Friday, February 24, 2023

China Calls For Peace Talks


Marriage Insanity – China Calls For Ukraine Ceasefire - ATLAS SHRUGS - X22 Report - Judicial Watch Sues DHS - ZERO HEDGE - The Big Quake to Come – LifeSiteNews & Abortion - Inspiration & Crypto Talks With Alex - Truth About Russia-Ukraine War - DETHRONING The Cabal & The Clinton Body Count and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 24th 2023


 MAIL ONLINE: China urges for the END of Russia's invasion of Ukraine as it calls for a cease-fire and peace talks: Beijing releases 12-point plan to solve conflict on eve of the anniversary of Putin's war - China's foreign ministry said on Thursday: 'Conflict and war benefit no one' - The call for peace talks come on the eve of the Ukraine War's first anniversary - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called it an important first step  - By STEPHEN M. LEPORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 21:50 EST, 23 February 2023 - UPDATED: 06:02 EST, 24 February 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE: Kansas becomes first to pass Women's Bill of Rights that defines 'woman' as someone who is 'biologically born a female' to preserve single-sex areas - like public restrooms, school sports, prisons and shelters - Kansas bill defines women as those whose reproductive systems 'produces ova' - The move paves the way for further legislature protecting single-sex spaces such as public restrooms - It has sparked backlash from Democrats who claim it will 'ban trans people from public spaces' - By HELENA KELLY FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 10:28 EST, 24 February 2023 -

DARPA, D.U.M.B.S. And Bible Prophesy - Forwarded by Gordon. - Friday, February 24, 2023 13:25 -

ATLAS SHRUGS: Missouri AG gives Ultimatum to Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney General Kim Gardner Following Public Outcry: Resign or Be Removed - By Pamela Geller - on February 23, 2023 - After a teenage girl loses her legs, Missouri politicians begin actions to remove Soros-backed St. Louis DA Kim Gardner from office……

X22 Report - [WEF] Is Not In Control! In The End Bitcoin & Gold Will Rise & Fiat Will Implode! - Bob Kudla - Must Video - Friday, February 24, 2023 8:47 - Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy. Bob also does a podcast on YouTube which is called Trade Genius. Bob begins the conversation talking about Biden and Ukraine, the people are now seeing who they truly are. The fuel costs will continue to rise, the WEF is not in control like they think they are. In the end gold/bitcoin will rise and the fiat currency will implode.

Judicial Watch Sues DHS for Records on Election Censorship - Friday, February 24, 2023 9:57 - (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for records of communication related to the work of the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) that could detail coordinated censorship activities (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:23-cv-00384)).

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: US DEMANDS Israel STOP BUILDING in The WEST BANK - Video Manager - NEWS VIDEOS - FEBRUARY 24, 2023 - Due to massive pressure from the Biden Administration as well as from the International community, Israel just put a freeze on all the new Jewish housing that was approved in Judea & Samaria. Does the land of Israel come from Judea or Arabia? Joshua dives deep into this topic and how the battle lines are forming right now in Israel as the Arabs are getting bolder. (Comment: Israel will reclaim the original Promised Land given by God to his people, not just the sliver the world wants them to have. Please read all of Psalm 83 that tells of the war coming for the Promised Land. &

ZERO HEDGE: "Colossal" Tidal Wave Of New Container Ships About To Strike - BY TYLER DURDEN - THURSDAY, FEB 23, 2023 - 04:40 PM - By Greg Miller of FreightWaves - Here it comes. An unprecedented flood of new container ships is about to enter service. The pace of deliveries will pick up in earnest next month, surge much higher in the second quarter, go higher still in the second half, even higher throughout 2024, and stay strong in 2025.

Greenwald: NYT Finally Admits "The International Community" Does Not Stand With US On Ukraine - BY TYLER DURDEN - THURSDAY, FEB 23, 2023 - 07:00 PM - A typical consumer of Western and especially American media over the past year of war in Ukraine might be forgiven for assuming the so-called international community is fully in Washington and NATO's corner. But a detailed tally of nations and where they stand shows otherwise. This week, two somewhat surprising reports out of the most prominent and visible newspapers in the US have much belatedly set the record straight. Journalist Glenn Greenwald has pointed out that finally The New York Times has acknowledged the reality that the majority of the globe does not in fact "stand with the US" in its approach to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Greenwald sounds off in a Twitter thread as follows...

The Big ’Quake to Come! - by Charles Gardner - With the biblical end-time focus so clearly on Israel, students of prophecy, and all serious disciples, should watch the Middle East in these momentous times. - Feb 23, 2023 at 10:30 am | Topics: Prophecy & End Times - The prophet Zechariah says the Messiah will stand on the sacred mount, which “will split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south” (Zech 14:4). (Comment: Remember Jesus said you would return to the Mt. of Olives from which he just left. That would be the second coming, when the mountain splits in two and shakes the whole world.)

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Six galaxies challenge theories about how the universe was formed – “When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars that You set in place.” – PSALMS 8:4 - (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - MEDICAL/SCIENCE - FEBRUARY 23, 2023 – A newly published research paper presented the discovery of six galaxies that are too young and too dense to be explained by previous theories about how the universe was formed. In the words of one scientist, “It’s bananas!”

(LifeSiteNews) – Another former abortionist turned pro-life doctor is making the case that the most powerful argument for legal abortion, situations in which it is supposedly necessary to save the lives of pregnant women, is a “false flag operation” not rooted in medical fact. Feb. 23 2023 - Dr. John Bruchalski is the founder of the pro-life, faith-based medical practice Tepeyac OB/GYN and the nonprofit Divine Mercy Care. He “performed abortions believing he was helping women” during his medical training, but “[a]fter a spiritual awakening, he realized abortion was not achieving freedom, health, and happiness for women. Dr. Bruchalski stopped performing abortions, returned to the faith, and felt God’s call to start a medical practice that truly helped women.”

 Inspiration and Crypto Talks With Alex (Video Series) – Will AI eventually take over the world’s thinking? -

THE HAL TURNER SHOW: The Truth About Russia-Ukraine War - Supporting Ukraine doesn't make you a Patriot; Just a Useful Idiot – WORLD - HAL TURNER - 23 FEBRUARY 2023 - The truth about the war with Russian and Ukraine: The same corrupt Elite Globalists who orchestrated the Pandemic and Covid-19 are now pushing the world into World War 3. They do not care if millions die and economies are destroyed, it is all part of their plan. The five minute video below lays it out.

David Nino Rodriguez Live - DETHRONING The Cabal & The Clinton Body Count! - Must Video - Friday, February 24, 2023 11:45 -

Charlie Ward & Chas Carter - History Repeating? Let's Stop The Cycle! - Must Video - Friday, February 24, 2023 10:14 - We all keep asking when is everything going to start to happen. I get frustrated with how long the process has been. but today God showed me a verse that gives me pause. In Habakkuk 2:3. It reads “For the vision is yet for the appointed time. It hurries towards the goal of fulfillment; it will not fail even though it delays, wait patiently for it because it will certainly come. It will not delay” Has anyone seen the latest Biden picks of him falling while walking up stairs to get into AF1?! It’s on a Hollywood Set !! Metal gantries around it lighting on the floor in front of it, Lights illuminating the plane ! They never show Biden landing, taxing, parking, a portable staircase pulling up, no presidential seal, no secret service surrounding the plane !

WND: Clinton aide's death ruled 'suicide' despite tied to a tree, shot in chest - No gun found in case of adviser who let Jeffrey Epstein in White House 7 times - By Bob Unruh - Published February 22, 2023 at 11:25am - It's just one of a long list of suspicious deaths that have been documented among those who were in the circle of people that included Bill and Hillary Clinton. (Comment: The Clintons have been killing witnesses & whisleblowers for decades including the murder of JFK jr. Look it up.)




Marriage Insanity

Dr. David R. Reagan

Published on: October 11, 2017

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 24th 2023

When our Supreme Court made its insane and unbiblical decision on June 26, 2015, to legalize the abomination of same-sex marriage, it opened a Pandora’s box.


For one thing, the decision clearly signaled that no state could any longer enforce laws against polygamy. After all, if a man can legally marry a man, how can it be argued that he cannot marry several women? When the Court thumbed its nose at God’s Word and tossed out God’s definition of marriage, it opened up unlimited possibilities for a great variety of fake “marriages.”


If same-sex marriage is legal, then why not an incestuous marriage between a brother and sister? Or an oedipal marriage between a son and mother? And what about those involved in bestiality? Are they to be prevented from marrying their pet? And is this really any more bizarre than marrying a person of the same sex?


 The Latest Marriage Perversion


Or, consider the current fad of marrying yourself. Yes, that’s what I said — believe it or not, there are people who are now marrying themselves! It’s called sologomy. There are even several websites devoted to it, one of which is www. At this site you can order a wedding kit for a solo marriage. It includes invitations, a wedding band and the complete outline for a wedding ceremony, including the vows. The kit costs $50 if you want a sterling silver ring, and $230 if you desire a 14-karat gold ring.


A 37 year old woman in Brooklyn, New York named Erika Anderson conducted her self-marriage ceremony in the spring of 2016. She told CBS News that “she grew frustrated with being asked why she hadn’t settled down with anyone and decided to take matters into her own hands.” So, she put on a wedding gown and walked herself down the aisle among family and friends and recited a vow to commit herself to herself. Later, Erika said, “For so many years, people had been telling me I was a great catch, so I caught myself.”


It’s what could be called the ultimate act of narcissism.


 Other Perversions


And to illustrate where all this insanity is going, consider the man in the South American country of Colombia who recently married two of his best buddies. It’s called polyamory.


People suffering from a mental disorder called ObjectumSexuality fall in love with inanimate objects and desire to marry them. Thus, a woman in San Francisco who fell in love with the Eiffel Tower decided to marry it and changed her name to Erika La Tour Eiffel. Likewise, a German woman fell in love with the Berlin Wall, and on her sixth visit to the wall in 1979 she married “him” in front of a handful of guests. When the wall was torn down in 1989, she was horrified.


A Japanese man recently married Nene Anegasaki, a digital character in the Nintendo video game called “Love Plus.” He actually had a real ceremony on the island of Guam, where apparently it is legal to marry not only inanimate objects but also imaginary ones. He even ended the ceremony by calling up her image on a computer tablet and giving her a kiss.


France is now allowing posthumous marriages to partners who die before a planned wedding ceremony. A woman in India was married to a cobra in 2006, with over 2,000 people attending the elaborate ceremony. And in 2010 a man in Australia was married to his five year old golden retriever named Honey.


Here in the States, the Associated Press recently noted that “more states are allowing three parents of one child.” An example would be when a lesbian couple has a child with the help of a man who impregnates one of them — in which case all three become parents.


 The Deinstitutionalization of Marriage


Meanwhile, marriage is on the decline. Whereas throughout history, it was considered to be a very special, sacred institution, it is now viewed by many in our nation as nothing more than a convenience for lowering taxes. A Pew Research Center study in 2011 revealed that whereas in 1960 72 percent of adults in America 18 years of age or older were married, today just 51 percent are wed.


The immorality of cohabitation has become our national norm. Before 1970, living together outside of marriage was uncommon, but by the late 1990s at least 50 to 60 percent of couples were living together before marriage. More than two- thirds of married couples in the US now say that they lived together before getting married.


As of 2012, 41 percent of all births in the US were to unmarried women. In three states (Mississippi – 55%, Louisiana – 53%, and New Mexico – 52%) births outside marriage were in the majority. The lowest percentage of births outside marriage was in Utah, at 19 percent. During the period 2006 – 2010, 58 percent of births outside of marriage were to cohabitating parents.


The paganization of our society is destroying one of the cornerstones of civilization — the institution of marriage. In Romans chapter 1, the Apostle Paul stated that when a society rebels against God and refuses to repent, God will deliver the society over to a depraved mind (verse 28). That is where we are today.

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