Sunday, June 18, 2023

Best of the Best


Best of the Best - Banks Are Shuttering – Martial Law is Here – Tanks & Troops Deploying Inside  US & Canada - Julie Green & WH Shock - NESARA/ GESARA - Planned Parenthood In Decline - New Mel K – X22 Report and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 17-18th 2023



Judy Byington - SG Anon. Juan O' Savin: URGENT EMAIL - Special Intel Report & Situation Update For June 18, 2023 (Video) - Sunday, June 18, 2023 - It has been confirmed that on Sat. 17 June 2023 Tanks and Troops were deploying inside the US and Canada. The Military was positioning itself in 27 states, including the state of WASHINGTON, IDAHO, CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, COLORADO, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, KENTUCKY, IOWA, MICHIGAN, SOUTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, VIRGINIA, NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA, WHERE THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA WAS UNDER MILITARY CONTROL. Citizens in many areas of the US reported tanks, troops and assault aircraft being deployed on the streets throughout the US on Saturday, 17 June.  &

Juan O' Savin & David Nino: New Military Intel - Boots on the Ground, It's About to Go LIVE!! (Video) - Sunday, June 18, 2023 -

JFK Jr.: The Local Military Says 'This Is Not A Drill' (Video) - Sunday, June 18, 2023 -

BREITBART - Study: 24,000 Fewer Abortions in U.S. Following Dobbs Decision – By Katherine Hamilton – June 16th 2023 - A new study estimates there were 24,290 fewer legal abortions between July 2022 and March 2023, after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. FiveThirtyEight obtained the study from #WeCount, which is a national research project led by the Society of Family Planning, a nonprofit that supports research about abortion and contraception. That study found that there were more than 24,000 fewer abortions compared to a pre-Dobbs baseline. #WeCount made its estimate by contacting every abortion clinic in the country multiple times over a twelve-month period.

LIFESITE NEWS: Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Will Fire 15% of Its Staff Nationwide - By Steven Ertelt - Jun 12, 2023 - Pro-Life Americans will have another reason to celebrate the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision this month. That’s because the Planned Parenthood abortion business is laying off 15% of its staff nationwide as more states pass laws protecting babies from abortion.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE - It's Long Past Time To Vanquish These Shape-Shifting Demons From America's 'Body Politic' - More Proof The Biden Crime Family Corruption Runs Deep With Treasonous Ties To Ukraine - US DOJ Joins America's Corrupt Politicians In Destroying The 'Rule Of Law' - By James Howard Kunstler for All News Pipeline – June 18th 2023 -  “Modern states are powerful things, vast machines built of human components that act according to their own logic and towards their own ends.” — Eugypius on Substack - As a Jewish American, and a connoisseur of my people’s folklore, I bring to your attention the troublesome figure of the dybbuk (dih-bik), a disembodied demon that, because of its sins, wanders restlessly among us and can enter the flesh of a living person, who will then afflict and torment the community until properly exorcised by a minyan of rabbis garbed in white burial shrouds wielding sacred oaths.

JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES: A Shocking White House Announcement Is About to be Revealed! -

RED ALERT: Huge WW3 Military Movements Across America Continue - Deep Dives - What Are We Seeing? - Sunday, June 18, 2023 - Huge WW3 Military Movements Across America Continue – Deep Dives – What Are We Seeing? -

Putin Shows African Peace Delegation Signed Peace Deal With Ukraine – Alex Elaborates - Sunday, June 18, 2023 - Peskov – Essentially demilitarization of Ukraine completed; will Russia now need to demilitarize NATO? Germany running out of funds for Ukraine project. Journalists stunned by progress which has been made in rebuilding Mariupol.

Michael Jaco: Banks Are Shuttering! Restricting Cash Withdrawals As Digital Currency Approaches Don't Get Taken Advantage of!! - Dr. Kirk Elliott!! - Must Video - Saturday, June 17, 2023 - So, we hear there could be hackers on the swift system that could happen today and tomorrow. I get SS and normally it would come this Saturday the 17th but it came today?!!  So, don’t know if the bank/gov is concerned-which I doubt- but the hacker thing might be a diversion? In any case curious. -

Judy Byington: QFS, Global Currency Revaluation, NESARA/ GESARA, WWG1WGA - Special Intel Report & Situation Update For Sat. 17 June 2023 (Video) - Saturday, June 17, 2023 - Mon. 19 June was the Juneteenth Federal Holiday that Commemorated the Start of the Q Movement and End of Slavery When 20 Generals Supported Abraham Lincoln to Elect Him US President. The Movement Continued With His Death, and the Death of President Kennedy – Both of Whom Tried to Abolish the Khazarian Rothschild Mafia Cabal and Return to the Original Concepts of the US Constitution.

Bo Polny: TEOTWAWKI For the US? Get Ready, Folks! (Video) - Saturday, June 17, 2023 - Bo shares VITAL Intel in his latest video.. Bo is a special guest on the His Glory Show and the gentlemen have a very informative and insightful discussion abut what’s to come..

New Sarge: Intel from the Backlines for June Booms - Saturday, June 17, 2023 -

David Mahoney: Urgent Special Intel Report and Situation Update (Video) - Saturday, June 17, 2023 -

ATLAS SHRUGS - NEWLY DISCOVERED: Ukraine Opened Biden Bank Account In Maltese For Alleged $10 Million Bribery Payment - Saturday, June 17, 2023 - Emails from the Biden laptop reveal a newly discovered Hunter Biden Maltese bank account opened by Burisma that coincides with the $10 million bribery allegations involving Biden and Burisma, as reported by an FBI source. The transfer of ten million dollars between Ukraine and the Bidens was from Satabank in Malta. And while lying Joe Biden claims he never met Hunter’ business associates the email from Vadim Pozharsky thanking Hunter Biden for his meeting with his dad in April 2017 says different. Trump was impeached for trying to get to the bottom of this. The net is closing on Joe Biden based on very real evidence.

EXPLOSIVE Revelations: The Shocking Truth Behind Henry Kissinger's Blood-Stained Legacy! - Saturday, June 17, 2023 - You’d hardly think that a Nobel Peace Prize laureate could be associated with some of the most devastating events in recent global history, but when it comes to Henry Kissinger, the reality might be stranger than fiction. - The Rockefeller Connection - Kissinger, widely known for his political acumen and diplomacy, has often been at the center of controversies that are as shocking as they are bewildering. It’s as if behind the facade of the respected statesman, there lies a puppeteer orchestrating chaos, and not just any chaos, but events that have led to millions of lives lost. The intrigue doesn’t stop there. Kissinger’s association with the influential Rockefeller family further fuels the suspicion. It’s almost as though they’re intertwined in an intricate web, seeking to manipulate humanity on a grand scale, much like a chess game with humans as pawns. The Rockefeller family’s influence extends far and wide, and with Kissinger’s connections, one wonders what the ulterior motives might be.

ATLAS SHRUGS: The Espionage Act and the Presidential Records Act - Saturday, June 17, 2023 - The Presidential Records Act is not a clear path to exoneration for former President Trump. But the Espionage Act is not “cut and dried” in its prohibitions when applied to a former POTUS who on his last day in office had absolute — ABSOLUTE — authority to see and possess every document and piece of information held by the Executive Branch. Trump has been charged by the Smith SCO with 31 counts of violating the “Espionage Act” — Title 18 United States Code Section 793. Section 793(e) reads as follows:

X22 Report: Devin Nunes - Plumbers Have Infiltrated The Country! Investigators Need To Be Investigating! - Must Video - Saturday, June 17, 2023 - Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Devin begins the conversation talking about Truth Social on how Truth is now a closed loop. The plumbers are controlling the US government, the infiltration is real. The corruption is now coming out about Biden which will lead to Obama. The attacks on Trump will continue. In the end the investigators will need to be investigated by an outside agency.

New Mel K on FlyOver Conservatives | CCP Style Social Credit Score is Already Here | 6-17-23 - Saturday, June 17, 2023 -

Their Final Act- The Alien Agenda. Who Paid For It? We Did! - Saturday, June 17, 2023 - We’ve only just recently become aware of the DUMBs existence and that they’ve been around for a very long time. Little that we know that these have been used to not only create exceptional technology but also experiment on humans and animals. You may wonder how can trillions of dollars be funneled into the secret Black Budget Program? How about NASA for starters in Operation Paperclip when the US took all the Nazi scientists who sold their soul in order to get incredible technology. The truth is stranger than fiction. The nephilim needed humans to create for themselves vessels, bodies that they could inhabit (possess) and by mixing the species of human and animal dna they succeeded to look like us except they’re totally loyal to their father the devil and been able to take over all high positions in the governments of the earth. They look like us but they know not righteousness and do not have a moral compass. This didn’t start with the Nazis, this started at the beginning of creation when they implemented the perfect system of control called religion. As rulers of the earth, they were able to bring our life expectancy to less that 100 years and have access to children from all over the earth. They own everything and control everything. And who paid for that? we did. ..

Donald Trump Decode 6.18.23 - Q+ (Video) - Sunday, June 18, 2023 -



Best of the Best

By Dennis Huebshman

Published on: June 17, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 18th 2023

Ephesians 2:8-9; “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works so that no one may boast. (ESV – all emphasis mine)


The powerful verse above is to remind us all that our Salvation is not something we can earn or buy, as it has been the most valuable gift ever given on this earth. A part of our Heavenly Father came to this earth because of His immeasurable love for all of us flawed humans (John 3:16-18).


From the very beginning, a fallen archangel with a severe case of destructive self-pride believed he should be equal to the God that had created him. Lucifer, Satan, the devil, was so persuasive that he caused a multitude of the heavenly host to follow him and thus be condemned for all eternity (Revelation 12:4). They are being allowed a certain latitude now, but when the time that has been set by the Father arrives, they will be cast into the lake of fire forever that was created especially for them (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 19:20, and Revelation 20:10). They have no pathway to forgiveness as we humans do.


Up to a certain point, God allowed sin sacrifices in the form of blood from animals and birds. However, these were to be temporary in nature until the absolute most perfect sacrifice would be made once and for all (Hebrews 10:4). That sacrifice was given at Calvary for us by the only “human” that would ever live a totally sin-free life.


Even though Jesus is a part of the Triune Godhead, He allowed Himself to become lower than the angels in the form of a human (Hebrews 2:7-9). He was fully God, yet He submitted completely to the will of the Heavenly Father (John 10:11-14;18). As a result, His blood sacrifice was the only one that could ever appease God’s requirement for absolute perfection. There could never have been, nor could there ever be, any other pure, sinless blood sacrifice that would provide permanent forgiveness of all our sins. Also, there is no price that could ever be paid by us that would cover even one sin.


The amazing part of the “gift” of eternal life for us is it’s ours if we receive and accept Jesus as our eternal Savior. No matter what any false prophets or antichrists may try to tell you, Admit, Believe, and Call is the only pathway to the Father.


Admit or confess that we are all sinners, as given in Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23, and Romans 6:23. To say we have not sinned or that we are living a sinless life would be the same as calling the Father a liar.


Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living Lord God Jehovah, and His death, burial, and resurrection is the only pathway to eternal life. This is stated very specifically in John 14:6 and Acts 4:12.


Finally, Call out to Jesus to forgive you and to be your Savior forever. That’s Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13. God’s promise is, “All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


Once we receive our immortal bodies and renewed mindset, we will never be subject to sin again. We will serve and worship our Savior in Paradise (Heaven) forever.


Does this mean we will never sin again? The truth is we will be sinners because of the fall of humans in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3. Our God knows that as long as we’re in these mortal bodies on this sin-filled earth and with our sin-nature mindset, we will slip and sin. He has provided a pathway to forgiveness in 1 John 1:8-10.


There is a poem I copied long ago by an unknown author. It’s labeled “The Best Poem in the World.”


I was shocked, confused, and bewildered as I entered Heaven’s door. Not by the beauty of it all, nor the lights or its décor.


But it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp – the thieves, the liars, the sinners, the alcoholics and the trash.


There stood the kid from 7th. grade who swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice.


A man who I always thought was rotting away in hell, was sitting pretty on Cloud 9, looking incredibly well.


I nudged Jesus, “What’s the deal? I would love to hear Your take; how’d all these sinners get here? God must’ve made a mistake. And why is everyone so quiet, so somber; give me a clue.”


“Hush, child” He said. “They’re in shock; no one thought they’d be seeing you! Judge Not!”


And then there’s the story of a woman asking a very specific question, and the answer she received.


“While praying one day, a woman asked, ‘Who are You, God?’ He answered, “I Am!” ‘But who is I Am?’ she asked. He replied, “I Am Love; I Am Peace; I Am Grace; I Am Joy; I Am Strength; I Am Safety; I Am Shelter. I Am Power; I Am The Creator; I Am The Comforter. I Am The Beginning and the End. I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life.” With tears in her eyes, she looked toward Heaven and said, ‘Now I understand, but who am I?’ God tenderly wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered, “You Are Mine!”


The day will be coming soon when all true believers will be taken up to meet Jesus in the air to be kept from the coming wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10, and Romans 3:10). This has nothing to do with any earthly race, religion, or whatever. It is an individual event for all who have truly received and accepted Jesus as their eternal Savior. It is commonly called the Rapture, and only those who freely chose Jesus will be involved (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-53).


All who do not have Jesus will be left behind to face the worst seven-year period of time this world will ever experience. As stated, it will have been each person’s choice, whether they realize it or not, as God will force no one to accept His Son.


Although there will be souls saved during the tribulation, all who are not will end up with Satan and his demons in hell forever (Revelation 20:11-15).


Finally, I would like to share a prayer inspired by Ephesians 6:


“Most Merciful Heavenly Father; as I prepare to face another day in this sin-filled world, I call upon You in the name of My Savior, Jesus the Christ, to provide me with the full armor of protection against the evil one.


“Gird my waist with Your truth, give me the breastplate of righteousness, and shod my feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. In order to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one, strengthen me with the shield of faith, and put upon me the helmet of Salvation. Finally, provide me with the sword of the Spirit, which is your loving word. Only then will I be prepared to enter another day in this world as one of Your ambassadors.


“When my final day arrives, guide me across the River, which My Savior has already crossed, to live eternally with You and all the Saints that have preceded. This I ask in the name of my Precious Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen.”


Hope to see you at Home – Come, Lord Jesus!



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