Friday, June 9, 2023

Eyes of The Devil


Who Is the Biggest Villain of All - Obama Arrested for Crimes Against Humanity – UN Shutdown Diplomats Arrested – Mel Gibson & Sex Trafficking - Eyes of The Devil - NATURAL NEWS - World Enters El Nino Climate Pattern – Social Media & Pedophile Networks and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 9th 2023



REAL RAW NEWS: Military to Miami to Protect President Trump - By Michael Baxter -June 9, 2023 - White Hats have deployed to Miami in case the Deep State tries to unlawfully detain or disappear President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday, when he is expected to plead not guilty to fabricated federal charges that he kept classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, as well as other baseless allegations.

Situation Update, June 9, 2023 - Trump Spokesperson Answers Questions About The Swamp, Indictments!! - Mike Adams Must Video - Friday, June 9, 2023 12:23 - 0:00 Intro 3:12 War Escalation 9:13 Internet Apocalypse 11:09 UFO 15:04 “Forever Chemicals” - 19:52 Other News 30:52 Interview with Liz Harrington 1:13:35 Interview with John Moore. -

New Benjamin Fulford: Friday Mass June Geopolitical Intel Update 2023 - Friday, June 9, 2023 12:48 -

New Monkey Werx: Yes, It's Really Happening! SITREP 6.9.23 - Friday Live! - Friday, June 9, 2023 -

Decoding the Decadence: Fiat's Fall, Gold’s Glory, and the Dawn of the QFS & GESARA-NESARA Era – By Ethan White - Friday, June 9, 2023 13:29 - What, you say, no more wars? That’s all part of Nesara-Gesara… there can be no more wars! What we are watching is not war as we have known it… it’s governments playing out in front of us. It’s being shared by the media as war, and of-course, the bad, bad Russians etc. In Ukraine it’s Russia taking out the hideous bio-labs and deep state rats. Any war-like action has been by the Ukrainian Nazi’s hurting their own people.

Lynette Zang Warns: Cash Con Game Is Over! Current Financial System Has Reached Its End! - Stansberry Research - Friday, June 9, 2023 - “The reality is, this is the end of the current system’s life cycle. It actually died in 2008,” says Lynette Zang, chief market analyst for ITM Trading. “They just pumped a lot of garbage [money] into the system to make it look like it’s still alive and still viable when it’s not.”

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR – By Divina Ellison - Update as of June 9, 2023 – UN shut down diplomats arrested – Obama arrested for Crimes Against Humanity -

Mel Gibson Strikes at the Heart of the Multibillion-Dollar Child Sex Trafficking Industry - Friday, June 9, 2023 4:42 - The buzz around Gibson’s involvement stems from his association with Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), an anti-sex trafficking charity. Gibson has been a vocal advocate for O.U.R., and its founder, Tim Ballard, has suggested that the actor played a role in his upcoming four-part docuseries. Ballard’s account reveals Gibson’s personal commitment to the cause and his willingness to lend his talents to exposing the dark realities of child sex trafficking.

MAIL ONLINE: Rise in fatal condition linked to marijuana usage: Syndrome causes severe vomiting and dehydration - and at least four people have died from it - Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) causes recurrent bouts of vomiting - Sufferers find relief from scalding hot showers, but some then suffer skin burns - READ MORE: Chronic cannabis use raises the risk of psychosis by up to 4 TIMES - By CAITLIN TILLEY, HEALTH REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - UPDATED: 18:45 EDT, 8 June 2023 - Doctors have reported rising cases of a rare but fatal condition linked to significant marijuana use, which causes intense vomiting, dehydration and abdominal pain. Daily marijuana smokers are at risk of developing cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), which researchers warn could become more common as marijuana becomes increasingly legal. It can be used recreationally in 22 US states.

THE DAN BONGINO SHOW: R.I.P. USA! - Dan Bongino Live - 11 AM ET - Friday, June 9, 2023 – (Comment: My Intel says when Trump lawyers met with DOJ lawyers Biden’s lawyers tried to bribe them into telling lies about Trump. This is all political theater anyway to try and make Trump look bad. It will have the opposite effect however. His donors will give even more money as they all know this is a witch hunt.) -

Situation Update 06.09.23 ~ Trump Return! White Hat Intel! ~ Juan O Savin & SG Anon Intel!! - Must Video - Friday, June 9, 2023 10:49 -

How Can They Get Away With Any Of It Now? The Arrests Are Coming! - A Must Video - Friday, June 9, 2023 -

The U.S. Military’s History of Using Forest Fires as a Weapon – Friday, June 9, 2023 11:17 - Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth’s last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? The short answer is yes. A formerly classified US military document titled “Forest Fires As A Military Weapon” is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction. The climate engineering atrocities are a primary factor in the equation of exponentially increasing forest fires and fire intensity. Geoengineering operations are completely disrupting the global hydrological cycle, drying out forests and driving record wildfires around the world. Climate engineering is fueling global incineration.

END TIME HEADLINES: Demon “Lilith” on full display on billboard in Times Square with apocalyptic wildfire skies looming over New York - The brand new installment from a video game series called “Diablo” also called “Devil” features a demon that in Jewish mythology and folklore, Lilith was known to prey upon helpless newborn infants and seduced unsuspecting men, using their “wasted seed” to spawn hordes of demon babies. According to the NYP, A video game billboard in Times Square, NY has gone viral after pollution from the raging Canadian wildfires bathed the Big Apple in orange. The display in question promotes the new “Diablo IV” game and features this demon on full display. -


Eyes of The Devil – Children For Sale - Friday, June 9, 2023 5:10 -

NATURAL NEWS: Consumer products are a silent source of cancer-causing chemical exposure, NEW study reveals - Friday, June 9, 2023 1:17 - When consumers make a purchase, they often prioritize utility and aesthetics, rarely considering the possibility of harmful chemicals lurking in the products they choose.  However, recent analysis has highlighted a concerning issue: certain consumer products contain cancer-causing volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

PAT LANCASTER REPORTS: "There are NO Ukrainians here, the media are lying" - Patrick Lancaster reports | Redacted News - Friday, June 9, 2023 - Patrick Lancaster has filed a story from the front lines of the battle between Russia and Ukraine and it doesn’t look anything like what the media tells us it does. President Zelensky was in Kherson today surveying the damage from the blown dam and pretending that Ukraine had nothing to do with it.

Juan O' Savin: Military Tribunals, EBS, The HUGE Change - It's All Coming Together, Folks! (Video) - Friday, June 9, 2023 6:24 - Juan is back finishing the conversation he had with Mike Jaco, that I posted yesterday, see HERE. Juan also proclaims justice is just around the corner for the enemy!

Donald Trump: "I Have Been Indicted" - The Saga of MAGA Continues... - Thursday, June 8, 2023 22:14 - On Thursday, former President Donald Trump posted on Truth Social that he’s been indicted, “seemingly over the Boxes Hoax”, and he has been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday at 3pm.

Trump Indictment! Kash Warned Us - Yuge Week Coming! Moves & Countermoves! MUST WATCH!! (Video) - Friday, June 9, 2023 9:09 -

Western MSM Journalists Censored by the Kiev Regime - Friday, June 9, 2023 7:25 - According to a recent report, Western journalists are being censored in Ukraine. Kiev’s aim is to prevent the truth about the conflict from reaching Western readers, which is why the regime imposes strict rules on journalists, allowing only information favorable to Ukraine to be published. The case shows how western public opinion is induced by the mainstream media to support Ukraine through lies, distortions, and censorship.

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT BREAKING: Biden’s DOJ Tried to Bribe Attorney for Trump’s Valet in Exchange for Testimony Against Trump – Clearly Illegal Act That Threatens Jack Smith’s Case Against Trump - By Jim Hoft - Jun. 8, 2023 - On Thursday The Guardian reported that Joe Biden’s DOJ attempted to bribe the attorney for Trump valet driver in exchange for testimony against Donald Trump. Clearly, this is an illegal act and it should threaten the case against President Trump. The only criminal act in this entire case is the actions by the Biden DOJ!

FOX WEATHER - It’s official: World enters El Nino climate pattern – June 8th 2023 - The warming of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean can have significant impacts on global weather, and when sea surface temperature anomalies reach 0.5°C or warmer than what is typical, an El Niño is considered to be underway. – (Comment: DEW satellite laser weapons can superheat the ocean waters to cause intense weather patterns that can & do cause catastrophic record breaking storms.)  By Andrew Wulfeck -

THE EPOCH TIMES: Instagram Algorithms Promote Pedophile Networks, Investigation Finds – By Jackson Elliot – June 9th 2023 - Instagram’s algorithms connect a vast network of pedophiles, an investigation by The Wall Street Journal, Stanford University, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst discovered. An investigation by the Stanford Internet Observatory’s chief technologist, David Thiel, research manager Renée DiResta, and director Alex Stamos discovered that a massive network of English-speaking social media accounts buy, sell, and share child sexual abuse material (CSAM) across several social media networks…

RAIR FOUNDATION - France: Open Borders Advocates' Hypocrisy Exposed When Their Children Are at Risk - By Amy Mek - June 8, 2023 - The park, originally intended as a recreational space for children, has now become a temporary home for the migrant camp. A recent video report from France has brought attention to an encampment in Lyon’s park, initially claimed to be occupied by migrant “minors.” However, it has been revealed that the occupants are actually adult migrant men, raising concerns about their true status and age. This situation has sparked worries among residents, parents, and authorities, as the encampment continues to grow and pose a threat to the community.




Who Is the Biggest Villain of All?

By Wilfred Hahn

Published on: May 10, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 9th 2023


Have you ever felt foolish when admitting to your Christian beliefs … or in sharing the reasons you feel support your faith? As it is, most non-believers (i.e., atheists and skeptics of all kinds) intuitively know where the chinks and weak spots are in the Christian believer’s armor. As such, skeptics can be quick to cast ridicule when hearing our feeble justifications.


They may question: “Do you actually believe the children’s story of Noah’s ark … Is this not laughable?” Or: “How could you believe the claim that a god created all things? Isn’t this also a fairy tale, specifically given that so many scholars believe evolution is an established fact? With as much as 90% of academics in some countries believing evolutionism to be true, how can Creationism be true? Surely, with so much pedigree, does this not rule out Creationism?”


Bible-believing Christians may find themselves discredited and humiliated. Indeed, we may identify with Jeremiah, who said: “I am ridiculed all day long; everybody mocks me […] the word of the Lord has brought me insult and reproach all day long” (Jeremiah 20:7b-8b).


What about the claim of the Bible reader that the Christian God is benevolent and loving? Atheists, on the other hand, vociferously insist that God is dispassionate and bloodthirsty. The infamous question in their quiver of poisonous arrows is this: “If your God allows so much human suffering, how could He be benevolent?” Usually, this question serves as the winning coup de grâce … cutting off all further discussion.


Unfortunately, many Christians are not ready to provide convincing refutation to these attacks. However, we must be ready to counter-argue the views of the unbelieving world. The Bible says: “I […] urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (Jude 1:3b).


Next, then, let’s contend for the truth of God and His character. We begin by examining the position that God is unjust, allowing many humans to suffer and die.


Preparing Counter-Arguments


Why does God allow geophysical disasters, causing many casualties and deaths? Given the high-profile nature of geophysical catastrophes (quakes, volcanoes, floods … etc.), this is a question that most will have pondered at some point in their lives.


As mentioned, many people refuse to believe in God because they reason He is unjust to allow so much death and suffering through geophysical forces and otherwise.


While one hears this question often, the reality is that this view is easily debunked. We need only ask one question: Who or what is the cause of most unnatural deaths?


As the reader will see, the answer we propose is an apologist “stopper.” It lays flat the view that there is no such person as a benevolent God. Before proceeding with our argument, we ponder the nature of God.


Who Can Stand Before God?


Most people who cast allegations against God likely have no concept of the identity, character, and infinity of the Judeo-Christian Living God—Jehovah. The only god that many people will accept is one that they themselves can control and understand.


By presuming to judge and condemn things far above their understanding, they have implicitly placed themselves above God. What that means is they are actually worshiping a very small and imperfect “god.” They fail to realize that their god is really themselves; thus, one that is capricious, inconsistent, and powerless.


The question to put to people that fault God is to ask them to define what the term “god” means to them. And, assuming they do not believe in God, they must also answer the question as to why evolutionary forces have given rise to so much human suffering around the world. The One and Only God, on the other hand, clearly states His position relative to humans: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9).


Moreover, the Bible says that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of [all] wisdom” (Psalm 111:10a) and that He is “changeless” (James 1:17). It should be obvious to all that He created all (Romans 1:20) and has proven Himself to mankind by accurately foretelling the future and resurrecting His Son.


Failing to recognize these truths, they remain blinded. Others may volitionally and spitefully choose not to believe in God … expressly defying Him. They are likely to be offended by the notion that there are answers “higher” than them, though they are made of flesh that returns to dust.


The Price of Choice


Let us return to our core questions: Why has God left natural systems and physical phenomena to operate independently and to allow much human suffering? One reason we can point to is that God gave dominion over the earth to mankind, as well as the freedom of choice (the ability to voluntarily love God and to be obedient to His statutes).


Here in the 21st century, we live in a fallen age. Post the Great Flood, the physical properties of the earth changed. After the Great Flood-induced “reset,” human lifespans started to shorten significantly for those born after the Flood. Up to the time of the Flood, the average lifespan was 930 years, according to the Bible. Thereafter, a “longevity” collapse ensued.


This had a major consequence in the post-Flood era. Abraham himself only lived to the age of 175 years, that being only 20% of the pre-Flood longevity average. At the time of the Flood, it is thought that weather patterns changed significantly. Genetic deterioration also began to occur, it is theorized. This led to health declines.


All of the above-mentioned happened as a result of the punishment of God … what mankind brought upon himself. The point we wish to highlight here is that human suffering increased in the post-Flood era. That is only part of the answer as to why human suffering is allowed in our world today.


Causes of Human Death


Natural disasters affect millions of people every year. According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), there were roughly 7,250 disasters in the world between 1998 and 2017, killing over 1.3 million people. Of those, flooding and storms accounted for the greatest number of disasters, while earthquakes caused the largest number of deaths. Close to 750,000 people died from earthquakes during that period.


Can God be blamed for all of these disasters?


Let us briefly look at humanity’s record of killing and villainy. In comparison, consider the decimation and disasters that have been caused by humans—actions for which they alone have been responsible.


Let’s review the record of human wars. WWI alone was responsible for the lives of some 20 million. WWII claimed another staggering 50 million. Politically motivated deaths in the 20th century worldwide are estimated to be in the hundreds of millions (estimates vary significantly).


Zbigniew Brzezinski (former National Security Advisor in the Johnson and Carter administrations), in his book, Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st Century (1993), estimates that “politically motivated carnage” accounts for some 167 to 175 million deaths in the 20th century. That equates to one casualty out of roughly every 90 people that lived during that period. That mortality rate is more than 50 times that of earthquakes and volcanoes combined—yes, 50 times greater.


What other causes of death are there, and who is to blame? Consider suicide. Suicide is tragic. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Burden of Disease study estimate that almost 800,000 people die from suicide every year. That’s one person every 40 seconds.


What about homicides?


UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) reported a global average homicide rate of 6.1 per 100,000 population for 2019 (in their report titled “Global Study on Homicide”).


If one assumes the same homicide rate applied over the period 1900 to 2014, some 50 million people would have been murdered. That is a mortality rate more than 20 times that attributable to earthquake activity.


Still other statistics involving death and suffering could be considered. Nevertheless, we can firmly conclude the question of who the biggest villain of all is.


By far, the human is the biggest voluntary killer on the planet.


To the atheists, this is a devastating fact. Their god of “evolutionary forces” must therefore be the most brutal of all. To the evolutionist’s theory, not only has their god caused incalculable and pointless death and destruction, but also this has been committed by their supposed crowning product—the Homo sapien.


Thoughts to Ponder


Considering the casualties of all geophysical forces has apparently earned God the title of “The Ultimate Supervillain” of all time (as presented on the website of the rabid atheist Richard Dawkins’ Foundation for Reason and Science).


It certainly is strange that God should suffer such an epithet … by humans, no less.


After all, aren’t Homo sapiens the biggest killers and villains of all time?


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