Wednesday, July 19, 2023

‘Sound of Freedom’ Earns $85M


Those That Hate the Rapture - ‘Sound of Freedom’ Earns $85M – Pervs in Cali Serve Hardly Any Time - White Hat Mass Arrests of Global Elites Continue - Democrats Have a Nazi Problem - CHRISTIAN PATRIOT NEWS - Is Climate Engineering Real and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 19th 2023


BLP: Box Office Hit: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Earns $85M In Only Two Weeks Despite Media Smearing And Recorded Oddities At Local Movie Theaters - By Bo Banks - July 18, 2023 - It’s official – Angel Studios’ low-budget, faith-based film Sound of Freedom is a smash hit. The leftist mainstream media didn’t want Americans to see it, yet the movie starring Jim Caviezel has already roped in a whopping $85 million in only two weeks. This puts Sound of Freedom as the only movie outside the Christmas season to ever see second-weekend ticket sales increase over 35%.

TIM BROWN - California: Thousands Of Convicted Pedophiles Get Less Than A Year Of Prison For Rape, Sodomy & Sexual Abuse Of Children Under 14 - Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - You see, it isn’t just the pedophile rings operating in the dark that are the only problem.  It’s the government system itself that has morphed into an unjust system that shows more mercy to the criminals than the victims and these numbers coming out of California attest to that in which thousands of convicted pedophiles face less than a year in prison for horrific acts against children. The Daily Mail reports:

Florida GOP to Declare mRNA Vaxx a Bioweapon and Approved Detox Protocol - Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - The Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC) recently voted in favor of a resolution classifying the COVID-19 vaccine as a bioweapon as part of a broader effort to get the jab banned from the entire state of Florida. BREC sent a letter, obtained by CBS12, to registered Republicans in Brevard County – the tenth most populated county in Florida – calling for the shots to be outlawed in the Sunshine State. The committee is also sending the letter to all appropriate representatives, as well as Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott and Gov. DeSantis.

Judy Byington: What's Next As We Enter A New Frontier? Special Intel Report For Wednesday 19 July 2023 (Video) - Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - The new Star Link Satellite System was in place that would not only handle a very secure Internet and Social Media, but personal banking and voting systems. White Hat Mass Arrests of Global Elites were in full swing and ongoing across the Globe. Millions of children had been rescued from a labyrinth of DUMB Underground Tunnels across the World – accompanied by destruction of the tunnels and their bio-weapon and cloning labs. Soon all nations of the BRICS Gold/ Asset-backed Currency Alliance would be free from threat of war breaking out, plus be functioning on Constitutional, or Common Law.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Joe Biden Slouches Over, Konks Out on Camera During Meeting With Israel’s President - Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - NEWS ALERT: JOE BIDEN FALLS ASLEEP MOMENTS AGO IN THE MIDDLE OF IMPORTANT MEETING AT THE WHITE HOUSE  &

CHRISTIAN PATRIOT NEWS: Don Jr. "Jack Smith & Biden's DOJ Should Be After The Pedophiles on Epstein's Client List!" MUST WATCH!! (Video) - Wednesday, July 19, 2023 -

ATLAS SHRUGS: Democrats Have a Nazi Problem - Here are the Nine Jew Haters Who Voted Israel Is a Racist State - Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - Here are the nine Democrats: Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar - New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman - Missouri Rep. Cori Bush - New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Indiana Rep. Andre Carson - Pennsylvania Rep. Summer Lee - Illinois Rep. Delia Ramirez - Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib - Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley - There are two million Arab citizens of Israel with full civil rights, a million seven of those are Muslims. No Muslim country offers that for Jews. Israel is the most full integrated country in the region whose citizens (whatever their religion, race, sexual preference, gender etc) enjoy unparalleled freedoms and rights. The Democrat party is one short, blunt mustache away from their goal.

On The Fringe: The Plan Has Always Been Fluid! - Must Video - Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - This plan we are seeing play out is fluid. Moves and counter moves. We are living through the experience of this. We are doing much better than most can see and this is also part of the plan. Hang tight patriots, we will get there.

Tim Ballard: 'Godless Leftist Media' Is Running 'Interference for Human Traffickers' -

Is Climate Engineering Real? - by Dr. Joseph Mercola  July 19, 2023 - U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently interviewed Dane Wigington, founder of, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change - The White House is considering a plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the earth in a bid to halt global warming, a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM) - A supercomputer called Derecho is analyzing the effects of solar geoengineering to help climate scientists decide whether SRM will be a good idea…

Top 3 Things Tucker Carlson Says The Regime Doesn’t Want You Talking About - BY: EVITA DUFFY-ALFONSO - JULY 19, 2023 - Every uniparty politician, corporate media outlet, and mega-corporation insists that if you don’t “hate” Russia and support America funneling billions of dollars to defend a nation ruled by a corrupt, oligarchical government, you must love Vladimir Putin and oppose “democracy.”  “It’s not a criminal act not to hate somebody,” Carlson said. He pointed out that the number of Americans murdered by Russians is in the “range” of “zero.” Meanwhile, more than 100,000 Americans die every year at the hands of Mexican cartels and the drugs they smuggle into our country. Yet the media and our government want us to be more preoccupied with a foreign war than the deaths of American citizens here at home….

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: The Global Economy Is Being Reorganized Before Our Eyes And The US Is The 'Big Loser' - We've Stirred The Flames Of Hatred Towards The US And Our Status As The Global Reserve Currency - On August 22, BRICS Is Allowing 36 To 41 More Countries Into This Growing Trade Alliance - By Raymond Mhor - The Kilted Prepper - For All News Pipeline – July 19th 2023 - Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank stated recently that… “We are witnessing a fragmentation of the global economy into competing blocs, with each bloc trying to pull as much of the rest of the world closer to its respective strategic interests and shared values. And this fragmentation may well coalesce around two blocs led respectively by the two largest economies in the world. All this could have far-reaching implications across many domains of policymaking. And today in my remarks, I would like to explore what the implications might be.” A prime example of this is when just two weeks ago China cut off the export of the rare earth materials, gallium, and germanium, two key components for producing middle to high end microchips specifically for green energy. In turn, the US is likely to retaliate with restrictions on providing cloud computing services which are a critical… (Comment: Oil, gas & coal maybe infinite, but we still have billions of it, while green energy is not really sustainable and only accounts for 10% use worldwide. The electric car will never run the gas car off the road because it does not have a long range for travel and there are not enough recharging areas for electric cars. It is a pipe dream. China is doing the right thing in not backing green energy.)

Deep State Needs Nuke War to Cover Up Dirty Deeds – Steve Quayle - By Greg Hunter On July 18, 2023 -

ZERO HEDGE: Watch: Rand Paul Is Engaged In An All-Out-War Against Fauci - BY TYLER DURDEN - TUESDAY, JUL 18, 2023 - Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News - Senator Rand Paul is determined to take down Anthony Fauci, with his latest salvo against the former NIH head coming in the form of confirming that Fauci has a government funded security detail including the use of limousines, despite the fact that he is supposedly retired with vast personal wealth.

THE WESTERN JOURNAL: Hollywood Actors Do Us All a Favor and Refuse to Work: 'Nothing of Value Will Be Lost' - By Rachel Emmanuel - July 14, 2023 - At midnight on Wednesday, for the first time since 1960, writers and actors went on strike simultaneously. Hollywood actors joined The Writers Guild of America, which had already been on strike for over two months after unsuccessful negotiations with studios, according to the New York Times. (Comment: With the Xmas release of “Babylon” with Brad Pitt last year that was filled with debauchery, nudity, orgies, extremely foul language, and a foolish script is it any wonder audiences are staying away from movie theaters in droves. “Bullet Train” with Pitt again in a nonsensical role along with foul language, hitmen galore, and a ridiculous script that reads like someone in an insane asylum wrote it, needs to be thrown into the fire & forgotten. You have to ask Brad is the money really that good? Why would you even want to be associated with such trash? While really good informative flicks like “Sound of Freedom” are being bad mouthed by studio execs. My advice is stay away from the movies if you want to go to heaven.)

CITIZENS WATCH RED ALERT: 370 Wildfires Burning in BC – 225 OUT of CONTROL – Situation now Critical - July 17, 2023 - British Columbia is in the midst of one of its worst wildfire seasons ever. Currently, there are 374 fires burning across the province, including 22 wildfires of note. A wildfire of note means it is highly visible or poses a threat to communities and residents. At a recent press conference, Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Bowinn Ma said 1,034 fires have burned more than 1.2 million hectares of land since April 1.

Those That Hate the Rapture

by Joseph Chambers

Published on: August 8, 2015

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 19th 2023



The two great doctrines that hold together the prophecies of the Holy Bible are the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and the Great Tribulation of Seven Years.

Deny or disregard these two truths and prophecy falls apart. The Book of Revelation must be reduced to a bunch of non-sensical symbols or else removed from the Bible. Israel becomes an unimportant problem and the antiChrist a shadow of the night. We end up with the idea that anything prophesied in Scripture is a lot of foolish talk that nobody pays much attention to. It all becomes a lot of nonsense to argue about.


At the same time, keep the great hope of the Rapture in its proper place, followed by the Great Judgment of this universe, and the beautiful puzzle becomes a mosaic of Biblical perfection. Every book in the Bible fits the picture and helps paint the future with excitement. You cannot blame the devil for trying to destroy these truths because he is the ultimate loser. We owe to our generation the message of hope and the absolute assurance that this confusion against the truth is wrong. The future is as bright as the sunburst on Resurrection morning.


Let’s look at six great truths which suffer death when the Rapture and the Great Tribulation are denied. (Part Two of this article will list six more). When you see what the loss of the two main doctrines of prophecy does to the rest of the Bible, you will receive a wake-up call. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture and the Seven Years of Judgment are the bedrock of our future.


1. The first heart break that is suffered is the future of Israel. The Bible is filled with prophecies that place Israel in their homeland when “Jacob’s Trouble” begins its course. This is where the stubborn will of the Jews is broken. Israel is converted at the end of the “Great Tribulation” which Jesus witnessed of in St. Matthew chapter twenty-four. Their future is ultimately tied to the fullness of judgment that the seven dark years represent. The antiChrist in the Jewish temple at the halfway mark of God’s judgment is an absolute part of the Holy Scripture. Anti-Semitism falls on its face when we preach the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and the Great Tribulation. Watch for a full article covering just this one very important point concerning Israel’s future.


2. The Book of Revelation is God’s perfect outline for end-times prophecy. The Holy Spirit spoke in eloquent terms when He stated: “Write the things… which shall be hereafter.” (Revelation 1:19 a & c) The saints of God are not called saints after Revelation four but elders around the Father’s throne. It is impossible to open the seals of chapter six of Revelation without the removal of the Bride of Christ to a heavenly triumph. The Seven Years of Tribulation is the primary message of the Book of Revelation. Every false doctrine in the prophetic sphere is duty bound to pounce on the literalness of this closing Biblical revelation.


3. Satan’s antiChrist spirit was already creating havoc in the early church and his shadow is seen throughout church history. Apostle Paul was careful to show the powers of the Holy Spirit holding his attack in check until the end. These words leave no doubt that this spirit of antiChrist is the devil and his false Christ that must appear in person: “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.” (II Thessalonians 2: 8-9) If there is one truth the devil hates, it is the exposing of this dark person that he wants to hide until he appears.


4. Nothing in our future is more exciting than the glorious saints returning with Christ at the Battle of Armageddon.This great company of His saints is clearly from the Old and New Testament. The Spirit said, “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war… And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.” (Revelation 19: 11; 14) These saints are returning from heaven to reign on earth a thousand years. When did they ascend in glorified bodies ready to come back again as His army? If someone denies the Rapture before the Great Tribulation judgment, this entire scene is impossible. The Battle of Armageddon becomes a single event where Christ returns with His Bride and His angels.


5. There are several incredible things that happen during the Seven Years of the Great Tribulation. All of them are denied if you deny the Seven Year period itself. One of the most fascinating events is the two witnesses preaching for three and one half years. “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.” (Revelation 11:3-5) The antiChrist is clearly reigning over the world as the testimony of Christ is proclaimed. These two prophets are invincible until they finish their ministry. After the Beast finally succeeds in killing them, his problems are multiplied by their visible resurrection and rapture up to heaven. What a miraculous victory the false teachers of Post-millennialism and Dominion Theology are refuting.


6. The seven-sealed book in the Father’s hand in Revelation five is one of the greatest scenes of the whole Bible. This seven-sealed scroll is recorded in this ancient passage by the Holy Ghost and preserved in the very archives of heaven. The earth was sold by Adam and Eve and could not be redeemed until the next of kin to God Himself had earned the right to do so. The scene in this explosive chapter of Revelation becomes completely destroyed without the saints in attendance and the process of judgment ready to begin. It is in God’s prophetic plan to redeem this earth and His saints must be with Him because He said we are His witnesses to the developing end times.


This is only the beginning of the great truths our modern church world would deny. I will continue to name these truths in Part Two of this article. The prophecy writers and God-called ministers must take a stand against the many doctrines and enemies of the truth who are attacking the Rapture and the antiChrist’s appearance after the Rapture. These people are causing a multitude to be lost for eternity. Pray for me as I write these truths under the anointing of the Holy Ghost.



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