Sunday, July 30, 2023

Has the Time of the Signs Now Arrived?


Has the Time of the Signs Now Arrived? - THE INFLUENCE PEDDLERS - Ukraine Troops SURRENDER - THE FALL OF THE CABAL - Secret Chinese Bio-Agent Lab in California Raided - 100 Criminal Covid Doctors Arrested - SWITZERLAND IS THE SECRET HOME OF THE NAZIS and much more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 30th 2023


THE HAL TURNER SHOW - VIDEO: Ukraine Troops SURRENDER en-masse; WHITE FLAGS on Tanks – WORLD - HAL TURNER - 30 JULY 2023 - Hundreds of Ukrainian troops, displaying white flags on their tanks and infantry vehicles, surrendered en-masse to Russia today. More and more common as troops see with their own eyes, it is hopeless to continue fighting. -

THE INFLUENCE PEDDLERS: Hunter's Grift Was Just Part of the Biden Family Business - Saturday, July 29, 2023 - By Charles Lipson - The Biden administration has repeatedly told the public that Hunter’s lucrative consulting business doesn’t matter unless it is directly connected to his father. That’s true. Moreover, they add, that connection is not just unproven, it cannot be proved because it didn’t exist. That’s false, although the mainstream media has repeated it faithfully. But even the most feckless are finding it increasingly difficult to sustain this awkward lip-syncing with the White House press office. Actually, the Biden grifting operation extends well beyond Hunter to include multiple family members. It always centered on Joe’s public position and the political access it ensured, first as the sitting vice president and then as a prospective Democratic nominee after Hillary Clinton’s defeat…

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 6, Population Control at its Worst - Saturday, July 29, 2023 -

WILLIAM REED: Donald J. Trump, in his State of the Union address from January 30, 2018, began by reflecting on the palpable optimism sweeping the nation. He emphasized that it had been less than a year since he first addressed the American people from that very podium, proudly outlining the clear vision of his administration centered around making America great for every citizen.

ATLAS SHRUGS - Breaking News: Illegal, Secret Chinese Bio-Agent Lab in California Raided by FBI, CDC - Infectious, Viral Agents Found: Malaria, Rubella, HIV, Chlamydia, E. Coli, Streptococcus Pneumonia, Hepatitis B and C,... Saturday, July 29, 2023 - Bodes most ill…..most disturbing story on my transom. A biological lab in Reedley that has been covertly operating for year has been shut down by the Fresno County Department of Public Health.  From October 2022 until spring 2023 this warehouse at 850 I Street in Reedley was operating a biological lab.The CDC found infectious material and myriad diseases inclding malaria , Rubella, HIV, chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcus pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, and herpes 1 and 5 at the site which was listed as an empty building. Apart from vast array of diseases found, the lab also had 900 genetically engineered mice designed to catch and carry various COVID strains living in vile conditions with another 175 found dead.

TIM BROWN: Have You Noticed People's Personalities Suddenly Changing After They Took The COVID Shot? (Video) - Saturday, July 29, 2023 - I have heard several people over the course of the past few years who have told me that people they know who took the experimental COVID shot began to change, and this was not for the better.  I’m not speaking of their health specifically but more to their personality.  The common thread was that these people became easily agitated and downright angry and nasty towards people, which was the direct opposite of how they were prior to the shot.  Why is this?

REAL RAW NEWS: Military Sting Catches 100 Criminal Covid Doctors - By Michael Baxter -July 28, 2023 - A White Hat sting to expose vaccine-loving physicians resulted in the arrest of 100 providers figuratively foaming at the mouth to jab Navy JAG and Army CID investigators posing as patients.

Judy Byington: It's BQQM Time, Scare Event Pending, Worldwide Blackout Necessary - Special Intel Report For Sat. 29 July 2023 (Videos) - Saturday, July 29, 2023 - Get Ready for NESARA/ GESARA Military EBS - The Military Alliance is continuing to blow Switzerland up — massive DUMB actions happening! Over 15 “earthquakes” that are under 10km deep in the last 48 hours alone. – 10 REASONS WHY SWITZERLAND IS THE SECRET HOME OF THE NAZIS - The real president will be back in office by Tues. 1 Aug. Wolverine: “Watch between now and Monday.”

TIM BROWN: New Documents Confirm Biden Regime Pressured Facebook To Remove TRUE Information About Side Effects Of COVID Shots - Saturday, July 29, 2023 - Well, we knew this all along and the White House even said they were working with outlets like Facebook and Twitter to do this, calling it “misinformation.”  We knew they were lying all along and now there is actual documentation that they violated the First Amendment protections in the US Constitution and trampled the rights of the People and people are now dead or injured due to their lawlessness. “New documents reveal the Biden administration pressured Facebook to remove and limit the sharing of TRUE information about the side effects of COVID vaccines. Folks this is evil,” tweeted Representative Thomas Massie. -

Gene Decode: BIG Intel With Mitchell Gerber (Video) - Saturday, July 29, 2023 - Come with us and discover a glimpse of the history that fueled a multi-billion dollar organ harvesting business in China. The Falun Gong people have been one of the targeted people groups for aggressive demonization and slaughter by the Chinese Communist Party.

The DARK DEEP Economy of Trafficking ~ Major Jeffrey Prather (Video) - Saturday, July 29, 2023 - Up Front In The Prophetic is joined by Major Jeffery Prather and he exposes the dark, seedy, economy of child trafficking!

HARBINGER DAILY: Israel’s Enemies Gloat Over Ongoing Judicial Reform Protests… But The God Of Israel Neither Slumbers Nor Sleeps

By Erick Stakelbeck - July 28, 2023 - Ongoing judicial reform protests are taking place in Israel. While not the mass protests we saw on previous days, people are still in the streets. Israeli nuclear scientists are stating that they will be boycotting work because they disagree with judicial reform, and thousands of Israeli reservists in the IDF are essentially refusing to report for duty for the same reason. There is no doubt that Israel is internally divided….

BUSINESS INSIDER: GOP Senate candidate Hung Cao warns of 'witchcraft' happening in California: 'We can't let that happen in Virginia' - In the interview with Sean Feucht — a California-based far-right pastor who led a movement against COVID-19 health restrictions and has rallied against "wokeness" at Disney — Cao lamented that Christianity has declined in influence in the United States over time, before referencing Wiccan communities in California. "There's a place in Monterey, California called 'Lover's Point,'" Cao said. "The original name was 'Lovers of Christ Point, but now it's become — they took out the Christ, it's 'Lover's Point,' and it's really — Monterey's a very dark place now, a lot of witchcraft, and the Wiccan community has really taken over there."

THE PEOPLES VOICE: Pope Francis Says Alcoholics, Autistic and Disabled People Should Be Euthanized To ‘Fight Climate Change’ - July 28, 2023 Baxter Dmitry - Pope Francis has thrown his weight behind the World Economics Forum’s campaign to euthanize people with autism, alcoholism and other minor illnesses and disabilities to help humanity fight so-called “climate change.” According to Francis, reducing the world population will help solve what he claims is the existential problem of climate change and restore nature to its position of primacy in the world order. (Comment: This is the same thing the Nazis done before the start of World War 2, now the Pope is advocating the same thing. My Intel says this man is not of God, but is a false prophet. Do not listen to what he says or believe him in any way. He worships the devil.)

ATLAS SHRUGS: Transgender Double-Murderer Who Killed His Two Babies, Stuffed In Tupperware Container Will Get Taxpayer-Funded BREAST IMPLANTS After Being Transferred to California Women’s Prison - Saturday, July 29, 2023 -

CERN Scientist claims They have Opened a portal to another dimension.. - Saturday, July 29, 2023 - Deep within the intricate labyrinths of CERN’s tunnels, where the European Organization for Nuclear Research shelters the monumental Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a chilling incident has brought global concerns to the forefront. As the world grapples with the tragic loss of José Pereira Láez, a forklift driver tragically killed by a fallen switchgear cabinet, a revelation even more startling has emerged: CERN scientists have inadvertently opened a portal of unknown origin and destination.

REAL RAW NEWS: The Untried and the Dead: David Axelrod - By Michael Baxter -July 29, 2023 - As reported in April 2022, U.S. Marines under Gen. Berger’s command apprehended former Obama strategist David Axelrod near his Chicago condominium. At the time, we had no details on the charges against him or what punishment he might face. A source at Guantanamo Bay recently pulled Axelrod’s file and shared information on what led to his arrest and his final fate…

Judy Byington: Scare Event Pending, EBS, Be Ready, GAME OVER- Special Intel Report For Sun. 30 July 2023 (Videos) - Sunday, July 30, 2023 -

Travis Scott And Pedo Hollyweird - They're Coming For Our Children! (Video) - Sunday, July 30, 2023 - Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent creepy posts by Travis Scott, a so-called musician who you may remember from the Astroworld tragedy where he performed as 300 were injured in the crowd and 10 died. He refused to stop playing as people were taken away in body bags. Now, he’s releasing a new album and has posted creepy photos of shirtless children with marks all over their bodies.

Michael Jaco: Weather Wars Being Used To Destroy And Flush Out The Deep State From Their DUMB's! (Video) - Sunday, July 30, 2023 - Mike is joined by Kevin Hoyt and these 2 expose the truth about the weather wars and what they are really being used for!

Donald Trump: "You Have LESS Than 48 Hours" (Video) - Sunday, July 30, 2023 - This is a warning that everyone needs to listen to… Former President Trump is warning the people that they are running out of time…

ETHAN WHITE: Get Ready for Military GESARA and NESARA Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) - Sunday, July 30, 2023 -



Has the Time of the Signs Now Arrived?

By Gene Lawley

Published on: July 26, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 30th 2023

The unexpected appearance of signs of the end-time sometimes appears in casual statements that indicate culminating thoughts of intentions by those who are planning our future. We must ask how their plans fit with God’s revealed plan for the future, as told in Scripture.


There is the simple unfolding of Scripture in its chronological format as its timeline. That seems to be the format a God of no confusion would choose. A speaker once said he always tried to pick out someone in his audience who might be one who would have trouble understanding his message. Then, he would try to take it to a level that could be understood easily. How would God do it? Jesus said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (John 6:44).


After listing several turbulent upsets in the world’s geological and social conditions, Jesus says in Luke 21:28, “When these things begin to happen, look up for your redemption draws near.”


Then He tells a parable of the blossoming of the fig tree that is about the coming restoration of Israel to its own national sovereignty. That incident actually happened on May 14, 1948, 75 years ago. It was prophecy fulfilled.


That event set a pivotal date for the generation living on that date. Mark 13:30 tells us, “…This generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.” Those who were born on or before May 14, 1948, if still living and a believer in Christ, will be among those who never die and are caught up to meet the Lord in the air.


Those are going to be elderly people, 75 years old and older, “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast…” (Hebrews 6:19).


Another sign of the times is told in 2 Thessalonians 2:3: “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first….” It is the obvious and prolific increase of lawlessness, moral degradation, mass killings, and relentless injustice now prevailing. There is a tendency to respond with, “We’ve seen these things happening before now, so it is not unusual,” but I submit that it has never been so deep and acceptable from the top leadership of nations of the world. Look at how Jesus saw the world, as Luke reported His words in Luke 17:26-30:


“And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.


“Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.”


Here the Scriptures acknowledge “these things” have happened before, but this time, they are introducing the coming of the Lord in the Rapture. Is God reluctant to reveal signs of His return? That does not appear to be true at all. Further in that Luke passage to verse 37, we find a description of how the Rapture will touch individuals around the world—some taken to safety, some left behind.


In Amos 3:7, He says, “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”


Bible students of prophecy have long learned not to be called a “date setter” because we forget to consider the whole counsel of God, or perhaps we forget Proverbs 3:5 which has been staring us in the face all along: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” But then, how are we to factor in such a sign as this one now looming on the horizon?


The United Nations has announced a 2023 Summit meeting on September 18-19, 2023. It is not front-page news that is readily apparent, but its purpose is awesome when compared with the prophecies of Scripture, mainly Daniel 9:26-27.


It is labeled as the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG) for its purpose and would mark the “beginning of a new phase of accelerated progress towards the SDG’s plan for high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions leading up to 2030.”


The UN website has this statement by the UN Secretary-General: “The SDG Summit in September must be a moment of unity to provide a renewed impetus and accelerated actions for the SDGs.”


So, what do we say to that? “Aw, the UN is always doing something over there in their high-towered edifice that never works out,” is that it? After President Obama took office in 2009, he toured the Middle East, apologizing for America, and demanded the peace negotiators have a plan in place the next September. Nothing was in place in 2010, nor 2011, nor 2012, then re-election took first attention. Apparently, God’s timing was not then.


This meeting is to set up a seven-year plan of action to transform the world into a conforming New World Order, as further digging will reveal. It is set for this September 18-19 in New York. It is scheduled on the next two days after the Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashana, on the calendar for September 16-17. (Two days to allow for sighting the new moon if clouds cover it the first day.)


The comparative prophecy that speaks of this is Daniel 9:26-27:


“And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself, and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined.


“Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering, and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.”


When Jesus returns for His body of believers around the world, the sudden disappearance of multi-thousands of people will result in major chaos, as one can imagine. Those left behind will be scrambling for someone to take charge of the devastation. If this September is that time, the “purely coincidental” meeting of UN officials in New York will already be on top of it with that person ready to take over.


They will confirm a covenant of seven years for the Jews and will allow them to rebuild their temple. This is the time when God returns His attention to His planned restoration of Israel with their true Messiah and the seven years of punishment for their continued disobedience in those past centuries. This will be that “missing” 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 9:20 and following.


The ministry of those 144,000 Jewish evangelists will lead many thousands to the Lord from every tribe, tongue, and nation. See Revelation 7. They will have refused to take the Mark of the Beast and are killed for it, apparently, for they come out of the Great Tribulation, the last half of the seven years.


These are the Scriptural accounts of the last days of this age, but how should we look at the events in the world that seem to correspond? We must look at the attributes of God. Does He also know every thought and intent in the minds of those who do not believe, as Psalm 139 tells us, or is it just believers? Certainly, it is all mankind.


For some time, I have pinpointed the Rapture to occur during the Feast of Trumpets, the time of the late harvest, and because of the progress of the “falling away,” the Day is clearly approaching, in my opinion. Would God allow such an obvious action of the world to occur contrary to His will? “Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10b).


The question of this article is the title: “Has the time of the signs now arrived?” Have you seen the Day approaching, and are you ready? Has the “falling away” reached its peak? It must come first, then the One who resists will come for His believers.


“Even so, Lord Jesus, come” (Revelation 22:20).







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