Thursday, February 2, 2023

Israel Targeting Iranian Arms Flow to Ukraine


Bible, Bible, Who Is Richest of All - Kamala Harris Arrested & in GITMO - BORDERLAND BEAT – Ben Fulford Update - Rash of Vigilante Incidents Sow Concern - IDF Struck Weapon Production & Storage Facilities in Gaza Overnight - Satanic Temple Opens Abortion Clinic – Charlie Ward & Clay Clark - Israel Targeting Iranian Arms Flow to Ukraine and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 2nd 2023


US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - By Divina Ellisson - 2 February, 2023 – Kamala Harris is reported to have been arrested and is in GITMO for crimes against humanity & pedophilia. GESARA/NESARA fully active – Biden has been arrested and is a foreign agent – Med Beds uses technology to transform your body to optimum health by using original codes in your DNA -

TUCKER CARLSON: There is nothing more sinister than this - Thursday, February 2, 2023 7:41 -

BORDERLAND BEAT: Chihuahua Requested The Federal Government To Transfer 70 Highly Dangerous Women - Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:33 - Chihuahua has not only requested the transfer of men to federal prisons because they represent a high risk, but has also done the same with women who must have special surveillance measures, among them are leaders of kidnappers, as well as an alleged serial killer, or who have participated in violent crimes such as kidnappings and massacres with the Aztecas gang that operates for the Juarez cartel.

Fortifying Themselves Against the People That They Swore To Serve: Arming Unconstitutional Agencies - Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:16 - “More than a few eyebrows were raised in 2010 when the U.S. Department of Agriculture bought 85 semi-automatic submachine guns.  However, the USDA is just one of 73 federal government agencies employing full-time law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry firearms and make arrests in the United States.”

And We Know: House Starts the Show, Borders, War Drums, DeSantis, Fox, Ryan, Hollyweird! Pray! - Must Video - Thursday, February 2, 2023 12:43 - I have to say that I honestly thought that Trump was just being a bit whiney about DeSantis at 1st but my eyes are wide open now. I am in Florida and am thankful I live in this free State but I have many concerns about our Gov in recent days. I apologize president Trump I should never have doubted you! -

Charlie Ward & Clay Clark: Reject The Central Bank Digital Currency! The Quantum Stamp! Brain Transparency! - Must Video - Wednesday, February 1, 2023 16:21 - Never allow a chip input into your body – there is going to be a digital currency backed by precious metals but a chip or quantum “stamp” isn’t necessary. The Petrodollar will come to an end. It will end cabal corruption. Yes, reject Central Bank foreign currency. Nobody and I do mean nobody needs to be able to “LINK” to your brain. Talk about controlling your every move. INSANE!

Coast Guard Drug Bust, Gulf of Oman - Thursday, February 2, 2023 14:25 - The news is buzzing over the story that appeared a couple days ago in which the US Coast Guard seized $33 million of hashish and meth in the Gulf of Oman from a fishing vessel being used to smuggle the drugs.  This is not the first bust during the first month of 2023.  Earlier that month the U.S. Navy seized more than 2,000 AK-47s.

REAL RAW NEWS: CDC Deputy Director Arrested for Covid Crimes - By Michael Baxter -February 2, 2023 - United States Marines on Tuesday arrested CDC Deputy Director Tom Shimabukuro on treason charges after obtaining a military arrest warrant attesting that U.S. Army Cyber Command had intercepted a phone call on which he admitted Covid-19 vaccines were still sickening and killing American citizens.

New David Icke & Nino & Laura Eisenhower: Our Consciousness Paradigms and the Reincarnation Trap - Thursday, February 2, 2023 9:03 - David Icke is one of the few OG grandfathers of conspiracies that I’ve been privileged to have on my show with Laura Eisenhower. Here we discuss the consciousness war and the current coexisting paradigms. We also discuss the A.i reincarnation trap. You decide.

Trumps weekend events attract 80 million online views: ‘People want honest coverage!’ - Thursday, February 2, 2023 8:09 - President Trump is rolling now that he is releasing his policy positions. The Republican Party establishment continues to foolishly dismiss Trump’s campaign. Well, no other candidate can match President Trump’s support. The RINO’s just don’t seem to understand that  yet. It’s 2016 all over again. Let the Trump rallies begin. #Trump2024.

MAIL ONLINE: 'Just one of the many ways that the election was rigged and stolen': Trump responds to bombshell Columbia Journalism Review of Steele Dossier - Donald Trump bashed the media for its failings on the notorious Steele Dossier, claiming it contributed to his 2020 presidential election loss - The dossier linked Trump's 2016 presidential campaign to Moscow, but many of its key details have been debunked and heavily scrutinized - Famed Watergate reporter Bob Woodward also condemned the media's rush to report on the dossier, saying readers were ultimately cheated  - By RONNY REYES FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 02:00 EST, 2 February 2023 -

THE WASHINGTON TIMES: Rash of vigilante incidents sow concern about citizen crime-fighting becoming a trend - By Matt Delaney - The Washington Times - Wednesday, February 1, 2023 - A Houston diner gunning down an armed robber. A D.C. homeowner fatally shooting a young teen accused of breaking into cars. A St. Louis woman tracking down and killing her carjacker but mortally wounding an innocent bystander in the process. A rash of high-profile vigilante incidents, according to crime experts and social scientists, could be a sign that some Americans are losing faith in the justice system and the ability of police to serve and protect. (Comment: In the Bronx in NYC lawlessness abounds. Murderers are set free on bail, people are assaulted on the street, thieves break into businesses never caught, etc. In Chicago over 3,000 shootings & 300 deaths last year while the Mayor dances in the street. What do you expect we the people to do when we are not being served with justice. It is out of control because the powers that be want it that way. So people arm themselves for protection because the police do not protect them.)

FOX NEWS: Pastor Brooks scores $8 million private donation to combat Chicago crime, encourage economic opportunity - Project H.O.O.D. has raised $28.5 million for a community center intended to transform Chicago's South Side – Feb. 1st 2023 - Pastor Corey Brooks’ Project H.O.O.D. scored an $8 million donation to help the community organization in its efforts to end Chicago violence. Brooks has been fundraising for over a year to raise $35 million to build a community center he hopes will transform the South Side of Chicago through efforts like job training and teen mentorship programs. The donation from the Robert R. McCormick foundation brings the total for Project H.O.O.D. (Helping Others Obtain Destiny) to $28.5 million.

JERUSALEM POST: IDF strikes Hamas weapons sites in Gaza after rocket attacks - Residents of Psagot warned to stay inside until further warning after possible infiltration. - By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: FEBRUARY 1, 2023 17:27 - Updated: FEBRUARY 2, 2023 15:25 - The IDF struck weapon production and storage facilities in Gaza overnight on Thursday after rocket sirens sounded in Sderot, Ibim and Nir Am at various points throughout the night. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant confirmed the strikes on Thursday morning, saying "any shooting at the State of Israel or any attempt to harm the lives of the residents of the south will be met with the strength of the IDF."

STRANGE SOUNDS: The Satanic Temple opens an abortion clinic...And more amazing news from around the world for February 2, 2023... Here comes the ‘Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic’… Erin Helian, executive director of campaigns and religious reproductive rights director at The Satanist Temple explains that the name of the clinic will serve as a reminder. “Prior to 1973, doctors who performed abortions could lose their licenses and go to jail. In 1950, Samuel Alito’s mother did not have options… The clinic’s name serves to remind people just how important it is to have the right to control one’s body and the potential ramifications of losing that right.” For anyone who doesn't get it... Samuel Alito is one of the Supreme Court Justices that voted to repeal Roe V Wade. They're saying his mother should have had the option to abort him… Brutal and amazing at the same time… They are real Satanists… Satanic Temple opens abortion clinic named “The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Abortion Clinic”…

Benjamin Fulford Mega Report 02/02: Final Liberation Of United States Coming After Switzerland And Israel KM Strangleholds Are Finished Off!! - Pfizer Director Assaults Reporters After Bragging About Mutating Viruses!! US Gov’t Human Trafficking Program!! Millions of Americans About To Go Hungry! - February 2, 2023 - Major victories by the planetary liberation alliance are now impossible to deny. The Anglo-Saxons, Russians and Chinese have reached a deal over the Ukraine and are now ready to finish off the remaining Khazarian Mafia strongholds of Switzerland and Israel. Once these control centers are neutralized, the final liberation of the United States will take place, making world peace possible.

NEWSMAX: Trump Outlines Plan to Stop Gender-Affirming 'Child Abuse' - President Donald Trump vows to punish doctors and teachers who promote gender-affirming procedures for minors if he's reelected to the nation's highest office. Trump, in a nearly four-minute video first released Tuesday on Truth Social, began his presentation by saying, "The left-wing gender insanity being pushed on our children is an act of child abuse, very simple."

ATF Has Overstepped Their Authority. They Must Be Abolished. - Thursday, February 2, 2023 10:09 -

ALEX JONES - Globalist Trojan Horse To End American Freedom: Article V. and The Constitutional Convention! - Alex Jones - Thursday, February 2, 2023 11:20 - I say let them show their hand… If they think they can IMPOSE A FAKE CONSTITUTION THEY ARE TRAITORS AND WILL SWING BEFORE THE SET THE PEN DOWN…. TRY IT TYRANTS….

Democrats Vote Against Federal Employees Returning To Work - Thursday, February 2, 2023 10:34 - Nothing better than paying federal employees to sit around at home and “work” rather than having them come back to the office and be supervised to sort of work, right? (Comment: These do nothing jobs will soon be gone as President Trump plans to get rid of 98% of Federal jobs because almost all are duplicitous; meaning is used to describe someone who intentionally misleads people, or using two agencies to do the same job. Deception bigtime. No more three letter agencies like the CIA, FBI, ATF, EPA, etc. Game is over clowns.)

Everything They’ve Told You About Russia Is A Lie - Thursday, February 2, 2023 10:26 - The great Austrian School economist Murray Rothbard once said: “Everything the government touches turns to crap.” I think we need a corollary to this statement, regarding the media. “Everything the mainstream media feeds you is bull crap.”

JERUSALEM POST: Israel targeting Iranian arms flow to Ukraine, Netanyahu tells CNN - ‘We are attacking not only Iran’s nuclear program but also taking action against certain weapons... and Iran invariably exports them’ - By TOVAH LAZAROFF, OMRI NAHMIAS Published: FEBRUARY 1, 2023 22:40 -

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: China clones 3 “super cows” that can produce 54 tons of milk a year; plans herd of 1,000 - China has claimed to have successfully cloned three “super cows” that are larger and produce more milk than common cows. Lead scientist Jin Yaping told Chinese outlet Global Times that the plan now is to concentrate cloned super cows into a herd that can help break China’s reliance on cattle imported from other countries.

NTEB: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he will discuss the Abraham Accords and Iran’s nuclear program during his meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron this week in Paris. – Feb. 1st 2023 - Ah yes, hello 2023, let’s get this end times party started, and what better way to do that than to have some prophetically delicious closed-door meetings between our candidate for the biblical Man of Sin, Emmanuel Macron, with the leader of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, Benjamin Netanyahu. During that meeting, the duo will discuss stopping the threat of Iran and nuclear missiles, and how best to expand and accelerate the Abraham Accords. Bullseye. “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Daniel 11:32 (KJB)




Bible, Bible, Who Is Richest of All?

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 2nd 2023



The Sabbath Year

Down through human history, there have been many societal experiments in caring for the poor and the disabled. Usually, this has involved the matter of taxation and wealth distribution. To this end, there have been many proposed solutions, but all of them have not conclusively worked, at least not over the long-term. Mountains of books on this topic have brought mankind no closer to solving or controlling the heart of man. Says the Bible, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:19). To this day, despite the proliferation of behavioral theories, we are still left with the same question—“Who really knows the human heart?”


Because of sin—particularly greed—we have the poor and disabled still with us (at least, seen in relative terms). Jesus prophesied this outcome, saying: “The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want” (Mark 14:7). Why? Because Jesus knew that sin would continue upon earth until His return. People would generally not want to help the poor.


Humans are calculating creatures, adjusting their behaviors to best suit their self-interests and goals of happiness (assuming they have the freedom to do so). John tells us of the three primary, primordial impulses in the heart of mankind. “For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world” (1 John 2:16).


Recently, the 2017 edition of the Forbes survey of the world’s top 400 billionaires was published. Continuing the trend, we observe that the rich are becoming richer. Quoting Forbes, “The number of billionaires jumped 13% to 2,043 from 1,810 last year, the first time ever that Forbes has pinned down more than 2,000 ten-figure-fortunes. Their total net worth rose by 18% to $7.67 trillion, also a record. The change in the number of billionaires—up 233 since the 2016 list—was the biggest in the 31 years that Forbes has been tracking billionaires globally.”


Will the world soon witness a trillionaire? One wealth management firm has made the prediction that the modern world’s first trillionaire is likely to appear over the next several decades.


While that may apply to the modern age, several people in antiquity could claim that they had achieved trillionaire status. Consider, for example, what some analysts regard as the world’s second richest man of all time: Augustus Caesar. Not only was he in charge of an empire that accounted for 25% to 30% of the world’s economic output during his day, but according to Stanford history professor Ian Morris, Augustus at one point held personal wealth equivalent to one-fifth of his empire’s economy. That fortune would be the equivalent of about $5.3 trillion in 2017.1 Such wealth is beyond imagination.


No Shortage of Hoards


Many commentators and economists point to the widening chasm between the wealthy—namely the “super wealthy,” and the general populace today. In recent years, economist authors such as Thomas Piketty (celebrated author of Capital in the 21st Century) have gained a following due to their attempts to explain the reasons for this wealth stratification. Nevertheless, Piketty has been somewhat discredited (even branded a Marxist) by the factions that consider any limitation upon wealth the gravest of all possible heresies. And so, the debates continue.


What we do know for sure is that wealth based on its modern definition—this including everything from hard assets to highly-derived financial instruments—is at its highest in the entirety of mankind’s history. Despite the interruption of the Global Financial Crisis (beginning in 2008), total modern asset wealth has continued to soar in value.


Is this mere happenstance? No, we think not. It is largely a function of rampant materialism and greed, expressed through globalization and financialization (the “lust of the eyes,” 1 John 2:16). All of these are coincident developments that are aligned with Bible prophecy. James expressly mentions that this condition of hoarding will exist in the last days:


Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. […] You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you (James 5:1, 3-6).


What is observed here is that hoarding and love of wealth have taken precedence over economic fairness and a deteriorating geopolitical outlook. Somewhat imaginatively interpreted, it is an era where the elite rich try to enclave themselves and find safety in brutal strategies to preserve and build more wealth.


Importantly, the Bible provided a view on these matters long before anyone invented the terms “capitalism,” “Marxism” or anything else. Jesus said: “[…] From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:48). Whether legislated or not, those with much have greater responsibility.


Indeed, to be rich is not a sin in itself. However, the fact remains that extreme wealth imbalances are not good for societies or economies. There are many negative consequences. Yet, mankind has never hearkened to God’s solution to these problems. How so?


Firstly, God made us mortal. Every human knows that they will die some day … that their time on this earth is finite and short. There could not be a more effective way of letting humans know that there is no eternal translation of the wealth accumulated on earth. It will all be left behind.


Secondly, God has provided an example of wealth governance in the Bible. The Levitical financial system that the Hebrews were commanded to practice, kept a check and balance on wealth distortions. To recall, God said through Moses, “At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts” (Deuteronomy 15:1). As such, we see that a seven-year debt cycle was instituted. We can conclude that there could be no such thing as perpetual debt: every Sabbath Year, debts had to be laid flat. Anyone who could not pay back their debts by that time was forgiven this amount.


We can imagine just how different our economies would be today were this same convention applied. There would be no massive accumulations of debt … or stratification of wealth.


In the Service of the Monied Rich


The service of managing money has therefore been a growth business. Why? As mentioned, the value of real and financial assets has been climbing over time; and secondly, it has been piling up in fewer hands. There are a number of asset management firms with over a trillion in client assets. Some firms (we will not mention names) have been shown in the past to be only too willing to deal with anyone with money … no matter the source of the wealth.


Despots, dictators and others who may have pillaged their countries—perhaps stolen the proceeds of resource exports, or misdirected foreign aid in the tens of billions—have found willing complicitors. In the past, they have had little difficulty in hiding their assets abroad with the professional help of “highbrow” financial service companies, the names of which would be well recognized. Thankfully, there are some organizations such as Global Financial Integrity, that are seeking to expose such corruption. The scale of global kleptocracy that this organization has unearthed is not to be believed.


Despite the supposed crackdowns on tax havens and offshore financial centers, the mega-rich (and many of the world’s multinational corporations) use covert companies and bank accounts, and complex offshore structures to own mansions, yachts, art masterpieces and other assets of all types. Highly paid accountants and middlemen help to hide identities and business interests, establishing shelter for assets as well as securing tax advantages not available to the average person.


Perhaps surprising to many, experts consider the United States to be the biggest haven of all.


In short, the wealthy have been accruing wealth in leaps and bounds in recent years. Evidence of their rising stature and consumption patterns is everywhere.


Thoughts to Ponder


Consider that global debt levels continue to climb to unprecedented levels. This trend will continue in the decades ahead … should the Lord not intervene. The point to note is that whenever one is analyzing debt levels, it must always be remembered that it is only one side of a twofold condition.


For every debtor there must also be a creditor; there must be someone that has the monetary capital to lend in the first place, as “for seller as for buyer, for borrower as for lender, for debtor as for creditor” (Isaiah 24:2). (This is the very same duality that this writer believes is portrayed in Zechariah’s fifth vision of the great, flying scroll found in Zechariah 5. The flying scroll had writing on both sides.) Therefore, when indebtedness soars, it is most always associated with a rising imbalance in wealth distribution.


Anyone familiar with the board game Monopoly will have observed that one person usually ends up owning all the property. When that happens, the game is over and a new one must be started. Effectively, the Sabbath Year served to slow this “winner take all” tendency of human economies; and, moreover, would reset the game every 7 years.


However, even this 7th-year Sabbath was insufficient to complete God’s outline for economic fairness on earth. One more ordinance was commanded: the Jubilee Year.


Said the Lord, “Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each one of you is to return to his family property and each to his own clan.” The 25th chapter of Leviticus lays out a detailed set of rules as to how the Jubilee Year was to be observed.


In effect, every 50 years, a new round of “Monopoly” was decreed. Property was restored to its original owners. The year prior (the 49th year being a Sabbath Year), all debts would have been laid flat as well. The main difference of the Jubilee Year as compared to the Sabbath Year, was that land was returned to the original tribe and family, and indentured labor (slavery) was broken. Together, these two Sabbath ordinances (both the 7th Sabbath year and the Jubilee Year) ensured that freedom, wealth distribution, and incentives for production and income stayed in balance.


Industrious and entrepreneurial people would still be rewarded for their efforts. Individuals could still become wealthy. Under these God-given Sabbatical cycles, it was much less likely that an oppressed class of indebted and poor could emerge.


Were the principles behind these two Sabbath years observed today, our current globalized world of money would not be so dangerously imbalanced. There would be no massive accumulations of debt as we see in our time.


We can imagine just how different our economies would be today were wealth governance policies based on the Biblical Hebrew model. Of course, these policies would only apply to our earthbound economies.


The New Testament (NT), however, routinely only acknowledges and endorses riches of a different kind—true riches, unlimited riches that would span across eternity. More than ten times, “riches” are equated with the glories of God, salvation and eternity in the NT. We quote just one of these wonderful references: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).


The richest person of all time cannot purchase this type of wealth with money. All those with their name in the Book of the Lamb can, therefore, claim the greatest riches of all time. Maranatha…


(Who was the richest man of all time? We have mentioned Augustus Caesar as the second richest. According to Ferrum College history professor Richard Smith, Mansa Musa, the king of Timbuktu, was the richest human being of all time. He lived in the late 13th to early 14th centuries. His African kingdom—today’s Mali—was likely the largest producer of gold in the world, at a time which gold was in especially high demand.)

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