Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Worship in Prophecy


Worship in Prophecy – Trump Proposes Major China Trade Overhaul - Swiss regulator investigates 12 banks in Lebanon - Fetterman’s Family Flees To Canada - Patriot Nation Network - The Dr. Jane Ruby Show - We The People News - TUCKER CARLSON - ATLAS SHRUGS - Hezbollah-backed Terrorists in Syria and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 28th 2023


 JUST IN: Trump Lets Loose On 'Biden & The Globalists,' Proposes Major China Trade Overhaul - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIom8XP_x0c

MAIL ONLINE: Trump rages at Rupert Murdoch for 'throwing his Fox anchors under the table' by saying they 'endorsed' stolen election lies': Claims magnate is trying to 'silence' journalists and forcing viewers to leave 'in droves' - Trump criticized the media magnate on Truth Social on Tuesday morning - Follow's Murdoch's admission that Fox anchors 'endorsed' election fraud 'lies' - Trump claimed Murdoch is 'killing his case' and 'infuriating his viewers' - By MORGAN PHILLIPS, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 11:04 EST, 28 February 2023 - The 2024 Republican presidential candidate also insisted there is 'massive evidence' of voter fraud from the 2020 election, and claimed Fox News is 'scared and frightened' to discuss it. (Comment: Simply because the corrupt media did not report the election fraud does not mean it did not happen. The facts are irrefutable. It is before SCOTUS now. God say Trump will be restored to his rightful office and God always wins.)  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11803239/Trump-rages-Rupert-Murdoch-Dominion-lawsuit-deposition.html


And We Know - Boots On Hobbs! Dewine? Palestine, Saudi Money To Ukraine, Brazil Push For Jabs! Pray! - Must Video - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 14:35 - https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/02/and-we-know-boots-on-hobbs-dewine-palestine-saudi-money-to-ukraine-brazil-push-for-jabs-pray-must-video-3656229.html

EXCLUSIVE (2/28/2023): Former US mercenary in Ukraine talks war crimes and CIA involvement - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 14:09 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/02/exclusive-2282023-former-us-mercenary-in-ukraine-talks-war-crimes-and-cia-involvement-2538868.html

Charlie Ward: HUGE Trump Decode - We Can't Wait For All the Truth!! (Video) - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 14:23 - https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/02/charlie-ward-huge-trump-decode-we-cant-wait-for-all-the-truth-video-3789297.html

STEW PETERS SHOW - THOUSANDS Of Canadian Children Are DYING SUDDENLY! Fully Vaxxed & BOOSTED Kids Unexpectedly DROP DEAD (Video) - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 14:13 - Innocent Canadian children have died in the thousands because of the death vaccine. Odessa Orlewicz joins Stew to talk about the plethora of kids who are dying suddenly. 80% of Canadian children have been double vaxxed. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/02/thousands-of-canadian-children-are-dying-suddenly-fully-vaxxed-boosted-kids-unexpectedly-drop-dead-video-3789294.html

GLOBAL RESEARCH: The latest reports point to a death toll in Turkey and Syria well in excess of 50,000, more than half a million injured, tens of thousands of people missing. The social devastation and destruction is beyond description. The first and second earthquakes on February 6, 2023 which hit Ekinozu and Pazarcik (Kahramanmaras province) in Southern Turkey were respectively of the magnitude of 7.6 and 7.8 (Richter scale). A third earthquake of a magnitude of 6.3 was recorded on February 20th. In Turkey, some 530,000 people have been evacuated from the disaster area. Ankara confirms that “173,000 buildings have so far been recorded as collapsed or severely damaged, with more than 1.9 million people taking refuge in temporary shelters or hotels and public facilities.” https://www.globalresearch.ca/environmental-modification-techniques-enmod-and-the-turkey-syria-earthquake-an-expert-investigation-is-required/5808207

REUTERS: Swiss regulator investigates 12 banks in Lebanese central banker corruption case - By John Revill - February 27, 202310:47 AM CST - ZURICH, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Switzerland's financial regulator has investigated 12 banks and launched enforcement proceedings against two of them in relation to corruption charges against longtime central banker Riad Salameh, it said on Monday. Lebanese authorities charged Salameh, his brother Raja and one of his assistants on Thursday with money laundering, embezzlement and illicit enrichment after months of delay in the high-profile case. https://www.reuters.com/business/swiss-regulator-investigates-12-banks-lebanese-central-banker-corruption-case-2023-02-27/

PA Senator John Fetterman’s Family Flees To Canada - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 6:26 - Giselle Fetterman is in for the spot light and it’s going just the way she wants it. Her plan was that she be appointed by the Governor to replace her husband. Giselle, another illegal that slipped in from Brazil, and wants the U.S. to become another South America. She claims to have a Green Card….one needs to be a U.S. Citizen to become a Senator. https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2023/02/pa-senator-john-fettermans-family-flees-to-canada-3284713.html

New SGAnon with Conservative Patriot Nation Network w/Update on Ohio, Ukraine, DUMBS - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 0:08 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/02/new-sganon-with-conservative-patriot-nation-network-w-update-on-ohio-ukraine-dumbs-2538854.html

It's Coming from Inside the House! - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 0:05 - You are under a coordinated, U.S. funded military operation, using DOD infrastructure, acting on behalf of foreign actors with no allegiance to our country. The perpetrators are treasonous psychopaths. Sasha Latypova is back to discuss this high treason against America. This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth in Medicine. https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/02/its-coming-from-inside-the-house-2538852.html

Situation Update - Deep State Biden Regime Desperate To Start WW3 As Their Control Matrix Is! Major Escalation In Russia/Ukraine War! E Palestine Fallout! FL County Votes To Stop All mNRA Jabs! - We The People News - Monday, February 27, 2023 22:19 - MORE TRAIN DERAILMENTS AND CHEMICAL FIRES, GCR/JUDY BYINGTON UPDATE, SG ANON/NINO HIGHLIGHTS, SPIKE PROTEIN DANGERS, AZ ELECTION FRAUD REVEAL, BRUNSON PETITION STILL IN PLAY, WHITE ASH FALLING IN PARTS OF W VA, BANKS ARE CLOSING, CABAL IS DESPERATE AND MORE. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/02/situation-update-deep-state-biden-regime-desperate-to-start-ww3-as-their-control-matrix-is-major-escalation-in-russiaukraine-war-e-palestine-fallout-fl-county-votes-to-stop-all-mnra-jabs-we-t-3656164.html

TUCKER CARLSON: This is an outrage - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 9:17 - https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/02/this-is-an-outrage-3656195.html

ATLAS SHRUGS: American Citizen Killed in Islamic Terror Attack in Israel - By Pamela Geller - on February 27, 2023 - We never saw this under Trump. This is the human toll of Biden’s pay for slay campaign. Will the Biden regime respond with the vitriol and hatred they display when Israel defends herself? (Comment: The Obama/Biden communist regime backs Terrorists that work for the PA. They are merchants of death who get paid, if they are killed, by the PA who gets money from the communist regime. Funding for this needs to be cut off ASAP.) https://gellerreport.com/2023/02/american-citizen-killed-in-islamic-terror-attack-in-israel.html/?lctg=87791646

EYE TO EYE – Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by William R. Koenig: 2017 Expanded Edition. Over one hundred billion-dollar, record-setting catastrophes and/or events occurred while US presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump were pressuring or calling on Israel to divide their covenant land.The costliest insurance events, the costliest hurricanes, the largest tornado outbreaks, the " Perfect Storm," the 9/11 terror events, and Hurricane Katrina corresponded to White House pressure on Israel to divide their land. The US, the UN, and the EU do not have the authority to divide God s covenant land. Calling the Israeli-Palestinian talks "Middle East peace talks" is a false narrative. Jews have a three-thousand-year history with Jerusalem, and Christians have a two-thousand-year history. The biblical heartland of Israel - Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem - is not to be part of an Arab State. The Bible declares that Jerusalem will become a burdensome stone, and efforts to divide the city and land will lead to Armageddon, the final battle for Jerusalem. The God of Israel will continue to rebuke those leaders and their nations attempting to divide His land! (Order from Amazon) https://www.amazon.com

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Hezbollah-backed terrorists form ‘dozens of cells’ on Syrian border – “For they cannot rest until they do evil; they are robbed of sleep till they make someone stumble.” PROVERBS 4:16 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) – JNS - MIDDLE EAST - FEBRUARY 28, 2023 - Hezbollah has established dozens of terrorist cells in southern Syria, just over the Israeli border, composed of local recruits, a Galilee-based defense research group says. They could soon begin to use drones in operations against Israel, added the Alma Research and Education Center. The assessment followed the Israel Defense Forces’ Feb. 20 announcement that on Jan. 27, soldiers apprehended two suspects who crossed the Alpha Line from Syria into Israel. The Alpha Line is near the Israeli-Syrian border barrier on the Golan Heights…. https://www.israel365news.com/367627/hezbollah-backed-terrorists-form-dozens-of-cells-on-syrian-border/

ZERO HEDGE - Whitney: The Plan To Wreck America - BY TYLER DURDEN - MONDAY, FEB 27, 2023 - 10:00 PM - Authored by Mike Whitney - In America, we have an oligarch problem, and it’s much bigger than the oligarch problem that Putin faced when he became president in 2000. The entire West is now in the grips of billionaire elites who have a stranglehold on the media, the political establishment and all of our important institutions. In recent years we have seen these oligarchs expand their influence from markets, finance and trade to politics, social issues and even public health. The impact this group… https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/whitney-plan-wreck-america

ZERO HEDGE: Subprime Auto Lender And Used Car Retailer Collapses As Distress Cycle Finally Arrives - BY TYLER DURDEN - MONDAY, FEB 27, 2023 - 12:46 PM - One month ago, when discussing the "perfect storm" hitting the US auto market, we showed that according to Fitch "More Americans Can't Afford Their Car Payments Than During The Peak Of Financial Crisis"... https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/subprime-auto-lender-and-used-car-retailer-collapses-distress-cycle-finally-arrives

HARBINGER DAILY: Living As Normal In The Shadow Of Impending Catastrophe – By Hal Lindsey - February 27, 2023 - Much of the world lives in a split reality — divided between normalcy and despair. Most adults understand that at any given time, there are any number of possible calamities bearing down on the earth. Nuclear threats from Russia and/or China could mean disaster tomorrow. Economic meltdown could be only days away. A new plague could hit with more speed and greater impact than the last one…. https://harbingersdaily.com/living-as-normal-in-the-shadow-of-impending-catastrophe/

WATCHERS: Tornadoes leave a trail of destruction in southern Plains, U.S. - Monday, February 27, 2023 - Several destructive tornadoes touched down in southern Plains on February 26, 2023, resulting in severe damage and power outages. The National Weather Service reported multiple tornadoes throughout the day, with winds of over 177 km/h (110 mph) causing significant damage in Texas. The Storm Prediction Center reported 9 tornadoes on February 26 — 7 in Oklahoma and 2 in Kansas. https://watchers.news/2023/02/27/tornadoes-leave-a-trail-of-destruction-in-southern-plains-u-s/

THE EPOCH TIMES: Almost 80 Percent of Americans Aged 17–24 Unfit for Military Service - Food assistance contributing to obesity - By Autumn Spredemann - February 27, 2023 - Updated: February 28, 2023 - It’s no secret that America’s military is struggling to find people who are fit for service these days. Maintaining health and wellness among its existing members has also become a challenge. A Department of Defense report cited during a Feb. 16 Congressional hearing offered a hard pill to swallow: 77 percent of Americans between 17–24 are now physically unqualified to enter the armed forces. This represents a 6 percent increase from 2017. - https://www.theepochtimes.com/food-assistance-contributing-to-obesity-with-almost-80-percent-of-americans-aged-17-24-unfit-for-military-service_5076107.html

THE EPOCH TIMES: Virginia Moves to Ban China From Buying Farmland - By Terri Wu - February 27, 2023 - Updated: February 27, 2023 - Virginia will ban foreign adversaries, including China, from buying agricultural land in the commonwealth after legislators in the House of Delegates and Senate recently approved versions of the proposal and sent the measure to Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin for his expected signature. The ban would be retroactively effective from Jan. 1. https://www.theepochtimes.com/virginia-to-ban-china-from-buying-farmland_5084855.html

EXPOSE: How the public was captured by the military-industrial complex during the covid era - BY RHODA WILSON ON FEBRUARY 27, 2023 - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks the truth about the authoritarian pandemic response that continues to threaten democracy and liberty as we know it. In an interview with journalist Kim Iversen, Kennedy explains how the military-industrial complex uses mind control techniques and fear to exert control over the population. Fear is the enemy, as it allows totalitarian systems to take control of people, destroying democracy in the process. https://expose-news.com/2023/02/27/public-captured-by-the-military-industrial-complex/

X22 Report - Chris, Marine Veteran F-18 Pilot - Deep State Has Lost Control! They Will Try To Regain Power! Prep & Be Prepared! - Must Video - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 10:19 - Chris is a 28-year Marine corps vet, F-18 pilot,   Chris is a passionate prepper. Chris begins the conversation talking about how important it is to prep. The [DS] will stop at nothing to try to regain power. They will try a financial collapse, power outage even war. It is important to be prepared for these types of situations. We have seen what happened during the pandemic and people were not prepared, this time the people must prep themselves against the [DS]. We need Military to step in and clean house… https://beforeitsnews.com/prepper/2023/02/x22-report-chris-marine-veteran-f-18-pilot-deep-state-has-lost-control-they-will-try-to-regain-power-prep-be-prepared-must-video-3205.html




Worship in Prophecy

by Dr. David R. Reagan

Published on: June 7, 2015

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 28th 2023


“‘In that day I will raise up the fallen tabernacle of David,

And wall up its breaches;

I will also raise up its ruins,

And rebuild it as in the days of old;

That they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the Gentiles

Who are called by My name,’

Declares the Lord who does this.”


Most Christians are familiar with this prophecy from Amos 9:11-12 because it is quoted in Acts 15. The occasion was a special conference of church leaders that was called in Jerusalem to consider the momentous implications of Gentiles being added to the Church. In the midst of the debate, James, the leader of the Jerusalem church, quoted this prophecy from Amos to prove that it was God’s intention to someday include the Gentiles in His scheme of redemption. This usage of the prophecy has historically led to the conclusion that the term, “the tabernacle of David,” refers to the Church. And perhaps it does in a spiritual sense. But the context of the passage in the book of Amos makes it clear that the prophecy will find its ultimate fulfillment in something other than the establishment of the Church.


Note that the prophecy begins with the words, “In that day.” What day? A quick glance at the prophecy in its context shows that the “day” being referred to is the period of time when the Jews are regathered to the land of Israel (see Amos 9:14-15). That is this century. There were 40,000 Jews in Israel at the beginning of this century. Today, there are nearly five million. They re-established their state on May 14, 1948, and they have regathered their people from the four corners of the earth.


Has anything happened since 1948 that could constitute a literal fulfillment of the restoration of the “tabernacle of David'” To answer this question we must first seek to understand the meaning of the term, “tabernacle of David.” What did Amos have in mind when he used this term?


 The Tabernacle of Moses

To fully understand the Tabernacle of David, we must first begin with a consideration of the Tabernacle of Moses. It was a nomadic temple that moved with the Children of Israel as they crossed the Wilderness of Sinai in search of the Promised Land. Its Holy of Holies contained the Ark of the Covenant where the Shekinah Glory of God resided. When the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land, they settled the Tabernacle of Moses at Shiloh in Samaria. There the sacrificial ceremonies were conducted for 400 years during the period of the Judges. By the end of that chaotic period, the Children of Israel were engulfed in spiritual darkness, having fallen victim to idolatry and immorality.


One day, during the judgeship of Samuel, as the Israelites were preparing to fight the Philistines, they decided to take the Ark of the Covenant into battle with them, as if it were some sort of good luck charm. They evidently reasoned that God would never allow the Philistines to capture the Ark, and therefore they would win the battle. The Lord was not pleased by this action, so He allowed the Philistines to defeat the Israelites and capture the sacred Ark (1 Samuel 4:1-11). They also proceeded to destroy the Tabernacle of Moses at Shiloh (Jeremiah 7:12). Israel had become “Ichabod,” (meaning, “no glory”) for the glory of God had departed (1 Samuel 4:21).


 The Odyssey of the Ark

Plagues afflicted the Philistines, so they sent the Ark back to Israel on an ox cart. It finally came to rest eight miles west of Jerusalem in a town called Kiriathjearim (called Abu Gosh today) where it stayed for approximately 70 years (20 years under Samuel’s judgeship, 40 years under Saul’s kingship, and almost 10 years into David’s kingship). The tabernacle of Moses was moved to Nob for a while (1 Samuel 21:1) and then on to Gibeon (about ten miles northwest of Jerusalem) where it remained until the Temple of Solomon was built (2 Chronicles 1:3).Now note something very important. During this 70 year period of transition between the Judges and the Kings, there was no Shekinah Glory in the tabernacle of Moses located at Gibeon. The Holy of Holies was empty. The priests continued to minister at the tabernacle, offering daily sacrifices, but it was all dead ritual, for the glory had departed.


The astounding thing is that the Ark was located in a farmhouse situated only about five miles from Gibeon. It would have been very easy to restore the Ark to the Tabernacle of Moses, but no one cared enough to do so. The Ark was ignored, and it became a symbol of Israel’s apostasy.


 Saul vs David

Saul did not have a heart for the Lord, so he ignored the estrangement of the Ark from its proper resting place. But when David became king, he was determined to correct this situation, for he was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). David had to wait seven and a half years until he became king of all Israel (he was king of only Judah during his first years in power — see 2 Samuel 5:5).David was determined to bring God back into the heart of his nation, and he recognized the symbolic significance of the Ark in accomplishing this purpose. He was so determined to provide a proper resting place for the Ark that it became the top priority of his kingship. In this regard, we are told in Psalm 132 that when David became king of all of Israel, he “swore to the Lord” that he would not sleep in a bed until he could provide a proper “dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob” (Psalm 132:1-5).


 The Tabernacle of David

The amazing thing is that David brought the Ark to Jerusalem rather than returning it to the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of Moses at Gibeon. David pitched a tent in Jerusalem (probably on a slope of Mt. Moriah), placed the Ark inside, and instituted a whole new concept of praise worship. Instruments of worship were introduced. Special psalms of praise were written and sung. And, incredibly, special priests were appointed to minister music before the ark continually (1 Chronicles 16:6,37) — whereas only the High Priest had been allowed to minister before the Ark once a year in the Tabernacle of Moses. In fact, the Scriptures indicate that there was such great intimacy with the Lord, that David would actually lounge before the Ark (1 Chronicles 17:16). It is probably during these times of intimacy that he wrote new songs to the Lord (Psalm 40:3).


David’s revolution in worship was very radical. There was no singing or celebration at the Tabernacle of Moses. The worship there was one of solemn ritual focused on sacrifices. The only joy that had ever been evidenced in the worship of the Israelites had occurred spontaneously, as when Miriam danced with a tambourine and rejoiced over the destruction of Pharaoh and his army (Exodus 15).


The Psalms make it clear that the praise worship inaugurated by David was a worship of great joy that was characterized by hand clapping (Psalm 47:1), shouting (Psalm 47:1), singing (Psalm 47:6-7), dancing (Psalm 149:3), hand waving (Psalm 134:2), and the display of banners (Psalm 20:5). The worshipers were encouraged to praise God with every form of musical instrument, from the gentle lyre to the “loud crashing cymbals” (Psalm 150:3,5).


 The Davidic Revolution

But why? Why did David so radically change the worship of Israel? We are told in 2 Chronicles 29:25 that he did so in response to commands of God given to him through the prophets Nathan and Gad. But why didn’t the Lord simply tell David to put the Ark back in the Holy of Holies in Gibeon? Why did God tell him to revolutionize the worship of Israel?The Bible does not tell us why. We can only guess. My guess is that God wanted to give David a prophetic glimpse of the glorious Church Age to come when animal sacrifices would cease, worshipers would have direct access to God, and worshipers would come before the Lord in rejoicing with a sacrifice of praise.


I think there was also another reason. I believe the Lord wanted to give the Church a model for Spirit-filled worship.


For one generation (about 30 years under David and 12 years into Solomon’s reign), two tabernacles existed in Israel. In Gibeon there was the dead, liturgical worship that characterized the Tabernacle of Moses. In Jerusalem, there was the lively, spontaneous worship that characterized the Tabernacle of David. The worship in Gibeon was the performance of ritualistic symbolism. The worship in Zion was the experience of the presence of God. At Gibeon, the priests offered the sacrifice of animals. At Zion, the offering was the sacrifice of praise: “Come before Him with joyful singing . . . Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise” (Psalm 100:2,4).


 The Prophetic Significance

The Tabernacle of David served as a joyous bridge between the spiritual deadness that had come to characterize the Tabernacle of Moses and the Spirit-filled glory that would characterize the Temple of Solomon.In like manner, since the reestablishment of the nation of Israel in 1948, God has been raising up the Tabernacle of David again to serve as a joyous bridge of transition between the dead worship of mainline Christendom and the glorious worship that will characterize the Millennial Temple of Jesus Christ. God wants His Son to return on a cloud of praise.


 The Worldwide Spread

Appropriately, God began to focus His revival of the Tabernacle of David in Jerusalem in the early 80’s. It occurred when the International Christian Embassy decided to host a celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. Zechariah 14 says that during the millennial reign of Jesus the nations will send representatives to Jerusalem each year to celebrate this feast and that any nation that fails to do so will not receive rain. The Embassy decided it would be appropriate for Gentiles to start rehearsing for the Millennium, so they sent out a call worldwide for Christian to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast and to show their support of Israel.The Embassy also decided to give an emphasis to Davidic praise worship which was springing up all over the world at that time through a sovereign move of the Holy Spirit. They brought together Christendom’s best practitioners of celebratory worship.


The result was an explosion of Davidic worship all over the world as the thousands of Christians who came to Jerusalem took what they had experienced back home with them in their hearts and on videos. The Embassy’s celebration has continued to this day, with 4,000 to 6,000 Christians attending annually from every continent.


 A Move of the Spirit

The Church at large is the symbolic Tabernacle of David. But the more literal Tabernacle of David today consists of those churches that have rediscovered the true meaning of worship and have given their people the freedom in Christ to worship God with all their energy, resources, gifts and talents.That is the reason that renewal in worship is sweeping Christendom worldwide. It is a move of the Spirit. It is a fulfillment of prophecy. It is a mark of the end times. It is a sign of the soon return of Jesus. And it is preparation for that day very soon when:

The ransomed of the Lord will return,

And come with joyful shouting to Zion,

With everlasting joy upon their heads,

They will find gladness and joy,

And sorrow and sighing will flee away. Isaiah  35:10

That is the day when the Tabernacle of David will be restored completely.

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