Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Bo Polny & Julie Green


The Feminization Of The End Times Church - Global Market Crash to Usher in the Global Currency Reset – Bo Polny & Julie Green - Operation Torch Canada - Tucker Carlson On Trump Indictment – To Mock God SEWS Your Death - XXXReport - Dan Bongino and more.

 Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 14th 2023



 Situation Update, June 14, 2023 - How Trump DEFEATS The Deep State Swamp Tyrants! - JD Rucker - Mike Adams Must Video - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 -

The Muslim-Democrat Clash Intensifies: U.S. City May Ban LGBTQ Flags - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - “Our strength lies in our diversity!” Some may wonder for how much longer we’ll hear this rallying cry now that leftists, at least in one U.S. city, are being “diversified” right out of a cherished agenda. The place is Hamtramck, Michigan, where officials are now poised to prohibit the display of the “LGBTQ” rainbow “Pride” flag on city property, such as government buildings and sidewalks.

World Net Daily: Anna Paulina Luna: House could vote on Biden impeachment next week - 'We can officially defund the FBI director's position' - By WND News Services - Published June 14, 2023 - Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida said on Tuesday that the House of Representatives could vote as early as next week to move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden. “I can tell you that word on the street in the conference is that there’s going to be potentially later on this week an introduction of a privileged motion to impeach the president and I bring that up because it’s a different parliamentary procedure, but what it does is upon introduction of the motion, once the member calls it forward, then it forces a vote within two days,” Luna told Fox News host Jesse Watters. -



US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR – By Divina Ellison -  Update as of June 14, 2023 – Global Market Crash to usher in the Global Currency Reset, NESARA/GESARA & Quantum Financial System -

President Trump’s Remarks after Indictment - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 -

Bo Polny & Julie Green: It's All Falling Down! Be Ready! (Video) - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - Bo Polny, Julie Green, Lana Vasquez, Jimmy Levy, Rob Graham share major info in this very special Intel update report!

Scott McKay: Heavy Hitters Round Table -HUGE Intel - White Hat Revelations, Freemasonry and Much More (Video) - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - This is White Hat Intel everyone needs to know! Big changes are on the way and in this video, these heavy hitters share their Intel together..

EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Desperate Deep State Moves to Arrest Political Opponents, Kidnap America’s Children, & Launch Nuclear War (Video) - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 -

Michael Jaco - Shocking News: White Hats Destroyed Plan 06/14/23 (Video) - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - Mike is back sharing the People’s military Intel- the White Hats. They have destroyed the enemy’s plan and are now moving on to the next phase of their strategic operations. -

Florida Sheriff Details Arrests of Several Disney Employees What Happens Next Is Unbelievable! (Video) - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - This man is a godsend and we need more like him If every place had a sheriff like him we would all be in much better shape.

Operation Torch Canada: This Is the Big One! (Video) - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - Folks, it really doesn’t get any bigger than the painstakingly and fraudulently geoengineered CLIMATEGEDDON scenario that’s now rapidly unfolding across planet Earth. In point of fact, the entire fake CO2-driven narrative, which has been spewed by the New World Order globalist cabal over decades, was rolled out for this very moment in time. Why do you think communist-run Canada was specifically chosen as center stage for this upcoming “Greatest Show on Earth”?! Only a George Soros-installed tyrant like Justin Trudeau would act out with his characteristic utter foolishness and his typical climate mania for his Khazarian masters.

Dr. Scott Young: Heavy Intel - QFS, XRP, NESARA/GESARA Activation Details - It's About to Go Down!! (Video) - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - This is Intel that needs to be shared FAR AND WIDE!! Dr. Scott Young speaks on XRP, QFS, NESARA/GESARA and info on the upcoming financial shift!

Tucker Carlson on Twitter… episode 3! Talks on Trumps Indictment - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - These pieces of Tucker Carlson’s independent reporting are delivered to you for your education. The MSM does not provide the world with both sides of any news. The Press outside the U.S. is especially guilty of this. We here at aim to give you all views, not just the cherry picked news to match the spin.

Abominable Hireling Mocks God, Lightning Strikes & Burns Down His Building (Video) - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” -Galatians 6:7-8 - There are those who want to test their steel per se when it comes to the things of the Lord.  They want to self-appoint themselves like the abominable hireling that you are about to see in this video (John 10:12). - Like the tyrants that remain in their sin, they want to continuously push for what the Lord clearly condemns (Leviticus 18:22).  Sadly, they end up learning the hard way (Luke 16:24).

RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES DELIVERS FULLY PORTABLE, COMBAT-READY LASER TO U.S. AIR FORCE - CHRISTOPHER PLAIN·JUNE 13, 2023 – (Comment: Basically this is a DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) that uses high energy lasers to fry electronics on the enemies missiles, aircraft, attack drones, etc. to take them out of action. The Navy already has their system.)


World Net Daily: Major League Baseball panics, tells teams to kill Pride logos - 'This is a great example of what happens when a few people show some courage' - By Bob Unruh - Published June 13, 2023 - One analyst called the losses, triggered by pushback from American consumers against the “woke” ideology, “staggering.” Now, it appears, Major League Baseball is trying to avoid any such collapse. A report in the Washington Stand explained the league has been “quietly ordering teams to ditch their Pride uniforms entirely.” Which, the report said, “signals that the tables have, in fact, turned.” (Comment: I am a St. Louis fan but their stupid backing of Queer Nation is a big mistake as they are now finding out. You might as well pour Bud Light right down the sewer. It will never make a comeback. Thanks Biden.)

WATCHERS: Historic heatwave pummels Mexico and the Caribbean, heat to engulf most of Texas and parts of Louisiana - Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - Mexico and the Caribbean are experiencing the most intense heatwave in their recorded history. The Mexican Plateau is being seared by harsh dry heat, while the Caribbean contends with deadly humid temperatures. On June 12, 2023, the mercury soared above 45 °C (113 °F) in several areas, including regions of high altitude. (Comment: Austin, San Antonio, and Houston are also facing temps in the 100 range along with high humidity through the weekend.)

THE NATIONAL FILE: Vera Vayiman says that Ukrainian nationalists are harvesting the organs of children in facilities that have been discovered after Russian military strikes. - by FRANKIE STOCKES  June 11, 2023 in International News - A woman claiming to be a whistleblower who’s worked with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) says in a video interview that Ukrainian nationalist groups are harvesting the organs of children in basement labs that are being discovered after the buildings they’re beneath are destroyed by Russian strikes. “There existed labs belonging to the defenders of Ukraine,” Vayiman said on video. “These were nationalist battalions. They received [a] commission from their deals. What they did was murdering children, placing organs into containers, and passing those containers on.”

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: “This Is Evil!”- Wisconsin County Poised to Pass Four-Part Resolution to Become Nation’s First Sex Reassignment Sanctuary for “Trans and Non-Binary” Children So They Can be Transitioned without Parental Consent - By Cullen Linebarger Jun. 12, 2023 - The mask has completely dropped: leftists in government are now openly inviting adults from across America to allow the mutilation of innocent children without parental consent and have them exposed to X-rated material. Fox News reported Monday that a liberal county in Wisconsin is considering a resolution that will declare sanctuary status for so-called “transgender and nonbinary individuals.” -

On The Fringe: The Fall of the Deep State Has Begun! The Storm Is Here! It's Monsoon Season! – Video - Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - The storm has begun. Continue to peacefully make noise. We are making a way larger difference than most people realize.

BORDERLAND BEAT: Reynosa City Councilor Arrested in Texas Transporting 42 Kilos of Cocaine in Her Car - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - Denisse Ahumada Martínez, who is the PAN Regidora or City Councilor for the Government of Reynosa was arrested at the Falfurrias checkpoint in Texas (about 70 miles from the Mexican border) with just over 92 pounds of cocaine hidden in the Mazda SUV she was driving, according to federal court documents in McAllen, Texas. The drugs were discovered after an X-ray of the vehicle revealed anomalies inside the seats. “A physical search revealed bundles wrapped with duct tape and foil, consistent with the packaging of narcotics,” the complaint stated. Authorities also found cocaine in the door panels of the vehicle. Border Patrol notified the Drug Enforcement Administration, which sent special agents to interview Martinez, who confessed.

DAN BONGINO SHOW: Wait, There Are MORE Tapes? - Dan Bongino - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 -

'It Should Not Happen In The USA!': Sen. Josh Hawley Furiously Accuses DHS Sec. Mayorkas Of Allowing Child Slavery! – Forbes - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 15:09 - At today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) lambasted DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas. Senator Hawley, unfortunately you are talking about a man without a soul. His smugness speak to his complete lack of character. He doesn’t seem to be bothered that these children have suffered unimaginably due to his negligence. How in the Hell are these under age children being hired in America? What companies are doing this? These companies have to be charged!

X22 Report: Manufacturing Is Coming Back! The Federal Reserve & Biden Fell For The Trap! - Must Video - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - NYC is now making a move to raise the minimum wage for app food delivery, this in the end will not work, it is just a band aid fix and it will backfire. It is being reported that inflation has gone down, but the people are seeing something different. The [WEF]/Biden don’t realize they are bringing back manufacturing for the new people economy.

The Death Of NATO Is Happening In Real Time! - Redacted News Live - 4 PM ET / 3 PM CT / 1 PM PT - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - What weapons does Ukraine have to make any progress on the counteroffensive? What is the goal anyway? The shifting Western narrative about the war is truly perplexing. The U.S. Department of Defense admitted in a new report that the Pentagon has not been properly tracking weapons sent to Ukraine. The media has been silenced for reporting this for months and warning that this has meant more U.S. weapons on the black market and it the hands of terrorists around the world.

US Loses Credibility as Most of World’s Population Supports Russia – American Journalist - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. According to an award-winning American journalist, most of the world’s population would be supporting Russia and condemning the US in the current conflict. The information echoes something which has already been widely seen by several analysts: the isolation of Washington and its Western geopolitical partners, while Moscow increases its popularity and number of allies.



The Feminization Of The End Times Church

by Joseph Chambers

Published on: April 8, 2015 

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 14th 2023


THE GENDER NEUTRAL BIBLE IS AN ABOMINATION AGAINST GOD THE FATHER AND JESUS CHRIST HIS SON. The elevation of women to the position of defining theological matters is equally an abomination. God’s perfect Bible says clearly, “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” (I Tim. 2:12) My respect for the female gender is so strong that I say a woman must come down off her pedestal to be equal with men. But, her position is totally unique and different. Nothing akin to the present feminization of the Church has occurred in two-thousand years of Church History.


Christ’s warning to His Church was strong and unquestionable in Revelation’s seven-fold message. He warned us, “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.” (Rev 2:20-22) This is an End Time warning because the consequences of this folly is that those who fall sway will be cast into the Great Tribulation.


Nothing happening in the present day church is more diabolical and evident of the developing Antichrist kingdom than the feminization of the church. Two thousand years of church history have never witnessed anything of this magnitude. The only possible past comparasion comes from the introduction of the Mother goddess “Madonna” to the church many centuries ago. It is now perfectly clear that this was a compromise between the church and the pagan culture directly influenced by the Babylonian cult of Nimrod (Read Genesis 10.) and his mother Semiramis. I have personal pictures of Mother-child figurines dating back to approximately 3,000 B.C. that I took in the museum in Baghdad, Iraq. These had been located in the ruins of Southern Mesopotamia (Sumer or Shinar) where Babylon and the earliest city-states were developed.


Radical feminism is intimately tied to the different streams of the rising Antichrist spirit. Satan and his diabolical agents or evil spirits are affecting every expression of our present world. All that is happening is in preparation for the final onslaught of Lucifer and his hordes. Homosexual proliferation, a one world government, the rebuilding of ancient Babylon, the ecumenical movement, and radical feminism are probably five of the most graphic illustrations of Revelation 17 that are visible to the true child of God.


To more clearly identify the rising Antichrist spirit, it is important to understand the distinction between Revelation chapter 17 and chapter 18. One is Mystery Babylon, while the second one is Political Babylon. The first is seen as a mystery (to be disclosed at the proper time which I believe has now arrived), while the latter is literal and has been evident ever since the Holy Spirit inspired these words. The city of Babylon has never ceased to exist. Although its name was changed on two occasions (Two Mosques and Hillah), it has never been totally unpopulated. Hillah presently has over 250,000 citizens and was built almost completely by brick from parts of the old city. Peter wrote his first letter from Babylon and sent greetings from the church located in this ancient wicked city. “The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you” (I Peter 5:13). One of the most popular Jewish documents, called the “Babylonian Talmud,” was written in Babylon in the sixth century after Christ.


Most important to this article is Revelation chapter 17 or “Mystery Babylon.” There is little debate among Bible scholars but that this represents apostate religion. Babylon, built by Nimrod, grandson of Noah, was the location where the ultimate false religion found its foundation. The tower of Babel was built to express this new and foreign approach to a Divine power. It is believed that the city’s legendary god, Marduk, was named after its founder, Nimrod. Also, there is a strong connection between Gilgamesh of the Babylonian Epic of Creation, the Epic of the Flood, and Nimrod. They were most likely the same individual.


The two streams of feminine strength and character flow directly from Semiramis, the mother of Nimrod, and Sarah, the wife of Abraham. Semiramis popularized everything that is vile to womanhood – rebellion, loudness, and dominance. Her attire was of gaudy gold, silver, and jewels, along with a painted face. She could not be better represented than as the harlot woman of Revelation 17. “…Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication” (Revelation 17:1b-4). This woman is the final expression of sin and paganism prior to the judgment of God.


Sarah, the wife of Abraham epitomized the Biblical example of a Godly lady. She was happy to fulfill her lofty role as helpmeet to the “Father of Faith.” She called him “Lord” and believed with him for the son of promise. Apostle Peter clearly identifies her as the example of New Testament woman. “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement” (I Peter 3:3-6).


Every expression of modern, secular, radical feminism is a departure from the infallible Word of God and is only a few steps ahead of religious feminism. Here are four expressions of the modern feminist:


“The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist.” (National NOW Times, Jan. 1988.)


“Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.” (Radical feminist leader, Shelia Cronan.)


“Overthrowing capitalism is too small for us. We must overthrow the whole patriarch (system)!” (Gloria Steinem, radical feminist leader, Editor of MS Magazine.)


“Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women … We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men … All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft.” (The Declaration of Feminism, Nov. 1971.)

In a new book entitled, What Will Happen To God, William Oddie examines, “Feminism and the Reconstruction of Christian Belief.” The following statement fully expresses what he sees as the goal of so-called Christian feminists. “It is clear that for the Christian women’s movement it is secular feminism which provides the initial impetus and, to some extent, the ideological nurture for its own revolutionary objective: the substantial reconstruction of the Christian religion itself.” He continues, “the year after Kate Millet’s Sexual Politics (1970) ‘rocketed her,’ in Mary Daly’s words, ‘into the role of American counterpart to Simone de Beauvoir,’ Daly was writing (in an essay significantly entitled ‘After the Death of God and the Father’) that, ‘As the woman’s revolution begins to have its effect upon the fabric of society, transforming it from patriarchy into something that never existed before – into a diarchal situation that is radically new – it will, I believe, become the greatest potential challenge to Christianity to rid itself of its oppressive tendencies or go out of business. Beliefs and values that have held sway for thousands of years will be questioned as never before.’” (Elisabeth Fiorenza, “In Memory of Her,” London 1983, p.61.)


Their entrance point may be the full rights of women in business, pastoral call, and administrative functions, but their ultimate goal is to replace God the Father with God the Mother.


The Presbyterian U.S.A. Church just voted to remove language barriers to allow them to address God either as a Father or a Mother. A recent Catholic priest, speaking to a Charismatic ladies group, spoke of God as possessing both a feminine and masculine nature. His twisted theology brought God down to the level of the Chinese pagan religion Tai Chi, in which the yin and yang express the two natures (male and female) of all ultimate reality. We have hardly seen the beginning of this mindless perversion.


The gold, silver, and jewels worn by vain women is no longer innocent worldliness. As is all compromise with the world, the wearing of jewelry seems so insignificant at the start. However, Satan always tricks and snares Godly individuals by slow intoxication. His approach is deadly and the churches of America are prime examples. Although we have accomplished much for God in America’s 200 year history, our greatest missions and endeavors can be credited only to our past surrender to Godly living. Today, we are hardly a song compared to our past as the world has moved in and the power has moved out. And although it goes much deeper than our externals, we must recognize that our external appearance reflects our internal character.


In the last two weeks I have seen examples of paganistic jewelry. One lady came for counseling wearing large yin and yang earrings. Then, a lady came to purchase materials from our bookstore wearing moon and star combination earrings. None of the three ladies professed knowledge of these pagan artifacts. The yin and yang is the symbol of tai chi Chinese paganism. The moon and star is representative of Diana. (Scriptures call her Diana of the Ephesians.) Each of these symbols carries the spirit of the demons that they represent. It is impossible to wear such icons and not be affected. Ignorance is absolutely no excuse. A Godly saint would immediately be troubled in spirit by such an attachment to demons.


The ultimate purpose of Mystery Babylon is the impact the feminists are making in our churches. The feminist and diabolical spirit has invaded every major Christian movement. Their goal is to place women right beside man in administration, decisions of doctrine and practice, and pastoral responsibilities. They would prefer that the church ceases to exist than to fail their goal, and in fact the church will cease to be a part of Christ’s body if they succeed. His church will either conduct His affairs by His divine mandate or He will have no part. The Holy Scripture leaves no room for compromise on the roles of men and women in the church or the home. God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of man, and man is the head of the woman. (I Corinthians 11:3)


Charles Colson recently commented on the matter of sexism terminology in the Evangelical world. The pressure is apparently on by key feminists (some being men) to demand allegiance to their radical ideas. Colson said, “I suspect that for some the primary concern is another agenda altogether. For them, nonsexist language is an ideological test to distinguish the ‘sensitive’ sheep from the ‘reactionary’ goats. The linguistic case matters little: the real object is to determine who will salute when the radical feminist flag is raised.” He continued with the following,“First, it would threaten the division of roles essential to Christian conceptions of the family and the church. For believers there is no moral or spiritual superiority of one sex above another. But there is a biblical division of responsibilities in both the family and the church. To question these is not a revolt against unwarranted prejudice but a revolt against the order of the universe itself. Second, blurring gender distinctions would not only disrupt order in church and family, but could eventually blur our understanding of who God is.” (Christianity Today, page 80.)


When a woman rebels against God and His designated role for her, she always misses His will. Not only does she miss His will, she causes indescribable damage. Eve was first deceived in the garden because she took a matter into her own hands. If she had submitted to the headship of man, she would not have been close to the forbidden fruit, much less defeated by Satan regarding its meats. Because Adam was weak and effeminate toward Eve’s sin against God and her dominance of Adam, he became the guilty transmitter of sin to all humankind. What devastation was wrought because of the first feminist action!


Jezebel wrought the same havoc among the ten Northern tribes of Israel when Ahab made her his Queen. She introduced the Babylonian goddesses and the wicked Jezebel lifestyle into the chosen family and Israel has yet to recover. Israel’s true nationality and her proper promised land have never been completely reclaimed although the Messiah will restore them shortly. Revelation chapter 2 tells of her spirit at work in the church doing the same filthy damage.


It is fitting that a Harlot woman will symbolize the last rampage of confused religionists. Not only will the symbol be a woman, loud and dominating women will help lead the charge. It is happening at this moment. Many of the leading pastors and ministers of our day are married to Jezebel-appearing and Jezebel-acting women. In fact, most young ministers trained in our institutions aren’t looking for a Godly wife; they are looking for a “tippy” doll. Such women have immeasurable power over their husbands. They control their husbands as the Spirit of Babylon controls them. How could such men dare preach a Biblical standard of Godliness? (If a pastor or wife reads this message that is guilty of this, please don’t get angry but fall on your knees in repentance and help turn the church back to God and the Holy Bible.)


This Harlot church is gathering worldwide power. She hates true holiness and fundamental Christians and will stop at nothing to wipe out their testimony. Any denominational leader, publisher, writer, or pastor who falls prey to her influence will slide right into the mindset that exalts this feminist spirit. While there are many other characteristics of this harlot church, feminism and an effeminate nature are her true personalities. Homosexual men and lesbian women will find a growing acceptance in the multi-faceted religious institution. The music will be both loud and “silly-sweet.” Its theme will be love, but it will be a kind of love that makes the harlot woman “giddy.” A true child of God will be repulsed.


She’s coming like a storm and riding the crest of worldly acceptance and support. Her riches will buy much favor and she will boast of her great accomplishments. The poor and persecuted remnant will wonder with amazement. Many who have weathered the storms of past trials will buy her lie and sell their birthright for a mess of pottage. However, the Holy Bride of Christ will settle for a tent while they await the city with foundation whose builder and maker is God.


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