Sunday, June 25, 2023

Massive Domestic Military Deployment


In Terms of Eternity - SCOTUS ruling Dissolved Biden Regime – ElectroCulture Increases Yield – Now is the Time - CIA “Operates World’s Biggest Pedophile Ring” - Massive Domestic Military Deployment - THE DAN BONGINO SHOW - PROTECTION AT CONCEPTION and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 24-25th 2023




US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR Update By Divina Ellison as of June 24, 2023 – This weekend we were facing hackers breaching networks worldwide, a massive increase in military presence in major cities across the Globe, 5G and vaccinations causing deaths and mysterious illnesses, more manmade diseases on the horizon, our food supply intentionally poisoned, the Stock Market on a Ten Day losing streak, Russia and NATO escalating Nuclear War (False Flag?), a Global Financial System Implosion, Global Currency Revaluation, Emergency Broadcast System Activation and Soft Martial Law after a Supreme Court ruling dissolved the Biden Administration and all of Congress. …None of which has been reported in the Mainstream Media.

New SGAnon Sits Down w/ Meri Crouley @ "Now Is The Time" Podcast - Saturday, June 24, 2023 -

New Scott Ritter & Judge Napolitano (6/24/2023): Civil War in Russia? Wagner Troops Rebellion - Saturday, June 24, 2023 - I am Russian, and I support V. Putin. Today, I talked to my friends in S. Petersburg and Moscow, and all of them, same as me, strongly support our president. Prigozhin did not take into account the fact that now is not 1917, and the people are not against the ”tsar” but for the ”tsar”.

THE HAL TURNER SHOW - BULLETIN 10:17 AM EDT -- NUKES IN-PLAY -- Russia Descending into Civil War; Putin addresses nation - "Treason" "Mutiny" -- US/NATO Nuclear First-Strike if Wagner gets Russian nukes. RuAF BOMBS Wagner PMC Convoys – WORLD - By HAL TURNER - 24 JUNE 2023 - Overnight, extraordinary developments took place inside Russia, leading many to conclude an actual Civil War is erupting there. A Military Base and one Headquarters are now under control of Wagner PMC and no one is sure if they have access to nukes.  US/NATO may strike Russia with a nuclear first strike if control of Russian nukes is questionable. This morning troops are on the streets of Moscow while Russian Air Force planes and helicopters began BOMBING vehicle convoys of Wagner PMC on the M24 Highway inside Russia! President Putin made an extraordinary address to the nation overnight, calling these events "Treason" and "Mutiny" saying the participants will be punished most severely.

MAIL ONLINE: 'Stay at home!' Moscow mayor issues warning as Putin's soldiers batten down the hatches and build defenses around the capital with 5,000 Wagner mercenaries on the way led by sinister Neo-Nazi commander - hours after chilling threats - Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin on Saturday declared his 25,000-strong force is in control of Rostov-on-Don and described his soldiers as 'patriots' - Putin responded by calling his actions a 'betrayal' of Russia as he appealed for soldiers to put their weapons - Prigozhin made the move in fury at what he claimed was Moscow's attack on his men, and said he intends to march to Moscow to take on defense chiefs - Get all the latest updates on events in Russia on MailOnline's live blog here - By ELIZABETH HAIGH  and CHRISTIAN OLIVER  and WILL STEWART and MIRIAM KUEPPER - PUBLISHED: 06:58 EDT, 24 June 2023 | UPDATED: 13:10 EDT, 24 June 2023 -

Popular Hollywood Actor: CIA “Operates World’s Biggest Pedophile Ring” (Video) - Saturday, June 24, 2023 - Actor Jim Caviezel claims that the unlawful Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is operating the world’s biggest pedophile ring, and frankly, it isn’t that shocking and comes as no surprise. In a recent interview with Steve Bannon on The War Room on Tuesday, The Passion of the Christ star, and a devotee to the apostate Roman Catholic religion, promoted his new film, Sound of Freedom.  The film is allegedly based on the true life story of a former government agent who set out on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.

The Biggest Car Market Collapse of Our Lifetime Has Begun & Auto Prices Are Set to Plummet 88 Percent! - Atlantis Report - Saturday, June 24, 2023 - The automobile industry is currently experiencing a significant downturn, projected to be the most substantial in recent memory. The impact of a pandemic has brought about significant challenges, including disruptions in the supply chain that have limited production. Simultaneously, economic stimulus measures have fueled demand for both new and pre-owned vehicles. As a result, used car prices have soared due to the pandemic, prompting many consumers to invest in new vehicles. In this video, we will delve into the reasons behind this crisis, its impact on manufacturers and consumers, and what the future holds. So, let’s get started. -

Massive Domestic Military Deployment! Hordes of Bombers, Tanks & Choppers Swarming USA Continued! FL Maquis - Saturday, June 24, 2023 - Massive Domestic Military Deployment! Hordes of Bombers, Tanks & Choppers Swarming USA Continued! FL Maquis - From FL Maquis’s video and all the description above from his video.. thanks. JP -

US Military News: Restored Republic - Despite Federal Investigation, Trump Holds Fundraiser for January 6 Defendants, Pledges Personal Donation - By Ivar Casandra | 06/25/2023 -

BLP: First Transgender Lawmaker in New Hampshire History Charged with Distributing Child Porn - By Shane Trejo - Jun 23, 2023 - Former state Rep. Stacie Marie Laughton of Derry is being accused of trafficking sexually explicit materials of children. Laughton has been charged with distribution of child sexual images and was arraigned today. “They spoke with reporting parties that indicated Laughton distributed sexually explicit images of children. Detectives from the special investigations division were assigned to further the investigation. They applied for and were granted a warrant for Laughton’s arrest,” said Sgt. John Cinelli, who works as Nashua Police Department public information officer.

THE DAN BONGINO SHOW: Sunday Special With Ret. Navy Seal Drago Dzieran & FBI Whistleblower Steve Friend! - Dan Bongino - Sunday, June 25, 2023 - Great man, what a true patriot Draco is, honor to have him in our country and to give his all to our military and country. Slimy shifty Schiff should be behind bars for his multiple crimes, indefinitely … much like the J-6ers! He has lied repeatedly to Congress (as a member of Congress!) … especially his whoppers about Trump and the Russia Collusion-hoax! Trump should sue him for ‘gazillions’ for his harmful, slanderous and concocted lies, that go unpunished (like most criminal dirty Dems)!

Judy Byington: SG Anon - It's All Coming Full Circle - Be Ready! Special Intel Report For June 25, 2023 (Videos) - Sunday, June 25, 2023 - Judy doesn’t do a report on Sundays, but I’ve put together a week in review and sometimes she releases emails with vital info and if she does, I will add it as it becomes available.

ElectroCulture - Greatest Discovery in the History of Agriculture - Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - Electroculture has been suggested as a possible means for increasing crop yields. The idea is to apply an electric current to growing plants; doing so, for some unknown reason, may increase yields. My friends so many of you have asked about Electroculture so in this video I will explain to you what it is, how to do it, my thoughts on the matter and what experiments I’m doing this year to uncover just what the truth is!! My friends this is the greatest discovery ever in agriculture!!! Proverbs 18:15 - The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. Proverbs 1:7 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Juan O' Savin & David Nino Rodriguez: New Breaking Intel - The Cover Up of All Cover Ups! (Video) - Sunday, June 25, 2023 - Juan and Nino are back together again and are joined by Mike Gill and these 3 have new breaking Intel we all need to hear!! This is BIG, Folks!! -

Jaw Dropping Info: The Beatles, Tavistock Institute, Aleister Crowley With Mike Williams - Sage of Quay (Video) - Sunday, June 25, 2023 - Mike Williams is a critical thinker and the host of the popular internet site Sage of Quay™ Radio. He is also the founder of the long running alternative news blog Sage of Quay News.

TIM BROWN: NYC Drag Marchers Chant ‘We’re Coming For Your Children’ (Video) - Sunday, June 25, 2023 - You can’t say you have not been warned if you’ve listened to The Sons of Liberty radio for any length of time.  We’ve always pointed out that these degenerates and reprobates are aiming for the children and now they have put voice to it. Take a look at what these reprobates are doing.  Is it any wonder that God rained fire and brimstone down on such people (Genesis 19)?  As far as I’m concerned, our laws condemn this behavior and claiming that they are coming for our children out in the open like this is a direct threat which should warrant swift justice upon their wicked heads by parents, the community and those who the people elected to bring justice.

PROTECTION AT CONCEPTION: Washington D.C., Jun 25, 2023 / 06:40 am (CNA). - Marking the first anniversary of Roe being overturned, a group of pro-life leaders rallied hundreds to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial Saturday with the message that they were united around the fight for full, legal protection for the unborn from the moment of conception in all 50 states. Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, told those gathered on a sunny, hot summer day that while she celebrated the 25 states that have passed strong pro-life laws, “we are in fact living in a divided states of America” where “a person’s location determines if they will survive the abortion gauntlet as we did.”

TIM BROWN: NHS Whistleblower: “We Were Ordered To Euthanize” Patients & Call Them "COVID Deaths" - Sunday, June 25, 2023 - I can’t say that I’m surprised to hear this because it’s totally true and at The Sons of Liberty radio, nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani has been calling on NHS nurses and doctors to halt their involvement in the deadly, experimental COVID shots, as well as the cocktails of Midazolam and other drugs to euthanize people.  Yet, an NHS whistleblower has now come forward to claim that they were ordered to euthanize patients, and not only that, but fraudulently refer to them as “COVID deaths.”

HARBINGER DAILY: It’s Far Better To Heed God’s Warnings Now, Before They Become Reality – By Jonathan Brentner - June 24, 2023 - As I watch events unfold in America and around the world, I find myself wondering why the Rapture hasn’t already occurred. I never thought I would see so many precursors to the Tribulation period as are evident all around us and yet still be waiting for the Lord’s appearing. As I consider what the Bible says about the enormous death toll and vast devastation of the Day of Lord, I begin to understand what seems to us to be a delay. Just as God sent many prophets to warn Judah of its impending destruction, so He is now allowing students of His Word, as well as the events themselves, to warn people that He’s ready to pour out His wrath on a rebellious humanity.

YNET: Russian mercenary boss Prigozhin will move to Belarus under Wagner deal, Kremlin says - Powerful militia leader agrees to withdraw forces barreling toward Moscow under deal mediated by Belarus’s Lukashenko; Kremlin confirms Prigozhin would have all charges against him dropped - Ynet, news agencies|Updated June 25th 2023 -

RAIR FOUNDATION: French Woman Testifies on the Threat of Islamic Migrants - 'Today Nantes is Becoming More and More like Kabul' (Video) – By Amy Mek - June 24, 2023 - French women are abandoned and betrayed by politicians who should be their champions, as their inaction perpetuates the plight of women and empowers their migrant attackers.

The More We Learn About the 2020 Election, the Harder It Is to Deny It Was Stolen - By J.D. Rucker • Jun. 25, 2023 – (Comment: 46 out of 50 states admit the elections were stolen. Trump needs to return to the presidency soon. Congress needs to be removed. All three letter agencies need to be dissolved. IRS has already been taken down and united with the US treasury Dept. We need to move on this now.) Millions of us have unwaveringly maintained our belief that the 2020 election was stolen. We have not listened to those on the left calling us crazy insurrectionists. We have not listened to those on the right telling us to “move on.” We’ve stayed true to believing what we saw with our eyes, what we understood in our minds, and what we felt in our hearts.

PROPHETIC MESSAGE: JONATHAN CAHN EXPOSES PRIDE MONTH & THE MYSTERY BEHIND IT - Jonathan Cahn – June 25th 2023 - Jonathan Cahn exposes the dark secret and the stunning mystery behind the month-long celebration that has taken over America and much of the world.

New Simon Parkes & Charlie Ward: Negative 48, JFK Jr, Trump, Latest Updates via Tom Numbers - Sunday, June 25, 2023 - Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office. -



In Terms of Eternity

By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Published on: June 24, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 25th 2023


Luke 12:13-21, Mark 9:43-48, Luke 16:19-31, Hebrews 9:27, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:11-15, John 5:28-29, John 3:16


Summary: The Bible teaches that after death (Hebrews 9:27), we will face judgment and enter eternity, either heaven or hell. Consider what that means and how it should motivate us to spread the Gospel in these last days.


The Bible teaches that from the moment we are conceived, we are destined to live forever (Psalm 61:7; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46: Romans 2:7). The LORD God Almighty saw fit to create us, give us meaning, a purpose, and conscience to use for His glory and our benefit (Psalm 73:25-28; Romans 11:35; 1 Corinthians10:3; 1John 1:3-4). We are aware, even though many want to deny it, that this life as we know it cannot just end with our last breath and be placed in a grave to become dust and assigned to oblivion (Romans 1:20). The reprobates of history who have brought untold suffering to individuals, and nations must be held accountable for their crimes. The evil that people do must be judged, and victims across the realm of civilization need to receive justice and closure.


If this life is the sum total of our existence, then the concepts of justice and reward are nothing more than futility and hopelessness. This is the dystopian ideal produced from the minds of skeptics, atheists, and those who proclaim that we are the sum total of all reality and that eternity, or any supernatural idea, is nonsense. Ironically, the Bible speaks of such unbelief and rebellion that mark the end of days as we know them (Isaiah 5:20-21; Matthew 24:37-39; Romans 1:32, 3:10-18; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 2 Peter 3:1-9; Revelation 16:11, 21).


There is life beyond this realm, and the reality of eternity hangs over each one of us whether we believe it or not. Eternity is a frightening concept, and true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ must understand the seriousness of it. The idea that we will live forever in either heaven or hell should get us out of our “comfort zone” and get serious about the need to share the Gospel with as many people as possible before it is too late.


What does “eternity” mean? The 1828 Webster’s online dictionary defines it as “Duration or continuance without beginning or end. It is perpetual, never ceasing, and continued without intermission. “The very idea of “eternity” is something that we really cannot understand or comprehend in our finite minds, yet God has ordained that we will spend forever somewhere, and not as eternal flower fertilizer that unbelievers hope will happen. Such thinking is in vain. Despite our arrogant, reprobate attitudes and inner desire to be freed of God (Psalm 14:1; 53:1) and wish Him out of existence, He will still be around, and we will appear one day before Him, either with joy or trepidation (Luke 12:13-21, 16:19-31; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 9:27).


I want to present what the Bible says about eternity in terms of what the believer in Christ will experience, and the horror that awaits all those who reject His offer of forgiveness and salvation. Eternity means that we are not to hold on to anything that the world has to offer us, as all of this is temporal and will be destroyed by God (Matthew 16:26; 1 John 2:15-17; 1 Timothy 6:7; 2 Peter 3:1-9). The “stuff” willed to us by family members, the degrees we earned in school, the fame or notoriety that we may have obtained, and the wealth we earned or inherited will mean nothing in terms of what awaits the true follower of Jesus Christ within the glory of heaven.


We will have new bodies free from the curse of sin, sickness, age, death, or disability. There will be no need for medicine, surgeries, transplant, dialysis, chemotherapy, or any type of medical treatment anymore. We will be in an eternal state of perfection. We will be with the Lord Jesus for all time. We will see Him and have fellowship with Him. We will be with our loved ones who were followers of Jesus. We will have meaningful and productive work and responsibilities. Everything in heaven will be perfect in design, purpose, meaning, and rationality. We will have the ability to think and reason to our fullest capacities, possibly given new senses and experience additional spectrums of color.


The animal kingdom will be at rest with humanity, and children will play with the beasts of the field that would have devoured them in this present world. It is possible that we will be reunited with those pets that meant so much to us here on earth. The streets will be made of pure gold, and the foundations of the New Jerusalem adorned with precious jewels. There will be food as the Bible describes the fruit of the trees along the shore of crystal-clear water that represents the Living Water given by the Lord Jesus Christ to all who thirsted for grace and mercy while living in this present world (Isaiah 9:6-7, 11:1-9; Luke 10:20, 22:30; John 14:1-3; Philippians 3:20; 1 Peter 1:4; Revelation 21:1-7, Chapter 22).


The new heaven and earth will be free forever from the presence and evil of Satan, his angels, along with every man and woman throughout history who followed and worshipped him. Full justice will be served and finalized at the Great White Throne Judgment, presided over by the Lord Jesus Christ, and no one will be exempt. They’ll be without excuse (Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 20:11-15). Those public officials who evaded justice in this life will have no place to hide and no means of getting off on some kind of “technicality,” threat, bribe, or cover from others (Luke 12:2; Revelation 6:16). Those who preyed on innocent children will be forever punished for their perversions, and the victims of occultic abuse will witness their murderers receive the due punishment they evaded in this present world (Matthew 18:6).


What awaits those who reject, revile, and ignore the free offer of salvation by Jesus Christ is more horrendous than we can possibly imagine (Matthew 5:22, 29; Mark 9:43; Luke 16:19-31). Here is where the reality of eternal hell should shake us to the core and rescue the perishing before it is too late and they enter this place of terror and torment, never to be let out nor have any kind of rest or relief for their souls. Let it sink in. This is FOREVER, NEVER ENDING, WITH NO WAY OUT, and PERMANENT!


For anyone who still wants to put off, demean or ridicule what I’ve written, hear me out!! THIS COULD BE YOUR FINAL WARNING!! My friend, you are NOT going to die and then “party with your buddies” and enjoy some eternal “kegger.” You WILL be alone, surrounded in darkness, torment, forever in the midst of evil, cruelty, maliciousness, and horror that will NEVER END! However, you can avoid it.


How do you do that?


Repent of your sins and trust in Jesus NOW (Act 4:12; Romans 10:9-10; 2 Corinthians 6:2). He will give you peace, grace, and mercy (Isaiah 53:5; Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:4; Colossians 1:20). He will save you (Luke 19:10) from having to endure what awaits the unbelieving, rebellious majority of humanity in these final hours before His glorious return to take His people home and bring due judgment to this wicked world. For those of you who claim to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, what more do I have to say in order to wake you up and realize the ETERNAL fate awaiting your family and friends who are lost? (Ezekiel 3:18-20).


Stop being silent, afraid or intimidated (Mark 8:38; Romans 1:17). If you are truly saved and you know someone who isn’t, then I close this message with the following words I say at the end of all my “Reality City Review” broadcasts: YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!







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