Friday, July 7, 2023



TRUMP SPEECH TODAY - JAG Convicts former FEMA Boss Brock Long - Ukraine Slams Israel Before the Eyes of the World - Marxist Critical Theory Applied To Children – Musk Suing Zuckerberg – Carlson & Brand Interview and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 7th 2023



MAIL ONLINE: Tucker Carlson tells Russell Brand he 'doesn't know' why he was fired by Fox News in his first interview - as he rails against Joe Biden's immigration policy which is 'designed to wreck the country, make it unstable and stoke racial division' - On Friday, Tucker Carlson gave his first interview since his Fox News firing in April - The former host sat down with British comedian Russell Brand for a frank discussion about Fox, the 2024 presidential election and racism  - During the interview, Carlson said that he felt that President Joe Biden's immigration policies were designed to 'wreck the country' - By PAUL FARRELL FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 12:51 EDT, 7 July 2023 | UPDATED: 14:30 EDT, 7 July 2023 - The 54-year-old firebrand drew an audience of more than 120,000 Friday as he sat down with the British comedian on his Stay Free show podcast.

Message From - The People Are Fed Up! - Condensed - A Must Video - Friday, July 7, 2023 -

New Situation Update Stream 7.7.23 "Q Big Update" - Derek Johnson & SG Anon - Friday, July 7, 2023 -

New General Michael Flynn & Derek Johnson: Are White Hats Truly in Control? 5th Gen Warfare - Brave TV Stream - July 7, 2023 - Friday, July 7, 2023 - New General Michael Flynn & Derek Johnson Join Me! 5th Gen Warfare – Brave TV Stream – July 7, 2023 - The first hour General Michael Flynn returns to the show. Are White Hats truly in control? The second hour Derek Johnson joins me to talk about President Trump being Commander in Chief. -

SG Anon: Michael Jaco, Jason Sussdorf and Kevin Hoyt - wow. What we can expect and how to BRACE FOR IMPACT - Friday, July 7, 2023 12:37 - Michael Jaco, Jason Sussdorf and Kevin Hoyt – wow. What we can expect and how to BRACE FOR IMPACT -




New Benjamin Fulford: July Special Intel Friday Mass Geopolitical Update 2023 - Friday, July 7, 2023 -

French Inferno: Riots Blaze Through France As Experts Blame Failed Immigration Policies! - Must Video - Friday, July 7, 2023 – (Comment: France is now paying the price for letting Muslim immigrants into the country that are supported by the Muslim Brotherhood that is in fact a terrorist organization. France is fallen. No end in sight for the riots.) Riots have blazed through Paris, Marseille and Lyon, after police fatally shot 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk. The violence comes as France reaches a tipping point after an influx of migrants over recent years. “The heart of the problem is this parallel society that has grown up within France, the lost territories and politicians have known about this for 20 years,” The Spectator’s Gavin Mortimer told Sky News Digital Originals.


ALT-MARKET.US: American Churches Are Eerily Silent When The Country Needs Them Most - July 7, 2023 – (Comment: The Jezebel Spirit are women who control or want to control men. And these are the women who marry younger men than them to control the men – it’s against God’ order. Adam was created first then the woman. An older woman must not marry a younger man. Because of love of authority and control, women with Jezebel spirit fight for equality; they want to be like men – these are the feminists - A woman cannot be equal to a man. Adam and Eve are different and they cannot be equal. To define the Jezebel spirit is to say it characterizes anyone who acts in the same manner as Jezebel did, engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching, and unrepentant sin.)

Trump Rally Live: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally In Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23!! – RSBN - Friday, July 7, 2023 - America LOVES you President Donald J. Trump. Thank you RSBN always. God bless. (Comment: We the people must back Trump and Trump needs to make a move to be reinstalled as the President right away before there is any more hostility in the world towards Israel & and the Republic. The War in Ukraine needs to be over yesterday and the pimps of war locked up. We cannot have a 2024 election if our country is overthrown.)

REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Convicts former FEMA Boss Brock Long, Part I - By Michael Baxter -July 6, 2023 - The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and Office of Military Commissions on Wednesday convicted and sentenced to death former FEMA boss Brock Long following a tumultuous tribunal that saw the FEMA ghoul try to distance himself from the agency’s malfeasance by feigning ignorance.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - Update as of July 7, 2023 – Trump to be reinstated as POTUS this month -

Juan O Savin LIve! Marjorie Taylor Green Gets Booted! PraiseNPrayer! B2T Show Must Video - Friday, July 7, 2023 -

SUBVERSION – Student Identifies as a Cat… Marxist Critical Theory Applied To Children - Friday, July 7, 2023 3:58 - The peddlers of woke ideology aim to undermine the norms of society in order to achieve revolutionary goals (aka change). The fervent  ideologues of gender/identity ideology are “useful idiots” to be discarded once those revolutionary goals (change) are achieved, they will eventually end up victims of their own zeal.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Biden Witness-In-Hiding Comes In From the Cold: Details High Crimes By President and his Family in Extraordinary Video - Friday, July 7, 2023 - The testimony of the witness in hiding in the Biden corruption investigation, Dr. Gal Luft, co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS), presents an appalling description of high crimes by the Biden crime family.  This should be the biggest story in the world instead the enemedia is trying to drown it out with the cocaine story. There is no free press anymore, no media just a wing of the Democrat party.

Birthright, Taxes, Banking, Gov: They Been Stealing From YOU! It's Time to Break the Chains!! (Video) - Friday, July 7, 2023 -

Dr. Reiner Feullmich Exposes How Maori Sovereignty Will Free The World From Satanic Globalism! (Video) - Friday, July 7, 2023 - Watch as Dr. Reiner Feulllmich is heading the Nuremberg Tribunals that he now knows cannot be held anywhere else but in a FREE Nation whose laws allow the proper indigenous natural lore and laws of jurisdiction both indigenous and international.

Censored Reality: How Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Manipulated the Covid Pandemic Narrative! - Friday, July 7, 2023 - In an interview that shook the digital world, CEO of Meta – formerly known as Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg spilled the beans, revealing an inconvenient truth. Facebook, a Meta-owned platform, had been actively censoring Covid-19 related information that turned out to be not just debatable but actually true.

The Federal Reserve: A Hidden Wrecking Ball of America's Prosperity - Friday, July 7, 2023 - Most of us were taught that the Federal Reserve, our central bank, came into being to supply cash to banks during financial panics. A safety net, if you will, to prevent a systemic collapse. But this altruistic narrative starts to unravel when you dig a bit deeper into the murky depths of finance.

TIM BROWN: Biden Witness-In-Hiding Details High Crimes By Joe Biden & His Family In Extraordinary Video - Friday, July 7, 2023 - Dr. Gal Luft, co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS), has been in hiding with a testimony of the Biden corruption, including high crimes committed by the criminal family.  While it should be one of the biggest stories out there, the Mockingbird media will do everything to censor it and debunk it.  However, we’re bringing it to you, the People. Check out his testimony.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Twitter To Sue Facebook (Meta) over its Twitter Clone Threads, Zuckerberg Stole Everything From Musk’s Twitter - Friday, July 7, 2023 – Zuckerberg steals. It’s what he does. He is infamous in this. He doesn’t invent, he doesn’t create, he either steals or buys other people’s ideas. Musk ain’t haven’t it.

X22 Report - Those In Power No Longer Pull The Strings! Hunters Become The Hunted! - Must Video - Thursday, July 6, 2023 - The [DS] is no longer in power. The strings have been cut. Trump and the patriots are now hunting the [DS] players. From the very beginning Trump set a plan in motion, he put the pieces together to trap the [DS] and expose them to the people so the people would be able to see the infiltration. Once the people see it and live the people will fight to take back this country.

Stew Peters - Cocaine Cover-Up At White House: Cocaine Found In West Wing After Recent Hunter Biden Visit! - Must Video - Thursday, July 6, 2023 - Simon Ateba, Today News Africa reporter, joins Stew to talk about the mysterious cocaine found inside the White House. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refuses to answer questions about the cocaine found in the West Wing. Similar to the Hunter Biden laptop, any questions having to do with the President’s degenerate son will likely be rejected. Are we to believe the government had no trouble tracking down J6 defendants who are now in D.C. gulags but they can’t find out who left a bag of cocaine at the White House? (Comment: The body double Hunter Biden I am sure had the coke along with the Pride Day degenerates who were in the WH with Hunter celebrating the Pride event. Exposing breasts, snorting coke, having sex in a closet, or as the saying goes the anus is the new uterus no longer surprises me. This WH is run by a government of wolves; fortunately most of them are now dead.)

ZERO HEDGE: The Opioid Crisis Reflects A Failure Of Public Policy – It's Time To Change Course - BY TYLER DURDEN - THURSDAY, JUL 06, 2023 - 08:00 PM - Authored by Susan Martinuk via The Epoch Times - What is the end goal of a policy that deals with drug addiction? That’s the key question that political leaders and societal stakeholders should be considering as they announce ever more alarming initiatives in an attempt to limit the number of drug-overdose deaths across Canada. After all, in the end, there are only two possible outcomes:


Ukraine Slams Israel Before the Eyes of the World

By Geri Ungurean

Published on: July 5, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 7th 2023


Yet another confirmation that Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Resident of Ukraine) is not a Jew in the real sense of the word. He happened to be born from Jewish parents, but he is ideologically as Jewish as George Soros! I’m a Jew, so I can say these things.


May I remind the reader that Zelenskyy’s military aligns itself with Neo-Nazis – the Azov Battalion. A true Jew would have disassociated himself from these ‘little Hitlers’ immediately. Some say there are less than 2,500 in this brigade. It does make one wonder why Zelenskyy keeps them in his military. He is the ultimate hypocrite!


 Over the past few days, in the midst of the Russian rebellion, there have been signs of serious tension between Ukraine and Israel, at least in the diplomatic realm.


Ukraine’s embassy to Israel on Sunday, no doubt with the blessing of Kyiv, launched a fierce volley directed at the Israeli government, accusing Israel of not being neutral in the Ukraine-Russia war but instead taking a “pro-Russia position.”


The Zelenskyy government went on to call the visit to Ukraine back in February by Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen “fruitless.” It then accused Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials of engaging in “verbal demagoguery” as they explained why they could not supply weapons to Ukraine.


Let’s first unpack the claims of a pro-Russia position and verbal demagoguery by Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.


Netanyahu gave an interview last week in which he was very clear and carried a common-sense position:


“I think Israel is in a peculiar situation, different from, say, Poland or Germany or France or any of the Western countries that are assisting Ukraine.


First of all, we have a close military border with Russia. Our pilots are flying right next to Russian pilots over the skies of Syria. And I think it’s important that we maintain our freedom of action against Iran’s attempts to place itself militarily on our northern border.”


Russia is at their doorstep in Syria. They need freedom of movement to strike Iran, Hezbollah, and their various jihadi allies in Syria. That is an existential threat to the Jewish state to allow Iran to acquire advanced weapons or to transit advanced weapons through Syria, like precision-guided missiles, and to establish a forward base on the Syria-Israel border. It’s a non-starter for Israel.


Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes against Iran and its allies in Syria over the past several years under the watchful eye of Russia. Thousands of Russian troops are in Syria right now at Israel’s doorstep. And guess what? They are closely aligned with Iran and Hezbollah.


Israel has walked this tightrope ever since the Russia-Ukraine war broke out and even before that. That’s why you’ve seen Netanyahu visit Moscow many times in the past few years and meet one-on-one with Vladimir Putin, trying to solidify what they call the “deconfliction mechanism” between Israel and Russia.


Israel notifies Russia that they are coming in and will carry out airstrikes against Iran and Hezbollah in Syria. They give them fair warning, and Russia agrees to stand aside deconfliction to make sure that there isn’t some sort of unintentional conflict between Russia and Israel over the skies of Syria. Israel obviously wants to maintain that situation and wants to keep things at least civil with Russia to maintain freedom of movement.


Netanyahu said exactly that last week in an interview that outraged Ukraine. What if, worst case scenario, Russia tries to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria? That day is coming, I believe, when Russia may very well say to Israel that they will no longer permit Israeli airstrikes in Syria against their good friend and ally, Iran.


Israel wants to avoid that kind of situation and avoid getting into a conflict with Russia. Now, I don’t think this is too hard to understand.


Israel has already supported Ukraine, by the way, in several ways. At least $22 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine, plans to supply early warning systems for use in the conflict with Russia, and, perhaps most importantly, Israel has gone to bat for Ukraine in international forums, including at the UN, and has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Despite all this, Ukraine continues to push and push, demanding more overt Israeli support and military aid.


Additionally, Netanyahu said last week during the interview:


“We also have concerns that any systems that we give to Ukraine would be used against us because they could fall into Iranian hands…”


Israel’s concern is Russia sharing captured Israeli technology with Iran and its proxies, which are Israel’s enemies. Israel, understandably, is very cautious on that end. Ukraine essentially responded and called that a ridiculous claim.


What is Ukraine getting at here? They’ve got all of NATO, all of the EU, and the United States behind them; why continue to pressure and prod Israel?


Israel is walking a tightrope where they can’t win either way.


It seems if they come out more fully in support of Ukraine and go all in supplying the Iron Dome or other advanced technology, the result would serve to infuriate Russia, causing real problems for Israel in Syria.


On the flip side, Israel stays neutral. Ukraine is furious about it and slams Israel before the eyes of the world. If Israel even meets with Russian officials to maintain contact and civil relations, Ukraine will also blast Israel. Meanwhile, if Israel meets with Ukrainian officials, that angers Russia. Folks, Israel is in a no-win situation.


At the end of the day, Russia is aligned with Israel’s greatest enemy, Iran, a force that wants to wipe Israel off the map. I don’t see how the Israel-Russia relationship can, in the long run, survive the Russian-Iranian alliance.


Ultimately, who knows what’s going to happen with Israel and Ukraine. We do, however, know the prophetic implications of Israel and Russia. A great betrayal is in the works, where Russia will turn against Israel in a major way, in a prophetic way, as laid out in the war of Gog and Magog, which is described in the book of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. That day is coming, and we see the seeds planted for it now. –  end source


Brethren, thinking of the Scriptures concerning Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, I found some very interesting – some may even say ‘alarming’ information about the so-called Wagner ‘mercenary’ Group, which many of us thought was planning a Coup d’état in Moscow.


Perhaps they were planning it, but somehow it was foiled. The name “Wagner” Group piqued my curiosity for a couple of reasons. The first was that I know that Richard Wagner was Hitler’s favorite 20th Century composer – many say that Hitler idolized him.


The two men who founded the Wagner Group in 2014 were 1) Dmitry Utkin, whose ‘call sign’ was “Wagner” and 2) Yevgeny Prigozhin. Both of these men are said to be close with Putin, and yet they both are Nazi sympathizers – hence the ‘Wagner’ call sign becoming the group name!


Even though the world thought that we were witnessing a coup in Moscow, Prigozhin and his mercenary group were permitted by Putin to seek asylum in Belarus. It is surprising to me that there is a long history of friendship between Prigozhin and Vladimir Putin, mainly because Putin has spoken of the need for the “denazification” of Ukraine.


Now I am going to throw something out there to just consider. With so much deception abounding, and knowing that a hook will be placed in the jaw of Russia to come from the north to attack Israel – could it be that Russia will be overrun by the neo-Nazis, and THAT will be the reason they turn on Israel? (Comment from Pastor Boyd: I do not think Gog is Russia. I believe it will be Assyria.)

 Only God knows. COME, LORD JESUS!



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