Wednesday, July 12, 2023



UKRAINE ENDS IT ALL - Quantum Computing & Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy - Brock Long Executed – BANK OF AMERICA BUSTED – NEA Backs Radical LGBTQ+ - The Ron Paul Liberty Report – Tucker Carlson and more.

Researched & Comments + Newsletter by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 12th 2023



UKRAINE ENDS IT ALL: Economics as Classical Mechanics - Analyzing economic data with a physicist – The Dive July 12th 2023

Planned Parenthood asks court to block 6-week abortion ban in Iowa - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - Washington D.C., Jul 12, 2023 / 13:45 pm (CNA). Planned Parenthood of the Heartland and other pro-abortion groups are asking a district court to block Iowa from enforcing a six-week abortion ban that Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds intends to sign into law on Friday, July 14.

ETHAN WHITE: (video) The Downfall of Bank of America? Major Bank Caught Doing The Unthinkable! - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - Bank of America has indeed been implicated in a series of deceptive practices that have adversely affected hundreds of thousands of its customers. These malpractices encompass charging multiple overdraft fees for a single transaction, failing to duly issue rewards to credit card users, and enrolling customers for card accounts without their knowledge or consent. Consequently, Bank of America has been penalized with a $150 million fine and is obligated to reimburse an additional $80.4 million to customers who were unjustly charged.

REAL RAW NEWS: Brock Long Executed - By Michael Baxter -July 11, 2023 - Former FEMA director Brock Long was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Monday morning, sealing the fate of yet another Deep State stooge bereft of morality and integrity, and like many Deep Staters before him, he died without dignity, sniveling and murmuring about his innocence.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - Update as of July 12, 2023 – Rothschild & Rockefeller minions reigned in and will now face the music – White Hat Pentagon told Zelensky to stand down on attacking Russian Nuclear Plant -

OAN: Bank Of America Fined Millions For Opening Fake Accounts And Charging Extra Junk Fees - OAN Roy Francis – Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - Federal regulators found that Bank of America had deceived and harmed customers by double-dipping on fees, withholding credit card rewards and opening fake accounts. - “Bank of America wrongfully withheld credit card rewards, double-dipped on fees, and opened accounts without consent,” CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said. “These practices are illegal and undermine customer trust. The CFPB will be putting an end to these practices across the banking system.”

BLP: America’s Largest Teachers Union Backs Radical LGBTQ+ Indoctrination Initiative With Total Support From Biden White House - By Bo Banks - Jul 12, 2023 - The nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), already made headlines this week by adding sexually explicit “Gender Queer” to its summer reading list. Now the NEA’s attempts to indoctrinate children are even more out in the open after the teachers union backed an initiative to implement more LGBTQ+ themes amongst educators and students. The union’s plans also have the full and complete backing of President Joe Biden and his wife, because supposedly LGBTQ+ people do not have nearly enough “support” in this country.

CHRISTIAN PATIOT NEWS: General Flynn: There Won't Be a 2024 Election! Black Swan Event Coming! - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - General Flynn: There Won’t Be a 2024 Election! Black Swan Event Coming! Sometimes You Must Walk Through The Darkness Before You See The Light! It’s Only At The Precipice [The Moment of Destruction] That People Will Find The Will To Change! The [Coup Attempt] Against President Trump Will Not Go Unpunished! And Treason Is Only The Beginning! No One Gets A Free Pass! President Trump and The Q Team Are Draining The Swamp! -

New Tucker Carlson Update Today July 12: "The Andrew Tate interview" Ep. 9 - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 -

New SGAnon Situation Update - Trump Loves us ~ Stream July 12, 2023 - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 -

New Michael Jaco: We are About to Enter a Wakey Hell for the Next Few Months - Don't Be Stupid! - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 -

Pandemic of Lies/Attack on Sound of Freedom/Nullification/CBDC will require changes to the Constitution?/and more - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - there has been a movement in this country since pervert, pedophile Kinsey put out his fake study in order to normalize and legalize adult sex with children. And the LBGTQ movement is being pushed in our face to make deviant sexual behavior legal. When they do you will be surprised (or maybe not) who crawls out from the woodwork as a pedophile. But it is coming and this is why we MUST speak out. I refuse to call a born female he and I refuse to call a born male she. We all MUST stand up and denounce this perversion. The sadest part of all is they are using our children and young people to push their disgustin behavior. They know these children are not trans. They know these children are experiencing what many, many children have experienced throughout time. Left alone they grow into productive, happy adults. But they won’t leave them alone because they are using them to push their agenda and of course make a ton of money in the process.

CITY FARMER NEWS: Can a City Feed Itself? - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - In Paris and elsewhere, cities are exploring the economic and environmental benefits of building-based agriculture and racing to protect farmland at the urban edge. - By Peter Yeung – Bloomberg - July 6, 2023 – EXCERPT:  Still, the commercial potential of such efforts is likely to be limited. If scaled up worldwide, a 2018 analysis concluded that urban agriculture could produce up to 180 million metric tons of food a year, or around 10% of the global demand for legumes, roots and tubers, and vegetable crops. The Paris Urbanism Agency (APUR) estimates that it would be necessary to cultivate 11,000 hectares to produce enough fruit and vegetables for the population of Paris and a further 5,000 hectares for non-resident workers — 1.5 times the size of the city. (Comment: During World War 2 the populations of America & UK & AUS planted Victory Gardens as a way to survive the War. Victory gardens were vegetable gardens planted during the world wars in order to ensure an adequate food supply for civilians and troops. Government agencies, private foundations, businesses, schools, the general population, and seed companies all worked together to provide land, instruction, and seeds for individuals and communities to grow food. Throughout the World War II years, millions of victory gardens in all shapes and sizes produced abundant food for the folks at home. My grandparents planted a backyard Victory Garden whose production got them through the War years.)

NTEB: Emmanuel Macron Defies United States Warning And Authorizes Sending SCALP Long-Range Missiles To Ukraine In Fight Against Russia - Published 20 hours ago on July 11, 2023 - By Geoffrey Grider - World leaders are right now praising Macron for his bold move, reinforcing his self-perceived role as leader of all Europe who is ‘ruling as the god Jupiter’. You know, one of these days, and it’s just my opinion, but someone is going to ask Macron to run the United Nations, run the EU, or create a Ten Nation Confederacy. Why do I think that? Because everything he says and does, and every move he makes leads him in that direction. And in the meantime, SCALP bombs aweigh!

REUTERS: Vermont capital submerged in floodwaters with dam on verge of capacity - By Brian Snyder and Rich Mckay - July 12, 2023 - MONTPELIER, Vermont, July 11 (Reuters) - A dam upstream from the Vermont state capital was holding at maximum capacity on Tuesday after "catastrophic" flooding shut down roadways leading out of Montpelier and trapped people in their homes. The Wrightsville Dam, which forms a reservoir four miles (6.4 km) north of Montpelier, neared the point at which a spillway would need to release water into the North Branch of the Winooski River, city officials said.

GK BOYD INK LLC: By Pastor Gary Boyd – July 12th 2023 - The people of Israel are surrounded by enemies. In the north, Hezbollah terrorists continue to challenge the border and launch attacks.

To the East, the Palestinian Authority continues to pay terrorists who kill innocent Jewish people a “salary” to reward their evil deeds. While Iran uses a proxy war to fight Israel every step of the way.

To the West the Obiden communist regime is still trying to start a war in the Middle East by undermining Bibi by supplying money to the PA. In Rome the Jesuit Communist Pope bad mouths Israel every chance he gets while backing the combined religions of Christianity & Islam quite cleverly called Chrislam that will be the foundation of the New World Order.

To the South Egypt looms with the Muslim Brotherhood backed by the communist Obama dedicated to bringing down the chosen people. Gaza continues to be a launching pad for attacks. Communist leaning South Africa speaks out of both sides of its mouth by taking aid from Israel then voting against them in the UN.

In scripture the Psalm 83 War looks like it is likely to start soon while the Palestinians want their land back and Israel is flat out against giving any more land away for peace in the Middle East. The IDF is ready now to destroy Hezbollah & Hamas if more terrorist border incursions go down. The IDF strikes back with even more fury by using drones & missiles to take down terrorists. For now it has been an endless tit for tat terrorist war that could easily go full blown attack mode if either side wants to march into war.

That is the situation for now. Let us hope cooler heads will prevail. I will have more news when I deem it necessary. Maranatha

X22 Report: Are Alternative Currencies Setup To Destroy The Fiat Currency & The CB Digital Currency? - Must Video - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - The climate activist are telling us one thing and their actions are doing the opposite, typical. Germany is in trouble, inflation and rate hikes. The people are feeling the economic pain. Will alternative currencies destroy the [CBDC] and fiat currency? It is starting to look like it, predictions of Bitcoin rising.

NATO Throws A Furious Zelensky Under The Bus! - The Ron Paul Liberty Report - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - NATO’s message to Ukrainian president Zelensky at its Vilnius summit was essentially, “you keep fighting and we’ll keep sending weapons. But no NATO Membership.” Zelensky was furious when this became clear and he lashed out. Slowly it is becoming obvious that NATO and the US means to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian without getting their hands dirty. Next move?

By Ludwig Von Mises Institute: The Debt-Ceiling Debate Was Pure Theater - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - In recent months, Americans were treated to a particularly cheap political spectacle: negotiations over the debt ceiling. “Extreme right-wing Republicans have hijacked the debt ceiling process,” said Vermont senator Bernie Sanders. “The fight over the debt ceiling could sink the economy,” intoned National Public Radio. Florida representative Matt Gaetz said that when it comes to the debt ceiling, he sees no need to parlay with the Republicans’ “hostage.” The hyperbole flamed and kept on flaming. The bitterly partisan negotiations dragged on and on….




Burger King Stores Face Massive Threats As Fast Food Chain Files For Bankruptcy! - Epic Economist - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - Hundreds of Burger King restaurants in the United States are going to disappear in the months ahead as the company reports the bankruptcy of some of its biggest operators. A series of challenges are threatening its empire as one of the largest fast food chains in America and the world right now. New data reveals that Burger King is falling behind major rivals, including McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Wendy’s, as revenue shrinks and its restaurants continue to lose popularity amongst US consumers.

Banks Suffer $2.2 Trillion in Losses | Failures and Bank Runs - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - As a result of rising interest rates, the market value of the average U.S. bank’s assets is about 9 percent lower than its value on paper. Overall, the U.S. banking system accumulated $2.2 trillion in these unrealized losses over the past year. Ten percent of banks have had larger unrealized losses than Silicon Valley Bank.

THE HORN NEWS: Rev. Al Sharpton’s con artist brother jailed - JULY 12, 2023 - Rev. Al Sharpton’s brother, an Alabama anti-police activist described by critics as a “con-artist pastor,” was sentenced to 30 months in prison on Thursday. Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow, 58, pleaded guilty to charged including federal tax evasion, mail fraud, and drug conspiracy charges in February. -



Quantum Computing & Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy

By Britt Gillette

Published on: June 27, 2021

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 12th 2023

In a May blog post, Google unveiled its new Quantum AI Campus and announced its intent to build a million qubit, error-corrected quantum computer by 2029. A month later, IBM partnered with the United Kingdom on a $300 million quantum computing research initiative. Corporations all over the globe are investing resources in quantum computing and quantum computing applications. The reason is simple. Quantum computing promises to advance almost every field of human endeavor – from traditional industries such as banking and energy to new emerging industries such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.


What is a Quantum Computer?


Classical computers encode information in bits, represented as ones and zeroes. Quantum computers encode information in qubits, represented by the directional spin of an electron or the polarization of a photon. Unlike classic computer bits, quantum mechanics allow qubits to exist in both states simultaneously. So instead of representing either a one or a zero, a qubit can represent both simultaneously. Linking qubits together via quantum entanglement, this means quantum computers have the potential to exponentially exceed the computing power of the world’s most powerful classical supercomputers. A few hundred qubits can represent more states than there are atoms in the universe.


Why Is This Important?


So why should you care? Such a computer would be so powerful it could instantly break the most sophisticated encryption methods of the classical computer era. Imagine the military advantage a nation-state would hold over its competitors if it developed quantum computing ahead of all others. It would have an overwhelming advantage. If corporations are openly discussing the arrival of quantum computing breakthroughs, what do you think governments are doing? The United States, China, the EU, Russia, and others have far more resources than Google or IBM. Think they’ll be willing to spend a few hundred billion on a crash program to speed up the development timeline? I think so. And a quantum computing arms race creates uncertainty, distrust, and instability.


Welcome to the Era of Cyber Warfare


Think about the problems and inconveniences created from short-lived disruptions in Internet service or utility operations. How long can you go without Internet, electricity, or water before a minor annoyance turns into a major crisis? Consider the impact of two recent ransomware attacks – one on the Colonial pipeline and the other on meat processor JBS. The Colonial pipeline attack took place on a Friday. By Tuesday, thousands of gas stations all over the East Coast of the United States were completely out of gasoline. JBS fixed its problems before any widespread meat shortages impacted consumers. But what if it hadn’t? JBS accounts for more than 20% of U.S. beef and pork production. A prolonged shutdown of its operations would have resulted in shortages all across America.


In both events, it’s believed criminal hackers were the culprits. No nation-states had a role in the attack. Regardless, the Colonial pipeline and JBS ransomware attacks demonstrate just how vulnerable our systems are. Imagine what would happen in a full-blown cyber war. What would happen if your community lost electricity, water, and sewer service all at once? What if grocery stores went bare for weeks on end? The end result of a cyber war between major powers could be absolutely devastating.


A New World Order


When it comes to World War III or a serious military conflict between major world powers, many people live under a false sense of security. Conventional wisdom says World War III is certain to bring global nuclear destruction. And because of this, every leader on the planet is determined to avoid it at any cost. But is this true? Unfortunately, it’s not. The current world order is based on MAD. MAD is the fear of total destruction and the idea no one can win a war between two nuclear powers. For 70 years, it’s all that’s kept us from World War III. But MAD won’t keep the peace forever. It’s based on technology. And that technology is on the verge of becoming obsolete. Like all previous military eras, the era of MAD will soon come to an end.


To work, MAD relies on certainty. A nation must be certain it can launch a nuclear attack if threatened. Otherwise, an enemy nation could prevail in a first strike scenario. Likewise, the enemy nation must be certain it faces total annihilation if it launches a first strike. This certainty of “mutual assured destruction” is what’s kept the world from destroying itself for over seven decades.


Unfortunately, new technologies will soon eliminate this uncertainty. For example, nuclear-armed submarines are the backbone of a nation’s nuclear deterrent. A single nuclear-armed sub can carry dozens of nuclear warheads several times more powerful than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Such submarines patrol the planet’s vast oceans where they’re more than able to evade detection from enemy nations. At the very least, they create uncertainty in the eyes of the enemy, who can never be sure about their ability to disarm every such threat.


But quantum computing will change that. It will accelerate the development of new technologies, such as quantum sensors. With powerful quantum sensors, a nation could detect every submarine on the planet. Once detected, those submarines could be disabled using other new technologies. For instance, quantum computing will also enable advanced modeling of chemical reactions. This will prove critical in the development of molecular manufacturing. With molecular manufacturing, even a small nation could quickly develop legions of tiny swarming drones capable of disarming and destroying any conventional weapon of today.


The first nation to develop advanced quantum computers will have the inside edge in the development of these next-generation technologies. And if corporations are openly discussing viable roadmaps to these technologies, nation-states are even closer to developing them as military applications.


Where We’re Headed


The rise of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, drone swarms, and other emerging technologies is a destabilizing event. Together, these new technologies will overturn the post-war stability of MAD. They make World War III inevitable. When the war ends, one nation will control all of humanity. That nation will be the leader in the development of these new military technologies.


Does this surprise you? It shouldn’t. The Bible says another world war is certain (Revelation 6:4). It also tells us one nation will control the earth in the aftermath (Revelation 13:7). Is this just a coincidence? No. It’s just one of many signs pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ. Jesus said when you see all the signs converge, His arrival is near (Luke 21:28). Those signs are converging for our generation. So take advantage of what little time we have left. Spread the Good News and tell others about Jesus.


The time is short. Jesus is coming soon!



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