Thursday, June 22, 2023

God’s Army


God’s Army - Famine Coming – Trump Gov in Exile - Chip Roy Launches Impeachment Debate - Tucker Ends Hunter Biden - Cabal Stage Fake Alien Invasion - New Benjamin Fulford - The Dark Side of 5G - SUPERNATURAL PORTALS - NESARA/GESARA - Palestinian Terrorist Cell Killed and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 22nd 2023



New Kerry Cassidy: Former Army Officer on Whistleblowers & Human Trafficking - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - Kerry Cassidy talks about her latest 2 articles, “In the Event of War” and “Trump Gov in Exile: COG and the Tale of Two Presidents.” Both articles deal with the fact that Trump is Commander-in-Chief, sworn in by the military March 2021 and based on the legal evidence the fact that Trump has by way of Continuity of Government created a Gov in Exile. -

THE DON BONGINO SHOW: They’re Plotting To Interfere In Another Election! - Don Bongino - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - They’re doing it again. In this episode, I address the sick liberal plan to interfere in ANOTHER election.

There is Something About the Name of Jesus You Are Going to Need to Know - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - The Name of Jesus is our last line of defense against human and ultimately spiritual violence. It is not merely reciting the name that is powerful, but rather it is the authority that is behind the Name and our position within it that makes the difference. John 17:11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name—the name you gave me—so that they may be one as we are one.

Patriot Underground: NESARA, Contract Law & 9/11 History! 16 Year Plan: Patriot Act & Endless Wars! Parallel Construction Of The Q Sting Operation! 3 Letter Agencies & The Petrodollar Cartel! - Thursday, June 22, 2023 -

Situation Update Q 3717: Biden Crime Family LLC! The Gig Is Up! Video Just Broke The Internet! - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - THE MOST POWERFUL EPISODE YET, HERE’S THE **PHENOMENAL** EPISODE 2 OF THE ‘BREAKING NEWS & SITUATION REPORTS’ for Monday, June 19, 2023, Patriots – and once you watch it, you’ll CLEARLY SEE that the DEEP STATE will stop at NOTHING to take WE THE PEOPLE and TRUMP out – and they want to wipe us ALL out – AT THE SAME TIME! What these DEEP STATE DEMONS fail to realize is that WE THE PEOPLE are COMING For THEM – and we’re going to TAKE THEM OUT! Here are just a FEW of the MEGA MAGA BOMBSHELLS that drop in this EPIC ADVENTURE:

New Deborah Tavares: Martial Law! Unprecedented Military Movements Being Reported Across The USA! The Awake Nation - Thursday, June 22, 2023 -

ATLAS SHRUGS BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE: In MASSIVE COVER-UP DOJ and FBI Prohibited, Obstructed, Blocked Biden Investigation, Joe “Was in the Room” When Hunter Was Demanding Chinese CCP Payoff - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - This is why the Democrats rig, hijack and steal elections, so that the American people never know the truth of their criminality and treason and their subversive operatives in the government’s most powerful agencies.


US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 22, 2023 – EBS imminent -

Derek Johnson, FCB: HUGE Intel and Latest Decode! It's All About to Go LIVE! (Video) - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - Here’s God’s Army and this is one of their best videos to date!! The time is drawing near, Folks!! Pay attention!! (Comment: God is "Lᴏʀᴅ of Armies." Holy angels constitute powerful armies that obey God's commands ( Ps. 103:20-21 ), serve as His chariots ( Ps. 68:17 ), and are divided into legions ( Mt. 26:53 ). Some are even under the command of other angels. Oh and they never lose.)

Tucker Ends Hunter Biden!! (Video) - Thursday, June 22, 2023 -

Judy Byington: Deep State Cabal Stage Fake Alien Invasion, Nuclear War Escalation - Special Intel & Situation Update For Thurs. 22 June 2023 (Video) - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - A Global Financial System Implosion, Global Currency Revaluation, Emergency Broadcast System Activation and Soft Martial Law all remained imminent -

New Benjamin Fulford: Military Mobilizations June Intel for Thursday - Blinken Offers Control of US Political Theater to China - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - US fake Secretary of State Anthony Blinken – in a desperate bid to keep his Rockefeller masters in business- offered China control of the political theater that has replaced US democracy, Asian secret society sources say. In particular, Blinken offered control of the Creative Artists Agency, the sources say. The Chinese turned it down because they already control most of it. In case you didn’t know, CAA controls political actors like “President” Joe Biden. “Biden” has been represented by several different CAA artists. “Biden” is just one of many such actors playing the role of politicians. “Congresswoman” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Cortez, for example, was a waitress before she won a CAA audition to become a Congress actor.

TIM BROWN: FBI Groomed Developmentally Challenged 16-Year-Old To Become A Terrorist, Then Arrested Him - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - This is exactly the kind of lawlessness we have seen coming out of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for decades, but it isn’t just the feds that engage in lawless actions in order to “capture the real criminals.”  Nevertheless, they continue to prey upon vulnerable young men like Mateo Ventura to groom him to be a terrorist only to turn around and arrest him for what they groomed him to be. ZeroHedge reports:

The Dark Side of 5G – Is Your Health on the Line? - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - In the heart of our tech-driven society, a potential beast is stirring. As 5G technology wraps its tendrils around the globe, concerns about its possible health impacts are growing louder. We are at the frontier of a wireless revolution, but what could be the cost?

SKYWATCHTV: SUPERNATURAL PORTALS WORLDWIDE CONNECTED TO GIANTS? SMITHSONIAN COVER-UP? - Posted June 21, 2023 - Throughout history, thousands of civilizations, tribes, First Nations territories and groups of people have long shared their historical accounts of giants, “star people,” enigmatic beings entering and leaving this plane of existence through mysterious locations and more specifically, portals. Does the Bible offer any cooperating evidence that explains the existence of portals, if so, is it possible that portals still exist today?

Waking Up The Masses! NESARA/GESARA New Info on Your Strawman, How To Use the UCC Code For Your Debt, & Black's Law Dictionary with Gretchen K on The Michelle Moore...Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - Gretchen K joins Michelle to discuss Strawman, UCC Codes, and Nesara/Gesara, and answers viewers’ questions on The Michelle Moore Show! on The Michelle Moore Show!

X22 Report: Deep State Panic Mode! Durham! The Picture Is Being Painted! FISA Brings Down The House! - Must Video - Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - The [DS] is IN panic mode. Durham’s hearing was today and the facts were coming out. The D’s pushed emotion and the fake Russia hoax but it failed because the facts destroyed it. The picture is being painted. The FBI/[DS] lied and deceived the FISA judges to stop Trump from running in the next election. The election interference case has been built. FISA is the start, and it will bring down the house.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: America's Now Witnessing The Cause And Effect Of Rejecting God And Losing Her Moral Compass By Allowing Evil To Run Rampant: Biden And Gomorrah - By Rob Pue of Wisconsin Christian News for All News Pipeline – June 22nd 2023 - There is an immutable law of nature and Nature’s God, known as “cause and effect.” Everything we do — or don’t do — has an effect. An effect on ourselves, on those close to us, our community at large and even the nation. For every effect we see, there is a cause. Sometimes the cause is easy to see and sometimes it takes more effort to find it. You might also call it the “root and the fruit.” The fruit that is borne in this world only blossoms because there is a root. Whether the fruit we’re dealing with is good or bad, there is always a good, strong root that started it all. The world has abandoned God and His Word like no other time in history since, perhaps, the days of Noah and Lot. And that’s the cause of the effects we’re seeing today. That’s the root of the rotten, bitter fruit our world is bearing today. When a people and a nation reject God Almighty, the effect is that they lose their moral compass. Without a moral compass, we wander in confusion, insanity and delusion. Without God’s moral compass to guide us, we just do what we want — regardless of the consequences, regardless of the effects.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road - By Dave Daubenmire |June 22nd, 2023 - America is under judgement.  There is no other way to explain what is going on. Billions of dollars have been spent on “education” over the last fifty years and the result is a populace that has lost the ability to apply reason to what they see going on around them. The dictionary calls that a delusion…a misleading of the mind. The number of things that people believe without questioning is mind boggling.  Failure to follow the company line, or more broadly the opinion of “experts,” will cause a person to be the target of ridicule and derision.

ATLAS SHRUGS - HEROINE: Riley Gaines Testifies on Capitol Hill, Describes Swimming Against Biological Male, Forced to Get Naked in Women’s Lockerroom With Him Exposing his Penis - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - This is depraved and sick. America has lost the plot. And the feminists are silent, aiding and abetting this far-left misogynist movement. I have long said feminists hate women. We were forced to take off our swimsuit in front of a man. Riley Gaines: “In addition to be forced to give up our awards, titles and opportunities, NCAA forced me and my female swimmers to share our locker room with Lia Thomas, a six foot four male equipped with and exposing male genitalia. No one asked for our consent & we did not give our consent.” (Comment: It is time to take a look at the NCAA to see who is running this sham debacle. It is simply not worth competing if Queer Nations is going to cheat and steal trophies.)

Breaking News: Rep. Chip Roy Launches Impeachment Debate With Ruthless Assault On Biden's Border Policies! – Forbes - Thursday, June 22, 2023 -

THE JERUSALEM POST: Palestinian terrorist cell killed by IDF drone strike near Jenin - The cell has carried out several shooting attacks against settlements throughout the West Bank recently. - By YONAH JEREMY BOB, REUTERS Published: JUNE 21, 2023 21:30 - Updated: JUNE 22, 2023 - The IDF on Wednesday night killed a terror cell in the West Bank using a drone, an unusual move generally reserved for targeting major terrorists or rocket-firing cells in Gaza. A joint statement by the IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) said that intelligence from the domestic security agency had located the terror cell in real-time as it was perpetrating a shooting attack near Jalma in the Menashe region.




Famine Coming

By Terry James

Published on: June 21, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 22nd 2023

Recently I wrote an article which I gave the title” Are you hungry yet?” It was about the many evils we are witnessing as stage-setting for fulfillment of prophecy – the signals of the coming Apocalypse –the Tribulation, etc.


All of that examination I hoped elicited stimulation of the believer’s Spiritual appetite for the moment we all sit down together at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. I.e., I hope it made you, the reader who is a believer, look forward with great anticipation to that magnificent Banquet – as do I.


Our Appearance before our Lord and Savior in the clouds of Glory could be in the very next moment, and we will then find ourselves before the BEMA –the Judgment Seat of Christ.


With the Rewards Presented by Christ to God’s children for the work we did in His Holy Name while in life here on earth, we will then accompany our Bridegroom and Lord of all lords in a most exhilarating Mission. We will go with the King of all kings to put an end to Armageddon and the wickedness that has, by that time, completely engulfed Planet Earth.


There will then take place the greatest of all banquets on a supernaturally refurbished planet. We will sit down at the Marriage Supper in honor of Jesus Christ, the Son of God Who died for us and resurrected so that we could be redeemed from sin, thus to be the Heavenly Father’s and His Intimate Family for all of eternity.


This great Promise from God’s Word is contrasted in that Word by what will first take place. The great famine that is already in view will eventuate in being just the opposite of the Blessed Marriage Supper Filling, which will satisfy every need and will satiate every hunger forever.


Every person, individually and collectively, who turns their back on God and his Righteous Rx for living will experience famine. This is a principle understood through God’s archetype people/nation, Israel. The following describes what happens to a people who become anti-God in comportment, instead going their own way, adhering to doing what is right in their own eyes.


“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it. In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst. They that swear by the sin of Samaria, and say, Thy god, O Dan, liveth; and, The manner of Beer-sheba liveth; even they shall fall, and never rise up again” (Amos 8:11-14).


The prophetic pronouncement above did indeed take place on God’s chosen people. They have refused to hear God’s Word and have suffered –are still suffering to this day— a Spiritual famine. And we know they suffered immensely a literal famine in the holocaust through starvation and every sort of atrocity, as they are prophetically scheduled to again suffer during that last 7 years before Christ’s Return. They have a disease that has blinded them to their true Messiah and his Love for them. This we see in Romans chapter 11.


But it is not only a spiritual famine that is coming for those who reject God’s Call and prescription for life on His planet. There is coming a famine of the literal sort. And, according to Jesus’ own Words, it will be the worst of famines. It will be the worse time in all of human history. The hunger it will produce will be deadly, but that hunger will be only part of the Tribulation that God-rejecters will suffer.


That hunger is symbolically described as the third horseman and his black steed found in Revelation chapter 6.


The spiritual famine is already underway. Dr. David Jeremiah reported in his morning broadcast the other day that 52% of evangelical Christians no longer believe the Bible is inerrant. So it is not hard to extrapolate by/from that astonishing statistic the degree that anti-Bible attacks are occurring and that will soon be underway by the unbelieving world.


As Dr. Jeremiah said, questioning spiritual authority is in vogue; heritage is being lost. He said that Mark Twain, even in his day, said, “The Bible is a book praised, but rarely read.”


So mankind is well down the broad way of Biblical famine that leads to hunger, starvation, and, ultimately, eternal separation from the Creator-God Who has moved heaven and hell to bring them the only Truth that can provide Sustenance that Assures Eternal Life.


Again, the best proof I can think of that shows specifically where the world is at present in that regard is this matter of Pride Month.


The entire world is caught up at the moment –in this month of June 2023—in activity that can only be described as like in the days of Lot. Those with the loudest media voices declare through the trans-sexual and homosexual rants that God doesn’t have the right to declare the gender or deportment of His human creation.


This nation is guilty to the maximum extent in this wickedness. That is, America is, as I see it, at the very heart of this Sodom-like festival on a global scale. America is leading the way in pride, fully showing out in total anti-God, back-turning as never before.


Again, David Jeremiah reminded that spiritual appetite for God’s Word has been greatly damaged on this fallen sphere. Mankind has thus lost the moral compass meant to keep humanity from starvation, both spiritual and literal.


The Bible is now being called hate speech by even governmental auspices and court systems here in the United States. Atheists now have stickers they place on Bibles in hotels and other places that proclaim: “Caution, this book is hazardous to your health.”


But God is not mocked, as Paul proclaims.


“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting” (Galatians 6:7-8).


The horseman of the Apocalypse are about to mount their terrifying steeds. These will go forth to put an end to the mockery of the God of heaven and His Beloved Son Jesus Christ.


You don’t want to be a part of this increasing spiritual famine, nor the coming literal famine which the Blackhorse of Revelation chapter 6 will bring. Here is how to be kept from that horrendous time of judgment and Wrath and instead sit down at the Marriage Supper to be filled with all of God’s Righteousness and be within God’s Family Forever.


“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).



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