Monday, February 13, 2023

7 Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Strongholds


7 Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Strongholds – REVELATIONS FROM THE PROPHET - Nuremburg 2.0 Coming for MSM - Abortion Legal Hotline - Exposing the Lies of D/S – Quake Deaths Will Double - Illuminati Plan for ET Deception - Revival Sweeps Asbury University – Luciferians & the Armor of God and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 13th 2023


 Russia Pushes to Paraskovievka, Tightening Bakhmut; Ukraine Exhausting Reserves, while US Chases Balloons - Monday, February 13, 2023 13:46 -

David Nino Rodriguez Live: Trump Strategy WINNING! The Soft Tribunals & ALIENS! - Must Video - Monday, February 13, 2023 12:02 -

THE MICHELLE MOORE SHOW: 1979 ABC Special Actually Reveals Truth About CIA and It's Involvement in MK Ultra Mind Control Programming & Practices (VIDEO) - Sunday, February 12, 2023 22:26 - In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind control program code-named Project MKULTRA, this one-hour documentary covering some of the clandestine, illegal activities involved in this mind control project was released. One of the topics covered by this intriguing film is the bizarre activity of a man named George White, who operated outside of the law while directly under CIA direction.

THE MICHELLE MOORE SHOW: People Have Had It With the MSM! There is No Escape From Nuremburg 2.0 with Their Complicity In Knowingly Pushing Disinformation! (VIDEO) - Sunday, February 12, 2023 22:20 - The Nature of the Cage – Mass Formation, is a feature-length documentary cataloging the information and disinformation presented by the media and politicians over the last two years. Share this documentary – We need to make sure this can never happen again!!

WORLD NET DAILY: New abortion hotline touted has way to help 'families' Focuses solely on 'access' - By WND News Services – By Bridget Sielicki - Published February 11, 2023 - Massachusetts has launched an “abortion hotline” in an attempt to make the heavily pro-abortion state even more abortion-friendly. According to a press release, the Abortion Legal Hotline is “a free and confidential resource to connect Massachusetts-based health care providers, helpers, and patients obtaining care in Massachusetts with free legal advice and resources about abortion access.” It was launched by the Reproductive Equity Now Foundation in partnership with Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell, the Women’s Bar Foundation, the ACLU of Massachusetts, and five law firms.

Trump: My Fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us! Military [Arrests] Tribunals! No Mercy! Pain. - Sunday, February 12, 2023 10:17 - We are the enemy of Big Tech, Big Money and Big Media. Together, let’s expose the lies of the enemy. Impart a little truth every day. Especially the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord! -

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: More damage reported at the Muslim structures on the Temple Mount - Men from your midst shall rebuild ancient ruins, You shall restore foundations laid long ago. And you shall be called “Repairer of fallen walls, Restorer of lanes for habitation.” – ISAIAH 58:12 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BIBLICAL NEWS, JERUSALEM - FEBRUARY 13, 2023 - or the second time in one week, structural damage as reported at a Muslim structure on the Temple Mount. Though the damage seems minor and its cause is undetermined, the Muslim structures standing on Judaism’s holiest site have a long history of collapse due to the earthquakes that are common to the region. Arab media is reporting that rain damage led to the collapse of sections of the floor inside the Aqsa Mosque’s Marwani prayer building on the Temple Mount. The damage took place on Thursday and the Arab officials blamed Israel:

ISRAEL TODAY: Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Make Peace With Israel - Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is using advanced artificial intelligence to promote peace with Arabs and nations around the world. - By Israel Today Staff | February 10, 2023 -

Deaths in Turkey, Syria earthquake could exceed 50,000 - Head of the UN earthquake relief said the death toll could “double or more” above its current level of about 28,000 - by All Arab News Staff | February 12, 2023 - The head of the United Nations relief for the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Martin Griffiths, said that the death toll could “double or more” above its current level of about 28,000 victims. Griffiths arrived in the southern Turkish city of Kahramanmaraş yesterday to see the work being done and get a better understanding of the needs.

WATCHERS: Cyclone Gabrielle – Extreme rain and winds impact New Zealand, unprecedented rainfall totals expected in some areas - Sunday, February 12, 2023 - Despite being downgraded from a tropical cyclone, Gabrielle is intensifying and spreading strong winds and heavy rain across a wider area affecting the whole of the North Island in some way.

Turkey: Olive grove becomes great canyon after earthquake splits land in huge rifts - Turkey, Tepehan - Turkey-Syria earthquake - Accidents and Disasters - February 12, 2023 - An olive grove in Hatay province was split in huge rifts after Monday's devastating earthquake hit the area. Footage recorded in the town of Tepehan on Saturday showed the cropland resembling a canyon after the quake created massive cracks in it.

8-15-19 ~ “There WILL be a Fake ‘Alien’ Invasion Coming Out of the Evil Plans of the Global Elite to Prepare for the Return of the Fallen Ones.” - HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD: “Listen My people, please listen to what I will tell you of the delusion that is coming and not being sent by Me, Your Father in Heaven: There WILL be a fake ‘alien’ invasion coming out of the evil plans of the global elite to prepare for the return of the fallen ones. DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!! You will see an armada of evil filling the skies around the globe; this is NOT from Me, yet I will allow it to deceive the deceivers, for they will then believe they have the upper hand.The game they play is to seek your souls; a prized possession of Satan, for he knows his time is short and desires to cause My people to stumble and fall away. -

Illuminati plan for Extraterrestrial deception, Dr Wernher von Braun – Feb. 12th 2023 - According to Dr. Rosin, von Braun then gave her one supreme assignment: He said a secretive trans-national power, already in existence, would move to permanently take control of this planet thru a hoaxed alien invasion from outer space.

50-Plus-Hour Revival Sweeps Asbury University: Students ‘Stayed All Night’ - Michael Foust | Contributor | Friday, February 10, 2023 - What began as a regular Wednesday chapel service at a Christian university in Kentucky has blossomed into a 50-plus-hour revival that was still ongoing Friday and drawing national interest. The revival at Asbury University’s Hughes Auditorium in Wilmore, Ky., was being compared to past Asbury revivals, including one in 1970 that lasted 144 hours and led to canceled classes. In 2006, a four-day revival swept the campus. Already, the 2023 revival has attracted people from neighboring states who drove to Wilmore to experience it. The university is non-denomination but “grounded in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition,” according to its website.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: The Globalists Proposed City Of Telosa USA Is A Real Life Hunger Games Dystopian Prison Meant To Enslave the Masses - Put On the Armor Of God And Stand Against These Wiles Of The Devil – Feb. 11th 2023 - By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline - The luciferians are those who live in rebellion to God and both aspire and conspire to overthrow His dominion over the earth. Most notably are the globalists who are actively pulling down sovereign state boundaries in preparation for their new world order. While once operating in the shadows, they have now become emboldened the last several years to come out in the open. One striking characteristic about the luciferians is their hatred for Christians. We’ll see why shortly. What the godless ones fail to realize is that they have lost their war on us. They just don’t know it yet.

REVELATIONS FROM THE PROPHET AMANDA GRACE: Word from the Lord--January 11, 2023 - All Honor Glory and Praise be to the Lord of Hosts, who sits on the Highest throne, Creator of ALL things, who spoke and it was, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, and to His Kingdom, there is no end…And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, gird up your loins MY children, armor yourselves, keep your lamps filled with oil be ready, be sober and vigilant for the enemy roams about like a lion seeking whom he may devour…

ATLAS SHRUGS: ‘WE NUKED A TOWN”: Media Blackout On “Catastrophic” Environmental Disaster in Ohio Caused By Large Controlled Explosion, Journalists Covering It Arrested - Monday, February 13, 2023 10:25 - Palestine, Ohio looks like a disaster movie.


At around 9 p.m. on Feb. 3, 50 cars of a 141-car Norfolk Southern train derailed in the Ohio town.


Nearly 48 hours after the accident, the situation took a concerning turn when changing conditions within one of the rail cars led authorities to warn of a potential “major explosion.” Officials then took quick action, conducting a controlled release of vinyl chloride; on Twitter images of a towering plume of hazardous chemicals were shown to be seen from miles away. An entire town was evacuated, fish and livestock are dying. On Wednesday, residents were told it was safe to return home. But it isn’t….



7 Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Strongholds –

Researched By Pastor Boyd

Feb. 13th 2023


Isaiah 54:17, 1 John 4:4

Almighty one, I thank You that You are my protector and my deliverer. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my life and I pray that every stronghold shall be broken and I shall be delivered in the Name of Jesus. I declare and decree that no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper in the Name of Jesus because greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world, Amen.


Jeremiah 29:11

Dear God, I thank You that You have overcome this world and victory belongs to You. Thank You that I am a child of the King and victory also belongs to me. I come against the plan of the enemy for my life in the Name of Jesus. I know that the plans that You have for me are thoughts of peace and not evil. Therefore, I declare and decree that these strongholds in my life will not prosper, Amen.


Luke 10: 19-20

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the power that You have invested in me. I pray that You will strengthen me daily that I will use the authority that You have given me to overcome the power of the enemy. Father allow me to trample on the head of the enemy so that every stronghold in my life shall be broken and no harm shall come to me in the Name of Jesus, Amen.


Psalm 40:2, Romans 8:31

Oh God, You are my strength, my strong tower and deliverer. I thank You that I can call on Your Name and be saved. God, I ask that You intercede upon my behalf and pull me out of this miry clay and set my feet upon your solid rock. These strongholds in my life will not overcome me but they shall fall in the Name of Jesus because if God is for me, who could be against me, Amen.


Psalm 34:17, Galatians 5:1

Dear Lord, I thank You that You are a loving Father and that You hear my cry. Lord I cry out to You today and ask that You will deliver me from all of my troubles. I pray that the strongholds within my life will be no more and that they will no longer be a stumbling block. Help me to stand firm at all times and not to be burdened by the plans of the enemy, Amen.


2 Timothy 4:18, Psalm 31:18

Our Father, I thank You that You are a mighty God and that nothing is impossible in You. Father I pray that You will deliver me from the evil attack of the enemy and bring me safely back to You. I pray that You will be a fence of protection around me. I declare and decree that lying lips against me shall cease and that goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, Amen.


Colossians 1:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Almighty one, I thank You that You have delivered us from every power and scheme of darkness. Lord I pray that You will guard me from the evil ones and that they shall not come near my dwelling place. Strengthen me against the evil ones and that I will not fear anything that is not of You. All strongholds in my life shall be destroyed and cast down in the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


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