Friday, July 14, 2023

Enoch: A Man Who Walked with God


Enoch: A Man Who Walked with God - DEEP STATE NARRATIVE CRUMBLING - Quantum Financial System is Coming - New Benjamin Fulford - Mutiny Underway by Those Close to Biden - Great Awakening Is Here - New ShariRaye - BORDERLAND BEAT - SG Anon, Juan O' Savin - Trump + Kash + Ballard and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 14th 2023



New Benjamin Fulford: Friday Mass Geopolitical Intel Update Q&A Video July 2023 - Friday, July 14, 2023 - Former Asia/Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine, Benjamin Fulford has 20-years experience as a professional writer and journalist, and has sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese. He’s produced a comprehensive catalogue of scoops in fields ranging from business, to yakuza gangsters, to high-finance, to government corruption.

Tennessee Soccer Coach Who Drugged & Raped Multiple Children Identified As Illegal Immigrant - Arrested & Charged - Friday, July 14, 2023 -

Breaking News: GOP Reps Claim Dr. Anthony Fauci Served Unlawfully Years Due To 'Unprecedented' Becerra Act! – Forbes - Friday, July 14, 2023 - Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee hold a press briefing in which they claim that HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra failed to follow the law in reappointing key NIH positions. The corruption in our Country is out of control. These people need to be held accountable for the lies they’ve told and the money they’ve stolen. Amazing how imbedded officials can blow off Congress, basically telling them to go pound sand when they demand documents and accountability. -

LISA HAVEN: All Hell Breaks Loose at the White House! Mutiny Underway by Those Close to Biden! - Friday, July 14, 2023 - Suddenly hoards of Democrats are turning on Joe Biden. In unison, they have begun creating an epic battle within their own party. But the question is why? Why now and what are they planning? And who do the seek to endorse to replace him?

Judy Byington: The Great Awakening Is Here, Game Over - Special Report For Fri 14 July 2023 (Video) - Friday, July 14, 2023 - On Fri. 14 July the Supreme Court would likely announce their decision to reverse the 2020 Election because of Election Fraud.

New ShariRaye: The Storm is Happening Right Now - Bastille Day - July Update 2023 - Friday, July 14, 2023 -

New Monkey Werx: WW3 The Call Up - Dedicated to US Marines Fighting Tyranny SITREP 7.14.23 - Friday, July 14, 2023 -

MIKE ADAMS: Situation Update, July 14, 2023 - Bombshell, Historic Court Decision Affirms Cryptocurrencies Are NOT Regulated Securities! - Mike Adams Must Video - Friday, July 14, 2023 -

BORDERLAND BEAT: Former CAF Lieutenant Juan Francisco Sillas-Rocha "El Sillas" Pleads Guilty in US Court - Friday, July 14, 2023 - Juan Sillas-Rocha, 45, of Tijuana, Mexico (initially from Sinaloa), pleaded guilty to Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance, Continuing Criminal Enterprise, and Conspiracy to Commit Murder in Furtherance of the Continuing Criminal Enterprise before Chief Judge Peter Welte in Fargo, North Dakota. Sentencing will be scheduled at a later time.


SG Anon, Juan O' Savin: Intel Report & Situation Update 07/13/23 + Judy Byington- Q+ White Hats (Video) - Friday, July 14, 2023 -

This is BIG GESARA / XPR Intel: GESARA / XRP IS INEVITABLE! (Video) - Friday, July 14, 2023 - This Intel shows how everything is about to change, it’s all going to be different.. Are you ready? The Quantum Financial System is coming, XRP and XLM – digital assets are here to stay whether you like it or not. The XRPQFS Manual is intended for the new user who knows nothing about Nesara – Gesara, XRP and digital assets.

Trump + Kash + Ballard = Taking Down Human Trafficking and All Culprits! (Video) - Friday, July 14, 2023 - There is LOTS of MAJOR Intel packed into this very informative video..Trump, Kash, and Ballard exposing and taking down the human trafficking ring ad all of the criminals involved!

The Intel We All Need to Hear From TruthStream & Laura Eisenhower (Video) - Friday, July 14, 2023 - The guys are joined by the intriguing Laura Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of former president Dwight Eisenhower. This is an interview everyone needs to pay close attention to…

And We Know: We, The People! No One Person Is Above Another! Evil Losers No More! Pray! - Must Video - Friday, July 14, 2023 - Slavery never ended they just switched from blacks to kids!!!

Situation Update: Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0? Russian Nuclear Battleship Is Docked In Cuba! US Coastal Airspace Locked Down On East & West Coast! Biden Calls Up Reserves For Atlantic Exercise! - Thursday, July 13, 2023 - GCR/JUDY BYINGTON UPDATE, SOUND OF FREEDOM MOVIE SUPPRESSION, AUTOPSIES & VACCINE DEATHS, SECRET SERVICE COCAINE COVERUP, RUSSIAN MOD, COMMON LAW, ACT 1871 AND MORE.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Despite Supreme Court Ruling, Biden’s Rogue Regime Cancels $39 Billion In Student Loan Debt - Friday, July 14, 2023 - The Biden administration regime announced today that it would automatically forgive $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 borrowers. The announcement comes weeks after the conservative-majority Supreme Court struck down President Biden’s sweeping student loan forgiveness plan, which would have delivered relief to about 37 million people.

"Watch Within The Next 48 Hrs" Not a Conspiracy Anymore - Friday, July 14, 2023 - Renowned astrophysicist Astor Charles Lawson’s shocking revelation unveils a portal capable of releasing malevolent forces into our world. Ancient texts warn of the great dragon, the devil, cast down from heaven with his legion of fallen angels. As time dwindles, the devil’s furious descent demands our utmost vigilance. Humanity must unite, prepared and aware, to confront this looming threat and safeguard our future.

Catholic Babylon The Unholy Roman Empire Exposed - Spiritual Warfare Friday LIVE 10pm est - Friday, July 14, 2023 - Join Dan Bidondi, Brian Reece & Trey Harris In exposing one of the greatest deceptions in history, the Harlot of Babylon. “The Scarlet Church” That Rides The Beast. From it’s Babylonian origins to hi-jacking the Christian movement by Constantine, to it’s unbiblical holidays to its blashpemous Popes, from changing Biblical set times to the false worship of Mary, from the dark ages during the Inquisition how they masacred millions of Christians, Protestants and Jews, from the creation of the Muslim relgion, to the Paganism routes, priests of Dagon, their false gods & goddesses adorned all throughout the Vatican and their temple of the serpent. The massive child scandal coverups and more. The Jesuit corruption and its hand in every sinister and evil plot throughout recent history. This church has billions of members being mislead and is the front leaders of the New World Order’s Anti-Christ one world religion called the Ecumenical Movement that’s being pushed by the United Nations and every religious leader of the planet to usher in a one world religion and government that brings forth the Anti-Christ and his New World order. We will be laying down the heavy sauce, tell all expose all!***THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO BASH OR DISCRIMINATE CATHOLICS MEMBERS*** This is to simply wake them up to the Biblical truth and bring them to the real Jesus of the Bible. We love and respect people who are Catholic but need to inform them that they are under a mass spell of deception by the very leaders of “the (false) church” and Satan himself. We bring this message out of love in the name of Jesus Christ Yahushua Messiah.

THE JERUSALEM POST: Iran’s president: Homosexuality will end ‘generation of human beings’ - The Islamic Republic of Iran has executed 4,000-6,000 gays and lesbians since 1979. - By BENJAMIN WEINTHAL Published: JULY 14, 2023 00:03 - Updated: JULY 14, 2023 - The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, criticized the LGBTQ+ community during his visit to Uganda on Wednesday, declaring homosexuality will end the “generation of human beings.” Raisi's visit, part of his whirlwind tour of African countries such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, comes on the heels of Uganda passing a radical anti-LGBTQ+ law in May that imposes severe criminal penalties on gays, including capital punishment.

ISRAEL TODAY NEWS: Ilhan Omar Mocked for Plan to Boycott Herzog Address to Congress -“No way in hell,” the Minnesota Democrat said, when asked by The Messenger if she planned to attend. - By JNS | Jul 13, 2023 - Omar, part of the so-called “Squad” and a frequent anti-Israel critic, claimed that she didn’t even know that the Israeli president was scheduled to come to the Capitol. “There is no way in hell I am attending the joint session address from a president whose country has banned me and denied Rashida Tlaib the ability to see her grandma,” Omar tweeted. (Tlaib was permitted to visit her grandmother, but opted not to do so.) (Comment: How in the world does an anti-Semite get a position in Congress to obstruct everything Israel does, plus incite Muslims to riot when she does not get her own way. There is no way she should be in Congress anyway because she came into the USA based on a lie. Justice is coming.)

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Republicans double down on Israel support, Democrats become even more anti-Israel – “A ruler who listens to lies, All his ministers will be wicked.” PROVERBS 29:12 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)  - ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ - US-ISRAEL RELATIONS - JULY 13, 2023 - As the 2024 race for the White House is beginning to heat up, the partisan nature of support for Israel on both sides of the political spectrum has been brought into focus this week. This was emphasized as Democrats, led by President Joe Biden, came out against Israel at every possible opportunity, and Republicans, led by Donald Trump, came out in support of the Jewish state.

NATURAL NEWS: Four in 10 Brown University students claim they’re LGBTQ, confirming massive leftist social contagion and brainwashing - 07/13/2023 // JD Heyes // - When the "LGBTQ" movement began in earnest a few years ago, the globalist left ensured that it infected every corner of Western civilization and society, and now, their effort to tear away huge chunks of traditional values has proven successful. This is especially true on college and university campuses, where fads like this become all the rage and infect entire student bodies.

DR. TOM HORN: Throughout history, thousands of civilizations, tribes, First Nations territories and groups of people have long shared their historical accounts of giants, “star people,” enigmatic beings entering and leaving this plane of existence through mysterious locations and more specifically, portals. Does the Bible offer any cooperating evidence that explains the existence of portals, if so, is it possible that portals still exist today? You are NOT going to want to miss the end to this explosive series!

New The Roseanne Barr Podcast: Episode 5 | Sound of Freedom, Reptilians on a Plane, MK Ultra Mind Control, Illuminati Mainstream Media - Friday, July 14, 2023 -



 Enoch: A Man Who Walked with God

By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Published on: July 11, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 14th 2023



Genesis 5:21-24, Hebrews 11:2, Jude 1:14


Summary: Enoch is mentioned in only a handful of verses, yet his influence as a man of God made an impact in his time and the times to come.


The Bible tells of men and women who were used by God as judges, warriors, kings, statesmen, prophets, and preachers. The Bible does not hold back on showing us that they were also susceptible to a range of faults, failures, and sins that caused some, like Samson and David, to live with the consequences of their rash, foolish, and often tragic actions.


As closely as Moses walked with God, he was forbidden by God to enter the Promised Land with the children of Israel because of his temper and disobedience. There were kings who started out well, like Solomon, who built the Temple and led the people in prayers of thanksgiving to God on the day when it was completed and consecrated. In later years, Solomon did not walk with God and started to worship the false gods his numerous wives had brought into Israel. As a result, the kingdom was torn in two, and a succession of both godly and deviant rulers eventually brought down both kingdoms; the nation went into exile under a succession of empires.


The lives of these noted leaders and warriors varied with their times and ages. Some had a long, fruitful life, while some came and went like the wind, making little if any impact on the history of Israel. However, this does not negate or minimize in any way the value and purpose that each life has in the course of history, no matter how long they lived. Your own life is a gift from God, and you are here at this exact time for a reason. What you do with it is going to make a difference for good or bad.


In our journey through the opening chapters of the book of Genesis, we come to a list of names. These names represent real people who lived real lives, yet Scripture gives us little more than the fact that they bore sons and daughters and died, having lived for hundreds of years. The first twenty verses of Genesis 5 are devoted to recording these names and little else. Then our attention is drawn to one particular name, that of Enoch, the father of Methuselah who would live 969 years, and with his death would come God’s judgment upon the world by means of the flood. The verse that stands out in the midst of this list of names is the one that says Enoch “walked with God.”


At the end of Genesis 4 and the birth of Seth, we read that men “began to call on the name of the Lord.” This shows that the wickedness of men was beginning to infiltrate minds and hearts to deter from the guidance and direction of God in order to pursue their own particular interests and the sinful ideas that hardened their hearts toward God. Humanity was starting to sow the seeds of their coming destruction. Yet, God always has His remnant followers who are faithful to Him and will not allow sin to draw them away from His will and direction. This is the legacy of Enoch.


At some point in his life, the growing evil in the world became a source of grief and revulsion to him. He called on the name of the Lord and, in turn, received the blessings of salvation and fellowship. Enoch saw God as a Friend who would always be with him, and God used Enoch in the role of a prophet, warning both his and future generations of the coming of the Lord to this world with His saints to exact judgment and vengeance on His enemies.


There is a “Book of Enoch” that has a collection of teachings on fallen angels and other topics dealing with the last days and the judgments of God, yet God saw fit to not have it as part of the canon of Scripture. God’s Sovereign use of Enoch was for him to give a warning to wicked men that a day of judgment was at hand, that sin would not be tolerated, and that all people need to repent and turn to God for salvation.


The Bible says that Enoch “walked with God, and then was not, for God took him.” Of all the people listed in the Scriptures, only Enoch and the prophet Elijah were given the privilege of entering heaven without dying. Some Bible prophecy teachers believe that Enoch and Elijah will be the two witnesses described in Revelation 11.


Enoch’s departure into heaven is considered by many Bible prophecy teachers to be an example of the promised “Rapture” of Christ’s true church taught in 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15. Enoch’s life consists of a handful of verses yet shows what someone can do for the glory of God in a brief span of time.


God is ready to use you for His grace and glory. Be certain that you have an authentic walk with Him, spend time with Him in prayer, read His Word, and then prepare yourself for what He has in store for your life.

(Comment by Pastor Gary Boyd – You can order the below book at – It is believed by many men of God that the Book of Enoch was left out of the scriptures because the Roman Catholic Church wanted to keep this knowledge for themselves to entrap the opulation into following the Roman Catholic Church.)

The Complete Books of Enoch: The Apocryphal - The Watchers, Fallen Angels, The Origin of Evil and The Cosmic Covenant - “In every period of crisis in human history, when morality is despised and wickedness reigns everywhere, divine help is invoked that will make its supreme justice prevail against all the diabolical and materialistic oppositions of earthly justice”.

Etymologically, the word "apocrypha" means "things that are hidden", but why they were hidden is not clear.

Some have suggested that the books were "hidden" from common use because they contained esoteric knowledge, too profound to be communicated to any except the initiated...others have suggested that such books were hidden due to their spurious heretical teaching.

These ancient texts provide commentators’ valuable insight into what many ancient Jews and early Christians believed when, “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets” (Heb. 1:1).

The study of Enoch’s words awakened the desire to explore spiritual dimensions in a deeper way.

Enoch once said: “I write not for my own, but for the extreme future generations, for you human beings who will come”.

Enoch, the seventh of Adam’s descendants describes his journey through the seven heavens, where he receives revelations like when he is described the creation of the world and the secrets of the future.

Enoch’s journey culminates with the encounter with God after a life that lasted 365 years. From the mists of time he has shown humanity a luminous path to follow. Enoch goes back to the causes of evil and great are his sufferings for human wickedness and his exhortations to cultivate good and wisdom.

Not recognized by the Church and ignored in the Old Testament collection, they are now published for everyone to read.

Besides giving us a clear overview of the extraordinary civilization that flourished on Earth in those times, they offer clear explanations of the beginning of sin, the angels’ fall, the intervention of the archangels on the future of humanity, the apocalypse and the arrival of the Messiah and the “kingdom of God on Earth”.

Why do angels and archangels interact with high-minded human beings?

The Ancient Book of Enoch tells the history of the angels who fell in the days of Jared, Enoch’s father, who married human women and conducted genetic experiments. This commentary includes a previously unknown chapter from the Dead Sea Scrolls that explains how they did their genetic tampering.

Enoch’s Books are among the most relevant apocryphal texts in religious history. They are presented here for the first time in a restored and uncensored complete edition, translated from their original versions in Hebrew and Greek. The text is also accompanied by a rich theological, scientific, archaeological and esoteric analysis that explains its contents in detail.

It is a necessary resource for those who want to know more about Angels, Demons, Watchers, Nephilim, Melchizedek, the angel Metatron and the Merkabah. This volume is an indispensable resource for those engaged in the study of religion, religious history, angelology, demonology, mysticism or the Kabbalah.




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