Tuesday, June 20, 2023

John Podesta & Huma Abedin Indicted


Who is Keeping God from Your Children - Gretchen Whitmer TO Hang at GITMO - Military Gone Mobile – John Podesta & Huma Abedin Indicted - Hunter Biden to plead Guilty - Tucker Carlson’s Interview With Elon Musk – Price of Cars Coming Down – Awake Nation and more.

Researched & Comments By Pastor Gary Boyd

June 20th 2023



 THE DAN BONGINO SHOW: It’s a Trap, Don’t Fall For It! "Exposing The Queen Of The Deep State!" - Dan Bongino - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - In this episode, I address Donald Trump’s social media post exposing the queen of the deep state. Will the Dems plunge the country into violence if they can’t beat President Trump? Stacey Plaskett just said the quiet part out loud; that “He NEEDS to be SHOT! With a gun the dems want to ban? No hypocrisy there right? Remember, NO president has done more to improve life for African Americans than Donald J. Trump! And that includes Bathhouse Barry. If any Republican said Dementia Joe needs to be shot, the FBI would be at their home with guns drawn in a pre-dawn raid the next day. Write your Congressperson, demand that the the toxic, violent, racist Plaskett be removed from Congress. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/06/its-a-trap-dont-fall-for-it-exposing-the-queen-of-the-deep-state-dan-bongino-3665847.html

THE AWAKE NATION: New Kerry Cassidy: Military Mobilizations Special Intel for Patriots - June Booms and More! 2023 - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - On The Awake Nation broadcast, co-hosts David Zublick and Penny L.A. Shepard have Kerry Cassidy on and many more.  https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/06/new-kerry-cassidy-military-mobilizations-special-intel-for-patriots-june-booms-and-more-2023-2542632.html

Will CERN Facilitate the Arrival of Planet X June 2023 – Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - There may be evidence that the lost city of Atlantis was sunk not in 9000 BC but rather in 1,550 BC at the same time as the exodus of Egypt. It has been revealed by high-level sources that it was a Hydron Collider technology given by fallen Angels that helped with this technology. So is it today that have we received such technology only to bring about judgment of Malachi Chapter 4? - Judgment and Covenant Renewal - 4 [a]“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. 3 Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty. 4 “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. 5 “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” https://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2023/06/will-cern-facilitate-the-arrival-of-planet-x-june-2023-2562093.html

 ATLAS SHRUGS: At Least 4 Dead, Several Wounded in Islamic Terrorist Attack in Samaria, Muslims Celebrate, Hand Out Sweets - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - Islamic Jew hatred is the root cause of the jihad against the Jewish state. Everything else is fallacious propaganda ‘Palestinianism’ is Islam. And Obama/Biden is funding these butchers. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/06/at-last-4-dead-several-wounded-in-islamic-terrorist-attack-in-samaria-muslims-celebrate-hand-out-sweets-3665845.html

KILLING DANGEROUS HEAT WAVE IN INDIA – POWER OUTAGES CONTRIBUTING FACTOR – June 20th 2023 - By RAJESH KUMAR SINGH, PIYUSH NAGPAL and SIBI ARASU - BALLIA, India (AP) — A scorching heat wave in two of India’s most populous states has overwhelmed hospitals, filled a morgue to capacity and disrupted power, forcing staff to use books to cool patients, as officials investigate a death toll that has reached nearly 170. In the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, 119 people have died from heat-related illnesses over the last several days while neighboring Bihar state reported 47 fatalities, according to local news reports and health officials. “So many people are dying from the heat that we are not getting a minute’s time to rest. On Sunday, I carried 26 dead bodies,” Jitendra Kumar Yadav, a hearse driver in Deoria town, 110 kilometers (68 miles) from Ballia, told The Associated Press. https://apnews.com/article/india-uttar-pradesh-bihar-heat-wave-deaths-273cbb7bd51a9e617e32240671b63c5a

HRC Panic! John Podesta & Huma Abedin Indicted! Trump Wants Televised Hearings Live on National TV! - Monday, June 19, 2023 - We are the enemy of Big Tech, Big Money and Big Media. Together, let’s expose the lies of the enemy. Impart a little truth every day. Especially the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord! https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2023/06/hrc-panic-john-podesta-huma-abedin-indicted-trump-wants-televised-hearings-live-on-national-tv-3292324.html

REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Convicts Gretchen Whitmer, says “SHE MUST HANG.” - By Michael Baxter -June 19, 2023 - The United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps convicted and sentenced to death Gretchen Whitmer after Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall, who had flown from Guam to GITMO, presented a preponderance of evidence proving the witch committed treason against America and its people during the height of the Covid-19 plandemic. https://realrawnews.com/2023/06/jag-convicts-gretchen-whitmer-says-she-must-hang/

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR – By Divina Ellison - Update as of June 20, 2023 – Debt Jubilee of Biblical proportion as NESARA/GESARA started – Golden Era of FREE energy coming – Soft Martial Law to protect the citizenry to be in effect -  https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-20-2023/

New Derek Johnson & Ultra Trump the Destroyer: Military Gone Mobile Real Break Down - UFO June Booms - Tough Questions – 2023 - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 11:45 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/06/new-derek-johnson-ultra-trump-the-destroyer-military-gone-mobile-real-break-down-ufo-june-booms-tough-questions-2023-2542626.html

School Principal Quits Job to Homeschool Her 3 Kids on a 10-Acre Homestead: 'I Wanted to Raise Thinkers' - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - “I wanted my children to not sit at a desk for 7-plus hours each day…” Now, this is a mom that gets it!  More and more mothers are understanding their role in the home and the impact it plays on their children and later on in society.  One such mother was a school principal, but quit her job in order to invest in her family and, in here word, “raise thinkers.” https://beforeitsnews.com/education/2023/06/school-principal-quits-job-to-homeschool-her-3-kids-on-a-10-acre-homestead-i-wanted-to-raise-thinkers-2462557.html

CNN - Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, will plead guilty to three federal charges, the Justice Department said Tuesday in a court filing. The plea deal will have immediate reverberations in the 2024 presidential election. Hunter Biden will plead guilty to two federal tax misdemeanors and one charge tied to gun possession, according to the filing in a federal court in Delaware. He will appear in court to plead guilty to the charges at a future date. Hunter Biden to plead guilty to three federal charges - By Kara Scannell, CNN - Updated 9:31 AM EDT, Tue June 20, 2023 - https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/20/politics/hunter-biden/index.html

Tucker Carlson's Jaw-Dropping Interview With Elon Musk - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - In this jaw-dropping interview, Tucker Carlson grilled Tesla CEO and Billionaire Elon Musk on a range of topics, from Tesla’s successes to Musk’s controversial business decisions. Elon Musk discusses his concerns about artificial intelligence (AI) and the need for regulations in this episode of Tucker Carlson Today. According to Musk, AI poses a greater danger than mismanaged aircraft or automobile production because it has the potential for “civilizational destruction.” Musk also talks about his involvement in OpenAI and his concerns about the organization’s current direction. He argues that due to AI’s capacity to mimic people and voices, it can mimic reality so effectively that it could be difficult to differentiate what is true or false, which could lead to disruptions in court systems and implications for democracy. Musk also emphasizes the importance of prioritizing a pro-human society over profit in the pursuit of advancing technology. https://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2023/06/tucker-carlsons-jaw-dropping-interview-with-elon-musk-2455231.html

NEW Steve Quayle: Gen Six Expeditions Overview — Evidence Beyond Argument | Doug Hagmann with Steve Quayle & Jesse G | 6/19/2023 - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/06/new-steve-quayle-gen-six-expeditions-overview-evidence-beyond-argument-doug-hagmann-with-steve-quayle-jesse-g-6192023-2542623.html

Take A Tour Of The One-Acre Rooftop Farm At The Javits Center - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 – (Comment: Yes you can have fresh greens, fruit etc. on rooftops in the big cities; it is being done right now.) - NBC New York - June 12, 2023 - Lauren Scala takes us to the rooftop farm at the Javits Center. It is complete with fruit, plants, birds, bees, and more. https://beforeitsnews.com/food-and-farming/2023/06/take-a-tour-of-the-one-acre-rooftop-farm-at-the-javits-center-2532507.html

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Israel to Announce Approval of 4,000 New Homes to Be Built in Judea and Samaria - I assign the land you sojourn in to you and your offspring to come, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting holding. I will be their God.” – GENESIS 17:8 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - BY LUKE HILTON – OPINION - JUNE 19, 2023 - Israeli media reported this week that Israel is expected to soon announce the approval of more than 4,000 new homes in the biblical heartland . Unsurprisingly, the media pounced on the development, and rushed to condemn Israel for advancing what the White House calls “an obstacle to peace and the advancement of the two-state solution.” As Christians, any time new homes are built in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, we should celebrate and show our public support of Israel’s sovereignty over her homeland. After all, Israeli communities expanding in the land of Israel just makes sense. https://www.israel365news.com/372531/israel-to-announce-approval-of-4000-new-homes-to-be-built-in-judea-and-samaria/

Brace For A Car Price Crash Of Unprecedented Proportions As Auto Market Collapse Intensifies! - Epic Economist - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - A car market crash of unprecedented proportions has started to unfold, and the price declines we’ve seen so far in 2023 are nothing compared to what is coming next. According to analysts at UBS and Cox Automotive, an oversupply of vehicles is causing a price war that can trigger a crash much worse than the collapse witnessed during the financial crisis. Many car dealers are already facing a train wreck right now, but that also means American motorists will finally see some relief after years of hefty increases that kept vehicles increasingly unaffordable and pushed average payments to record highs. - https://beforeitsnews.com/economy/2023/06/brace-for-a-car-price-crash-of-unprecedented-proportions-as-auto-market-collapse-intensifies-epic-economist-3088484.html

X22 Report: EU Enters A Recession, Economic Disaster Is Getting Harder To Hide! - Must Video - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - Eurozone has entered a recession this will spread across the globe. The [CB] is system is being destroyed. The coverup of the economy system is now being exposed. The [CB]/Biden admin cannot hide it anymore and the people are now seeing the truth. When the system crashes the people will hold the Fed, Biden and the Treasury accountable. https://beforeitsnews.com/economy/2023/06/x22-report-eu-enters-a-recession-economic-disaster-is-getting-harder-to-hide-must-video-3088475.html




Democrats Wants to Keep God from Your Children

By Joseph Chambers

Published on: October 30, 2018

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 20th 2023


Psalm 14:2-4 “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord.”


The fight over the Supreme Court is a fight to keep God out of public schools. It was these liberals that decreed years ago that God had to be removed from public education. How stupid can you get? Children educated to believe we came from monkeys will give us what we presently have. The Creator created us to be answerable to Him. He is God, sovereign and lofty. He inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15).


Liberal educators have turned this present generation into radicals who have no awareness of a sovereign God. I have written this article in my effort to call us back to God. It is the only hope for a sensible return to a civilized world.


The “New Age Elite,” who are preparing for the forthcoming “New World Order,” are busy changing America’s schools and maybe your child’s life. There are several key targets of these “change agents” (their own wording), and public education is a top priority. The environmental, religious, and media organizations are also special targets for their influences. They are changing America at a breathtaking pace. Here are two examples of the work of these “change agents.”


A book entitled “Becoming A Master Student” gave the following advice:


“‘You create it all’ means just what it says. Nothing in the world exists at all except as you create it in your head. You create everything. You are 100% responsible for your job. You create all the lectures you attend, you create your textbooks, and you create your instructors, classrooms, and classmates. You create the campus and the town that it is in. You create your relatives and you create your grades. Your creations don’t stop there. All those things that you are absolutely certain you do not control — the weather, wars, world hunger, the planets — you create those, too.”


The late Beverly Galyean developed three federally funded educational programs for the Los Angeles Public Schools using meditation and guided imagery. She gives the following description of her beliefs and philosophy:


“Once we begin to see that we are all God, that we have the attributes of God, then I think the whole purpose of human life is to re-own the God-likeness within us: the perfect love, the perfect wisdom, the perfect understanding, the perfect intelligence; and when we do that, we create back to that old, the essential oneness which is consciousness.”


Thousands of public school administrators, teachers, and counselors, plus many in religious schools have become “change agents” for the New World Order. They are violating the rights of millions of students and parents in this nation. Many good, honest teachers and counselors have been brainwashed without knowing it and are busy doing the enemy’s work. Unless there is a revolution of wise parental involvement, the end results of the present educational reform will be worse than the last.


Supreme Court Decreed Our Schools Godless In 1962


In 1962, the Supreme Court of this nation decreed that our public schools must operate as Godless institutions. Prayer in any Judeo-Christian design was declared unlawful. This was a sudden change from the strong Christian emphasis of the past.


American history is interwoven with the faith of the Holy Bible. Gary DeMar, in his book “God And Government” noted the following facts:


“In 1892 the United States Supreme Court made an exhaustive study of the supposed connection between Christianity and the government of the United States. After reviewing hundreds of volumes of historical documents, the Court asserted, ‘These references…add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a religious people…a Christian nation.’ Likewise, in 1931, Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland reviewed the 1892 decision in reference to another case and reiterated that ‘Americans are a Christian people.’ And in 1952, Justice William O. Douglas affirmed that ‘we are a religious people and our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.’”


George Washington, our first president, warned America of what Godlessness in the public arena would do. These words were part of his farewell address as he concluded eight years in the White House:


“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports… And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion… reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.”


The decision to remove prayer actually began on June 25, 1962. In a Supreme Court decision, Eagel v. Vitale, they overturned the ruling of all lower courts and appeals courts and effectively outlawed a simple prayer in a public school. This nation immediately started down the road of swift decay.


Let’s look at a few statistics of what immediately happened. In 1962, the SAT total scores of American students stood at an average of 980 points. By 1980, that average had fallen to 890. This decline averaged approximately 5 percentage points each year for 18 years. It had been basically stable for the previous 10 years before 1962 and improved slightly after 1980.


Morality took a nosedive. Aged 15 female students had a 4.6 percentage rate of premarital sexual activity in 1962. In 20 years, there was a 200 percent increase; and since 1982, it has multiplied far beyond those figures. Older females experienced an even greater decline of morals. The following statistics are for ages 16 through 18 in the same timeframe: Age 16: 7.1% to 23.1%. Age 17: 13.2% to 34.8%. Age 18: 22.6% to 54.0%.


Birth rates for unwed mothers soared, abortions escalated, sexually transmitted diseases for children and teenagers exploded, and suicide rates went out the ceiling. In 1962, there were approximately 350 cases of gonorrhea in teenagers per 100,000 total teen population. By 1985, these cases had increased to 1,175 per 100,000.  The rate of gonorrhea in children (age 10-14) increased over 200% in that same timeframe.


The liberal American educators and judges should be hauled into court for what they have done to the children of this nation. They are nothing less than criminals who have cost our nation billions in lost revenues and taxes for these failed programs. They have cost American parents billions in subsidizing the broken lives of their children, not counting the damage to these young people themselves. How can an honest parent, educator, or religious leader not be furious?


Proverbs 4:1-3 “Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law. For I was my father’s son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother.”


Present Education Reform


The present education reform is worse than the previous. Now they are purposely using destruction to help them accomplish their desired results. Listen to these words from an article in “Outcomes,” the official publication of “Outcome-Based Education.” This is part of a letter that was sent to Dr. William G. Spady [known as the father of Outcome-Based Education (OBE)] by a friend and comrade in this effort to promote Outcome-Based Education. Dr. Spady first describes the letter:


“The letter does not clarify a vision of what the paradigm may embody but it does clarify the excitement, confusion, ambiguity, fun, and hope that the paradigm generates.”


Note that he admitted the “confusion” and “ambiguity” this reform generated. Now, let’s read the entire letter that Dr. Spady printed in his article. Remember, friends, this is official garbage from their own hands:


“When I heard you (John Hillary) speak two years ago in Des Moines to the Iowa Success Network, your emphasis was on how to construct the product. Last week you talked more about how the curriculum might impact changes in student/teacher behavior. Both times you seemed to be struggling with the difficulty of embracing change, pushing against what is and what might be, sympathetic to why these changes are so difficult to make. I seem to hear you saying two things that I agree with: OBE will never work if it invades the culture of the school, and it will never work if it does not!


I guess our job as a ‘change agent’ is to survive within the ‘confusion we keep promoting’ because it might be the most appropriate atmosphere for building consensus. I used to think that changing attitudes would change practices, but I’m convinced that changing practices gets things done. That’s the mix that I think is so critical; embracing contraries without feeling that either must be compromised at the expense of the other; knowing when to push, when to pull, and when to let go; understanding why things don’t get done; and setting the stage for others to do the things they believe are important.


And all the while, it may seem that others are moving at glacier speed while we are holding on for dear life riding this tiger (OBE). I often wonder if others see a different scenario: we are in charge of some carnival ride that they’re forced to take while we sit on the sidelines and turn up the speed of the ride. Funny how different these images are. Others may have a good argument if our only explanation is ‘we’re making things better by making them worse.’ Sometimes I have my doubts. Understanding other perspectives is probably the key to continuing the discussion (and surviving the process!).


A quick fix the OBE paradigm doth not generate!” — excerpt from a letter to Dr. William G. Spady regarding his “Outcome-Based Education” (Special quotations, underlining, and emphasis added.)


New Word In Education: “Paradigm“


No word being used by educators is more revealing than the word “paradigm.” It is a prime New Age word and has been used by the “all is god” crowd for years. They have talked endlessly of a paradigm shift in preparation for the “New World Order” or “Crystal Kingdom” as Jose’ Argulles would call it.  They purposely promote this idea as a mental shift from western to eastern thought or the change from traditional Christianity to eastern mysticism. This idea describes the essence of the New Age Religion.


The National Association of Partners In Education (NAPE) published an article in their newsletter entitled “A Call For A Paradigm Shift.” They clearly described what they mean by this word. Read carefully:


“‘Paradigm’ is a word that has been given a lot of space in the media lately. The distinction that the word ‘paradigm’ refers to has been, for the most part, misunderstood. It has been described as everything from the current ‘buzzword’ to, more generously, ‘a filter through which to look at reality.’ Unfortunately, those descriptions and definitions are superficial and inaccurate, concealing power inherent in paradigms. A paradigm is not a ‘filter,’ but is the fundamental structure of knowing from which reality is constituted. When there is a paradigm shift, the way the world (and ourselves) occurs is altered. When the present paradigm has been fulfilled and used up all the actions to find new, better or different solutions do not make any difference.” — (NAPE, APRIL 1991).


Please note the primary definition of “paradigm” as they described it, “the fundamental structure of knowing from which reality is constituted.” That’s the most honest definition I have read of this word. We are talking about a totally new mindset or mental concept of the realities of life. No longer are we to think of the fixed truths and values at the very heart of western civilization, but we are to move to a new evolution of created realities.


In our American past, inventions and new vistas were discovered and formed out of existing truths and by scientific facts of discovery. Everything had a firm foundation. Now our New Age Educators want to move us into a fantasy world we create with our minds. It’s all an illusion of eastern mysticism that will lead those in its web to the bondage of spiritism. It is clear and simple “occultic stupidity.” Let’s prove this with some of their New Age programs.


Pumsy, The Dragon


The promoters of this curriculum boast that it is now in 40% of our elementary schools. It is labeled as a self-esteem program, but clearly promotes a paradigm shift in children’s thinking. A teacher in Fort Mill, SC, told a student who protested, “I don’t need Pumsy, I’ve got Jesus,” that, “Jesus and God can’t be with you all the time, so you need to call on Pumsy, who will never leave you.” This teacher was an open believer in Pumsy and even taught the children to use crystals and other New Age practices.


Most teachers and counselors who promote Pumsy are subtler, and because of their subtlety, are even more dangerous. This program is New Age to the core. Here is a letter sent home to the parents by two of the teachers in Fort Mill: (Please remember that most schools do not inform the parents in this open fashion.)


“Dear Parent,


 This letter is to update you what we are doing in the Pumsy Program.


Unit 1 is called ‘Pumsy Decides.’ In this unit, we are introduced to Pumsy the dragon and her friend whose name is Friend. We become acquainted with different parts of Pumsy’s personality. She has a wonderful ‘Sparkler Mind’ that is like sparklers on the 4th of July. It is bright and quick, and it runs and plays. This is where all her wonderful, bright ideas come from. When Pumsy is in her Sparkler Mind, she feels good about herself.


Pumsy also has her ‘Clear Mind.’ It is like a pond — still, quiet, clear, and safe. This is where her peacefulness comes from. When Pumsy is in her Clear Mind, she feels good about herself. There is another part of Pumsy’s mind. She calls it her ‘Mud Mind.’ When she is in her Mud Mind, her mind is like a puddle of mud. She can’t think clearly. She feels confused. She doesn’t feel safe. She doesn’t feel good about herself, or good about others or good about anything.


When Pumsy is in her Mud Mind, she waits and waits. She waits for something good to happen to her so her Mud Mind will go away. She doesn’t know yet that she doesn’t have to wait.


Friend (an unseen character in the program) knows about Mud Minds. What he knows about Mud Minds is how to make them go away. He knows how to do it all by himself. Pumsy says to Friend, ‘Will this bad feeling ever go away? Will I ever feel good again? I am so tired of waiting and waiting for something to happen to make me feel better.’


Friend says to Pumsy, ‘Pumsy, you don’t have to wait for something to happen before you can feel better about yourself. You can make it happen!’


The decision Pumsy makes is to learn how to get out of her Mud Mind all by herself.


With the help of Friend, Pumsy begins to learn how to use her Clear Mind and her Sparkler Mind to get herself out of her Mud Mind. She acquires some basic skills that will help her to feel better about herself, better about others, and better about things in general.


The positive theme for this unit is ‘I CAN CHOOSE HOW I FEEL.’


Another letter will come home at the beginning of the next unit.


Best Wishes,


(Signed by the teachers.)”


Please research this whole idea of affective education that is clearly presented in this letter. This idea originated with Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, two psychologists who have now been thoroughly discredited by some of their own peers. This is called self-actualization and was never to be used with children according to Maslow himself. William Carlson was a right hand to Carl Rogers and helped promote this faulty idea. He now heads an organization called “Ethno psychology,” and is dedicated to ending this entire approach to education.


Matthew 2:18 “In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.”


Mark 9:36-37 “And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.”


Outcome-Based Education


This is the “grand” idea that is now full steam across America. It sounds extremely innocent. We all want “outcome” or well-educated graduating seniors. It is promoted with millions of dollars from the top industries in our nation. To criticize this idea is like stepping on a train track in front of a locomotive going 100 mph.


The educator I mentioned earlier, Dr. William G. Spady, is a prime mover. In a lengthy article published in “OUTCOMES,” Spring 1992, he described this educational approach. Here is a statement he makes at the beginning: (Please remember what educators are saying when they use the word paradigm.)


“Third, our educational system needs a new theoretical and operating paradigm, and a growing consensus of prominent opinion leaders, business executives, and educators in supporting the notion. They see that a new restructured paradigm of education must be implemented if either the nation or public education is to survive the already evident flood of internal and external economic, social, and political problems making daily headlines.”


In this article he discusses three stages of reaching the desired goal. He spoke of Traditional Outcome-Based Education, Transitional Outcome-Based Education, and Transformational Outcome-Based Education. The goal is always the last of the three. The first steps are methods to reach the ultimate. In fact he says,


“The irony about Traditional OBE is this: It characterizes almost all of the OBE implementation currently underway in local districts in the U.S. and Canada, and it is highly effective in improving student achievement in school. Yet it is NOT, strictly speaking, OUTCOME-BASED.” — Ibid, p. 15.


He calls this the starting point. Why do they choose to introduce this idea in stages? One reason — It would start a revolution to do it otherwise. We must be brainwashed to the idea slowly; and as we lose our will to resist, then the ultimate can fill our tax-supported schools.


Listen to these words read on National Radio by Marlin Maddoux:


“I want to read something to you, and it comes out of a magazine called The Quarterly Journal of the Network for Outcome-Based Schools. It’s called Outcomes, Vol 9, No IV, Winter 1990-91. Now, to me, what it’s talking about is going into the school district and convincing all of these people to change their ways and start doing it the new way. It seems that their mission is to transform society; first they’ve got to transform the public school systems across America. And, of course, the problem is people who continue to hold the western views in values. And so, as I read this, you’ll find that they’ve got to be converted to some kind of eastern mystical thought.


And this is Outcomes-Based Education! Remember, if you are a school board member, teacher, whatever, and they come in after you to get this into your schools; they send in some pretty high-powered people who know what they are doing.  This is an article called, ‘Paradigm Change, More Magic Than Logic.‘  John Hillary writes it.  And he says,


‘Many observers argue that we are in the middle of a revolutionary change in the patterns and processes of human endeavor.’


Then he starts talking about a shift in the way we think about our culture, our core processes, our worldview, and so on. Then he says,


‘First Order Change. You may have never heard of this, but First Order Change (Traditional OBE) does not challenge your contradictive established context of organization. Now, that can be a company, it can be anything, but this is education.’ 


So, he’s talking about the local school, the board, and the national system, all of us out here. So he says,


 ‘People are not usually threatened, either personally or collectively by this type of change.’ He says, ‘The deeper changes that frustrate leaders and threaten followers are planned Second Order Changes (Transitional OBE). These changes intentionally challenge widely shared assumptions, disintegrate the context of organization and, in general, reframe the social system. This, in turn, generates widespread ambiguity, discontinuity, anxiety, frustration, confusion, paranoia, cynicism, and anger, as well as temporary dysfunction.’


Now, this is what they want to do to your school system and to the parents. This is the same thing that the cults use in converting people to their religion. Let me go on [with John Hillary’s remarks]:


‘The mission purpose of the organization includes the underlying blueprint encoded in the heads and hearts of members that rationalizes both the culture and core processes.’


In other words, what we are dealing with here, this man is saying, is long-held beliefs, worldviews and all of this. So, we’ve got to go against that. I’m skipping through this. I’m gonna come back on a later program and read more, but just a few more. He says,


‘Least disruptive changes in core processes that do not call into question the existing culture or organizational paradigms, these are first order changes. The most disruptive changes, second order on the other hand, call into question the entire context of organization. Paradigm change is therefore not only traumatic in and of itself, but also challenges other attributes and disintegrates the relationship among all domains. The eventual outcome of such change is transformed or renewed organization.’


Now, this is what they are trying to do. Let me go on just a little more. It says,


‘During second order change, the organization must face and hopefully pass through a period of widespread psychological ambiguity, social disconnectiveness, and general confusion.’


Now, is that the Rev. Moon? No! It’s a guy pushing Outcome-Based Education in your public school. He goes on to say,


‘The requisite disintegration of the existing culture and paradigm disrupts the organization’s frame of reference. During this time there is little or no clear and consistent context to guide the thinking and behavior of members. In social systems, this condition produces dysfunction, anxiety, frustration, equilibrium and systematic chaos. Thumbs & Nelson defines such organizations as have devolved to a reactive state.’


Now, this is the state, according to this man, that Nancy Stable (a guest on Marlin’s radio program who is leading opposition) is in. Reactive against it. And he is saying to the people that are doing this,


‘Don’t worry about it. This is all going to take place.’


I could read – I just don’t have time – but Planned Second Order Change, he talks about that, but here is a little more:


‘Many restructuring efforts have failed and the organizations have gone back to the future when unable to endure the psychological consequences of Second Order Change. It’s therefore imperative that leaders of Planned Second Order Change support people as they individually and collectively let go of the way it has always been and open themselves up to the chaos that must precede a return to new stability.‘


Now, folks all you gotta do is add to that a few chains and some bamboo stuff under the fingers and few beatings and so on and basically you’ve got the same kind of thing that changes the mind of a prisoner. But then, the underlying eastern mystical thought comes out. Listen to what the man says. Here it is:


‘Western man tends to be captivated by scientific rationality. We have learned to operate as if there is order to everything. It is only recently that we’ve begun to acknowledge a better balance between the sensible and the supersensible.’


One more paragraph, listen:


‘And so to the degree that a vision of schooling calls into question the paradigm, the purpose and the culture of the organization; Second Order Change becomes the agenda in order to enable the transformation of our schools, boards of education, superintendents, principals, department chairs and teachers must individually and collectively master the context within which they work and face challenges that require more leadership than management, more magic than logic (Transformational OBE).’


That’s frightening! That’s frightening!”


Colossians 3:20-21 “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.”


Many Other Educational Programs of New Age Deception


These two ideas and the data to show their plans give you some understanding of what these educators (???) have in mind for our nation. I said to our former Charlotte/Mecklenburg Superintendent, Dr. John Murphy, “Why don’t you just go back to traditional cognitive education?” I shared with him how our Christian schools have proven that we turn out well-educated students with high marks of academic success. He didn’t answer because there is no answer. They cannot accomplish their goals unless they presume what Dr. Spady quotes from his friend: “We are making things better by making them worse.”


The New World Order


Children and young people are being prepared to accept with open arms a New Order of mankind. This, I believe, is to be the kingdom of the Antichrist ruled by Satan himself. When the author of a book, entitled Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow, first began to speak, it was a small crowd who wanted to hear. One by one others have awakened, and now there is a small-sized army of concerned people. The whole idea is out of the closet, and the New Agers are determined to defeat the Bible-believers and introduce the “Age of Aquarius” to America and the World.


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