Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Real Reason for School Violence



The Real Reason for School Violence - Putin Exposes Satanic Agenda - Trump Blames Obama for Ukraine – How to DETOX from Dioxin - Ticking Time Bombs for Children – History on Nazi Student Federation - Trudeau China Backed His 2021 Reelection - AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 23rd 2023


Prayers GROWING in many Universities, Trump shows TRUE leadership, Young Gen Z rising, PRAY – Trump has done us good BUT NOW WE NEED TO LEARN to work OUR REPUBLIC, or we will lose it in 4 years. Trump lifts hope but people hope will only prevail if we learn our part in making this country what it is supposed to be!!

BLP: Trump Blames Obama Administration for Launching the Maidan Coup in 2014 - By Jose Nino - Feb 23, 2023 - Former President Donald Trump promised to “clean house of all of the warmongers and America’s last globalists” in a video that was published on February 22, 2023.  In this video, Trump proclaimed that the Obama administration was the architect of the Maidan uprising. In Ukraine in 2014 that witnessed the government of Viktor Yanukovych get overthrown in a coup that had significant backing from the West. This regime change incident laid the groundwork for Russia’s subsequent intervention in Ukraine. “World War III has never been closer than it is right now,” Trump said at first.

BLP: Russian President Vladimir Putin Exposes Satanic Agenda to Normalize Pedophilia in the West - By Shane Trejo - Feb 22, 2023 - Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an address on Tuesday where he exposed the satanic agenda to normalize pedophilia in the West. During the speech, Putin bemoaned the cultural downslide occurring in the United States and other countries throughout the West where Christianity is mocked and God’s design is inverted for demonic purposes.

Nano-Particle Contamination Cover Up - Thursday, February 23, 2023 5:41 -

X22 Report - Trump Put A Plan In Motion To Destroy The Globalist & Bring Manufacturing Back To The US! - Must Video - Thursday, February 23, 2023 13:44 - As the economy falls apart under Biden the people are going to realize who is responsible. People are now using their credit cards to make ends meet. The bankers are now meeting to push the CBDC, in the end this will fail. Trump is playing the long game and is destroying the globalist.

The Big Lie - Thursday, February 23, 2023 12:33 - ‘OVERPOPULATION’ is a huge LIE. It is being spread to justify intensive farming and to justify the ever-growing spectre of the public being sold UNLABELLED GENETICALLY ENGINEERED meats and vegetables and fruits. OVERPOPULATION is also being used to justify mass sterilization programs in Africa and India. Human population growth has already collapsed in many regions due to FAMINE which has NOT been caused by CLIMATE CHANGE – but has been caused by European and American corporations funding programs which have built dams, flooded tribal farming lands and also made profits by shipping rain forest timber to processing factories in Asia and selling it as so called ‘SUSTAINABLE’ garden furniture.

Coincidence? Environmental Scientists Heading to Ohio Just Killed in a Plane Crash - Thursday, February 23, 2023 14:01 - All of the people on the plane including the pilot were employees of CTEH, which is a consulting firm that provides response services, including “environmental data collection, and management, GIS, safety, incident management, industrial hygiene, toxicology and human health consulting for the public and private sectors.”

MAIL ONLINE: Sarah Lawrence grad, 31, weeps as she's jailed for four-and-a-half-years for serving as sex cult leader Larry Ray's 'lieutenant' and helping traffic young women while she lounged in lingerie in luxurious Pierre Hotel - Isabella Pollok was sentenced on Wednesday by US Judge Lewis Liman - He said she caused 'immense harm' to victims and involved 'sadistic' violence - Pollok wept and apologized saying she was 'ashamed and deeply regret it' - By RUTH BASHINSKY FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 11:50 EST, 23 February 2023 -

NATURAL NEWS: Scientific literature shows chlorophyll-rich chlorella to be among the most effective nutritional supplements for dioxin DETOX - Wednesday, February 22, 2023 by: Ethan Huff - A freshwater algae variety known as chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) could be the solution to all the dioxin contamination occurring in East Palestine, Ohio, following the Norfolk Southern train derailment and “controlled explosion.” Research published in the Journal of Nutrition back in 1999 reveals how chlorella helps to accelerate the excretion of dioxins in rats exposed to the deadly class of toxins. -

The Inflation and Tax Assault on the American People - Thursday, February 23, 2023 9:41 - This article was originally published by Ron Paul at The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. - According to the January report of the Consumer Price Index, price inflation increased by 0.5 percent last month. This follows a 0.1 percent increase in December. The total increase over the last 12 months is 6.4 percent. The official government statistics, which are manipulated to understate the true rate of price inflation, show even greater increases in some costs. Over the last 12 months, food prices increased by 10.1 percent, energy prices increased by 8.7 percent, and shelter costs rose by 7.9 percent.

‘Ticking Time Bombs’ for the Most Defenseless: The Children (II) - Thursday, February 23, 2023 9:49 - Human Wrongs Watch - By Baher Kamal - MADRID, Feb 23 2023 (IPS)* – While the world’s biggest powers and their giant private corporations continue to attach high priority to their military –and commercial– dominance, both of them being shockingly profitable, entire generations are being lost to deadly armed conflicts, devastating climate catastrophes, diseases, hunger and more imposed impoverishment.

History: Kurt Waldheim, From the Nazi Student Federation to UN Secretary General and President of Austria - By William Walter Kay - Global Research, February 22, 2023 - In 1987 the US Justice Department declared Kurt Waldheim a dangerous agent; forever forbidding his re-entry onto US soil. - The aristocratic poseur, Waldheim, was the grandson of a Czech blacksmith surnamed Vaclavik. Kurt’s father, Walter, migrated to Austria where Christian-Social Party (CSP) activism landed him the plum-gig of school inspector. CSP-founder and Vienna Mayor, Karl Lueger, pioneered electoral anti-Semitism; blaming “Jewish financiers” for every problem. Hitler “learned anti-Semitism from Lueger.” (1) After Walter’s CSP superior explained the limitations of “Vaclavik,” Walter choose the uber-German: Waldheim (“woods-home”). (2) When Kurt turned 18, Walter planted him in the 1st Dragoons of Stockerau – a regiment stocked with scions of ancient noble houses.

LIFE SITE NEWS: Trudeau blasts Canada’s spy agency after leaked docs show China backed his 2021 reelection - Tue Feb 21, 2023 - 5:57 pm EST - A recent report citing top-secret intelligence agency documents alleges that an 'orchestrated machine was operating in Canada' that sought to have Trudeau reelected in 2021. After another bombshell report last week suggested Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 2021 election victory was clandestinely backed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Trudeau blasted not only the alleged undermining of the nation’s elections but Canada’s intelligence agency for allowing the information to be leaked to the press.

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: Newborn surrendered at KY ‘baby box’; first ever for state - A baby has been anonymously surrendered, saved, and rescued for the first time ever with a newly installed Safe Haven Baby Box in Kentucky. The Safe Haven Baby Box organization installs temperature-controlled and alarm-monitored boxes in hospitals, police stations, and fire stations to create a safer and effective method for surrendering an infant.

REAL CLEAR POLITICS - Tucker Carlson: The Deep State Removed Nixon, The Most Popular President Ever, To Cover Up CIA's Murder Of JFK - Joe Biden alone is responsible for this crime. He alone took home classified documents. He didn’t have help in doing that, but allowing the country to be invaded, that’s not something you can do by yourself. So, if Biden were to be taken down for opening the southern border, a lot of other people would go with them. He had a lot of accomplices. Permanent Washington doesn’t want that and ultimately and here’s the point: Permanent Washington is in charge. It’s not the democracy you imagined. We’re seeing that now. (Comment: If you read the whole article it shows you why we are in the mess we are in. It all leads back to the CIA murder of JFK and the coverup.)

ZERO HEDGE: Israel, Saudi Arabia Hold Talks On Increasing Military Ties - BY TYLER DURDEN - WEDNESDAY, FEB 22, 2023 - 06:45 PM - Authored by Dave DeCamp via - Israel’s new government under Benjamin Netanyahu has stepped up US-backed talks with Saudi Arabia on forging stronger military and intelligence ties, Bloomberg reported late last week.The talks are part of an effort to forge a NATO-style anti-Iran alliance in the region between Israel and Washington’s Gulf Arab allies. While Saudi Arabia has not normalized with Israel, the two countries have quietly increased cooperation, including by participating in their first public joint military exercises in 2022.

JERUSALEM POST: IDF Nablus raid is another nail in the coffin of the Palestinian Authority – analysis - IDF's military raid is seen by many Palestinians as yet another sign of the PA leadership’s deceptive policies and double talk. - By KHALED ABU TOAMEH Published: FEBRUARY 22, 2023 17:57 - Updated: FEBRUARY 22, 2023 20:50 - The timing of Wednesday’s IDF operation in Nablus, in which 10 Palestinians were killed and dozens injured, could not have been any worse for the Palestinian Authority, whose leaders were quick to condemn Israel and call for international protection to the Palestinians. The military raid is seen by many Palestinians as yet another sign of the PA leadership’s deceptive policies and double talk.



The Real Reason for School Violence

Dr. David R. Reagan

Published on: June 4, 2018

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 23rd 2023


School Prayer

Why have our schools become so violent? All across our nation people who are fed up with school violence are demonstrating in behalf of gun control.


But guns are not the basic problem. I graduated from high school in Waco, Texas in 1956. There were 450 in my graduating class, and on any given day there would be two or three dozen pickup trucks in the school parking lot equipped with gun racks. Many of those racks would contain three guns — a deer rifle, a .22 rifle and a shotgun. Yet, no one worried about some student shooting up the school.


One of my best friends who is my age grew up in Amarillo, Texas. When he was 14 years old, he rode his bike into town and purchased a rifle. No questions were asked. No background checks were made. The boy wanted a gun, and the store sold it to him.


A Radical Cultural Shift


So, what has changed in the 60 years since 1956? There is a poem circulating on the Internet that points to the answer. It has been around since the 1980’s, and the author is unknown. It has been edited many times over the years. The latest edition is produced below.


 The New School Prayer


Now I sit me down in school,

Where praying is against the rule.

For this great nation under God,

Finds mention of Him very odd.


If Scripture now the class recites,

It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow

Becomes a Federal matter now.


Our hair can be purple, orange or green,

That’s no offense; it’s a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.

Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.


For praying in a public hall

Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,

God’s name is prohibited by the state.


We’re allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,

And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.

They’ve outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.

To quote the Good Book makes me liable.


We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,

And the “unwed daddy,” our Senior King.

It’s “inappropriate” to teach right from wrong,

We’re taught that such “judgments” do not belong.


We can get our condoms and birth controls,

Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,

No word of God must reach this crowd.


It’s scary here I must confess,

When chaos reigns the school’s a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make:

Should I be shot; My soul please take!




As this poem clearly indicates, the reason for school violence is not guns. The reason is that we have kicked God out of our schools.


I started public school in 1944, and until I graduated in 1956, we had a daily Bible reading and prayer. We had Easter plays and Christmas pageants. We were taught Christian morals. In fact, one of my English readers in high school consisted of Bible stories with a moral clearly stated at the end of each story. When I graduated from high school, we had what was called a baccalaureate service the day before our graduation ceremony. It consisted of a worship service and a sermon by a local pastor.


Since that time, our Supreme Court has outlawed Bible reading and prayer in the public schools. It has even declared it to be unconstitutional for the Ten Commandments to be displayed. The Court has also stopped the teaching of Creationism as an alternative to Evolution. In this regard, in the words of Romans 1:18, we as a nation are guilty of “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.”


Reaping What We’ve Sown


When we banned God from our schools and proceeded to teach children that they are descended from apes, why are we surprised when they start acting like wild animals? When we saturate them with violent movies, TV shows and video games, why are we surprised when they resort to violence?


This nation is raising a whole generation of moral pygmies, and all the gun control imaginable is not going to stop the violence.


We are reaping what we have sown. Theologians refer to the result as “abandonment wrath” — the kind of wrath exhibited by God when He turns His back on a rebellious person or society, allowing self-destruction.


We have thumbed our nose at God. We have barred Him from our schools. We have made a mockery of His Word. And He has responded by stepping back, lowering His hedge of protection and allowing evil to run its course.



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