GESARA Exposed – UFO Congress Hearing - Military Summary - Women's Studies Courses Offered on Witchcraft & Worship of the Devil - Wildfires Hit Portugal, Spain, Greece, Algeria, Croatia, Italy and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 26th 2023




WILLIAM REED - GESARA Exposed: How This Could Change Your Life Forever – Insider Leaks! - Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - You think you’re ready, don’t you? The whispers, the murmurs, and the hints dropped here and there about GESARA are now shouting their intentions to the world. The secret, it seems, is out. But before you rush out and celebrate, there are things you must understand. I’ll let you in on some hard-hitting realities that few are discussing. Tighten your seat belts! As GESARA stands on the brink of revelation, the populace may be ill-prepared for the aftershocks. Do not be deceived: unveiling GESARA is not the endgame but merely the dawn of a new era…

REAL RAW NEWS: White Hats Murdered While Investigating Child Trafficking Ring in LA - By Michael Baxter -July 26, 2023 - Silent shrieks of agony locked on melted faces offered a macabre greeting to Special Forces operatives responding to a tip that agents of the Deep State had caught and intended to kill four White Hats investigating a child trafficking ring in southern California.

Sinéad O’Connor, Irish singer who rose to fame with 'Nothing Compares 2 U,' dies at 56 - The acclaimed artist was also known for courting controversy, including boycotting the Grammys and ripping up a photo of the pope on NBC's "Saturday Night Live." – July 26th 2023

MAIL ONLINE: UFO Congress hearing - Whistleblower David Grusch suggests people have been murdered as part of conspiracy to keep alien craft a secret - First-of-its kind bombshell hearing saw three ex-military blow whistle on UFOs - Shared experiences with craft that looked like 'dark cube in transparent sphere' - Former intelligence officer hinted US government had murdered to keep secrets - A veteran pilot said he saw white 'tic tac' UFO perform other-worldly maneuvers - 'It was amazing to see. I told my buddy I wanted to fly it,' said Commander Fravor - By STACY LIBERATORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - UPDATED: 15:25 EDT, 26 July 2023 -

REUTERS: Mayors, rabbis arrested in NJ corruption probe - By Edith Honan – JULY 23, 2009 - UPDATED 14 YEARS AGO - July 26th 2023 - NEWARK (Reuters) - Dozens of New Jersey politicians, officials and prominent rabbis were arrested on Thursday in a sweeping federal probe that uncovered political corruption, human organ sales and money laundering from New York to Israel, officials said. The 10-year investigation, dubbed “Operation Bid Rig,” exposed influence-peddling and bribe-taking among a network of public officials and a separate multimillion dollar money-laundering ring that funneled funds through charities operated by local rabbis, said the U.S. Attorney’s office in Newark, New Jersey. The cast of the 44 arrested featured Hoboken, New Jersey, Mayor Peter Cammarano, who took office three weeks ago in the industrial city visible across the Hudson River from New York.

Hollywood PANICS As Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson Pair Up To Expose It’s Dark Secrets - Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - From the glitz and glamor of the Hollywood hills, a shocking declaration has emerged, courtesy of industry stalwart and known truth seeker, Mark Wahlberg. The famed actor’s words have sent shockwaves through the Sunday school congregation in Los Angeles and are now resounding in every corner of the globe. “Hollywood pedophiles have nowhere left to hide. We are hunting these evil sons of bitches down and taking them out,” said Wahlberg, his voice a loaded weapon in a cultural war.


US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - Update as of July 26, 2023 – The new financial system (QFS), in conjunction with the United States Note & Starlink System, would be implemented at Midnight July 25th and go through to midnight July 26th -

BLP: Thousands of Illegal Aliens are Obtaining Driver’s Licenses in Massachusetts - By Jose Nino - July 25, 2023 - According to a report by John Binder of Breitbart News, tens of thousands of illegal aliens across Massachusetts are scrambling to get their hands on driver’s licenses after voters pulled the lever for a law to grant driving privileges to illegal aliens. Per data from the state’s Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV), which Chris Van Buskirk of the Boston Herald published, demonstrated that roughly 100,000 requests for appointments to obtain a learner’s permit have been placed since July 1, when the law went into effect. Binder argued the following about those driver’s license requests:

Situation Update: Obama Sous Chef Drowns In 8 Feet of Water! Russian Offensive! CBDC Vs White Hat QFS System! CV Spike Replace Men's Sperm In Vaxed! Col. McGregor Analysis! - Wednesday, July 26, 2023 -

The Special Military Operation Decisive Moment Has Arrived! Military Summary For 2023.07.26 - Wednesday, July 26, 2023 -

Will the Largest Organized Mass Murder in World History Escape Accountability? - Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - Paul Craig Roberts - The accumulated evidence is overwhelming that Covid was an orchestrated pandemic. Intentional use of the faulty PCR test, intentional false reporting of Covid deaths as a result of World Health Organization guidelines and financial incentives to hospitals to report all deaths as Covid deaths, and prohibited treatment by known cures tgether produced a high level of fear that drove the masses to accept the Covid “vaccination” that generated huge monetary gains for Big Pharma and associated shills such as Anthony Fauci and massive inroads on civil liberty by governments….

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Texas public universities offering women's studies courses on witchcraft, 'worship of the devil' - By CP Staff – Jund 22nd 2023 - Students at publicly funded Texas universities are now able to enroll in courses about witches, black magic and the supernatural — under the guise of women’s studies. Texas Tech University is offering Women and Gender Studies course 4301 titled “Witches, Bruxas, & Black Magic” in a course listed June 12 on the Lubbock campus’ website.  According to the course description, students will “study beliefs and practices, past and present, associated with magic, witchcraft, spirituality, magical realism, and religion.” The course curriculum will cover topics including “ritual, symbolism, mythology, altered states of consciousness, and healing.” While witches and black magic are familiar topics to many people, bruxas might not be as well known. A bruxa was a pre-Christian female witch figure from Portugal during the Middle Ages and is considered a type of vampire entity known for “bloodsucking attacks on infants.” (Comment: Bloodsucking attacks on infants? Are you kidding me? This kind of paganism yhou would thyink should have become extinct with the worship of Baal & other pagan rites. What does God say about this in scripture? King Ahab Introduces Worship of Baal into Israel - 1 Kings 16:29-33 – “Ahab, son of Omri, began to rule Israel in Asa’s thirty-eighth year as king of Judah. He ruled for 22 years in Samaria. Ahab, son of Omri, did what the Lord considered evil. He was worse than all the kings who were before him. It wasnt enough that he committed the same sins as Jeroboam (Nebats son). He also married Jezebel, daughter of King Ethbaal of Sidon. Ahab then served and worshiped Baal. He built the temple of Baal in Samaria and set up an altar there. 33 Ahab made poles dedicated to the goddess Asherah. He did more to make the Lord God of Israel furious than all the kings of Israel who came before him.” Are you listening witches & devil worshippers? In the very next verse it says Ahab lost his oldest & youngest son. Do you want to be cursed by God? Why are the Texas public universities offering this foolishness? Believers need to shut this down NOW!)

How after-school clubs became a new battleground in the Satanic Temple’s push to preserve separation of church and state - by: Charles J. Russo Joseph Panzer Chair in Education and Research Professor of Law, University of Dayton, The Conversation - Posted: Jul 23, 2023 / 01:01 PM MDT - Updated: Jul 23, 2023 / 02:44 PM MDT - (The Conversation) – As the start of the school year rapidly approaches, controversy can’t be far behind. But not all hot-button topics in education are about what goes on in class. Over the past few years, conflict has trailed attempts to establish After School Satan Clubs sponsored by the Satanic Temple, which the U.S. government recognizes as a religious group. Organizers have tried to form clubs in California, Colorado, Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Organizers in Broome County, New York, also formed a summer Satan Club that meets at a local library….

REUTERS: Wildfires bring death and destruction to sun-scorched Mediterranean - By Fedja Grulovic and Lamine Chikhi - July 25, 2023 – Summary - Wildfires hit Portugal, Spain, Greece, Algeria, Croatia, Italy - Firefighting plane crashes in Greece - Tunisia suffers heatwave, power cuts hit Malta - Mediterranean region 'climate change hot-spot' - RHODES/ALGIERS, July 25 (Reuters) - Large areas of the Mediterranean sweltered under an intense summer heatwave on Tuesday and firefighters battled to put out blazes across the region. In Algeria, at least 34 people have died. In Croatia, flames came within 12 km (7.5 miles) of the medieval town of Dubrovnik late on Tuesday. Greece has been particularly hard hit, with authorities evacuating more than 20,000 people in recent days from homes and resorts in the south of the holiday island of Rhodes. Close to 3,000 tourists had returned home by plane as of Tuesday, according to figures from the Transport Ministry, and tour operators have cancelled upcoming trips. -

WATCHERS: Violent thunderstorms spawn unprecedented tornadoes, produce giant hail in Italy - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - Italy confronts contrasting weather extremes as violent thunderstorms, accompanied by giant hailstones, struck northern parts of the country on July 24, 2023, leaving two people dead and causing widespread destruction. In contrast, southern Italy grapples with persistent heatwaves, causing wildfires and the temporary closure of Palermo airport. Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci described the current conditions as some of the most complicated Italy has faced in recent decades. Northern Italy woke up to unprecedented weather chaos on July 24 when violent thunderstorms, accompanied by giant hailstones, swept across the region, causing extensive damage and claiming the lives of two individuals. -

ZERO HEDGE: Unreal VIDEO: I'm Beginning to Seriously Believe DC Is Run By Literal Demons - BY TDB - TUESDAY, JUL 25, 2023 - Originally published via Armageddon Prose: I speculated some time back at Armageddon Prose that the governing authorities in the West might be demonically possessed. My speculation -- which was actually more tongue-in-cheek than sincere at the time -- was based on the explicable behavior of one WEF-backed Canadian technocrat Chrystia Freeland, a top lieutenant of Chinese dictatorship admirer Justin Trudeau.

NATURAL CURE Written In The Bible” Extremely Powerful 3,500 -Year-Old Remedy Cures For All Diseases - Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - Healing with medicinal plants is as old as mankind itself. The connection between man and his search for drugs in nature dates from the far past, of which there is ample evidence from various sources: written documents, preserved monuments, and even original plant medicines. Awareness of medicinal plants usage is a result of the many years of struggles against illnesses due to which man learned to pursue drugs in barks, seeds, fruit bodies, and other parts of the plants. Contemporary science has acknowledged their active action, and it has included in modern pharmacotherapy a range of drugs of plant origin, known by ancient civilizations and used throughout the millennia. The knowledge of the development of ideas related to the usage of medicinal plants as well as the evolution of awareness has increased the ability of pharmacists and physicians to respond to the challenges that have emerged with the spreading of professional services in facilitation of man’s life. -

Sound Of Freedom Winning - CERN Reptilian Deep State Pedophile Khazarian Mafia Have All Been Neutralized - Wednesday, July 26, 2023 -




And the Gospel Will Be Preached…

by Britt Gillette

Published on: November 18, 2016

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 26th 2023



A little less than 2,000 years ago, a Galilean man in the small province of Judea made one of the most bold and astounding prophecies in all of human history. He claimed His personal message of hope and redemption would be preached to the ends of the earth. When He made this claim, He was a Jewish carpenter on the outskirts of the ancient Roman Empire.


Even in nearby Jerusalem, only a small number of people had heard His message. His followers were ordinary – a handful of fishermen and tax collectors. He didn’t hold high office. He wasn’t a member of high society. He wasn’t a celebrated military conqueror, and he didn’t live in a palace. In fact, at first glance, there was little about Him to indicate such a thing was possible.


Nevertheless, Jesus of Nazareth didn’t back away from His claim. Responding to questions about the end of the age, Jesus told His followers to look for a specific sign. He said His message, known as the Gospel or “Good News” would be preached throughout the entire world. Not just the surrounding towns or the nearby nations. The whole world. Jesus said His message would be preached far and wide so that every nation would hear it. And then? And then the end would come (Matthew 24:14).


Think about that. What a bold statement. A man of seemingly limited means proclaims His message will reach the ends of the earth. This is before the telegraph. Before radio. Before television and the Internet. This is long before any form of mass communication. In those days, messages spread mostly by word-of-mouth, and written communication traveled at the speed of sailboats and horses. Yet Jesus was clear. His message would spread to the four corners of the earth.


I wonder what His followers thought when He said this? The idea must have been daunting. The Roman Empire, which was their known world at the time, included 60 million people spread over 1.3 million square miles. The idea of reaching all those people must have seemed impossible. And keep in mind, their idea of the world was limited. To them, the world consisted almost entirely of the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. That’s the only world they knew. The first followers of Jesus knew nothing of North America, South America, Australia, Japan, and large parts of Asia and the pacific.


Think about that. The almighty Roman Empire had yet to reach the ends of the earth. But a Jewish carpenter would? What do you think the people of His day thought? What kind of odds would they have placed on such a man spreading His message to the whole world? I think most of them would have bet against it. After all, the odds were against it. In fact, outside of Jesus and a handful of His followers, I doubt anyone believed it.


Yet one man outside of Jesus and His inner circle did consider the possibility. And in doing so, he showed the world exactly who Jesus is.


Gamaliel’s Argument


Not long after the resurrection of Jesus, the Jewish high priest and his officials arrested Peter and the apostles. When they refused to stop preaching in the name of Jesus, the high council decided to kill them. But one man among them objected. His name was Gamaliel, a Pharisee and expert in religious law. We later find out he was a mentor to Paul (Acts 22:3). This is what he said:


“Men of Israel, take care what you are planning to do to these men! Some time ago there was that fellow Theudas, who pretended to be someone great. About 400 others joined him, but he was killed, and all his followers went their various ways. The whole movement came to nothing. After him, at the time of the census, there was Judas of Galilee.


He got people to follow him, but he was killed, too, and all his followers were scattered. So my advice is, leave these men alone. Let them go. If they are planning and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. But if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!” (Acts 5:34-39)


In his wisdom, Gamaliel knew if the message of Jesus came from God, then any forces aligned against it would fail. In other words, if Jesus was who He said He was, His message would spread to the ends of the earth.


The Power of the Gospel


The message Peter and the apostles preached was this: “Jesus is the Messiah” (Acts 5:42). Gamaliel was right to say if this message is from God, then those opposed to it would fail to stop it. History shows they failed. Why?


Because Jesus is the Messiah. That’s the very reason the Gospel spread so quickly in the early church.


The people of that time knew for a fact Jesus arrived at the precise time in history when the Messiah was supposed to come (Daniel 9:25). They knew Jesus opened the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf (Isaiah 35:5). They knew He suffered on the cross for their sins (Isaiah 53). They knew His Roman executioners gambled for His clothes (Psalm 22:18).


They knew Judas betrayed Him for thirty pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12), and they knew He was buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:9). How did they know all of this? Because they were witnesses! Jesus fulfilled messianic prophecy after messianic prophecy. He was and is the Messiah, and as Gamaliel noted, no power on earth could possibly stop the spread of that message.


Today, those first century witnesses are gone, yet the Gospel continues to spread. Why? Because Jesus transforms lives. He redeems sinners and tax collectors. He reforms prostitutes, drug addicts, and alcoholics. He humbles the proud and strengthens the weak. He gives hope in a hopeless world.


An Overlooked Sign


Two thousand years later, the Gospel is preached in every nation, the Bible is translated in hundreds of languages, and the message of Jesus is delivered by thousands of ministries through radio, cable TV, satellite, and the Internet. Every day, missionaries carry the Gospel to people who have never heard it before.


But as amazing as this is, many people take it for granted. They don’t see the worldwide spread of Christianity as a big deal. But it is. For the first 1,500 years after Jesus, you could only find a few Christians outside of Europe, western Asia, and the Mediterranean. The Gospel wasn’t preached in China. It didn’t make it to Japan. You couldn’t hear it in North America, South America, or Australia. It simply wasn’t heard worldwide.


Even after 1,900 years of Christianity, many regional world populations had yet to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But today? Today, only a tiny minority of the world’s seven billion people haven’t heard the Gospel. Nearly 2,000 years ago, a Jewish carpenter said His message would be preached to the entire earth. That’s bold. Our generation is about to see His bold claim become reality. The words of Jesus are coming true right before our eyes. And this time, we are the witnesses.


Now, think about this. Do you remember the second part of Jesus’s prophecy? That’s right. This was a two-part prophecy by Jesus. He said when the whole world hears His message, He’ll return. He said when we see what we’re seeing right now, He’s coming back:


“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).


You can count on Jesus. When Jesus makes a promise, you can be sure His Word will become reality. We can see the first part of His prophecy coming true. We are eyewitnesses. The message of Jesus is reaching the whole world. And when it does, He promises to return. Because you can count on Jesus’s Word, you can on this – He’s coming. And Jesus is coming soon!


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