Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Proof God Exists


The Proof God Exists – Russia May Give Missiles to Cuba - Bronny James 18 Has Cardiac Arrest - Biden Regime Ending - Prophets & Patriots - Ukraine Complete Disaster - Jordan Peterson EXPOSED Deep State and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 25th 2023



BREAKING NEWS: CUBA ANNOUNCES IT IS READY TO ACCEPT RUSSIAN MISSILES (AGAIN) AS RUSSIAN NAVY ARRIVES 90 MILES FROM U.S. COAST – WORLD - By HAL TURNER - 25 JULY 2023 - The "Vice-Admiral Kulakov," an Udalay-class Destroyer of the Russian Navy has arrived in Cuba for an official visit for the first time in a long time, and there is dangerous news for the United States . . .Shortly before the Russian navy warship arrived, talks were held between the leaders of Cuba and Russia and their defense ministries. The result is statements to strengthen not only economic cooperation, but also military-technical cooperation. According to American military experts, this could mean the return of Russia to Cuba with all the resulting consequences: the deployment of Russian troops and long-range missiles…. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/breaking-news-cuba-announces-it-is-ready-to-accept-russian-missiles-again-as-russian-navy-arrives-90-miles-from-u-s-coast

X22 Report - Central Bank Testing Of Digital Currency! People Rejected It! False Flage Event Needed! This Will Fail! - Must Video - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 10:08 - The economic system is breaking down and the people of each country are seeing this. The [CB] is testing the water to see how the people and countries will accept [CBDC], this is not working out to well for the [CB], the people are rejecting it, [FF] will be used to push the people into it. https://beforeitsnews.com/economy/2023/07/x22-report-central-bank-testing-of-digital-currency-people-rejected-it-false-flage-event-needed-this-will-fail-must-video-3091044.html

MAIL ONLINE: Las Vegas cops rescue six children, including two locked in a cage and 'on the brink of death' in 'worst case' of child abuse they have ever seen, disturbing bodycam footage shows - Las Vegas Metro police made the horrific discovery after a domestic violence callout last month - The six children were beaten, scarred and emaciated after enduring unimaginable abuse from their father, authorities said - Travis Doss, 31, and Amanda Stamper, 33 have both been indicted on child abuse charges and have pled not guilty - By ALICE WRIGHT FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 11:43 EDT, 25 July 2023 | UPDATED: 13:51 EDT, 25 July 2023 - Officers responding to a domestic violence callout on June 11 found two children, aged nine and eleven, locked in a dog cage and another four severely beaten in an apartment near Flamingo Road and Valley View Boulevard. One of the children had 'two black eyes that were swollen shut, multiple marks and bruises all over his body, and he was emaciated,' police said. The child was in such a state that his father thought he had beaten him to death. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12335499/Las-Vegas-cops-rescue-six-children-including-two-locked-cage-brink-death-worst-case-child-abuse-seen-disturbing-bodycam-footage-shows.html

MAIL ONLINE: Bronny James' cardiac arrest is linked to the COVID-19 vaccine, Elon Musk suggests - Twitter CEO Elon Musk weighed in on the news about NBA legend's son - READ MORE: Bronny James, Lebron's son, collapses and suffers a cardiac arrest - By ANDREA CAVALLIER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 12:01 EDT, 25 July 2023 | UPDATED: 13:45 EDT, 25 July 2023 - Elon Musk has sparked outrage after claiming that the Covid vaccine may have caused Bronny James' cardiac arrest. 'We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine, but, by the same token, we cannot ascribe nothing,' Musk wrote in response to a media report on Tuesday. 'Myocarditis is a known side-effect. The only question is whether it is rare or common,' Musk's tweet continued. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12336279/Elon-Musk-sparks-fury-conspiracy-theory-vaccine-caused-Bronny-James-cardiac-arrest-training-USC.html

MAIL ONLINE: 'The Biden regime is coming to an end': House Republicans celebrate Kevin McCarthy signaling support for impeaching Biden and insists GOP has 'enough evidence' to take Joe down - 'At the end of the day I think he will be impeached,' Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., said. 'The Biden regime is coming to an end' - Good, R-Va., said that McCarthy's latest comments show a 'paradigm shift' in the movement to impeach the president in the House - 'This is rising to the level of impeachment inquiry, which provides Congress the strongest power to get the rest of the knowledge,' McCarthy said Monday - By MORGAN PHILLIPS, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 13:13 EDT, 25 July 2023 | UPDATED: 14:27 EDT, 25 July 2023 - Right-wing House Republicans are rejoicing at Speaker Kevin McCarthy's suggestion that there would be an impeachment inquiry of President Biden on Monday night. 'I think at the end of the day he will be impeached,' Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., a member of the Freedom Caucus, told reporters of Biden on Tuesday. 'The Biden regime is coming to an end.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12336337/The-Biden-regime-coming-end-House-Republicans-celebrate-Kevin-McCarthy-signaling-support-impeaching-Biden-insists-GOP-evidence-Joe-down.html

MAIL ONLINE: El Salvador's president Nayib Bukele, who calls himself the 'world's coolest dictator', retweets posts showing he now has a 90% approval rating after cutting murders by 92% and putting away 65K criminals - The hardline president has imprisoned almost 70,000 gang members since March 2022 - The 42-year-old has enjoyed sky-high approval ratings as a result of the crackdown - He was spotted retweeting his favorable statistics on Twitter after they were shared by controversial conservative account 'End Wokeness' - By WILL POTTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 11:24 EDT, 25 July 2023 | UPDATED: 13:52 EDT, 25 July 2023 - El Salvador's popular hardline president boasted over his soaring approval ratings on social media following his government's strict crime crackdown. Nayib Bukele has imprisoned over 65,000 gang members since he introduced an 'iron fist' approach to the country's rampant cartel activity in March 2022.  Varying polls have seen the 42-year-old's support rocket to around 90 percent as a result, with Bukele retweeting favorable statistics about his tenure on Tuesday after they were posted by controversial conservative Twitter account 'End Wokeness'. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12335667/El-Salvadors-president-calls-worlds-coolest-dictator-retweets-posts-showing-90-approval-rating-cutting-murders-92-putting-away-65K-criminals.html

New Roger Stone Live! Prophets and Patriots - Episode 72 July 2023 - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - Steve Shultz interviews Roger Stone for a special broadcast of “Prophets and Patriots”. Our guest will be discussing the latest revelation about our nation, speaking the truth behind current events, and encouraging the saints to boldly stand together. https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/07/new-roger-stone-live-prophets-and-patriots-episode-72-july-2023-2543651.html

LISA HAVEN: Coincidence? This Isn’t the First Time a President's Chef Drowned! There’s More to the Story! – Tuesday - July 25, 2023 - By Lisa Haven - Coincidence? I think not! Obama’s Chef has just mysteriously drowned while paddle-boarding at the Obama family residence in Martha’s Vineyard. The problem is this ins’t the first time in history a president’s chef has drowned…  https://beforeitsnews.com/conspiracy-theories/2023/07/coincidence-this-isnt-the-first-time-a-presidents-chef-drowned-theres-more-to-the-story-2520185.html

New Sacha Stone, Riccardo Bosi & Scotty Saks - What's Going on in Australia! - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/07/new-sacha-stone-riccardo-bosi-scotty-saks-whats-going-on-in-australia-2543648.html

NTEB: Fully-Vaccinated USC Star Freshman Basketball Player Bronny James Age 18 Suffers Cardiac Arrest During Workout In Los Angeles On Monday - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 13:57 - Elon Musk floated the possibility that the COVID vaccine played a role in USC star freshman Bronny James suffering a cardiac arrest during a basketball workout in Los Angeles on Monday. The fallout from the mRNA COVID vaccine continues to pile up, this time it was Bronny James, the fully-vaccinated son of the fully-vaccinated NBA star LeBron James, who suffered cardiac arrest during a basketball practice. Elon Musk took to his X platform today to start discussion about adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine, he was attacked by the ‘sponsored by Pfizer’ legacy media surprising no one. Just kick aside all those dead bodies on the ground and come get your shot. No thanks. Thank God Bronny James didn’t die, and hopefully he won’t. https://beforeitsnews.com/global-unrest/2023/07/fully-vaccinated-usc-star-freshman-basketball-player-bronny-james-age-18-suffers-cardiac-arrest-during-workout-in-los-angeles-on-monday-2538111.html

BORDERLAND BEAT: Torreon's "Miracle", A Successful Strategy Against Organized Crime - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/immigration/2023/07/torreons-miracle-a-successful-strategy-against-organized-crime-2473614.html

THE BURNING PLATFORM: Ukraine Complete Disaster – Neocons Lose Again? – Guest Post by Martin Armstrong – July 25th 223 - Ukraine is a complete disaster. I have been warning that our sources from UKRAINE, not Russia, have been warning that the country is on the brink of collapse. The American Neocons are being confronted with the fact that there NEVER was any chance that Ukraine would defeat Russia and putting this high-heel questionable gender dancer in high heels in charge of war was in itself a war crime. There is absolutely no war Ukraine can win anything. This is why Zelensky has been so desperate o drag in NATO because he knows they cannot retake the Donbas no less defeat Russia. The American Neocons were hoping to weaken Russia so they could contrive some scheme to justify going in for the kill. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/07/25/ukraine-complete-disaster-neocons-lose-again/

REAL RAW NEWS: General Flynn Denied Access to Mar-a-Lago - By Michael Baxter -July 24, 2023 - When longtime Trump ally General Michael Flynn, U.S. Army, Ret., arrived unannounced at Mar-a-Lago last week, he was asked to take a polygraph to access the estate’s command center, where President Trump and his allies have been monitoring White Hat activities and planning the downfall of the criminal Biden regime. Rather than take the test, a flabbergasted Flynn took offense and said that his loyalty to Trump was unimpeachable and that he wouldn’t let a fallible machine judge his allegiance. United States Special Forces on Thursday seized an enemy cloning laboratory near Fort Yukon, Alaska, which held dozens of Deep State clones, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. The find marks the second time White Hats located carbon copies of Deep State politicians. As reported last month, Special Forces on Dec 22 found and destroyed a concealed cloning center in the Missouri Ozarks that held replicas of Joseph Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Anthony Fauci. Evidence taken from the lab later led Special Forces to a German-born “cloning scientist” living in Boston. That individual, whose name remains a mystery, was reportedly arrested and brought to a Marine Corps base for interrogation. It was feared that others could have been cloned including General Flynn. https://realrawnews.com/2023/01/special-forces-seize-deep-state-cloning-lab-in-alaska/

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - Update as of July 25, 2023 – Elon Mush says X to become half of the new global finance system – Huge arrests continue worldwide-  https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-25-2023/

BLP: Republicans Accuse DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of Violating Oath of Office - By Jose Nino - Jul 24, 2023 - According to a report that House Republicans published on July 20, 2023, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has violated his constitutional oath of office by not being able to “discharge the duties of the office” well and faithfully. “On Feb. 2, 2021, incoming DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas swore that oath,” the report by the House Committee on Homeland Security, declared. This committee is chaired by Tennessee Congressman Mark Green. The report continued: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/republicans-accuse-dhs-secretary-alejandro-mayorkas-of-violating-oath-of-office/

Jordan Peterson Just EXPOSED The Whole DAMN THING! - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - Jordan Peterson, the renowned Canadian clinical psychologist and cultural analyst, has boldly navigated the maze of misleading narratives in today’s society. He highlights how extreme ideologies, cloaked in terms like social justice and equity, are often fronts for powerful entities aiming to curtail freedoms and degrade the living standards of everyday individuals. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/07/jordan-peterson-just-exposed-the-whole-damn-thing-3796131.html

Derek Johnson: HUGE Intel - "Outlines Military Occupancy & Covert Operation" (Video) - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - In his latest Intel drop, Derek is on FIRE with the info he presents! This is major, Folks and this Intel that needs to be shared widely! https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/07/derek-johnson-huge-intel-outlines-military-occupancy-covert-operation-video-3796145.html

SG Anon: Shocking Intel - It's Getting Down to the Wire, Folks! (Video) - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/07/sg-anon-shocking-intel-its-getting-down-to-the-wire-folks-video-3796136.html

Antarctica Discovery Unlocks A Mysterious Bible Scripture! - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2023/07/antarctica-discovery-unlocks-a-mysterious-bible-scripture-2562637.html

Letter signed by 20 Minnesota pastors calls on Gov. Walz to ‘repent’ - Two of the pastors said they were granted a meeting with the governor where they hand-delivered the letter. - By Hayley Feland -July 24, 2023 - A group of 20 local pastors signed a letter to Gov. Tim Walz written by Marshall, Minn., Pastor John Tramm, who called on the governor to “repent” for actions he took during the 2023 legislative session. “God has also declared judgment upon those ‘who call evil good and good evil’ (Isaiah 5:20). Three bills that you recently signed into law illustrate that this is exactly what is happening in our state currently,” the letter to Gov. Walz reads. “Repent, change your ways before it is too late!” (Comment: The lord is moving against these leaders at this time. Repent now or face the consequences.) https://alphanews.org/letter-signed-by-20-minnesota-pastors-calls-on-gov-walz-to-repent/

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: Brigade-level IDF op: 17 terrorists captured overnight throughout Judea and Samaria - July 24, 2023 - The operation also netted 10 explosive devices and other weaponry. - By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News - Seventeen wanted terrorists were captured and transferred to security forces for further interrogation during overnight raids throughout Judea and Samaria in a brigade-level operation, the IDF announced Monday. Soldiers, Border Police troops and Shabak intelligence forces worked together on the arrests. They also found and confiscated various military equipment and weapons, including 10 explosive devices in the Nur a-Shams refugee camp in northern Samaria that were neutralized. https://worldisraelnews.com/brigade-level-idf-op-17-terrorists-captured-overnight-throughout-judea-and-samaria/

LIFESITE NEWS: United Church of Christ issues resolution declaring abortion is ‘healthcare’ - The denomination is committed to exploring and pursuing 'all avenues for legal challenges to abortion bans.' (LifeSiteNews) — Barely a year after the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade, a liberal denomination of mainline Protestants declared that abortion is “health care” and called for the “right” to kill the unborn. The United Church of Christ (UCC) passed a resolution earlier this month titled “Denouncing the Dobbs Decision and Proclaiming Abortion as Healthcare” as part of its 34th General Synod, which takes place every two years. According to a July 10 press release from the religious community, “the resolution passed with a vote of 611 in favor, 24 against and 13 abstaining.” - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/united-church-of-christ-issues-resolution-declaring-abortion-is-healthcare/




The Proof God Exists

By Britt Gillette

Published on: June 19, 2018

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

July 25th 2023


Many people claim God doesn’t exist, and I often hear people say there’s no proof or evidence to believe in God’s existence. “You just have to accept it on faith,” they say. “There’s no evidence.” This statement is made as if it’s a fact. But is it? No way. Nothing could be further from the truth. People can prove God’s existence in any number of ways. But for me, one piece of evidence stands above all others. It’s inarguable. We can all see it. It’s a modern-day miracle – proof of God’s existence in plain view of everyone living in the world today. What is this rock-solid evidence? If you haven’t guessed already – it’s the modern-day nation of Israel.


Evidence God Exists


Approximately 4,000 years ago, the Bible says God promised Abraham, “I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars” (Genesis 22:17), and “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you” (Genesis 12:3). God kept His promise, and we are all witnesses. Despite centuries of persecution and national tragedy, both the Jewish people and the nation of Israel endure.


How many others can make the same claim? How many other groups of people have been conquered, enslaved, and persecuted all over the world yet managed to not only survive, but retain their unique cultural, religious, and ethnic identity? Only the Jewish people can make this claim. And it’s proof the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the one true God. Why do I say this? Because after all that’s happened over the centuries, the Jewish people continue to thrive and the nation of Israel still exists – just as God promised.


A Promise From God


Almost everyone knows the story of how God used Moses to deliver the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage. But thousands of years ago, God promised a day will come when the world will no longer refer to the God of Israel as the one who rescued His people from the land of Egypt. Instead, they will refer to Him as the one who brought His people back into the land of Israel from all the countries in the world where He had exiled them (Jeremiah 16:14-15).


This prophecy began its fulfillment nearly 2,000 years ago when Jesus told His disciples the Temple will be destroyed and the people of Israel will be scattered among the nations to serve as slaves. This happened in A.D. 70. Titus and the Roman legions attacked Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and took the surviving Israelites to every corner of the Roman Empire to serve as slaves. Any other nation would have been broken. Any other people would have assimilated over the next 2,000 years.


History tells us this is true. After all, have you ever met a Carthaginian? How about a Babylonian? Me neither. Yet the Jewish people miraculously survived as a distinct people for nearly 2,000 years without a homeland of their own. And that’s not just in the face of Roman conquerors. They survived the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler’s Holocaust, and numerous other atrocities. How is this possible?


There’s only one explanation – God said they would. The survival and success of the Jewish people proves God’s existence. But for those who need further convincing, God provided another miracle in our day and time – the miracle of the restored nation of Israel.


The Rebirth of Israel


How many conquered nations have reappeared? How many nations have been destroyed, their people taken to other lands as slaves, and then nineteen centuries later they reappear? As far as I can tell, only one – the nation of Israel. Not only is this a historical first, it was foretold more than 2,000 years in advance.


God promised the Jewish people they would survive and thrive despite the hardships they faced (Isaiah 43:1-13).


He promised to call them from “among the nations” (Ezekiel 39:28), from “the farthest corners of the earth” (Isaiah 11:12), and from “north, south, east, and west” (Psalm 107:3).


He promised to bring them home and display His holiness to the nations (Ezekiel 20:41-42). He promised to welcome them home from the lands where they were scattered (Ezekiel 20:34).


He said He would restore them to the land of Israel from distant lands (Jeremiah 30:3, 10). And God promised, though scattered among the nations, His people would never forget Him, and He would bring them back into the land of Israel (Zechariah 10:9).


As early as the days of Moses, God made this promise: “Even though you are banished to the ends of the earth, the Lord your God will gather you from there and bring you back again. The Lord your God will return you to the land that belonged to your ancestors, and you will possess that land again” (Deuteronomy 30:4-5, NLT). God kept His promise. Modern-day Israel is the proof.


So What Happens Next?


The existence of the Jewish people in the reborn nation of Israel should convince anyone the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is real. His fulfilled promises are on full display in our own day and time. But God made additional promises as well:


He said when He brings His people back into the land of Israel, the desert will bloom (Isaiah 35:1), and the Lord will return to destroy Israel’s enemies (Isaiah 35:2-4). Through Jeremiah, God said once He brings His people back into the land, He will raise up a righteous king who will rule the land with wisdom – the long-awaited Messiah (Jeremiah 23:3-6). Through Micah, God promised to gather His exiles and form them into a strong nation. Then, He promised to rule from Jerusalem as their king forever (Micah 4:6-7).


Over and over again, the prophet Isaiah relayed God’s promise to bring back the exiled people of Israel and form a new nation. Through Isaiah, God promised to restore the nation of Israel and raise its flag among the nations (Isaiah 11:12). And then?


Then He promised the wolf and the lamb will lie together. Leopards will lie down with goats. Even a baby will play with a cobra and not be bitten! (Isaiah 11:6-9). How is this?


Because the heir to David’s throne (Jesus Christ) will rule over the nations, transforming the world into a place of peace and tranquility (Isaiah 11:10). And when does God say this will happen?


After His people are re-gathered from distant lands and the ends of the earth (Isaiah 11:11-12). After Israel is reborn as a single, unified nation (Isaiah 11:13). In other words, in our day and time. Because the Bible says shortly after Israel is restored, Jesus will return to earth and rule from Jerusalem!


God didn’t promise to restore Israel and then send the Messiah a thousand years later. The prophets intimately linked these two events. And they’re not the only ones. Jesus Himself did. He said “And Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the period of the Gentiles comes to an end” (Luke 21:24). Today, the Jewish people control Jerusalem. It’s the capital of Israel. Then Jesus said, “When all these things happen, look up, because your salvation is near” (Luke 21:28).


The things Jesus said to look for are here. Israel is a nation again. The Gentiles no longer control Jerusalem. So look up. Jesus is coming!

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