Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Mind Changers


Mind Changers - New Patriot Underground - San Francisco’s Zombie Zones – JAG Sentences Jerome Adams to Death - BBC: Woke Nicola Sturgeon to Resign as Scotland's First Minister - Julie Green the Prophet – Amada Grace Prophetic Insight and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 15th 2023


 Trump’s Congress: Civil War > Panic Feb 2023 - Wednesday, February 15, 2023 14:49 -

Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter With Dr. Bryan Ardis, Miscarriage Nightmare, Serpent Transhumanism! - Must Video - Wednesday, February 15, 2023 13:50 -

CHRISTIANITY TODAY - Asbury Professor: We’re Witnessing a ‘Surprising Work of God’ - Why I’m hopeful about the revival breaking out in our chapel and its implications for the campus and beyond. - TOM MCCALL - FEBRUARY 13, 2023 - Many people say that in the chapel they hardly even realize how much time has elapsed. It is almost as though time and eternity blur together as heaven and earth meet. Anyone who has witnessed it can agree that something unusual and unscripted is happening.


New Patriot Underground & Kerry Cassidy on Covert Portal Investigations - NS Pipeline Truth Emerging - UFOs & False Flag Derailments - Dominoes About To Start Falling – Federal Lawsuit Filed In Pennsylvania - Water Table Threatened In Multiple States - Epic EPA Gaslighting - Wednesday, February 15, 2023 4:22 -

Tucker Carlson for February 14, 2023: Massive deadly catastrophes happen in Trump country - Wednesday, February 15, 2023 9:49 -

HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare – The U.S. – and Presumably Russia – Have Researched Weather Modification As Warfare For Many Decades - Wednesday, February 15, 2023 11:03 - Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather, and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies which can provide substantial increase in US, or degraded capability in an adversary, to achieve global awareness, reach, and power. (US Air Force, emphasis added. Air University of the US Air Force, AF 2025 Final Report. – For more on an effect called The Dimming go to: &

NORD STREAM UPDATE: In lengthy interview with the Berliner Zeitung, Seymour Hersh offers more intriguing details about his source’s account of the attack - Wednesday, February 15, 2023 10:33 - It’s been a week since Seymour Hersh released his Substack exclusive about How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline. The mainstream German press have responded with uniform skepticism. Most reports followed the example of the wire services, in leading with the blanket denials of American officials and noting that the story was well-received in Moscow.

ASBURY REVIVAL UPDATE 2: The 144-Hour 1970 Revival Eclipsed - Wednesday, February 15, 2023 10:17 - On Tuesday morning, as the 2023 Asbury Revival was about to eclipse the 144-hour mark of the famed 1970 Asbury Revival, the nearby off-campus Great Commission Fellowship Church opened its doors to accommodate the growing crowd following the movement of the Spirit. Not all revival participants want to go to one of the overflow chapels so they prefer to gather on the steps outside the Hughes Auditorium listening to the singing drifting through the doors.

Julie Green the Prophet Ministries – Chaos About to Breakout in Many Nations – Feb. 15th 2023

REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Sentences Jerome Adams to Death - By Michael Baxter -February 12, 2023 - Three officers impaneled to weigh JAG’s case against Jerome Adams found the former surgeon general guilty of treason after viewing documents showing he had participated in a conspiracy to mislead President Donald J. Trump about vaccine safety and the merits of locking down and bankrupting the country.

BBC: Nicola Sturgeon says time is right to resign as Scotland's first minister – Feb. 15th 2023 - By Glenn Campbell - Political editor, BBC Scotland - Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed she is resigning as Scotland's first minister after more than eight years in the role. The Scottish National Party leader said she knew "in my head and in my heart" this was the right time to step down. Ms. Sturgeon said she would remain in office until her successor was elected. This is a bombshell which will send shockwaves through Scottish politics. That's not just because Nicola Sturgeon has been a key figure for so long - an MSP since the Scottish parliament was opened in 1999, and its longest-serving first minister. It's also because her government stands at a pivotal moment in the pursuit of the SNP's founding goal, of Scottish independence. The party is holding a special conference next month to decide how it should move the issue on, in light of the UK government's refusal to engage with plans for a referendum.

New Derek Johnson "Military Codes > Trump is a Hero" 2.15.2023 - Wednesday, February 15, 2023 7:48 -

Snowden: UFOs Are an Engineered Distraction! - Here Is What They’re Distracting You From! (Video) - Tuesday, February 14, 2023 16:38 - Josh Sigurdson reports on the engineered distractions we’ve seen pumped out in the news cycle over the past weeks, including the shoot down of multiple UFOs that appeared to have anti-gravity propulsion. Recently, Edward Snowden pointed out that the UFO phenomenon is likely a distraction from the Nord Stream Pipeline false flag revelation. This could very well be the case, but it’s not the only story that’s being distracted from. There’s also the explosion in Ohio causing chemical contamination of water. There’s also the recent revealing of Epstein clientele and associates.

Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes? Feb. 15th 2023 – Nations which go against US foreign policy agendas and objectives (or that have coveted natural and energy resources) are all too often hit with catastrophic earthquakes. Question, is it just an amazing coincidence? Please watch this 4 minute video covering tectonic weapons.

URGENT: 5 WAYS TO PRAY FOR TURKEY AND SYRIA AFTER DEADLY EARTHQUAKES - Join us as we pray God’s comfort and provision for all those impacted by this tragedy – By Nena Podbury - Feb. 15th 2023 - On February 6, 2023, two earthquakes struck southeastern Turkey and northern Syria in the early morning hours. The earthquakes—some of the strongest to hit the region in more than a century—have killed more than 20,000 people. Thousands more are still missing or critically injured. More than 12,000 buildings have collapsed, including hospitals and churches, and many roads have been destroyed, limiting emergency response times. Rescue efforts are underway amid freezing winter temperatures and snowy conditions as disaster relief workers from around the world seek to reach survivors trapped in the rubble.

US Postal Service Sharing Private Information From 68 Million Households With Democrat Orgs, Could Be Used For Political Campaigning - By Pamela Geller - on February 14, 2023 - Geller Report proven right, yet again. I am so sick of these criminals – they’ve captured every government agency and weaponized against ordinary Americans. Putting the USPS in charge of our elections (mail in voting) is the final nail in the coffin of free and fair elections.

MEDIA BLACKOUT: There Were OVER A THOUSAND Train Derailments in 2022 - By Pamela Geller - on February 14, 2023 - Many of these derailments were acts of terrorism and yet they are rarely pursued or prosecuted. Instead, the Biden regime and his cloying clown Transportation secretary is whining and whinging that there are too many white construction workers. BREAKING: Officials are now responding to another deadly train derailment near Houston, TX. Over 16 rail cars carrying "hazardous materials" crashed. First Ohio, then South Carolina, and now Texas….

THE HORN NEWS: Confused Dianne Feinstein ‘didn’t know’ about her retirement - FEBRUARY 15, 2023 - The office of 89-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif, announced her plans for retirement yesterday, capping a 30-year tenure in the Senate and a five-decade career in public service. But either Feinstein forgot… or she wasn’t told. Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Feinstein claimed to be unaware of the announcement. (Comment: Can we say term limits? I can…)

Quake Updates:  Toll in Turkey and Syria Surpasses 40,000 Dead – Feb. 15th 2023

24 hours in Jerusalem: three terror attacks - ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ ISRAEL NEWS, TERROR WATCH - FEBRUARY 14, 2023 - Israel is experiencing a wave of terrorist attacks focused on Jerusalem. Many of these attacks are being carried out by young boys, many armed with handguns. An IDF Border Police officer was killed on Monday night during a stabbing…

Billionaire investor slams San Francisco’s “zombie zones,” 20-year record high homelessness - Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - by Belle Carter - A venture capitalist denounced the Democratic leadership in San Francisco for its failure to address rising drug use and homelessness. In a Feb. 8 op-ed for the Financial Times, venture capitalist Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital pointed out the irony of how the Golden Gate City “bans plastic straws but permits plastic needles.” -

Amanda Grace Ministries – Prophecy on Jan. 27th 2023 - Oh, you leaders hear the Word of The Lord this day. If you choose of your will abuse your power for purposes that are in direct opposition to the seat in which you so sit, you shall in this season fall, be disgraced, be shamed, be laid bare before the people that you become a byword and a heifer. For if you so choose to act like REBELLIOUS BULLS…



 Mind Changers: Driving Human Actions onto the Shoals

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Published on: February 11, 2023

This writer’s secular career has been influenced by the Austrian School of Economics. One of the best and most known scholars from this school was Ludwig von Mises. (He was one of its main founders.) Particularly influential was his work Human Action: A Treatise on Economics (first published in 1940).


Economists are sometimes venerated, but of course, no economist—good or bad—can predict the future with any durable accuracy. But economic clairvoyance is not why we reference the Austrian School. We are more interested in theory … the questions that explain the impact that human actions have on economies and world trends.


An esteemed friend and mentor—the late Dr. Kurt Richebächer, one of the first jet-setting “global market economists”—taught this analyst about the necessity to understand economic theory. He was a devotee of the Austrian School. Rather than relying solely upon quantitative modeling, his reasoning was that if you cannot explain the causality behind the statistic—in other words, the theory—then it can be very dangerous to rely on that economic statistic.


Most other economics schools do not bother much with such theory, but rather focus on the surface mathematics. Yes, math is useful, but the motivations of mankind cannot be modeled with numbers and formulas. Why? The human is much too complex and inconsistent. As Dr. Mises emphasized, human action is the outcome of values, beliefs, expectations, and their changes. There need be no rhyme or logical reason. Humans can change their minds on a dime … capriciously and quixotically.


In fact, humans are perpetually prone to change their minds about beliefs and values (and anything else, for that matter). This is a key characteristic that distinguishes God from man. Says the Bible: “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” (Numbers 23:19; cf. 1 Samuel 15:29; Malachi 3:6; James 1:17). God does not change; humans do.


And lately, humanity has been collectively changing values and views on an epic scale as never before. Mankind has been radically changing his mind with respect to his values and beliefs (the existence of God, families, morals …etc.). In our view, such changes have been quite sudden. It is just as this popular saying implies: “Make your own reality.” Changes in views can be driven by nothing more than whimsy … having no foundation. Yet, in turn, this drives human actions.


Some observers today make the case that mankind has entered the Anthropocene Age, where human actions are thought to actually impact the universe itself. That claim may be overreaching, but not so the changes in human beliefs. They, indeed, have become overarching.


We will discuss three such changes in values and show their impact on “human actions.”


Global Financial Fascism (Global Climate Change Actions)

Readers will recognize that concerns about global warming have struck fear into the hearts of many people. It is a concern that has swept the world in recent decades. According to a Pew Research Center survey, climate change is the top global threat in the public’s mind across 19 developed countries.


There have been world-sweeping initiatives to convince all people on earth that they are witnessing an unfolding global “climate change” crisis. This growing human belief—also considered an agenda, correct or not—is powerfully driving huge “human actions.”


But why would this be considered a change of views or values? For several reasons.


For one, it is partly a “manufactured” viewpoint that has emerged relatively recently … only several decades ago or so. Yet to date, there is no scientific proof as to the impact of rising emissions, nor the assurance that all anti-carbon initiatives being proposed today will actually make a difference in the future. There is no proven theory. And, even while there are no such proofs, it is claimed that a “scientific consensus” exists on these issues by those who promote fears of climate change. It goes without saying that those who disagree are, therefore, not allowed to be part of the consensus. Instead, they are ostracized … just as is the case with Creationists.


However, to be truthful, the world’s response to theories of climate change remains unsettled. Globally, emissions (mainly CO2 and methane) in the atmosphere are indeed rising.


Yet, global warming advocates continue to push their agenda very aggressively. This should not be a surprise, as “climate change” is potentially lucrative … at many levels. Also, it must not be overlooked that “global warming” actions give rise to oppressive controls, both domestically and globally.


Also, it would be true to say that the “global warming” proponents are not above brutal tactics in shutting down any opposition to their initiatives, scientific or otherwise. These measures, in many cases, border on financial fascism.


That said, some backlash is emerging. Certain major corporations and banks are protesting the massive “anti-carbon” regulations being introduced.


We come back to our main point. Virtually the entire world has changed its view to align with a global warming crisis … and all its threatening attendant impacts. Yet, it is not a proven matter.


Change in Familialism: Declining Fertility

It is an earth-shaking development … a fast-emerging post-familial world. It reflects a massive change in human values that will have an alarming world impact in the future. In fact, that future is already here.


Just what is unfolding today that demographic trends reveal? In short, there are two main contributing trends—one good, the other bad. First, human longevity (length of life) has continued to increase for much of the world … to the continued surprise of actuaries. This trend is largely the outcome of advancing medical technology and prosperity. Its main impact is revealed in the aging of the population.


Traditionally, lengthening longevity has been considered a beneficial development. People are living longer than ever before. A “good old age” was once considered a blessing, according to the Bible. But sadly, today, a long life has begun to be regarded as a curse. To understand this, we must also connect another demographic trend—plunging fertility. It is a highly malignant factor that will continue to accelerate worldwide.


It boils down to this: Humanity has made an about-face and simply changed its mind on having offspring. Children are no longer considered to be a blessing from the Lord (see Psalm 127:3).


Increasingly, households are deciding not to have children—let alone starting up households at all. This is partly attributable to post- or anti-familialism. More and more, people are choosing not to marry or have children. Families are under siege.


Shockingly, not only are female fertility rates at new lows, but also male fertility is decaying rapidly. In the case of males, we must point out that the decline in fertility is not entirely the result of human choice. For some (still unexplained) reason, sperm counts have declined at a steep pace over recent decades.


Lengthening longevity and post-familialism are the major cause of the aging of the world’s population. Critically, these factors are accelerating. Today, the future has arrived … the chickens having come home to roost.


And so, the time has come where the human values shift (declining households with children) has caused alarming demographic trends. This has unleashed desperate responses … these also an extension of the endtime maelstrom of changes.


People are clamoring to save for their retirement years and to find sufficient future financial income. A very large cohort of older people will experience difficult retirement years. They will not be able to afford a comfortable retirement as they may once have anticipated.


End of a Unipolar World

A recent G20 meeting shows that the world is no longer cow-towing to the US and other high-income countries. Even Vladimir Putin had been invited to attend.


Major countries openly refuse to align their policies with that of the US. The world is therefore bifurcating into two competing orbs. Included here are China, India, and others.


It is key to understand that this is a raw rift which will likely become much more protracted in the future. The world is becoming more polarized, broadly, into two factions—America plus EU (Anglo-Saxon) versus Rest-of-World. (The former group is essentially all of Roman influence or Roman offshoots.)


Consider the sweeping sanctions that the US and Europe have imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, which have triggered countermeasures. A form of financial fascism (weaponizing) appears to have taken place.


In the cause of fighting Russia’s actions (whether right or wrong), everything became allowable. Centralized world trade and financial systems were marshaled to shut down an entire country. We can now count on the rest of the world to never allow themselves to be held hostage by the Western Bloc of nations. If Russia can be singled out for sanctions (deserved or not), then why not any other country?


The bottom line? It is a new world. Values have changed. The Roman-type countries are to be deposed as de facto world rulers. From this point forward, the globe must be seen as two opposing factions … shifting into global rivalry between two orbs. This ushers in major change and volatility ahead. Again, such monumental shifts of global scale align with endtime agendas.


Thoughts to Ponder


Changes in human actions have had explosive impacts upon political economy and financial trends in recent decades. Changes of this type have truly been monumental … indeed, unprecedented in recent decades.


Where is this all leading? What definitely can be concluded is that changes in views and values of epic scale are unfolding in these days. It is key to see that these massive changes in views are of human nature … matters of the heart and mind.


We have no reason to expect that these changes in “human views” will lead to a better world. Quite the opposite. The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). We expect the opposite and see these changes as being emblematic of an endtime world. According to the Bible, changes are to come in as a flood (Daniel 9:26). It would not be unreasonable to identify the values and moral changes that we see today as a defining part of this endtime maelstrom.


“The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5). The world today is again at a similar nexus point.



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