Friday, June 23, 2023

SCOTUS Decision On Brunson Case On June 24th


John Saw The Title Deed Of This Earth - SCOTUS Decision On Brunson Case 24th – Hoax Alien Invasion Coming - Tucker’s Episode 6 - Pizzagate the Documentary - David Mahoney Intel Report -  Tara Reade Seeks Asylum In Russia and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 23rd 2023



 THE DAN BONGINO SHOW: I Want The Truth About The Vaccine! - Dan Bongino - Friday, June 23, 2023 - In this episode, I address the most troubling piece of evidence yet to surface, indicating the Biden crime family was shaking people down. I also discuss a new study about the COVID vaccine.

New Benjamin Fulford: Big June Friday Geo-Political Update - June 2023 - Friday, June 23, 2023 -

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR – By Divina Ellison -  Update as of June 23, 2023 – Trump indictment was bogus – SCOTUS  decision on Brunson case expected Sat. 24th June -

TIM BROWN:  The US Government & the Bidens Are…Wait! Look! UFOs! Aliens! - Friday, June 23, 2023 – (Comment: These are all cover for the Biden & Obama communist regime so information coming out will not be seen on the top of the news. The next big deception will be an alien invasion to take the heat off the regime. It is all bogus.) It’s amazing how those who claim to be awake but somehow think UFOs are not orchestrated and used to manipulate them.  Yet, that is showing itself for what it is, and now, as Biden’s crimes are being expose, right on que, we start getting reports about aliens and UFOS.  Of course, it’s a distraction and Marie Hawthorne has a pretty great post demonstrating this…

2 million children devoured annually for sex, blood and organ harvesting - Friday, June 23, 2023 - Sound of Freedom/Maria Zeee & Ed Dowd/IceCube Lab/Dr. McCullough/and more Friday June 23, 2023 Truth Bomb - BY KAREN BRACKEN - July 4th is fast approaching. Have you bought your tickets to see The Sound of Freedom yet? Already have tickets? PAY IT FORWARD tickets? This movie is from Angel Studios (The Chosen). This is the true story of one mans fight to save children that have been trafficked for sex and organ harvesting. Jim Caveizel (The Passion of the Christ) is the star. There are 2 million children trafficked each year and their goal is to sell 2 million tickets before the opening on July 4th. I will be attending the first show on opening day in Bristol, VA. I also bought tickets and gave them to a friend.

TIM BROWN: Silencing Christians, Patriots & Conservatives -You Had To Know That Sooner Or Later That Your Tolerance Was Going To Bring This To Your Front Door…Friday, June 23, 2023 -

Tucker’s Episode 6 – Media Outrage about Bobby Kennedy. He must not interfere with their depopulation agenda by questioning… - Friday, June 23, 2023 -

 Pizzagate the Documentary (Video) - Friday, June 23, 2023 - Independent documentary which follows the chain of online evidence regarding the suspected pedophile ring in Washington D.C.

David Mahoney: Special Intel Report - No One Expected What's Happening, Folks!! (Video) - Friday, June 23, 2023 - There’s lots of new Intel in David’s latest video.. No one expected what’s happening, Folks! Things are escalating at a pace that is tough to keep up with…

"Her Life Is In DANGER!" Biden Accuser Tara Reade Seeks Asylum In Russia! - Redacted News - Friday, June 23, 2023 - Sexual abuse survivor Tara Reade has sought asylum in Russia and protection from the United Nations over concerns of her human rights. She has offered to testify before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government because she has been hunted since she accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault in 1993. She speaks to us from Russia to tell her story.

ETHAN WHITE: The Rapid Unfolding Scare Event, RED-RED, South Africa Blackout, China, US Treasury Bonds, Cyber Attacks, White Hat Alliance, Deep State, Major Scare Event, Corruption, Big Pharma, Q Drop 229 –...Friday, June 23, 2023 - In the heart of every storm lies an eerie calm, a deceptive silence cloaked in the impending uproar of the tempest’s rage. Today, we find ourselves on the precipice of a global Scare Event period, teetering on the edge of profound societal shifts. Cyber attacks are making headlines, hinting at large-scale false flags. The white hat alliance is clenching its fists, ready to bring the deep state to its knees. And China is about to make an economic move that could catalyze a seismic shift in the global economy. Amidst this chaos, we see a single constant thread: a rapid acceleration of events. -

New Monkey Werx SITREP 6.23.23 - Friday Live Show! - Friday, June 23, 2023 - Studying religion & world religion for the last 40 years both academically & secularly I feel very confident in saying; We are watching the prophecies of the Bible come to pass before our eyes.

ETHAN WHITE: The GESARA Law Was Promulgated and Almost No One Knew About It! - Friday, June 23, 2023 - In the enigmatic realm of secret global finance, a shadowy law known as GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) has been promulgated. It’s a secret almost too monumental to fathom, one that could transform the economic landscape of the world. At the heart of this mystery is a treasure trove of precious metals worth an unfathomable quarter billion US dollars (that’s 40 zeros), all ready to be deployed by a mysterious alliance. But the question remains: is the world ready for GESARA? In our journey to unravel this cosmic financial puzzle, we will uncover how the wealth of the world is finally set to be distributed to all eight billion inhabitants of our planet. You, yes, you, could potentially become an instant millionaire, free of debt and financial worries. And the planet? Well, Earth is finally free to experience herself as the opulent planet she was always meant to be. But how? -

Anonymous - The Bankers Are The Problem. Declare Open Season on the Banksters, if you Really Want Freedom - Friday, June 23, 2023 - The Transformation in the mind of the public will only occur when the shiny facade of False Reality is shattered. — But even now cracks are appearing in the Corporate Chambers of Power in the BlackRock Fortress of Evil. — Shatter the Evil Institution into a thousand prices. Tear Down the Banksters System of Control that hold you in Enslavement - Peoples Voice: Abortion Blood Money From Black Market Baby Parts for Adrenochrome —Evil Adrenochrome Dealers Caught Splurging on Lamborghinis —ABORTION BLOOD MONEY & BLACK MARKET BABY PARTS —Planned Parenthood executives have been caught harvesting the organs and body parts of children for the VIP elite – and boasting about the luxury items and lavish lifestyles that the trade in dead children affords them. — Dr. Mary Gatter, the director of the Los Angeles branch of Planned Parenthood, was caught on video negotiating the price of very specific body parts favored by the elites who use the body parts in the consumption of adrenochrome.

New ShariRaye Huge 6/23/2023 - Q Decode - Friday, June 23, 2023 -

New Dr. Jim Willie: Military Arrests June 2023 - Greenland Prison Full (100,000) - Friday, June 23, 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: DOJ files first-ever charges against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers for fueling America's deadly opioid crisis: Two execs are arrested in Hawaii and one is on the run - The U.S. government has charged four Chinese companies in the probe - Prosecutors say the company trafficked the chemicals to make fentanyl - Nearly all fentanyl precursors are manufactured and shipped from China, they said - By GERMANIA RODRIGUEZ POLEO FOR DAILYMAIL.COM -PUBLISHED: 12:49 EDT, 23 June 2023 | UPDATED: 14:01 EDT, 23 June 2023 -

X22 Report: We Are Now In The Transparency Phase! The Door Has Been Open! Backchannels Are Important! - Must Video - Thursday, June 22, 2023 - The [DS] biggest fear is a population that is awake and seeing the criminal syndicate system. We are now in the transparency phase, the door has been open. The patriots are in control and they are producing the evidence so the people see and understand the infiltration. As the people see more, they will want accountability and the only agency that can do that is the military. Biden received a funeral salute at his inauguration at Arlington cemetery. Trump is the CIC and the military is behind him.

YOUR THRONE OF GOD... (Heb Ch. 1 & 2) PART 2, Session 2 - Friday, June 23, 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: Manufacturer 3M to pay up to $12.5BILLION to help 300 cities from Philadelphia to San Diego filter out 'forever chemicals' from drinking water supplies after thousands of its household items were tied to cancer - The settlement will go towards ridding public water systems across the US of harmful chemicals allegedly polluted by the company's firefighting foam - The foam used PFAS, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, which have been associated with cancers and other illnesses - PFAS  are found in numerous household goods from tape to water bottles - By ALICE WRIGHT FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 02:18 EDT, 23 June 2023 | UPDATED: 03:53 EDT, 23 June 2023 - 



John Saw The Title Deed Of This Earth

by Joseph Chambers

Published on: February 8, 2015

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 23rd 2023


POST-MILLENNIALISM OR DOMINIONISM ARE BLASPHEMOUS DOCTRINES THAT ROB JESUS CHRIST OF HIS COMING GLORY TO REDEEM THIS EARTH. This entire universe is steeped in rot and degradation and must be reclaimed and purified by Divine redemption. John saw the drama of the “Title Deed” of this earth in the Father’s Hand. Then he saw it passed to the Son Of God, a Lamb slain, who would start the proceedings of repossession. The fifth Chapter of Revelation is almost to sacred to touch. This earth cannot be saved by mystical preachers and their massive schemes of Dominionism or “Taking Possession Over The Earth.” This idea has become dominant over much of the church world and the Antichrist loves it.


The ultimate face-off between the Lamb of God and Satan is one of the most breathtaking truths in the Book of Revelation. But, first a six thousand year old scroll or a“Title Deed Of The Earth” must be understood. “And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals” (Revelation 5:1). Apparently, our Heavenly Father commissioned this scroll to be written just as soon as Satan stole the legal deed to the beautiful world that Adam and Eve had inherited. This scroll was never seen by mortal man until John saw it in his vision. The Father held it as a strong angel sought a Worthy Redeemer who had earned the legal right to open its content.


Nowhere in God’s entire universe was there a being or creature kin to the divine person of God. The great host of angels must have searched every nook and cranny in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth. By divine revelation, John was either told or made to understand that this book contained the hope of humankind. Without this great scroll in the Father’s hand being fulfilled, this unclean universe was destined to continue downward. Someone had to open this book and take back what the devil stole. In this six thousand year old document was the title deed and the divine process to uproot the usurper. The Father’s plan and purpose was recorded; but, the first of kin to God Himself had to unseal the plan.


John was weeping in soul-rending disappointment. We would think that John already knew that there was an answer; but, it had been held back from him. It was an unfolding drama. He was still in the flesh even though he was caught up in the Spirit. But, the Elders at the scene were glorified saints and now possessed the wisdom of the ages. “And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” (Revelation 5:5). This is one of the most revealing manifestations of the victory of the cross in Holy Scripture. His death was the redemption and reclaiming of paradise lost.


When the Son of God said, “It is finished,” He literally ripped a stolen and emaciated world out of Satan’s possession. That victory could not be claimed until the Gospel had its day of redeeming souls. But, that day is now at hand in this vision; and we are about to see the real drama in our day. John was beholding the scene that is soon to be acted out when the Raptured saints are gathered home. “And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne” (Revelation 5:6-7).


The Heavens exploded in triumphant worship. The saints will sing their first song after arriving in the Eternal City of Jerusalem. This is the Holy City of which earthly Jerusalem was but a shadow. The worship will be of Jesus Christ our Emancipator. Finally, the universe will see the full scope of who He is and the finished work of what He did. He was the first of kin, the only begotten Son, to the Father. As the Divine Savior, He is ready for the ultimate face-off with the lying masquerades of Satan.


This great manuscript had been held in the archives of Heavenly Jerusalem since the loss of this earth in the Garden of Eden. Never had our Father been without a plan. Enoch may have known the secret. No doubt Noah carried it in his heart while in the ark although he had never seen the document. Abraham came from Ur to be the Father of Faith in the unpossessed Promise Land. From him all the way to Calvary, it was like a hidden dream in the hearts of faithful Jews. Now, John must become the writer to share its future fulfillment.


That was the beautiful background for the victory to occur by the“Seven Sealed scroll.” This entire document is a legal manifest, it is divine business and His saints are the offended host. Satan is the accused and judgment has been passed. Let the proceedings begin, “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer” (Revelation 6:1-2).


Jesus Christ is never called by any of His beautiful names during the seven years of cleansing this earth. He is called the Lamb or the Lamb of God. The process of Revelation chapter six to Revelation chapter nineteen, verse ten are so gruesome and profound that every action of redemption must proceed from the smitten Lamb. This incredible period is not too dissimilar from His earthly pilgrimage. He was the Son of man without ceasing to be the Son of God. During these seven years, He will be the Lamb of God without ceasing to be Alpha and Omega. His Majestic Being will be hidden in His purging manifestation. Ripping sin out of this entire cosmos is not a pretty task.


As this powerful picture unfolds, the raptured saints will be fully prepared for the events to follow. Heaven is quickly filled with an explosion of worship. Now, we will see those twenty-four elders in their full multitude, “And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands” (Revelation 5:9-11). Surely, no one can doubt that this raptured host has arrived in Heaven to share the cleansing of the earth from the dark reign of Satan and his deceived multitude.


The picture of this beginning eviction of Satan and his horde of wicked spirits is very celestial. John sees this after being “caught up” himself while still in his body but allowed to see in the Heavenly realm. The Lamb is the Grand Marshall. The first four seals are unique and reflect a unity of purpose. Zechariah had seen the same four horses and riders, “And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass. In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses; And in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grisled and bay horses” (Zechariah 6:1-3). It was noted that these go forth from God and are instrumental for judgment on the earth. In every act of redemption there is its counterpart of judgment. You can have judgment without redemption, but you can never have redemption without judgment.



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