Sunday, July 23, 2023

New Technologies & the End Times


New Technologies & the End Times - New SGAnon & Truth Seekers - The Final Countdown - Underworld of DUMBs - Beneath The Getty - Eric Holder Hanged at GITMO - Rearming Europe is NOT a Good Thing and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 23rd 2023


 REAL RAW NEWS: Marines Sink FEMA Ship in the Pacific - By Michael Baxter -July 21, 2023 - United States Marine Corps F-35 Lightning II 5th Generation Fighter/Bombers on Wednesday destroyed a FEMA barge off the California coast, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. The late evening strike began when Third Marine Air Wing pilots sortied from Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California, with orders to sink a FEMA ship in international waters 50 miles west of Long Beach. -

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 22, 2023 – Deep state Mass arrest takin place all over the planet – QFS up and running on FedNow – July 27th NESARSA/GESARA to announce its startup in US -

New SGAnon & Truth Seekers: Huge Trump Returns Hot Intel! Epic Interview! SOF - July 2023 - Saturday, July 22, 2023 - New SGAnon & Truth Seekers: Huge Trump Returns Hot Intel! Epic Interview! SOF – July 2023 - A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening. “In Our Image and Likeness”#WWG1WGA#SaveTheChildren -

Deep State Decodes Episode 639 ~ Q Decode (Video) - Saturday, July 22, 2023 - We are in the final countdown, Ladies & Gentlemen!

Sarah Westall: Global Monetary Reset and Widespread Banking Collapse is Imminent w/ Andy Schectman - Saturday, July 22, 2023 - Andy Schectman rejoins the program to discuss the ongoing developments with the planned global monetary reset. He shares publicly known actions that point to the agendas that are currently in full implementation.

WILLIAM REED: (video) Trump Takes a Stand: Demands Death Penalty for Human Traffickers While Lauding ‘Sound of Freedom’! - Saturday, July 22, 2023 - In a recent, electrifying revelation, former President Donald Trump unveiled a chilling demand that has sent shockwaves across the nation. At a private screening of the groundbreaking film, ‘Sound of Freedom,’ at his elite Bedminster club, Trump made a bold call to arms. He demanded nothing less than the ultimate punishment for those found guilty of the heinous crime of human trafficking: the death penalty.

HARBINGER DAILY: In A World Of Corruption, How Do We Spot A False Prophet? – By David Jeremiah - July 20, 2023 - Over the centuries since Christ’s death and resurrection, countless impostors have pretended to be the Messiah or claimed to know details about the future they could not possibly know. While false prophets are nothing new, they will become increasingly prevalent and destructive in the End Times. Jesus warned us about these individuals in His Olivet Discourse: “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:11).

Underworld of DUMBs - Beneath The Getty - Human Trafficking & Satanism | Steven Kelley 2023 - Saturday, July 22, 2023 -

Situation Update 07-22-23 ~ Q+ Trump US Military! White Hat Intel ~ SG Anon Intel! - Must Video - Saturday, July 22, 2023 -

BORDERLAND BEAT: Former Venezuelan Spy Chief Extradited from Spain to US for Trafficking 6 Tons of Cocaine to Mexico - Saturday, July 22, 2023 - A former Venezuelan spymaster, close to the country’s late leader Hugo Chávez has been extradited to New York from Spain on Wednesday to face decade-old drug trafficking charges. Retired Maj. Gen. Hugo Carvajal will enter a not guilty plea at his initial appearance Thursday in Manhattan federal court, his lawyer, Zachary Margulis-Ohnuma, told The Associated Press.

Tucker Just DESTROYED The GOP Over Ukraine War! - Redacted News - Saturday, July 22, 2023 - Why are there no peace-mongers’ amongst Republican candidates? We go over recent speeches by Republican candidates and just how meh they are about foreign policy and how they mindlessly low the neocon line about war with Russia. Is it a coincidence that the one candidate who is pro peace is about to be served with more indictments?

REAL RAW NEWS: Eric Holder Hanged at GITMO - By Michael Baxter -July 22, 2023 - Standing atop the gallows with his neck in a loop of rope, former attorney general Eric Holder addressed the military spectators and officiators present to witness his imminent execution, which he called a racially motivated hate crime. He invoked the names of Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln, saying they’d be turning in the grave if they saw a Black man getting hanged in 2023, and said the whole procedure evoked disturbing memories of the extrajudicial murder of Blacks by the KKK before the Great Depression. He said his death would galvanize Blacks everywhere to resist “White oppression.”

Khazarian Mafiosa Ironically Censors RFK Jr. at Censorship Hearing.. + The Illuminati to Steal 2024 Election! (Video) - Sunday, July 23, 2023 - Redacted shares this latest Intel about the current political situation. Greasy haired commie Debbie Weizmann Schultz is a traitor witch. We ALL see it. RFK Jr. is a true Freedom Patriot sharing the truth.

The Elephant in the Room - Never Forget! (Video) - Sunday, July 23, 2023 -

Mike Penny: The Flood Gates Have Opened, It's Go Time!! (Video) - Sunday, July 23, 2023 - Mike is sharing breaking news that everyone needs to hear! It’s GO time!!

Kim Gougen: Full Situation Update and Special Intel Report - It's GO Time! 7/22/2023 (Video) - Sunday, July 23, 2023 - Kim is back and things are heating up and it’s not just because it’s July!! The enemy is losing their battles against us and our people’s army is holding fast to victory!! UN crash banks, Syria, Middle East, nuke subs, BRICS, UN&NATO enemy of the state, 86 generals died.

SG Anon: Great Intel With SOVEREIGN RADIO Roundtable - This is IT, Folks! (Video) - Sunday, July 23, 2023 - Scotty Saks gives YOU the latest updates with Tina Peters, Joe Rosati & Scott Stone (Truthstream) Ann Vandersteel and SG Anon.

Judy Byington: The New Frontier, EBS, QFS, NESARA/GESARA- It's Coming to a Head! Special Intel Report For Sunday 23 July 2023 (Videos) - Sunday, July 23, 2023 - So far we know: “We Enter A New Frontier” - The Fed Is Broke! - White Hat Military Activated! - We Are Q - We Got Them All! - Prepare For The Storm! - And The Biggest Intel Exposure in History!


SpaceX to launch 22 Version 2 mini Starlink satellites - Sunday, July 23, 2023 -

ZERO HEDGE: Lockheed Martin Predicts Strong Profits As Global Instability Rises - BY TYLER DURDEN - SATURDAY, JUL 22, 2023 - Authored by Kyle Anzalone via The Libertarian Institute - Lockheed Martin believes global instability is driving demand and sees an increase in annual profits. Washington’s proxy war in Ukraine has caused an increase in arms spending among NATO members, boosting weapons makers’ stock prices. On Tuesday, Lockheed raised its annual profit and sales outlook on strong demand for military equipment. After making the announcement, the company’s stock price increased by one percent. (Comment: Rearming Europe is NOT a good thing if you can remember your history after World War 1. Germany rearmed under Hitler when they were supposed to stand down. This led directly to World War 2 starting in 1939. Now Germany wants to do the same again.)

THE WATCHERS: 62 new forest fires ignite across Greece, evacuations underway in West Attica, Laconia, and Rhodes - Friday, July 21, 2023 - Over the last 24 hours, 62 new forest fires have erupted across Greece, resulting in further evacuations in several regions. The Greek Civil Protection has reported that the main fire outbreaks are located in West Attica, Laconia in the southern Peloponnese, and on the island of Rhodes. Residents in the areas of Agia Sotira, Palaiokoundoura, Panorama and Palaiochori, Oinoi, and Erythrae in West Attica have been urged to evacuate as a result of the rapidly spreading fires. In the face of this ongoing crisis, forecasts predict high-temperature conditions across the country for the coming days, increasing the risk of additional fire outbreaks. (Comment: My question to you is how can 62 fires start in 24 hours? My Intel says they are being set by arsonists for a purpose.)

NATURAL NEWS: Smoke from Canadian wildfires returns to the US, prompting authorities to issue air quality alerts - 07/21/2023 // Zoey Sky - The smoke coming from the Canadian wildfires has returned. To date, almost 900 wildfires are still burning across Canada. The smoke that will affect the U.S. will be coming from the western areas of the country. The National Weather Service in the Philadelphia area reported that the Canadian wildfire smoke will start to return to the region later in July. (Comment: This is a geoengineered war using DEW & HAARP weapons by deep state arsonists my Intel is saying.)

Mel K & Pastor Artur Pawlowski | The Armor of God: He Who is Brave is Free | 7-19-23 - July 19, 2023 -




New Technologies & the End Times

By Britt Gillette

Published on: February 20, 2021

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 23rd 2023


Last week, an Israeli company named Aleph Farms announced it had successfully cultivated the world’s first slaughter-free ribeye steak using 3D bioprinting technology and living cow cells. Unlike traditional 3D printing, the 3D bioprinting Aleph Farms developed prints “actual living cells that are then incubated to acquire the texture and qualities of a real steak.”


According to its press release, Aleph Farms uses “a proprietary system, similar to the vascularization that occurs naturally in tissues,” and this gives the steak a “similar shape and structure of its native form as found in livestock before and during cooking.” Using this new technology, the company now has the ability to produce any type of steak.


All this comes on the heels of a December announcement that 1880, a restaurant in Singapore, will become the world’s first restaurant to serve cultured meat. Known for its innovative menus, 1880 debuted the lab-grown chicken made by U.S. start-up Eat Just, which takes a small amount of poultry cells and grows them into meat at a rapid rate using a bioreactor. From start to finish, the process takes about 14 days versus 45 days for traditional chicken. As these technologies mature, they offer the prospect of cheap and abundant food for the whole world.


None of this should come as a surprise. In my 2017 book Racing Toward Armageddon, I wrote:


“Did you know the dirt outside your door most likely contains every element necessary to create a loaf of bread or a piece of fish? With the blueprint for a piece of fish or a loaf of bread, nanofactories could rearrange the basic structure of those elements and do just that. You could literally create a fish or a loaf of bread from nothing but dirt.”


Revolutionary Technologies are on the Horizon


These technologies are just a glimpse of what’s coming. The convergence of new printing technologies with artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and advanced manufacturing techniques will fundamentally transform the world in which we live. Bioprinting steaks and chicken is just the beginning. Such technologies foreshadow the arrival of a truly revolutionary technology known as molecular manufacturing. Below are some of the benefits we’ll see in the near future:


Clean, Renewable, and Inexpensive Energy – The most abundant source of energy on the earth is sunlight. The reason solar power only meets a small fraction of our energy needs is because the technology used to capture and store solar energy is expensive and inefficient relative to fossil fuels. Molecular manufacturing will change that. New technologies will make solar power the cheapest and most widely available source of energy.


Increased Health and Wellness – Molecular manufacturing will also make clean water available to everyone. It will revolutionize medical treatments, prescription drugs, and surgery. The result will be dramatic increases in health, well-being, and average lifespans.


Material Abundance – Molecular manufacturing will bring a revolution in the production of goods, manufacturing objects where they’re needed, and dramatically decreasing labor, energy, storage, and transportation costs. The result will be an explosion in material wealth.


While all this sounds great, there’s a dark side to these new technologies as well…


The Rise of Big Brother


In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the world is introduced to “Big Brother” – an omnipresent, all-powerful and “well-intentioned” totalitarian regime. The book’s hero, Winston Smith, lives in a world where every citizen is under 24/7 surveillance. Personal privacy doesn’t exist. Government dominates every aspect of life. Monitors in Winston’s apartment spy on him at home. Other devices spy on him when he’s not at home. Hidden cameras and microphones capture his words, deeds, and even his facial expressions. His mail is opened, and “thought police” search for and arrest any citizen who dares to have thoughts or feelings outside of those sanctioned by Big Brother and the ruling elite.


Winston’s world is a place of absolute government control. No conversation, movement, or transaction goes unnoticed. The government is watching – always. In the decades since Orwell first released 1984, people have marveled at what they see as great insight into our future. And they’re right to do so. 1984 is becoming our reality, and the arrival of molecular manufacturing and other advanced technologies will only serve to accelerate the process. Below are some of the undesirable (and I believe unavoidable) outcomes of advanced technology:


Global Government – Technological innovations will soon upset nuclear deterrence and the balance of power built on the notion of mutually assured destruction (MAD). World-destroying nuclear war will become obsolete, replaced by new weapons of war. In a post-MAD world, many people see only two options:


1) An unstable arms race likely to end in global annihilation, or


2) Global government


The world will choose global government. The first nation to develop advanced post-nuclear technologies will use its power to conquer all other nations before they develop similar technologies. This nation can then use its global monopoly to create a new world order. Think about it. If no nation is left to attack this global power, the world will be at peace. Unfortunately, the world will also be under the heavy hand of a global government.


Global Surveillance – With advanced technology, the ability to see and hear everything will become even easier for government. Already, most people voluntarily reveal the most intimate details of their lives. They upload pictures of themselves and their friends to Facebook. They reveal personal information on Snapchat and Twitter. And they set up Siri- and Alexa-enabled devices in their homes. These devices respond to voice commands and make life easier. But they also spy on you. By definition, they’re always listening. If you have one, that means you voluntarily placed a listening device in your home. In some cases, you placed a camera in your home as well.


As time goes by, devices like these will become smaller and cheaper. As they become smaller and cheaper, they’ll appear everywhere. Imagine trillions of HD cameras and microphones – each one the size of a dust particle. Some might be so small you can’t see them. These cameras and microphones will constantly record everything in the world. Like dust, they’ll spread across the earth and settle on every surface. They’ll be everywhere.


They’ll settle on your clothes. They’ll come in through the ventilation in your house. They’ll stick to the bottoms of shoes, and they’ll blow through the streets. And this “nanodust” will send everything it sees and hears to the government. Artificial intelligence will sift through all the video and audio feeds. It will search for specific phrases and “undesirable” language. With such technology, the government will have the ability to “listen” to every conversation on earth. No one will escape the ever-watchful eye of “Big Brother.”


Global Government Cryptocurrency – A growing chorus of nations are now exploring the launch of government-backed cryptocurrencies. Among them are some of the world’s most oppressive regimes, including China, Iran, and North Korea. This is because the replacement of paper currency with government-sponsored cryptocurrency will put unlimited power at the fingertips of government leaders.


Not only does cryptocurrency offer a way to permanently record every financial transaction, but it also tracks where you go and what you do. It tracks the websites you visit and makes note of who your friends are. While credit cards, debit cards, mobile phones, and social media profiles already track much of this information, a state-sponsored cryptocurrency will provide the government with 100% unfettered access to this information. It will create a closed, government-controlled economic system where you’ll be dependent on the government for every transaction you engage in.


That means if the government decides they don’t like you, they can turn off your access and completely freeze you out of the economic system. They can dictate what you can and can’t buy. They can tell you where you can and can’t go. In essence, state-sponsored cryptocurrency gives government complete and total control over all commerce.


How Will the World React?


At first, it’s likely the world will focus only on the positive benefits of these advanced technologies. After a brief period of upheaval, global government will usher in a new era of peace – much like the Pax Romana of ancient Rome. Most people will be happy with the material abundance and increased standards of living, even if they have to sacrifice freedoms in exchange.


If one man brings these benefits to the world, how will the world view him? Imagine if Satan came to earth and used promises of world peace and miracle healings to trick the world into following a false messiah. Do you think he would be effective? Jesus said he will.


The Coming False Messiah


After encounters with Jesus, miraculous events regularly took place. The mute could speak. The deaf could hear. The paralyzed could walk, and the blind could see. Because of these miracles, many believed in Jesus. But others refused to believe, even though these miracles verified His identity as the Messiah. What did Jesus say about these people? He said, “I have come in my Father’s name, and you refused to receive me. But a day will come when another man comes in his own name, and him you will receive” (John 5:43-44).


When the Antichrist arrives on the world scene, he’ll bring with him advanced technology that will:


1) Restore the vocal abilities of the mute.


2) Reverse paralysis for those with spinal cord injuries.


3) Restore sight for the blind.


4) Restore all sound and hearing for the deaf, and


5) Cure any physical disease now afflicting humans.


The world will appear to be at peace, and the world will receive him as its savior. As the world looks forward to a “Great Reset” and new technologies transform the world, you can be sure the Antichrist is waiting in the wings. All the signs are present. Just look around you. The world is in the midst of a global pandemic (Luke 21:11). Israel is back in the land (Jeremiah 23:7-8). The Jewish people are back in Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28). And the Gospel is being preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14). We’re also on the verge of developing technologies that will bring about global government (Revelation 13:7) and a global monetary system capable of controlling the entire world (Revelation 13:16-17).


Jesus said when you see all these signs, you can know His return is near (Luke 21:28). We can see those signs now.


Jesus is coming soon.



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