Wednesday, June 28, 2023

TRUE History of Barack Obama's Presidency


Time to Crown Jesus Christ King of Kings - TRUE History of Barack Obama's Presidency - Tucker Carlson Launches Scathing Attack - X22 Report Banks Are In Trouble - Derek Johnson & SG Anon – DEW Used To Start Canadian Wildfires and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 28th 2023



 World Net Daily: The shocking TRUE history of Barack Obama's presidency - Exclusive excerpt from bestselling exposé of America's most subversive leader - By WND Guest Columnist - Published June 27, 2023 - Editor’s note: Following is Daniel Greenfield’s introduction to Jamie Glazov’s highly acclaimed new bestseller, “Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.” Barack Obama’s presidency was historic. Pundits said it, celebrities tweeted it, and the community organizer from Chicago was not shy about constantly bringing it up…

MAIL ONLINE: Tucker Carlson launches scathing attack on Biden's support for Ukraine in new Twitter show - and mocks 'world's foremost democracy advocate' Zelensky for refusing to hold elections while country is at war - Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night posted the seventh episode of his Twitter show, entitled: 'Irony Alert: the war for democracy enables dictatorship' - Carlson questioned once again why the United States was involved in the Ukraine conflict - He accused Zelensky of veering towards dictatorship for refusing to promise elections next year while the country is under martial law - By HARRIET ALEXANDER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 01:08 EDT, 28 June 2023 | UPDATED: 03:30 EDT, 28 June 2023 - Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night questioned once again why the United States was involved in the Ukraine war -  and accused President Volodymyr Zelensky of veering towards dictatorship for refusing to hold elections while the country is at war. Carlson, in his 'Tucker on Twitter' monologue, which has replaced his nightly Fox News show, said Ukraine's war was 'pointless' and that Joe Biden was 'wasting' billions of dollars to 'repay its debts to the oligarchs who finance their beach house in Rehoboth' - a reference to Hunter Biden's lucrative work in Ukraine from 2014.

X22 Report: Banks Are In Trouble! Bitcoin & Gold Can’t Be Stopped! Economic Truths! - Bob Kudla - Must Video - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy. Bob also does a podcast on YouTube which is called Trade Genius. Bob begins the conversation talking about why the Fed paused rates and why the EU and other countries raised rates. The banks are in trouble, and we are going to see more bank failures. The [CB]/[WEF] are going to try to coverup the economic crash with a cyber-attack, but the people see the truth, and this will not work in the end.

Derek Johnson & SG Anon: Situation Update Stream 6.28.23 "Q Big Update"! What Happens Next!? - Must Video - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 -

Belgium: The Revolution of Urban Farming - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - Development of other rooftop farms producing fruit, vegetables, and fish across Europe. - By Aurora Velez - Euro News - 19/06/2023 - Excerpt: Right on the rooftop of the market, you’ll find a flourishing urban farm, an innovation that doesn’t merely rely on the energy generated by the market’s solar panels and the heat emitted by the building, but also makes good use of rainwater. The objective of this pilot project? To promote the development of other rooftop farms producing fruit, vegetables, and fish across Europe.  &

What Keeps The Majority Of Christians From Acknowledging The Obvious? Time Is Running Out – By Jan Markell - June 27, 2023 -

CHARISMAMAG: 3 Sure Signs of the Coming Antichrist - by Shawn Akers | Jun 26, 2023 | Spirit-Led Living & Spiritual Warfare - The Bible prophesies about the coming of the Antichrist, a lawless figure who will bring chaos and deception to the world. In this video, Jack Hibbs, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino Hills, California, says that, as believers, we can identify three significant signs that signal the imminent arrival of demonic and deceptive individual. “People will swoon over his demonic genius,” Hibbs says.

THE JERUSALEM POST: Israel seizes millions in Iran Quds Force, Hezbollah crypto assets - This was Israel's largest seizure of cryptocurrency from those groups to date, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said. - By YONAH JEREMY BOB - Published: JUNE 27, 2023 18:16 - Updated: JUNE 27, 2023 21:23 - The defense establishment seized millions of dollars in cryptocurrency belonging to the IRGC’s Quds Force and Hezbollah just days ago, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced Tuesday. He said this was the largest seizure of cryptocurrency from those groups to date.

US MILITARY NEWS:  Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 28, 2023 – Benjamin Fulford says NESARA/GESARA TO BE FULLY ACTIVATED – Soft Martial law worldwide in the process of going down – Military arrests over 9,000 on East & west coasts -

Blackout! Prepare Now!! (Video) - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - In this installment of B2T, Clay Clark is the special guest and the guys discuss the blackouts that may be in the near future..

TIM BROWN: Creating What They Call “Hate Crimes” In The Face Of The Law That Condemns The Crime! - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - “Using the law against the law is directly extracted from the Communist playbook.” First off, friends,  all crime is motivated by hate. What people should take note of is those who are defining what is a hate crime (Isaiah 5:20), those who hate the law (John8:44)! Gretchen Whitmer is the same said governor that wore a hat that said “Planned Parenthood Makes America Great.”   She did this in spite of her oath (Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:23). This is the same governor of the state that the ‘Mockingbird media” wants you to believe was re-elected by the good people of Michigan for a second term to suffer more criminal abuse.  She is surrounded by sodomites and lesbians in her cabinet. This witch, and I’m not name calling, even went so far as to use an Ouija Board to introduce her criminals for her criminal administration. (Comment: Gretchen Whitmer has been hung at GITMO according to Real Raw News. Here is the report: “God hates hands that shed innocent blood.” -Proverbs 6:17)

Wirepoints’ Report Cards expanded to cover all 600 Chicago public schools. The grades are dismal. – Wirepoints - June 28, 2023 - By: Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner - Wirepoints has assembled an individual report card for each of Chicago’s 600 neighborhood schools. They can now be found here along with the report cards we’ve completed for Illinois’ 850 other school districts outside of Chicago. The student outcomes are dismal across the board and the failure of CPS to educate Chicago’s children becomes evident rather quickly.

Smoky Air in the Midwest - Chicago, Detroit, and Minneapolis had the worst air quality in the world yesterday as wildfire smoke from Canada covered parts of the Midwest, including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, and eastern Pennsylvania. Chicago, at one point, reached a "very unhealthy" level of 228 on the air quality index, which measures the concentration of microscopic particles able to bypass the body's natural filters. Minnesota issued its 23rd air quality alert of the year, surpassing its previous record of 21 alerts in 2021. See the latest index ranking here. Canada's wildfire season—the worst on record—began near the end of May, causing thick haze to blanket the eastern US earlier this month and turn the New York City skyline orange. Roughly 8 million hectares of land have been scorched in Canada from nearly 3,000 fires since the start of the year. Canada also broke its record for wildfire carbon emissions, which reached about 160 megatons this year. About 500 active wildfires are burning in Canada. (Comment: My Intel says DEW weapons are being used to start the wildfires. DEW is a directed-energy weapon. ( DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. Potential applications of this technology include weapons that target personnel, missiles, vehicles, and optical devices.)

Another Trump Conspiracy Theory Collapses! - Dan Bongino - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - In this episode, I address the total collapse of the latest lunatic conspiracy theory about Trump.

TIM BROWN: 55 Years Ago, In The JFK-Assassination Era, We Were Warned! - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 -

David Nino Rodriguez: VP Kamala Harris To Go? Military Movement In California? - Must Video - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - I just drove from Anaheim to SF the bay area, yes, tons of military across the state, tanks, big trucks, and lots of soldiers at almost every rest stop and gas station!

LISA HAVEN: Garland & Biden Are Done! Toast! NYT Just Flipped and Released Devastating Intel! - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - Wow! When Mainstream Media Leftists news network the New York Times flips on leading democrats, you know something is up! You won’t believe what they admit to and what’s about to happen. All that and more in this report 

And We Know: The World Storm Ahead! Obama, Clinton, Evil Exposed! Deep State Evil Plans Unfold! Pray! - Must Video - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 -

Dr. James Lindsay: 30 MINUTE SPEECH ON Wokeism and Marxism - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 -

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: Events Of 'Today' Give Us An Alarming Look At Our 'Escape From New York' Like Future Under Democrats, Where Inmates Run The Asylums As Crime And Shoplifting Become Profitable Businesses – June 28th 2023 - By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - The new story over at the Daily Mail tells us about the elaborate game of cat and mouse now taking place in Los Angeles, California, where the tent cities of the still-growing homeless population are demolished, the 'residents' of those cities 'evicted,' only to, within hours, find another part of the city to put up their tents before quite literally 'hacking' into fire hydrants for their water and street lights for their electricity. Quite often coming back to the very same locations they were just 'evicted' from, those who are living in the areas complain of human feces being dumped into the streets as those homeless turn street corners into their personal, open-air commodes, hypodermic needles being left on the ground and out-in-the-open drug deals, blaming city leaders of turning a blind-eye to the still-growing problems.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: In This Time Of Great Troubles And Peril As Much Of The World Disintegrates All Around Us, Eternal Wisdom Urges Us To Move Closer To God Through Prayer And Call On Him In Truth – By Rob Pue – June 28th 2023 -

Sweden Dumps Climate Agenda, Scraps Green Energy Targets - Frank Bergman - June 24, 2023 -



Time to Crown Jesus Christ King of Kings

by Joseph Chambers

Published on: April 8, 2016

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 28th 2023


The grandest moment in church history will be when the divine Son is crowned “King of Kings.”


If there is one mystery in the entire Bible that is greater or more breathtaking than all the rest of truth, it is the eternal person of Jesus Christ. In Genesis chapter one, He is the going forth of all creation. We see this in these supernatural words, “And God said …” (Genesis 1:3). Seeing the mystery of those three words spoken nine times in Genesis chapter one clearly proves John’s statement, “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3).


Every time God speaks, it is in the person of the Eternal Word. The Father opened the door to Christ His Son when He said, “Let Us make man …” (Genesis 1:26). What a fabulous word God used when He said “US” in Holy Scripture to the overall revelation of the Bible. To seek to remove the Son from the revelation of God is to have nothing left but another religion.


God Himself could not come down and redeem us because of His unapproachable holiness, but He could send His Son in a hidden form of flesh. Preparation for this sacrifice began in the presence of the first human sin. An animal was slain by the Father to provide a blood offering and to cast a shadow toward the cross where the Son would be offered instead. A crimson cord of hope never faded until Divine blood dropped on Calvary’s hill.


In Genesis, He is the Word. In Exodus, He is Water from the Rock. In Leviticus, He is the future Priest; while in Numbers, He is the sacrifice for all sin. Throughout the Bible, He never fades from the center of all Scripture. He is the mystery Word hidden in the written Word that shines time and time again throughout the First Testament. Solomon saw Him as the “Rose of Sharon and Lilly of the Valley” (Song of Solomon 2:1).


Isaiah actually saw Him as the “Son” (Isaiah 9:6) in one rare instance of the First Covenant. He was like the “Son” light of eternity waiting to shine in the brilliance of His incarnation.


“And the Word was made flesh …” (John 1:14).


His coming to this earth set the world on its heels. Even as a baby in Bethlehem and Nazareth, kings tried to shake loose from His presence. Many babies died in the search for Him. When He began to preach, it turned the religious crowd of Judea into a frenzy.


They could not kill Him until His time had come and then the Father planned it for them. All the terror of His presence among them had no kinship to the terror of His departure. His death split the timeframe of all ages. The entire world came to divide time by His short life and timely death.


If His life was impacting, His death was overwhelming. He did not just die; He walked through death as only God could do and left behind nothing but a whisper. Not only does He live, but every soul that belongs to Him in the redemption of His death now lives in His resurrection and cannot die.


He is calling the chosen to live in His new life of holiness and He is preparing a Bride for His New Jerusalem. We often think of the New Jerusalem being prepared for the Bride. But is it not better to think of the Bride being prepared for the city?


When the Eternal Son returned to His Father’s presence, the Father exalted Him. We may ask, “What can be an exalted position above Sonship, which He has eternally occupied?” Apostle Paul declared:


“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11).


In Revelation, John the Revelator saw the Lord in His post-resurrection glory. There are actually forty-one (41) descriptive words of His glory in thirteen verses of Revelation chapter one. Many beautiful descriptive words of Him are used, but one missing title that He is soon to be given is “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”


This title is not really a title that represents His Father and Son relationship. He is the Father’s Only Begotten Son, High Priest of all redemption, Prince of all the kings of the earth. He sits at the Father’s right hand in all of heaven’s glory. But, this future title is a relationship title with His Bride and His kings and priests of the millennial reign of one thousand years.


This name is a title that we the chosen company of the Sanctified that sit down with Him at the Marriage Supper will give Him. At the strategic moment in the midst of the greatest celebration of church history, all of this victorious multitude will come to sharp attention.


The apostle Paul saw this day in the future when the greatest possible honor of human understanding would be attributed to Christ our Lord. The language reveals that this glory is future and relates to the government of the millennial kingdom.


“Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen” (I Timothy 6:15-16).


We are His subjects and it will be our honor to declare for all of heaven and earth to enjoy that He is indeed our “King of kings and Lord of lords.” This must be one of the greatest honors of the chosen bride of Christ. It is beautiful to know that when we are receiving our crowns, He will receive His prized crown as the King of the Millennium. He will be more than King; He will be King of kings. He will be more than lord; He will be Lord of lords. All of our honor will be subject to His honor.


As soon as the Marriage Supper is complete and all the honors of that celestial event have been given; it’s time to possess the prize. The anointed Potentate moves from the Banquet Hall and He will mount the Great White Stallion. Calling His army of the rewarded saints, His kings and priests, He will descend to defeat the Armageddon army and take possession of Jerusalem and the earth. John saw this moment himself and then showed us the thrilling drama of His descent:


“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Revelation 19:11, 15-16).


The judgments of the seven years of Tribulation will have affected a purification of this world and we will begin a thousand years of holiness and peace. The King of kings will reign from David’s Throne in Jerusalem and the chosen will be the joy of the whole earth. His kings and priests will rule in righteousness and all honors will be complete in Him.


Serving in the Millennium is one of the highest honors offered His saints. It will be given to those chosen of the Father. Jesus said, “… but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father” (Matthew 20:23b).







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