Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Where We at Now in Prophecy


Where Are We at Now in Prophecy - Military Convicts Ron Klain – Sarah Huckabee Responds to SOTU – Satanic Spiritual War Continues - And We Know Reveal - X22 REPORT Boom – Trump in Charge All Along - War Criminal’ Pfizer Called Out - Derek Johnson HUGE Intel - Everything Is About To Change and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 8th 2023


Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Delivers 2023 Republican Response to State of the Union! Best GOP Response Ever! – Video - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 14:11 -

Continued Satanic Attack Against All Of Us! - Clay Clark - On The Fringe - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 15:00 - Clay and I spend some time talking about the dark cabal and their Satanic ways. We are at war folks, and this is nothing like a conventional war at all. This is a spiritual war. Put on your armor of God. …SATAN….BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER….

Most Lucrative Business Flourishing in War-Torn Ukraine - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 13:47 - Any military conflict provides the most lucrative opportunities for so-called black transplantologists. This criminal business particularly thrived in Kosovo, from where there was a prodigious flow of organs to Europe. Today, Ukraine is the number one base for black transplantology. Transplantology is a branch of medicine that studies the questions and issues of organ transplantation, as well as the perspectives of artificial organs creation.

And We Know: ALL Stated For A Reason! Get The Word Out! Liar-in-Chief! Turkey, DEWS, DeSantis! Pray! - Must Video - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 13:44 -

X22 REPORT - Boom: Trump Turned The Tables On The Deep State - Feb 2023 - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 13:40 -

New Monkey Werx SITREP - Fox Two Pro - Chinese Balloon No More! - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 13:36 -

REAL RAW NEWS: Military Convicts Ron Klain - By Michael Baxter -February 7, 2023 - Former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Friday after a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay found him guilty of seditious conspiracy, the lesser of two charges leveled against him.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - By Divina Ellisson - 8 February, 2023 -

Michigan Freedom Caucus Demands Imposition of ‘God’s Justice’ on ‘War Criminal’ Pfizer at Anti-Corruption Rally - Shane Trejo - Feb 6, 2023 - Members of the Michigan Freedom Caucus demanded the imposition of “the Lord’s Justice” on the “evil empire” of Pfizer, also called “worse than war criminals” by caucus leadership. A rally took place in Kalamazoo, Mich. outside of the Pfizer complex on Monday morning with over 150 attendees. The vaccine-hesitant activist organization, Michigan for Vaccine Choice, led the rally and it featured state representative’s part of the Michigan Freedom Caucus and their close allies. The rally occurred to draw additional attention on the Project Veritas revelations of an executive admitting how the company is mutating viruses to create new vaccines.

Derek Johnson HUGE "Law and Order!" Stream - Must Video - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:19 -

Mayor Heckled To The Point Of No Return: Does This Look & Sound Like She Was Voted In By The People? (Video) - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 8:40 - “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” This is the tactic of the wicked as they use the mainstream media and other corporate-controlled outlets to play down the masses by deceiving them into believing that the minority is the majority.

Experts Warning: It's About To Hit The Fan! Everything Is About To Change! - Patrick Humphrey News - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 0:39 - The economy is about to collapse from mass layoffs at jobs. A recession is here and more layoffs will come. Also an attack could wipe out banking institutions and credit card processing. Credit Cards and Debit Cards wouldn’t work if a grid attack happened. Prepare now for an economic collapse and prepare for the supply chain crisis to get even worse. Buy silver and buy gold so you are prepared for shtf 2023. “Stand firm, and you will win life.” Luke 21:19 -

New Patriot Underground: Mercenaries In Ukraine - New Barrier Around The Capitol - Earthquake Wars - EMP Balloon Threat Vector Deep Dive - Tuesday, February 7, 2023 22:07 - Mercenaries In Ukraine - New Barrier Around The Capitol - Earthquake Wars - EMP Balloon Threat Vector Deep Dive - Project Fugo - 3rd Vassal State Takedown - Putin’s Allies Stretching US Forces -

ATLASW SHRUGS - Promoting Pedophilia at State University of New York: “Benefits and Advantages of Adult-Child Sex” - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:30 - The comments were made by Dr. Stephen Kershnar “a distinguished teaching professor in the philosophy department at the State University of New York at Fredonia and an attorney,” according to his faculty page on the SUNY Fredonia website. Promotion of sex with a one year old is free speech. Conservative thought and Americanism is prohibited hate speech. We’re in hell.

MAIL ONLINE: Biden repeats misleading claims he has created more jobs than any other president, has made the biggest deficit reduction in history and is behind the drop in inflation in State of Union Republicans slam as full of 'lies' - Joe Biden delivered his second State of the Union address on Tuesday - The president gave an upbeat assessment of the country's progress since 2021, but his speech was heckled by Republicans on a chaotic night - Fact-checkers noted several of Biden's claims were misleading or lacked context - By HARRIET ALEXANDER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 02:01 EST, 8 February 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: Republican demands 'tax cheat' Biden RESIGN for claiming the GOP wants to cut Medicare and Social Security and Kevin McCarthy accuses him of 'goading' members with 'something he KNEW' wasn't true - Florida Senator Rick Scott released an ad Wednesday calling on Biden to resign - Biden claimed Republicans want to get rid of Medicare and Social Security - This sparked huge jeers at the State of the Union from Republicans yelling 'liar' as Kevin McCarthy said the comments were to goad them into responding - By KATELYN CARALLE, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 09:42 EST, 8 February 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: Republican yells 'it's your fault' at Biden when he condemns the number of overdose deaths caused by fentanyl coming across the border - Biden was heckled at his State of the Union GOP lawmakers who disapprove of his border policies - One lawmaker yelled 'it's your fault' at Biden when the president noted 70,000 Americans die of fentanyl overdoses every year - Several shouted 'secure the border' when the president brought up the crisis - By KATELYN CARALLE, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 23:11 EST, 7 February 2023 -

Europe Lacks Groundwater: Satellite Data Shows Sustained Severe Drought Across the Continent - TOPICS: Drought – Geology - Graz University Of Technology – Water – Weather - By GRAZ UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FEBRUARY 6, 2023 - Europe lacks groundwater – a lot of groundwater. The continent has already been suffering from a severe drought since 2018. This is confirmed by satellite data analyzed at the Institute of Geodesy at TU Graz. Europe has been experiencing a severe drought for years. Across the continent, groundwater levels have been consistently low since 2018, even if extreme weather events with flooding temporarily give a different picture.

Bob Ehrlich: It's Up to McCarthy to Take Down Biden's Weaponized Narratives - The drill has become distressingly familiar. A generally displeasing (for progressives) event occurs: Donald Trump wins the presidency or inconvenient medical opinions arise during a pandemic or parent protests erupt at school board meetings or states require photo IDs at the polls or military murmurings arise after a foreign debacle. And then — seemingly overnight — a counter narrative emerges as lefty journalists aggressively ensure the correct spin. But that’s only the half of it.

JERUSALEM POST: Earthquake death toll exceeds 11,000, bodies line the streets - Anger grows at response from Turkey, Syria governments • Erdogan visits disaster zone in southern Turkey. - By JERUSALEM POST STAFF - Doctor Mohamad Zitoun spent years treating casualties from the Syrian war but has never experienced anything like the number of injured and the scale of their injuries following Monday's devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria. "This is a huge calamity. I lived through shelling and survived massacres. This is totally different, terrifying and horrific," said the 34 year old surgeon from Aleppo, who has worked round the clock since the earthquakes in a hospital in Bab al Hawa by Syria's border to Turkey.



Where We Are Now in Prophecy

By Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 8th 2023

Where we are at exactly in prophecy is around 217 years before the rapture and great tribulation. In Hebrew years it is 5783. That is 217 years before the year 6,000 that is the time allocated by God for man’s history to take place, then the Kingdom Age kicks in with Jesus as King on the earth in the millennium. We are transitioning from the Age of Grace to the Kingdom Age where the supernatural wars in heaven will be seen to some in the natural.

God will be making moves on mankind in the great awakening revival to come to him for redemption and salvation. This last revival will spread unto the whole world then and only then will the end come to this age. Where we are headed now is into the 50 years of Jubilee and biblical debt forgiveness after this lame attempt by the present day Freemasons & Khazarian Mafia Cabal to depopulate the world will end in their demise, for the end is not yet.

6,000 patents that the evil Cabal suppressed that would have helped mankind will then be released on the planet helping mankind come back to optimum health. New technology will then also come to the surface to help mankind explore into space and beyond into other dimensions by exploring portals into other parts of the universe.

A new system of NESARA GESARA will ensure through the Quantum Financial System Reset, presently going on, that all the stolen gold from all the ages will be returned to the 209 countries it was stolen from by the Cabal. This will ensure world peace because you will have to be a member in order to receive funding through the NESARA GESARA reset. If you create war you will be cut off from the world Quantum Financial System that will be controlling all the world banks and you will not be able to trade or carry on business as usual.

We are nowhere near the Rapture or the Great Tribulation as of yet, but are presently in a transition era from the Age of Grace into the Kingdom Age. With the world population approaching 8 billion I believe 2/3rds of all mankind that ever existed will be in the Lord’s Kingdom and only 1/3rd will perish into hell with the devil and his minions.

The lord’s Kingdom in eternity awaits in Heaven where we will be forever young, without suffering & pain; a time of great joy, worship, walking with Jesus, where all things will be made new. Wisdom beyond our knowing will come into play as we become as sons of God with tasks not yet known. Peace and love will be everywhere for that is what God is. Maranatha……

 Job 36:11 If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.

I listen & learn from the Prophet Amanda Grace who was put here for such a time as this. Her latest word from the Lord Jan. 27th 2023 can be read at:

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