Monday, July 31, 2023

Earthquakes & the End Times


Earthquakes & the End Times - Kim Clement Trump Prophecies - Trump Say McConnell Should Step Down – China Flooding Catastrophe - Tucker Shared Huge Announcement - Military Arrests Former IRS Director Charles Rettig - New SGAnon File 57 and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary boyd

July 31st 2023



Kim Clement Trump Prophecies: "I Will Put At Your Helm for TWO TERMS a President That Will Pray, But He Will Not Be Praying President When He Starts." - Monday, July 31, 2023 -

THE HAL TURNER SHOW: BEIJING: 19.6 INCHES OF RAIN IN 24 HOURS; CATASTROPHIC FLOODING – WORLD - BY HAL TURNER - 31 JULY 2023 – (Comment: This looks like this could be the end of the Chinese economy because if the three Gorges Dam falls it will flood out over 400 million Chinese towns and villages downstream plus industrialized zones. This as you might imagine is biblical.) Beijing, China has gotten over 19 inches of rain in the past 24 hours and there's no sign of it stopping. Catastrophic flooding is endangering the THREE GORGES DAM and Beijing is already underwater. China’s Three Gorges Dam is at severe risk of breaking. The Chinese Communists hailed the massive dam as a “1000-year dam” when it was constructed in 2003. CCP messaging this week is now calling it a “100-yr dam in a 200-yr flood”. They are telling the people to prepare for collapse.

Juan O' Savin & Ethan Lucas: Trump is Still Commander In Chief and Heads Are About to Roll! YUUUGE UPDATES!!! (Video) - Monday, July 31, 2023 - In this latest Ethan Lucas, he is joined by none other than the infamous Juan O’ Savin and the guys have YUGGGGE updates and Intel to share in this one!!

‘Return Now!’ House Judiciary Asked To Rush Back To Washington…It’s About To Go Down! - Monday, July 31, 2023 -

3 Minutes Ago: Tucker Shared Huge Announcement - Monday, July 31, 2023 -

REAL RAW NEWS: Military Arrests Former IRS Director Charles Rettig - By Michael Baxter -July 31, 2023 - United States Marines on Friday arrested former IRS Director Charles Rettig on charges alleging that he took a 1% cut of every federal income tax payment for the 2021 fiscal year and sheltered the cash in anonymous offshore accounts, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

New SGAnon File 57: USA Whistleblower Age Here / US Mil COG OPS Continue / Russia Deploying Boomers / Spec_Ops in Arctic / BofA Seizing Accounts - Monday, July 31, 2023 -

X22 Report: False Flag Taiwan Invasion Prepped! Gloves Are Off! Morning Sun Brings Heat! Never Give Up! - Must Video - Monday, July 31, 2023 - The [DS] is now preparing a [FF], they are letting the people know why the military will not assist with the invasion and China will march right in. The patriots are leading the [DS] right down the path so the people can see very clearly the tyrannical government. Trump lets us know, that everything that is happening to him, he can do to them, the gloves are off. Scavino sends a message that at dawn Trump will win, the [DS] will be seen as a crime syndicate and the people will have their voice back. Trump sends a message to never give up.

Shane Sedore on the Transhumanist’s AI the Occult and Pedophilia - Monday, July 31, 2023 -




US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 31, 2023 -

Exclusive Video – Trump: McConnell Health Problems ‘Sad,’ He Should Step Down as ‘We Have to Have’ New GOP Leader in Senate – BY MATTHEW BOYLE - 30 Jul 2023 BEDMINSTER, New Jersey — Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that he believes Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell’s obvious health issues mean the longtime Kentucky senator should not continue to lead Senate Republicans and that the party needs a fresh face atop the conference.

What Dr. Steven Greer Just Said about UFO’s is Terrifying and Should Concern Us All - Monday, July 31, 2023 - Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), The Orion Project and Sirius Technology Advanced Research, LLC. Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001. Over 20 military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, and the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft. -

Judy Byington: Martial Law, GESARA/ NESARA Announcement, Banks Closing; US Inc Collapsing-Special Intel Report For Mon. 31 July 2023 (Video) - Monday, July 31, 2023 - Fri. 28 July: Voter fraud data dump reveals 40 years of stolen elections. - Trust The Plan - Martial Law, GESARA/ NESARA Announcement, Med Beds Imminent - Banks Closing; US Dollar Insolvent; US Inc Collapsing; Biden Crime Cartel Exposed - Judy Note: The Quantum Financial System was expected to be running on the new secure Star Link Satellite System by Tues. 1 Aug. – the same date President Trump was expected to return to his duly elected office as President of the US. -

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Storm Devastates Washington as Biden Regime Plans for Israel to Concede Land – “For thus said the lord of Hosts—He who sent me after glory—concerning the nations that have taken you as spoil: “Whoever touches you touches the pupil of his own eye.” – ZECHARIAH 2:12 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz US-ISRAEL RELATIONS - JULY 31, 2023 - O ne of the worst storms in decades ripped through Washington DC, over the weekend, leaving devastation in its path. The storm comes as the Biden administration announced negotiations with Saudi Arabia that would require Israel to make massive concessions in land to the Palestinians. While the two seem unconnected, students of history know that milestones in the “land for peace” process have always been accompanied by natural disasters. Over one hundred billion-dollar, record-setting catastrophes and/or events occurred while US presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump were pressuring or calling on Israel to divide their covenant land. The costliest insurance events, the costliest hurricanes, the largest tornado outbreaks, the " Perfect Storm," the 9/11 terror events, and Hurricane Katrina corresponded to White House pressure on Israel to divide their land. The US, the UN, and the EU do not have the authority to divide God s covenant land. (Comment: The book “Eye to Eye” by William R. Koenig explains that God has given to Israel the Promised Land and any nation that tries to take away pieces of it will be punished. Available on Amazon in paperback & Kindle.)

BREITBART: One in Three Human Trafficking Victims are Children in Italy, Charity Reports – By KURT ZINDULKA - 28 July 2023 - A report from Save the Children has found that one out of every three victims of human trafficking in Italy are children, with many being forced into the fields for grueling farming work and others being sold into sexual slavery….

CANADA FREE PRESS: Taxpayer Funded “Queer” Middle School Built On Shifting Sands of Lies - Teacher magic? There is nothing magic about teaching a lie. One of life’s deepest challenges is discovering reality and using it to your advantage. This school is an illusionary nightmare and it’s only contact with reality is ignorance. - By Milt Harris ——Bio and Archives--July 30, 2023 -

THE EPOCH TIMES: Asians for Liberty Sounds Alarm on Rising 'American Maoism' - The group's founders warn that today's 'cancel culture' and 'wokeism' are reminiscent of tactics used at the start of China's brutal Cultural Revolution - By T.J. Muscaro - 7/29/2023 - Updated: 7/31/2023 - CLEARWATER, Fla.—The Asians for Liberty organization made its public debut recently when co-founder Cathy Kiang stepped up to the podium. On the first day of the With Liberty and Justice for All conference organized by Sovereign Nations, Ms. Kiang shared how her great-grandparents escaped Communist China and made it to America….

BREITBART - Nolte: 6 Reasons Hollywood’s in Real Trouble This Time - Here’s why Hollywood’s in real trouble… John Nolte – July 29th 2023 -1. The Death of Cable/Satellite/Linear TV - “Cable/Satellite/Linear TV” is non-streaming TV, where you pay for a package of channels every month—ESPN, CNN, Turner Classic Movies, Fox News, etc. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll use the term “pay TV.” Although I’ve been writing about the imminent death of pay TV for more than a decade, no one else really has. There’s a reason why this consequential story has been deliberately underplayed: pay TV is the one-legged stool propping up the entertainment industry.

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: Tim Tebow Launches Campaign to Help Victims of Human Trafficking - By Cassandra MacDonald Jul. 30, 2023 - Former football quarterback and humanitarian Tim Tebow has launched a new campaign to help rescue victims of human trafficking. Tebow previously worked with the Trump administration to fight trafficking. “This is something that’s near and dear to my heart, even though this is about probably some of the worst stuff you could talk about,” Tebow told Fox News from South Africa. The Tim Tebow Foundation (TTF) announced the “unKNOWN” initiative on July 30, which is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Their goal is to raise $1 million this year “so that the TTF and its partners — ‘a major effort by many amazing groups and people’ — can help free others from pain and horror.”

The Outfits That Run This Planet - All Work For Lucifer - Monday, July 31, 2023 -

And We Know: Biden, ALIENS, OLD GUARD, Plea Deal, Timing, Cards, Pray! - Must Video - Monday, July 31, 2023 - Thank you, Father, for your love and goodness. Open the eyes of people so they see you. Protect your people and bless us with healing. thank you, Father in Jesus’ name Amen….


 Earthquakes & the End Times

By Britt Gillette

Published on: March 18, 2018

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 31st 2023


When Jesus was asked what would signal His return and the end of the age, He said to look for a number of signs. One of those signs was the appearance of earthquakes (Matthew 24:7). But what does that mean? After all, earthquakes have been a part of human life since Adam and Eve. They aren’t rare. The Bible says they appeared in the days of Amos (Amos 1:1) and King Saul (1 Samuel 14:15). They appeared in the days of Paul and Silas (Acts 16:26). And non-biblical history tells us earthquakes shook ancient China, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, and other nations. In 1906, a devastating earthquake hit San Francisco. It toppled almost every building in the city and killed over 3,000 people. In short, earthquakes have been a part of life since the beginning of human civilization.


So if we’ve always had earthquakes, how can they possibly be a sign of the Second Coming? That’s a great question. Fortunately, Jesus gave us the answer. Earthquakes in general are NOT a sign of His return. But according to Jesus, earthquakes occurring in a certain pattern are…


Signs Like Labor Pains


Jesus cited a number of signs to look for. Among them are the appearance of earthquakes, famines, wars, and false messiahs. Jesus knew these signs had always been present. So He wasn’t saying their appearance alone will signal His return. Instead, He said to look for them in a distinct pattern. He said they would arrive like “birth pains.” But what does this mean? What could these general signs possibly have in common with birth pains?


Only this – birth pains, or labor contractions, are sharp pains. They increase in both frequency and intensity right before birth. In other words, the signs Jesus mentioned will appear with greater frequency and intensity right before His return.


Looking for the Pattern


This means earthquakes (or even what seems to be a numerical increase in the number of earthquakes) are NOT a sign of the Second Coming. Instead, Jesus said to look for an increase in the frequency of large earthquakes. Such an increase will fit the pattern Jesus described – a pattern of more frequent intense events rising toward a climax.


So how do we measure an increase in the frequency and intensity of earthquakes? We don’t have accurate data going back to the beginning of time. We don’t even have accurate data going back to the time of Jesus. After all, advanced instruments for detecting and measuring earthquakes are relatively new. The Richter Scale didn’t even exist until 1935, and most seismographs at the time failed to detect any earthquakes under a magnitude of about 3.0. But today?


Today’s devices routinely measure earthquakes with negative magnitudes. Because of this, looking only at the frequency of earthquakes is meaningless. Obviously, with better instruments, we can detect smaller earthquakes. But that doesn’t mean more earthquakes are occurring. It just means for the first time we’re able to measure them.


But let’s take a different point of view. What if we look only at modern data from the last one hundred years? And what if we look only at earthquakes registering a magnitude of 8.0 or greater? This will give us a much more accurate picture. Why? Because most instrumentation from that time period could detect an earthquake of such enormity. This eliminates all the small quakes detected in more recent times. And even though the sample size is still small (only about 120 years), it should give us enough data to spot a recent trend. If these are the times Jesus told us to look for, we should expect to see an increase in the frequency (number) and intensity (magnitude) of earthquakes.


Is this what we see today? Yes. It is.


The Increasing Frequency of High Intensity Earthquakes


According to the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) composite catalog, recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.0 or greater:


1900’s – 3

1910’s – 0

1920’s – 1

1930’s – 1

1940’s – 1

1950’s – 1

1960’s – 3

1970’s – 2

1980’s – 3

1990’s – 7

2000’s – 13

2010’s – so far


The 20th Century witnessed 22 with a magnitude of 8.0 or greater, but already the 21st Century has seen 21 such quakes. If that pace continues, we’ll see 116 earthquakes of 8.0 magnitude or greater by the end of this century!


In 2014, I cited this same data in my book Signs of the Second Coming. While writing the book, my original draft showed six earthquakes for this decade. I had to revise the book before publication because of another 8.0 earthquake in April 2014. After the book was published, another earthquake struck in September 2015. And during that same time, we’ve had three other earthquakes later revised to 7.9.


Is it possible this is just a coincidence? Sure. We’ve only had the tools to measure earthquakes for a small portion of human history. It’s possible we’re looking at a small sample size and drawing an incorrect conclusion. Perhaps these earthquake patterns have appeared before. Some might argue we’ve only recently had the instrumentation to measure all 8.0 magnitude earthquakes – that such technology didn’t exist in the early 20th Century. I find that hard to believe. But even if that’s true, we’ve nevertheless seen a notable increase since that time.


Jesus Is Coming


Absent any other signs, the rise in earthquakes would be nothing more than a footnote of history. But earthquakes aren’t the only signs. They aren’t the only events increasing in frequency and intensity. The other signs Jesus said to look for are also increasing in frequency and intensity – the appearance of famines, wars, and false messiahs. And even those aren’t the only signs.


Travel and knowledge have increased significantly (Daniel 12:4)… Israel is a nation again (Jeremiah 23:7-8)… The Jewish people control Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28)… The Gog of Magog alliance is forming (Ezekiel 38-39)… The Gospel is being preached to the ends of the earth (Matthew 24:14)… Sin is everywhere, and the love of many has grown cold (Matthew 24:12)… These are all signs Jesus and the prophets said to look for. And our generation is the first ever to witness these signs. Still think this is mere coincidence? I don’t either.


Jesus Himself said, “When all these things begin to happen, look up for your salvation is near!” (Luke 21:28). These things are happening. And Jesus said the generation witnessing them will not pass away before He returns (Matthew 24:34). The signs are clear. Jesus is coming! So don’t waste any opportunity to share the Good News.

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