Monday, June 26, 2023

Zuckerberg’s Election Fraud


The Spirit of Antichrist Deceived the Churches - Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel Arrested - Biden Gone – Biden Rushed to Camp David - Elon Musk & Tucker Carlson - The Rot In DC - Mel K & Mike L - Zuckerberg’s Election Fraud and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 26th 2023




ATLAS SHRUGS: Zuckerberg’s Election Fraud - Monday, June 26, 2023 - The more they are exposed, the more brazen the totalitarians get. Former CIA agent-cum-Facebook’s “misinformation” team leader during the 2020 election, has been promoted to “Head of Elections Policies” at the company now known as Meta. Buckle up, the party of treason is arming up. And the opposition is banned, censored and disappeared.

Emergency! Biden Rushed to Camp David, Hunter Summoned, Attorney’s Called, Garland Put on Alert! - Monday, June 26, 2023 -

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of June 26, 2023 – Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel arrested for multiple murders -

Russia Coup Hoax Humiliates USA Fake News Media Exposes Real USA Biden Coup CIA Fail On World Stage via Victor Hugo - Monday, June 26, 2023 -

New Situation Update! Benjamin Fulford and Derek Johnson and SG Anon - Stream 6.26.23 "Biden Gone" - Monday, June 26, 2023 -

FBI Video uncovered: Scud Missile Pentagon 911 Deep State - Monday, June 26, 2023 – (Comment: I have seen this video before. This was a charade the Bush regime carried out to cover the trillions missing for black ops, new stealth technology, and the ability to start war with Iraq that would pay the regime dividends later. It was all a lie.)

TIM BROWN: Pride Month - Compilation Of Those Who Have Foamed Out Their Shame...Monday, June 26, 2023 - What a year it has been in a full-fledged expose of the government and corporate, fascist-backed, criminal agenda (Psalm 94:20). Go woke, go broke! Listen up!

Elon Musk & Tucker Carlson's All New Partnership Shocked Everyone June 2023 - Monday, June 26, 2023 -

Larwyn’s Linx: "Blatant Political Corruption": The Rot In America's Democracy Explained In Under 1000 Words - Monday, June 26, 2023 – (Comment: The American people are tired of working their butts off and never getting ahead while fat cat politicians sit in DC make millions selling their country out. Everyone is tired of watching this. It is time to take them down.)

Northeast braces for thunderstorms and flash floods while 500,000 are without power in Southeast and Ohio Valley after monster tornados ripped across region and killed at least one - Millions of Americans are bracing for a possible superstorm that's already left 500,000 without power in the Southeast, and spawned  tornados in the Midwest - Set to hit cities like New York and Philadelphia Monday around 4pm, the east-moving system has already claimed one life in rural Indiana, officials said Sunday - The weather already wreaked havoc in parts of Indiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Kentucky Sunday night, and is now on a collision course with the Northeast - By ALEX HAMMER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 09:59 EDT, 26 June 2023 | UPDATED: 10:20 EDT, 26 June 2023 -

On The Fringe: Did Bad Guys Fall Into A Trap? Strange Drama In Russia! Was This A Trick? - Must Video - Sunday, June 25, 2023 - There are so many places now where the d33p state is trapped in their previous times they set precedent. They are trying to spin it their way but they are having a very tough go at it. Stand strong and hold the lines Patriots!!!

Mel K & Mike L | FDA New Normal? Biden Cancer Moonshot Resurfaces | 6-20-23 -

THE JERUSALEM POST: German Jews express shock as far-right AfD party wins breakthrough vote - The party opposes economic sanctions against Moscow over the Ukraine war and dispute that human activity is a cause of climate change. - By REUTERS Published: JUNE 25, 2023 21:32 - Updated: JUNE 26, 2023 00:28 – (Comment: This radical thinking in Germany needs to be watched carefully because of its anti-Semitism. My Bible Intel says Germany will again be a leader in EU thinking when the economy hits the skids. The spirit of Anti-Christ will move across the continent just like before World War 2. This spirit knows how to work the people into a frenzy, blaming everyone except themselves for their decline. Keep an eye out for them, be a watcher.)

Putin to Regulate His Private Army After Wagner Mutiny Shakes Russian Unity! 'Revenge' Plan Details! – Video - Monday, June 26, 2023 - The woes of Wagner PMC boss Yevgeny Prigozhin are only worsening after he aborted his mutiny against the Russian military leadership over the weekend. Russian President Vladimir Putin has now decided to keep private army in the country under check. The Russian Parliament is set to pass a bill to regulate the activities of private military companies. Watch this video for more details.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: Will A Staged 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon' Invasion Be A 'Project Blue Beam' Catalyst For The 'New World Order'? Beware of Another Govt Attempt To Manipulate And Control The Public – June 26th 2023 - By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline - Government and its research partners, such as SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), would have Americans believe that Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) is the new term to describe what has been previously termed as an Unidentified Flying Object or UFO. This conflation of the two terms is likely yet another government attempt to confuse and manipulate the American public.  Retired FBI Special Agent, John Desouza, adds credence to the late Serge Monast’s Project Blue Beam theory. Before delving into a fascinating discussion of Mr. Desouza’s FBI career, however, let’s first review the mind-bending writings of the late Serge Monast, investigative reporter from Quebec. Monast had theorized that a four-step NASA/United Nations project would be the catalyst to create a New Age religion that would synthesize all religions into one and lead to worshipping the Antichrist in a New World Order dictatorship. As the reader will see, his theories, published and updated in 2018, are really about ultimate control of humanity using religion as the hook.

See 100% Proof that Jim Caviezel is Right About Adrenochrome 2023 - Monday, June 26, 2023 -



How the Spirit of Antichrist Has Been Preparing Churchianity to Be Strongly Deluded

By Edward O'Hara

June 23 2020

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 26th 2023


In 2 Thes.2 Paul is teaching the church about the great falling away and the coming of the “man of sin.” In it Paul says that the great falling away is caused by a strong delusion that comes upon those who were in the church. And that this strong delusion is for those in the church that have never come to a love of the truth. So it is these who are sent this strong delusion. It is for those who believed they have come to a love for the truth but never did. Because instead they allowed themselves to be deceived by Satan through false teachers and wound up joining themselves to a false religion that called itself Christianity but was not Christianity at all. So this passage is not speaking of a delusion that happens to those who never gave a second thought to the things of God. It is not referring to those who never had a religious experience. It is speaking of those who had a religious experience that they were deceived to believe was Christianity. But, it was actually a doctrine of the tares growing in among the wheat that deceived them and kept them from ever coming to a love of the truth. The truth Paul is referring to that these “never loved” pertains to the foundational doctrines of the faith regarding who God is, who Jesus is, and what the atonement was for. The very foundations that true Christianity is built upon. The doctrines “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone” as Paul taught in Eph.2:20. Paul said a perversion of these, a perversion of his gospel, makes one anathema or damned to hell in Gal.1:8,9. This is why Paul said to “examine yourselves to see whether you be in the faith” in 2Cor.13:5. And that’s what we will do now in this message.


False Teachers | A Kingdom Year


We can see what this false teaching is that deceives so many that there is a great falling away in what John spoke of concerning the spirit of antichrist that was a forerunner to the antichrist that they had heard “is to come” in 1John4:1-3. This is the same “man of sin” that Paul is teaching about in 2Thes.2. Paul said of his coming that it would be accompanied by a great falling away. And John spoke of that spirit that is of the antichrist that shall come that causes the great falling away as being one that teaches that Jesus did not come in the same flesh all men have. In this passage, John wrote; “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.


Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. And guess what? This just happens to be the central foundational doctrine in all of the Roman Catholic and evangelical protestant religions. How so you might ask? Well, I’m glad you asked. Because they have believed and taught that Jesus could not have come in the same flesh all men have because to do so would mean God who is sinlessly pure would have to live in a body that is evil. Roman Catholics teach that Jesus was born of a virgin and that she was sinless because that way His flesh would not be the same flesh all men have so that Jesus would not have a sinful nature. Because to them then He would need a savior for the same reason they believe all men do. And evangelical Protestants teach something very similar in that to them Jesus was born of a virgin to avoid having the sin nature because the sin nature only passes through the father. So with this twist, so that creates a different Jesus He would not have the same flesh all men have. And for them, this solves the problem of Jesus having a sinful nature. Because to them just as to the Roman Catholics, if Jesus did have a sinful nature then He would have needed a savior as much as any man.



The Spirit of the Anti-Christ Takes Over the World -


Can you see how these both have believed the doctrine that John said was of the spirit of antichrist? And the subtlety with which Satan has brought them to believe this spirit of antichrist? Because of this both have already been well established in the strong delusion that is to come? By believing false doctrines about the flesh being evil because it is “stained with the sin of Adam.” And that the flesh is evil because it has a “sin nature” that they believe they inherited from Adam. Because they believe Adam’s changed from a godly nature to a sinful nature when he sinned. A belief that stems from the Gnostic belief that the material world is evil and Adam’s sin is used to bolster that belief. To put it bluntly, and I hate that this is true, but it can only be concluded that because these religions have adopted these Gnostic doctrines as the foundation for all that they believe, they are of the spirit of antichrist that John preached against. And do not know the Jesus of the Bible or have the love for the truth. John not only taught this in 1John but, also in 2John saying; “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”


What is this “doctrine of Christ” that John speaks of here? We find this in Heb.2:14,15 that says, “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.”


And in Phil.2:5-8 where Paul says,


“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”


So we see that the doctrine of Christ that John was referring to is the doctrine that all true believers in Jesus must believe. The doctrine that says that Jesus came in the same flesh all men have. And to believe otherwise is to be deceived by the spirit of antichrist. By rejecting the fact that Jesus came in the same flesh all men have, as these and other scriptures plainly say He did, they have already been groomed for the strong delusion that is to come by the spirit of antichrist and the “man of sin” that is to come. This damnable heresy is the reason these have not come to a love of the truth. Because sadly they have already been deceived to believe the doctrine that becomes the strong delusion that causes all who loved not the truth to be damned. While all along believing that they have come to know and love the truth.



This begs the question: If you were deceived would you know it? Probably not. But, you can know if you will examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith as Paul instructed. This is done by comparing what you have believed against the plain language of the word of God. Here’s one for you; Paul says in Rom.5:12-14 that the sins before the law came through Moses were not imputed to anyone. Do you believe you are guilty of Adam’s sin? Do you believe Adam’s sin was imputed to you and this is why Jesus had to die to pay the penalty for that sin so you would not have to? Then you have been deceived. See how easy that is? All you need to do is believe what the word of God plainly says.


If you will hear God’s voice and turn from this damnable heresy. And believe in the Biblical that Jesus that came in the same flesh all men have. A flesh that had to be the same flesh all men have to be able to die a man’s death. So that by entering into death with all of mankind, as only one who has the same flesh that all mankind has can do. It is then that He conquers death for you by His resurrection to provide you with eternal life.


Have you believed in Jesus? Do you believe that Jesus came in the same flesh all men have? So that by entering into death with all men He could conquer death by His resurrection? My fervent prayer is that you have.


If you are reading this God is calling you. He loves you and wants you to know Him. Because knowing Him is eternal life. John 17:3. So if you do not know Him please take the time right now to pray and confess Jesus as Lord of your life. And believe that He has risen from the dead. If you do believe in Him then pray something like this and you will be saved: Dear Jesus, I believe you. Thank you for joining with me in death so that by conquering death by your resurrection I could join with you in life. Thank you that you raised from the dead so that I could raise from the dead too by trusting in, clinging to, and relying solely on you. Thank you for giving me a new spirit now Lord so that I can live with you in heaven forever. In Jesus’ name, amen.


By praying a prayer similar to this one and really meaning it from your heart you will be saved from death to life. From sin to righteousness and from the wrath to peace with God. Now when you begin reading the Bible and believing what it plainly says it will begin to change the way you think and believe. Because when you trust in Jesus you leave the old life behind where you were only able to relate to and trust in what has been made. And now will be equipped for heaven because you are no longer only natural flesh and blood, but are made a spiritual being ready to inherit God’s spiritual kingdom called heaven. It is because of Jesus’ resurrection that He is the only WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. Because only Jesus has broken through the wall of death that the flesh and blood natural body can never get through. Only by the new birth are we made ready to receive the spiritual body that can go through the wall of death as Jesus’ did first.

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