Tuesday, June 6, 2023



Endtime Wealth Explosion - Military & Trump Stop Deep State Blackout - Fake White House attacked in Georgia - Dems Endorse Pedophilia - Derek Johnson Heavy Military Intel – Neo-Nazis in Ukraine Destroy Dam - ATLAS SHRUGS - THE WORLD BEYOND and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 6th 2023



New Situation Update 06/06/23 ~ Trump Return - Q Post - White Hats Intel ~ Derek Johnson Decode – SGAnon - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 13:52 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/06/new-situation-update-060623-trump-return-q-post-white-hats-intel-derek-johnson-decode-sganon-2542117.html

2023 Year of Jubilee / Trumpet on Day of Atonement - September 24th - 25th 2023 - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 14:25 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/06/2023-year-of-jubilee-trumpet-on-day-of-atonement-september-24th-25th-2023-2542119.html

Military Whistleblower: ''It's All a Lie'' June 2023 - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 13:55 - https://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2023/06/military-whistleblower-its-all-a-lie-june-2023-2561885.html

New Julie Green: A Warning to be Aware of What Is About to Take Place - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 14:38 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/06/new-julie-green-a-warning-to-be-aware-of-what-is-about-to-take-place-2542121.html

The Original Deep State: The Anglo-Canadian Hand Behind The Civil War And Lincoln’s Murder – Matthew Ehret - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 14:33 - Ignoring the true history of the USA will blind us to the British-Venetian roots of America’s “deep state” that set up a fifth column operation called ‘Wall Street’ in the late 18th century, and oversaw the elimination of all eight of America’s presidents who died while in office. https://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2023/06/the-original-deep-state-the-anglo-canadian-hand-behind-the-civil-war-and-lincolns-murder-matthew-ehret-2705232.html

Mel K & Michael Yon | Border Invasion: Hard Truth From the Southern Border | 6-4-23 - https://rumble.com/v2s3n3y-mel-k-and-michael-yon-border-invasion-hard-truth-from-the-southern-border-6.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2


REAL RAW NEWS: Military and Trump Thwart Deep State Memorial Day Blackout - By Michael Baxter -June 5, 2023 - The White Hat partition of the United States military thwarted the Deep State’s attempt to cripple the U.S. power grid and cause mass chaos over Memorial Day Weekend, sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. Ahead of the holiday, the general’s office received “credible intelligence” that the Deep State was planning a multi-pronged attack against two of the country’s synchronous grids, the Eastern and the Western Interconnections, which… https://realrawnews.com/2023/06/military-and-trump-thwart-deep-state-memorial-day-blackout/

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR – Divina Ellison Update as of June 6, 2023 – Fake White House attacked in Georgia by Special Forces Military Alliance where actor Joe Biden had played president - https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-6-2023/

REUTERS: Venezuela's Maduro visits Saudi Arabia -state media – Reuters - June 5, 2023 - RIYADH, June 5 (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro arrived in Saudi Arabia on Monday, state media reported, as the kingdom continues to expand its diplomatic outreach beyond traditional Western alliances. Maduro was received at the airport of the Saudi Red Sea city of Jeddah by Deputy Governor of Mecca region Prince Badr bin Sultan and other officials, Saudi state news agency SPA said. https://www.reuters.com/world/venezuelas-maduro-visits-saudi-arabia-state-media-2023-06-05/

RFK Jr. Surges to #1, Dems Endorse Pedophilia, Russia Defeats Ukrainian Offensive! (Video) - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - Alex Jones is LIVE taking your calls & breaking exclusive intel on the world’s hottest stories! Do NOT miss this! You have arrived at the tip of the spear in the information war! https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/06/rfk-jr-surges-to-1-dems-endorse-pedophilia-russia-defeats-ukrainian-offensive-video-3793916.html

Derek Johnson: Heavy Military Intel - What's Next (Video) - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 6:32 - This is hands down one of Derek’s best videos! He is joined by other military experts and they deliver the Intel we all want to know and NEED to know! https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/06/derek-johnson-heavy-military-intel-whats-next-video-3793913.html

Emergency Update! Dam Destroyed! Nuclear Plant Alert! Crimea Cut Off! Evacuations Underway! - Canadian Prepper - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 9:38 - Well done Nate, you certainly don’t muck around getting the latest events straight out to us. So many of us are extremely appreciative. This is serious. CP plus mainstream media reporting this can only mean one thing, this is MAJOR escalation. https://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2023/06/emergency-update-dam-destroyed-nuclear-plant-alert-crimea-cut-off-evacuations-underway-canadian-prepper-2478507.html

THE HAL TURNER SHOW BREAKING NEWS: Nova Kakhovka dam in Kherson Oblast, BLOWN UP! – WORLD - HAL TURNER - 05 JUNE 2023 - The Nova Kakhovka Dam in Kherson Oblast (Formerly Ukraine, now Russia) was blown up early Tuesday morning, sending massive flood waters south, mostly into Russian-held territory.  An article last year on the consequences of blowing this dam outlined the stakes . . . https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/breaking-news-nova-kakhovka-dam-in-kherson-oblast-blown-up

ATLAS SHRUGS: ‘They Are Paying for Terrorists to Murder’: State Department Confirms Palestinians Continue ‘Pay-to-Slay’ Terrorist Payments - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 9:17 - ‘They Are Paying for Terrorists to Murder’: State Department Confirms Palestinians Continue ‘Pay-to-Slay’ Terrorist Payments - By Algemeiner, May 31st, 2023 - US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf on Wednesday confirmed that the Palestinian Authority continues to make so-called ‘pay-to-slay’ stipend payments to terrorists and the families of terrorists who have killed Americans and Israelis. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/06/they-are-paying-for-terrorists-to-murder-state-department-confirms-palestinians-continue-pay-to-slay-terrorist-payments-3664608.html

NTEB: Iran Unveils New Hypersonic Missile ‘Fattah’ Saying That It Is Capable Of Striking Israel Within 400 Seconds After Being Launched - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 8:49 – (Comment: Make no mistake about Iran’s intentions, their main aim is to destroy Israel, for them it is a matter of timing. Of course the IDF know this and is planning a takedown of their own. The game of chess continues.)  Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) unveiled the ‘Fattah’, the regime’s first hypersonic missile, on Tuesday morning, Iranian state media announced. https://beforeitsnews.com/global-unrest/2023/06/iran-unveils-new-hypersonic-missile-fattah-saying-that-it-is-capable-of-striking-israel-within-400-seconds-after-being-launched-2537904.html

Larwyn’s Linx: Rogue, Out-of-Control FBl Continues to Defy Congress, Won’t Release Evidence of Biden Bribery - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 8:25 - https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/06/larwyns-linx-rogue-out-of-control-fbl-continues-to-defy-congress-wont-release-evidence-of-biden-bribery-3664593.html

THE WORLD BEYOND - When you were in the womb, you had eyes with nothing to see, feet with nowhere to walk and hands with nothing to hold. The womb didn't make sense in itself, because it wasn't for itself; it was to prepare you for life beyond it. It only makes sense when you move on from it. There are things in your life that don't make sense, it's not complete. You don't have all the answers and you wonder why. Things seem to have no purpose - the way life is going or the problems that happen. Here's the point: Life is the womb of heaven, preparing you for eternity. It doesn't always make sense in itself. It's not the whole story, it's the beginning. Like the eyes of the unborn child, it'll make sense when you see heaven. Everything in your life has purpose. You're being prepared to walk on streets of gold and see heavenly things. So praise God anyway when it makes no sense, because it's a sign that you're not home yet. Be blessed, for right now you're living in heaven's womb. Pastor Boyd

Do You Understand What's About to be Unleashed? Start The Clock! A week to Remember! - Monday, June 5, 2023 9:17 - https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/06/do-you-understand-whats-about-to-be-unleashed-start-the-clock-a-week-to-remember-3793881.html

ZERO HEDGE: "We Are Not Alone": US Has Retrieved Craft Of 'Non-Human Origin' Says Whistleblower From Govt. Task Force On UFOs - BY TYLER DURDEN - TUESDAY, JUN 06, 2023 - 04:44 AM - A new report from two veteran (mainstream) journalists citing a decorated whistleblower provides stunning insight into the US Government's history with UFOs. For those who 'want to believe' - short of a UFO landing on the lawn of the White House, this is it. For those who think the recent government UFO disclosures are one big psyop, this is it. ( Comment: I would like to take issue about the title of this article “We Are Not Alone.” Using the Bible as a foundation for truth, nowhere in scripture does it say alien races exist, that is nowhere in the universe. Fallen Angels however do exist. They like to masquerade as aliens knowing that nonbelievers will suck this up as truth. The devil & his fallen angels like to try and duplicate God’s throne room where the four creatures exist using them as false entities to make nonbelievers think there are more powerful beings then God. This of course is a lie deceptively used to create confusion & chaos on the earth. Dr. Horn of www.Skywatchtv.com  thinks they are trying to support an alien invasion of the earth that would of course be the demonic horde coming to claim the earth as its own. Do not believe it. This will NOT happen. God will only let the Devil & his minions go so far.) https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/we-are-not-alone-us-has-retrieved-craft-non-human-origin-says-whistleblower-govt-task

THE WESTERN JOURNAL: Doctor Delivers Bad News to Biden After He Takes Terrible Tumble at Air Force Graduation - By Joe Saunders - June 4, 2023 - With a background in medicine, the military, politics and the internal workings of the White House, Dr. Ronny Jackson understands the demands of the United States presidency better than most politicians or any pundit with an opinion on it. So when the current Texas congressman and former White House physician under both Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump reacted to news of President Joe Biden’s embarrassing tumble Thursday at the United States Air Force Academy’s graduation ceremony, it was well worth paying attention to his words… https://www.westernjournal.com/doctor-delivers-bad-news-biden-takes-terrible-tumble-air-force-graduation/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=WJBreaking&utm_campaign=ct-breaking&utm_content=western-journal

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Confrontation on the Mount: Understanding Jewish feeling on Christian friendship - I will bring them to My sacred mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices Shall be welcome on My mizbayach; For My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples.” ISAIAH 56:7 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - STEVE WEARP OPINION - JUNE 5, 2023 - This year, on Pentecost, hundreds of Christians came to pray for Israel on the southern steps of the Temple Mount. But when they arrived, they found themselves confronted by hundreds of Orthodox Jews who were agitated and attempted to block their entrance to the holy site. This could have been a watershed moment if the Christian community would have stopped and asked the question, why is our coming to Jerusalem to pray such an offense to the Jewish people? But instead, they pointed the finger and accused the Jews who opposed them of intolerance and oppression of Christians.  https://www.israel365news.com/372036/confrontation-on-the-mount-understanding-jewish-suspicion-of-christian-friendship/

White House Asked Point Blank About Report Showing Biden Family Funneling $10 Million Of Foreign Money! - Forbes Breaking News - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 10:08 - Adm. John Kirby is asked about a report of money funneling by the Biden family. They are lying to all of us ALL the time! “No and No!” He hasn’t even read it, but he is absolutely sure that there was no national security threat! Just think about that for a second…Admiral, why would a family receive hundreds of suspicious activity reports unless selling illicit drugs? https://beforeitsnews.com/crime-all-stars/2023/06/white-house-asked-point-blank-about-report-showing-biden-family-funneling-10-million-of-foreign-money-forbes-breaking-news-2494993.html

Podcaster Megyn Kelly Delivers Blistering Rebuke Of The Transgender Movement As Human Rights Campaign Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 11:25 - Conservative podcaster Megyn Kelly delivers near-perfect rebuke of transgender movement as Human Rights Council declares an LGBTQIA+ ‘state of emergency’ - Here we have an amazing confluence of two seemingly unrelated stories, coming to us from two very separate sources, that taken together deliver an astonishing punch. In the first story, we see podcaster Megyn Kelly giving an incredible and stinging rebuke of the entire transgender movement that, in the absence of scripture, is near perfect. The second story is about the Huma Rights Council declaring a ‘state of emergency’ for the LGBTQIA+ people because they are, for the first time, getting serious pushback on their Days of Lot agenda. https://beforeitsnews.com/global-unrest/2023/06/podcaster-megyn-kelly-delivers-blistering-rebuke-of-the-transgender-movement-as-human-rights-campaign-declares-state-of-emergency-2537906.html




Ripening Times: Endtime Wealth Explosion Part II

By Wilfred Hahn

Published on: September 18, 2019

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

June 6th 2023


In this series, we have been documenting the many trends and developments in the world today that evidence the “ripening” of the times. We are systematically identifying the “trends of significance”—this meaning worldwide developments that have only recently erupted in line with Bible prophecy and the promises of the Lord. These endtime “enabling” trends, we show, are so widespread and advanced that it would be plainly unreasonable (even for non-believers) not to conclude that indeed the times are ripe for judgment and the return of our Lord.


In this issue, we continue our focus on the unprecedented explosion of financial wealth and its global intertwining. Without a doubt, the economic order of the world is becoming ever more fragile. A development we see emerging in the world today is increasing economic captivity and financial oppression.


New Discoveries in History


In recent times, Assyriologists (these being anthropologists and archaeologists that study the ancient Near-East) have come to new understandings regarding the financial practices of the ancient societies of one to two millennia before Christ (for example: Sumer, Akkadia, the early Babylon… etc.). Excitingly, new discoveries are overturning established opinion.


However, not all are happy with these new interpretations. There is resistance to these messages found in stone and clay tablets, as they show a very different society than what we have today in terms of credit and debt. Why? Our Roman-influenced world of today promotes and protects creditors – upholding the sanctity of debt, not its cancellation. It is contrary to the wisdom of the ancient world and, also, the Bible.


The norm in those earlier Sumerian times was completely different in principle. The debtor was protected… not the creditor. It was common practice for rulers to announce a debt forgiveness at the start of their reigns. This was the tradition of the Near East in those times. Some rulers would effect a debt forgiveness quite regularly (also referred to as a Clean Slate).


This practice was more the norm than it was unique. Doing so made good sense. In those agrarian times, most debts arose due to crop failures. People could not pay taxes nor sustain themselves. Once having borrowed to pay for such obligations, they often became debt-trapped. Many would take liens on their property.


The rich creditors would then take possession of their land, this being people’s only means of income and support. It was also common to imprison people who could not pay their debts.


In time, very wealthy property owners emerged as they assembled landholdings from the poor. This is what Isaiah refers to when he admonished the rich: “Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land” (Isaiah 5:8).


However, capital that the debtor cannot pay off has no productivity. A Clean Slate made good sense, as it liberated everyone and balanced out power and wealth. Rulers were able to counteract the influences of the rich in doing so. Yet, due to the natural animus of human nature, eventually a large and wealthy landowner group would emerge. They could crimp the king’s tax receipts, as they had much influence and power over the rulers. We see similar trends today.


Mammon Rules


It is the story of mankind from the beginning. The primordial animus of mankind has always been “the love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10), wealth accumulation, greed and the “lust of the flesh” (1 John 2:16). It has therefore always been the same—the struggle between the rich and the poor. Left alone, whatever the time and era, an ultra-rich class would emerge and oppress the majority, which were then poor.


Says Michael Hudson, a prominent Assyriologist, “[…] the ebb and flow that has characterized all subsequent economies and is still shaping today’s world: the conflict between social constraints on predatory finance, and the attempt by a rentier class to gain control.”1


As such, we witness the very same conditions today. The major difference of our time is that it is a global, world-encircling problem, where wealth is denominated in tradable assets of various kinds in addition to land. Also, the world is trapped by its expectations of ever-expanding prosperity. The gods of mankind’s present era are “consumption growth” and the expansion of gross domestic product (GDP which, by the way, is a highly imaginative and unreliable concept).


Thoughts to Ponder


We live in an age of the most extreme and systemic global materialism of all time (in this writer’s view). This statement may startle readers. Some may not be able to see the forest because of the trees. We all today are so acclimatized with our society and its conventions, that we do not see the gravity of our situation when viewed against the human timeline upon earth and the Lord’s prophecies.


The “sign of the times” is here, we believe. Mankind is inextricably imbedded in the most complete financialization in history. And, as we have shown in our writings on these topics, the final ensnarement has occurred very quickly. As readers will know, suddenness is one of the telltale markers of last-day “trends of significance.”


The very last days of the Church Era—the terrible times that Paul talks of—are described as being “without love [and] unforgiving”; instead, characterized by the love of money and love of themselves (2 Timothy 3:2-3). That exactly describes the attitudes required to underpin an environment of economic oppression, high indebtedness and widening wealth skews. That day is here. If anything (by at least some measures), these conditions are likely to get worse… and most certainly, much worse by the time the Tribulation unfolds.


Moses said to the Hebrews, “There should be no poor among you” (Deuteronomy 15:4), this being a command from God. Jesus said that He came to preach good news to the poor. He also said: “You will always have the poor among you” (John 12:8), pointing out the unfortunate state of a fallen world. Here we then see the mandate for the entire world. There should be no poor in the world, if godly principles were observed. But because of sin and mankind’s fallen nature, this has not transpired. Far from it.


Finally, to review, the Bible reveals that a great day of economic “re-setting” will happen in the last days. A Day of the Lord’s Favor will occur that will “restore all things.”


Wonderfully, the Bible does concern itself with the captives and the poor, whether in spirit or physically. An earlier 3-part series2 showed just how wonderfully God has aligned the physical creation with His heavenly kingdom and work of salvation. It provides an in-depth explanation of the remarkable Levitical economic laws. God Himself was the author of these. When these laws were practiced, the land was productive and there were no segments of the population that were chronically poor or permanently enslaved.


Should His requirements of love, mercy and forgiveness not be practiced, the societies of mankind are designed to malfunction and self-destruct. In this regard, we are at the point of extremes in the world today.


A thorough study of the economic principles within the God-given laws to the Israelites of the Sabbath and Jubilee Year, reveals the intended “wealth distribution” that God had planned upon earth. It is not unreasonable to take instruction from these commanded ordinances of the Israelites as, after all, they were called to be a light to the world (Isaiah 42:6; 49:6).


But aren’t ancient laws and principles irrelevant today? No. Consider that God Himself will again reinstitute these two Sabbath ordinances in the Millennium period. Think of it: when Jesus Christ restores all things (Acts 3:21), the Sabbath and Jubilee years will be practiced by the entire earth.


Civil leaders today would then do well if they sought to pursue the same principles behind these two ordinances. Were the principles behind these two Sabbath years observed today, our current globalized world of money would not be so dangerously imbalanced.


The world groans for a Jubilee Year. As Apostle Paul says, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time” (Romans 8:22). Something else is needed to liberate the world, to free the economic captives.


Will God also judge the rampant commercialism and economic injustices observed in the world today? The Bible says yes. Mankind’s systems will be brought to naught.


Yet, mankind has been given this great promise: “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience” (Hebrew 4:9-11).




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